Coast of Nevada. West Coast USA: attractions and photos


US West Coast

Endless expanses Pacific Ocean, the luxurious waterfronts of California, Silicon Valley and the fantastic world of Alaska - it is possible to visit these places and see all the wonders of the far side of the Western Hemisphere by making an unforgettable trip to the Pacific coast of the United States: sea ​​cruise to Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle and more!

Sunshine Cities of California

The "City of Angels" attracts not only foreign tourists, but also millions of US residents who dream of making the "American dream" come true in one of the world's largest corporations located here and, of course, in the "dream factory" - in Hollywood. See with your own eyes the famous symbol of the American film industry - the word "HOLLYWOOD" located in the Hollywood Hills - walk along the Walk of Fame in the city that gave world fame to many legendary actors and musicians, as well as just stroll along the promenade, you can make an unforgettable sea cruise to California and Los Angeles. Angeles. The world-famous town is also nearby. Beverly Hills, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is a glamorous street with dozens of expensive boutiques Rodeo Drive, and the resort of Malibu. San Francisco- one of largest cities United States, near which is the famous "Silicon Valley". As in any major cultural center, hundreds of festivals are held in San Francisco, a whole host of theaters, concert halls and museums are open. The latter occupy a special place in the city: there is the Museum of Modern Art and the Walt Disney Museum with its own cinema hall, as well as a number of museums with completely unusual, funny and even extravagant exhibits. One of the main attractions of the city is a huge suspension bridge"Golden Gate". San Diego will delight visitors with amusement parks, as well as the cultural oasis of Balboa Park, which contains more than 15 different museums and a zoo.

Sea cruise to the best places in America

Northern cities are also worthy of great attention: many people know the Space Needle observation tower, which offers a view of the volcanoes of the Cascade Mountains, the highest of which is Mount Rainier, covered with incredibly beautiful coniferous forests, meadows and glaciers. From Seattle, you can go to the northernmost part of the US East Coast - on a cruise to the mysterious - and get acquainted with the wondrous nature of foggy fjords, glaciers, as well as examples of history and Russian culture in this now American region.

Those who prefer warmer places can opt for an inexpensive Hawaii cruise from Los Angeles and other US cities to visit Honolulu and try on the traditional flower garland.

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The whole palette of landscapes and sights of the US East Coast can be seen at a glance, having made an amazing cruise on the liner of one of the leading shipping companies in the world, presented on the website! and longer sea voyages at competitive prices from various ports of departure: a convenient search system and a personal consultation with one of the Dreamlines experts on a free hotline will help you make your choice! Call now to book your favorite US West Coast cruise!

June 8th, 2013 , 07:36 pm

We proceeded along the Cascade Mountains, located at some distance from the Pacific Ocean. We will now head up the coast to the Coast Ranges of the three Pacific states of the United States.

Coast Ranges of California - Symbols of America

The coast ranges of California stretch for more than 800 km and consist of four chains of parallel short ridges separated by valleys and transverse mountains. The parallel ranges are characterized by low, smoothed landforms: their peaks usually do not exceed 1500 m. The transverse mountains rise above 3000 m.

On the southern edge of the Coast Ranges, in the Los Angeles and San Diego areas, are Transverse ridges, so named because of their east-west orientation, while most of the coastal mountains are oriented north-south. In addition, they differ from the rest of the ridges of the Pacific coast geologically - in terms of rock composition and age. Part of the Transverse Ranges are the Santa Monica Mountains, which includes the Hollywood Hills. On the southern slope of Mount Hollywood is the Griffith Observatory, whose observation decks offer views of Los Angeles and the famous inscription. The vast urban agglomeration of Los Angeles occupies a hollow at the foot of the Transverse Ranges - the only stretch of the coastal plain.

Along the west coast of the United States - from southern California, through Oregon, to the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state - runs Pacific Coast Highway, which includes US-101 and California's SR-1. For 2500 km, numerous scenic sections of this highway are located where the Coast Ranges rise above the Pacific Ocean. The Pacific Highway is widely known for popular culture; it is one of the symbols of the American way of life along with the famous Route 66. By the way, highway 66- "The main street of America" ​​- ends on the Pacific coast in Santa Monica.

Big Sur in California with a length of 140 km - a very popular part of the Pacific Coast Highway. The road between Los Angeles and San Francisco, wedged by mountains and ocean, runs along one of the most scenic coastlines in the world.

Built in the 1930s, the Big Sur viaducts are some of the most photographed features on the West Coast.

Near the coast at Morro Bay is a 177-meter cliff Morro Rock of ancient volcanic origin. In 1542, the rock was discovered and mapped by the first European to reach the coast of modern California, Portuguese navigator and conquistador Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo. Since then, Morro Rock has long served as an important landmark for European sailors exploring the Pacific coast of the New World.

On the Pacific coast, you can see a rookery of sea lions.

North of Big Sur, the low Santa Cruz Mountains of the Pacific Coast Ranges separate the Pacific Ocean from San Francisco Bay and the Santa Clara Valley, which contains the famous Silicon or, more accurately, Silicon Valley- the world center of high technologies. In one of the towns of the valley, with the speaking name Mountain View, the main office of Google is located.

A magnificent view of the Golden Gate Bridge - another symbol of America - opens from the observation deck Golden Gate National Recreation Area. The territory of the recreation area covers 95 km coastline San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Coast.

At the entrance to the San Francisco Bay is point bonita lighthouse built in 1855.

Behind the lighthouse is another Observation deck- on the Pacific coast.

North of San Francisco is national park redwood, included in the list world heritage UNESCO. The area of ​​natural distribution of mahogany from the cypress family is preserved on the territory of the park. These trees are the tallest on our planet: in 2006, a 115.5 m tall specimen was discovered in Redwood National Park.

There are several trees in the park that you can drive through.

Pacific coast of northern California no less picturesque than Big Sur.

Here is located Fort Ross- a former Russian settlement and wooden fortress, founded by the Russian-American company for fishing and fur trading in 1812. Fort Ross was the southernmost Russian settlement in North America. It is currently a California State Historic Park.

Oregon Coast Ranges - Classic Headlands

The Oregon Coast Ranges are low, smoothed mountains from 600 to 1200 m high, only in the south of the state Klamath mountains rise to a height of 2751 m. About 30 species of coniferous species grow in this area, which makes Klamath one of the richest species of coniferous forests in the world.

Pacific Coast in Oregon- another picturesque coastline.

On one of the capes along the Oregon coast is located lighthouse Heceta Head built in 1894. The light on top of the 17-meter lighthouse is visible from a distance of 34 km - it is the strongest beam of light on the Oregon coast.

Observation deck cape perpetua at an altitude of 240 m above the ocean. High steep rise above the ocean is a typical headland for the Pacific Northwest. On a clear day, up to 110 km of the Oregon coastline can be observed from the cape.

Cape Foulweather.

On the Oregon coast is Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area- a sandy landscape formed over millions of years under the influence of wind, sun and water erosion. This is the largest area of ​​coastal dunes in North America; some dunes reach a height of 150 m.

The Washington Coast Ranges - From Alpine Grassland to Rainforest

In the northwest of Washington state, on the Olympic Peninsula, there is a national park of the same name, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List because of its biological diversity. Due to the long-term isolation of the peninsula from the vast continental spaces, a peculiar flora and fauna has formed here: 15 endemic animal species and 8 endemic plant species are still found in the park.

In the territory olympic national park there are lakes, virgin forests and alpine meadows. There is a mountain range in the center of the park, maximum height which, Mount Olympic, reaches 2724 m. The slopes of these mountains are strongly dissected, and there are many glaciers in the upper belt.

The Olympic Mountains divide the park into western and eastern parts, defining their different climatic conditions. Falls in the western part of the park the largest number rainfall in the United States, as a result of which a tropical forest grows there, and a dry climate prevails in the eastern section.

The park includes a section of the Pacific coast.

Between the Olympic Mountains and the Cascade Range, a system of bays or, more precisely, a system of flooded glacial valleys formed. Puget Sound, which is part of the Salish Sea, which separates Vancouver Island from northwestern Washington State and British Columbia.

Deception Pass Bridge in one of the Puget Sound.

. Alaska and Hawaii are indeed bordered by the Pacific Ocean and are located in the west of the country, but cannot be included in the West Coast, since they do not have borders with the continental United States. Nevada and Arizona are considered part of the West Coast due to the large cultural influences from the US West Coast, but are not part of it as they do not border the Pacific Ocean.


Largest cities

Largest cities and urban areas on the West Coast (from north to south):

  • Agglomeration: Everett, Seattle, Bellevue, Tacoma, Spokane
  • San Francisco Bay Area: San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Fresno
  • Greater Los Angeles: Los Angeles, Long Beach, San Bernardino, Riverside


West Coast history begins with the arrival of the earliest known people of the Americas, the Paleo-Indians. They arrived from Eurasia in North America crossing the Bering Strait through the isthmus, Beringia, which existed between 45,000 and 12,000 BC. BC e. (47000 - 14000 years ago).

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An excerpt characterizing the West Coast of the United States

– Did mom and dad die “completely”?.. And we won’t see them anymore… Really?
Maya's plump lips twitched, and the first large tear appeared on her cheek... I knew that if this wasn't stopped right away, there would be a lot of tears... And in our current "generalized" state, it was absolutely impossible to allow this...
"But you're alive, aren't you?" Therefore, whether you like it or not, you have to live. I think that mom and dad would be very happy if they knew that everything is fine with you. After all, they loved you very much ... - as cheerfully as I could, I said.
- How did you know that? The little girl looked at me in surprise.
“Well, they did a very hard thing to save you. Therefore, I think, only by loving someone very much and cherishing this, you can do this ...
– Where are we going now? Are we going with you? .. - Maya asked, looking at me with her huge gray eyes inquiringly and imploringly.
“Arno would like to take you with him. What do you think of it? It is not sweet for him either ... And he will have to get used to many more in order to survive. So help each other ... So, I think it will be very correct.
Stella finally came to her senses, and immediately "rushed to the attack":
“And how did this monster get you, Arno?” Do you remember anything...
– No... I only remember the light. And then a very bright meadow flooded with the sun... But it was no longer the Earth - it was something wonderful and completely transparent... This does not happen on Earth. But then everything disappeared, and I "woke up" here and now.
– What if I try to “look” through you? Suddenly a wild thought came into my head.
- How - through me? Arno was surprised.
- Oh, that's right! Stella immediately exclaimed. How did I not think of it myself?
“Well, sometimes, as you can see, something comes to my mind…” I laughed. “It’s not always up to you to invent!
I tried to “turn on” in his thoughts - nothing happened ... I tried to “remember” with him the moment when he “left” ...
- Oh, what a horror! Stella squeaked. “Look, this is when they captured him!!!
My breath stopped... The picture we saw was really not a pleasant one! This was the moment when Arno had just died, and his essence began to rise up the blue channel. And right behind him... to the same channel, three absolutely nightmarish creatures crept up!.. Two of them were probably lower astral earthly entities, but the third one clearly seemed somehow different, very scary and alien, obviously not earthly... And all these creatures were very purposefully chasing a person, apparently trying to get him for some reason ... And he, poor thing, not even suspecting that he was being hunted so “cutely”, soared in a silver-blue, bright silence, enjoying an unusually deep , unearthly peace, and, greedily absorbing this peace, rested his soul, forgetting for a moment the wild, heart-destroying earthly pain, "thanks" to which he ended up today in this transparent, unfamiliar world ...

They mostly evoke associations with skyscrapers towering over the canyons of noisy streets crowded with cars and crowds of people. This is partly true. But the Wild West, even in the twenty-first century, still bears the imprint of that wild land and "one-story America" ​​that westerns show. Outside of several huge centers of civilization such as Las Vegas, San Francisco, Los Angeles and others, there are endless prairies, dense forests, mountains and canyons. And the Indians? They are also present. Some communities prefer the old way of life, which brings a certain flavor to visiting their reservations. In this article, we will take a virtual tour of the US West Coast. We will cover several thousand kilometers, having traveled from Alaska in the north to California in the south (without passing through the territory of Canada).

What territories are considered to be the west coast of the United States

Oddly enough, there is no consensus on this matter. For example, the Sierra Nevada, the Mojave Desert, is considered to be on the west coast. Arizona and Nevada do not have access to the Pacific Ocean. But they are also referred to as the west coast, because they have strong climatic and cultural influences from states such as Washington, Oregon and California. Hawaii is bordered by the Pacific Ocean on all sides. But the archipelago is not adjacent to the North American mainland. Alaska has no land border with the rest of the country. By its location on the map, it can be compared with the Kaliningrad region of Russia. And, although the main states on the west coast of the United States are California, Washington and Oregon, Alaska can also be included in their number. Let's start our virtual journey from the very north.

Sights of Alaska

The northwest coast of the USA is the edge of the harsh polar region and is the largest state in the country. Its area is one million and seven hundred odd thousand square kilometers. People go to the far north of the United States primarily for extreme sports and communication with wildlife. The last one here is more than enough. After all, in addition to the mainland, the state of Alaska also includes completely wild or semi-inhabited Pribylova, the Alexander archipelago, St. Lawrence. The "Gold Rush" did little to change the landscapes of this northern region. Come here to watch Polar Lights, ride through narrow fjords, conquer the peaks of mountains covered with glaciers. also known as the Land of the Midnight Sun, is Juneau. But the most visited city by tourists is Anchorage. People go to Juneau to get acquainted with the life of gold miners of the nineteenth century. And in order to touch the culture of local Indian tribes, they head to the city of Ketchikan. But the main wealth of Alaska is its natural parks. The most famous is Denali. On its vast territory is located and highest point peninsula - Mount McKinley. Other notable National parks- these are Wrangel, Glacier Bay and Kenai Fjord.

Washington state

Now let's move through the territory of Canada to the west coast of the United States. In its very north, we are met by the forty-second state of the country - Washington. The capital of the territorial entity is Olympia, but largest city- Seattle. In Washington, as well as in Alaska, people go for natural beauties. most famous national reserve considered the "Olympic" in the northwest of the state. visiting this natural park can be compared to a journey into a fairy tale. There are mountains and waterfalls, alpine lakes and crystal streams, a unique Hoh rainforest and a long sea coast. Needless to say, all these landscapes are inhabited by an amazing variety of wild fauna? Another place most visited by tourists is the stratovolcano Rainier. Its slopes are also included in the natural park of the same name.

US West Coast: Cities. Seattle

Among virgin forests and endless prairies, like islands in a boundless sea, there are urban agglomerations. Seattle is one of them. The population of the city itself is over six hundred thousand people. Seattle is big seaport. It is located on the shores of the Puget Sound. In the east of the city lies the picturesque Lake Washington. And behind it the Rocky Mountains begin, which, like a magnet, attract climbers. There are two must-see attractions in Seattle. The Space Needle is calling card cities. It was built in 1962 and was the tallest building in Seattle until the seventy-six-story Calambia Center was built in 1985. At the Pike Place Market seafood market, you can buy not only Pacific shrimp and lobster, but also see the performance of singers, street actors and clowns. Under the Washington Bridge, you should see the Fremont Troll holding a real Volkswagen in his hands.


We move south and leave the borders of the state of Washington. The West Coast of the United States continues with Oregon. Traditionally, the state capital is small town Salem. And the most major metropolis- Portland. also offers tourists many natural beauties. These are Mount Hood and Deschats national parks with the Newberry volcano. Tourists are attracted by the Rocky Mountains, which stretch from north to south along the west coast of the United States. To the east of this ridge, at an altitude of more than one thousand two hundred meters, extends the "Oregon Desert" - very arid lands. And besides, the state will delight fans beach holiday sandbanks and shores, bays and secluded coves between the rocks.


The West Coast of the United States completes this sunny state in the south. It is the longest along the Pacific Ocean. And, we add, the most filled with a variety of attractions. Here are such world-famous urban agglomerations as Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Hollywood. It is also the birthplace of Disneyland. The endless beaches of California are Sunbathing on the legendary Malibu, you can see whales, and take a walk in one of the many natural parks on the coast, watch the rookeries of fur seals. But even in the depths of the mainland on the territory of the state, the traveler is waiting for various attractions.

Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks, Route 66

The first sight is known all over the world. The Grand Canyon stretches for four hundred and forty kilometers. Its beauty cannot be described in words - it must be seen!

Death Valley is the lowest point on the mainland (eighty-six meters below sea level), the driest and hottest. In summer, +57 C is observed here! During the year, 40 mm of precipitation falls in Death Valley, while in the Sahara - 384 mm.

The name of the park "Sequoia" speaks for itself. Here you can see not just huge trees, but real giants. "Here God has surpassed himself" - this is said about the park "Yosemite". You will not find such a variety of flora and fauna species anywhere else.

The east - west coast of the United States is still connected by the legendary road number 66. Every American dreams of driving it from beginning to end (almost four thousand kilometers). The highway links Los Angeles with Chicago.

City of angels and sins

The West Coast of the United States in California is famous for cities such as Hollywood, the capital of the gambling industry, Las Vegas, and San Francisco. In Los Angeles, you should definitely visit the museum at the Universal film studio, and if you are traveling with children, the very first Disneyland in the world. In Las Vegas, it's hard not to stop by some casinos. And, of course, you just need to walk along the Walk of Fame, where stars dedicated to Hollywood celebrities are laid out under your feet.

© Marina Gritsenko

Most people who are planning their first trip to are wondering if which coast of America to choose? After all, the USA is a huge country and a huge number of attractions and such desirable objects that you want to see are located on both sides of the country!

To immediately answer the main question, which coast to choose, I will say this. If you love cities - choose the east, if you love nature - turn your attention to the west!

East Coast USA

  1. NY

Let's start with the fact that the East Coast of the United States has a big advantage - it's New York. Huge and crazy interesting city, with which hardly any other city in the USA and on the whole planet can be compared. It is very difficult to describe New York in a few words. But, if you want to get into the most sleepless metropolis, if you dreamed of walking along such familiar streets where "Sex and the City", "Breakfast at Tiffany's", "Autumn in New York" and hundreds or even thousands of favorite films, meet people of different nationalities and religions, you're in New York! This city charges you with energy, positive emotions and the belief that you really will succeed and you will succeed!

  1. Niagara Falls

© Marina Gritsenko

If you find yourself in New York, then organize a trip to Niagara Falls. From New York to Niagara about 5-7 hours by car or 9 hours by bus. Talk about beauty Niagara Falls I won't, you just have to see the waterfall! Instead, I will give some practical advice. Many argue that it makes no sense to look at Niagara from the United States, since the waterfall is located on the US side and is better seen from the coast of Canada. It's right! The waterfall is really better seen from the coast of Canada. But, the magical steamboat Maid of Mist goes to the waterfall, which collects passengers from both Canada and the States. Having taken a ticket for such a steamboat, you swim right up to the waterfall and see everything perfectly!

  1. Washington

© Marina Gritsenko

Since you're on the east coast, don't miss a trip to the capital! However, before the trip, study the information about the museums in the city. If you are not a big fan of museums, then one day is enough for you - you will visit the Capitol, walk along the national alley to George Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial, look The White house and this, in principle, may be enough. If, while preparing for the trip, you realized that you are interested in several museums in the capital, then do not hesitate and take 2 days for Washington - one for attractions, the second for museums.

  1. Miami

© Marina Gritsenko

Sunbathe on one of the beaches Miami Beach the dream of beach lovers all over the world! And those who love hot and cool parties dream of getting to one of them in Miami - a city where the fun never ends. Even in Miami, there is no winter, the ocean is always warm here, unlike the west coast, where you can swim "without pain" only in southern California. And yet, many cruises to exotic islands begin their journey in Miami.

  1. Orlando

Orlando is a beautiful city in the state of Florida, in which Disney World and Universal Studio Park. Not worth considering Disney World like a park for kids. In this magical place, everyone becomes a child, including adult uncles and aunts. Both parks have a huge number of attractions and entertainment. The difference is that Disney rides are based on popular Disney cartoons and films, while Universal Studio rides are based on popular films from Universal Studios. Choose what you like best and go on an adventure.

  1. Florida Keys

© Marina Gritsenko

Florida Keys - a chain of small islands in the southern United States, connected by one big bridge. The color of the water here is "from the advertisement of the bounty", the atmosphere of complete relaxation and bliss is very quiet, calm and peaceful. Spend time on one of the Florida Keys beaches, take an excursion on a glass bottom boat, get acquainted with the beautiful underwater world of the Atlantic Ocean. And, of course, rent a convertible and take a ride in Key West - the most Southern City USA and enjoy the sunset!

US West Coast

  1. Los Angeles

© Marina Gritsenko

If you are planning your trip to Los Angeles, I strongly recommend that you rent a car. Because despite the fact that Los Angeles is a city, it is very difficult to get around by public transport.

In Los Angeles, you can organize a very interesting and rich program. Go to the famous beach Santa Monica. If you are lucky, you can even swim in the ocean - if the water is warm or if you are not afraid of cold temperatures. You can also go to DisneyLand or park Universal. Universal is in the city itself, DisneyLand is 30 minutes south of Los Angeles.

Of course, you should take a walk along Hollywood Boulevard along the Avenue of Stars, go to the inscription Hollywood, drive around Beverly Hills, take a tour of celebrity homes, or visit the theater where the Oscars take place.

  1. San Francisco

© Marina Gritsenko

San Francisco is a special, cozy and very sunny city. Be sure to take a walk Pier 39 eat fish soup Clam Chowder and watch the lazy fur seals sunbathing right by the pier. Be sure to ride the famous tram along the steep slopes of the city, and walk down the steepest street in the world - Lombard street. And of course, take a walk to the Golden Gate Bridge and take pictures with the real symbol of the city.

© Marina Gritsenko
  1. Las Vegas

Everything is very simple. Do you want to get rich fast? Go to Las Vegas! If you don't like gambling - just walk around the casino and get acquainted with this huge industry. Be sure to wander around the night Las Vegas, it shines like a Christmas tree. Visit several shows, including singing fountains. Well, if you want extreme sports, then go to a cool attraction on the roof of the Stratosphere tower.

  1. Grand Canyon

The beauty and uniqueness of this place is hard to forget! They are admired even by those who have never been here! There are many ways to spend time in the Grand Canyon. You can take a walking tour or book a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon and enjoy all the beauty of this place from a bird's eye view (I highly recommend it by the way)

  1. redwood park

© Marina Gritsenko

This is the place where the bigger and thicker sequoia trees grow! Some trees are so large that a car can easily drive through them, and to hug such a tree, you will need a company of 10-15 people. This is an incredibly beautiful and green place where you can truly understand the greatness, strength and beauty of nature.