Good and comfortable places to. How to choose the best seats on a plane: practical tips


One of the most popular questions is which seat on the plane is better to choose. Consider the Airbus and Boeing liners. Aeroflot's fleet contains approximately six dozen Airbus A320 units. In general, the name Airbus is exclusively colloquial: the English transcription says "Airbus A320". The Boeing company began to produce aircraft much earlier than Airbus. As for reliability, it is very difficult to say which is better in this regard - Airbus or Boeing.

The aircraft of these companies have certain differences: the Airbus is taller, it has a different nose shape - round, and Boeing produces aircraft with sharp noses. There are some more differences. As for the question of which places to choose, the recommendations for Boeing and Airbus A320 liners will be different. Here are some tips to help you enjoy your time in the sky.

How to avoid the worst places:

  • Decide for yourself what is most important for you personally: look out the window or be able to get up from your seat at any time and go out, for example, to the toilet.
  • Do not be too lazy to study the scheme of the liner, for this, find out what you are flying on, whether it will be a Boeing or an Airbus 320.
  • Ask a direct question to the airline representative: in most cases, he has no reason to refuse you.
  • Do not buy seats in the tail, next to the toilet, galley and other technical rooms.
  • Keep in mind that you will be uncomfortable in a chair that does not recline.
  • Do not take a seat between or behind emergency exits.

How to choose the best seat on the Airbus 320

The number of seats on the Airbus A320 varies depending on the configuration and model. There can be 150 passenger seats in the cabin, or maybe 180. Thus, in this case it will not work to advise you exactly the best places in the A320, you need to know exactly which airliner you are flying on. Let's consider a configuration of 180 seats, a one-class cabin.

Location 1-29, A and F. If it is important for you to be at the porthole, it is better to choose one of these places. It makes no sense to take it if the flight takes place at night. You are not worried about a neighbor who will get up to use the toilet or vice versa take his place. But you will disturb the neighbors. But you will not be uncomfortable with passengers or flight attendants walking down the aisle.

Location 1-29 B and E. There is no direct access to the window, but you can still look into it. But the people scurrying along the corridor do not bother.

Location 1-29 C and D. Extreme places. Good for tall people, as you can stretch your legs into the aisle. You can get up at any time and leave if you need to wash your hands, for example. A significant drawback: you will constantly have to let two neighbors through when they want to get up or will return, there is no access to the porthole.

1 row. You will not recline the back of the chair. You won't have to wait long for drinks and lunch - they'll be given to you first. You don't have to stand in line to leave the salon. True, the entire flight will have to look at the wall in front of you. Usually passengers with children take the first row, so there is a risk of spending the entire flight next to a crying toddler. The specific arrangement of the tables, characteristic of the first rows, makes the chair narrower and the armrests immovable.

12 and 13 row. If you are tall, then it is better to choose a seat in one of these rows. The chairs are next to the emergency exit, so you can stretch your legs. True, the seats may not recline, and this is a significant minus. The same applies to places in 11 row. Here, the chairs can also not recline, and there is nowhere to stretch your legs. Keep this in mind when you buy your Airbus 320 ticket.

29 and 30 row (last). These seats are located close to the toilet and kitchen, and the seats do not recline. The flight will take place under the regular slamming of doors and the sounds of flushing water in the toilet.

Now you are armed with enough information to accurately select your seat on the Airbus 320. Now it's Boeing's turn. Which seats are better to choose if you fly with this brand?

How to choose the best seat on a Boeing plane?

In this case, you can expect 2 options: a single-class cabin, where there are 184 seats and a two-class cabin, where there are 144 seats in economy class and 16 seats in business class.

1 row. The seats are located in front of the dressing room and kitchen, there is less legroom, and folding tables are attached to the armrest, as a result of which it will be fixed. The width of the seat and the comfort of the flight will decrease significantly.

7 row. Has the same disadvantages as row 1. Here the Boeing is divided into classes, so you will have to coexist with a partition separating business and economy.

10 and 11 row. There is no porthole. For many, this is a significant disadvantage. Please note that in some liners there is such a drawback in the 8th and 9th rows.

13 and 14 row. They are located near emergency exits, so the seat backs do not recline. This measure was taken on purpose so that the chair does not block the doors. In addition, passengers claim that the 14th row is the coldest in the cabin. But there is a lot of legroom, and the seat itself can be left without disturbing the neighbors.

16th and 15th row (extreme places). Perhaps it is best to choose these chairs. It is convenient to get up here, it is comfortable to sit, because you can stretch your legs.

The last row. This is the tail of the plane, there is a toilet here, and the backs of the seats cannot be reclined. There will be not only the eternal slamming of the door, but also the meeting of the queue for the toilet.

Place for a child on an airplane: which is better to choose?

So, you are flying with a small child. Such trips are given to parents, and even children, quite difficult, so you need to spend your time as comfortably as possible in flight. Not everyone knows that for children weighing up to 11 kg, a cradle is provided on board the aircraft. It is completely free, but reservations must be made in advance. It is better to come to check-in early to make sure that your cradle is not intercepted. There are several of them in the cabin, and usually there is enough for everyone, but extra reinsurance does not hurt.

Passengers with children are given seats in the front row. It is very convenient, because there is enough space for the cradle. The design itself is a small cloth cradle on a rigid frame. The baby can be put there even if he is not going to sleep. However, be careful: children who are already sitting or, moreover, standing on their legs, can turn the cradle over and fall out of it. So watch your child. Even if you yourself are very tired, you are unlikely to be able to sleep.

Conclusion: what is the best seat on the plane to choose

So, we have carried out a comparative description of the seats in the cabins of the Airbus A320 and Boeing. It makes no sense to compare the data of the vessel, since these liners have proven themselves well in flights, they are quite comfortable and safe. But there is a significant difference between the places inside each aircraft. Of course, there are a number of general recommendations that indicate what principle should be followed when choosing places. However, we have tried to narrow down this information by going through each row of aircraft in search of the ideal seat.

We hope this information was useful to you.

If you like to travel a lot and often, then you probably spend a lot of time on the road, namely on board an airplane. If the flight does not last long, then you do not pay attention to small inconveniences, but if you need to fly for 8-10 hours, then comfort is of great importance, and other things being equal, I will always choose more convenient flight conditions.

The comfort of your flight depends on many factors - entertainment on board, but most importantly - on the convenience of the very place where you will spend almost the entire journey. Today I want to talk about the difference between different seats on board an aircraft, how to find out in advance which cabin will be on your flight, and how to choose the seat you like.

To choose the best seat on board an aircraft, you must first find out which aircraft you will be flying on. Moreover, even the same aircraft from different airlines may have a different seating arrangement, so it is important to find out not just the type of aircraft, but the specific aircraft.

You can do this even before buying a ticket on the airline's website (in the flight schedule) or in the ticket search engine.

For example, when searching for a ticket for a flight, you can immediately see the name of the airline and the flight number in the route description. Let's look at the example of a London-New York flight:

The first segment of the flight will be operated by Norwegian Air, flight number DY-2802. Using this information, you can learn more about a particular aircraft at and

2. Where to find the interior layout

You can also view the scheme of the cabin on specialized sites.

Let's try to find the layout of the aircraft cabin for the same flight London-New York for the first segment of the flight at

First, on the main page, enter the necessary information - the name of the airline and the flight number (we already learned them on the ticket search engine or on the airline's website):

A window opens where you can see what the plane will be like. To see the layout of the salon, click "View map":

The page opens with detailed information about the aircraft, as well as the layout of the seats:

3. Features of different places on board the aircraft

In addition to a detailed study of the schemes, you need to remember some features different places on board and select the best seat based on your needs. Consider the different types of seats on the plane.

3.1. Emergency exit seats

If your height is above average, then these places are created especially for you! There is much more legroom in the row opposite the emergency exit than in regular seats. But there are also limitations - hand luggage will have to be removed to the luggage rack, tk. safety rules do not allow you to put things in the aisle to the emergency exit. So you can’t put anything under your own or under the seat of the passenger in front. Also, passengers with children are not allowed to sit at emergency exits. it is assumed that there should be a person sitting at the emergency exit who will be able to help the flight attendants open the emergency exit and carry out the evacuation of passengers.

Also note that if your seat is located in the row that is in front of the emergency row, you will not be able to recline the back of the chair so as not to block the emergency exit.

3.2. Seats at the beginning of the plane

  • Most often, the very first row is booked for frequent flyers and passengers with children. So keep in mind that you may not be able to sleep because of a crying baby. Although you are not insured against this in other places, but here the probability is higher.
  • Service starts right from the front rows, so you will have the maximum choice of dishes.
  • You will have to walk to the toilet, because. business class toilets are normally not allowed to be used.
  • After landing, you will be able to leave the plane in the first rows, right after the first and business class passengers.

3.3. Seats in the middle of the plane

These places do not have pronounced disadvantages or advantages. When choosing a seat in the middle of the plane, pay attention to whether the wing of the plane will block your view if you plan to sit near the window.

3.4. Seats at the tail of the aircraft

According to statistics, the places located in the tail section of the aircraft are considered the safest, because. most of the passengers who survived the crash were in the tail section.

But there are no absolutely safe places, so let's look at other features of these places:

  • there are toilets in the tail section, which, on the one hand, is convenient - you don’t have to go far, but on the other hand, people will always walk next to you, so it can be very noisy.
  • there are not always windows on the last rows, so if you want to enjoy the views, look in advance at the diagram of the aircraft on which you will fly.
  • also on the last row the back may not recline, because. extra bed not provided.
  • if you like to photograph the view from the porthole, then please note that there may be poor visibility in the tail section due to the exhaust plume.
  • if the plane is not packed to capacity, then most of the empty seats are usually in the tail section, so that you can take several seats at once, comfortably lounging.
  • if you are flying with a transfer, then it is better not to sit at the very tail of the plane, because. You can only leave the last one, thereby losing a lot of time.
  • food distribution usually starts from the beginning or middle of the plane, so if you did not order special meals, some dishes may not be enough for you (for example, you eat only fish, and only a few portions with meat remain).

3.5. The most uncomfortable places

In addition to relatively convenient places that have both advantages and disadvantages, there are also places that are absolutely not recommended to sit on, for example:

  • seats in the row located in front of the emergency exit. You won't be able to recline your back.
  • seats in the middle row (if the aircraft has three rows of seats, with the layout 3-3-3, 3-4-3, 2-5-2). Especially if you are sitting in the middle of this row - it is difficult to get out to the toilet, you may have to let passengers through yourself, it is also difficult to get something from the luggage rack, it takes the longest time to get out after the plane has stopped.
  • places next to the toilet - there may be an unpleasant smell, as well as people scurrying back and forth will not let you rest.

4. How to book a specific seat on board

When you have decided on the place you want to take, you need to book it. You can do this both in advance and immediately before departure. At the same time, you need to understand that the earlier you start booking a place, the more likely it will be to take exactly what you want.

So, there are several options for booking a seat.

4.1. Booking when buying a ticket

If you, then most likely it will be possible to book a place on board immediately upon purchase. Find out about this option right away.

Peculiarities. If you are flying on a low-cost airline, then most likely an additional fee will be charged for booking a specific seat. So I don’t see the point of booking something in advance, only if for some reason you really need a certain place (for example, you are traveling with a child and want to be sure in advance that you will sit next to or take a seat in the first row) . If you do not book a seat in advance, then it is likely that you will be able to use another selection option, more on that below.

4.2. Booking in your account

If you bought your ticket from an intermediary (for example, through or skyscanner), then you can manage your booking on the airline's website. Just go to the airline's website, register (or immediately go to your personal account if you are already registered) and personal account go to "my bookings" or "manage bookings". There you can already select places (if there is such an option) or, for example, insert a card number to count miles.

4.3. Seat selection during online check-in

Online check-in usually starts 24 hours before the departure of the aircraft, but sometimes it opens earlier, you need to find out on the airline's website. It is best to register immediately, in the first minutes after the start of registration, so there will be more chances that you will have time to book the right place. In order not to miss the time, set yourself a reminder. Again, this option does not apply to low-cost companies, because there is a choice of seats only for an additional fee.

4.4. Seat selection during check-in at the airport

Here, too, it makes sense to arrive at the airport early in order to be among the first to check in. The best seats are already taken, but at least you can choose a seat at the window or in the aisle, in the middle of the plane or at the end. If you resort to the front desk at the last minute, then most likely it will no longer be possible to choose a seat. This applies to flights to popular destinations during high season. If you are flying in the low season and the plane is half empty, then closer to the end of check-in, you can, for example, ask for a seat in a free row where there will be no one next to you.

4.5. Seat selection after boarding is completed

As soon as the landing is announced, you can safely choose a more convenient place for yourself. This applies, first of all, to low-cost airlines, because this is the only free seat selection option.

Also, a feature of low-cost airlines is that they sell a little more tickets than seats on an airplane, because. according to statistics, about 10% of passengers do not come to the flight. Therefore, the passengers who arrived the latest can often be put in the best seats, sometimes even put in a business class (if, of course, it is provided in this low-cost).

An unpleasant feeling when there is no space, due to the poor location of the seat on the plane, when there are passengers on the sides who slightly squeeze you, and in front of your nose the back of the chair, which almost touches your nose, the flight turns into an agonizing ordeal and a countdown, then you have to forget about any comfort. What are the best seats to take on an airplane?

To make the flight much more comfortable, you should listen to the tips that will be listed below.

1. Determination of the most convenient place

Uncomfortable places. The most uncomfortable places are considered "in the middle", since passengers also sit on the sides and it is not always comfortable to sit between two people. Still uncomfortable are the seats at the end of the aircraft "tail". In the tail of the plane, as a rule, there is a toilet, to which there is a constant queue, also an unpleasant factor is that in the last places there may be no porthole and the fact that from the provided menu, from the rich choice, you will get leftovers. It is possible that some of the little things, such as juice, you may not get at all.

Convenient places. There is a comfortable place for each person. Think and decide for yourself the most acceptable and comfortable place for you. The most convenient places are considered to be the following:

Of course, window seats. How? First of all, because no one will ask you to leave, you can enjoy the view from the porthole and you will have a light in case you want to read a book.

Location next to the aisle. The good thing is that you can relax your legs, as it is possible to spread them at the aisle, you can go to the toilet without extra people, you also have the opportunity to be the first to move to the exit.

Place at the saloon. The possibility of getting food first, you have a wide range of choices (since the entire range provided will be available), of course, there is the opportunity to leave the plane first, there are times when there is simply no time to stand with bags, or you just don’t want to.

2. Different aircraft cabins

There are different types of aircraft, but basically there are two: large and small. Also, the number of seats is different from 2x2 and more. Everywhere is seats and at the porthole and at the aisle.

How to find out all this? As a rule, this does not amount to extra effort, just look at the magazines of either the airline or the representative office. As a rule, if the airline is quite large, then on its website you can find a plan of aircraft cabins.

Remember! Outwardly identical aircraft, may be different in the middle, meaning the location of seats, rows and the distance between them. As a rule, the company has many completely different aircraft and there is always a chance that you will fly on another one. To avoid such unpredictable events, read below:

3. It pays to talk to people

Certain places are usually allocated in two ways:

A) time of registration

B) the moment of booking the ticket

If you ask at the airport itself, the representatives of the airline will choose the right seat for you. The following things are worth knowing:

Ask the cashier when buying a ticket

You can request to provide a plan / diagram of the aircraft, which is located on the dial during registration, both free and occupied seats will be indicated there.

4. Don't neglect letters

Designations of rows and seats in the cabin can be both Latin and Russian. This should be redone attention, as unpleasant situations of such a plan may arise: Are you looking for a place at the aisle with number 1B, and you get to the place in the middle, and all because B, not Russian at all, but Latin and reads "Bi".

5. Consider the direction of flight

It is worth considering in which direction the flight is carried out, so that there is no such thing that the sun bothers you.

It is worth remembering that if the flight goes from East to West, then the sun will be located on the left, if vice versa, then accordingly on the right. If from South to North - morning on the right, evening on the left. If from North to South - the sun is on the left, in the evening on the right.

If your path goes in the Southern Hemisphere, everything will be exactly the opposite.

6. Register early

Those who register early occupy the most convenient places, provided that seats are not assigned when purchasing a ticket. If Registration takes place earlier, then the probability of getting the most successful place for you is higher.

7. The busiest flights are morning and evening. If possible, take a day flight, as it is more likely that there will be fewer people and it will be more comfortable to fly.

8. Take advantage of new technologies

Unfortunately, the means for quick check-in are implemented only by foreign airlines. Such means are self-registration kiosks, as well as Internet sites with the registration of the airline.

These modern technologies are worth using because: You can view, using a computer, not only the layout of the cabin, but also the best seats on the plane. An integral plus is that you do not have to stand in queues and get up early to go to the airport.

9. Last Places

Of course, the main drawbacks of the seats at the end of the "tail" of the aircraft have already been indicated above. In addition to the disadvantages in the form of a toilet nearby, long lines of passengers and a small selection of food, there are pluses. The main plus is the fact that the distribution of seats comes from the end, that is, from the tail of the aircraft. If you book a seat from the end (second or third row), then, most likely, if you are not fully loaded, you will sit alone on several chairs. If the flight turns out to be long, then you can even fall asleep on these chairs.

We will be glad if the above tips are useful to you, and you will fly with high comfort and without unnecessary psychological stress.

Frequent flyers know how important it is to choose the best seats on the plane in order to have a good time at altitude and arrive at your destination fresh and rested, and not sit stiff and stare at the clock in tension, dreaming of getting there as soon as possible. For those passengers who know what type of aircraft they will fly on: an Airbus or a Boeing, you should definitely get acquainted with the layout of the seats on the plane in order to take care of choosing the best seats in advance.

Someone, when buying a plane ticket, hopes for good luck and hopes that he will get a good seat anyway, but he is often disappointed when he gets into the middle row seat, being squeezed between full neighbors, while others are “lucky” to be in the very back seats on the plane, with your back to the toilet, and these seats cannot be reclined, and a lot of people are constantly running past you. In order not to get into a similar situation and not to let everything take its course, we recommend that you take care of choosing the best seat on the plane in advance. But for this you need to know all the subtleties, which is why we decided to give you a few useful advice how to get a good and comfortable seat in the cabin.

First you need to find out exactly what model of aircraft your flight will be operated on, this is easy to do, you just need to go to the website of your carrier airline. There are many airlines and their aircraft fleet varies, however, it is possible to learn about the lineup of liners and see the layout of seats in the aircraft cabin. By the way, there you will also see such important information for passengers as the location of sockets, toilets, learn about the presence of TVs on the back of the seats, the size of the intervals between the rows. At first it may seem to you that this information is not so important, perhaps yes, if you fly only a couple of hours, but for a long flight it will be important. Let's look at the pros and cons of each type of seat on an airplane.

- many passengers love them, and no wonder, because you can admire the beauties through the glass: fluffy clouds, small towns, rivers, mountains, ships at sea. But, if your flight takes place at night, there is no point in the window, because you still won’t see anything. It’s convenient in this place and just to sleep, because you don’t have to let anyone go to the exit and no one will disturb you. During the daytime, it will be no less comfortable to read here, especially since the natural light from the window creates additional convenience. Of the minuses of choosing a seat by the window, only the need to disturb the neighbors if you need to go to the toilet or just want to stretch your legs and walk around the cabin. It is best to choose such places for thin people, no taller than average, as well as for those who plan to sleep on the road.

- Very good places on the plane, you can get up from them at any time to go to the toilet, while not disturbing anyone, stretch your legs, in addition, you will quickly leave the plane after landing. But, not everything is so cloudless, as you will have to get up to let passengers out of the window seat and in the middle. And yet, people will constantly walk past you, flight attendants will carry carts. However, a seat next to the aisle is great for a tall or overweight passenger, as they will be able to stretch their legs into the aisle if necessary.

- not very convenient places on the plane, you are in a space limited on all sides, between two neighboring passengers and it will be a great success if they are miniature in size. But more often it is the other way around. Of course, getting up and going to the toilet from the middle row chair will be easier than from the one by the window, but you still have to disturb one neighbor, and the other will bother you if he needs to go out. It is better to choose these places for people of average build, so that it is not a problem to get up and squeeze through the seats every time to let out a neighbor.

- A great option that experienced travelers and tall people prefer to choose. The fact is that there is an increased interval to the next row, which is fifteen centimeters higher than the usual distance between the rows of seats. Sitting in such a place during the flight is much more comfortable, because you can stretch your legs, get up at any time, without disturbing anyone. But before you plan to buy this seat, you should look at the layout of the cabin of the aircraft with which you are going on a flight, because some types of airliners do not have seats near the emergency exit or it is impossible to lower the back of such seats in some aircraft, this is problematic during many hours of flight, in addition, you can not put hand luggage on the floor near the emergency exit. According to the rules, a ticket to such places is prescribed to be sold only to tall people, but there are exceptions. But, do not hope to buy a ticket for these places with children or an elderly person - this is prohibited by the instructions. The airline expects that during an emergency evacuation, the person sitting on this seat will help the flight attendants open the emergency hatch and take people out of the cabin.

- more comfortable and wide seats, they are taken apart at the beginning of check-in for the flight. It is very comfortable to sit here, in addition, meals are served from the “nose” of the cabin, so the passenger in these chairs has the opportunity to choose from a wider range of drinks and food. And yet, you will be among the first to get off the plane upon arrival. There are also disadvantages here, since they most often try to put passengers with small children on the “nose”, cradles are attached there. Neighborhood with a small child who screams endlessly does not contribute to comfort in flight, especially if you plan to spend a lot of time in the air.

- not the most popular seats in the cabin, but are considered the safest, since according to statistics, most of the passengers who survived catastrophes and accidents occupied seats in the tail. And another plus of these places is the proximity of the toilet, but this is also their minus, because people will run past you throughout the flight. It will be a bit cramped to sit in the tail, and there is more shaking there, however, in the tail, there are often empty seats, which makes it possible for passengers to sleep while stretched out on free seats. But there are still disadvantages, while the flight attendant will take the cart with food to the passengers sitting in the tail, there is practically no choice of food and drinks. But, as compensation, on large planes, passengers leave the nose and tail at the same time, so you can quickly leave the liner if you sit in the back. These seats are often chosen by passengers with children who often have to be taken to the toilet.

- they are located behind the business class, that is, this is not the “first row” as such, but there are no seats in front of it, so it’s comfortable to sit, no one can recline in front of your face. But it often happens that on some types of aircraft there is a partition in front of these places or there is an on-board kitchen or a toilet cabin, and what is most uncomfortable is that baby cradles are sometimes attached there. That is why these seats in the cabin are often given to families with small children, as well as to elderly and overweight people. There are many advantages to such a place: you will be the first to bring food and drinks, offer the press, distribute blankets and pillows. Of the minuses, one can note the impossibility to remove the armrests, since they are fixed, due to the fact that there is a table hidden inside, and also, a person without children will be uncomfortable from being next to them, because due to their noise he will not be able to sleep, not concentrate at work or reading.

- this is not a very comfortable flight option, because passengers sitting on these chairs are constantly surrounded by carts carried by flight attendants. And it is also a very noisy part of the aircraft, where the noise of the engine, the hum of the turbines is concentrated. Most often, this is a row from the eighth to the twentieth in the middle of the cabin.

How to choose the best seat on the plane?

You need to book it in advance. This is recommended for passengers flying with a large family or in the company of friends, as well as with small children. Contacting an air carrier early will allow you to choose the seats that you feel most comfortable with and meet all your flight expectations. Some European airlines charge an additional fee for the service of choosing the best seat when booking, but most companies provide this option free of charge to those passengers who arrived earlier for check-in or purchased a ticket with a fixed seat in advance via the Internet or at the airline office. If you have used the service of advance seat reservation on the plane, you have the right to choose a meal option from different types of meals.

Choosing the best seat on the plane can be done through online check-in, you can do it either at the airport itself, going to a special kiosk, or go to the airline's website. This procedure saves time, but it can only be used by passengers without luggage, children or animals. But it is worth taking into account the fact that in a number of airlines good seats near emergency exits are not offered through the online check-in system, they can be obtained at the check-in counter even if you are tall, plump or have an enviable charm. And within the framework of our country, with online check-in counters, not everything is so good: so far they are only in two Moscow airports, Dodomedovo and the second Sheremetyevo. Therefore, it is best to drive up in advance to the beginning of check-in for the flight, and then ask the airline employee for a better place.

As for the recommendations of aviation experts, if it doesn’t matter to you which day of the week to fly, then take a closer look at the days with the least flight traffic: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, when the cabins are half empty, and there is a choice of seats. But Friday and Sunday are considered the most congested days.

Let's find out which seats are best to choose, and which are only as a last resort on popular types of airliners that are available in almost all airlines in the world.

- On Airbus A319 aircraft good places counted: seventh row places A, B, C, D, E, F; sixth and eighth row seats A, B, C, D, E, F; the twentieth row of places C, D. Bad places are: twenty-first row A, B, C, D, E, F.

- On Airbus A320 aircraft good places are: thirteenth row of places A, B, C, D, E, F; as well as all the places of the first row, the eleventh row, the twelfth row; in the twenty-eighth row, seats C and D. The worst places on the Airbus A320 are all the seats in the twenty-ninth row.

- On Airbus A321 aircraft- on the largest airliners from Airbuses, the best seats are: the eighth row of seats A, B, C, D, E, F; 20th row seats A and F; first row seats A, C, D, F; eighteenth row seats A, B, C, D, E, F; nineteenth row seats B, C, D, E; the thirtieth row of seats C, D. The worst places are: the thirty-first row of seats A, B, C, D, E, F.

- On Boeing 737-800 aircraft This aircraft is of two types. With a one-class cabin for one hundred and eighty-four passengers, where the best places are considered: the fifteenth row of seats B, C, D, E; sixteenth row seats A, F; fourteenth row seats A, B, C, D, E, F; first row seats A, B, C, D, E, F; tenth row place A; eleventh row seats A, F; thirteenth row seats A, B, C, D, E, F; thirtieth row of seats C, D. Bad seats are: thirty-first row of seats A, B, C, D, E, F. An aircraft with a two-class cabin, where there are sixteen business class seats and one hundred and forty-four economy class seats, there the best seats are: third row seats A, B, E, F; seventh row seats A, B, C, D, E, F; tenth row place A; eleventh row seats A, F; thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth rows of seats A, B, C, D, E, F; thirtieth row of seats C, D. Bad seats are: thirty-first row of seats A, B, C, D, E, F.

- On Boeing 747-400 aircraft- a huge aircraft, designed to carry five hundred and twenty-six people. The best places in it are considered: the first row of places A, C, H, K; third row seat D; ninth row seats A, C, D, E, G, H, K; twenty-fourth row seats A, C, D, E, G, H, K; twenty-seventh row places C, D, G, H; thirty-second row of seats B, C, H, J; thirty-third row of seats A, K; thirty-fourth row seats D, E, F, Q; forty-second row seats A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K; forty-third row of seats A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K. Bad seats are: fifty-sixth row of seats A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, TO.

- On Boeing 777-300ER aircraft- also a large aircraft with three classes of service, designed for four hundred and two passengers. We do not consider business class, as all seats are good there. The best seats in the economy class are: the eleventh row of seats A, C, F, Q, H, K; the fifteenth and sixteenth rows of places A, K; seventeenth row places A, C, D, E, F, G, H, K; eighteenth row places C, H; twenty-fourth row seats A, C, D, E, F, G, H, K; thirty-sixth row seats A, C, D, E, F, G, H, K; thirty-eighth row of places A, B, C, H, J, K; forty-sixth row of seats C, H; the forty-seventh row of seats C, N. The following are considered bad places: the twentieth row of seats A, K; the fiftieth row of places A, C, H, K; 51st row seats D, E, F, G.

Hour queues at the airport - this is no longer for you! It's time for modern technology. The fastest way to get the best seats on a plane is to check in online in advance. You will need a reservation number, passport details and a number electronic ticket. On the airline's website, you can check in online in a day and get the seats you deserve. Airplane seating is subjective.

Safety first!

Someone chooses the most safe places in airplane. According to statistics, these are places in the tail of the aircraft. About 67% of the passengers who survived the crash were sitting there. These places are also most often empty, and you can comfortably sit on three chairs. Sleep, lie down, stare out the window.

View of the planet Earth

Which seats to choose on the plane is up to you. If you are planning the entire flight to read a book or watch the continents and seas float under the iron bird, you should go to the window. This is a rather secluded place, but there is a minus: you will have to get out into the passage through two passengers.

Places for the restless

There is a category of passengers for whom freedom of movement is important even in flight. Side seats- for them. You can stretch your legs into the aisle, you can go into the salon without touching your neighbors. The downside is the food and drink carts that can hurt you and other passengers rushing to their needs.

"Beau monde"

places, in front of which there is no other row of seats. For the entire flight, someone's shiny bald head or incredibly smelling hairstyle will not loom in front of you. One of the significant disadvantages: passengers with small children are usually accommodated here. This neighborhood is not suitable for everyone, so immediately assess the strength of your nerves and resistance to crying. You may also have a galley or toilets in front of you, so consider your sensitivity to smells.

neutral waters

Middle seats in a row of seats. It is far from the passage and the porthole. It's easier to get out, no one pushes you. Here you can use the "cheat code". There are two of you and you are flying in the same direction. Book a window seat and an aisle seat: in most cases, the seat between you will remain free.

Emergency situation

Places near emergency hatches. Perhaps the most ambiguous places. Here the backs of the seats are fixed, but the space in front of the previous row is increased. You can’t come here with children, you can’t block the passage with bags and you can’t bring animals. In the event of an accident, you will have to open this hatch, so airlines sometimes reserve these seats for the most physically fit passengers.

If you still find yourself in a bad seat, on unloaded flights you can transfer to a free and more convenient seat on your own. You have approximately 5 minutes after the end of boarding, because after takeoff these seats will “leave” agile passengers.

Which are the best seats on an airplane is a decision that is ultimately up to you. The location of the seats on the plane is always different, so if you know the model of the plane in advance, look at the diagram. Perhaps this will help you become the most enviable traveler who will advise all your friends on where to sit on the plane.