Where is the island of Crete. Holidays in Crete: where, when and why


Crete island, Greece - detailed information about the island and its sights. Photos and interesting places of Crete, location on the map.

Crete Island (Κρήτη)

Crete is the largest Greek island and the southernmost point of Europe. Thanks to the mild climate, the rest will be very pleasant. The air of Crete is humid (about 50%), and the weather is mild and sunny for three hundred days a year. If you are going to visit Greece, we strongly recommend that you start your holiday from Crete. It is from here that you should discover all the features of the life and culture of this beautiful country.

When to go?

The ideal time for excursions around the island of Crete is April and May. During this period, you will be able to capture the beauty and pleasant aroma of the local flora in full. For lovers beach holiday June is ideal: the weather at this time is quite mild, and there are relatively few tourists. Perfect month for family vacation. July and August are hot summer months, when residents and guests of Crete spend a lot of time on the beach, escaping from the sun's rays with a cool sea breeze. In September, the heat gives way to coolness, however beach season it doesn't end there.

Sights and beauty of Crete

Nature in Crete has retained its original appearance, indescribable in words of amazing beauty. The island is washed by the Aegean and Libyan seas with crystal clear water. The eastern side of Crete is a marvelous combination of bays, plateaus, rocky mountains and picturesque hills. On the south side, off the coast of Crete, there are mountain complexes, rocks and cliffs, as well as many beaches - sandy and pebble.

In the north of the island, there are beaches washed by calm seas - in a word, this is an ideal place for a relaxing and peaceful family vacation. The western part of Crete is famous for its mountains with unique mountain vegetation and high humidity. Here guests of the island are expected not only by the sea, but also by mountain rivers with a small warm lake.

The island of Crete was repeatedly mentioned in a huge number of legends and myths of the ancient period, here you can refresh your memory or learn something new thanks to the many excursion tours. The island of Crete belongs to the Minoan land, which means that this is the place where the events of the legend about the skilled craftsman Daedalus and his dreamy son Icarus took place.

One of the most popular attractions of this island is the Palace of Knossos from this legend. Near the palace are the excavation sites of the cities of the Minoan lands: Malia, Gostis, Phaistos, as well as the famous Knossos labyrinth, in the center of which the dangerous Minotaur was waiting for travelers. Lovers of fine arts will surely enjoy the El Greco Museum located here - the famous creator of the Renaissance. Take a look at the beautiful lake Zaros and the Matala beach with its amazing red rocks and many caves from the Neolithic period.

Attractive for guests of the island is the Palace of Knossos - a huge archaeological museum where you can see the excavations of the Palace of Knossos - the pearl of the Minoan civilization.

Be sure to visit excursions in the Lassithi Valley nearby. Here you can taste Greek wines and watch the process of making olive oil. An excursion to the pottery workshop, as well as to the ancient mountain monastery, founded in the 14th century, will help you get to know the life better. The island of Crete will provide guests with not only interesting excursions, here everyone will find a vacation to their taste - whether it's spending time on sunny beaches, fishing on yachts or off the coast, horseback riding or an exciting trip to the island of Santorini.

This island arose as a result of a volcanic eruption - the only such place in all of Europe. As many ancient stories tell, for some time it was a haven for pirates. Fans of natural attractions are recommended to visit Lake Kournas. Be sure to visit the monasteries next. rich history, such as Monis Preveli Monastery or Arcadia - a monastery of the medieval era.

Immerse yourself in a fairy tale by visiting the amazing village of Argiroupoli, surrounded by picturesque waterfalls.

The island of Crete seems to be created for lovers of a relaxing holiday by the sea. There are a huge number of sandy and pebble beaches, huge comfortable hotels and hotel complexes, bays, lakes, rivers, large and small resort towns.

The most developed, modern and most popular among tourists part of Crete is Heraklion, dotted with many comfortable hotels. There are two large water parks and the famous ancient town of Heraklion, famous for its port. Here you can have a great time by shopping or tasting the local cuisine in restaurants.

Young people who love a noisy holiday may definitely like to relax in Hersonissos, where a spacious city beach is located, but this is not the best place for holidays with children. Families can relax a few kilometers from this place: for example, in the calm village of Rethymnon.

Cuisine and food

It is difficult to give specific advice on where to get acquainted with the local cuisine, because it is excellent in almost any restaurant! A traditional dinner in Crete includes 12 courses, so we advise beginners to share the portion for two. Live music is played in many establishments, which cheers up visitors.

Holidays in Crete will give you the best memories.

Crete (Greek: Κρήτη) is the largest and most south island Greek archipelago. Located in the Mediterranean waters, Crete is surrounded by three seas: the Aegean, Ionian and Libyan. The area of ​​the island of Crete is over 8,000 square kilometers. The length from west to east is 260 kilometers, and from north to south - about 50. The relief of Crete is predominantly mountainous, highest peak- Mount Ida rises above sea level by 2457 meters. Numerous mountain ranges are dissected by gorges, many fertile valleys are covered with date and olive groves, vineyards and orange orchards. Numerous (more than three thousand) the caves of the island are famous for their stalactites and stalagmites. Time in Crete is one hour behind Moscow time.

In ancient times, Crete was the center of the Minoan civilization, considered one of the oldest in Europe. Not surprisingly, the tourist attractions of the island include archaeological sites, and the tourist infrastructure of Crete is better developed than on other islands. During the Neolithic period, the first settlements were created, the inhabitants of which lived in caves and stone houses and were mainly engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding.

Crete is the second largest (after Cyprus) island in the Eastern Mediterranean. The mountainous relief of Crete consists of three large mountain systems: the White Mountains, Psilorite (Ida), and the Diktean (Lasifian) mountains. In the mountains of Crete, there are many caves that were places of worship in ancient times, which is confirmed by archaeological excavations. Due to the insignificant width of the island, the streams formed on the slopes of the mountains do not have time to become large rivers and flow into the sea. This explains why there are not so many rivers in Crete. There are no large mountain springs on the island either.

Flight time:
(charter flights)
from Moscow - 4 hours 50 minutes.
from St. Petersburg - 5 hours 10 minutes.
from Kazan - 5 hours 5 minutes.
from Yekaterinburg - 6 hours 30 minutes.
from Novosibirsk - 9 hours

Current time in Heraklion:

A strip of mountain ranges of the Dinnarotaurian arc runs along Crete, which does not allow hot Libyan winds from the Sahara Desert of the African continent to penetrate Europe through the South. Of the greatest interest to tourists are the plateaus of Nida, Anapolis and the Lasithian plateau, the mountains of Omalos (Orosira plywood), Omalos (Lefko-Ori), Askifou and Guis Kambos. In addition, the gorges of Agia Irini, Kotsifu, Kalikratis, Aradena, Nimbroi, Kourtaliotskoe, Pervolakia and Samaria. The largest lakes of Crete are Voulismeni and Kourna.

How to get there

The most logical way to get to Crete is by plane, which will land in Heraklion. Of regular flights, this is Lufthansa (departs from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Samara) with a connection in Frankfurt and Aegean Airlines (departs from Moscow) with a connection in Athens. In summer, you can fly directly with this airline to Heraklion. However, most of the tourists holidaying in Crete prefer package tours with charter transportation.

Charters to Crete


Both from mainland Greece and from other islands, many ferries run to Crete. From the port of Piraeus (near Athens), not just ferries sail daily, but entire multi-storey ships, on which you can comfortably and inexpensively (the cost of cabins does not exceed 100 euros, seats are even cheaper) to sail to Heraklion. Piraeus - Heraklion ferries run by ANEK, Minoan Lines, Hellenic Seaways and SuperFast. You can buy a ticket in advance on the websites of the ferry companies or purchase directly at the port.

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Climate and weather in Crete

Crete is located in two climatic zones - Mediterranean and North African. Summers on the island are hot and dry, while winters are rainy. The average temperature in summer ranges from 20 to 30 degrees with a humidity of about 50 percent, but this does not apply to the southern coast of Crete, which is part of the North African climate zone, which affects the temperature rise in summer and decrease in winter. In winter, snow practically does not fall on the plains, but often falls in the highlands. Winter temperatures fluctuate around 15-20 degrees with a humidity of 75 percent.

The climate of Crete is considered to be one of the mildest and healthiest in Europe. More than 300 days a year the sun shines here. In addition, Crete is famous for its good ecology, because there are no industrial enterprises for many hundreds of miles from the island.

The weather is determined by a temperate subtropical climate. It rains mostly in winter, while summers are hot and dry. This climate is considered one of the most beneficial for human health. Atmospheric pressure practically does not change in Crete, thanks to which weather-dependent people experience absolutely no inconvenience. The period from April to October is considered the most suitable for recreation. The temperature at this time is comfortable for relaxing, and it rains quite rarely. The period from November to April is not very suitable for a beach holiday. The wind increases, rains become more frequent, the sea becomes rough, and the temperature of the water and air drops. The denser vegetation of the regions of Chania and Rethymno compared to Heraklion and Lassithi is due to the fact that the western part of the island is more prone to rain than the eastern. The weather differs even more in the south and north of Crete. The air temperature on the south coast is always 2-5 degrees higher than the temperature in the northern part of the island. But the water, on the contrary, is cooler in the south than in the north. This is how the relief features in different parts of the island affect the weather. Of course, the weather on coastal Crete and in the mountains also varies. This is especially noticeable in the winter season, when snowfalls are quite frequent in the mountains, due to which even roads are blocked. The temperature drops to minus levels, and the snow on the tops of the White Mountains and the mountains of the Ida massif lies until the end of spring. On the coast of Crete, winters are mild and temperatures rarely drop below 10 degrees. On the east coast of the island - snow is a rather rare phenomenon. Despite the fact that the period from October to March is called the rainy season, the weather is very changeable. In the morning the sea can be stormy, the sky will be covered with clouds, but by lunchtime the sun may appear from behind the clouds, the storm subsides, the weather returns to normal. Although, it also happens that it rains for several days in a row. Not surprisingly, winter on the island is considered a very unpredictable season.

Weather calendar of the island of Crete

Winter. In December, the weather on the island is unstable and unpredictable. Sunny days are becoming rarer and rarer, the winds are getting stronger, but all this is replaced by days of relative natural calm. The water temperature drops to 17-20 degrees, which does not interfere with swimming in the waters of the Libyan Sea. Interestingly, in January there is a week called "quiet days". This is a week of calm, which is not very typical for the rest of the time period in January. Cretan January is cold winds and regular rains. It is January that is considered the most uncomfortable month in the Cretan calendar. By February, cold days become much less, it becomes a little warmer and sunnier. But one day is still not like another, the weather is changeable.

Spring. In March, there are even more sunny days, but cold winds do not stop. Cases have been recorded when the temperature rose to 30 degrees, but this is rather an exception to the rule. In April, wild flowers begin to bloom, short-term, but regular rains become more frequent, stopping only by the second half of May. But some decide to open the beach season in April, because the temperature is already acceptable for swimming. By May, a full-fledged summer begins. The weather is perfect, the sea is calm, the island is decorated with colorful flowers, and the winds characteristic of the summer period do not yet have time to gain momentum. Many locals they do not swim in the sea until the snow has melted in the mountains, but this is explained, rather, by the heat-loving Cretans.

Summer. By June it gets hot, sunny and windy, but the winds are getting warmer and warmer. The temperature is ideal for traveling around the island and beach holidays, as the sea is quite calm and the chance of rain is minimized. By July, northerly winds begin to blow, characteristic of the summer season. By August, the temperature exceeds the mark of 30 degrees. July and August are considered the hottest Cretan months. While waves appear on the north coast, the south coast is much calmer. There are practically no clouds at this time, which makes you want to spend more time in the shade, escaping the exhausting heat. Fortunately, the sea also eliminates these climatic disadvantages with a pleasant coolness.

Autumn. It becomes less windy. The sea still retains heat, but the evenings become much cooler. The weather in September is very similar to May, so it is better to stock up on warm clothes. In October, the air and sea temperatures are quite comfortable. And by November, you can safely close the beach season, because the weather begins to change dramatically, cool southerly winds return again, the temperature gradually decreases. Sandstorms are also possible. The weather becomes so changeable that it can change several times a day.

It is worth noting that it is comfortable to relax on the island at any time of the year, and not only from April to October. During the winter months, the temperature of water and air in the south is more comfortable than in the north. The climate of the island of Crete is not for nothing considered very favorable for recreation and human health. Comfortable humidity, mountain air, hot sun, sea breezes - all this makes Crete perfect place recreation for people of all ages.

Weather in Crete in summer, autumn, winter and spring, climate by months, current weather forecast for 10 and 14 days - on the site.

Weather forecast







on "Pogoda.Tourister.Ru"

Weather in Crete by months

day, °C
at night, °C
water, °C
precipitation, mm
15 9 16 92
15 9 16 77
16 9 18 57
20 12 18 30
23 14 22 15
27 19 22 3
28 21 25 1
28 21 25 0
26 19 24 20
23 16 24 69
20 13 20 59
17 10 20 77

Reviews by month

January 3 April 1 May 44 June 38 July 35 August 40 September 54 October 20

Photos of Crete


The island of Crete consists of four nomes: Heraklion, Chania, Lasithi, Rethymno. The capital of Crete is Heraklion where about 300 thousand people live. Other cities are not so numerous. No more than 150 thousand people live in the second most populous city of the island - Chania, and about 70 thousand in Rethymno. In Ierapetra - about 20 thousand, and the population of the cities of Sitia and Agios Nikolaos did not even exceed the mark of 10 thousand people. An interesting fact is that in the ancient period Crete (together with Cyprus and Sicily) was one of the most densely populated regions of the world, more than a million people lived on the island. By our time, this figure has been reduced to six hundred thousand, and more than a third of the population was concentrated in Heraklion, Chania and Rethymnon. The vast majority of the inhabitants of the island are Greeks (98 percent).


Lasithi is the easternmost region of Crete. Spacious beaches and fertile plains - her distinctive features. In addition, in this area there are many interesting places from the point of view of history and archeology. This is the Dikteian cave, in which, according to legend, Zeus was born, and a plateau with thousands of windmills, and the ruins of the Kato-Zakros palace, and the ruins of the Minoan city of Gournia.

The central city of the region is Agios Nikolaos, the pearl of which is Lake Vouliagmeni. This place is an amazingly picturesque landscape. According to myths, the goddess Athena bathed in the lake. The city got its name from the small Byzantine church of St. Nicholas, located on the northern outskirts of the port, on the peninsula. Agios Nikolaos is one of the most beautiful coastal towns in Crete. The city is located in the northwestern part of the Gulf of Miribello, it is the most fashionable resort on the island, sometimes called the "Cretan Saint-Tropez". Local beaches have everything you need for active water recreation, and pleasure boats and yachts await tourists in a small picturesque port.

Lasithi is one of the greenest areas of Crete. The beaches of the Lassithi area stretch from Agios Nikolaos, Elounda and Plaka to Sitia, capturing East Coast(where the famous palm grove in Vai is located), Kato Zakros, as well as the south of the Lasithi region with beaches in Myrtos, Ierapetra, Agia Fotia (Holy Fire) and Makri Gialos. This area also contains the uninhabited islet of Chrissi with white beaches and cedars and the picturesque island of Sitia. Main touristic settlements: Ierapetra, Malia, Elounda.


Chania is the westernmost part of Crete, with large mountain ranges- White mountains. In the middle of the White Mountains lies the Samaria Gorge, 18 km long, one of the most beautiful gorges in Europe, which has the status national park. It is also the center of the fruit-growing region. There is a commercial port from which citrus fruits and wine are exported.

The capital of the nome is the eponymous city of Chania.

In the south of the region, 12 km from the settlement of Chora Sfakion, the powerful Venetian fortress of Frangokastello has been well preserved. Rectangular in plan, fortified at the corners with towers, the fortress is crowned with battlements around the entire perimeter.

Under the Venetians, it was a prosperous agricultural region. In the same era, there was a constant interweaving of the Venetian and Cretan cultures. It was during that period that Chania developed at the most significant pace. The region is still one of the most significant regions of Crete in terms of cultural heritage.

One of the most geological formations in the west of Crete is the Samaria Gorge. It is located 43 km from the city of Chania on the Omalos plateau and is included in national park Lefka-Ori.

In the days of May in Chania, sports competitions "Venizelia" are held. In August, the City Administration of Chania organizes several cultural events at once, including a varied artistic program and various exhibitions. The traditional cultural events of Vamos are celebrated with songs, dances and traditional Cretan music, and are held in the first decade of August. In Malaya, tourists are attracted by the May celebration of the anniversaries of the Battle of Crete, and in Palaiochora, the Musical August art festival, traditionally held in early August. In August, the Gramvousia Art Festival is also held in Castelli. This event includes musical evenings, exhibitions and more.


Rethymnon is the most mountainous region of Crete, stretching from the White Mountains to Psilorita. The population of Rethymno is more than eighty thousand people. Numerous mountain systems The area is formed by several valleys, the main of which are Mylopotamos and the two Amari valleys. The Rethymnon area has many beautiful beaches, close to which there are numerous hotels. The capital of the nome is the city of the same name Rethymnon. It is the main city of the region, its population is almost twenty-five thousand people. Less significant settlements of the region are Episkopi, Spili, Perama and Anogia. In addition, there are almost three hundred villages in the Rethymno region, with an average number of inhabitants - about two hundred people.

There are two main roads to travel around Rethymnon - the Old National Road and, accordingly, the New National Road. The old one is not so comfortable, but much more picturesque. The new one is more functional. At the tenth kilometer of the New Road is the Arsani Monastery, at the eighteenth - the coast of Geropotamos, at the twenty-second - the village of Panormo, from where it is within easy reach to the main district city Melopotamos. The old road runs along the sea, past the city of Perama and several villages, including Aksos, where there are many ancient monuments and a late Renaissance church.

The Rethymno region is rich in archaeological sites, monasteries and other attractions. Of particular interest is the Psilorite region with its customs and traditions, the villages of Aksos and Anogia, the Monastery of Preveli and many other villages and sights of the Rethymno region. Also, the Rethymno region is famous for its beach, the length of which is over sixteen kilometers. This beach starts right in the center of Rethymnon and goes for many kilometers along the coast of the region. It is worth noting that all the beaches of Rethymno are well equipped and annually win the "Blue Flag of Europe" for exceptional cleanliness and arrangement.

Among the main regional resorts are Panormo, Adele, Platanias. Panormo is famous for its pristine beaches and numerous fish taverns. And Platanias and Adele are quiet villages near the regional center. These unusually picturesque places are more suitable for a relaxing, family vacation.

But one of the most picturesque places in all of Crete is the small village of Bali, territorially belonging to the Rethymno region. Steep cliffs with numerous grottoes, bays with beaches and islets, and from a height - beautiful sea ​​views It's all Bali. This is a great place for fishermen. In the clear water, you can see octopuses and many species of fish. Along the coast, you can ride excursion schooners stylized as pirate ones. Many shops and all kinds of taverns, a disco club and much more attract tourists from all over the world every year.

The main cultural and entertainment events of the region are associated with the capital of the district, you can read more about them in the chapter "Things to do in Rethymnon". However, there are other events taking place in the region. For example, mid-August in Anogia is marked by the festival of the same name. August 15 is traditionally celebrated as the feast of the Mother of God. In the same locality such holidays as the feast of cattle breeders and the feast of the Ascension of the Lord are also celebrated. During the summer days, cultural events are held in Panorma with "Cretan Evenings", as well as Maslenitsa - "Clean Monday", a traditional local carnival that gathers spectators from all over the island.



The traditional form of Greek folk music is called Critiko, and the main folk instrument on the island is the Cretan lyre, a small three-stringed bowed instrument made of mulberry or walnut wood. The Cretan lute is used as an accompaniment.

Mantinades are verses of love, historical and social content, built on improvisation, turning it into a duel between a lyre player and a singer, and are sung throughout the island. But there are also purely regional songs, such as, for example, Rizitinka in the West. The songs that are popular throughout Greece are also sung in the Cretan dialect.


Among the many Cretan dances, the slow Siganos, the Chanian dance, the masculine Pidichthos dance, the fiery Pentosalis and the rhythmic Susta dance deserve special mention.


The heyday of Cretan painting is considered the Renaissance, when the Cretan school was founded. Tsane and Poulakis are the most famous Cretan artists. It was in Crete that the outstanding painter El Greco was born.

folk art

Many rural houses in Crete have a loom. Cretan fabrics are quite dense, they are distinguished by peculiar patterns and embroidery. The main materials are cotton, wool, linen, wool. Cretan fabrics are dominated by red. Cretan fabrics are mainly everyday items and clothing.

The art of working with clay dates back to the Minoan era. The inhabitants of the village of Frapsano (Heraklion region) have been engaged in pottery since the time of the Venetian rule. Household pottery was also produced.

Woodcarving is one of the oldest Cretan crafts. It was predominantly church, iconostases, candlesticks, and so on were cut out. In addition, musical instruments were also made.

In Chania and Heraklion, there were many workshops for the manufacture of knives, decorated with engravings with various folk motifs.

Baskets were woven for everyday consumption, used to carry grapes, make cheese, store bread, and more.

History of Crete

During the Neolithic period, the beginning of which dates back to 6000-5000 BC, the earliest human presence on the island of Crete is attested. The end of the era is dated to 2600 BC. It is believed that the developed civilization existed on the island for about 1200 years, and was brought by the people from Asia Minor in 2600 BC. It is possible that together with these people, tribes from Egypt and Libya arrived on the island. Except for isolated facts, little is known about the history of Minoan Crete. But thanks to archaeological finds, we can judge the achievements of the Minoan civilization, the social structure and art of Crete.


To date, the chronological periodization of the Minoan era has been formed. The latest chronological system is based on the following dates:

  • 2600 BC. A new population appeared, bringing with it the ability to process bronze.
  • 2000 BC. Construction of the first large palaces.
  • 1700 BC. A strong earthquake that destroyed the old palaces. In their place, new palaces appeared, even more luxurious.
  • 1400 BC. As a result of the volcanic eruption in Santorini, these palaces are also destroyed. And at the same time marks the end of the entire Minoan civilization.
  • 1100 BC. Crete is conquered by the Dorians.
  • From the arrival of the Dorians to the Roman conquest. During this period, art changed dramatically. Iron was used for the first time in metallurgy.
  • 900-700 AD (geometric period). In art, especially in ceramics, there is a new flowering.
  • 650-500 BC (archaic period). It is marked by the appearance in the sculpture of the "Dedalian" style.

Roman era. In 68, but a new era, the Romans, led by the commander Metellus, capture Crete, which becomes a Roman province with its capital in Gortys. Christianity on the island appears with the arrival of the Apostle Paul in 63 BC. Further - the first Byzantine period, starting in the period after 395 under the emperor Theodosius the Great. Tranquility continues until the first Arab invasions in 650.

Arab era. The capture of Crete by the Arabs is dated 824. To a large extent, this was facilitated by internal turmoil in Byzantium. The Arabs fortified Heraklion, surrounding it with a deep moat, from which the city got its name Khandakas. From now on, it was Heraklion that became the capital of Crete. Christians were converted to Islam, women and young men were sold and sent as slaves to the countries of the East. The Arab conquest caused a lot of trouble to the Cretan people. Byzantium made repeated attempts to conquer the island from the Arabs, and in 961 another attempt was crowned with success. The campaign of the Byzantine commander Nicephorus Foki ended with a heavy victory and the beginning of the second Byzantine period.

Venetian rule. After the war with the Genoese, the Venetians became the masters of Crete. It happened in 1212. New misfortunes fell on the inhabitants of the island, which did not prevent the cultural revival. Numerous uprisings of the people against the Venetian invaders continued for more than 400 years.

Turkish period. The most difficult period in Cretan history. In 1645, the Turks captured Chania, after which they continued to move east, destroying everything in their path. The main obstacle in their path was the Khandakas fortress, which the Turks were able to capture only after 23 years of continuous siege. The island was completely captured, the churches were turned into mosques, the property of the Cretans was confiscated, the children were taken away to make Janissaries out of them, and the women into harems. There were many uprisings, the largest of which date back to 1770, 1821, 1866 (the explosion of Arkadi) and 1897.

Reunification with Greece. The four major world powers of that era decided to stand up for the people of Crete. The Russians, British, French and Italians expelled the Turkish invaders from the island, and the Greek Prince George was proclaimed Supreme Regent. The final reunification with Greece did not take place until 1905, when Venizelos was Prime Minister of Greece.

German occupation. In May 1941, a major battle took place between the Greek allied powers and the population of Crete on the one hand and the Nazi paratroopers on the other. The people of the island offered fierce resistance to the German invaders, in response to this, the Germans leveled entire villages to the ground, the male population was subjected to mass executions. But the spirit of the Cretans, accustomed to permanent struggle, did not break.


Crete occupies a special place in ancient times. Greek mythology, according to which this particular island is the birthplace of Zeus, the father of all people and gods. It is believed that Rhea gave birth to Zeus in one of the caves of Crete, escaping from her husband Cronus, who eats all his children so that they do not encroach on his power. But, raised by nymphs, Zeus, having matured, nevertheless defeated his father, becoming the sole owner of the sky.

Crete, according to legend, is the island of Daedalus and Icarus. Daedalus is an architect and sculptor, known to the world for his labyrinth, in which the Minotaur was imprisoned. He was the first to sculpt sculpture and laid the foundation for pottery.

In the Heraklion region with the capital of the same name, there are many resorts with clubs, discos, restaurants and shops. Hersonissos is the main resort of the region, famous for its rich nightlife. If you want to enjoy peace and clean beaches, then the resort villages of Stalida and Malia are at your service. resort village Agia Pelagia (west of Heraklion) attracts tourists with a cozy bay with clear and calm water.

A 10-minute drive from Heraklion is the Water City water park with dizzying rides and numerous pools, the cost of visiting is 25 € for adults, for children up to 140 cm tall - 17 €, and small visitors below 90 cm have fun for free.

In Hersonissos, a club that meets all international standards is open all year round for golf lovers. The price for visiting starts from 50€.

Tourists can get a closer look at the underwater world of the Mediterranean in the Thalassocosmos Aquarium, located in Heraklion and having more than 2,500 species of marine fauna and flora in its exposition. An adult ticket costs 8 €, for children under 17 years old - 6 €, children under 5 years old are free. All visitors are provided with audio guides.

Most famous resorts the eastern region of Lassithi - party Agios Nikolaos, "Cretan Monte Carlo", and Elounda with fashionable hotels. Archaeological and ethnographic museums with collections of original exhibits are located in Agios Nikolaos.

The western region of Chania is famous for its clean sandy beaches and its eponymous capital, called the "Greek Venice". The city is home to the Manoussakis winery, one of the largest in the world. You can come here with a tour and try local products.


Lovers of water activities are waiting for the Limnopolis water park, 6 km from Chania.

The Rethymno region offers vacationers a lot of entertainment and a breathtaking nightlife. For a family or secluded holiday, it is preferable to stay in the towns of Platanias and Adele. In the last week of July, the Wine Festival takes place in Rethymnon - do not miss the opportunity to taste the famous Cretan wines.

For those who want to do underwater research in Crete, there are diving centers - Happy Drivers in Agios Nikolaos (from € 20 per dive), Blue Dolphin in Elounda (from € 62), Paradise near Rethymno (from € 50).

Be sure to visit the show "Cretan Night" - a late dinner with national songs and dances.

If you want to look into the remote places of Crete and get to know the life of non-tourist settlements better, then you should go on a safari tour.

For lovers active rest horse and bicycle excursions are organized, those wishing to participate in them should contact the local tourist office or a hotel guide.


Thousands of tourists come to Crete every year to see the remains of the Minoan civilization. The main attraction are the ruins of the Palace of Knossos, built during the reign of King Minos. According to legend, it was here, in the labyrinth, that the terrible bull-man Minotaur was imprisoned. Another notable architectural monument of Heraklion is the massive ancient fortress surrounding the city. Be sure to visit the Archaeological and Historical Museums in Heraklion, where you will see unique antique exhibits.

Knossos palace
Lychnostatis Museum

In the town of Limenas in the Heraklion region, the Lychnostatis open-air museum presents the traditional life of the Cretans before the industrial age. All exhibits of the museum can be touched, those who wish can even try to work on a loom, in a pottery workshop or squeeze a little oil from olives. The museum is open from 09.00 to 14.00 daily, except Sunday, entrance fee 5€.

Monastery of Arkadi

In Rethymno, there is the monastery of Arkadi, a symbol of the struggle between the Cretans and the Turks. Delightful Ottoman quarter of the city with its labyrinth of narrow streets, minarets and a magnificent Venetian fortress. The Byzantine Art Center introduces visitors to the history and art of Byzantium.

In the village of Fodele, the birthplace of the artist El Greco, there is his museum with copies of world-famous paintings.

Dicteian cave

On the Lassithi Plain, it is worth visiting the Diktaean Cave, where, according to myths, the goddess Rhea gave birth to Zeus. The cave with an underground lake and massive stalactites is extraordinarily beautiful and equipped for visiting. For those who find it difficult to climb the mountain, locals offer mules for a few euros.

In the Mirabello Bay, in the east of Crete, is the island of Spinalonga, famous for its sea views.

Spinalonga Island

Throughout the island you can find the ruins of ancient Roman cities. The ruins are protected by the state and equipped with video surveillance - resist the temptation to take an inconspicuous stone as a keepsake.

Samaria Gorge - national reserve and natural attraction of Crete. This longest gorge in Europe (18 km) is home to the rarest kri-kri mountain goats.

Matala village

The southern coast of the island is known for the village of Matala, next to which there is a magnificent bay with numerous caves in the coastal rocks. At one time, the Romans used them for burials, then monks who wanted solitude lived here, and in the 60s of the last century, hippies settled in the caves. You will still meet “flower children” in the vicinity - they drive around on flower-painted wagons, earning a living by trading bracelets made of volcanic rock. To the south of Matala, you can sunbathe on the Red Beach beach with unusual copper-red sand.

The pink beach of Elafonisi

Right there, on the south coast, there is Preveli beach with a palm grove and a river flowing from a spring, punched into the rock by Nicholas the Wonderworker himself.

In the east of Crete, 6 km from Palekastro, is the beach of Vai, famous for its largest palm forest in Europe and excellent conditions for diving and windsurfing. In the southern part of the beach, nudists sunbathe.

On the west coast, not far from the town of Elafonisi, there is also a unique beach with pink sand.


The island has a convenient bus service, domestic flights are operated. Crete is connected to the outside world by ferry and air traffic.

Renting a car is the best way to fully explore the island, you will not be limited to excursions and will be able to look into any corner of the island. Renting a car will cost from 25 to 50 € per day plus gasoline (1.8-1.9 € per liter). A deposit is usually not required. The driver must be over 21 years old, have been driving for more than a year, a Russian driver's license will do. It is more profitable to take a car immediately for a week and a half, then you will be given a significant discount. At the rental office you will be provided with an informative road atlas of Crete with points of interest. Important - insurance called full insurance must be included in the rental price.

Traffic rules are not strictly observed - this applies mainly to the speed limit. Mountain serpentines are equipped and not dangerous, but increased attention will not be superfluous. If the car in front of you turned on the alarm, you blind the driver and you are asked to switch to low beam headlights.

Remember that gas stations here do not work around the clock, but close at 19-20.00. In rural areas, do not park your car close to trees - a couple of goats can use the car as a convenient stepping stone to a tidbit.


The local cuisine is famous for its ecological purity. Cretan vegetables grown in the open field are extraordinarily tasty. Thanks to the aromatic herbs of the island, farmers get excellent milk from goats and sheep, from which excellent cheese is made.

Local vineyards produce excellent wine, consecrated by the god of winemaking, Dionysius, who was born here.

For a hearty dinner you will give 15-20 €. At the end of the meal, you will definitely be presented with a compliment - a delicious dessert or a glass of incomparable brandy (local vodka). Thank the staff with a tip - 7-10% of the bill.


Big stores are concentrated in major cities, autumn is the season of sales. Souvenir shops are found at every step and offer natural cosmetics, handmade olive soap, essential oils, magnificent knives made by local craftsmen, and exquisite lace products. It is better to buy ceramics and dishes in pottery workshops, their prices are more affordable and the possibility of purchasing Chinese stamping is excluded.

Crete is famous for wool, textiles, embroidered tablecloths and napkins.

Be sure to bring home wonderful honey, olive oil recognized as the best in Europe, cheese, mountain tea.

Fans of rarities will be interested in visiting the Mercato Agora flea market in Chania and the Idolio museum store in Hersonissos.

It is better not to buy fur coats in Crete - they are expensive here, and their quality has dropped significantly due to the dominance of Chinese goods.

Crete Hotel Deals

Helpful information

The island provides excellent opportunities for a great holiday in luxury hotels and resorts, as well as in private middle-class hotels, mini-hotels, and guest houses. For a large family or a company, a great option is to rent a villa, which will cost much cheaper than staying in a hotel.

Shops are open from 08.00 to 13.00 and from 17.00 to 21.00. Many shops are closed on Sundays.

Banks are open on weekdays from 8 am to 2 pm. Museums and excavations are available daily from 8.30 to 15.00, except Mondays. Entrance to museums will cost from 6 to 10 €.

Umbrellas and sun loungers on municipal beaches are paid - 2-3 € per day.

How to get there

Crete is connected with Russia by direct flights from Moscow and major cities, but only in summer. The airport is in Heraklion. At other times of the year, you can fly to Crete with a transfer from the capitals of the EU. From Athens to Crete can be reached by ferry.

If you do not know which city or resort to choose in Crete to go on vacation, then in this article you will find a description and comparison of resorts and beaches in Crete by region.

Cities and resorts of Crete - where to go

Crete has a lot of resorts with sandy beaches. We take a look at the best holiday resorts to help you decide where to go in Crete.

Overview of resorts on the west coast of Crete

The resorts in the west of Crete are very easy to reach from Chania airport, or by ferry to the port of Souda Bay.

Agia Marina- located west of Chania on the island of Crete, Greece. The resort of Agia Marina is popular for its large sandy beach, good hotels and developed tourist infrastructure, as well as fun establishments and vibrant nightlife.

Almyrida Crete (Almyrida) is a small fishing village east of Souda Bay. It has a good location - 25 km west of Chania. There are many good taverns, cafes and shops. Near Almyrida there are 2 sandy beaches with a shallow entrance.

Kalyves Crete (Kalyves)- Almirida's neighbor. This is one of the best beach resorts in Crete. This resort is large enough to have a good selection of hotels, but small enough to retain the Greek flavor. Kalives is also a fishing village, it has beautiful beaches and even has its own church.

Chania located against the backdrop of the wonderful white mountains of Lefka Ori. This city successfully combines modern Venetian and traditional Turkish architecture. The city of Chania is not a beach resort in Crete, but it has good beaches and a fun night life.

Chania © sidibousaid/ flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

Resorts of central Crete

The central resorts of Crete are easily accessible from the airport or seaport Heraklion, or from Chania.

Adelianos Kampos- one of the most popular beach resorts in the Rethymno region. In short, this resort is called Adele. It is located to the east of the city of Rethymnon. There are many bars, restaurants and cheap hotels.

Agia Pelagia (Agia Pelagia) you will find on the north coast of Crete near Heraklion just 20 km west of Heraklion Airport - Nikos Kazantzakis. It is very calm here, good beaches, hotels and establishments.

Bali- a small village on the island of Crete. It can be found on the north coast between Heraklion and Rethymno. There is a good selection of hotels and restaurants. Near the village of Bali there are 4 small bays with beaches and a calm sea.

Georgioupolis very fond of family and elderly tourists. There are very beautiful beaches with golden sand. A large selection of hotels for every budget and good restaurants on the beach. If you are in this resort, be sure to visit the Corrisia Park with a huge pool.

Gournes- another small one beach resort in the north of Crete near Hersonissos. There are several small beaches and the famous Cretan Aquarium, the largest marine aquarium in Greece.

Gouves or Kato Gouves- a village in Crete, which is located 20 km east of Heraklion airport. This is a very popular beach resort in Greece. Here good hotels, golden sandy beaches, coastal taverns and vibrant nightlife - in general, everything for a comfortable stay.

Rethymno © robertpaulyoung/ flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

Kokkini Hani (Kokkini Hani Crete) is a popular resort on the north coast of Crete, Greece. This resort is great for families and young people. It has great beaches, many 4 and 5 star all-inclusive hotels and an active nightlife. Kokkini Hani is located 15 km west of Heraklion.

Panormos (Panormos) located near Rethymno, Crete. There are 2 beautiful sandy beaches with golden sand in the best traditions of Greece, a beautiful bay, coastal bars and taverns.

Platanes (Platane)- a resort on the northern coast of Rethymno. There is an interesting nightlife here: sirtaki dance shows, lounge and cocktail bars, nightclubs. The beach in Platanes in Crete is long with golden sand mixed with pebbles, so many people wear beach slippers here.

Rethymno or Rethymnon (Rethymno/ Rethymnon)- one of the most visited resort cities of Crete, Greece. There are many wonderful beaches in the area of ​​Rethymnon. There is something to do here: beaches, luxury hotels, cozy taverns and restaurants, as well as nightlife. Nevertheless, the Rethymno region is also great for families with children. Rethymno can be reached by bus from Heraklion airport, the journey takes about an hour.

Agia Pelagia © maca89/ flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

Eastern resorts of Crete

You can easily get to the eastern resorts of Crete from the airport or port of Heraklion.

Agios Nikolaosmain city the Lassithi region. First of all it is a city and only then a beach resort, but there are several good beaches.

Elounda- a special beach resort in Crete. It is close to the metropolis of Agios Nikolaos, there are very beautiful beaches and many luxurious hotels.

Hersonisos- one of the most popular resorts in Crete. It is located 27 km from Heraklion Airport on the north coast of Crete. There is a wide choice of hotels, catering establishments and options for how to have fun at night.

Istron - Kalo Horio (Istron - Kalo Horio) located 10 km from Agios Nikolaos. Istron is a quiet beach resort on the coast, while Kalo Chorio is further from the sea. Istron has 3 beautiful bays within walking distance from each other, where it is very pleasant to swim.

Istron is a quiet beach resort on the coast, while Kalo Chorio is a bit inland. Istron has three attractive coves that are within walking distance of each other and close to fine taverns and small shops.

Malia © [email protected]/flickr.com/CCBY 2.0

Malia (Malia) very popular with tourists 18 - 30 years old. Malia is located 30 minutes from the airport. Here is one of the best beaches Crete. The hottest nights in Crete are here. Malia is famous for its clubs, bars that will pull you into the pulsating rhythm of this resort.

Sisi Small and beautiful beach resort in Crete. It has its own small picturesque port and several good beaches. The seaside village of Sisi is 25 km from Agios Nikolaos.

Sitia- the easternmost resort of Crete. There are many pretty fishing boats in the harbor of Sitia, a beautiful promenade lined with palm trees. Long and clean sandy beach.

Stalis or Stalida (Stalis or Stalida)- the best beach resort in Crete There is something for everyone here. The beach here is very long with soft golden sand. This resort is great for families with small children. Stalis is located 30 km from Heraklion and between Hersonison and Malia. Hotels, shops, restaurants - everything is here.

Matala © pamontgo/ flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

Resorts on the south coast of Crete

The resorts in the south of Crete can be easily reached, both from Heraklion and from Chania.

Agia Galini located in the Rethymnon region. This small resort has a very calm and relaxing atmosphere. There are enough hotels and restaurants here to give you a choice without losing a sense of Greek identity.

Ierapetra- most Southern City Europe. There are excellent beaches and hotels that will suit any traveler's budget.

Makrigalos (Makrigialos) is a small coastal village in the south of Crete. Despite its modest size, Makrigialos has several good beaches and a wide range of holiday accommodations. But a very calm atmosphere.

Matala- popular resorts of Crete. Matala is located in the southern part of Heraklion. Matala Beach is an example of real natural beauty. Messara Bay with its soft shelf sands and sandstone cliffs will not leave anyone indifferent. It was here, according to Greek mythology, that Zeus swam ashore in the form of a bull with Europa on his back.

Paleochora (Paleochora) is the most popular beach resort on the south coast. Usually, they get to Paleochora from Chania. Hotels, restaurants, nightlife and beaches are all there.

Sougia located on the southern coast of the Chania region. Sougia is a quiet beach resort in Crete. The southern coast of Crete is generally calmer than the north. Therefore, Sugiya is great for families with a small budget, because. many restaurants and hotels are cheaper here than in the more popular neighboring resorts.

Palaiochora © erral/ flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

Chora Sfakion located in a picturesque area on the south coast of western Crete. Usually, they get here from Chania. In the Sfakia area there are several small quiet beaches. Many tourists come here to arrange trekking in the mountains and gorges of Crete. And local cheese pies with honey are beyond praise.

Frangokastello (Frangokastello) nestled in the neighborhood of Chora Sfakion. This is another small beach resort on the south coast of Crete. There are few calm sandy beaches, but there are the ruins of the Venetian castle Francogostello, which looks very impressive on the beach with shallow crystal clear water.

Loutro (Loutro)- probably one of the most desirable resorts in Crete due to its inaccessibility. You can only get here by ferry. It is a very relaxing holiday here, and if you want to be in silence, then Loutro will not disappoint you. There are also inexpensive hotels and accommodation, and taverns.

Most big Island Greece - Crete- has been the most visited island in Greece for many years. This is where one of the the best resorts Hellas - festive and noisy, popular, "fashionable", picturesque and romantic.

The island is perfect for romantic and elite holidays with high-class service. It surprisingly combines small secluded, the ruins of ancient temples and palaces, and modern hotels. In addition, the island has a very mild, dry subtropical climate, which is so beneficial to health, and the swimming season begins early in May and ends.

Crete is famous for its beauty, which is another reason to visit this island. Many centuries ago, the first European civilization was born on Crete - Minoan culture, leaving behind many architectural monuments. Here is located, in the labyrinth of which the Minotaur was imprisoned, palaces , Zakros,, and this is only a small part of the local attractions. According to legend, in one of the caves of Crete, the Great Zeus himself, the supreme god of Olympus, was born and raised!

The island consists of four major areas: , And and each of them is unique and worthy of attention in its own way.

Crete is famous for its olive oil production and ceramics - do not forget to bring a couple of souvenirs to your family and friends. Well, according to tradition, as in all of Greece, they offer a huge selection of locally produced wines. And it is also considered not only the most delicious in all of Greece, but also one of the healthiest!

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention the islands. For lovers of organized recreation, there are municipal beaches with first-class service, golden sand and crystal clear water. At the same time, the island has many wild coves and beaches with small pebbles, which are perfect for a quiet and secluded holiday away from the bustle of the city.

The easiest way to get to the island is, of course, by air. Crete has two major airports: international Airport named after Kazantzakis, located in the capital city, and Daskalogiannis International Airport in the city . However, the island can be reached by ferries that depart regularly from the port. In addition to communication with the mainland, ferries also connect Crete with other islands.