The meaning of godafoss (lit. "waterfall of the gods") in the reference book of characters and cult objects of Greek mythology


The shape of the waterfall resembles a crescent, cascading streams of water flow down basalt columns and fall from a 12-meter height onto a flat piece of land.

The columns divide the water flow into three parts, two parts of which are almost identical in width, the third part seems to be enclosed in a stone channel. This is another mystery of the waterfall, because correct geometric shapes are extremely rare in nature. What is noteworthy: despite its small size, splashes from falling water rise high into the sky, which is impossible not to notice even from a long distance. This waterfall always amazes the viewer, especially during the cold season: the falling water freezes without reaching its destination.

At such moments, it seems that some wizard has stopped time with the power of his gift, and only at his request the water is about to begin its eternal dance with a hard and impregnable stone again.

The name Godafoss means “Waterfall of the Gods” in the local language. This name is associated with the legend according to which local residents threw the idols of the first religions into the water before accepting Christianity in 999-1000 AD. e. According to another legend, local residents named the waterfall in honor of the statues of gods that once surrounded the approaches to the waterfall. Despite all the legends, the spectacle that can be seen “riding” one of the stone columns of the waterfall defies description, especially in early autumn, when the fog, meeting the morning sun, spreads across the water surface and changes reality, transporting the observer to distant places.

Iceland is a northern Scandinavian state, rich in untouched vast expanses, crowned high mountains, fjords, waterfalls and volcanic lakes. The region, cruel in the winter cold, blooms during the first warm days, and, despite the apparent scarcity of animal life and flora, it will delight every connoisseur of natural beauty. Iceland's second largest city, Akureyri, is also called the “capital of the North”, as it is located at the northernmost point of the island.

Natural attractions of Iceland

There are not many attractions in the city directly on the territory of the city - the main objects popular with tourists are located outside the city: Godafoss waterfall, volcanic lake Eskjuvan, Mount Hlidarfjall and much more. A special place is the Godafoss waterfall; its relatively small size (12 meters high and more than 30 meters wide) does not spoil the overall impression of the beauty created by nature. The waterfall originates from the Skjalfandafljout River, which in turn is saturated with meltwater from the nearest glacier.

Godafoss waterfall - the most mysterious on Earth

The shape of the waterfall resembles a crescent, cascading streams of water flow down basalt columns and fall from a 12-meter height onto a flat piece of land. The columns divide the water flow into three parts, two parts of which are almost identical in width, the third part seems to be enclosed in a stone channel. This is another mystery of the waterfall, because correct geometric shapes are extremely rare in nature. What is noteworthy: despite its small size, splashes from falling water rise high into the sky, which is impossible not to notice even from a long distance. This waterfall always amazes the viewer, especially during the cold season: the falling water freezes without reaching its destination. At such moments, it seems that some wizard has stopped time with the power of his gift, and only at his request the water is about to begin its eternal dance with a hard and impregnable stone again.

The name Godafoss means “Waterfall of the Gods” in the local language. This name is associated with a legend according to which local residents threw idols of the first religions into the water before converting to Christianity in 999-1000 AD. e. According to another legend, local residents named the waterfall in honor of the statues of gods that once surrounded the approaches to the waterfall. Despite all the legends, the spectacle that can be seen “riding” one of the stone columns of the waterfall defies description, especially in early autumn, when the fog, meeting the morning sun, spreads across the water surface and changes reality, transporting the observer to a distant place known only to him. fantasy world.


waterfall in Iceland.

Characters and cult objects of Greek mythology. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what GODAFOSS (LETTERALLY "WATERFALL OF THE GODS") is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • WATERFALL in the Dictionary of Thieves' Slang:
    - 1) a train, 2) a large group of people heading to ...
  • WATERFALL in Miller's Dream Book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    Seeing a waterfall in a dream foretells that you will be able to restrain your unbridled desires and fate will be extremely favorable for your...
  • WATERFALL in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a drop of water in a river in places where there is a sharp change in the height of its bottom with the formation of an almost vertical ledge. A river crossing a terrain composed of...
    this is the name of the place where a river or stream falls from a steep or even sheer ledge. It is not quite correctly distinguished from V....
  • WATERFALL in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a,m. A stream of water rapidly falling from a height. Gorny v. II adj. waterfall, -aya, ...
  • WATERFALL in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    WATERFALL, the fall of water in a river from a ledge crossing the river bed. Water can fall for several hours. ledges, forming a series of V. - cascade; ...
  • WATERFALL in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? this is the name of the place where a river or stream falls from a steep or even sheer ledge. From V. is not quite correct...
  • WATERFALL in Collier's Dictionary:
    free fall of water flow from a steep cliff. Many waterfalls consist of a series of small falls, or cascades, as water falls from...
  • WATERFALL in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    waterfalls, waterfalls, waterfalls, yes, waterfalls, waterfalls, waterfalls, ladies, waterfalls, waterfalls, waterfalls house, waterfalls, waterfalls, ...
  • WATERFALL in the Anagram Dictionary.
  • WATERFALL in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    Angel, Boyoma, Victoria, Vitoria, Gavarna, Iguazu, Cascade, Cataract, Padun, Sutherland, Tugela, ...
  • WATERFALL in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. 1) a) A stream of water rapidly falling from a steep ledge in the bed of a river or stream. b) Water falling from an artificial barrier. ...
    waterfall, ...
  • GODS in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    gods, -a, -o and (to God) Gods, -a, ...
  • GODS in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    gods, -a, -o and (to God) Gods, -a, ...
  • WATERFALL in the Spelling Dictionary:
    waterfall, ...
  • GODS in the Spelling Dictionary:
    gods, -a, -o and (to god) gods, -a, ...
  • WATERFALL in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    mountain stream of water rapidly falling from a height...
  • WATERFALL in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    the fall of water in a river from a ledge crossing the river bed. Water can fall over several ledges, forming a series of waterfalls - a cascade; ...
  • WATERFALL in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    waterfall, m. A stormy stream of water rapidly falling from a ledge formed by a sharp decrease in the riverbed. The river forms a waterfall. Mountain...
  • WATERFALL in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    waterfall m. 1) a) A stream of water rapidly falling from a steep ledge in the bed of a river or stream. b) Water falling from artificial...
    m. 1. A stream of water rapidly falling from a steep ledge in the bed of a river or stream. Ott. Water falling from an artificial barrier. 2. ...
  • GODS in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1. ratio with noun god associated with him 2. Characteristic of god [god], characteristic of ...
  • GODS in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    adj. 1. ratio with noun God associated with him 2. Characteristic of God, characteristic of ...
    m. 1. A stream of water [water I 1.], rapidly falling from a steep ledge in the bed of a river or stream. Ott. Water falling...
  • GODS in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    adj. 1. ratio with noun god 1., associated with him 2. Characteristic of god [god 1.], characteristic of ...
  • GODS in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    adj. 1. Pertaining to God [God I], associated with him; Divine 1.. 2. Characteristic of God [God I], characteristic...
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    To the article Angel WATERFALL on the Churun ​​River (Caroni River basin, Venezuela) is the highest waterfall in the world, total height 1054 m, height ...
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    in Greek mythology, the son or descendant of a deity and a mortal man. In Homer, G. is usually called a brave warrior (in the Iliad) or ...
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    Ambrosia, AMBROSIAiz, sc. or the same as; 1) food of immortality, food of the gods, while nectar means the drink of the gods. Both …
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    Gabriel Romanovich is the largest Russian poet of the 18th century. On his father's side he descends from the Tatar Murza Bagrim, who moved out in the 15th century. ...
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    a sign system for recording speech, which allows, with the help of descriptive (graphic) elements, to transmit speech information at a distance and consolidate it in time. ...
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Iceland is not like that big Island. The maximum length from north to south is only 310 kilometers, and from east to west - 500. There is no place for such long and big rivers, like the mainland Danube, Rhine or Dnieper. But the entire map of Iceland is covered with blue veins. Thanks to the humid North Atlantic climate, the island has a lot of rainfall, and its proximity to the Arctic Circle has caused the appearance of huge glaciers covering a tenth of the country's territory. It is these two factors that contribute a large number full-flowing rivers, and the mountainous terrain does not allow them to flow calmly, every now and then forming turbulent rapids and high waterfalls. All of them are diverse and beautiful, attracting hundreds and thousands of tourists every year. In this article we will introduce you to the most interesting and unusual waterfalls in Iceland.

Dettifoss - the most powerful waterfall in Europe

Since Iceland has the best of everything, it is not surprising that the most powerful waterfall in Europe is also located here.

Dettifoss (from Icelandic - “falling waterfall”) is located in the northeast of the island and is the middle link in a chain of three largest waterfalls on the river Jökulsau au Fjödlum (“glacial river in the mountains”). Its dimensions are truly impressive: the width is about 100 meters, the height is 45. The route to Dettifoss is usually laid from the port city of Husavik in the north (this is where people come to watch whales) through the unique Ásbyrgi canyon.

Gullfoss - Iceland's most popular waterfall

In the southern part of the island, not far from the capital, the Khvitau River flows. It is notable for its most popular and beloved waterfall by tourists - Gullfoss (“golden waterfall”).

This attraction, together with Thingvelir National Park and nearby geysers, form the Golden Circle of Iceland. The waterfall is interesting because it consists of two steps (11m and 21m high), located at right angles to each other, after which the river falls into a deep gorge.

Gullfoss still exists today thanks to Sigriudur Thomasdottir, the daughter of a local farmer. In the 20s, the waterfall was almost sold for the construction of a power plant. Sigriudur actively fought for the preservation of Gullfoss and even threatened to throw herself into the waterfall. The authorities realized that the girl was not joking, after which he again went over to the state and was taken under protection. A memorial stone near the waterfall reminds of this history.

Skógafoss is the calling card of the country

The Skoga River originates in the south of Iceland, between the Eyjafjallajökull and Mýrdalsjökull glaciers, and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. On it, near the town of Skógar, is located the Skógafoss waterfall - one of the most famous in Iceland. This is where the popular ends a tourist route Laugavegur.

A 25-meter-wide waterfall falls from a 60-meter cliff, scattering into thousands of splashes, which, hanging in the air, shimmer in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow.

Legend has it that the first Viking to settle in this area hid treasure in a cave behind a waterfall. Years later, the chest was found by an Icelandic youth. But as soon as he managed to grab the ring at the end of the chest, it disappeared. The ring remained in hand, was given to a local church and was used as a door ring. Don't believe me? It can be seen in the Skógar Museum.

But the Skoga River has more than just the splendor of Skogafoss. The mentioned waterfall is the last one on its way to the ocean, and upstream there are more than 20 more not so high, but no less beautiful.

We will see all of them on our trip to Iceland - Landing on Mars. Not only waterfalls, but also a beautiful rocky canyon, decorated with green moss, will accompany us all the way.

Morsaurfoss is the highest waterfall in Iceland

Few people know about this (even Russian-language Google didn’t know about it before us)! In fact, the most high waterfall Iceland is located in the Vatnajökull National Park in the southeast of the island and was discovered only in 2007, and measured in 2011. It is located at the branch of the Morsárjökull glacial tongue from the Vatnajökull ice cap. There is a sheer cliff there, originally hidden under the glacier. But, due to global warming, Morsauryökull melted so much that it “teared away” from the ice cap and the rock wall was exposed. From its 227-meter height, the melt waters of Vatnajökull flow down, forming several waterfall ribbons. The river formed by the meltwater of the glacial tongue is called Morsau. In her honor, by free vote, the waterfall was named Morsaurfoss. One of the few photos of this waterfall.

More famous is the second highest waterfall in Iceland - Glymur, which until 2011 was considered the highest. Its height is 196 meters.

Svartifoss - black waterfall

A very beautiful, unusual and popular waterfall. What could be so unusual about a waterfall? In particular, the color and shape of the rock from which it falls.

The hexagonal black basalt columns were created within a lava flow that cooled very, very slowly. The rock crystallized and acquired such unusual shape. The pressure on the upper pillars is very high and often they cannot withstand and break. The bottom of the waterfall is strewn with their debris. The Black Waterfall is undoubtedly one of the most amazing and unusual in Iceland.

Seljalandsfoss - the most beautiful waterfall in Iceland

Seljalandsfoss can be called the most beautiful and picturesque waterfall in Iceland.

It has one feature that turns it from an ordinary Icelandic waterfall into a very unusual and beautiful one. You can calmly walk around the stream of water, observing it from the inside.

The setting sun plays especially beautifully in the running streams.

The waterfall is located on the Seljalandsau River, height - 60 m. We will be able to walk behind the waterfall when we return from the Glacier Lagoon to Reykjavik. The waterfall is located almost right next to the highway and the bus stops here for half an hour.

Godafoss - waterfall of the gods

Another popular one among tourists is the Godafoss waterfall (“waterfall of the gods”).

It is located on the Skjaulfandaflout River, fifty kilometers from the city of Akureri - the largest in the northern part of the country and beloved by tourists. A water stream 30 meters wide falls from a height of 9-17 meters. Not tall, but very beautiful waterfall with turquoise water, no less attractive in winter than in summer.

According to legend, around the year 1000, when the state recognized Christianity, pagan idol gods were thrown into the stormy waters of Godafoss, hence the name. One of the stained glass windows of the Akyureri Cathedral depicts this story.

Dunyandi - rumbling

Dynjandi (“raging, rumbling”) or Fjallfoss (“mountain waterfall”) is not only the largest on the Westførdir Peninsula (“western fjords”), but also a very beautiful waterfall on the small Dynjandisau river.

It does not fall like a wall, but spills over lava steps, the total height of which is 100 meters; The lava here is about 13 million years old. The width of the waterfall in the upper part is 30 meters, in the lower part it reaches 60.

Hroenfossar - lava falls

The Khvitau River originates in a lava field in the western part of the island. It is fed by both springs and a glacier, the flow is powerful and rapid. But only until porous rocks are encountered along its path. The waters of Khvitau seep into them one kilometer deep! Then they gradually return outward in the form of numerous (more than 100) small waterfalls flowing directly from the lava and flow into the Borgarfjörður river.

The foaming streams of Hraunfossar (“lava falls”) stretch over 900 meters and are a delight to the eye and ear.

Selfoss and Hafragilsfoss

A kilometer upstream from Dettifoss is Selfoss, which is only 10 meters high.

This makes the waterfall no less impressive: the river, 100 meters wide, falls here from a flat basalt slab and, bypassing Dettifoss, continues to move to Hafragilsfoss - the third of the largest waterfalls on the river, 91 meters wide, 27 meters high.

Here the riverbed enters the Khafragil gorge, whose name the waterfall bears. The banks around the gorge are decorated with greenery and seem to be protected by rocks on both sides. There are four more smaller waterfalls downstream.


This is just a small part of the amazing and unique waterfalls in Iceland. Many of them don’t even have names, but they amaze with their beauty. Due to the mountainous terrain and the predominance of volcanic rocks, no matter which river your

After several days of staying near the "Mosquito Lake" - Mývatn, we headed towards Gudafoss waterfall ("Waterfall of the Gods") and further to the side fjords of North Iceland, watch puffins and much more interesting...


65.682772, -17.550201

Godafoss Waterfall (Il. Goðafoss, “Waterfall of God”)

This waterfall is located right on the Icelandic ring road and it is impossible to drive past it. Although it doesn't boast incredible shapes or scale (it's only 30 meters wide and 2 meters deep), it is one of Iceland's most visited waterfalls and one of the country's most famous waterfalls. And this is connected primarily with the fact that it was into this waterfall in the 1000s, when the people of Iceland adopted Christianity, that all the pagan gods were thrown here, hence the name of the waterfall - “Waterfall of the Gods”. In front of the waterfall there is free parking for cars and motorhomes, and there is also a hotel in the immediate vicinity that can offer services in addition to beds cafe-restaurant and places for a tent (a kind of mini-camping), you can also rent small houses for an overnight stay (on the territory of the same mini-camping). A concrete walkway with two viewing platforms leads to the waterfall itself. But I still recommend going down - closer to the waterfall

Although watch it from observation platforms I also highly recommend it. This is not to say that the Godafoss waterfall will shock you in any way, but it will definitely make a good impression, and the place is still iconic for Iceland. A visit is definitely recommended :) Well, our road leads us further towards the Elephant Rock, a seal rookery and the fjords of Northern Iceland...