Interesting cities to travel. The most interesting countries for travel - TOP


Introducing the most Beautiful places of our country, which should be seen not only by every photographer and traveler, but also by every inhabitant of our vast Russia. Read our material and you will see: we all have something to be proud of!

Natural parks, reserves

Lena Pillars, Yakutia

The Lena Pillars is a natural park in Russia, located on the banks of the Lena River in the Khangalassky ulus of Yakutia, 104 km from the city of Pokrovsk. The complex of vertically elongated rocks stretching for many kilometers, bizarrely piled up along the banks of the Lena, a deep valley cutting through the Prilenskoe plateau, never ceases to attract photographers and travelers. The pillars reach the highest density between the villages of Petrovskoye and Tit-Ary.

The height of the rock formations reaches 100 meters. Scientists believe that the formation of rocks began 560-540 million years ago, and the formation of the Lena Pillars as a form of relief - about 400 thousand years ago.

Natural Park"Lena Pillars" was organized on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of August 16, 1994 No. 837 and the government decree of February 10, 1995 and is subordinate to the regional Ministry of Nature Protection. The area of ​​the park is 485 thousand hectares, the park consists of two branches - "Pillars" and "Sinsky".

Valley of Geysers, Kamchatka

The Valley of Geysers, one of the largest geyser fields in the world and the only one in Eurasia, is located in Kamchatka in the Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List as part of the Volcanoes of Kamchatka natural complex.

The valley is a deep canyon of the Geysernaya River, on the sides of which, on an area of ​​​​about 6 square meters. km there are numerous outlets of geysers, hot springs, mud pots, thermal sites, waterfalls and lakes. On this territory, there is an abnormally high biodiversity and a high contrast of natural conditions and microclimate. The ecosystem of the Valley of Geysers is unique for the whole country. The reserve regime operates on the territory of the valley.

Since 1992, helicopter excursions have been organized here, under an agreement with the reserve, there is a strict system of rules for organizing excursions in order to maintain the balance of the ecosystem. In 2008, according to the voting results, the Valley of Geysers was included in the list of seven wonders of Russia.

Weathering pillars, Komi Republic

Pillars of weathering (Mansi blockheads) is a geological monument located in the Troitsko-Pechora region of the Komi Republic on the territory of the Pechoro-Ilychsky reserve on Mount Man-Pupu-ner (“ small mountain idols" translated from the Mansi language), in the interfluve of the Ichotlyaga and Pechora rivers. There are many legends associated with this extraordinary place. Pillars are considered one of the seven wonders of Russia.

Weathering Pillars are located quite far from inhabited places. Getting to them is already a feat in a sense. For this, by the way, you need to get a pass from the administration of the reserve. From the side of the Sverdlovsk region and the Perm Territory there is a walking route, from the side of the Komi Republic - automobile, water and foot routes.

About 200 million years ago, in place of stone pillars were high mountains. Rain, snow, wind, frost and heat gradually destroyed the mountains, and first of all the weak rocks. Hard sericite-quartzite shales were less destroyed and survived to this day, while soft rocks were destroyed by weathering and carried by water and wind into relief depressions.

One pillar, 34 m high, stands somewhat apart from the others. Six others lined up at the edge of the cliff. The pillars have bizarre outlines and, depending on the place of inspection, either resemble the figure of a huge man, or the head of a horse or a ram. Indeed, this place is ideal for a photographer's fantasy! In the past, the Mansi deified the grandiose stone sculptures, worshiped them, but climbing the Manpupuner was considered the greatest sin.

Curonian Spit, Kaliningrad Region

curonian spit- a sand spit located on the coast of the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon. It is a narrow and long strip of saber-shaped land separating the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea and stretching from the city of Zelenogradsk in the Kaliningrad region to the city of Klaipeda (Smiltyne) (Lithuania). The name of the spit comes from the name of the ancient tribes of the Curonians, who lived here before the colonization of Prussia by the Germans.

Length - 98 kilometers, width ranges from 400 meters (near the village of Lesnoy) to 3.8 kilometers (near Cape Bulviko, just north of Nida).

The Curonian Spit is a unique natural and anthropogenic landscape and a territory of exceptional aesthetic significance: the Curonian Spit is the largest sand body, which, along with the Hel and Vistula, is part of the Baltic sand spits complex, which has no analogues in the world. The high level of biological diversity due to the combination of different landscapes - from desert (dunes) to tundra (raised swamp) - gives an idea of ​​important and long-term ecological and biological processes in evolution.

The most significant element of the relief of the spit is a continuous strip of white sand dunes 0.3 - 1 km wide, partly approaching the highest in the world (up to 68 m). Thanks to his geographic location and orientation from the northeast to the southwest, it serves as a corridor for migratory birds of many species flying from the northwestern regions of Russia, Finland and the Baltic countries to the countries of Central and Southern Europe. Every year, in spring and autumn, 10 to 20 million birds fly over the spit, most of which stop here for rest and feeding.

Favorable climatic conditions allow you to relax on the Curonian Spit from May to November. In 2000, the Curonian Spit was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Nature reserve "Stolby". Krasnoyarsk region

The reserve is located on the northwestern spurs of the Eastern Sayan, bordering on the Central Siberian Plateau. The natural boundaries of the protected area are the right tributaries of the river. Yenisei: in the northeast - the Bazaikha river, in the south and southwest - the Mana and Bolshaya Slizneva rivers. From the northeast, the territory borders on the city of Krasnoyarsk, the border of the reserve can be reached by bus. The reserve was founded in 1925 on the initiative of the city residents to preserve natural complexes around the picturesque syenite remnants - "pillars". At present, its area is 47,219 hectares. Submitted to the UNESCO World Heritage List.


Lake Baikal, Eastern Siberia

It is unlikely that Baikal needs any descriptions, but still ... Baikal is the deepest lake on the planet, the largest natural reservoir fresh water. The lake and coastal areas are distinguished by a unique diversity of flora and fauna. Locals and many in Russia traditionally call Baikal the sea.

The value of the maximum depth of the lake - 1642 m - was established in 1983 by L. G. Kolotilo and A. I. Sulimov during hydrographic work. The average depth of the lake is also very high - 744.4 m. In addition to Baikal, only two lakes on Earth have a depth of more than 1000 meters: Tanganyika (1470 m) and the Caspian Sea (1025 m). One of the visiting cards of Russia, a place that you need to see with your own eyes at least once in your life!

Lake Seliger, Tver and Novgorod regions

Another place that needs no introduction. By the way, Seliger has another name - Ostashkovskoye Lake, after the name of the city of Ostashkov standing on the lake shore. The area of ​​the lake is 260 sq. km, including about 38 sq. km. km falls on the islands (there are more than 160 of them on Seliger). The largest among them is the island of Khachin. The area of ​​the entire pool is 2275 sq. km.

Seliger receives 110 tributaries. The largest are the rivers Krapivenka, Soroga and Seremukha. Only one river Selizharovka flows from it. The lake lies at an altitude of 205 meters above sea level and is of glacial origin. This explains its peculiar shape - it is not a lake in the usual sense, but rather a chain of lakes stretching from north to south for 100 km and interconnected by short narrow channels. The coastline with a length of more than 500 km is notable for its indentation - capes overgrown with forests, deep picturesque bays protruding into the land, various in shape of the island.

The water in Seliger is clear, transparency reaches 5 meters. On the shores of the southern part of Lake Seliger are the city of Ostashkov and the estate "New Yeltsy".

Lake Kezenoy-am, Chechen Republic

Kezenoy-am is a lake on the border of the Vedeno region of the Chechen Republic and the Botlikh region of Dagestan. This is the largest and deepest lake North Caucasus located at an altitude of more than 1800 meters above sea level. The surface of the lake is 2.4 sq. km.

The depth of the lake reaches 74 m. The length of the lake from north to south is 2 kilometers, and from west to east - 2.7 kilometers. The maximum width is 735 meters. Length coastline- 10 kilometers.

Lake Baskunchak

Akhtubinsky district, Astrakhan region

Baskunchak - salt Lake with an area of ​​about 115 sq. km in the Akhtubinsky district of the Astrakhan region, about 270 km north of the Caspian Sea, and 53 km east of the Volga. Lake Baskunchak is part of a unique natural complex, which includes Mount Bolshoye Bogdo. In 1997 Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky natural complex was declared a reserve (Bogdinsko-Baskunchaksky Reserve), where a special environmental regime was established on an area of ​​​​53.7 thousand hectares.

On the coast of the lake there are deposits of medicinal clays. In June-August, tourists come to the lake to swim in brine and take mud baths. There is no need to talk about the beauty of these places. There are no less photographers than those wishing to improve their health.

Jack London Lake, Magadan Region

Located in the upper reaches of the Kolyma River in the Yagodninsky district Magadan region, lies among the mountains, at an altitude of 803 meters, the length of the lake in the north-west direction is 10 kilometers, the depth is 50 meters.

There are many small lakes around Jack London Lake. The most prominent in size are the lakes Mechta, Anemone, Gray Gull, Invisible, Neighboring, Kudinovskie lakes. One of the most beautiful and exotic lakes in the Far East. Old-timers say that the lake got its name thanks to an unusual find made by the “discoverers”. When the lake was discovered, on the shore, the researchers found Jack London's book "Martin Eden".

Lake Elton, Volgograd Region

Elton is a salty drainless self-sustaining lake in the Pallasovsky district of the Volgograd region, located near the border with Kazakhstan. It is considered the largest mineral lake in Europe and one of the most mineralized in the world. They say that the name of the lake comes from the Mongolian word "Altyn-Nor" - "gold mine".

The area of ​​the lake is 152 sq. km. Until 1882, salt was mined on the Elton, in 1910 the medical sanatorium "Elton" was founded on its shore (moved to a new location in 1945). In 2001, the lake and the surrounding areas of virgin steppes (106 thousand hectares) became part of the State Institution "Natural Park" Elton "".

Blue Lakes. Cherek-Balkar Gorge, Kabardino-Balkaria

A group of five karst lakes in the Cherek region of Kabardino-Balkaria is located at the foot of a rocky ridge, from where the Cherek-Balkar gorge begins. Located at the entrance to the gorge, Blue Lake is a unique a natural phenomenon, interesting not only for Kabardino-Balkaria, but also on a national scale. Lower Blue Lake has several names: Chirik-kel (balk.) - rotten (stinking) lake; Sherej-ana (kab.) - mother of Cherek; Psykhurei (kab.) - round water (lake), natural artesian well.

The uniqueness of the Lower Blue Lake lies in the fact that with a relatively small surface (only 235 × 130 m), its depth reaches 258 meters. The water temperature on the surface in winter and summer is about +9 degrees. Not a single stream or river flows into the lake, but about 70 million liters flow out daily. At the same time, the level of the lake is unchanged, which is explained by powerful underwater sources. The blue color of the water is due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide and the refraction of light rays in a deep pool.

The nature here is quite picturesque: green hills, dense beech forests on steep slopes, and in the distance, in a blue haze, peaks sparkling in the sun. Closer to Babugent, the greenery becomes brighter, juicier. Near the village of Babugent there is a fork in the road. At the beginning of the road to the lake, there is a cave in the rock, in which traces of an ancient V-X parking centuries AD. Now many bats settle there, and sometimes, in bad weather, shepherds with flocks of sheep hide.

Seydozero, Kola Peninsula, Murmansk region

Lake in the Lovozero tundra on the Kola Peninsula. "Seid" in translation from the Sami language means "sacred". The lake is located at an altitude of 189 m above sea level. The length of Seydozero is 8 km, the width is from 1.5 to 2.5 km.

According to a number of science fiction writers and ufologists, one of the alleged places of existence of the Hyperborean civilization. Seekers of the unknown have been exploring these places since 1922.

Lake (reservoir) Zyuratkul. Chelyabinsk region

Zyuratkul is located in Satka District Chelyabinsk region within the national park of the same name. One of the highest (724 m above sea level) reservoirs of the Southern Urals. The reservoir is surrounded by mountain ranges covered with dark coniferous forests. To the southwest is the Nurgush ridge - the highest ridge in the Chelyabinsk region. The main river that feeds the reservoir is the Bolshoi Kyl. Near the source of the Satka River and the dam is the small village of Zyuratkul, connected by bus with the city of Satka.

Previously, Zyuratkul was a natural lake. Now - a reservoir formed by a dam built on the Big Satka. A giant geoglyph was found near the lake. About forty stone tools made of quartzite were also found. The stone chipping technique makes it possible to date the tools to the Neolithic and Eneolithic (VI-III millennium BC). Researchers are still inclined towards the Copper-Stone Age (IV-III millennium BC). It is noted that at that time there were practically no forests in the Southern Urals (they appeared only 2,500 years ago), so the figure was easy to build and then view from a neighboring ridge until it was covered with a layer of soil.

Until the winter of 2012, another popular attraction was located on the shores of Lake Zyuratkul - Kitova Pier, which was also called the "Ural Disneyland". But in the fall of 2012, by a court decision, it was demolished.

Mountains and volcanoes

Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria

Elbrus is a stratovolcano located on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. Elbrus is located north of the Greater Caucasus Range and is the highest peak in Russia. Given that the border between Europe and Asia is ambiguous, Elbrus is often also called the highest European mountain peak, thereby referring it to the list of "Seven Peaks".

The height of the western peak is 5642 m, the eastern one is 5621 m. The gorges of Adylsu, Shkhelda, Adyrsu, Donguz-Orun and Ushba massifs are very popular among climbers and mountain tourists. Elbrus is the most popular ski resort in Russia. The total area of ​​Elbrus glaciers is 134.5 sq. km. The most famous of them are: Big and Small Azau, Terskol.

Altai mountains

The Altai Mountains represent a complex system of the highest ranges in Siberia, separated by deep river valleys and vast intramountain and intermountain basins. The mountain system at the junction of the borders of Russia, Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan. It is divided into Southern Altai (Southwestern), Southeastern Altai and Eastern Altai, Central Altai, Northern and Northeastern Altai, Northwestern Altai.

The Altai, Katunsky nature reserves and the Ukok plateau together form the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Altai - Golden Mountains". Thousands of tourists come to Altai. This is a favorite place for photo tours and independent trips.

Plateau "Divnogorie", Liskinsky district, Voronezh region

"Divnogorye" - a hill and a museum-reserve in the Liskinsky district of the Voronezh region of Russia. It is located 10 km west of the district center on the right bank of the Don River and 80 km south of Voronezh. The museum was founded here in 1988, and in 1991 it received the status of a museum-reserve. Currently, the museum-reserve is one of the most popular and most recognizable sights of the Voronezh region. Every season, from May to October, it is visited by more than 60 thousand tourists.

The area of ​​the museum-reserve is more than 11 sq. km. Max Height the plateau above sea level reaches 181 meters, relative - 103 meters (the mouth of the Quiet Pine River at the confluence with the Don, which flows at the foot of the plateau, is located at an altitude of 78 m above sea level).

Dombay-Ulgen, Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Dombay-Ulgen is the peak of the western part of the Dividing Range of the Greater Caucasus (on the border of Abkhazia and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic). Dombay-Ulgen is the highest peak of Abkhazia, located east of the village of Dombay, has three peaks: western (4036 m), main (4046 m) and eastern (3950 m).

A steep ridge extends from the main peak to the north, ending in a lowering - the "Dombay saddle". From the Dombay saddle goes up classic route(category 3B), available for climbing in one day with a descent to the camp.

Putorana Plateau, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Putorana Plateau - mountain range located in the northwest of the Central Siberian Plateau. In the north and west, the plateau breaks off with a steep ledge (800 m or more), while the southern and eastern parts are characterized by gentle slopes. The maximum height of the plateau is 1701 m, among the highest peaks are the Kamen (1701 m), Holokit (1542 m), Kotuyskaya (1510 m) mountains. In the north, the Putorana Plateau borders on the Taimyr Peninsula. The name Putorana, translated from Evenki, means "lakes with steep banks."

The area of ​​the plateau is 250 thousand square kilometers, which is comparable to the territory of Great Britain. On the territory of the plateau is the Putorana State nature reserve recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Marble canyon Ruskeala, Republic of Karelia, Ruskeala village

Mountain Park "Ruskeala" is a tourist complex located in the Sortavalsky district of the Republic of Karelia, near the village of Ruskeala. The main object of the complex is a former marble quarry filled with groundwater.

The quarries, discovered by pastor Alopeus, began to be developed at the beginning of the reign of Catherine II. The first developments were led by Captain Kozhin, who was advised by Italian experts. Today, the length of the quarry from north to south is 460 meters, the width is up to 100 meters. The distance from the highest point of the quarry wall to its bottom is over 50 meters. The transparency of water reaches 15-18 meters.

Ruskeala marble was used in the construction of the most beautiful and significant buildings in St. Petersburg and its palace suburbs. St. Isaac's Cathedral was lined with it, the floors of the Kazan Cathedral were laid out, the window sills of the Hermitage were made, the windows of the Marble Palace and the facade of the Mikhailovsky Castle were framed, as well as the underground halls of the Primorskaya and Ladozhskaya stations of the St. Petersburg metro. In 2010, a significant part of the filming of the film "The Dark World" took place in Ruskeala.

Eastern and Western Sayans. Eastern Siberia

Eastern and Western Sayans - a common name for two mountain systems in southern Siberia. They distinguish the Western Sayan (length 650 km, height up to 3971 m - Mount Mongun-Taiga, which is the top of the ridge of the same name - highest peak Eastern Siberia, however, more often this ridge is not attributed to the Sayans, but is isolated into a separate mountain system- mountains of Tuva), consisting of leveled and peaked ridges, on which there is no glaciation, separated by intermountain basins, and the Eastern Sayan (length about 1000 km, height up to 3491 m - Mount Munku-Sardyk) with typical mid-mountain ridges bearing glaciers. The rivers belong to the Yenisei basin. Mountain taiga prevails on the slopes, turning into mountain tundra.

The Western Sayan in the southwestern part borders on Altai. Its main ridge is the Dividing Sayan Range with the highest point - Mount Kyzyl-Taiga (3121 m). The ridges of the Western Sayan are characterized by steep slopes, indented relief, and vast areas of stone placers. The height of the ridges in the west does not exceed 2500-3000 m, in the east it decreases to 2000 m.

The Eastern Sayan stretches almost at right angles to the Western. Its ridges form a system of “white mountains” (Manskoye, Kanskoye) and “squirrels”, which got their name because of the snow on the peaks that does not melt all year round. In the central part, in the upper reaches of the Kazyr and Kizir rivers, several ridges form a "knot" with the highest point - Grandiose Peak (2982 m). In the southeast there are the highest and hardest-to-reach ridges - Big Sayan, Tunkinskiye Goltsy, Kitoyskiye Goltsy, Kropotkin. The highest point of the Eastern Sayan - Munku-Sardyk (3491 m) is located in the ridge of the same name. Between the Sayan ridges there are more than a dozen basins of various sizes and depths, the most famous of which is the Abakan-Minusinsk basin, known for its archaeological sites. It is worth noting a large number of waterfalls.

Almost everywhere in the Sayans, dark coniferous taiga spruce-cedar-fir forests prevail, rising in the western and central parts to altitudes of 1500–1800 m and more; light deciduous-cedar forests form the upper border of the forest at altitudes of 2000–2500 m. Animal world as rich as vegetable. The largest city located in Sayanakh - Krasnoyarsk.

Mountains of Shikhany. Republic of Bashkortostan

Shikhany - isolated hills in the Bashkir Cis-Urals, consisting of four single mountains: Tratau, Shakhtau, Yuraktau and Kushtau, which form a narrow chain stretched along the Belaya River for 20 km. Shikhany are located near the cities of Sterlitamak and Ishimbay. They are unique monuments of nature - the remains barrier reef formed in the warm sea of ​​the early Permian period. The imprints of ancient plants and animals have been preserved in the stones of which these shikhans are made.

The highest shihan is Tratau (or Toratau). Its height is 402 meters above sea level, and its relative height is 280 meters. At its foot, the ruins of a women's prison, one of the islands of the Gulag archipelago, have been preserved. Shikhan Tratau flaunts on the coat of arms of the city of Ishimbay, is a symbol of the Ishimbay region of Bashkiria. In the past, this mountain was considered sacred.

Volcano Krenitsyn. Sakhalin Region, Onekotan Island

An active volcano on the Onekotan Island of the Great Kuril Ridge. The largest two-tiered "volcano within a volcano" in the world is located in the southern part of Onekotan Island. The height of the volcano is 1324 m.

The volcanic cone rises in the form of an island inside Lake Koltsevoe lying at an altitude of 400 m (diameter about 7 km). The lake is surrounded by somma - the walls of the more ancient Tao-Rusyr caldera (heights 540–920 m with a base diameter of 16–17 km).

Only one historical eruption is known, which happened in 1952.

Volcano Tyatya, Kuril Islands

An active volcano on the Kunashir Island of the Great Kuril Ridge, on the territory of the Kuril Reserve. In geographical terms, Tyatya is a stratovolcano of the somma-vesuvius type ("volcano in a volcano"). Height reaches 1819 m ( highest point Kunashir; in 1977 and subsequent years, the southeastern part of the rim of the summit crater collapsed, and most of the material collapsed into the northeastern crater. As a result, the total height of the volcano has decreased by about 30-50 meters and is now probably less than 1800 meters above sea level).

The height of the somma is 1485 m, it has a regular truncated cone with a diameter of 15–18 km at the base and up to 2.5 km at the annular ridge. The foot slopes of the volcano are decorated with coniferous-broad-leaved forests with bamboo and thickets of stone birch and elfin cedar. In the forests at the foot you can often meet a bear. The path to the volcano is difficult, but most tourists get to the volcano from Yuzhno-Kurilsk.


Orda cave, Perm region

Orda Cave is located on the southwestern outskirts of the village of Orda in the Perm Territory, on the left bank of the Kungur River. Consists of "dry" and underwater parts. The length of the dry part is 300 meters, underwater - 4600 meters. To date, the Ordinskaya cave is the longest flooded cave in Russia. In addition, part of the cave is the longest siphon in the CIS - 935 meters.

The cave is ranked 21st among the longest gypsum caves in the world. Famous photographer Viktor Lyagushkin dedicated Orda cave a whole photo project.

Kungur cave, Perm region

This is one of the most popular attractions in Siberia and the Urals, a natural monument of all-Russian significance. The cave is located in the Perm Territory, on the right bank of the Sylva River on the outskirts of the city of Kungur in the village of Filippovka, 100 km from Perm.

A unique geological monument - one of the largest karst caves in the European part of Russia, the seventh longest gypsum cave in the world. The length of the cave is about 5700 m, of which 1.5 km is equipped for tourists. The average air temperature in the center of the cave is +5 °C, the relative humidity in the center of the cave is 100%. The Kungur cave contains 58 grottoes, 70 lakes, 146 t. "organ pipes" (the highest - in the Etheric grotto, 22 m) - high shafts, reaching almost to the surface.


Leaning tower of Nevyansk. Sverdlovsk region, city of Nevyansk

Not everyone knows that we have our own likeness in Russia leaning tower of pisa- an inclined tower in the center of Nevyansk, built in the first half of the 18th century by order of Akinfiy Demidov.

The height of the tower is 57.5 meters, the base is a square with a side of 9.5 m. The deviation of the tower from the vertical is about 1.85 m, and the greatest slope is observed at the lower tier (3 ° 16 "). The exact date of construction of the tower is unknown, different sources give dates ranging from 1721 to 1745.

The tower is a massive quadrangle with 3 octagonal tiers built on top. Inside the tower is divided into several levels - floors.

The purpose of the first floor is not exactly established. Demidov's office was located on the second floor, and during the Soviet era there was a prison in it. On the third floor there was a laboratory: traces of silver and gold were found in the soot taken from the chimneys of furnaces. According to one version, Demidov minted counterfeit money here. According to another, here Demidov, secretly from the state treasury, smelted silver and gold, which was mined in his mines in Altai.

Even higher is the so-called "auditory room". Its peculiarity is that standing in one corner of the room, you can clearly hear what they say in the opposite corner. The effect observed in the room is associated with the special shape of the ceiling - it is vaulted and at the same time slightly flattened.

On the seventh and eighth floors there are chiming chimes created by the English watchmaker Richard Phelps in 1730. The tower is completed by a roof and a metal spire with a weather vane hoisted on it, made of perforated iron, in which the noble coat of arms of the Demidovs is engraved.

There is a legend saying that the tower tilted due to the flooding of the cellars with all the workers who minted counterfeit money. By Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 1327 of August 30, 1960, the tower was included in the list of historical monuments to be protected as monuments of national importance.

Ivolginsky datsan. Republic of Buryatia, the village of Verkhnyaya Ivolga

Ivolginsky datsan is a large Buddhist monastic complex, the center of the Buddhist traditional Sangha of Russia, which is the largest Buddhist community in Buryatia. One of the brightest monuments of Russian history and architecture. Located in the village of Verkhnyaya Ivolga, 36 km from the center of Ulan-Ude.

Bird home. Republic of Crimea

Among all the sights of Crimea, it is not easy to choose one thing. But we decided to stop at one of the most inspiring places. The Swallow's Nest is a monument of architecture and history, located on a sheer 40-meter Aurora cliff of Cape Ai-Todor in the village of Gaspra (Yalta City Council).

The structure resembles a medieval knight's castle like the Belem tower or the Miramare villa near Trieste. The first wooden building on this site was erected for a retired Russian general after the Russian-Turkish war of 1877–1878; it can be seen on the canvases of famous marine painters: I. K. Aivazovsky, L. F. Lagorio, A. P. Bogolyubov, and also in photographs of the time.

The second owner of this amazing dacha was the court physician A. K. Tobin. There is also very little information about him. After his death, the house was owned by a widow for some time, who sold the plot to the Moscow merchant Rakhmanina. She demolished the old building, and soon a wooden castle appeared, which she called "Swallow's Nest".

The Swallow's Nest got its present form thanks to the oil industrialist Baron Steingel, who liked to relax in the Crimea. Steingel bought a summer cottage on the Aurora Rock and decided to build a romantic castle there, which resembles medieval buildings on the banks of the Rhine. The project for the new house was commissioned from engineer and sculptor Leonid Sherwood, son of architect Vladimir Sherwood, author of the Historical Museum on Red Square in Moscow.

At the beginning of World War I, the estate was bought by the Moscow merchant P. Shelaputin, who opened a restaurant in the castle. In the 1930s, there was a reading room of the local Rest House, but the premises were recognized as emergency and closed.

In 1927, the Swallow's Nest was damaged during a strong earthquake. It was not until 1967–1968 that repairs were made. In addition to the monolithic slab, the entire structure was surrounded by anti-seismic belts. The tower, increased in height, acquired more decorative effect thanks to four spiers. In 2013, cracks were found in the foundation slab, and in the autumn the visit was suspended for design work on the reconstruction - strengthening the rock.

And 6 more amazing places:

Chara Sands, Trans-Baikal Territory

Chara Sands - a tract in the Kalarsky district Trans-Baikal Territory, which is a sandy massif about 10 km by 5 km in size. The Chara sands are located in the basin of the same name, in the foothills of the Kodar ridge, 9 kilometers from the village of Chara, between the valleys of the Chara, Middle Sakukan and Upper Sakukan rivers. The massif is a geological monument of nature of the geomorphological type of federal rank.

BAM station Novaya Chara is 10 kilometers away. The massif is elongated from the southwest to the northeast and occupies an area of ​​about 50 sq. km. There are no such large massifs of free-flowing moving sands in any basin of Transbaikalia. The Chara sands are outwardly similar to the deserts of Central Asia. The vegetation is slightly different from the taiga: there are areas with larch, dwarf birch and moisture-loving dwarf pine. In the northeastern part of the tract there are two small lakes - Alyonushka and Tayozhnoye.

Avacha Bay, Kamchatka Territory

Avacha Bay is a large non-freezing bay of the Pacific Ocean near the south-east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, it is the main transport "gateway" of the Kamchatka Territory. The main advantage of the bay is that it is one of the largest bays in the world: it can accommodate any ship in the world!

The length of the bay is 24 kilometers, the width at the entrance is 3 kilometers, the total area of ​​the water surface is 215 sq. km. Depth up to 26 meters. The Avacha and Paratunka rivers flow into the bay. The cities of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Vilyuchinsk are located along the shores of the bay. The bay is the main base of the Russian Pacific Fleet in Kamchatka.

A kind of symbol of the bay and its attraction are the Three Brothers rocks, located at the exit to the open Avacha Bay.

Commander Islands. Aleutsky District, Kamchatka Territory

Commander Islands - an archipelago of four islands in the southwestern part Bering Sea Pacific Ocean, administratively part of the Aleutsky district of the Kamchatka Territory of Russia. The islands are named after the navigator Commander Vitus Bering, who discovered them in 1741. On the largest of them - Bering Island - there is a grave of a navigator. Commander Islands - a place of mixing of Russian and Aleutian cultures. They have great potential for the development of northern tourism.

Patomsky crater. Irkutsk region

Patomsky crater - a cone of crushed limestone blocks on the mountain slope of the Patomsky Highlands in Irkutsk region. Discovered in 1949 by geologist Vadim Viktorovich Kolpakov. Among the local population it is called the "Nest of the Fiery Eagle", also known as the "Kolpakov's Cone", "Dzhebulda Crater", "Yavaldinsky Crater".

This is a geological object unique in its characteristics, which is a ring structure of the central type with a bulk cone composed of limestone and other rocks. The Patom crater was formed over a long period of time about 500 years ago.

The diameter of the crater along the ridge is 76 m. The cone is crowned with a flat top, which is an annular shaft. In the center of the funnel there is a hill up to 12 m high. The total volume of the cone is estimated at 230-250 thousand cubic meters, the mass is about a million tons.

Agura waterfalls. City of Sochi, Krasnodar Territory

Cascade of waterfalls located on the Agura River in the Khostinsky district of Sochi. The distance from the Black Sea coast is 4 km. Further up the river - the Middle waterfall, then the Upper.

The Lower Agur waterfall is the first and most interesting of the three large waterfalls on the Agura River. It consists of two cascades: the lower one is 18 m high and the upper one is 12 m high. Under it is a wide and deep pool of blue water. From the Devil's hole canyon to the Lower waterfall is approximately 1.5 km. Behind the first waterfall, a series of stairs and rises lead up through 500 m to the Middle Agur waterfall - 23 meters, and then to the Upper - 21 meters waterfall. Near the Upper waterfall, to the left of the path, there are rocks called Eagles.

Vasyugan swamps. Tomsk, Novosibirsk and Omsk regions

Some of the largest swamps in the world are located in Western Siberia, between the Ob and Irtysh rivers, on the territory of the Vasyugan plain, which is mostly within the Tomsk region, and in small parts - the Novosibirsk and Omsk regions and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

The swamp area is 53 thousand square meters. km (for comparison: the area of ​​Switzerland is 41 thousand sq. km), the length from west to east is 573 km, from north to south - 320 km.

Vasyugan swamps arose about 10 thousand years ago and have been constantly increasing since then - 75% of their modern area was swamped less than 500 years ago. Marshes are the main source of fresh water in the region (water reserves - 400 cubic km), there are about 800 thousand small lakes, many rivers originate from swamps, in particular: Ava, Bakchar, Big Yugan, Vasyugan, Demyanka, etc. d.

Vasyugan swamps are home to numerous local fauna, including rare ones. Of the rare species of animals in the swamps, in particular, reindeer, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle, osprey, gray shrike, peregrine falcon live. Squirrels, elks, sables, wood grouses, white partridges, hazel grouses, black grouses are present in significant quantities, mink, otter, wolverine are in smaller quantities. The flora also includes rare and endangered plant species and plant communities. Cranberries, blueberries, and cloudberries are widely distributed among wild plants.

Now animal and vegetable world swamps is under threat due to the development of the territory during the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas fields.

In preparing the article, materials from Wikipedia were used.

Happy travels!

The uniqueness of this country in the combination of smoking volcanoes and hot geysers with eternal ice. It is important to see the most interesting places: the Blue and Ice Lagoons and Geysers.

The Blue Lagoon is a natural complex of pools among lava heaps. The water in the Lagoon is milky in color, and in its composition, in addition, there are quartz and blue-green algae.

The ice lagoon is also incredibly beautiful! This is one of the few places where you can see the life of icebergs on close range: new icebergs break off the glacier and fill the lake, drift along the coast in winter, and melt in summer.

They are of different colors: white, green, blue, etc. And you can see the seething geysers of Iceland by going to the Haukadalur Valley. Its symbols are the geysers Strokkur and Geysir, erupting with different frequency and power.

For example, Strokkur throws out jets of hot water every ten minutes to a height of up to 20 meters, while Geysir is calmer.

Most Unique Country: Tanzania

The most interesting country in Africa in terms of diversity and uniqueness of flora and fauna. This country is rich in natural values: 15 national parks, 17 reservations, lakes, mountains including Kilimanjaro, and the giant Ngorongoro Crater.

It is here, in the crater of the Ngorongoro Reserve, a huge tropical park, that more than 30 thousand animals live: buffaloes, zebras, gazelles, leopards, wildebeest, lions, and there are also elephants, hippos and rhinos.

White and black rhinos are an endangered species in the world.

Also in Tanzania there is the only plant in tropical Africa. national park Kitulo. Due to the variety of flowers: more than 350 species of plants and more than 40 species of orchids, it is rightly called the "Garden of God".

In addition to orchids, giant lobelia, kniffofia, proteas and other plants can be found in the park. Kitulo Park is also the only habitat in Tanzania for the rare African Kaffir bustard.

Most Unique Country: Japan

Also in India there are many attractions that are considered objects World Heritage UNESCO: Ajanta cave temples, Ellora cave temples, Taj Mahal, numerous unique churches in the city of Goa, Hampi monuments, Qutub Minar, etc.

Most Unique Country: Indonesia

Indonesia is the largest island state in the world: about 18,000, of which only about 7,000 have their own names. The largest of the islands are New Guinea, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Java, and all other islands are much smaller.

For major islands characterized by a combination of mountainous terrain with plains covered with dense tropical rainforests. On many islands, the mountain slopes rise steeply almost from the very coast and end with peaks.

One of the natural features of Indonesia is that many islands are covered with snow, despite being close to the equator. Indonesia can also be considered a country of volcanoes: there are more than 500 of them, and 129 are active. The island of Java is especially famous for its numerous volcanoes.

And the most famous volcano Indonesia - Krakatau, which is located between the islands of Java and Sumatra. The largest are Rinjani in Lombok and Agun in Bali.

Most Unique Country: Bolivia

The uniqueness of Bolivia lies in the fact that it can be called the most mountainous country, and in its isolation from the world. No wonder Bolivia is called "America's Tibet". Unfortunately, the exit Pacific Ocean the country lost as a result of the war with Chile, so now it is in the middle of the continent. Here is the highest actual capital - La Paz.

Bolivia is home to the highest navigable lake in the world, Titicaca. Unlike other Latin American countries, most of its population is indigenous, Indians are one of the main Indian tribes of Bolivia.

Its population is over 2 million people. Tourists have a unique opportunity when visiting Bolivia to meet with representatives of this people, who still follow their traditions and customs.

Photo: open sources on the Web, collage: Svetlana Karmadonova

When vacation time comes, many begin to flip through the pages of the Internet in search of a country where to go to rest. At the same time, some want not only to soak up the beaches, but also to see the sights. Therefore, in order not to spend a lot of time choosing, it is worth considering the best tourist countries that are loved by many travelers.

Italy. One of the most popular countries in the world for tourism. People come here not only for beautiful sea, golden beaches, but also behind beautiful old architecture. Italy is interesting not only in summer, but also in winter with its incredible amount of ski resorts which is a kind of paradise for ski lovers. Despite not being so low prices, hundreds of thousands of skiers come here every winter. Well, what can we say about fashionistas, for whom there is an incredible number of fashion boutiques.

USA. The incredible expanses of America, which stretched from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean, have always attracted tourists. Here, hot beaches are replaced by green forests, and dry deserts are replaced by snowy mountains. Well-developed infrastructure, architecture, an incredible amount of entertainment cannot but attract. And what is worth just seeing the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls and the majestic cities of New York, San Francisco, Las Vegas. But, going to the United States of America, it is worth preparing money for all these entertainments, excursions, since everything here is not cheap.

Türkiye. The country with the largest flow of tourists, because it attracts with a mild climate, warm sea. In addition, Turkey is simply created for recreation, there is an incredible number of hotels and attractions. In addition, you can come here in winter to go skiing. And most importantly, everything here is much cheaper than in other countries. This is the best option for a budget overseas holiday.

France. A corner of the earth where you can get incredible impressions is France. It has everything: beaches, mountains, architecture, museums, shopping, entertainment and incredibly delicious cuisine. At least once, having visited France, you will want to come back here again and again. In addition, there are many options for economy holidays.

New Zealand. If you want to see the unusual beauty of nature, then this is definitely New Zealand. Mighty glaciers, hot geysers, crystal clear clear lakes, green forests, mysterious grottoes are all located here. In addition, this place is the best option for lovers of extreme sports.

Greece. This is a place where you can’t just lie on the beach or just run frantically on all excursions. In Greece, you need to enjoy your vacation, delicious food, warm sea, sights, everything needs to be combined, but in moderation. After all, it is in Greece that you can plunge into ancient world and wonderful vacation.

Vietnam. To get into a completely different culture, nature is worth visiting Vietnam. It is very beautiful and amazing country, which will surprise with its excursions and beaches. In addition, everything here is quite inexpensive. The only negative is a long flight, but the impressions received are worth it.

Which tourist country is better now quite difficult to define, because each has its own characteristics. And this is not the whole list of places worth visiting. Our world is great and beautiful and if possible you need to see? as much as possible.

The most interesting countries for travel and unforgettable experiences

Man is as multifaceted as the world around him. Therefore, I want to know all the secrets, to see all the farthest corners of the Earth. What person does not want to receive a lot of new impressions. First of all, it is worth briefly considering the most interesting countries for tourism.

Must visit Brazil. It will amaze at every step, especially with its nature and azure waters. If possible, you should choose the time to travel when the carnival takes place - an incredibly colorful, beautiful show, it is definitely worth a visit.

Sweden will please with its bright houses, which dotted the streets. This is a country of new culture, scary stories and delicious food, here gourmets will have a lot of fun. In general, Sweden is a country of comfort where you can feel like a special royal blood, the service here is simply gorgeous.

If you want to see all the wildlife of Africa with your own eyes, get as close as possible to an elephant, lion, rhinoceros, leopard worth a visit Malawi. This recent wasteland, which was devastated by poachers, received new life. After communicating with nature, you can swim in the clear lakes. Malawi will give an abyss of emotions and impressions.

Worth a visit Mexico. After all, on this moment there is a period of its tourist revival, and therefore the prices are still very reasonable. The first thing worth going there is to see the ancient Mayan buildings, this civilization left us incredible buildings, saturated with incredible energy. After that, you should go to caribbean beach and enjoy the warm sea.

One of most interesting countries to travel is Malaysia. It will surprise you with the power of the new architecture and not only. In Malaysia, everything is done to surprise the tourist, which is worth only the largest bird park in the world, newest airport, various excursions.

Each country is a unique corner of the Earth, which is ready to amaze with its culture, architecture, nature. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to travel today, do not put it off until tomorrow. After all, the world is so beautiful and every day is changing.

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Many people like to travel alone. They say that this way they can get to know the world and themselves better. And besides, you don’t need to adapt to anyone: if you want to lie on the beach all day and not go anywhere - please, you suddenly decided to go to explore the ruins - even right now!

The main thing is that your trips leave only good impressions and be safe. That is why this compilation features the top 10 countries in the Global Peace Index and the International Happiness Index.

website wishes you a memorable and pleasant trip.


The best way to experience Norway is to take a ride aboard one of the steamers that sail along the country's coastline, passing through some of the most beautiful fjords and stopping at dozens of seaports along the way. Or go on a multi-day hike along the fjords, staying in hotels and mountain huts. Northern lights will be a bonus for you.


Arm yourself with good hiking boots and set off to explore the expanses of Switzerland. Fortunately, the transport structure is very well developed here, so every interesting place there is a tram, train or steamer. Visit Zurich, then head south to the shores Lake Geneva, to Montreux and Lausanne, where you will find plenty of entertainment: restaurants, nightclubs and luxury hotels.


Vietnam is colorful cities, rich markets and smiling locals. Combine beach holiday with cognitive possible in Phan Thiet. This resort is one of the most attractive in Asia. But for entertainment it is better to go to Hanoi.

New Zealand

Inspiring landscapes, glaciers, rainforests, mountains - this place is just magical. Fabulous landscapes seem to be retouched in Photoshop. You go and do not believe that all this is real. lovers active rest will be able to try bungee jumping, boating and hiking on the legendary Milford Track - the most popular walk of New Zealand's nine Great Walks.


Small and compact, Vienna is one of the most suitable European cities for solo travel. Lots of concert halls, dozens of museums and cafes where you should stay. Salzburg, where Wolfgang Amadeus once lived, is even smaller, but no less worth a visit. And to the cleanest lakes and hot mineral springs travel to charming Carinthia.


Spend a few days in the exciting metropolis of Tokyo, ride on high-speed train past Mount Fuji and enjoy the tranquility of old Kyoto. As for the number of attractions and museums, everything is in order here: Japan will find something to surprise even experienced tourists.


Chileans are friendly and welcoming, which will be a big plus for lovers of solo travel. Chile is 3000 km of deserts, mountains and endless coast. You can head north to the magical Atacama Desert, or south to Chiloe or Patagonia. It is worth stopping by Santiago, the largest city in Chile. Chileans are very hospitable - so you can easily join a family barbecue and become part of a Chilean family for a while.

Many travelers who have visited the happiest country in the world call it the most beautiful in the world. This is a favorite place for surfing, as well as rafting on river waters. There are endless mountain ranges covered with sparse forests, numerous National parks, nature reserves and volcanoes, exotic black and white sand beaches, noisy waterfalls and much more.


Temples, yoga on the beach, cheap food, lodging and massages. One of the favorite places of spiritual seekers. All this Bali is the most popular travel destination in Indonesia. Here, coffee plantations give way to emerald terraces, the purest sacred lakes- volcanic lakes. If you prefer more or less touristy places, visit Lombok, an island off the coast of Bali.

TRAVELERS' CHOICE AWARD is the most important travel rating of the year, compiled by, the largest travel service in the world. The winners were selected using an algorithm that takes into account millions of online user reviews and ratings of thousands of attractions, hotels and restaurants around the world over the past 12 months. Want to know which cities won? See the top 25 best travel destinations in the world.


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1. Marrakesh in Morocco was ranked #1 on's Best Travel Destinations. “Amazing bustling old market in the city center” is the most attractive place in the city, according to portal users. (Photo: CNN).
2. Siem Reap in Cambodia is number 2 in the ranking of the best travel destinations. The sunrise over the Angkor Wat temple causes a special delight among tourists, because it is not for nothing that it is considered one of the seven new wonders of the world. (Photo: CNN).
3. Istanbul in Turkey is a city full of contrasts. A trip to Istanbul is a fantastic journey through different eras, styles, religions, tastes and aromas. (Photo: CNN).
4. Hanoi in Vietnam. Users call it a lively, interesting and chaotic, in the good sense of the word, city. (Photo: CNN).
5. "Beautiful and charming" Czech Prague. Here on every corner you can stumble upon "strange shops" that will pleasantly surprise you. (Photo: CNN).
6. "Eclectic" London is a mixture of lifestyles, people and history. (Photo: CNN).
7. Rome, Italy "Such a huge piece of history in one city." (Photo: CNN).
8. Buenos Aires, Argentina “Cool, trendy, absolutely delightful city.” (Photo: CNN).
9. Paris, France Nowhere else in the world will you find such an amazing atmosphere as in Montmartre, a beautiful and colorful area with its small shops, art galleries and charming cafes. (Photo: CNN).
10. Cape Town, South Africa. One of the main attractions of Cape Town is Botanical Garden Kirstenbosch, about which users write only admiring reviews. (Photo: CNN).
11. New York, USA. According to users, the city's top must-see attraction is Times Square. (Photo: CNN).
12. Zermatt, Switzerland “Once you get to the top of the Matterhorn Glacier, you will feel like you are standing on the roof of the world.” (Photo: CNN).
13. Barcelona, ​​Spain. “In some corners of this city, you will feel like you have traveled back in time… 500 years into the past!” (Photo: CNN).
14. Gorem, Türkiye. "This is the most unusual and surreal landscape in the world!" (Photo: CNN).
15. Ubud, Indonesia. This the best place for those who love SPA: massage, acupuncture, reflexology, aromatherapy - here you can try absolutely everything. (Photo: CNN).
16. Cusco, Peru "It's a wonderful city with charming cobbled streets, very hospitable people and good restaurants." (Photo: CNN).
17. St. Petersburg, Russia. One of its main attractions is St. Isaac's Cathedral, which offers a breathtaking view of the entire city. And the beauty of the interior of the cathedral makes tourists "goosebumps!". In the photo: Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on Blood. (Photo: CNN).
18. Bangkok, Thailand. Khao San Street is "the heart and soul of Bangkok, the best place for all travelers, with its lively streets and bars at every turn." (Photo: CNN).
19. Kathmandu, Nepal. Kathmandu is primarily a city of Buddhist temples, unique monuments worth visiting. (Photo: CNN).
20. Athens, Greece. The hallmark of this city is the "exciting" Acropolis. (Photo: CNN).
21. Budapest, the capital of Hungary, has been dubbed the "Queen of the Danube" by internet users. (Photo: CNN).
22. Queenstown (New Zealand) is the best place for lovers of sports and stunning nature. (Photo: CNN).
23. Hong Kong (China) is the only city of its kind that features floating restaurants serving delicious dim sum (Chinese dumplings). (Photo: CNN).
24. Dubai (UAE) - A cosmopolitan oasis with futuristic cityscapes that rises above the Arabian Desert. (Photo: CNN).
25. Sydney (Australia) is a city that will appeal to both lovers of history and modernity. Business card city ​​is the opera house (Sydney Opera House), which looks like a sailboat floating peacefully in the harbor. (Photo: CNN).