Qingdao map in Russian. Seaport Qingdao Qingdao China where on the map


Here is a detailed map of Qingdao with street names in Russian and house numbers. You can easily get directions by moving the map in all directions with the mouse or by clicking on the arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale with the "+" and "-" icons located on the right side of the map. The easiest way to adjust the image size is by rotating the mouse wheel.

What country is Qingdao in?

Qingdao is located in China. It's wonderful beautiful city with its own history and traditions. Qingdao coordinates: north latitude and east longitude (show on a large map).

virtual walk

interactive map Qingdao with attractions and other tourist sites is an indispensable assistant in independent travel. For example, in the "Map" mode, whose icon is located in the upper left corner, you can see the city plan, as well as detailed map highways with track numbers. You can also see the railway stations and airports of the city marked on the map. Nearby you see the "Satellite" button. By turning on the satellite mode, you will consider the terrain, and by zooming in, you can explore the city in great detail (thanks to satellite maps from Google Maps).

Move the "man" from the lower right corner of the map to any street in the city, and you can take a virtual tour of Qingdao. Adjust the direction of movement using the arrows that appear in the center of the screen. By turning the mouse wheel, you can zoom in or out on the image.

Are you going to go on a trip and know which country to choose and how to enrich your inner world, choose China, you will not be mistaken.

In China, there are many sights of various kinds, but it is the port of Qingdao that embodies beauty and power. The port is located on the shores of the Yellow Sea, in the south of the Shandong Peninsula. This is a well-known ice-free deep-water port, which is considered the center of shipping and international trade. During its existence, it has established cooperation in 130 countries with more than 450 ports.

It should be noted that containers with iron ore, oil, coal and grain systematically pass through the port of Qingdao. This is very convenient, as the port is equipped with the largest grain and oil storage facilities in the country, and there are also first-class coal terminals on the territory of the port.

The infrastructure of the port is at the highest level, and all facilities are made with the latest technology, it is not in vain that it is on the list of the five main ports in China. It is a connecting component between the continental part of the country and the whole world.

Components of the port of Qingdao and their features

Qingdao Port consists of three major divisions, namely:

  • oil port;
  • new port;
  • old port.

Surface ships and submarines are also based in the port. From the sea, qingdao port is surrounded by three dams with a total length of more than 1 km. The width of the entrance to the port is 260 m, the depth is 12 m, which makes it possible to enter the port for ships with a carrying capacity of up to 30 thousand tons.

Features and Benefits of Qingdao Port

The presence of a port of such a level has an excellent effect on the development of the city itself in terms of financing, the thing is that the multi-million dollar cash turnover of the profits it brings has an unspeakably positive effect on many aspects. The import and export of goods makes it possible to cooperate with many global companies, suppliers are always interested in the availability and mobility of receiving and sending goods. Let's not forget that thanks to this, many people get permanent jobs and good wages.

Customers always choose reliability, so qualified Qingdao port employees provide them with the necessary assistance, and the level of service is facilitated by a complex consisting of highly qualified services and equipment. It is not for nothing that the port administration invests in warehouses and storage facilities for many types of cargo, carrying out container transportation, protected from damage and the negative impact of the environment.

The well-organized work of the port of Qingdao (China) benefits and develops the entire city, the presence of financial investments of this level is welcome both among the local population and among tourists who visit the city during the year, admiring its sights and the port itself with its majestic buildings.

As a logistics center that connects many countries and provides a quality exchange of goods at any level, it raises the status of Qingdao Port, strengthening its prestige.

It should be noted that the port systematically takes part in competitions of various levels, of course, only the fact of participation in them adds prestige to the port. But its leaders do not cease to improve the activities of their field, and in 2001, Qingdao Port won the National Quality Award among all state-level enterprises operating in the service sector. To this day, the port of Qingdao is considered the fastest growing logistics center in northern China.

For a long time, the German Empire was looking for a stronghold on the Chinese coast. In 1897, the assassination of two German missionaries in Shandong Province finally created a suitable pretext for seizing the coveted Jiazhou Bay and forcing China to lease it to Germany for 99 years. With the founding of the city of Qingdao in 1898, a rapidly growing exemplary German settlement arose at the eastern exit from the bay - at that time, perhaps, the most modern city in the Far East. in German Qingdao (Qingdao) at that time they wrote "Tsingtau". But "99 years" expired already in 1914, when the city was occupied by the Japanese. Contrary to the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, according to which the city was assigned to Japan, in 1919 the great patriotic Movement of May 4 arose. In 1922 the entire region was returned to China. However, to this day the city has retained the character of the Wilhelmian Empire, which is reflected in the local architectural style. Pay attention, for example, to the numerous imitations of half-timbered houses and mansard roofs.

Old city

mooring pier

The main object of interest to all visitors protrudes into the sea from the Old City embankment at 440 m: the Qingdao mooring pier. At its end is a Chinese-style pavilion. The first mooring pier was built in 1891; The building reached its present size in 1931.

Sun Yat Sen Street

The main shopping street of the Old Town was called Friedrichstraße until 1914 (Friedrichstrasse, this is the name of one of the central streets in Berlin). Here you can still find several old buildings, including the sailor's house (1902) at the corner of Hubei Lu.

Railway station

If you make a detour to the west, then you will find yourself at the station. Although it was rebuilt in the 1990s, it is still equipped with the facade and tower of the German railway station, built in 1900-1901.

Cathedral of St. Michael

If you walk north along Sun Yat-sen Street, you will soon see a neo-romantic Catholic church with two 54-meter towers on the right. The architect was a German; According to his project, the cathedral was built in 1931-1934.

Church of Christ

To the southeast of St. Michael's Cathedral stands the Protestant Christ Church, built in 1908-1910. in typical German Art Nouveau style (modern style). On the dial of the tower clock is written: "Bokenem-on-the-Harz".


The former Kaiser Wilhelm embankment extends from the mooring pier to the east. Many old buildings have been preserved, including a hotel and the former building of the German Asian Bank (Qingdao Lu corner). A block further east stands the newly restored Tianhou Temple.

Governor's Residence

The most remarkable of the German buildings is located on the slope of the signal hill. It was erected in 1905-1907. in a nostalgic rustic style with some Art Nouveau elements. Architecturally, the building is divided thanks to bay windows, fireplaces, gables, loggias and ornaments that look interesting from any perspective. But the most beautiful interior decoration, preserved almost completely and in good condition. After the founding of the PRC in 1949, the residence was used as a state hotel. In particular, Mao Zedong also visited here. Longshan Lu 26. Opening hours: daily 8.30-17.00.

Qingdao beaches

From the Old Town to the east, you can get to the beaches, which are separated from each other by strips of land protruding into the sea. Beach number 2 is the best. Here, the green cottage quarter of Badaguan goes inland. From Beach N° 3 you can see the forest of skyscrapers in the area of ​​new buildings - and here the number of Chinese tourists swimming after dark is truly impressive.


The main goal of out-of-town excursions of Qingdao residents grows 40 km east of the city, almost directly from the sea. This region is known throughout the country for its mineral water (Laoshanshui); the Qingdao brewery, founded by the Germans in 1903, also receives water from here. Taoist monasteries have been located on Mount Laoshan for about 1000 years. They are another reason to come here.

Taiqinggong Monastery

The palace of the highest purity stands at the southeastern foot of Laoshan, from here there is a beautiful view of the sea. The monastery was founded in the Song era, the current complex was built in the Wanli era (1573-1620) . On the walls of the Hall of the Three Emperors (Sanhuaidian) there are inscriptions of Kublai Khan and Genghis Khan.

Shangqinggong Monastery

The palace of great purity is located higher up the slope and therefore is also called the Upper Monastery. Having emerged in the Yuan era in 1297-1307, it subsequently expanded many times. In front of the monastery are several centuries-old gingko trees. To the south of the temple, a waterfall falls from a height of 20 m.

Summit area, hiking

From the monasteries cable car you can climb to the top. It lies at an altitude of 1133 m, and many walking paths lead to it. Anyone who wants to stay here for a short time usually goes to the southern flank, from where you can look at the sea. However, worthwhile destinations for other hiking are mostly located in the north, including several caves, steep cliffs and other monasteries. Bus number 304 and private minibuses run from Qingdao.


North of the city is international Airport from where there are flights to all big cities China, as well as Korea and Japan. Roads from Jinan end at centrally located Main Station (via Beijing) and Yantai. There are also ferries to South Korea.


Qingdao belongs to the best places for lovers of fish and seafood, especially when served with white wine made in Shandong. All these delights, combined with sea views and outdoor seating, as well as low prices are offered by private cafes on a dead-end street leading along the edge of Lu Xun Park from Laiyang Lu to Xiaoqingdao Island. An air-conditioned alternative is the restaurants on Laiyang Lu itself. How much money you spend depends, of course, on the dishes you choose and on the seasonal prices for them.