Cape Elijah or Theodosian legend. The rich history of the cape in Crimea Why this place attracts tourists


The main thing in rest is impressions, without which a person cannot exist! Vivid emotions are necessary for us, like fresh air. They help the birth of bold ideas, overcome obstacles and achieve your goals!

Rest in Crimea- the choice of hundreds of thousands of people. Feodosia- one of the brightest cities on this peninsula. To all tourists who wish to spend their holidays on sea, Feodosia opens doors.

What attracts private rest in Feodosia visitors?

  • historical value. The birth of the city dates back to the 6th century BC. e, which certainly makes it interesting for geologists, historians and tourists.
  • Location. Crimea And Feodosia are two inseparable concepts. Free sandy and pebble beaches, crystal clear water, high level of service - this is what the city by the sea is famous for.
  • interesting entertainment program. cognitive excursion programs, all kinds of water rides, parachuting and many other entertainments are subject to the guests of this corner Crimea - Feodosia (Kafa old name).
  • The proximity of villages, interesting for their historical value and beauty of nature: Feodosia, Coastal, Primorskoye, Koktebel - all these places are located in close proximity to the city.
  • The possibility of recovery. A few kilometers from Feodosia there are natural salt lakes and estuaries with medicinal mineral springs and healing mud. You can be treated with their help on your own (having received a preliminary consultation from specialists) or in sanatoriums located directly in Feodosia.
  • Affordability for vacationers. Accommodation is the main issue that tourists have to solve. Housing prices in Feodosia please with their democracy and flexibility: high, medium, low price offers are made by the owners of apartments, hotels, private houses and boarding houses to their guests.

Prices in Feodosia for entertainment, souvenirs and food are also low.

Our site is an opportunity for tourists to find their own option housing in Feodosia on favorable terms for them. Feodosia (Crimea) rest - beautiful and safe. We guarantee these advantages of travel to our clients thanks to many years of cooperation with reliable and responsible owners of the real estate presented in the catalog.

What list of services do we offer for our clients?

  • Free consultations.
  • The selection of housing options is FREE for tenants.
  • Transfer services.

What type of housing is presented in our catalog?

  • Best Feodosia hotels and nearby settlements (settlement of Primorsky, Beregovoye, Koktebel)
  • Private houses in Feodosia and nearby villages
  • Guest houses in Feodosiya
  • Apartments in Feodosia and nearby villages (one-room, two-room, three-room and multi-room)
  • Boarding houses and boathouses in Feodosia and nearby villages
  • Rest in Feodosia

For tourists who prefer the absence of neighbors, fresh air and privacy, we suggest viewing the catalog page " Private sector Feodosia" or " Private vacation in Feodosia». Prices in the private sector in Feodosia delight our customers with their flexibility and variety of offers.

If you want to forget about the kitchen and cooking issues during your vacation, the section " Boarding houses of Feodosia» - will open the best offers.

In the catalog presented on our website, each visitor will find all the necessary information about housing in Feodosia, number of rooms, availability of appliances and furniture, proximity/remoteness of necessary infrastructure benefits, rest in Feodosia, and, of course, beaches of Feodosia.

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On the day of Elijah, clouds hang low, at this time night thunderstorms rumble more often, lightning crackles across the sky. It is the prophet himself who reminds of himself on this day. God forbid to get into the sea then. It will be good if he only rips off the tackle, otherwise he will destroy the ship or throw it on a rock, near Cape Ilya.

If the sailors prayed to the church of the prophet, then the trouble passed by. The church was visible from afar, although it was not very large, like most in those days. People did not invent that Ilya, the son of Tamara, who built this church, went to the sea, on an ordinary boat.

And when he had his own ship, in December storms, he could leave the harbor for the open sea. Once he had to go under the prophet Elijah. The sea raged that day, the heavens were angry and people hid in their homes. And Ilya Tamara raised the sails and flew off into the distance like a white seagull. Only a madman could risk it.

Tamara went far into the sea, they disappeared from view of the shore. He was not afraid of danger and did not believe in the fishing tale about Elijah. And as soon as he thought so, a high wave rolled onto the ship, higher than the mast.

Vasta temoni, put down the rudder Tamara shouted to the helmsman, but the rudder broke off, the ship flew straight downwind to the rocks. And Ilya realized that death was near, a doubt stirred in him, whether the prophet was punishing him for unbelief.

At the same moment, a thunderous rumble swept through, and near Cape Elijah, where the church is now, a fiery chariot descended.
- Ilya! Tamara exclaimed, and thought in his soul: - In the place where I saw him, I will build a church, even if I have to give a ship.
- Matim bistin, I swear by my faith. Before Tamara had time to move away from this thought, the thunderstorm subsided and the wind from the shore drove the waves into the sea, and Tamara's ship with them.
- Vasta temoni, someone's formidable voice sounded over Tamara, and he saw himself standing at the helm, which was sailing to the ship, and took his place.
By evening, Tamara was already in Sugdei (Sudak), where he handed over the goods and loaded with new ones, went back to Kafa (Feodosia).

Tamara did not tell anyone about what happened to him, regretting selling his ship and deciding to earn more money, and only then build a temple. At first I thought so, but then I changed my mind.
- It can't be that all this happened. Probably just dreamed. And calming himself, he eventually forgot about his oath. Time passed, and things went along with it, good, for ten years not one of his ships was wrecked, and Ilya became the richest merchant in the Cafe. However, in my heart, something reminded me of my youth. Tamara did not like to look at the mountain, where the knowledge came to him, and did not go out to sea on the day of Elijah. But one day he still had to return shortly before that day from the shores of Amastrid.
- May the name of George, the patron of that country, be blessed!

A fair wind sharply carried the ship to the shores, where the Taurus Mountains (Crimean Mountains) were visible.
And suddenly the wind died down, and the ship fell into complete calm. Most of all, sailors were afraid of him, but Ilyin's day came when the wind rushed all over Pontus, and Tamara calmly rested at the stern, counting the profits from successful trading. Rising from the bed, he looked at the shore. A cloud was slowly moving in from there, and the lightning flashed with an ominous eye. The wind began to raise waves on the sea. The ship raised its sails and headed east towards Kafa, but once caught in the current, it could not go far. The whistling wind began to break the sails, the main mast could not stand it and broke in half.
- That's bad!
And in the last twilight they saw the mountain where knowledge had once happened. Darkness hung, the downpour flooded the deck with streams, the holds began to leak. The control of the ship was broken, the steering wheel did not obey.
- One can save! And people prayed for a miracle; begging Ilya to soften his anger, promising to give the entire first catch for a candle to him. And Tamara fell to his knees, in his hearts he swore to fulfill what he had once failed to fulfill.
Someone formidable and angry raised his hand over the ship.
-Eleison imas, Kyrie! Have mercy on us!

The hand of cursing descended and showed the way for the dead to be saved. Away, the Kafsky fires were lit. Everyone slept like the dead, only old Tamara could not sleep. He stood at the temple of the troparion whispering: - Heal those who honor you, Ilya. He stood all night, and in the morning they found him there. They did not recognize him, he had changed so much. His face breathed peace, and his eyes shone with the proximity of the sky. And when, years later, the icon master painted the image of the prophet Elijah for the new temple, which was built on Mount Tamara, he wrote off the face of the prophet from him.
When you look at the icon, there is no anger in the prophetic eyes and no fear.
Tamara died in old age, at the end of his days he avoided talking about what he had experienced, but people read it in his pure eyes. For the gaze of the human soul often penetrates deeper than speech suggests.

In the main ridge of the Crimean mountains there is the Tepe-Oba ridge, its very extreme point his is the cape of St. Elijah. And once, here on the outskirts of Feodosia, stood the church of Elijah - the Prophet.

Hthe closer to Ilyin's day, the lower the clouds hang, the air becomes more stuffy and more often night thunderstorms.

And on Ilyin's day the clouds will darken, snakes of lightning run in and the prophet will remind himself of himself with the crackle of thunder.

The trouble is to get into the sea then. Well, if only he breaks the tackle, Sometimes he will spin the ship, throw it on a rock and throw it in chips at Cape Ilya.

Pray, sailor, at the church of the prophet - there would be no misfortune.

And that church is visible from a great distance, although it is not great. The kind that was built in ancient times.

In those times when they believed in the Upper Force and knew their weakness in front of Her. Although they were bold, perhaps bolder than now.

People did not invent that Ilya, the son of Tamara, who built the church, went to the open sea on a board.

And when he became rich and bought his own ship, he was not afraid to leave the harbor in the worst storm and set sail in the December storm.

But once it happened to go under the prophet Elijah.

That day the sea was furious, the heavens were angry and people hid in their dwellings. And Ilya Tamara immediately picked up the flacos and the trinesta and, like a white seagull, was carried away into the wave.

Who would dare to do it now? Is it just crazy.

Tamara went far into the sea, the shores were not visible. He did not know the danger and did not believe in the fishing tale about Ilya.

And lightning and thunder from the clouds.

And when he thought so, a shaft rolled onto the ship much higher than the mast.

Vasta temoni, put down the rudder, - Tamara shouted to the helmsman, but the rudder came off, and the ship rushed by the will of the wind to the coastal rock.

Ilya realized that death was near, and doubt stirred in his frightened soul whether the prophet was punishing him for unbelief.

And at the same moment a thunderous rumble swept from north to south, and over the cape, where now the church of Elijah, a fiery chariot descended in flames and thousands of sparks.

Ilya! - Tamara exclaimed, and thought in his soul: - In the place where I saw him, I will build a church for him, even if I had to sell the ship for that.

Matim bistin, I swear by my faith.

This thought did not have time to cool down, when the storm fell silent, and the wind from the shore drove a wave into the sea, and with it Tamarin's ship.

Vasta temoni, - someone's formidable voice sounded over Tamara, and Tamara saw himself standing at the helm, which, having swum up to the ship, took its place.

By evening, Tamara reached Sugdei, handed over the goods and, loaded with new ones, returned to Kafa.

However, he did not tell anyone about what had happened, he regretted selling the ship and decided to earn more money first and then build a temple.

At first I decided so, but soon changed my mind.

It's impossible for all of this to happen. Just dreamed. Kolokitya!

And, calming himself like that, he eventually forgot about his oath.

Everything went well; for decades, none of his ships was wrecked, and Ilya Tamara became the richest merchant in Kafa.

However, in the soul, in addition to the will, there lived something that reminded me of an incident in my younger years. Tamara did not like to look at the mountain where he had a vision, and avoided going out to sea under Ilyin's day.

But one day, shortly before that day, he had to return from the shores of Amastrid.

May the name of George, the patron of that country, be blessed!

A fair wind sharply carried the ship and the Taurus Mountains began to turn blue in the distance.

And suddenly the wind died down at once, as if it had been swept away from the sea, and the ship fell into a dead calm.

Most of all, sailors are afraid of him, but Ilyin's day came, when the wind rushes all over Pontus, and Tamara lay calmly at the stern.

He counted the profits and, having finished the calculations, smiled at the trading luck.

You don't need to be noble, you don't need to be a scientist to live well. You just need to be smarter than others to take advantage of their stupidity. Alu pulunde gramata, alu pour gnosis!

A bad idea, someone said in his soul, and Tamara shuddered.

I got up from my bed and looked at the shore. Clouds were slowly moving in from there, and the lightning flashed with an ominous eye.

A pre-wind ripple ran across the sea, after which the coastal shoreman drove a wave.

The ship raised all the sails and took her bow to the east, where Kafa was, but, having fallen into a strange current, she could not go far.

And the wind quickly grew stronger, the sea hummed with an unkind noise, the air hissed and whistled, howling.

The main mast could not withstand the rush and broke off.

That's bad!

And in the last twilight they saw a mountain where a vision had once happened.

Tamara remembered him and was confused in spirit. Darkness came, it was impossible to see your hand; the downpour flooded the deck; the wave beat over the sides and a leak appeared in the holds. The storm sails were frayed to shreds; the ship did not obey the rudder, like a rotten thread, broke anchor chain when the ship overtook the shores and tried to anchor.

One miracle can save!

And people prayed for a miracle; begged Elijah to soften his anger; they promised to give him the whole first catch for a candle.

And Tamara fell on his knees and swore in his heart to fulfill what he promised once in his youth.

The fiery lightning split the sky, scorched the air, illuminated the ship and the rocks among which it was rushing; in a last zigzag it slid down the mast and lit up in front of the ship.

Someone formidable and angry raised a hand over the ship. His gaze sparkled with lightning; his beard tore in a frenzy; the mouth was ready to be opened for the disastrous word.

Eleison imas, Kyrie! Have mercy on us!

The hand of cursing descended and showed the way of salvation to the perishing.

In the side, the Kafsky lights were lit and ... the radiance went out.

Like the dead, the ship's houses fell asleep. Only old Tamara did not fall asleep. He stood at the city temple and whispered the words of the troparion:

Heal those who honor you, Elijah.

He stood all night and in the morning they found him in the same place. They did not recognize him, he had changed so much. Peace of greatness breathed him. His face and the proximity of Heaven shone with his eyes.

And when a year later the icon master painted the image of the prophet Elijah for the new temple, which he built on Mount Tamara, he painted the face of the prophet from him.

That is why you cannot see anger in prophetic eyes and there is no fear when you look at the icon.

Tamara died a very old man and at the end of his days he avoided talking about what he had experienced, but people read about it in his pure eyes.

For the gaze of the human soul often penetrates deeper than speech suggests.

Feodosia region is rich in sights. Ancient city full of history, a curious tourist will always find something to see. But it is far from always possible to combine the inspection of man-made memos with enjoying the beauties of nature and. This is possible at Cape Ilya, in the Crimea this is a very beautiful place.

Where is the cape in Feodosia?

Actually, he is not in Feodosia. Cape Ilya is located near the city, it closes from the west and is the easternmost point of the Crimean Mountains. The cape is part of the Tele-Oba ridge. The name is translated from Tatar as "the end of the mountains", "the edge of the mountains". Thus, several interpretations are possible for the name - the protrusion is considered both the end of the array and its beginning.

Attraction on the map of Crimea

Beam of light in the sea kingdom of Crimea

Geologists understand the geological history, they are not yet clear on the issue of the origin of the Crimean Mountains. But the most notable building on Cape Ilya, the lighthouse, has an interesting past. There are many pitfalls in the sea, and the wind is sometimes unfavorable, so this area has known many shipwrecks, including quite large ones. The sailors repeatedly applied to various authorities with a request to install a lighthouse complex, but the latter were in no hurry to respond. The matter got off the ground when E. Rukavishnikova took over its organization.

The woman's husband was a captain, as a result, she understood the needs of sailors well. In addition, her son, a young guy with tuberculosis, recovered here in the Crimea. The young man took walks and breathed the sea air just near Cape Ilya. So the woman decided, in gratitude for the happy event, to help others and finance the construction. The family was not too rich - they had to earn extra money and sell things. But the Theodosians and sailors supported the initiative, helped with funds, as best they could, so in 1899 he appeared here.

At first, it was of a very simple design, but still signaled to sailors about imminent danger. Then it was rebuilt several times - today, instead of the original wooden structure, there is a solid stone structure, and modern optics and specific sound installations are used to ensure maritime safety. The sailors offered to name the building after a generous donor, but she refused, so he became the namesake of the cape. And the whole story became known thanks to one of the daughters of Rukavishnikova.

Several legends: rescue of the drowning

There is a really fabulous story associated with shipwrecks. Once upon a time, a merchant twice managed to get into a sea disaster nearby, and it was on the day of Elijah the Prophet. Both times he asked him for salvation in misfortune. The saint did not disappoint - the merchant got out of both crashes with minimal losses.

The merchant himself was called Ilya, therefore, he decided to commemorate his miraculous salvation by building a chapel on the cape. No traces of this particular building were found, but it is known that in 1814 a chapel dedicated to the prophet Elijah was on the cape. Such is the legendary story, which the locals will also kindly tell about.

What is interesting about Cape St. Elijah?

Fashionable resorts have not yet reached Cape Ilya in the Crimea, although construction is looming. But now it is still a completely untouched corner where you can relax in silence, without a noisy crowd and intrusive advertising around. Often tourists come here to admire the lighthouse. You can’t get close to it, but even from a distance you can appreciate the peculiar beauty of such a useful structure. There are only four buildings like this on the peninsula. Another attraction is the views. Reviews of many indicate that the Feodosia Bay from the top of the cape looks just amazing.
You can see from here for miles.

It has a cape and a rich historical past. There are several Scythian burial mounds here. During the excavations of a similar (during the tsarist time) unique earrings of very fine (miniature) work were discovered. Now they are a fairly well-known exhibit of the Hermitage and are called " Feodosia earrings". Here are the remains of bunkers from the times of the Great Patriotic War. They are sometimes referred to as the "cape Ilya battery". Unfortunately, so far no one has bothered to take care of the safety of these structures.

Many tourists also liked the beach at Cape Ilya. Feodosia is a popular resort, there are a lot of people here all year round. On the described object, this is not the case. Naturally, there are no other benefits of civilization there (cleaning, shower, toilet). But there is clean water and pristine nature, and for many this is much more important. Bathers here are asked to be conscious and not leave material evidence of their stay - there are no cleaners, so trash can remain on long years. In general, there are modest but attractive conditions: pebbles, in some places and small patches of sand, clear sea. Near the ledge of land there are good conditions for scuba diving (good visibility in the water), divers are a dime a dozen here.

How to get (get there)?

It is not difficult to get to Cape Ilya from Feodosia, and even public transport can be partially used. From the bus station in this direction there are three minibuses - No. 1, No. 2 and No. 2a. You will need to get off at the "City Hospital" stop, which is next to. Further, on foot or by hitchhiking, it will be necessary to overcome 2 km in a southeasterly direction.

By car, you can get to this way:

Note to the tourist

  • Address: Feodosiya city district, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 45.012778, 35.421944.

If you look at geographical location, then on the one hand Feodosia borders on resort village Coastal, and on the other side is covered by the Tepe-Oba ridge. It protects the city from strong winds, and also closes the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains, stretching from Sevastopol to Cape St. Elias in Feodosia.

Today I will tell you about the best way to get to the cape and what interesting things you can see there.

Cape St. Elijah is the most protruding part of the Tepe-Oba ridge. Tepe-Oba in translation from the Crimean Tatar means the top of the mountain or the end of the mountains. So it is, we can safely say that in Feodosia the mountains end, or vice versa begin. Who likes it better.

Only later for Kerch Strait, on the Taman Peninsula, they will connect with the chain of the Caucasus Mountains.

Beyond Feodosia, you can only find plains and fields that go beyond the horizon.

The best way to get to Cape Ilya is by car.
The road is of poor quality, mostly country.

Having reached the cape, a wonderful view of the Feodosia Bay opened.
I parked my car and decided to take a walk.

From above you can see for many kilometers ahead!

The villages of Beregovoye and the village of Primorsky, adjacent to Feodosia, are clearly visible:

By the way, Cape Ilya looks like this from the sea:

Along the road, on the slopes, wild Capers cucumbers bloom beautifully.

Down in the bay, fishermen set up nets and catch fish.

Now the construction of elite real estate is in full swing.

During the war, pillboxes were built on the cape, holding the siege of the enemy.
They were dug up, and they stick out from under the ground.

The name of Cape St. Elijah is associated with legends:

On the highest point of the cape once upon a time was ancient temple. The Theodosian legend tells of a sailor named Ilya Tamar, who was twice shipwrecked off the cape on the day of Elijah the Prophet. Both times he asked the gods for forgiveness. And both times Elijah the Prophet appeared to him and saved him from death.

After that, he built a church here in the name of St. Elijah the Prophet.

From that moment on, this place became known as Cape St. Elijah.

If you look closely at the western part of the Feodosia Gulf, then it is at the rocky Cape of Elijah that a strong illusion is created for incoming ships. Cape Ilya, as it were, covers the entrance to the harbor. And it is not always possible to clearly define and understand this. During the autumn-winter storms, ships often sank here. There was a need to designate a dangerous place.

On February 17, 1899, a lighthouse was built on the Swedish Lindberg optical system.
It was called Ilyinsky Mayak. It was far from the current modern one, but it helped a lot to orient the ships and subsequently protected them from crashing.

Photo of the Lighthouse in 1899.

Now the lighthouse looks different:

Today, there are 18 lighthouses from Odessa to Novorossiysk, but there are only 4 such as Feodosia.

Access to the territory to the lighthouse is prohibited.

I walked parallel along the territory of the lighthouse to look at the opposite bank.

There is no descent down, but a very beautiful view to Dvuyakornaya Bay and the village of Ordzhonikidze.

I looked and admired the bay. To my left was the lighthouse.

On the right, 50 meters away, there is a fence and a fenced military area.
And goats were grazing near me.

There were lone trees growing here and there.

This is a great place where there are no tours.
From the cape, as I said, a beautiful view opens up, from here you can see the entire Feodosiya Gulf.

It feels cold here. Very clean air blows from the sea, which you want to breathe deeply.

I stayed for some time at the cape.
Then I got into the car and went down at sunset ...