P perch Crimea. The city of Sudak in Crimea: an ideal place to relax


When going on vacation, wanting to make your stay in Sudak unforgettable, we recommend that you choose a reliable tour operator. Incredibly educational rest in Sudak is complemented by rest near the sea, beautiful beaches, sunny weather. Coming here for the first time, you will fall in love with these places forever.

Going south, to the sea, to the Crimea, do not bypass your attention to Sudak, the city, which is truly the pearl of the coast. The big advantage of this resort is its cheapness, in comparison with the southern coast of Crimea, while the opportunities for recreation are no worse, climatic conditions and the sea is beautiful. The number of attractions is in no way inferior to Yalta, Alushta or any other famous resort Crimea.

The smell of the sea and the aroma of Mediterranean vegetation, coupled with dry air, make Sudak extremely attractive due to the unique aromatic cocktail and special atmosphere. resort holiday. The climate here is mild, the mountains are low (overgrown with beech forests), while covering the city from the north. The beaches in Sudak are wide, colorful and pebbly.

How to get to Sudak

You can get to Sudak from Alushta or Feodosia, on the way you can enjoy magnificent views of the sea. You can also get here from Simferopol, but it will take more time, the inconvenience from this method of transportation is compensated by the luxurious landscape outside the window.

Climate of Sudak

The Sudak climate is mild, there are no sharp temperature changes, similar to the climate South Shore, while being drier. The Sudak valley is surrounded by mountains from three sides, thereby protecting the area from cold winds. Sea breezes influence the weather by reducing the heat, making the summer heat very easy to bear. The sea warms up by the end of May, and cools down in mid-October. Among the Crimean resorts in Sudak, the least number of cloudy days a year. Winter here is quite severe.

Rest in Sudak

Those who come to rest in Sudak will find entertainment for everyone to their taste, such as beach holiday or excursion program. There really is something to see here, this is the Genoese fortress (in July the large international historical fencing tournament "Genoese Helmet" takes place), and Novy Svet Bay (there is a champagne factory "Novy Svet", founded by Prince Golitsyn), a dolphinarium in the village of Kurortnoe , caves, mountains, Big Crimean Canyon.

Koktebel is located not far from Sudak, where you can undergo wine treatment (enotherapy). Such a procedure is offered on the basis of the Koktebel vintage wine and cognac factory, which consists in “wine procedures” - wrapping with grape seed oil, wine baths, grape pomace peeling, etc.

The wines produced by the local factory are incredibly healthy, as the grapes contain many microelements and minerals that come into the wine from the rich volcanic soil of Kara-Dag.

The proximity of Koktebel is good for relaxing in Sudak also because there is a water park in Koktebel, in which there are many wonderful water attractions that will appeal to both children and adults.

Genoese fortress in Sudak and its history

Of the many attractions that the Crimean peninsula is ready to show its guests, Genoese fortress is a truly spectacular sight.
Rising above the sea, the fortress impresses with its powerful walls and impregnable towers. When you look at the fortress, your eyes will be pleased with the beautiful landscape created by medieval craftsmen.

The fortress was built in the Middle Ages by the Genoese to support their colony. Subsequently, the Byzantines began to own the fortress. In the XIV century. Genoese merchants came to the territory of modern Sudak, who founded a colony to expand their trade. At that time, the Crimea was captured by the Golden Horde, with which the Genoese managed to negotiate. The result of the agreement was permission to settle on the coast, and subsequently the Genoese merchants began to control trade routes in the Black Sea.

Over time, several trading port cities arose on the Black Sea coast: Ginestra (modern Odessa), Soldaya (Sudak), Kafa (Feodosia) and others. These cities are of great strategic importance, therefore they were well guarded and had powerful fortifications. The fortress in Sudak or in Soldaya underwent a major restructuring.

After the Genoese, the Turks owned the fortress for three whole centuries, but they could not resist the Russian Empire and left the Crimea.
The fortress has survived to this day, having practically not changed its appearance since the time of the Genoese. It is rightfully considered one of the most spectacular sights.

The fortress is located on a natural formation - a petrified coral reef. The foot of the fortress hill is surrounded by a wall 2 meters thick. As an additional defense, the fortress was reinforced with fourteen towers. Interesting fact- each tower has a name and it was named after the name of the consul who ruled during the construction of the tower.
Powerful fortifications are concentrated at the fortress gates, designed to protect the only entrance to the fortress. In fact, there are two entrance gates and a small enclosed space has been specially created between them - Barbaka. If the enemy overcame the first gate, he found himself trapped in a narrow space and died under fire.

On the territory of the fortress there is a temple, which in its history has been both a mosque and an Orthodox church. Nowadays, the temple houses a museum of the fortress.

The main building of the fortress is the residence of the consul - the Consular Castle. During the war or the siege of the fortress, the castle was turned into a citadel. The fortress also had its own sentinel point, it was located on the steep peak of the Fortress Mountain and was called the Maiden's Tower. According to historians, the Maiden Tower was erected long before the Genoese and is the oldest structure of the fortress.

Rental housing in Sudak

Every year, Sudak welcomes tens of thousands of guests who come to enjoy the gentle sun and mild climate of the Crimea. About a hundred sanatoriums and boarding houses open their doors to tourists. Recreation centers, campsites, health camps annually receive tourists. What to choose from this variety and what is the best way to rent an apartment in Sudak?

For more than a century, Sudak has been one of the most accessible and popular resorts. During the season there is always the highest demand for all possible accommodation options. But, to the honor of the city, they are presented here in abundance, for every taste and budget. Families with children, youth, adults - everyone will find an option according to their needs. In addition to hotels, there is a private sector - this is renting apartments in Sudak, houses, villas, summer cottages - the choice is simply huge.

Hotels and hotels have been welcoming vacationers for many decades. Under their construction, the best areas of the city, located near the embankment, were given. The service here is quite good. Like the prices for the room, it is close to the European level. Rest in the hotel is a quality room stock, excellent infrastructure and excellent location. However, the prices here are the highest. Since there are many people who want to relax with increased comfort, and the number of rooms is limited, you need to book them in advance. During the high season there may not be any vacancies.

The tradition that has been going on since Soviet times to relax as a "savage" has not lost its relevance even today, although it has become more civilized. This is the so-called "private sector". Since the houses are designed for the seasonal influx of vacationers, a wide variety of housing is rented out. These are dachas, and small guest houses on the outskirts of the city, and villas for lovers of luxury holidays.

As a rule, rest in the private sector involves its own territory, sometimes there is a pool on it. This type of accommodation is ideal for lovers active rest. Prices for houses are different, depending on the level of comfort and distance from the center and the sea.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the rental of apartments in Sudak.

This type of housing is suitable for people accustomed to home comforts. And for those who do not like to live according to the schedule of the hotel, renting an apartment in Sudak would be the best option. Rental prices are much lower than hotel rooms. At the same time, you can choose an option that meets the most diverse requirements of a tourist - from the number of rooms, floors, necessary furniture and equipment to the location. If the most inexpensive segment of the private sector - guest houses and summer cottages - are located closer to the city outskirts, then you can find an apartment in any preferred area.

Daily rent of apartments in Sudak is ideal for vacationers with children, especially with babies. Indeed, many of them do not tolerate the hustle and bustle, and the regimen and taste preferences of a small child may not coincide with the hotel schedule and menu. A familiar home environment will also be an undoubted advantage for children. Yes, and parents will be able to relax without scanning the vast territories of the private sector for potential danger - after all, any representative of the southern flora and fauna can become it.

  • If you are limited in funds, do not seek to rent an apartment in Sudak directly in the center. 'Cause it's small and amazing beautiful city. Walking along it will only decorate and diversify your vacation.
  • When planning your vacation, think in advance what requirements you place on living conditions. Perhaps some requests will be insignificant, but will significantly affect the price.
  • Do not leave your search until the last moment, because apartments in Sudak are always in demand. You should take care of finding suitable housing in advance.
  • Remember that the hot season in the Crimea are July and August. During this time, prices will be the highest. However, the resort accepts guests all year round. Even in winter, rest here is great - the weather is mild, and the southern plants, covered with sparkling snowflakes, look bewitching.

Excellent conditions for recreation, low prices, wonderful climate, and hospitality local residents year by year attract more and more local residents to this amazing and unforgettable region - Sudak.


Cosy small town, which surprisingly combines a stormy resort life with silence, comfort and cleanliness of the surrounding nature.
Sudak is located on the shore of the bay of the same name. The walls and towers of the famous fortress rise above the city. The fortress hill dominates the area and drops steeply into the sea. This is perhaps the main tourist attraction of this region. The walls are intact in places, dilapidated in places, the Consul's house, a mosque, which houses the archaeological museum, has been restored inside.
The fortress is incredibly picturesque and photogenic. Many films have been shot here, magnificent landscapes of the Sudak Valley open from its walls. - the most preserved building in the Crimea among similar ones. From the east, the bay is bounded by Cape Alchak. Between the fortress rock and the cape stretches a long strip sandy beach. Some of the beaches are paid, some are free. The equipment of the beaches is quite consistent with the standards - sun loungers, umbrellas, rental of all kinds of equipment, scooters, banana rides and more. Those who wish to retire go to Cape Alchak.
A wide promenade and a coastal park stretches along the beaches, where there are many around-the-clock cafes, restaurants, entertainment venues, there are no questions about eating and having fun. There are also agents of travel companies here, you can order any excursion, find an instructor for scuba diving, buy everything you need for recreation, souvenirs, fruits in the stalls.
, rest in Crimea
The city, in general, is small, you can walk it from end to end in no more than half an hour. It is built up with both private houses and multi-storey buildings. Some houses were left by the Germans who were evicted from their colony at the beginning of the Patriotic War, some belong to the Tatars who returned to the Crimea after the deportation. Some houses, especially in the area of ​​the beach and the fortress, have been converted into family restaurants, often with national cuisine.
Famous artists often tour in Sudak in summer. Some concerts, for example - Kirkorov - are held at night on the territory of the fortress, fireworks are often arranged, in which local specialists have achieved an enviable art.
If you can talk about the feeling of Crimea, then it is connected with Sudak, - Professor Pavel Novitsky wrote in the twenties, - This is a place full of wild grandeur and picturesque romance. And indeed, one never ceases to be amazed at the authenticity and sharpness of sensations that Sudak and its immediate surroundings give.
To this day, the Genoese fortress conquers with its formidable splendor, which has preserved the memory of the Great Silk Road, the sparkling clash of West and East.
The coves of the New World, which have preserved the ancient pristine nature, are delightful, the sea spray of which surprisingly resembles the famous New World champagne - the brainchild of the wine-making genius Lev Golitsyn.
The history of Sudak is so rich in events that it could decorate the biography of any big city, although, frankly, many pages of this story are sympathetic. On this tiny piece of land, West and East, European civilization and the Islamic world, the Roman Catholic Church and Byzantine Orthodoxy, Kievan Rus and the Horde, the Russian Empire and Ottoman Turkey met.
Special offers of the site Krym.ru: sale of real estate in Sudak, rental of real estate in Sudak, rest in Sudak.
Sudak Rest in Sudak hotel, private sector, price reviews

Sudak (Ukr. Sudak, Crimean. Sudaq, Sudak) is a seaside city of republican subordination in the southeastern Crimea, a traditional center for wine production and a resort. Included in the Sudak City District (Sudak City Council).

In ancient times, the city was called differently: the Byzantines - Sidagios and Sugdea, the Italians - Soldaya, in ancient Russian sources - Sourozh. In Ottoman times, the city received the name Sudak, which to this day bears in translation from the Turkic Su (water), dak (mountain forest) - Sudak, which is also depicted in Aivazovsky's painting "Flood in Sudak" (1897) - dacha the artist was a few hundred meters from the mouth of the Suuk-Su.


Sudak is located in the middle part of the southeast coast Crimean peninsula, 47 km northeast of Alushta and 42 km southwest of Feodosiya. The city is located in the valley of the Sudak River, on the shores of the Sudak Bay, bounded from the west by Mount Fortress, and from the east by Cape Alchak. The city is closed from the north by a ridge of mountains covered with beech and oak forests, as well as numerous pine forest belts of artificial origin. To the east is the arid Kapsel Valley. From the west - a typical Mediterranean area.


Genoese fortress (Sudak). Crimea

According to the conclusions made by the prominent Soviet Caucasian ethnographer, professor, doctor of historical sciences A. V. Gadlo, who led the Caucasian archaeological and ethnographic expedition of the Leningrad State University, the city was founded by the Sughds (one of the Zikh (Adyghe) tribes, formerly called Sinds), presumably, in 212.

Sudak bay

In the Middle Ages, the city was called Sugdeya (Greek Σουγδαία) and Soldaya (Italian Soldaia), and its population grew due to the arrival of merchants, merchants and artisans from different countries including Greeks and Italians. In the VI century, by order of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I, a fortress was built in Sudak. The monument of Byzantine literature "The Life of St. Stephen of Surozh" describes the capture of Surozh at the end of the VIII or the beginning of the IX century by the Rus:

The great Russian army under the command of Prince Bravlin suddenly attacked the Crimean coast. The Rus seized the Byzantine possessions from Chersonesus to Kerch and "with great force" approached Surozh. After ten days of fierce battles, Bravlin with the army, “broke the iron gates by force”, broke into the city.

When Bravlin approached the tomb of Stefan of Sourozh, located in the St. Sophia Church of Sourozh, "his face turned back." Bravlin ordered the soldiers to return the confiscated goods to the Surozhans and release the captives, but healing did not come. The pagan Bravlin had to be baptized, only after that his face returned to its previous position. Bravlin was baptized by Archbishop Philaret of Sourozh. Since that time, Christianity began to spread among the ruling elite of Kievan Rus.

The city has become important shopping center and a significant transit point on the Great Silk Road, reaching its greatest prosperity in the XII-XIII centuries. In 1206, after the conquest of Constantinople and the partition of Byzantium, the city came under the control of the Venetian Trade Republic, however, in fact, it was ruled by the Kipchaks. Around 1222, on the orders of Ala ad-Din Kay-Kubad, the city was raided by the Asia Minor Seljuks, who defeated the Kipchak army, on the side of which the Russian troops also acted. The reason for the raid was the merchants' complaints about the frequent destruction of their ships, and the result was the destruction of crosses and bells and the establishment of mihrabs and minbars in the churches, as well as the introduction of sharia.

In the XIII-XIV centuries the city was devastated and destroyed by the Mongols, but quickly restored. In 1365, Soldaya was conquered by the Genoese and included in the Genoese possessions in the Crimea. During this period, the city was governed by an Italian consul, who was elected every year. From this era, towers and city walls, called the "Genoese fortress", have been preserved.

In 1475, together with all the Genoese territories and the Orthodox Principality of Theodoro in the Crimea, Sudak was conquered by the Ottoman Empire. During the Ottoman rule, the city, which lost its military significance, fell into decay, although it was the center of a kadylyk, the smallest administrative unit of the Ottoman state.

In 1783, Sudak, along with the entire Crimea, went to the Russian Empire. At the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century, the city was almost completely depopulated and turned into a small village; according to the 1805 census, only 33 people lived in the abandoned city. In 1804, the first winemaking school in Russia was opened here. Sudak regained the status of a city only in 1982.

In 1920, the wine-making enterprise SE "Sudak" was founded.

During the Great Patriotic War from October 1941 to April 1944 it was occupied by the German-Romanian troops. In January 1942, Sudak troops landed in the city, which liberated the city and kept it from superior enemy forces for almost two weeks. Almost all paratroopers died in battle.


The main specialization is the production of vintage and champagne wines, the resort industry, the production of rose oil.

Sudak is a climatic seaside resort. Indications - non-tuberculous respiratory diseases, functional diseases nervous system, cardiovascular diseases, etc. Sudak is the only city in Crimea that has beaches made of quartz sand.

Every year more than 180 thousand people (mostly unorganized vacationers) come to Sudak and the Sudak region for vacation. In 2003, 49 thousand people rested in 18 boarding houses and health resorts, one third of which were foreigners.


Distance to the cities of Crimea

City Distance (km) New World 7 Alushta 93 Stary Krym 36 Feodosia 55 Kerch 153 Simferopol 107 Evpatoria 172 Yalta 131 Dzhankoy 148 Sevastopol 181

Social sphere

There are 3 secondary schools in the city (school-gymnasium No. 1 named after the Hero of the Soviet Union A.E. Chaika, secondary school No. 2, school No. 3 (with the Crimean Tatar language of instruction)), a sports school, a children's and youth center, a city lyceum, branch of the Yalta vocational school, faculty of management and economics of the Tauride national university them. Vernadsky; clinic, hospital.

On the shore of a picturesque bay with clear and clear water, covered by mountain ranges and beech forests, on the southeastern coast of the Crimean peninsula, there is a small resort town. In ancient times, it had many names - Sidagios and Sourozh, Soldaya and Sugdeya. Today it is known as Sudak, the rest in the Crimea, spent in it, is remembered for a long time.

Where is the city in Crimea?

Sudak is a small city, the administrative center of the Sudak urban district. It is located in the middle part of the southeast of Crimea. The climate here is extremely mild and arid, cloudy weather is the least common here, and the number of days of the swimming season beats all records compared to the rest. Not far from it are no less popular and.

Sudak on the map of Crimea


  • The population is almost 17 thousand people.
  • The area is over 23 km 2.
  • Foundation time - 212

Where to stay in Sudak for a vacation?

Upon arrival in any city, the first task of any tourist is to find accommodation. In Sudak, you can find many places to stay for every taste and cost. There are enough hotels and small boarding houses. When booking a place in an institution you like, you should not deceive yourself with the inscription. It is recommended to additionally inquire about the conditions of nutrition, the remoteness of the beach, the availability of the Internet and the pool.

A good option for recovery is deservedly considered where they specialize in the treatment of ailments of the respiratory system. Location health complex will also delight guests, because the best sights of Sudak are within walking distance. provides tourists with a luxury vacation, located at the foot of the famous Genoese fortress. The guests of this hotel never complain about the lack of attention from the staff.

Those who are interested and at a low cost can use the services of owners of apartments and houses. As in any other resort town of Crimea, in Sudak the private sector is represented by many offers. Don't forget that low price sometimes means a relatively remote area of ​​​​a settlement and poorly developed infrastructure. However, the city is small, so you can safely choose more budget options.

Despite its small size, the city and surrounding areas are incredibly rich in sights. It is advised to start a tour of Sudak with a well-preserved complex of the 14th century, striking in its scale and powerful defensive fortifications. On the territory of the fortification there is a museum - small, but very valuable and informative.

A place that should definitely be included in the plan for exploring the resort is the notorious one. It is a dozen stone statues, which, thanks to the forces of nature, have acquired the outlines of people and animals. It is advised to watch the stones for a longer time - a change in the direction of the sun's rays seems to enliven the figures, add mysticism to them and periodically creeping fog. This place can look creepy, and sometimes it seems insanely beautiful. Why else is it worth getting here? Here they filmed episodes from! Until now, the stone where Varley performed the dance has survived and has not gone anywhere. Where else to take a photo in memory of Sudak, if not in the Valley of Ghosts?!

The Crimea is also rich in other natural reserves. Rest in Sudak also implies a visit to the picturesque mountain and cape of the same name. This place will delight lovers of solitude with nature. A little to the south, in the expanses of the Black Sea, there is a mysterious one, where beachgoers and those who want to get a small dose of adrenaline often visit.

Where in Sudak to go with children?

Despite the actively developing tourist infrastructure, Sudak is first and foremost. The air here is filled with phytoncides,
and the hot and mild climate is able to warm the weakened after the body. Here, the water in the sea remains warm longer than in other bays of the Crimea.

Hence, mothers and fathers come here with their children. On the beaches you can meet a huge number of families vacationing, both with babies and teenagers. The coastal zone can offer any kind of outdoor activities, and a pleasure boat runs along the Sudak Bay, allowing you to see the city from the sea side.

Great place for family vacation is urban. Located on, it offers many attractions for children of all ages. There are also activities for adults, and after fun games in the water, the whole family can drink tea in one of the cafes. With a child in Sudak, you can see other places.

Where can you eat in Sudak?

The traditional menu in the spa cuisine. All this means that visitors are likely to be offered barbecue or fish dishes. Not without more conceptual establishments. The unique restaurant "Fortecia" invites guests to taste the masterpieces of Turkish cuisine in a chic setting with gilded elements and luxurious carpets.

Sudak also has its own peculiarity regarding catering establishments - here canteens come into fashion again. Of course, places like Homemade Dining have nothing to do with Soviet public catering - this is a completely new format that offers beautiful and high-quality dishes of almost restaurant level at a democratic price. Judging by the reviews, this concept of folk canteens was to the taste of both guests and residents of the city.

How to get from Simferopol?

There are several ways to get to Sudak from Simferopol Airport, the most popular is the bus. Between the cities there is both direct communication and transit, when transport goes to the Morskoye settlement.

It will be faster to get to Sudak by car, since in this case there will be no additional stops. The distance is about 110 km, which will take an hour and a half. On the map, the route looks like this:

Crimean resorts are constantly in demand. Rest in Sudak is not only health procedures in sanatoriums and boarding houses. Today it is modern entertainment, interesting in terms of historical and natural sights, unforgettable impressions for memory! Watch a short overview video about this city at the end.