Founding year of barcelona city. The history of Barcelona: three thousand years of struggle for independence and prosperity


As true patriots, Barcelona residents tend to slightly embellish the history of their native city. For example, here they quite seriously believe that the Catalan capital was founded by Hercules himself. On the other hand, blame local residents in excessive exaggeration is very difficult, since the first written records of a settlement in this part of the Iberian Peninsula appeared only by 236 BC. e.

Initially, Barcelona was called Barcino: in honor of the Carthaginian commander Hamilcar Barca who settled in these places. In 133 BC. e. The city was visited by the Romans, leaving in it a characteristic layout of the city streets (Gothic Quarter) and the remains of military fortifications as a memory of their presence.

In the Middle Ages, Catalonia became a tasty morsel for militant tribes. As a result, Barcelona was first occupied by the Visigoths, later losing it to the Arabs. True, in 801, Louis the Pious managed to recapture the city and found the capital of the Spanish brand in it, while it was not possible to achieve complete independence.

A serious test for Barcelona was participation in the War of the Spanish Succession, as a result of which it was under siege for a long time, after which it was taken by attack and partially destroyed (by that time the city had managed to be part of the Catalan-Aragonese Confederation, as well as the Catalan Republic).

TO XIX century the capital of Catalonia has grown significantly, having gone beyond the walls, but in the literal sense, the city began to flourish and develop only at the beginning of the 20th century.

Districts of the city

In administrative terms, Barcelona is divided into 10 districts, while, from a tourist point of view, only three of them remain the most prominent.

Old city- this is the historical heart of the Catalan capital, containing the most ancient and, accordingly, the most valuable architectural monuments. It is the Old Town that owns the colorful heritage of the gloomy Middle Ages - the Gothic Quarter, stretching from Plaza Catalunya to Via Laetana Avenue. For your information, 99% of all introductory tourist tours start from Plaza Catalunya, which acts as a link between the old part of Barcelona and the new one.

Barcelona hosted the 1992 Summer Olympics, as well as several matches of the 1982 FIFA World Cup. Barcelona has two 5-star stadiums: Camp Nou and the Olympic Stadium (Estadi Olimpíc Lluís Companys), which hosted the 1992 Olympics year, and now stands Espanyol, until the new club stadium is completed.

Montmelo near Barcelona hosts the traditional Spanish Grand Prix in Formula 1 racing, as well as motorcycle racing. Previously, the Formula 1 track was held in the Pedralbes area.

5 things to do in Barcelona

  • Enjoy the amazing water extravaganza, complemented by a spectacular light show, which is played every evening for all visitors to the singing fountains at the foot of the Montjuic hill.
  • Walk through the quiet streets of the elite Pedralbes quarter and see that the passion for demonstrating their financial superiority is not limited to Russian oligarchs.
  • Take a picture with a real Barcelona mime, don't forget to give the street performer a couple of banknotes.
  • Try all varieties of sangria and take home at least one recipe for this amazing cocktail.
  • Climb Mount Tibidabo and see another Barcelona from a height of 512 m.

How to get there

, Paris , Amsterdam , Brussels and Cologne . In addition, you can sail to Barcelona on one of the many cruise liners who periodically look into the local port. In particular, it can be reached by sea from Algiers, Rome, Livorno and Genoa. But the option of driving your own car should be considered only if you are not afraid of the prospect of additional costs: most of the highways leading to Barcelona are paid.

(NE Spain), on the shore mediterranean sea. 1506 thousand inhabitants (1998), in the agglomeration 3.5 million people. (the second largest city in Spain after Madrid). Founded on the site of the settlement of the Carthaginians (230 BC), then the Romans under the name Barcino (whence the name Barcelona). In the IX-XII centuries. is the capital of the county of the same name. Cult. center of Spain. Numerous architects. monuments of the 10th–19th centuries: a cathedral (Gothic), churches (Santa Maria del Mar, San Pablo del Campo); stock exchange, palaces (bishop's, former count's, etc.); parks, fountains, sculptures. There are many buildings built according to the designs of the world-famous architect Gaudí: Palace Güell (1885–89), the Sagrada Familia church (begun in 1884, being completed) and others. The Barceloneta fishing quarter, the Tibidabo peak with a funicular from which a magnificent panorama of the city opens. Monument to X. Columbus (60 m high). 3 un. Opera and ballet theatre, conservatory, bullrings. Museums: archeological, maritime, fine arts, modern. art, the village-museum of archit. appearance of all regions. (Spain in miniature), etc. World Exhibitions of 1888 and 1929. (palaces, pavilions, gardens). Modern B. - large prom. agglomeration. Machining; text., chemical, cell.-paper., leather., food., optical, glass., cement. prom. Transp. node, port, intl. airport. Metropolitan. Intern. trade-industrial trade fairs. Tourism center. On SW. is prom. the suburb of Badalona is an important center of the text. industry and machinery; seaside resort.

Dictionary of modern geographical names. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria. Under the general editorship of Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .


Barcelona (Barcelona) - main city Catalonia (cm. Catalonia) and the province of Barcelona, ​​the most important port and the second largest city in Spain (cm. Spain)(about 2 million inhabitants). This is one of the most beautiful Mediterranean cities. It is surrounded by mountains in a semicircle, on the slopes of which there are parks, recreation areas and places for viewing the panorama of the city, and from the east they are opened to the sea. The history of the city goes back many centuries. In 218, the Romans founded the colony of Barcino near Mount Montjuic. At the same time, excavations carried out in the 20th century showed that the Roman colony was not the first settlement on the territory of Barcelona. The Romans built fortress walls, the ruins of which have survived to this day. The walls surrounded the territory on which the cathedral is now located, San Jaime Square (Plaza de San Jaume) and Pi Square (Plaza de Pi). Around the Old Town in the Middle Ages, walls were erected twice more; until the end of the 18th century, Barcelona was considered a city bounded by them. Outside the walls, villages arose, which then became full-fledged areas of Barcelona - Sants (Sants), Sarria (Sarria), Gracia (Gracia). The exhibitions of 1888 and 1929 gave impetus to the development of the city, but the period of Franco's rule became a time of crisis for Barcelona. The 1992 Olympics held in Barcelona gave the city a new impetus.
The central part of Barcelona is divided into the Old Town - the historical center of the city, the Montjuic area and the Eixample - an area that arose in the 19th century as a result of the expansion of the city to the north. Barcelona architecture combines the most diverse trends, but it gained worldwide fame thanks to the rapid development of Art Nouveau or Art Nouveau, the brightest representatives of which were the architects Josep Puig i Cadafalch, Domènech i Montenar and, perhaps, one of the most famous architects of the last two centuries , Antonio Gaudí i Cornet.

Old city
The old city, stretching along the Ramblas (Las Ramblas) is one of the most extensive and well-preserved architectural ensembles of medieval Europe. The Gothic Quarter (Barri Gothic, Barri Gotic) with the Barcelona Cathedral, La Ribera district with the Picasso Museum, Parc de la Ciutadella, stands out especially here. The main architectural, including temple, monuments of the Old Town are located within the Gothic Quarter.
The very first cathedral on its territory was built in 985, during the conquest of the city by Almanzor. The construction of the Gothic cathedral with the Romanesque chapel of Capella de Santa Lucia (Capella de Santa Lucia) began in 1298 under Jaime (Jaume) II on the site of an old Visigoth settlement. The facade of the majestic cathedral was completed only in the 19th century, and the central spire - in 1913. All work was carried out according to the drawings of the French architect Charles Gaultier (1408). Two octagonal bell towers (1386-1393) stand out in the ensemble of the cathedral, the central nave, made in the style of Catalan Gothic, Capella del Santissim Sagrament (Capella del Santissim Sagrament) (chapel of the Holy Sacraments) with a 16th century crucifix "Christ Lepanto", Capella -de San Benet (Capella de San Benet), dedicated to the founder of the monastic order of the Benedictines. Under the main altar of the cathedral is a crypt with an alabaster sarcophagus (1339) of St. Eulalia, a Christian martyr of the 4th century, to whom the cathedral is dedicated. In the interior of the cathedral, one should note the seats in the choirs, the upper tier of which is decorated with images of the coats of arms of 12 knights.
One of the most revered churches in Barcelona is the Basilica de Santa Maria del Mar, designed in the Catalan Gothic style. Due to the excellent acoustics of the temple, concerts are often held in it. The church was built about 55 years. The stained-glass window of the western rose window (15th century) depicts the coronation of the Virgin Mary, the windows of the central and side aisles are decorated with stained-glass windows of the 15th - 18th centuries.
The most interesting monument of the Gothic Quarter is the House of the Archdeacon (Casa de l "Ardiaca), built in the 12th century on the foundation of a Roman fortress wall, and then rebuilt several times. The Archdeacon's House adjoins the cathedral. The architecture of the House fancifully combined the features of Gothic and Renaissance. In the Art Nouveau era a marble mailbox carved with swallows and a tortoise by the architect Domènech y Montaner appeared at its entrance.
The Royal Palace (Palau Reial Major) on Plaza del Rei (Plaza del Rei) was created in the 13th century as the residence of the Counts of Barcelona. A significant example of the Gothic of the 14th century is the Tinel Hall. Here Ferdinand and Isabella received Columbus, who returned from America. Later, the Most Holy Tribunal met in this hall.
Within the Gothic Quarter are the government buildings of Barcelona and Catalonia. The building of the town hall (Casa de la Ciutat) began to be built in the 14th century opposite the palace of the government of the Palau de la Generalitat, on the Plaza de Sant Jaume. At the entrance to the building there are two statues - one depicts Jaime (Jaume) I, who in 1249 granted the inhabitants of Barcelona the right to choose a city council, and the other - Joan Fiveller, who forced in the 1500s. city ​​nobility to pay taxes. Salo de les Croniques was created especially for the 1929 World's Fair.
The Catalan government has occupied the building of the Palau de la Generalitat since 1403. The facade of the building is designed in the Renaissance style, above the main entrance there is a statue of the patron saint of Catalonia - St. George. The late Catalan Gothic courtyard is decorated with sculptures by Marc Safont. The interior of the building is distinguished by the Sant Jordi chapel and the Salo de Sant Jordi hall, decorated by Pere Blai in the Italian spirit.
The oldest monument of civil architecture in Barcelona is the stock exchange (La Llotja), built around 1380 for the guild of Catalan merchant sailors. The building was rebuilt in 1771, until 1994 it housed a trade exchange. In 1849 - 1970. the upper floors of the building were occupied by the Academy of Fine Arts, whose audience included Pablo Picasso and Joan Miro.
Once in the Old Town, you can not miss Carrer Montcada Street, which has preserved all the features of medieval architecture. Above the pavement, the ledges of the roofs almost close, from which fantastic gargoyles look. Behind the massive wooden gates of the houses are delightful patios. In the 13th century, during the prosperity of Catalonia, the street was built up with Gothic mansions, almost all the buildings were rebuilt in the 17th century.
The center of the Old Town is the Ramblas (Las Ramblas), where life does not stop day or night. The Arabic word "rambla" means a dry riverbed - such channels in Catalan cities often turned into streets and that is why streets with the name "Rambla" are often found here. The Ramblas of Barcelona consists of several separate parts, the Rambla, including the Rambla de Canaletes, named after the fountain, and the Rambla dels Estudis, which was named after the first university in Barcelona - Estudis General (Estudis General). The Ramblas is 1.2 km long. The Ramblas is to Barcelona what the Arbat is to Moscow or Montmartre is to Paris. The Ramblas is home to the Liceu Opera House (Gran Teatre del Liceu), the La Boqueria Market (La Boqueria, translated as “The Abyss”), also known as the Mercat de Sant Josep Market, and several old mansions . At the beginning of the Ramblas, on Plaza de Catalunya (Plaza de Catalunya), there is the Canaletes Fountain (Font de Canaletes), cast in the last century from iron, and its completion is the 87-meter-high Columbus Monument (Monument a Colom), which dominates the entire port area, World Exhibition in 1888.
A little away from it stands the Church of Mercedes - the Mother of God "Mercy", the patroness of Barcelona. Among the buildings of the Ramblas, the Palau Guell mansion stands out, built in 1889 by Antoni Gaudí for his patron, the manufacturer Count de Güell. Inside the mansion, carved partitions, galleries and niches create a feeling of spaciousness. All furnishings have been preserved to this day. Among other attractions of the Ramblas, it is necessary to mention the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts (Reial Academia), Virreina Palace (Palau de Virreina), the Classicist Palace of Mozha (Palau Moja) with a magnificent courtyard, as well as the Plaza de la Broqueria (Plaza de la Broqueria), the pavement mosaic of which was made according to the drawings of Miro, and the Royal Square (Plaza Reial, Plaza Reial), whose lanterns were designed by Gaudí. In front of the Royal Square, there is Ferran Street (Carrera de Ferran), which goes into the Gothic Quarter, in one of the houses of which Joan Miro was born. Behind the Sao Josep market is Calle de Hospital, where the building of the oldest hospital in Barcelona, ​​the Hospital of the Holy Cross (Hospital de Santa Creu), built in 1401, is located. Currently, the hospital houses the richest collection of Catalan books.
To the west of the southern part of the Ramblas are the districts of El Raval (El Raval) and Chinatown (Barri Shines, Barri Shines). The 16th-century mansion Casa de la Caritat (House of Mercy) houses the Cultural Center. Next to it rises the building of the Barcelona Museum of Modern Art, built in 1995 by Richard Meyer. Immediately after the old customs, if you go down the Ramblas, the Old Port of the city (Port Vel, Port Vell) begins, converted into a harbor for pleasure boats. On the waterfront Moll de Barcelona (Moll de Barcelona) hosted a marina for passenger ships and the World Trade Center. The Ramblas is connected to the Moll d'Espanya by a drawbridge and the Rambla de Mar pedestrian dam. The Maregagnum is built on Mol d'España - a complex of restaurants, shops and cinemas, one of the best aquariums in Europe is located here. You can see the Barcelona harbor at the Old Port thanks to excursions on small ships called golondrinas ("swallows "") They dock at the steps of the embankment at the Plaza del Portal de la Pau. Golondrinas pass Montjuic mountain and enter the industrial port.
A significant monument of modern architecture in Spain is the Olympic Village (Vila Olimpica), built in Barcelona specifically for the 1992 Olympics on the site of the former port quarter. New houses were built on the lands of the former factory district, and the Nova Icaria park was laid out. Two 44-story skyscrapers were erected by the sea, one of them is occupied by offices, and the other by the Arts Hotel. A yacht club was built nearby (Port Olympic, Port Olimpic).
There are many museums and cultural monuments in the Old Town. One of the most significant is the Palace of Catalan Music (Palau de la Musica Catalana), located in the north of the Gothic Quarter. The architecture of the building and its decorative elements are made in the Art Nouveau style. It is the only concert hall in Europe with natural light. It was designed by Luis Domenech y Montaner and built in 1908 on the site of a monastery that closed in the 19th century. The house is surrounded by mosaic columns with busts of Palestrina, Bach and Beethoven. The hall on the second floor is illuminated through a magnificent mosaic dome. The arch of the proscenium is decorated with two sculptures - Wagner and the Catalan composer Josep Anselm Clave, who participated in the creation of the Orfeo-Catala choral society.
One of the main attractions of the Old Town and Barcelona as a whole is the Picasso Museum (Museu Picasso), which occupies five mansions on Montcada Street - Meca, Berenguer d "Aguilar, Mauri, Finestres and Baro de Castellet. The basis of the museum, which opened in 1968 , was a collection of Picasso's friend Jaime Sabartes.Picasso's life has been connected with Barcelona from the moment when he moved here from his native Malaga at the age of 14. Picasso left for Paris at the age of 20, repeatedly returned to Barcelona, ​​but after Franco's victory he did not came to Spain. After the death of Sabartes, Picasso himself transferred many of his works to the museum, the collection of which was also replenished with the artist’s graphics and 141 works of his ceramics, a gift from his widow Jacqueline. Of particular interest in the museum’s exposition are the early works of Picasso. -Meninas", which is a grotesque interpretation of the painting of the same name by Velasquez.
In the Ciutadella Park area (Parc de la Ciutadella) is the Museum of Modern Art (Museu d "Art Modern), which contains works by masters of Catalan art of the 19th and 20th centuries, including paintings by Santiago Rusiñol and Ramon Casas, the pioneers of Catalan impressionism. In the collection The museum also presents works by Joaquim Mir, Isidre Nonel, Miquel Blei.
Noteworthy are the Barcelona Museum of the History of the City (Museu d "Historia), located in a Gothic building and the Museum Frederic Mares (Museu Frederic Mares), located in the Gothic Quarter. Of primary interest are valuable archaeological exhibits, for example, the remains of a Roman plumbing, fragments of Roman pavements and The second one was created by the famous sculptor and collector Mares, the museum building was previously part of the ensemble of the royal palace.In the collections of the Mares Museum, expositions of works of religious art of the Romanesque and Gothic periods stand out.
Other museums in Barcelona include the Geological Museum (Museu de Geologia), the Zoological Museum (Museu de Zoologia), Maritime Museum(Museu Maritim) in Drassanes. The latter is based on the Drassanes dry docks. Barcelona's docks are the largest surviving medieval docks in the world. Among the oared ships built at Drassanes was the Real, the flagship of Juan of Austria, whose fleet defeated the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. Among the exhibits of the museum is an authentic travel map of Amerigo Vespucci.
Within the Old Town are the Ciutadella Park and the Zoo (Parc Zoologic). Ciutadella Park was created on the site of a former fortress built under Philip V after a 13-month siege of the city, which refused to recognize the rights of the Bourbons to the Spanish throne. In 1787, the fortress, which became a political prison, was demolished, the park was transferred to the city, it hosted the World Exhibition of 1888. Of the fortress ensemble, only three buildings have survived - the arsenal, which now houses the Parliament of Catalonia and the Museum of Modern Art, the Governor's Palace (now a school) and a chapel. The park is particularly attractive thanks to the cascade of fountains created by the architect Josep Fontsere with the participation of the young Gaudí. The cascade is topped by the Arc de Triomphe, the general view of the fountains resembles the Trevi Fountain in Rome.
Barcelona Zoo, one of the best in Europe, is located in the southern part of Ciutadella Park and was built in the 1940s. according to a special project - the animals are separated here not by cages, but by ditches with water. At the entrance to the zoo there is a sculpture of Roig y Soler "Lady with an umbrella", which has become a kind of symbol of Barcelona. The zoo's aquarium hosts dolphin and whale performances, of particular interest are the zoo's monkeys, including the famous albino gorilla Capito de nieves (Snowflake).

The Eixample district arose after the decision was made in 1854 to expand Barcelona (“eixample” in Catalan means “expansion”). Here are the greatest monuments of the Art Nouveau era. According to the plan drawn up by Ildefons Cerda y Sunyer, the streets of the new quarters were to intersect at right angles, with the exception of Avinguda Diagonal and Avinguda de Gaudi, connecting the Plaza de la Sagrada Familia ( Plaza de la Sagrada Familia) and the Hospital de la Santa Creu I de Sant Pau built by the famous Catalan architect Domenca i Montaner.
The most famous creation of European Art Nouveau and the most famous architectural monument of Eixample is the Sagrada Familia Church (Church of the Holy Family, Sagrada Familia) by the great architect Antonio Gaudi. The construction of the church began in 1889, but only the Nativity façade was completed during Gaudí's lifetime; after the architect's death, construction continued according to his drawings, however, the civil war prevented its completion. By 1954, the original plans of Gaudí were restored and work on the temple continued, but to this day there are disputes about the reliability of the reconstruction. The façade of the Nativity, completed by Gaudí in 1904, embodies the images of Faith, Hope and Mercy. The sculptural compositions on the portals depict scenes of the birth of Christ and his childhood. The opposite facade of the temple - the facade of the Passion of Christ was completed in 1980 under the direction of Josep Maria Subirax. The buildings made during Gaudí's lifetime include the apse, the altar canopy and the crypt. In the crypt is the grave of Gaudi, a service is held here. An altar has not yet been installed under the altar canopy. It is planned to complete the construction of the temple with the construction of the nave and the southern facade of Glory, which should become the main entrance. The finished building should take the form of a Latin cross in plan, and the upper galleries should be supported by many carved columns.
Most of the Eixample Art Nouveau architectural monuments are concentrated in the so-called Golden Square (Quadrat d "Or), formed by blocks around Passeig de Gracia Avenue. In the southwestern part of the Golden Square is the Discord Quarter (Illa de la Discordia) , a real open-air museum with a variety of monuments of Art Nouveau, including Casa Lleo Morera (Casa Lleo Morera) - the first residential building built by Luis Domenech i Montaner, Casa Amatller (Casa Amatller) by the architect Puig i Cadafalchi (now The building houses the Amatller Institute of Spanish Art, as well as the Casa Batllo, Gaudí's creation, with its characteristic rounded façade lines and convex lattice balconies.
One of the most famous monuments Art Nouveau of the Golden Square, Eixample and Barcelona in general is Casa Mila (Casa Mila, or La Pedrera, La Pedrera - a quarry) - Gaudí's most important contribution to the architecture of the city. The building is located on the Passeig de Gracia and was built between 1906 and 1910. The design of this eight-story corner building included two circular courtyards for ventilation and the first underground garage in Barcelona. There is not a single even wall in the whole building, the outer walls are not decorated with anything, they are decorated only with bizarre balcony lattices created by Josep Maria Jujol. The roof of the house is crowned with amazing chimneys and ventilation pipes, which the inhabitants of the city jokingly call "a scarecrow for witches."
On Avinguda Diagonal Street there is another significant monument of Eixample architecture - the Casa Terrades residential building, built in 1903-1905. designed by Puig i Cadafalca. Because of the six pointed towers at the corners, the house is often called the "House of Needles" (Casa de les Punches). This is the largest of all the buildings erected by Puig i Cadafalch. The style of Casa Terrades is eclectic - it combines the features of Gothic and Renaissance. Typical for Art Nouveau is the combination of red brick and lighter stone, from which the carved floral ornament on the facade is made.
In the northeastern district of Eixample is the Hospital de la Santa Creu y de Sant Pau, which began to be designed by Domènech y Montaner in 1902 and completed by his son Pere in 1930. . Instead of the usual hospital wards, the architect conceived to build 26 graceful pavilions in the Mudéjar style, surrounded by trees. Service rooms and corridors are located underground. The pavilions are richly decorated: the towers are decorated with ceramic tiles, the waiting room - with mosaics and sculptures by Pablo (Pau) Gargallo.
One of the most interesting museums in Barcelona is located on the territory of the Golden Square - the Tapies Museum (Fundacio Antoni Tapies), which exhibits the work of one of the most famous contemporary abstract artists Antoni Tapies. The building of the museum is quite remarkable - it is the first house in Barcelona built of metal structures. Passeig de Gracia, which runs along the Golden Square, is home to the most famous fashion houses, clothing stores and boutiques. For example, Adolfo Dominges is a store of classic men's and women's clothing, while Arman Basi sells high-quality footwear for recreation and sports. Vincon is also located here - one of the largest shops in Barcelona selling interior items. It is easy to choose a gift for every taste here.

Montjuic Mountain area (the name, according to one version, means "Jewish mountain", since there was once a Jewish cemetery here, and according to another version, it is connected with the fact that the Romans built a temple of Jupiter on it, giving it the name Mount Iovis - Mount Jupiter), located in the southern part of the city near the commercial port, is a concentration of significant cultural monuments, museums, attractions and nightclubs. In 1640, a castle was built on Mount Montjuic; for a long time, no housing was built here due to difficulties with water supply. In 1929, Montjuic became the center of the World Exhibition, then Aviguda de la Reina Cristina Avenue was laid, in the center of which is the famous Magic Fountain with colored illumination. Behind it is the National Palace in the Museum of Art. On Montjuic, there is the so-called Spanish Village (Poble Espanyol) - a complex of rural houses that house various souvenir shops and craft workshops. For the 1992 Olympics, modern sports facilities were built on Montjuic.
Montjuic is a great walking place, from here you can see a beautiful view of the city. The architecture of Montjuic is characterized by eclecticism, for example, the traditional rural architecture of Spain dominates in the Spanish Village, and the building of the Fundacio Miró Museum is built in an emphatically modern style. At the top of Mount Montjuic is a castle (Castell de Montjuic)) of the 18th century. For the first time, the castle was built on this site in 1640, then it was demolished in 1705 by order of Philip V. The modern castle was built under the Bourbons. After civil war it was used as a prison and currently houses the Museum of Military History.
The Spanish village was created with the aim of presenting the architectural styles and folk crafts typical of Spain. All of its 116 houses represent a miniature model of Spain. Famous artists and architects worked on the creation of the Spanish Village. In its stores and shops they sell glassware, ceramics, figurines and damaskinados - Toledo jewelry with a gold notch. In the "Towers of Avila" (Torres de Avila), through which you can get to the Spanish village, is placed the famous night club with interiors created by renowned designers A. Arrabis and H. Mariscal.
On Passeig Olimpic is the Olympic Stadium (Estadi Olimpic de Montjuic), built by 1992 on the basis of the former stadium created by Domènech i Roura for the "alternative" Olympic Games in 1936, which did not take place due to the civil war. The modern stadium can accommodate 70,000 people. Next to it is the Palace of Sant Jordi (Palau Sant Jordi).
wonderful architectural monument of the modern era is the Pavilion Mies van der Rohe (Pavello Mies van der Rohe), created as the German Pavilion for the World Exhibition of 1929 by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, head of the avant-garde school of artists and designers "Bauhaus". In the pavilion stands the famous Barcelona chair of his work. The building was demolished after the exhibition closed and then rebuilt on the centenary of the birth of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.
The National Museum of Catalan Art (Museu Nacional d "Art de Catalunya) is located in the magnificent building of the National Palace (Palau Nacional), which was built for the World Exhibition of 1929. The museum houses the largest collection of Romanesque art in Europe. Frescoes of the 12th century are especially impressive, transferred from the churches of the Pyrenees.The exhibits of the Gothic period are collected from all over Spain.The works of the Catalan masters Luis Dalmau and Jaume Huguet (15th century) are of considerable value.In the expositions of the museum, which tell about the art of the Baroque and Renaissance, the works of El Greco, Velazquez and Zurbaran stand out In front of the Palau Nacional is the Magic Fountain on Avinguda da la Reina Maria Cristina Avenue, which is dominated by two 47-meter bell towers designed by R. Raventos, between which was the entrance to the World's Fair in 1929.
Another significant museum on Montjuic is the Fundacio Joan Miro, associated with the work of the famous Catalan artist Joan Miro. One of the founders of surrealism, Miró has always been a fan of Catalan art. In 1975, after the decline of Franco's regime, Miro's friend, the architect Josep Luis Sert, designed a building with natural light for a permanent exhibition of paintings, graphics and sculpture. Miró donated many of his works to the museum, including the Barcelona Cycle (1939-1944), consisting of 50 black and white lithographs.
The Ethnological Museum (Museu Etnologic) and the Museum of Archeology (Museu Arqueologic) on Montjuic are also of interest. The first contains exhibits from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania. The exposition of the Museum of Archeology, located in the Palace of Graphic Arts, covers the period from prehistoric times to the rule of the Visigoths. The oldest exhibit of the museum is a statue of the 4th century BC. "Lady of Ibiza" from the excavations of the Carthaginian necropolis on the island of Ibiza.

The outskirts of Barcelona are the most modern areas of the city, they were built up in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Then the main station of Sants was renovated, next to it were the parks of Industrial Spain (Parc d "Espanya Industrial) and Joan Miro Park (Parc Joan Miro). Parc El Clot Park is distinguished by its ultramodern layout New National Theatre.
On the western outskirts of Barcelona is the Royal Palace of Pedralbes (Palau Reial de Pedralbes), named after the famous Barcelona monastery. This building, formerly the estate of Eusebio Güell, was rebuilt in 1919 as a royal residence. The palace has been open for tours since 1937. It houses the expositions of the Museum of Decorative Arts and the Museum of Ceramics.
In the northwest of Barcelona is the architectural complex of the monastery of Santa Maria de Pedralbes (Santa Maria de Pedralbes). The monastery was founded in 1326 by Elisenda de Moncada de Pinhos, the fourth wife of Jaume II, King of Aragon and Catalonia. The cells, refectory, kitchen and hospital of the monastery have been perfectly preserved. Particularly interesting is the Chapel of Michael the Archangel (Capella de Sant Miquel, Capella de Sant Miquel), where the wall painting depicting the Passion of Christ and the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary was made by Ferrer Bassa (1346). In 1989, 60 paintings from the Thyssen-Bornemisza collection were donated to the monastery, which are currently on display in the former monastery dormitory.
On the outskirts of Barcelona are parks and other attractions loved by the residents of the city and its guests. Any fan of contemporary art must visit the Joan Miro Park, also known as the Parc de l "Escoshador, from the name of the city's slaughterhouse -" Escoshador ". The park is divided into two levels, on the top is Miro's famous sculpture "Woman and Bird" (1983). No less interesting is the Industrial Park of Spain, broken in 1986. The park, which attracts with its composition, exhibits the work of six contemporary sculptors, including Andreas Nagel.
In 1922, Parc Guell was opened, created by Gaudi and declared by UNESCO as part of the world cultural heritage. Gaudí was going to build 60 buildings in this park, especially the Hundred Columns Hall, which, according to the project, was supposed to serve as a place for the market. Fans all over the world know the Camp Nou football stadium and the Museum of the Barcelona football club - one of the most popular in Europe. The museum displays portraits and statues of Barcelona's most famous players commissioned for the Blau Grana Biennial, an exhibition honoring the club in 1985 and 1987.

Encyclopedia of Tourism Cyril and Methodius. 2008 .

In the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, on the Mediterranean coast, surrounded by picturesque mountains, one of most beautiful cities Europe - Barcelona. This is the heart of Spanish Catalonia, as well as an important industrial, commercial and cultural center. The city of the famous Gaudí…

The first written sources about Barcelona date back to the 3rd century BC, although it is likely that a settlement existed here much earlier. There are two versions about the founding of the city, and both of them are associated with the Carthaginian Hamilcar Barca, the father of Hannibal. The first legend says that the city was first founded by the legendary hero of ancient Greek myths Hercules, and Hamilcar Barca only rebuilt it in the 3rd century BC. In the second version, it was Hamilcar Barca who became the founder of the city, naming it after his family - Barcino.

In the 2nd century BC. the city was conquered by the Romans. Largely due to its convenient location and excellent natural harbor, ancient Barcelona, ​​which did not initially have special significance and influence, soon became a very prosperous city with its own minting of coins, and later one of the most important trading centers in the Mediterranean, competing on equal terms with Genoa and Venice.

At the beginning of the 5th century, Barcelona was conquered by the Visigoths and for some time became the residence of King Ataulf. At the beginning of the 8th century, Barcelona came under the control of the Moors, and already in 801 it was conquered by the Frankish Carolingians, becoming the capital of the Spanish March and the county of the same name. It was only in 988 that the county of Barcelona was able to free itself from the rule of the Carolingians. Since that time, in fact, Catalonia has been officially conducting its history, the political and economic center of which was Barcelona. In the XII century, Catalonia became part of one of the most powerful maritime and trading powers of the Middle Ages - the Kingdom of Aragon.

The marriage of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castile in the second half of the 15th century marked the beginning of the unification of the Spanish lands. The political center moved to Madrid, and Barcelona lost its influence and gradually fell into decay, which was greatly facilitated by the subsequent numerous wars.

A new era for Barcelona began with the industrial revolution in the 19th century. The city grew and developed rapidly. Many new enterprises appeared, and very soon Barcelona became a major center for the textile industry and engineering. By the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, there was a cultural renaissance in Barcelona. This period is also of exceptional importance for the architecture of Barcelona. The unique masterpieces of the famous architect Antonio Gaudi, so harmoniously combining the most incredible shapes and colors, have become calling card the Catalan capital and the pride of the locals.

Today Barcelona is one of the most popular tourist cities in Europe. Among the many attractions of the city, perfectly illustrating the development of the history and culture of Barcelona, ​​it is worth noting the Gothic Quarter, Montjuic, the National Art Museum of Catalonia, the Picasso Museum, the Sacred Heart, Gaudí's creations - the Sagrada Familia, Park Güell, Casa Mila, Casa Batlló and Casa Calvet , Palace Güell, etc.

On the Mediterranean coast on the Iberian Peninsula is the second largest city in Spain, the capital of Catalonia, Barcelona. This is a trade and industrial centre country second only to Madrid in terms of population. The city stands on the hills, and all its administrative centers got their names from the names of these hills. This article presents the main attractions of Barcelona with unique photos and names.

The climate here is very mild, so summers are always warm here, and winters are dry, which undoubtedly attracts a huge number of tourists and vacationers. The airport is located not far from the city, the metro operates, which has 11 not only underground, but also ground lines. Routes can be distinguished by numbers and color.

Barcelona is also the largest port in the country, which includes a port for transportation, an old port and a trade port. It is the country's largest railway junction with the famous Santas Estacio station. Barcelona is also rich in its sights, which attract a lot of tourists.

This is a famous architectural structure that attracts the whole world with its peculiar beauty. The idea of ​​building the cathedral was born in 1866, when the clergyman Magnane and the bookseller Josep Maria Bocabella Verdaguer created the "Society of the Admirers of St. Joseph". This cathedral was designed by the community for vicious people who are mired in sins and who need new walls for repentance.

For the cathedral, the most deserted outskirts were chosen, on which goats grazed. People put forward the main requirement - the cathedral should be built only on the donations of the inhabitants, as proof of their love for the Lord.

To build this cathedral in 1883, Antonio Gaudi was invited to the role of chief architect. At that moment, there was only one project behind the shoulders of the thirty-year-old master - a factory workshop. The designer who came changed the idea of ​​his predecessor.

The new architect conceived a colossal building complex, but considered the option that he would not have time to complete this project, even if he devoted his whole life to it. It was planned to build three facades, each of which will tell about the life of Jesus: the Nativity, Passion and Glory.

The Sagrada Familia is united by twelve towers, personifying the apostles, and the main tower, 170 meters high, was erected in honor of Jesus. The people and animals located on the walls are made by the architect in full size. The Passion façade is distinguished by its style, as it was designed by another architect, Joseph Maria Subiraches.

June 7, 1926 Gaudi died under the wheels of a tram. The great architect is buried in the chapel, located underground of the cathedral. In 2000, construction began on the facade of Glory, which is dedicated to the Resurrection of Christ. The construction of this cathedral does not stop today, approximately the construction will be completed by 2026. Despite this, divine services are held in the temple.

Not all facades are available to tourists, since construction work has not been completed. You need to purchase a ticket in order to visit the towers of the facade, as well as the museum. The tops of the façades can be reached by means of long spiral staircases or an elevator.

The museum has preserved layouts and drawings of Antonio Gaudi, you can also get acquainted with the chronicle of the construction of the cathedral. Even in its unfinished form, the Sagrada Familia amazes visitors with its singularity and mystery.

House Mila

One of the many attractions of the city of Barcelona that attracts visitors with its unusual view is Casa Mila, or as the Catalans call it - Casa Mila. This result of the work of the great Antonio Gaudí is located at the intersection of Carrer de Provence Street with Pasec de Garcia Boulevard and impresses with its fantastic architecture, which either imitates the elements of the sea, or hovers on the verge of weightlessness and grandiosity.

House Mila

The house got its name from the customer, the tycoon Pere Mila y Caps, who, together with his wife, ordered this Gaudí project, on the condition that it would be something extraordinary. The house was completed without the participation of the author, due to disagreements with the customer that arose in 1909. The construction of this building was carried out from 1906 to 1910 and was new in every respect.

The house itself can be compared to a rock, which is washed by sea waves from all sides, because the author has not retreated a single step from his genre and borrowed his enthusiasm from nature itself. There are no straight lines or angles on the front side of the building, because smooth curves that flow into each other, oval and rounded shapes, as well as seaweed-like lattices, make it streamlined.

In order to make the house brighter from the inside, three patios are equipped there, on which the windows of the utility rooms open, and the windows of the living rooms look out onto the street. The walls of the house are decorated with very beautiful colored paintings on a mythological theme, and twisted stairwells with wrought-iron railings seem to hug them from the inside.

Special attention can be paid to the attic on the seventh floor. Initially, clothes were dried on it, and now there is a small museum of Antonio Gaudi's art, standing under a roof on 270 brick arched vaults. The museum presents an exposition consisting of models, drawings, sketches and photographs of the house, as well as various objects that served as inspiration for his work.

Also here you can see an apartment with an interior of the early 20th century, which has fully preserved the atmosphere of that time. Initially, the townspeople did not really like the house, and they began to call it quarries (La Pedrera). Only half a century later, in 1984, he received his recognition and was included in the UNESCO heritage register.

Today, the uniqueness of the Mila house lies in the fact that it still performs the same functions as before. In one part there is a bank, and the upper floors are inhabited by residents.

Another architectural monument that surprises with its unusual appearance, located in the center of the city, is the Casa Batlló, also called the House of Bones because of the similarity of architectural forms with the bones of mythological animals.

The building was built in 1877 as an ordinary residential building, and from 1904 to 1906 Antonio Gaudi undertakes to restore it. The same maritime theme, which is present in almost all of his works, very rich colors, ceramic mosaic decoration and a relief roof, all these details have been intriguing tourists and residents of the city for more than a century.

No less interesting will be its interior with a beautiful chandelier in the form of the sun, stained glass inserts and gently curved railings. Each part of this house has its own historical pages and opens its doors to visitors as a museum.

This building looks very holistic and harmonious, despite the complete absence of angles and straight lines. According to the townspeople, the house is very reminiscent of a huge dragon, which inspired the master so much and very often appeared in his works.

Entering the premises, you find yourself in a large hall, which is more like a fairy tale. The skylights look like a tortoise shell, flowing smoothly into the walls and stairs with carved railings in the form of a huge dragon's curved backbone.

The mezzanine will present the office of the owner of this unusual house, Joéep Batllo y Casanovas, and a fireplace made in the then fashionable Art Nouveau style. From the office there is an exit to the courtyard of the house, which is finished with trencadis technique. Because of the unusual decoration, it is called the courtyard of light rays.

In the upper part of the building there is an attic, which during the life of the owners was used as a laundry room and storage room. Now the room is not cluttered with anything and its decoration is dominated by a lot of white. Its partitions are made with parabolic arches, which is very reminiscent of the ribs of a dragon lying on the roof.

Climbing up to the roof of the house, you can see the open part - asotea, to which the master gave exceptional originality. If you look at the roof from the front side, you can see a dragon spine there. Here you can see stove chimneys resembling strange mushrooms. But in life they play a more prosaic role - they perform the function of blocking the reverse thrust.

Casa Batllo is especially beautiful in the reflections of the evening lighting and looks like a fairy-tale palace. In the early 60s of the last century, it was recognized as an artistic monument, first of the city, and then of the whole of Catalonia, and in 2005 UNESCO included it in its register.

A very important attraction of the city is considered to be the most beautiful square in Barcelona - Plaza de España. It has its own unique history and its attractive places. Since its existence, it has been very different from what it is at the present time.

The Middle Ages marked it with a rather gloomy history. Sentences to criminals were read here and public executions were carried out on the square. In the 16th century, the defensive fortress of Ciutadella was built on this site, which protected the city from the invasion of enemies.

It became a square only at the beginning of the 20th century and was a place for various negotiations. The impetus for its prosperity was the upcoming world exhibition, and for this event it had to be brought to world-class standards. The order was carried out by a student of Antonio Gaudi - Huhol, who made the square in the form it is now.

Now the square intersects the five largest streets of the city, including the underground street. The project itself was conceived in such a way that a beautiful fountain would become its center, surrounded on all sides by sculptures. All buildings located in the area of ​​the square also have their historical value.

The place where the largest shopping mall town, used to be a bullfighting arena. Here you can see the unique, newly renovated Magic Fountain, which is very popular with visitors, and the National Palace.

But, undoubtedly, the National Museum (Palau Nacional), located at the foot of Montjuic, presents a royal spectacle. Once inside the museum, you can get great pleasure from what you see, and the view from the outside is stunning with its evening glow with the divine fountain nearby.

On a small emerald island there is another, no less majestic fountain, which is located at the intersection of all roads. In the middle of the island there is a pedestal with sculptures representing a wide variety of elements, things, goddesses. Getting to the square is not at all difficult, it is enough to focus on the huge columns standing on the sides.

View of Barcelona from the observation deck in Plaza España

Plaza Catalunya

Plaza Catalunya is one of the cozy and beautiful corners of the city. Tourists start their routes around Barcelona from this place. It is located between the old town and the Eixample, where a very vibrant city life takes place. From this square, tourists immediately get to the famous Casa Batlló, in the Gothic Quarter, from here the La Rambla street for pedestrians begins, as well as the exit to the Passage de Garcia.

On the northeast side of the square is a huge shopping center EL Corte Ingles, which is rich in various goods. The favorite pastime of tourists is to feed the pigeons. It is decorated with fountains and sculptures created by famous artists of the last century.

Plaza Catalunya

Large festivities, various exhibitions are held on this land, weeks of the Catalan Book are held here, and in winter, an ice rink is poured, which is considered the most grandiose in the European part of the continent.

The square does not have a rich historical heritage; until the middle of the 19th century, there was a huge wasteland in its place. Then the walls surrounding the city were demolished and, according to the project of Idelfons Serda, a square was built in the form of the sun, from which rays radiate in all directions. Already by 1888, all architectural buildings were formed into a single ensemble, and only by the beginning of the world exhibition it was slightly corrected.

Against the backdrop of all the buildings, the building of the Spanish Credit Bank stands out with its baroque facade. Its central part is lined with stone. Also, the square is rich in monuments, the most famous of which is Francesco Macia, the military leader who proclaimed the sovereignty of Catalonia in the early 30s of the last century.

Here you can see the sculpture of the "Goddess", a copy of Clara's creation, and the "Youth" stele. In the most open place, the “Shepherd with a Flute” flaunts, and equestrian groups, symbolizing diligence and wisdom, give even more effect. The republic consists of four provincial regions, and each individual sculptural ensemble symbolizes them. Here, under the square itself, there is a tourist information center where you can get any information of interest.

Park Guell

Another property of Barcelona, ​​entered in 1969 in the UNESCO register, the work of the genius Gaudi, is Park Güell. This amazing creation of the author was brought to life for 14 long years, starting in 1900. The customer of this work of art was the old patron of Gaudi patron Eusebio Güell, whose name it is called.

To realize his dream - the creation of garden cities in the English style prompted him to buy about 15 hectares of land, but this project was unsuccessful, out of forty planned houses, only 3 were built, one of which was his own.

Today this house has been turned into a museum of the eminent author. By location, this area was far from the city and wealthy people did not want to leave its center. The city later bought the park and made it public. Here, as in all the works of the architect, love for everything real, smooth lines and, of course, mythology is visible.

Park Guell

From Ulot Street, the park welcomes visitors with two fabulous gingerbread houses, on one of them there is a cross, and on the other a toadstool fungus. Now they are adapted for park administration and a house for watchmen. Then there are wide curved steps, on which the coat of arms of the republic flaunts.

Fountains with figures of animals, one of which has become a symbol of the capital - a dragon made of mosaics. From the stairs you can immediately get to the Hall of the Hundred Columns, which support the vaulted figured ceiling. Of course, the number of columns does not match the name, there are only 86 of them, but the acoustics here are excellent, which allows many concerts to be held in the hall.

Near the hall there is a unique parapet bench with curving lines that repeat the human body. Walking along the alleys of the park, you will definitely get into the column gallery, where the columns resemble gigantic bird nests, for which they received a similar name.

Their close alignment with the slope of the hill allows us to think that they are one with him. Here are various installations, fountains, decorated with interesting mosaic ornaments, which have not been repeated anywhere else. Here you can visit the House-Museum of the author, see various products and furniture made by his own hands.

spanish village

If there is no time to visit the whole country, but you really want to admire the architecture, then the Spanish Village will show you many sights without leaving the city. Plot of 42 sq. km contains 117 buildings recognized as the property of the Spaniards.

For the most part, these are copies of old houses, temples, etc., collected from all over Spain and made in natural sizes, using the same methods and from the same materials as the originals. There are smaller copies, but not many.

The construction of this open-air museum was timed to coincide with the World Exhibition held in 1929. First of all, tourists get to central square the village of Plaza Mayor, which has become a collective image of all the squares of Spain, where markets are located. It is equipped with all the famous buildings inherent in different regions of Spain.

Another object that attracts attention is the entrance gate to the museum, which completely copies the castle of San Vincente in the city of Avila with its fortifications. An impressive sight is a copy of the town hall from Valderrobles or a fragment of the famous steps in Santiago de Compostela. To find the desired region, one has only to decide on the corresponding street of the desired province.

In the village you can see the work of masters of various crafts, who, if desired, will teach you how to make some kind of souvenir. All handicrafts of masters are quite in demand by tourists who buy them as souvenirs. At night, many young people gather near the museum, and in the Tablao de Carmet restaurant, which is located right here in the village, you can see unforgettable flamenco performed by professional dancers.

Gothic Quarter

If you want to know where Barcelona was born, check out the Gothic Quarter, the city's oldest district. Its history can be studied since the time of the Roman Empire, here long before our era there was a settlement of Barsino, where old warriors lived.

Since the Middle Ages of our era, Catalonia has been part of the kingdom of Aragon. It was a powerful kingdom, and at that time a lot of buildings were built here, which have survived in one form or another to this day. The beginning of the quarter opens the Plaza Nova, which once led to the Roman settlement.

Gothic Quarter

Here, in ancient times, there was the largest market, where they traded, including slaves. Nearby you can see the preserved Roman towers, and to the right of them stands the Bishop's Palace. It contrasts very strongly with the house of the College of Architects, the facade of which was decorated by Pablo Picasso.

One facade of the palace overlooks the street of the same name, which is the center of the quarter. She walks past the Cathedral and stops at Piazza Sant Jaume. Somewhere in the center of the street is a lace bridge, which is a unique work of art, made in the Gothic style, along which you can go from the Government Palace to the House of Canons. This rather large structure with an irregular layout, built in the Middle Ages and recently restored.

It goes out to Carrer Paradis, where there are still some buildings of the Middle Ages, open to tourists. Almost every one of them contains the remains of a Roman temple built in the 2nd century. Here you can see Cathedral, which holds ancient artifacts and 13 white geese! The ruins of a large synagogue are preserved in the Jewish Quarter.

The whole quarter is solid medieval gothic, it is an area with narrow streets that wind and intertwine in a very intricate way. There are many souvenir shops and shops that will impress any tourist.

The area has many open-air attractions, including buildings from the 14th and 15th centuries. There are even a few buildings from the time of the Roman Empire. Royal Square, on which stands a singing fountain, is of particular splendor. The Gothic Quarter is one of the oldest centers in all of Europe. It is concentrated a large number of sights not to be missed.

Monument to Christopher Columbus

The 60-meter monument to H. Columbus is very popular with tourists. It rises above the city center and the port, where it was met from sailing. On a rounded pedestal with four flights of stairs stands a pedestal in the shape of an octagon with statues symbolizing Catalonia, Castile, Leon and Aragon, and on a Corinthian column there is a statue of a navigator.

At the base of the monument, there are bas-reliefs with the theme of the travels of the navigator, and at the very top there is a small observation deck. If you take the elevator up there, you can see the famous port and admire the city's sights.

It is impossible to be in Barcelona and not visit the National Museum of Catalan Art, which is housed in the building of the National Palace, built in 1929 on the occasion of the world exhibition at the foot of Montjuic. Two museums that once existed separately are brought together here - the Museum of Art of Catalonia and Contemporary Art. Splendor on the outside and treasure inside.

There is a competent distribution of space and quite clearly identified all periods of history. Having visited just one museum, you can enjoy the splendor of works from the Romanesque and Gothic styles to the Renaissance and Baroque. Usually gloomy medieval masterpieces will captivate with the brightness of colors and vitality.

The museum's collection contains about 240,000 works covering 1,000 years of history. Even those who are not interested in history will be happy to look at the building itself, which is considered one of the most beautiful in the city, and the museum also offers a stunning panorama of the city's sights.

Montjuic Fountain

Palace of Catalan Music

Walking around the city of Barcelona, ​​it is impossible not to pay attention to the Palace of Catalan Music. It was built in 1908 by the talented architect Luis Domenech y Montaner, who, along with Gaudí and Cadafalch, created a unique image of the city in the Art Nouveau style. Many of his works have become the face of the city, this applies to the Castle of the Three Dragons, Fuster House and many others.

Since the opening of the palace, there has been a huge number of visitors who go to see the most amazing temple arts. This building, like many others, has received worldwide recognition and is included in the UNESCO heritage list.

Palace of Catalan Music

In the quarter of Pedralbes is the monastery of the same name, which is considered the largest in the city. It was opened in 1326 by order of the wife of the King of Spain, Jaume II Elizenda Moncade. The luxurious court monastery shines with rich decoration.

Here, chic medieval mansions and no less luxurious villas coexist with ultra-modern buildings, decorated with many parks and green hedges. The main buildings of the complex were erected in the 14th century, during the heyday of Gothic Catalonia. In the monastery there are cells of the nuns who lived here, an abbey, an assembly hall, a dining room and a hostel.

Entering the territory of the monastery, you immediately plunge into those old times. On the territory there is a museum rich in exhibits collected by the inhabitants of this institution, these are exhibits on religious themes, all kinds of works of art, as well as pieces of furniture. The sarcophagus with the body of Queen Elizenda and two statues of her are kept here.

Monastery of Montserrat

Barcelona, ​​and the whole of Catalonia, has something to be proud of. Mount Montserrat has an extraordinary magical power and everything here speaks of it from stone to leaf. Here you can climb mountains, explore nature and, of course, visit the Benedictine monastery of Montserrat to see the main shrine of the country, the statue of the Holy Virgin Mary of Montserrat, to which a lot of pilgrims go.

According to legend, she can grant any wish. Her statue is in the Throne Room of the Basilica above the painted altar. The monastery began to emerge at the end of the 9th century with the construction of several small churches, and two centuries later the construction of the monastery itself began.

Monastery of Montserrat

Construction continued for a long time, only by the 12th century the work was completed. Now you can see exactly the same architectural ensemble as it was 9 centuries ago. At the beginning of the 19th century, during the war with Napoleon, the monastery was very badly damaged, then the Romanesque portal and the Gothic gallery were lucky, they remained untouched. It was restored and restored only by the 20th century.

The statue of the Black Virgin of Montserrat is not the only property of the monastery. There is a very large library with a unique collection of more than a thousand old manuscripts and manuscripts.

The pearl of the library is a medieval song collection from the 14th century. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that only men related to science can visit it, women are not allowed to enter here. Also at the monastery there is a museum with an exhibition of works by monks along with the work of famous artists.

Icons and various exhibits highlighting the Middle East and its culture are also exhibited here. Another pride of the mountain monastery is the world's oldest boys' choir, Eskolania. Its history spans almost 7 centuries. The choir performs mainly sacred and classical music.

Temple of the Sacred Heart

Anyone who has been to Barcelona and walked along the Ramblas must have paid attention to the distant figure of Christ, who stretches out his arms over the city, as if saying goodbye, ascending upwards, and sends his blessing to those who see his ascension. A little away from the tourist route at the very top of Mount Tibidabo stands the Temple of the Sacred Heart.

Temple of the Sacred Heart

This is a very beautiful cathedral, decorated with lancet arches, narrow windows and a lot of openwork details, which makes the massive building very light and elegant. If you climb to the top of Tibidabo, where it is located, you can get to the most picturesque observation deck cities.

A favorite vacation spot for tourists and local residents is the Citadel Park.

It will delight the eye with architecture, many sculptures, and the beauty of nature. Here in the park you can admire the Grand Cascade fountain.

This is a composition of sculptures with water cannons. A triumphal arch can be seen in its center, and its top is crowned with a sculpture of the goddess Aurora, on a chariot drawn by four horses. The fountain is rich in gilding, the beauty of flowing water and lush sculptures, which makes it a very striking landmark of the city.

Agbar tower

One of the most notable buildings in the city, residents consider the Agbar Tower (popularly called a cucumber), which at night becomes like a huge Christmas tree with thousands of garlands. The architect Jean Nouvel conceived a structure that outwardly resembled the monoliths of Montserrat stone, along with geyser fountains.

The construction of the building began in 1999, and only by 2005 did it take its current form. The structure of the skyscraper is made up of two oval cylinders. The cylinder built inside the tower serves as a frame on which all engineering structures are installed, and the outer one makes its shape.

Agbar tower

It has only windows that are arranged in a chaotic manner and have rotary mechanisms. Their rotation depends on the temperature of the building, which allows you to pay less for heating the building and its air conditioning.

The tower is almost 145 meters high and throughout its height are the lighting elements that made the tower so popular, simultaneously displaying almost 16 million colors and images. The lights on the building are lit daily, mostly in blue and red colors, and sometimes there are themed lights with figures and inscriptions.

All exhibitions are held in the foyer of the building, since tourists are no longer allowed to go higher, offices are located there. Despite the fact that the tower has not yet earned the love of local residents, tourists do not bypass it.

Barceloneta beach

Barceloneta Beach is considered the most popular summer holiday destination for both citizens and tourists. It is not far from the city, and despite the fact that the port is nearby and there are a lot of vacationers, it is very clean.

Here you can play tennis, rollerblade or skateboard, there are also football, volleyball and children's playgrounds. The bottom of the sea here is sandy, and the entrance to the sea is gentle, which is very convenient for families with children.

Video about the city

Unusual museums of the city

Motorcycle Museum

Most people in Barcelona use two-wheelers. It is not surprising that this is where the motorcycle museum is located - the most unusual in Barcelona. He began his work in 2011 on the basis of an old historical building. It contains about 70 motorcycle models of famous Spanish brands. The museum has a shop where you can buy unusual souvenirs and items, as well as books on this subject. Ticket price - 6 euros, preferential - for students, pensioners or a company of 10 people - 4 euros. Children under 8 do not need a ticket.

hemp museum

A very young museum in Catalonia is the hemp museum. It is located in a historic building of the 16th century, which attracts tourists with its appearance. Why is he remarkable? Few people know that clothes, ropes, shoes and much more have been made from hemp and are still being made. There are almost 6,000 hemp exhibits of various subjects here. She was used in various industries, they prepared food, medicines from her, used them in the economy and industry.

On the territory of the museum there is a souvenir shop where you can buy hemp products: bags, cosmetics, clothes, hats and much more. A ticket costs 9 euros, for a company of more than 10 people - 7 euros. Children under 13 do not need a ticket, but they are not allowed without an adult.

Museum of Ideas and Inventions

This museum contains a collection of the most amusing and ridiculous inventions, since apart from their authors and museum visitors, hardly anyone needs them. A ticket costs 8 euros, for children 4-12 years old - 6 euros.

Jamon Museum

There are so many types of jamon, not a single feast in Spain passes without it. Recently, a museum was opened in Barcelona where you can see how jamon is made, as well as taste it with a glass of wine. A ticket with a tasting costs 19 euros, for children under 5 years old - 15 euros.

Other attractions in Barcelona

Triumphal Arch

The Rambla

It is a beautiful, unusual and one of the most popular tourist cities in the world. It occupies part of the Mediterranean coast. The capital of Catalonia is located in the southern part of Spain and has geographical coordinates of 2°11′00″ east longitude and 41°23′00″ north latitude.

Location of Barcelona on the map

On the map of the European continent, the city is located in its southwestern part. France is located 120 km from Barcelona.

On the map of Spain, the capital of Catalonia occupies the southern part. Malaga is located 990 km from it, - 623 km, and - 351 km.

urban areas

The city administratively consists of 10 districts, of which the most visited by tourists are three - Montjuic with the hill of the same name, Eixample with the main architectural masterpieces Gaudi and the historic center of Barcelona - the Old Town with the Gothic Quarter.

Interactive city map

An interactive map of the city has civil and tourist objects printed on it - cafes, restaurants, attractions, museums, hotels, squares, streets, etc. It can increase and decrease.

City map with attractions

The capital of Catalonia is filled with amazing historical and architectural sites - the Gothic Quarter, the houses of Mila and Batllo with bizarre forms, the Picasso and Miró museums, the Montjuic tower and fortress on the mountain of the same name, the art museum, singing fountains, the unusual Sagrada Familia, the famous Parc Güell and many others. The site has a map with all the most famous sights of the city. You can also order there bus tour across Barcelona.

Subway map

You can walk for many hours in the capital of Catalonia, but to see all its sights you need the metro, which is inexpensive, fast and convenient public transport. Many famous sights of the city are located near metro stations. On Monday-Thursday it operates from five in the morning until midnight, on Fridays - until two in the morning, and on Saturdays - until Sunday morning. On holidays, the subway may operate differently. The schedule in this case must be specified separately. Ticket for 45 min. metro rides cost 2.15 euros. It can also be used to travel on any other public transport in Barcelona. The metro map of the Catalan capital can be carefully studied on its official website


Barcelona has 3 airports. Reus is 105 kilometers away, Girona is 95 kilometers away and El Prat is 15 kilometers away. The latter is the largest and busiest Catalan airport. It receives 20 million passengers annually. The airport is equipped with two terminals - T1 serves domestic and international flights, and T2 are low-cost airlines. A map of El Prat can be viewed on the portal