5 sources of mineral waters of the Caucasus. Caucasian Mineralnye Vody: health resort at economical prices


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Pyatigorsk city

Caucasian Mineral Waters- eco-resort region with a speaking name. The lands of the Northern Ciscaucasia are indeed full of mineral springs - in such quantity and variety as here, mineral waters are not found anywhere else in the world. In the bowels of the laccolith mountains, rocky ridges, terraces descending to the river valleys, and in the expanses of the foothill steppes, self-flowing sources of hydrogen sulfide waters, Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk narzans, drinking waters such as Essentuki, Smirnovskaya and Slavyanovskaya beat out of the ground. In addition to the springs, there are therapeutic muds of Lake Tambukan and vast forests in the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

The resorts of Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk and Pyatigorsk need no introduction. The name of each of these cities is familiar to most from childhood on the labels of mineral water bottles that can be found in the pharmacy of any Russian city. They have become a kind of symbols of the resort business, owners of magnificent medical parks with openwork drinking galleries, ancient bath buildings and health paths, modern sanatorium complexes and a rich cultural heritage.


The ecological resort region Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is located in the south of the European part of Russia, on the territory of the Stavropol Territory, the northern lands of Kabardino-Balkaria and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. The region covers four resort towns - Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk and Pyatigorsk.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody lies at the junction of the Stavropol Upland, dissected by river valleys and gullies, and the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus. Only about 50 km separates the resort region from the highest peak Russia - the majestic Elbrus volcano, bound by ice. The relief of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is heterogeneous - resort towns lie in hollows, river valleys, near ridges covered with dense broad-leaved forests and at the foot of cone-shaped mountains. The northern border of the region is the city of Mineralnye Vody, beyond which the steppes of the Northern Ciscaucasia extend, and the southern border - the valleys of the Khasaut and Malka rivers.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is a region that differs natural wealth. The slopes of the surrounding mountains cover endless forests. On the slopes of Pyatigorye stretches the Beshtaugorsky forest park, in which ash, pedunculate oak, beech and hornbeam grow. In the resort parks, plants and trees from different parts of the world are collected: alder, pine, Atlas cedar, blue spruce, thuja, Verginsky juniper and red-leaved plum. Through the efforts of gardeners, the resort of Essentuki, surrounded by the steppe, has been turned into a blooming garden city.


The climate of the resort region Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is diverse. Depending on the geographical latitude and altitude, several climatic zones are distinguished - the low-mountain and foothill climate of the steppe zone, the climate of the highlands on the slopes of the Greater Caucasus. Resort towns are located in the foothill climate zone, which is one of the main healing factors of the region, due to geographical features each of the resorts has its own climatic features.

Winter in the resorts of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is moderately warm and dry. The first frosts come in November. The average temperature of the coldest month, January, is -3°C. At this time of the year, thaws and fogs are not uncommon.

Summer is moderately warm, not hot, sunny and long. The average July temperature in the resorts of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is 19-22 °C.

The number of hours of sunshine is 1900-2200 per year.

The indicator of the average annual precipitation decreases with distance from the Greater Caucasus. In Kislovodsk, the amount of precipitation is about 600 mm per year, in Pyatigorsk - about 470 mm.

In general, the region is characterized weather favorable for recreation at any time of the year.


Caucasian Mineralnye Vody live according to Moscow time. The time zone is MSK (UTC+3).


The population of the resort region Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is 952,646 people. IN resort towns Russians, Armenians, Karachays, Ukrainians, Abaza, Georgians, Ossetians and representatives of other peoples of the Caucasus live.

Types of tourism

The main tourist destination of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody resorts is Spa treatment And wellness vacation.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody have powerful natural healing resources. The region is the owner of various types of mineral waters, therapeutic mud, climatic conditions, ideal for health procedures. In terms of the volume of medical resources concentrated on the territory of the region, Caucasian Mineralnye Vody has no analogues in Russia and in the world.

On the territory of the eco-resort region, 24 deposits of mineral waters are distinguished, including Essentuki, Zheleznovodskoye, Kislovodskoye and Pyatigorskoye. There are sources of hydrogen sulfide, carbonic and radon waters, drinking mineral waters of the Essentuki type, nitrogen-methane waters and narzans. Mineral waters are used for drinking treatment and balneological procedures in the treatment of various organs and systems - from diseases of the digestive system to diseases of the genitourinary system.

On the territory of the resort region there is Tambukan Lake, which is a source of sulfate-chloride sodium-magnesium brine, as well as therapeutic sulfide-silt mud. The silts of Lake Tambukan are used in the form of applications and wraps in the sanatoriums of Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Kislovodsk, as well as in health resorts in different regions of Russia.

The climate of the foothills is distinguished not only by the special purity of the air, the absence of allergens, but also by rarefaction. Low partial pressure of oxygen provokes rapid breathing, saturation of blood, tissues and organs with oxygen. This effect is especially beneficial for people with respiratory diseases.

The complex relief of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody resort region creates favorable conditions for health paths - therapeutic walking with a difference in heights for training the cardiovascular system. In addition, the natural landscapes of the region and resort parks create a favorable psychological environment, increasing the effectiveness of spa treatment.

The natural abundance of the region served as the development of the resort business. KavMinVody is one of the oldest resort regions in Russia. The first baths, drinking galleries, alleys of medical parks were opened at the beginning of the 19th century. Today, the region has a developed network of sanatorium and resort institutions, as well as general resort health resorts - clinics, baths, drinking galleries with pump rooms.

The main indications for recreation and spa treatment at the resorts of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody are:

  • Diseases of the respiratory and ENT organs
  • Diseases of the digestive system
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system
  • Diseases of the endocrine system and metabolic disorders
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Diseases nervous system
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Leisure also widely developed and popular in the resort region of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. First of all - hiking, the surroundings of the resorts are cut by health paths and tourist routes leading to the peaks of the surrounding mountains, lakes, waterfalls. In addition, the guests of the resorts are offered horseback riding and cycling, river rafting, cave visits - speleotourism. Do not forget that the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody are located at a distance of a short car trip from Dombay, Teberda, Elbrus, Cheget, Arkhyz, where tourists skiing, mountain tourism, mountaineering and even hang gliding.

Excursion tourism. The Caucasian Mineral Waters have something to surprise even sophisticated travelers. There are many preserved here architectural monuments- from the buildings of baths and mud baths, small architectural forms of resort parks to noble mansions and villas, magnificent garden and park ensembles, natural attractions. The history of the resorts is associated with the names of prominent artists - there are many museum houses and historical places in the cities of the resort region. The resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters are also attractive because you can get to know many sights on your own as part of a walk. Excursion bureaus of sanatoriums and boarding houses offer their guests trips to Dombay, Elbrus and Arkhyz.


The group of resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters includes four cities: Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk and Pyatigorsk.

Zheleznovodsk- balneological and mud treatment resort, the most modest in size among the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. The hot springs of Zheleznovodsk have been known since antiquity, and the first serious studies of the waters were carried out at the end of the 18th century. Outstanding architects and gardeners worked on the construction and arrangement of the resort, based on the plans of the best European resorts. From the very foundation of the resort, the health resorts were headed by prominent scientists who made a significant contribution to the development of the resort business in the Caucasus.

Kislovodsk- one of the most famous balneological and climatic resorts Russia, the birthplace of the mineral waters of the Narzans and, perhaps, the most attractive city of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. The formation of spa medicine in Kislovodsk is associated with the names of prominent domestic clinicians and balneologists, it was here that many physiotherapy techniques used in sanatoriums and health-improving complexes all around Russia.

Pyatigorsk- the famous balneological and mud resort, which is part of the group of resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. For its wealth of natural mineral springs, Pyatigorsk is often called the "natural gallery of mineral waters", and elegant architecture and magnificent parks attracted aristocratic public to the resort back in the 19th century. It is believed that it was in Pyatigorsk that Russian balneology as a science was born - in 1863, the Russian Balneological Society was founded in the city, bringing together the best doctors and scientists of its time.


1. Federal Law No. 214-FZ dated July 29, 2017 “On conducting an experiment on the development of resort infrastructure in the Republic of Crimea, Altai Territory, Krasnodar Territory and Stavropol Territory.

2. Law of the Stavropol Territory No. 130-kz of 08.12.2017 “On some issues of conducting an experiment on the development of resort infrastructure in the Stavropol Territory”.

RESORT FEE: RUB 50 per person.

The territory of the experiment includes the territories of the following municipalities of the Stavropol Territory:

  • the resort town of Essentuki;
  • resort city of Zheleznovodsk;
  • resort city of Kislovodsk;
  • resort city of Pyatigorsk.

RESORT TAX PAYERS: individuals who have reached the age of majority and stay in the accommodation for more than 24 hours.


1) persons awarded the titles of Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero Russian Federation or who are full holders of the Order of Glory;

2) persons awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor or Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation or awarded the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees;

3) participants of the Great Patriotic War;

4) combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 N 5-FZ "On Veterans"; 5) persons awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad";

6) persons who worked during the Great Patriotic War at the objects of air defense, local air defense, on the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear borders of the active fronts, operational zones of the operating fleets, on the front-line sections of iron And highways, as well as crew members of the ships of the transport fleet, interned at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the ports of other states;

7) war invalids;

8) family members of the fallen (deceased) disabled war veterans, participants of the Great Patriotic War and veterans of military operations, family members of persons who died in the Great Patriotic War from among the personnel of the self-defense groups of the facility and emergency teams of the local air defense, as well as family members of the deceased hospital workers and hospitals in the city of Leningrad;

9) persons exposed to radiation as a result of the catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as as a result of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site, and persons equated to them;

10) disabled people of groups I and II;

11) persons accompanying disabled people of group I and disabled children in accordance with the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance";

12) low-income families, low-income citizens living alone and other categories of citizens provided for by the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance", which have an average per capita income below the subsistence level established at their place of residence in the relevant subject Russian Federation; 13) persons who arrived on the territory of the experiment in order to receive specialized, including high-tech, medical care or medical rehabilitation after the provision of specialized, including high-tech, medical care in the conditions of sanatorium-resort organizations, as well as the person accompanying them if the patient is a child under the age of 18;

14) patients with tuberculosis;

15) persons under the age of 24 studying full-time in educational institutions located on the territory of the experiment;

16) persons permanently working on the territory of the experiment on the basis of an employment contract or service contract;

17) persons who have a place of residence in the territory of the experiment;

18) persons who own residential buildings (shares in the ownership of them) and (or) residential premises (shares in the ownership of them) on the territory of the experiment;

19) athletes, coaches, sports judges, as well as other specialists in the field of physical culture and sports who arrived to participate in official sports events on the territory of the experiment.

Exemption from the payment of the resort fee is carried out upon presentation to the operator of the resort fee of the original document confirming the right to exemption from the payment of the resort fee, or a duly certified copy thereof. Exemption from the payment of the resort fee of the persons specified in paragraph 11 may also be carried out on the basis of a written application of the accompanied person or his legal representative.


1. The resort fee payable is calculated by multiplying the number of days the resort fee payer actually stays at the property, excluding the day of arrival, and the applicable resort fee. However, the resort fee to be paid is not included in the price.

2. The resort fee is collected no later than the time of departure from the property.

3. Repeated collection of the resort fee for the same period of stay in the experimental area is not allowed.

4. The resort fee is subject to transfer to the budget of the Stavropol Territory.

5. The transfer of the resort fee to the budget of the Stavropol Territory is carried out by the resort fee operator after the expiration of the payer's actual residence in the accommodation facility no later than the 28th day of the month following which the resort fee is calculated, but not earlier than the expiration of the payer's actual residence in the accommodation facility.

6. If it is impossible to withhold the calculated amount of the resort fee from the payer, the operator of the resort fee, no later than three working days from the date of departure of the payer from the accommodation facility, is obliged to notify the executive authority of the Stavropol Territory of the impossibility of withholding the resort fee from the payer and the amount of the resort fee payable responsible for conducting the experiment (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body), according to the form established by it.


1. Operators of the resort fee, in accordance with the procedure established by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation, are obliged to calculate, collect and transfer the resort fee to the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation.

2. The operator of the resort fee, when collecting the amount of the resort fee payable from the payer of the resort fee, is obliged to issue to the payer of the resort fee a document confirming the fact of payment.

3. Operators of the resort fee, in accordance with the procedure established by the authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation, are obliged to keep records of payers of the resort fee and persons exempted from payment of the resort fee, in compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data".

4. The operator of the resort fee is obliged to submit to the authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation the report of the operator of the resort fee, prepared on the basis of accounting data, as well as the information necessary for maintaining the register of operators of the resort fee.


Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is located between the Black and Caspian Seas, 90 km from Elbrus. In good weather, its characteristic outlines are visible at a glance.

The region occupies the southern part of the Stavropol Territory, the heart North Caucasus, the northern slopes of the Main Caucasian Range, is located on the same latitude as the resorts Cote d'Azur France and the Italian Adriatic.

The nature of the North Caucasus is picturesque and unique. For just a few tens of kilometers from north to south, the steppe plain smoothly turns into a mountain landscape, and feather grass steppes into gorgeous deciduous and pine forests, over which alpine meadows stretch. All this splendor is crowned by the majestic two-headed Elbrus.

The height of the resorts above sea level is from 600 to 1000 meters. The main Caucasian ridge retains the moist air of the Black Sea, creating a favorable healthy climate, warm but not hot summers, mild winters.

Caucasian Mineral Waters is a mountain resort, balneotherapeutic, mud and climatic, specially protected, ecological region of the Russian Federation, a single artesian pool of mineral waters of various types and richest in resources. The area of ​​formation of these waters is located on the territory of three subjects of the Federation: Stavropol Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria.

The uniqueness of the region lies in the exclusive concentration of numerous mineral waters of various composition, as well as therapeutic mud, exotic landscapes that create favorable climatic conditions, and resort complexes with developed infrastructure. structure.

The resort region includes five resort towns: Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Yessentuki, Zheleznovodsk and Mineralnye Vody themselves.

The climate, one of the healing factors of the region, is diverse, formed under the influence of several factors. The continentality of the climate is determined by the foothill character and the proximity of the snowy peaks of the Main Caucasian Range, on the one hand, and the proximity of arid steppes and semi-deserts of the Caspian coast, on the other. Studies by bioclimatologists from the Pyatigorsk State Scientific Research Institute of Balneology clearly proved that the air of resorts is characterized by high transparency, moderate natural hypoxia, high natural ionization with a low ion unipolarity coefficient. With a favorable regime of solar radiation, this combination allows for all types of climatotherapy. The surrounding mountainous alpine meadows and resort parks cleanse the air from pollution and enrich the air with healing volatile phytoorganic substances.

The most favorable, according to medical climatology, is the southern zone of the CMS. The climate of Kislovodsk and its environs is distinguished by a very large number of sunny days, an almost complete absence of wind, low atmospheric pressure, especially in the upper part of the park, partial pressure of oxygen and water vapor in the air, and increased solar radiation. Only 37 days a year are without sun. The region of other CMS cities belongs to the climatic zone with a large amount of heat and moderate precipitation. Cloudy foggy days with frost are observed mainly in the autumn-winter period, which creates a contrast with Kislovodsk, where at this time it is extremely rarely cloudy.

Therapeutic factors of CMS

  1. Mineral waters of various composition.

    In terms of richness and diversity, the group of mineral springs of the CMS is the rarest phenomenon: narzans in Kislovodsk with its “cold boiling water” seething from carbon dioxide, hot waters of Pyatigorsk and Zheleznovodsk, radon in Pyatigorsk, hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium in Essentuki and others. In a relatively small area, there are currently over 130 mineral springs, 90 of which are used for medicinal purposes.

  2. Favorable climate in the southwestern part of the region

    This climate is used for climatotherapy, especially in the Kislovodsk resort, throughout the year, and in other resorts - mainly during the warm period.

  3. Mud of the Tambukan lake.

    Mud is used for mud therapy at all resorts in the region.

    Tambukan Lake is located 12 km southeast of Pyatigorsk, on the border between the Stavropol Territory and Kabardino-Balkaria. It is small, only 180 hectares, but the reserves of mud are more than 2 million tons, which provides the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters with therapeutic mud for many years and even centuries. The water in the lake is bitter-salty - brine of sulfate-chloride-sodium composition with high mineralization.

    Tambukan has always been mysterious and a little creepy, always struck by its unusualness. Its surface seems black even in calm, windless weather, so clearly visible through the water column is the layer of the same healing mud lying at the bottom. The lake was first scientifically described in 1773 by I. Guldsnshtedt. He called it "Tambi", which in ancient Turkic means "bad, bad smell": when approaching the lake, a strong smell of hydrogen sulfide hits the nose. Kabardians from ancient times knew everything about the healing properties of Tambukan mineral waters and mud. This is evidenced by the remaining traces of baths carved into the stones near the springs, and the remains of primitive wooden and stone bathing devices from the early Bronze Age.

    Mud and brine of the lake have a pronounced bactericidal effect, so no one is found in the lake, except for brine crustaceans. Black plastic sulfide mud has a high content of organic matter, hydrogen sulfide, methane, etc. It consists of fine clay and sand.

The main indications for the treatment of diseases

The first official information about one of the oldest regions of Russia and its mineral springs is contained in the reports of Dr. Schober in 1717. By the Highest Decree of Peter I, he was sent to the region of the North Caucasus in search of "spring waters". Indications for the treatment of diseases evolved as sources were discovered. To date, CMS is the most versatile resort in the world.

Pyatigorsk. The composition of 50 springs represents almost all types of mineral waters in the region. A successful combination of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, radon sources and mud of Lake Tambukan, a favorable climate and a wonderful natural landscape makes the city the most versatile resort in Russia. All diseases are treated here in a complex: peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal system, digestive organs, skin, peripheral vessels, gynecological and andrological diseases, occupational diseases.

Essentuki. The waters of this resort are often compared with European resorts. It is worth noting, however, that the treatment of patients with diseases of the digestive system has long allowed Essentuki to be recognized as one of the best world resorts of this profile.

Zheleznovodsk. City sanatoriums specialize in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, kidneys and urinary tract.

Kislovodsk. Carbonic mineral waters, the climate of the middle mountains make this resort a unique place for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as the respiratory tract.

Caucasian Mineral Waters- the name speaks for itself. Famous resort places, the all-Russian balneo-climatic resort Caucasian Mineralnye Vody are four cities with their own characteristic features, cozy and attractive.

The healing power of the local mineral springs has long been familiar to the local population. Legends also tell about this, where the truth is intricately intertwined with poetic fiction. An echo of such a legend is contained in the name of one of the popular local mineral waters - narzan. This word can be translated into Russian as “heroic drink”, “water of heroes”. Narzan was considered a source of strength for a tribe that once allegedly lived in the North Caucasus - the Narts.

The first historical information about the “hot waters” of Pyatigorye dates back to the 14th century and belongs to the Arab traveler Ibn Batuta. Scientific interest in them was shown by Peter I, who sent an expedition to study. However, the information received was soon forgotten. Interest in them revived again at the end of the 18th century, when the first Russian settlement appeared in these places - the Constantinogorsk fortress, built near Mount Mashuk in 1780.

The date of birth of the resort is considered to be 1803, when the state significance of the Caucasian mineral waters was recognized and the study of their medicinal properties began. Settlements spring up near the springs. The first such settlement was Goryachevodsk at the foot of Mashuk. In 1830, it was renamed Pyatigorsk - after the name of the nearby five-domed mountain Beshtau. Then there were Kislovodsk, Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk.

The poetic discovery of the Caucasus belongs to the great Pushkin. The first time he saw the Caucasus was on the waters, where in 1820 he arrived with the Raevskys, heading into exile. And this meeting left an indelible mark on Pushkin's poetry. He himself wrote about this in a dedication to N. Raevsky to the poem "Prisoner of the Caucasus":

Where is the cloudy Beshtau, the majestic hermit,
Auls and fields ruler five-headed,
Parnassus was new to me.

There have been many outstanding people on the waters. Such great names are associated with the Caucasian Mineral Waters, such as: Odoevsky A.I., Ogarev N.P., Glinka M.I., Rakhmaninov S.V., Balakirev M.A., S.I. Taneev, L.V. .Sobinov, Chaliapin F.I., Gorky A.M., Mayakovsky V.V., Yesenin S.A., Repin I.E., Yaroshenko N.A., Tolstoy L.N. But a special place among them belongs to M.Yu. Lermontov.

Lermontov was on the waters several times, first as a child, then during his exile to the Caucasus in the army. He knew the Caucasus perfectly, knew the society that gathered on the waters. The novel "Princess Mary" was written based on the impressions of life on the waters. It has full recognition of cities and their environs, characters and types. A gifted painter, Lermontov was also one of the first to create a romantic landscape of the Caucasus. In Pyatigorsk, in the 27th year, Lermontov's life was cut short, he was killed in a duel. A memorial to M. Lermontov was created at the resorts. And in the center of Pyatigorsk, a monument to M. Lermontov was erected in 1889, created by the sculptor A. Opekushin with funds raised by subscription.

Today Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is a recognized balneological resort. At least a million people are treated and rested here every year. The main wealth of the resort is its mineral springs, unique in their diversity and healing properties, supplemented by deposits of therapeutic mud. Treatment at the resort is carried out strictly on a scientific basis. Each of the resort towns, depending on the composition of the springs and the microclimate, specializes in the treatment of various diseases. And all together they bring people health and joy. In the cities of Caucasian Mineral Waters, health resorts with a high level of service have been created, much is being done here for the convenience of those who come for treatment and just relax.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is located in the middle of the 700-kilometer isthmus between the Black and Caspian Seas on the northern slopes of the Main Caucasian Range, just 90 km from the high mountain in Europe - Elbrus, the two-headed peak of which is clearly visible almost throughout the region. Occupying an area of ​​about 6 thousand square meters. km, the region is characterized by great contrasts of natural conditions.

In the south, in the foothills of Elbrus, are the valleys of the Khasaut and Malka rivers, in the west - the upper reaches of the Eshkakon and Podkumka rivers, in the north, beyond the city of Mineralnye Vody, steppe expanses extend. The Caucasian Mineral Waters region occupies the southern part of the Stavropol Territory. It borders in the southwest and west with the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, and in the south with the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

In the vicinity of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody there are many wonderful places that attract with the beauty of nature, interesting tourist routes. Proximity draws people to these places mountain peaks, amazingly beautiful intermountain valleys with elegant vegetation, fresh alpine meadows, noisy azure-blue waterfalls, swift transparent rivers, an abundance of mineral springs, exceptionally clean, always cool air, saturated with phytoncides with a tart smell of resin and needles. Bus excursions are organized to these areas - to Teberda, Dombai, Arkhyz, Baksan Gorge, Chegem Gorge, to the foot of Elbrus, Blue Lakes.


The region is a sloping plateau, gently descending from south to north. According to the nature of the relief, the region is divided into two parts: the northeastern part, where laccolith mountains rise against the background of the plain, and the southwestern part, with characteristic features of the mountain landscape.

On the territory of the region, four types of landscapes can be distinguished, belonging to the transitional type - from flat to mountainous:

1. Piatigorsky low-mountain intrusive (with quasi-laccoliths) on the foothill sloping alluvial terraced plain with steppes, forest-steppes, broad-leaved forests, xerophytized mountain meadows on chernozem, mountain-forest and mountain-meadow soils. It occupies almost half of the territory of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. The plain is cut by the valleys of the Kuma and Podkumok rivers, tributaries of the Bugunta, Yutsa, Dzhutsa. Three levels of Pleiotocene terraces are well developed here - Goryachevodskaya (100-110 m), Dzhamgatskaya (55-75 m), Pyatigorskaya (24-30 m).

The terraces form extensive interfluve surfaces and are covered with cover pebbles. 17 picturesque island dome-shaped mountains rise above the plain, representing near-surface Miocene-Pliocene intrusive massifs: Beshtau (1399.8 m), Dzhutsa (1198 m), Zmeyka (994 m), Mashuk (993 m), Yutsa (972 m), Razvalka (930 m), Camel (885 m), Golden Kurgan (884 m), Sharp (881 m), Sheludivaya (875 m), Zheleznaya (859.4 m), Bull (821 m), Kabanka (Dupaya, 772 m) , Bald (740 m), Medovaya (721 m), Dagger (almost destroyed), Kokurtly (406 m). The mountains of the Pyatigorsk landscape are unusual geological and geomorphological formations. In the bowels of the mountains there are rare mineral paragenesis containing compounds of uranium, boron and rare earths, including a unique aqueous calcium, cesium and uranium phosphate, called lermontovite.

In the Quaternary, in a number of places in the Pyatigorsk landscape, thick strata (up to 70 m) of travertine were formed as a result of the release of carbon dioxide sources (Hotaya). In travertines and limestones, karst is observed in the form of funnels, caves, niches, ponors (for example, Proval on Mount Mashuk).

Mineral water deposits here are formed in the original hydrogeological structure. The aquifer complex of monoclinal salt-rich Mesozoic-Cenozoic marine deposits is combined in it with a zone of permeable magma-conducting faults. Laccolith mountains are the main pharmaceutical laboratories in this system. Mineralized porous and fissure vadose waters, falling into the jets of hot solutions and gases rising from their depths, are saturated with them, and then rush up the ring and radial faults and, mixing in countless cracks, give a variety of healing mixtures. The cities of Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Essentuki, Mineralnye Vody and other settlements are located on the territory of the Pyatigorsk landscape.

2. Kislovodsk mountain-hollow to inter-bush dissected erosion-tectonic depression with meadow steppes on mountain chernozems and alluvial soils of river floodplains. It starts from the rocky ridge, uniform in relief, from which the Bermamyt plateau slopes gently towards Kislovodsk with the flat peaks of the mountains Big (2643 m) and Small (2592 m) Bermamyt, Shadzhatmaz (2070 m), located in the vicinity of Mount Elbrus (5642 m). North-east of the Bermamyt plateau stretches the Pasture Range, divided into two parts by the Podkumok River. One part is called the Dzhinal Range ( highest point Mount Maly Dzhinal, 1584 m above sea level), the other - Darya Heights (with the highest elevation of 1419 m above sea level). From the Darya heights to the northeast, the Borgustan Plateau descends gently.

The Kislovodsk landscape is one of the rare in the North Caucasus and exceptionally picturesque. It covers the bottoms and slopes of the intramountain erosion-tectonic basin and adjacent parts of the Podkumok River valley. Relatively low altitudes (800-1500 m above sea level), orographic isolation create here a special salubrious climate with clear windless weather. The presence of carbonic mineral springs of the Kislovodsk deposit gives additional value to the landscape in terms of recreation. The Kislovodsk structural-erosive depression was developed by the Podkumok River and its tributaries at the site of the outcrop of Cretaceous sandy-argillaceous deposits. The Podkumok River flows through the middle part of the landscape with its tributaries Eshkakon, Alikonovka, Berezovka. The foothills of the Dzhinal Range have been turned into a resort park with a variety of local and introduced species of trees, shrubs, health paths, recreation facilities, and recreational infrastructure. The area of ​​the spa park is 1340 hectares. The park is the pearl of the resort. Shady groves, cozy meadows and alleys have become not only a favorite vacation spot for holidaymakers, but also a kind of museum of flora in the Caucasus. More than 250 species of trees and shrubs have been collected here, including Amur velvet, noble chestnut, red oak, black walnut, Manchurian walnut, Sosnovsky pine, Crimean pine, walnut and others. There is even the rarest relic tree - kinkgo. Special attention is paid to the decorative design of the park. Many flowers are planted in the park, which decorate it until late autumn. The length of the health path is more than 70 km.

The sandy and chalk mountains surrounding Kislovodsk are very beautiful and form numerous terraces with deep caves and grottoes. Separate blocks of red sandstones, weathered, took the most bizarre shape. In Kislovodsk Park, Red Stones became such a memorable place. In the Kislovodsk region there are picturesque natural areas and objects of nature - Ring Mountain, Berezovka Gorge, Honey Waterfalls, Charm Valley, Lermontov Waterfall, Lermontov Rock, Red Stones, White Stones, Blue Stones, Big and Small Saddle, Air Temple, Red Sun and a lot others.

3. Borgustansky structural-denudation mid-mountain karst on Cretaceous monoclinal structures with mountain meadows, steppes and meadow-steppes on mountain-meadow chernozem-like soils and on leached and mountain chernozems. Borgustan mid-mountain landscape covers the western part of the territory of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. The southern slope of the Borgustan Range abruptly breaks off to the valley of the Podkumok River with several ledges of structural terraces composed of Upper Cretaceous sandstones, tuff sandstones, marl limestones, silicified shales, marls and carbonate clays of the Upper Cretaceous. The northern slope slopes gently towards the valley of the Kuma River. The vegetation is represented by steppes and meadow-steppes. Rare xerophilic flora has been preserved on the southern slopes.

4. Djinal the monoclinal landscape enters the territory of the CMS with its northwestern part. The southwestern slopes of the Dzhinalsky Range are steep with structural terraces, the northeastern slopes are gentle, cut by river valleys and gullies. The upper parts of the landscape are occupied by subalpine forb meadows; oak, hornbeam, ash forests with hazel grow along the beams on the slopes.


The climate of the region is diverse and is formed under the influence of a number of factors. The foothill character of the terrain and the proximity of the snowy peaks of the Main Caucasian Range on the one hand, and on the other hand, the proximity of arid steppes and semi-deserts of the Caspian coast determine the continental climate of this region.

In shaping the climate of the region, the decisive role is played by its southern location, which provides a large influx of solar energy, the features of atmospheric circulation in the south of temperate latitudes, the relief and height of the terrain above sea level, which create climatic differences in certain parts of this region. The pasture range (Dzhinalsky and Borgustansky) divides the territory under consideration into two unequal parts: the southern part - the Kislovodsk region with features of a temperate continental climate of low and middle mountains, and the northern part - Yessentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk with typical features of the steppe zone. The degree of climate continentality, which characterizes the variability of air temperature and humidity during the year, decreases in this territory as the height of the area above sea level increases from the northeast to the west. So, in Pyatigorsk (576 m) the climate is sharply continental, in Kislovodsk (890 m) it is continental, in Dzhinal it is slightly continental, and in Bermamyt (2586 m) it is transitional.

The most favorable, according to medical climatology, is the southern zone. The climate of Kislovodsk and its environs is distinguished by a large number of clear days, low wind speeds, low atmospheric pressure, partial pressure of oxygen and water vapor in the air. The air is clean and transparent. The average annual air temperature in January here is 3.7°. On some days in winter, the air temperature can drop to 33° below zero, or rise to 20° warm. In the daytime, on more than 50% of days in winter, the air temperature during the day is positive. Summer is usually pleasant. The average monthly temperature in July is 19°. The intensity of solar radiation is increased. During the year, the number of hours of sunshine reaches 2147 hours. Only 37 days a year are without sun. Snow cover lasts 40-45 days. Autumn is long, warm and sunny. Spring is long, cool, rainy.

The resort area of ​​Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk is a climate zone with a lot of heat and moderate precipitation. The average temperature in July is 22°, in January 4.5°. The average annual precipitation falls within 600 mm mainly in spring and early summer. Compared to the southern zone, the average annual air temperature is higher here, relative humidity is at the level of 65-71%, the number of days with fogs and without sun is 85-120, days with precipitation 120-160, and frosty days are about 90. Cloudy days with fogs and hoarfrost are mainly in the autumn-winter period, which creates a contrast with Kislovodsk, where it is mostly sunny at this time. The duration of the frost-free period decreases from northeast to southwest from 190 days in the area of ​​the city of Mineralnye Vody (300 m above sea level) to 80 days a year on Mount Shatzhatmaz (2070 m above sea level).

Rivers and lakes

The Darya Upland is the feeding zone of the headwaters of the Darya, Kuma, and Bogunta rivers. On the slopes of the Darya Upland, there is the Essentuchok nature reserve. The area is composed of sedimentary rocks: limestones and dolomites of the Lower Cretaceous in combination with sandstones and marls. From above, these rocks are covered with a cover of Quaternary deposits, but in some places it is almost completely washed away.

The fragmentation of the territory is significant. Deep valleys and gorges of medium and small rivers and streams, as well as upland gullies flowing into them, dissect the terrain in such a way that one gets the impression of a typically mountainous country, although absolute heights do not exceed 800-1200 m above sea level.

Limestone deposits are fissured, permeated with numerous voids and easily permeable to atmospheric precipitation, being the aquifers of the feed zone of the Kavminvod springs. The impervious horizons, dipping obliquely to the northeast, are clays of the Lower Cretaceous, clays of the Maikop stage, and dense metamorphosed shales of the Paleozoic basement.

The floodplain ecosystem of the rivers is represented by a willow-poplar cenosis, including Greek mountain ash, beautiful and Tatar maples, relict (tertiary) species - light maple, Glagolen mountain ash, about 19 species of willow, white poplar, black poplar, Sosnovsky, common hazel, forest grapes. In swampy areas grow narrowish pondweed, chastuhi cereal and plantain, as well as cereals - southern reed, bent rhizome, ground reed grass, forest bluegrass, flattened, swampy, false-sharp sedge, coastal, barley row.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is a unique region in terms of the wealth of resort resources and, above all, deposits of mineral waters. There are deposits of mineral waters of various chemical and gas composition with a total debit of 14.5 m3/day. Among them are the famous Slavyanovsky and Smirnovsky springs, Kislovodsk narzans and mineral waters Essentuki 4 and 17; Pyatigorsk sulfide and radon waters, Nagut waters of the Yessentuki 4 and 17 type, Borjomi, Arzni and others. Among the most valuable deposits of carbonic mineral waters are Kumskoe and Nagutskoe, the exploration and exploitation of which has led to an uninterrupted supply of valuable carbonic water to the Kislovodsk resort and the prospects for a significant increase in the bottling of mineral waters such as Essentuki 4 and 17.

But there are few natural lakes in the region. These are the salty Lysogorsky lakes and lake Karras. Lake Tambukan has an important balneological significance, it produces therapeutic mud, which is rated as one of the best. This is silt fine-structured mud containing organic and inorganic acids, gases, which has antiseptic properties. Healing mud of Lake Tambukan is used not only in all resorts of Kavminvod, but also in Nalchik.


On the mountains of Pyatigorye one can trace unique island ecosystems with altitudinal zonality. More than 1,300 plant species grow in a relatively small area, forming a gene pool of rare diversity. According to the ecological and botanical station of the Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, several dozen relict and endemic plants and more than a hundred medicinal plants grow in the Pyatigorsk mountains. Of particular interest is the Beshtaugorsky forest area with plantations of oriental beech, edible chestnut, Norway maple, linden, willow, willow, alder, hazel, hawthorn, euonymus, elderberry, blackthorn, dogwood, barberry, oak-ash and ash, rowan-birch crooked forest, unusually picturesque subalpine glades, as well as forests with rare and endangered plant species on Mount Lysaya. From the second half of March, the steppe valleys and lower slopes of the mountains come to life and are covered with flowers. In the forests, violets, primrose bloom in a continuous cover, in the steppe - saffron, hyacinths, yellow adonis. In the virgin island steppes to the west to Essentuki and to the east beyond Mashuk, along the high left bank of the Podkumok River, fiery red adonis blaze in the fields, along the mountain slopes wild irises, white anemones, and pinkish rosehip flowers. On the top of Mount Beshtau, azaleas, yellow lilies, and Wilhelms mytnik delight the eye. And along the steppe foothills of Beshtau, gigantic poppies are sometimes found. Large-flowered pollenheads grow on the northern slope of Mashuk, green-colored lyubka. On the northern slope of the Golden Kurgan, you can see an ordinary nest.

The decorative and horticultural and fruit vegetation is rich and varied, the Walnut Grove on the western slope of Mashuk has become one of the sights of the Caucasian Mineral Waters region. The area is replete with orchards, vineyards, berry fields, orchards, the richest park vegetation. The Perkal dendrological nursery, located on the northeastern slope of Mount Mashuk, is legally considered a living museum of flora. Botanical Garden Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Academy.
The natural attractions of the Pyatigorsk landscape include slate mountains with steppe, forest and mountain-meadow vegetation and picturesque rocks, the Hot travertine mountain, Perkalskaya rock with bone remains of extinct animals, Mashuksky and Lysogorsky Provals, island permafrost and Saltpeter cave on Mount Razvalka, Eagle and Goat rocks, Monastic glade on Mount Beshtau.

The forbs of the meadows create a unique flavor - Tatar katran, rough burdock, Siberian and poster grains, gray and Caucasian cinquefoil, pharmacy burdock, common meadowsweet, a lot of legumes, blood-red geranium, Siberian hillock, giant eryngium, Russian mustard, Siberian hogweed, centaury small , geneva tenacious, spear-leaved skullcap, purple mullein, upright woodruff, tenacious bedstraw, double-pinnate scabiosa, coarse-grained ragwort, very high bellflower, sorrel sorrel, meat-red buckwheat, cereal asterisk, divaha prolific, narrow-leaved peony, ranunculus bathing suit, elegant ranunculus, about 40 species of Compositae, more than thirty species of cereals and many others. Steppe ecosystems are distributed mainly on the southern slopes of medium steepness. In mature steppe cenoses, dense shrub perennial grasses dominate: the most beautiful feather grass, pinnate and hairy, Valais fescue, white-bearded, soddy pike, shady colchicum, thin asphodolina, mouse hyacinth, Husson's birdman, false yellow and whitish onion, iris (net saffron, Crimean iris and Marshal ), early sedge and blackhead, spring adonis.

In subalpine meadows, there are Steven's dandelion, Caucasian dryad, Fisher's cornflower, hairy feather grass, beautiful feather grass, saxifrage, glacial foxtail, dotted areas of lamira blackhead, drooping bell.

This area is dominated by complex multi-layer broad-leaved forests with a developed shrub layer. Among the trees, beech, olive, elm, hazel, maple, rose-flowered and other families are common, pedunculate and chalk oaks, common ash, hornbeam elm, rough, Caucasian hornbeam, common hazel, gray alder, gray and Tatar maples, bare carp, eastern apple tree , Caucasian pear, plum, sometimes there is an oriental beech.

Shrubs are mainly represented by honeysuckle, euonymus, olive, pink flowers: black elderberry, southern svidina, common viburnum, common privet, warty and European euonymus, mountain ash and Greek. On the forest edges and glades, fruit-bearing vegetation is found: dog rose, Caucasian blackberry, raspberry, mountain ash.
In this area, you can often find rare and endangered plant species: feather grass, beautiful and Caucasian feather grass, thin asphodelina, Caucasian snowdrop, fake and forked iris, netted saffron, meat-red orchid, katrans and others.


In the forests and steppes there are many foxes, badgers, weasels, hares, hamsters, hedgehogs, steppe ferrets, field mice, jerboas. In rare cases, snakes and large lizards can be seen on the slopes of the mountains. In the steppe areas, one can occasionally see a hare and a jerboa, a gray hamster, and a hedgehog. Vole mice live here. The mounds of earth, lined up in a row, testify to the underground work of the common mole rat. Of the predators in these places, the steppe polecat, weasel, fox, and occasionally the wolf hunt. Squirrels have taken root well in city alleys and resort parks. Red fluffy animals have settled in here, they are not afraid of people, they take nuts and seeds from their hands.

The world of birds is unusually rich. Bald eagles, hawks, falcons, kites, red-footed falcons, tits, blackbirds, woodpeckers, warblers, nightjars, jays, buzzards, European dawns are found on Beshtau. In the steppe there are many larks, quails, buntings, wheatears, coinage, meadow and field harriers, rollers, kestrel, imperial eagles. Pheasants, warblers, yellow wagtails, sandpipers, ducks are found in river floodplains. Of the migratory birds in the summer, starlings, pigeons, hoopoes, owls, swallows, and golden bee-eaters nest in the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Crows, rooks, jackdaws roam in large flocks. Warblers, greenfinches, blackbirds, prosyanka, goldfinches, warblers, and shrikes live in bushes. Orioles, nightingales, hoopoes can be seen in the parks. Woodcocks arrive in spring and autumn. Starlings, swallows, sparrows, pigeons, pheasants, white-fronted thrushes, mountain swallows, and ravens live in the city. Near Beshtau there are warblers, waders, corncrakes, yellow partridges, and black swifts. Black swifts, alpine jackdaws, eagles, falcons, griffon vultures, stone partridges nest on mountain cliffs. In the shallow and fast Podkumka there are many small fish: minnows, roach, barbels.


"Once the elders of one of the tribes of the Sahara came with an excursion to Niagara Falls. The gray-bearded elders froze in amazement. After a while the guide offered them to go further, but they asked to wait. "What?" asked the guide. "Until the water runs out..."

Filling their glass with sparkling moisture at the source, hardly anyone realizes that they are drinking ... the rain that fell 100, and maybe more years ago on the northern spurs of the Caucasus - the Dzhinalsky Range.
Here are the doors to the natural "kitchen" in which the well-known "Narzan", "Essentuki", "Mashuk" and "Slavyanovskaya" are cooked. Composed of thick layers of sedimentary rocks (marls, limestones, sandstones), Dzhinal lowers its slopes to the north, passing under the resort towns, skirting the mountains of Beshtau and Mashuk, Zheleznaya and Zmeyka. And if the ridge itself is a feeding zone for mineral waters, then its underground slopes are their transport system.

Not far, it seems, from Kislovodsk to Pyatigorsk or Zheleznovodsk, only a few tens of kilometers. But rainwater travels this path for a painfully long time. After all, the speed of its movement along the huge "biscuit" of sedimentary rocks is only about 40 meters per year! On this way, the water has time to be enriched with various salts of sedimentary rocks. But this is not yet mineral water, it is still its "semi-finished product". And through different layers of the "pie", at different speeds, at different temperatures, the future "Slavyanovskaya" or "Essentuki" flows in its own, only known to her labyrinths. It will become mineral water in the "unloading zone" - in the Kavminvod region.

The birth of medicinal waters of each resort has its own characteristics. But the "kitchen" is the same for everyone.

It has been operating for many millennia at a depth of several tens of kilometers, where huge blocks of the earth's crust collide with "foreheads".

Here is a zone of anomalously high pressures and temperatures. Everything is possible in this underground laboratory. Ordinary limestone can become noble marble, and loose marl - the strongest granite. And the by-product of these transformations is carbon dioxide. Through a system of faults and cracks, it tends to the surface. In the underground meeting places of the former rainwater and carbon dioxide, mineral water is born. Significant evidence of the "weakness" of the earth's crust in the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is the famous local mountains of laccoliths. They did not become volcanoes like Elbrus. But they only lifted the cover of sedimentary rocks and created new, so-called calcic faults, through which mineral water came out to people.

The role of a kind of elevator that raises water to the surface is performed by the same carbon dioxide. Geologists call this phenomenon “gas lift”. Now it is clear that the faster and from a greater depth mineral water rises to the surface, the hotter it is and the more carbon dioxide it contains and vice versa.

Well, what happens to the water that has passed the network of faults and has not come to the surface. Where does the river flow, composed of underground streams of the Dzhinal Range?

Through a "layered cake" of sedimentary rocks, it gradually descends to a depth of several kilometers and flows into a huge, very salty sea lying under the Terek-Caspian lowland. But not all water is lost forever. Part of it, colliding with a wall of impermeable rocks near the Nagutskaya station, rises almost to the surface and, as if offended by the inhospitable reception, flows back, making its way to the sun in the area of ​​Essentuki. This water was longer in the underground "kitchen", and therefore more saturated with salts.

Concluding the story of the deep journey of a small raindrop, it is worth mentioning one thing. unique place. Hydrogeologists named it the Nagut deposit.

Here, Jinal's salt cake shattered against a wall of hard rock. And in this mishmash of cracks and faults you can find all the mineral waters of the Caucasus: "Slavyanovskaya" and "Smirnovskaya", "Narzan" and "Essentuki", "Mashuk" and "Borjomi". These riches will still serve the health of people!

Thousands of years will pass... But as long as rain falls from the sky and fire burns in the underground forge, Caucasian Mineral Waters will remain what they are - the eighth miraculous Wonder of the World!

The story of hydrogeologists L.A. Skok and
M.A. Samotei recorded S.P. Prokopov.
Zheleznovodsk city.

Completed by: Zabolotnaya Kristina and Kolesnikova Yana

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is one of the most densely populated areas of the North Caucasus. The average population density is more than 150 people per 1 km2.

The composition of the Caucasian Mineral Waters includes 7 cities:






Mineral water


And also 3 districts - Predgorny, Mineralovodsky and Georgievsky.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody is more than 500 thousand hectares (5.3 thousand sq. km), located on the territory of three constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the boundaries of the district of the mountain and sanitary protection:

in the Stavropol Territory - the cities and resort towns of Georgievsk, Mineralnye Vody, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Essentuki, Kislovodsk.

The region is located in the south of the European part of Russia, almost at the same distance from the Black and Caspian Seas - within the junction of the Mineralnye Vody inclined plain and the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus.

in Kabardino-Balkaria - Zolsky district - 9% (therapeutic mud of Lake Tambukan, Narzanov Valley and others);

in Karachay-Cherkessia - Malokarachaevsky and Prikubansky districts - 33% of the territory (zone of formation of mineral springs).

The region is located in the south of the European part of Russia, almost at the same distance from the Black and Caspian Seas - within the junction of the Mineralnye Vody inclined plain and the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus.


KMV is one of the oldest resort regions in Russia. The first written information about its mineral springs is found in the doctor G. Schober (1717), who was sent by Peter I to examine the mineral storehouse North Caucasus. First detailed descriptions they were made by I. A. Guldenshtedt (1773), and then by P. S. Pallas (1793). After a study of the hot spring in Pyatigorsk (1801) and the conclusion of a special commission on the possibility of using mineral waters for therapeutic purposes (1802), by decree of Alexander I of April 24, 1803, the provision on the Caucasian Mineral Waters was approved, when the historical Rescript "On the recognition of the state significance of the Caucasian Mineral Waters" was signed and the need for their device, ”and their official existence as a resort area began.

The history of the development of this unique resort region of the Russian Federation was characterized by ups and downs, with the transition from state management to private counterparties. Long distances from the central cities of the Russian Empire, when those wishing to receive medical treatment on Hot, Iron and Sour Waters were forced to make a real journey on horse-drawn carriages lasting one and a half to two months, military operations in the Caucasus, the unsettled nature of the springs and resorts themselves - all this created certain difficulties in development of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.


The relief of the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters begins at the foot of Elbrus, where the Rocky Range with a number of peaks clearly stands out. The dissected relief, which creates a wide variety of landscapes, is explained by the long development and complex geological structure of the territory. The northern part of the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters is open, it is revived by laccolith mountains - failed volcanoes: magma could not pass through the thickness of sedimentary rocks and froze in the form of domes. The southern part of the region is cut by deep gorges and gullies. All local mountains are laccoliths, that is, stone pits. About 10 million years ago, the formation of mountains began in this area. Magma rose through narrow cracks in the earth's crust, breaking up, lifting layers of the earth and in some places bursting to the surface. On other mountains, lava masses were exposed due to the process of weathering and erosion. There was not enough temperature for powerful eruptions. But the set of chemical elements and minerals that filled these stone pits turned out to be unique and determined the amazing variety of mineral waters of future resort cities.


Pyatigorsk is located in a green valley on the banks of the river. This is the largest city in the region and its cultural center with a developed infrastructure and a large number of interesting sights. In the center of the resort is its official symbol, the main attraction and a unique monument of nature - mountain-reserve Mashuk.

Treat in Pyatigorsk: allergic and skin diseases, infertility, hormonal disorders, inflammatory processes, urological, diseases of the spine and joints, nervous system, diseases of the digestive system, eye and ENT diseases.

Mineral waters of Pyatigorsk.

Pyatigorsk boasts more than 40 healing springs, some of them are hot. According to their composition, the sources are divided into:

Carbonic waters - the so-called Pyatigorsk Narzans, cold, warm and hot;

Carbon dioxide-hydrogen sulfide, which are suitable mainly for external use. They are used in Lermontov, Pirogov and other baths. However, some, for example, in the Academic pump room, are indicated for ingestion;

Salt-alkaline waters are waters of the Essentuki type;

Radioactive or radon waters are used in therapeutic baths, showers, pools.

Where to stay for rest and recreation in Pyatigorsk:

5 things you must do in Pyatigorsk:

- Find the place of Lermontov's duel with the retired major Martynov;

- Following the example of Ostap Bender, start selling tickets to Proval Lake;

- At the same time take a picture at the monument to the Great Combinator;

- Take a ride on the cable car;

- Of course, try all kinds of local healing waters.


Kislovodsk - the "pearl of the Caucasus", is located between two mountain rivers above and south of the rest of the resorts of the Caucasus Mineral Waters. There is a lot of sun, light and greenery here - this is a favorite health resort for tourists.

Treatment in Kislovodsk: diseases of the nervous system, chronic fatigue syndrome, neurosis, osteochondrosis. In addition, the resort specializes in the treatment of respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Mineral waters of Kislovodsk- Kislovodsk Narzans.

The best sanatoriums in Kislovodsk:

5 things you must do in Kislovodsk:

- Like Samuil Marshak, improve health in the Main Narzan baths;

- Appreciate the beauty of the "Valley of Roses";

- Buy a "drinker" - a mug with a spout for drinking mineral water;

- In the same place, choose your path of health path - a hiking trail - the main, after mineral waters, therapeutic component of the resort.


This resort, "tiny Switzerland", is located a little north of Pyatigorsk. It is surrounded by relic forests, nearby is Mount Zheleznaya - a failed volcano, thanks to which the city got its name.

Treatment in Zheleznovodsk: help with metabolic disorders, with symptoms of liver cirrhosis, problems with urology and gynecology, diseases of the digestive system.

Mineral waters of Zheleznovodsk.

There are 23 mineral springs in Zheleznovodsk. The most famous of them are Smirnovsky and Slavyanovsky. The waters are mainly carbonic, according to their temperature properties they are divided into high-thermal, thermal, low-thermal and cold. There are springs with saline-alkaline waters.

Where to stay in Zheleznovodsk:

3 things you must do in Zheleznovodsk:

- Bypass the entire Resort Park;

- In the same place, like Lermontov, drink mineral water from the Pump Room No. 1;

- Overpower the ascent to Beshtau.


Essentuki is a quiet, cozy city with a lot of greenery and gardens, located in the center of the resort region in a flat area on the banks of the Podkumok River. Essentuki is the largest health resort of the KVM, where, of course, people are treated with water and healing mud.

Treat in Essentuki: the resort is worth choosing if you need specialists in the treatment of urology or gynecology, allergic diseases, metabolic disorders, and problems with the digestive system.

Mineral waters of Essentuki.

The resort is rich in salt-alkaline waters. The most famous of them are Essentuki N 17 and Essentuki N 4.

3 things you must do in Essentuki:

- Feel like Raisa Zakharovna from the comedy "Love and Doves" and appreciate the wonders of mechanotherapy - the famous scene on simulators was filmed here;

- Learn to taste to distinguish "Essentuki-4" from "Essentuki -17";

- Take a dip in the Upper Mineral Baths, which, by the way, are over a hundred years old.

Mineral water.

The city is located 100 km from Stavropol at the foot of Mount Zmeyka. This is a modern and convenient transport hub, a transfer point with an airport and a major railway station. Among the advantages of the city - clean air, beautiful nature and interesting sights.

Treatment in Mineralnye Vody: despite the name, there are no sources of healing waters, but not far from the city there is the only large sanatorium of the same name, reminiscent of the health resorts of Zheleznovodsk in its medical direction.

3 things you must do in Mineralnye Vody:

- Ride the elite horses of the Tersk stud farm;

- Conquer the top of an ancient volcano - Mount Zmeyka;

- Indulge in shopping and buy souvenirs in local shops.

Caucasian Mineralnye Vody (Kavminvody, KMV) is a group of resorts of federal significance in the Stavropol Territory, which includes the resort towns of Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, and of course, the city of Mineralnye Vody itself. KMS is a specially protected ecological resort region Russian Federation. The region is located in the south of the European part of Russia, almost at the same distance from the Black and Caspian Seas.

In terms of the variety of mineral waters, the region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters has no equal not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Over 130 sources of mineral waters of 30 types have been identified on the territory of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 17, 2006 No. 14, the cities of Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk and Pyatigorsk were given the status of resort cities of federal significance. Every year more than 700 thousand people are treated and have a rest at the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

City of Mineralnye Vody

The city of Mineralnye Vody is a small cozy town in the Stavropol Territory. Despite the name, there are no healing springs in the very administrative center of the Mineralnye Vody District, all of them are located in neighboring Zheleznovodsk, Lermontov, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk. The city serves as a kind of gate that annually passes hundreds of thousands of tourists to the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. It is here that the largest transport hub of the region is located - international Airport, railway interchange and federal highway.

The climate of the city is relatively dry, moist air masses from the Black Sea do not reach here, they are delayed by the Main Caucasian Range. The city of Mineralnye Vody is located mainly in the steppe zone. One of the most interesting natural sights is the magmatic mountain Zmeyka. It attracts tourists not only with beautiful mountain landscapes and unique flora and fauna. On the slopes there are several holy springs and monuments of the Great Patriotic War, as well as adits and quarries. You can often meet fans active rest with climbing equipment. In Mineralnye Vody there are several temples and cathedrals that will be of interest to believers and those who want to get acquainted with the history, culture and architecture of the city. The main religious attraction is the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. Among its shrines are the relics of St. Theodosius of the Caucasus, the patron saint of these places.


Do you want to get into the "city of 365 sunny days a year"? Then go to Kislovodsk. It is an amazingly sunny city, surrounded by the picturesque slopes of the Caucasus Mountains, which protect it from strong winds. Here is the famous source of acidic mineral water "Narzan". Hence the "sour" name of the city - Kislovodsk. It is worth coming to Kislovodsk just for the sake of one resort park! This is not just a park, this is a whole amazing planet with beautiful rocks, seething waterfalls, green meadows and countless all kinds of plants and animals. The uniqueness of Kislovodsk is not only in healing mineral springs and beautiful park areas.

At one time, the most talented people who glorified our country rested and worked here: Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Mayakovsky, Gorky, Chaliapin, Rimsky-Korsakov, Glinka, Rachmaninov and others. Perhaps that is why the culture here is developed no worse than in the same St. Petersburg.

Ring Mountain is a favorite place for tourists. It got its name due to the hole that was formed in it by the winds. A magnificent panorama of Kislovodsk opens from the mountain. No less popular are the Honey Waterfalls in the Alikonovsky Gorge. The waterfalls got such a delicious name thanks to honey plants that bloom all summer in this valley. And the old-timers say that the main contribution to the sweet name of the waterfalls was made by hardworking bees, who opened their “factory” for the production of honey right in the mountain crevices. In Kislovodsk is the famous Lermontov rock. At its top there is a platform that ends with a steep cliff. It was this site that was the site of Pechorin's duel with Grushnitsky in the famous "Hero of Our Time". I believe you have no doubts and you will certainly visit this wonderful city!


Most Big City- a resort of the Caucasus Mineralnye Vody region - Pyatigorsk. It was founded after the signing of the famous rescript by Alexander I in 1803. Pyatigorsk lies at the foot of Mount Mashuk at an altitude of 520 meters above sea level. The city is the oldest Russian balneological resort. The emergence of the city of Pyatigorsk is a kind of commercial project. From year to year, high society traveled "to the waters" abroad, taking away a lot of money from the country. As soon as the Caucasian sources were recognized as curative, it was decided to establish a balneological resort on Russian territory, and this project was successfully implemented.

The best way to travel around Pyatigorsk is by tram. Not for the sake of economy, of course, but because the Pyatigorsk tram is an attraction in itself! This is the first electric tram on the territory of modern Russia. Pyatigorsk is a storehouse of sights that will not leave you indifferent.

One of them is Lermontov's House. This is not even one house, it is a whole block of old, early 19th century buildings, “mothballed” in time and perfectly preserved to this day. Looking at them, one can imagine what Pyatigorsk looked like almost 200 years ago. In one of these same houses under a thatched roof, in the estate of Major Chilaev, Mikhail Lermontov settled in 1841. In fact, the poet lived in the "Lermontov's house" for only two months - the last in his life. You can honor the memory of the poet by visiting the place of his duel, located on the opposite slope of Mashuk. The monument to Lermontov was entirely raised with public money - they were collected by subscription for several years. The next attraction is the Aeolian Harp gazebo. This is an antique-style stone gazebo on a steep, rocky ledge of Mashuk. At all times, observation posts of troops were located on this site, since the approaches to Pyatigorsk are clearly visible from here. Its builders were the architects brothers Giuseppe and Giovanni Bernardazzi.

The location turned out to be so successful, and the views of the city and its environs opening from it are so charming that this modest-sized gazebo constantly attracted a lot of visitors. The gazebo is named after the ancient Greek god Eol, the lord of the winds. Another outstanding place is the building of the Pirogov baths hospital, which was built in 1914 on the site of a wooden barrack soldier's hospital. The outstanding Russian surgeon Nikolai Pirogov demonstrated to the doctors of the Caucasian Corps the method of using ether anesthesia for pain relief during surgery in the field. It was in the Caucasus that, for the first time in the history of medicine, Nikolai Pirogov began to operate on the wounded with ether anesthesia in the field. The hospital changed its name three times. In Pyatigorsk, there are still a huge number of places worth visiting. I hope you find it interesting and you will definitely want to see them for yourself.


In the steppe valley of the Podkumok River, the world-famous balneological resort of Essentuki is located. This is the youngest among the resorts of the Caucasian Mineral Waters. Nature has generously endowed this land with amazing healing sources of mineral water, which cure diseases of the digestive system, endocrine system, gynecological diseases, diseases of the nervous system, organs of the musculoskeletal system. Thousands of people come here to improve their health and enjoy the beauties of this land. The waters of the healing salt-alkaline springs "Essentuki-4" and "Essentuki-17" are used for drinking treatment, baths, inhalations, irrigation. Here they also improve their health with the help of sulfide silt mud of the Tambukan Lake.

Among the most beautiful buildings in the city are the Upper Mineral Baths, made in the Russian Empire style with baroque elements. The building of the mud bath is also a real monument of architecture. It is decorated with massive columns, sculptures of ancient gods of healing and lions, beautiful bas-reliefs. Inside the mud bath is spacious, light, as well as many decorations and mythological sculptures.

The building of mechanotherapy, and now the Zander Institute, is more than a century old. A beautiful, light, elegant brown-pink structure with small turrets and domes on the roof, with wooden carvings and a huge vase above the main entrance - just a real fairy-tale tower. one more interesting place Essentukov is a three-story former dacha of I. G. Zimin in the Art Nouveau style. Turrets of 2 and 4 floors adjoin its facade. Many windows of various sizes and a warm light yellow color give the massive structure a very welcoming look.

You can also see the dacha-museum of the famous surgeon Razumovsky, the estate of the itinerant artist Nikolai Yaroshenko and the dacha of Fyodor Chaliapin. As you can see, you won't be bored here! On this amazing friendly land, you can perfectly improve your health, recharge your batteries with vigor, energy and new impressions, as well as just relax in the greenery and flowers of the most wonderful parks.


Zheleznovodsk is the smallest of the listed resorts. There is no other reason to belittle his dignity. On the contrary, Zheleznovodsk is unique in many respects, as it is a well-known balneological resort of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, located at the foot of Zheleznaya Mountain, at an altitude of 570-650 m above sea level, in the valley of the small rivers Dzheymuk and Kuchuk. On the territory of the resort there are over 20 carbonic sulfate-hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium mineral springs (Slavyanovsky, Smirnovsky), actively used in the treatment of diseases associated with the digestive and genitourinary systems.

Zheleznovodsk is an ideal resort for those who suffer from diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract; this is the specialization of the resort - the main profile of treatment. More precisely, one of them. The main profiles of treatment at the Zheleznovodsk resort include urological diseases and diseases of the nervous system. Related profiles - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, ENT diseases, gynecological, pulmonological and dermatological. In addition, in Zheleznovodsk there are several sanatoriums where they undertake to treat diabetes, but - pay attention! - only at an early stage, when sugar-lowering drugs are not yet needed.

Treat in Zheleznovodsk, of course, with mineral water. It is used for oral administration, inhalation, baths and other water procedures. Local waters are also bottled - they are produced under the brands "Smirnovskaya" and "Slavyanovskaya", according to the names of the sources. These mineral waters are very popular and even exported, only few people know that they are bottled in Zheleznovodsk. The Smirnovsky spring is named after Dr. Semyon Alekseevich Smirnov, chairman of the Russian Balneological Society: he cleared this source, long known local residents, and studied its properties. Now a rather large pump-room has been erected over the Smirnovsky spring. The Slavyanovsky spring bears the name of its discoverer, the outstanding hydrologist and mining engineer Nikolai Nikolaevich Slavyanov. Above Slavyanovsky there is also a pump-room in the classical style.

The oldest source of Zheleznovodsk is Lermontovsky. It was opened in 1810 by Dr. Fyodor Petrovich Gaaz, and the history of the city began from this event. Lermontov really came to this source, which was still practically not equipped. As for Dr. Gaaz, Zheleznovodsk owes him not just "a lot" - there would be no resort without Haaz.

Zheleznovodsk also owes its name, not very romantic and resort, to Gaaz, or rather, to one of his delusions. The reddish-rusty sediment that the doctor noticed around the springs was attributed to the presence of a high concentration of iron in the water. In fact, this is a mistake, and there is relatively little iron here. But the name stuck, and the cute resort town with unique “healing factors” remained with a name that evokes thoughts more about a mine in the Urals than about rest and treatment. Not only the waters and the city became iron, but also the mountain on the slopes of which Zheleznovodsk stands.

It is here that the only forest park of natural origin in the Caucasian Mineral Waters is located, in which plants of the steppe, forest and subalpine belts grow. The climate in Zheleznovodsk is mountain-steppe, moderately dry. Clean ionized air and dense oak-hornbeam and beech forests protect this resort from the exhausting summer heat. There are many active and excursion routes acquainting with the unique sights of the Caucasus.