Cover the number. How not to hide parking numbers


Four popular ways to avoid fines for "speed" and "highlights"

There are more and more cameras for automatic recording of violations on the roads of the country. Already now their number on the roads of the country has exceeded 6000 pieces. At the same time, the number of scandals associated with their, to put it mildly, incorrect work is also growing. So car owners come up with more and more new ways to hide the license plate from the electronic eye.

Previously, lovers of driving were rescued by radar detectors that read the radiation of police devices. But now the Avtodoria complex has begun to spread across the regions and villages, detecting the average speed of a car on a segment of the road. It does not use radar, so it is impossible to detect it in advance. But, as in any “weapon-armor” competition, both completely law-abiding citizens who have become hostages of the errors of fixation complexes, and not quite law-abiding citizens try to bypass the system by “improving” license plates so that the “electronic eye” cannot read them .

And they are not even afraid of Article 12.2 Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which provides for “driving a vehicle with state registration plates equipped with materials that prevent or hinder their identification”, a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of a driver’s license for 1-3 months. On the contrary, the risk of falling into serious sanctions encourages especially stubborn "pilots" to look for more and more sophisticated ways to hide from the cameras and avoid responsibility for it. Portal "AvtoVzglyad" and "MK" found out to what extent the idea of ​​"camouflage" license plates has advanced today.

The most innocent way from the point of view of the law is dirt on the room. The main thing in this matter is to smear it as naturally as possible. So that in the event of a stop by the inspector, the latter would not have any doubts about the accidental appearance of dirt. In this case, the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for only 500 rubles a fine or a warning. There are even recipes for such manipulations. The most natural ones come down to dousing the license plate with something sticky - like kefir or some kind of syrup. Immediately after this, it is recommended to drive along a dusty dirt road behind another car or, if we are “disguised” in winter, poke the car with its “face” into a snowdrift.

Thus, the airbrushed license plate and cameras are not readable and, from the point of view of the traffic police officer, they do not look like an attempt at deliberate disguise. This method has one, but a serious minus: you have to update the “make-up” almost daily. The syrup with kefir is washed off by the very first rain or the oncoming “sprinkler”.

Some time ago, the so-called films on the number gained popularity. A special film was glued onto the surface of the black numbers, reflecting the infrared radiation of the illumination of the complexes for automatic fixation of traffic rules. At the same time, the human eye perfectly sees all the letters and numbers of the license plate, and the complex - only unglued ones. As a result, the system cannot identify the owner of the car by number and the "letter of happiness" remains unsent.

However, pretty soon the traffic police officers, armed with mobile complexes for photo-video recording of violations, realized what was happening. And now, when they see a license plate on the monitor with “spaces” instead of numbers and letters, they slow down the car and joyfully issue the driver “under deprivation”. Or "agree", that's how it goes. The fact is that the driver in this case will not be able to “eliminate the violation”. This is not the tinting of car windows, which, with due perseverance, can be torn off on your own right on the track. The film from the license plate can only be removed “in the hospital” - as a rule, in the same institution where it was glued to you at one time.

Next come mechanical devices of one design or another to hide the license plate of the car from the “look” of the camera. Sometimes they are a sliding curtain covering the room. Sometimes this is a device that changes the position of the license plate: transferring it from a vertical position to a horizontal one. At such an angle, when the license plate “looks” at the asphalt, not a single camera counts it. Any mechanisms of this kind are controlled by the driver from the passenger compartment. I pressed the button - the drive closed the room. Pressed again - the mechanism worked to open. There are several doubtful points here. First, while driving, you can never be sure whether the mechanism worked or not. And suddenly clogged and jammed? Or did you suddenly lose power? This problem is removed by equipping a machine of a special design with a frame for a license plate. Being installed in it, it does not hang in a vertical plane, as it should be, but with a certain inclination forward. In this case, the fact is used that any automatic fixation complex “takes pictures” of the car not at the moment it exceeds the speed limit or enters the “separated lane”, but only when it approaches the camera by 25-50 meters. Knowing this and the approximate height at which cameras are usually located, it is easy to calculate the angle of inclination of the license plate, at which it will be located parallel to the shooting direction.

Both the “mechanization” of the license plate frame and the change in its angle of inclination have one huge minus. Everything is fine only until the first stop by a traffic police officer. Such changes are striking, and a fascinating conversation on the topic of devices and materials that "prevent or impede identification" with the serviceman is guaranteed.

Relatively recently, another technical method of hiding license plates from cameras on highways and city streets has appeared. For this on back side A powerful magnet is mounted on a standard plastic frame for a license plate. Power wires are easily hidden and masked. Switching on and off is displayed on the button at the driver's hand. Nothing is visible outside. But when the magnet is on, a piece of sheet iron that covers almost half of the license plate easily sticks to the number plate and keeps even at good speed and when driving through potholes. And seeing fighters with striped sticks ahead, the driver can instantly turn off the magnet, and the piece of iron will immediately fall off. And to prove that the number was somehow closed, the police are unlikely to succeed.

... We are sure that we have not listed all the ways to counter the cameras for fixing traffic violations, because the Russian Left-hander is not deprived of imagination and skills. But they are also sure that the law, whatever it may be, must be strictly observed. Yes, recording cameras often fail, make mistakes and even reconfigure other traffic cops in order to replenish the regional budget. But even in this case, it is better to prove your case in court than to act as a petty crook.

The state license plate of a car is the main external attribute that allows you to identify a vehicle in a common database. Until October 15, 2013, the issuance of duplicate license plates was carried out exclusively by the traffic police. Today, a copy of the license plate can be obtained both from the traffic police department and from a private company that has the appropriate certificate for the manufacture and issuance of such products.

Fine for driving without a license plate

We are talking about driving a car that has not been registered with the traffic police and has not received a state license plate in the prescribed manner. Accordingly, the fine for driving without a license plate will be 5,000 thousand rubles. Alternatively, a more severe penalty may be applied - deprivation of a driver's license for a period of one to three months.

Sometimes a driver runs the risk of using a car with stolen or lost license plates. This situation is equivalent to operating a vehicle without a license plate and entails the consequences described above. Therefore, in case of loss or theft of the state number, we strongly recommend that you urgently order a duplicate in the traffic police or in a private office, which will cost you 2000 rubles.

Driving with an unreadable number

Today, the fine for unreadable numbers, according to Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, is 500 rubles. The same punishment threatens drivers who use duplicate numbers that do not meet current standards.

Driving fines with fake license plates

According to the current legislation, the owner of a car with fake state numbers, upon fixing the fact of driving, can be deprived of a driver's license for a period of 6 to 12 months. The fine imposed for installing fake numbers for individuals is 2,500 rubles, and for companies - from 400,000 to 500,000 rubles. At the same time, the traffic police can initiate a criminal case related to fraudulent actions and deliberate misleading of law enforcement agencies.

Penalty for stuck numbers

Modified or deliberately disguised license plates can result in a fine of 5,000 rubles. In special cases, at the discretion of the court, a more serious sanction is applied - deprivation of a driver's license for a period of 1 to 3 months. We are talking about drivers who, in order to complicate visual identification, stick small nets on the number plate or use tinted “protective” glasses. All these tricks will lead to the mentioned penalties.

We present to you the top ten technical solutions that help you "hide" from police video surveillance devices placed on the roads everywhere. All ten mechanisms in action can be seen in the videos downloaded from this site.

Well, friends, the hit parade of ideas and technical solutions is finally ready for how to hide your number from automatic speed cameras.

Not just words, but photos and videos of each of the 10 solutions!

As you know, their main task is to find out your speed and identify the number in order to deprive you of your rights or at least fine you for high-speed driving. Let us omit morality and moralizing about the speed of movement. Now we are talking about only one thing: what are the solutions for hiding the number of your car.

Attention: the hit parade will not contain links to stores and other places where you can purchase such solutions, moreover, if such questions arise, I will not give an answer to them. It's not good, after all, to hide your number.. administration

So let's go! Top 10 technical solutions.

10th place: Polarizing filter

The number is covered with a thin plastic plate with a “correct” film that distorts one or more digits of the number. The number is clearly visible at a right angle, but when viewed from the side, the numbers are blurry, the number is unreadable.

Tenth place, because it's too obvious a detail. On examination, it is easy to detect.

More on InDrive.Net:

From now on, traffic violations in Moscow are recorded by an automatic fixation system

9th place: Overlay chameleon

On the 9th place is a chameleon overlay. Electricity is applied to a sufficiently thin overlay and it becomes opaque. The effect has been achieved.

9th place, because again too noticeable and easy to spot

Watch the video to see how dimming works:

8th place: Flip number

Eighth place is a decision in the style of an American slut super agent. Very sloppy execution, too obvious mechanism.

However, this is the same idea of ​​​​changing a number that almost everyone comes up with.

Watch the video to see how the Americans do it:

7th place: Shine, shine, we want to disappear

7th place and number covered with a good layer of varnish with sparkles.

It's easy enough to make. We add glitter and other reflective additives to the varnish (there are a lot of them in the car markets) and cover the number with varnish. Due to the very, very high ability to reflect light - the number will be almost unreadable.

See how this is done and what the result is on the video:

6th place: Number holder "I'm a showcarcheg"

Didn't find an answer? Free legal advice!

Do you prefer live communication? Call a lawyer for free!

6th place is a great solution for those who exhibit their car at auto shows and just come to events where they don’t want to show the number (or it doesn’t fit into the design of the car).

The folding mechanism is simple, manual and clear. Of the minuses, it is obviously impossible to add up the number in motion.

Watch the video to see how the mechanism works:

5th place: Raised-hidden

Here the mechanism is already more interesting and technologically advanced. One trouble - the number goes up. It may not be bad, but most cameras in Russia are fixed above the road and the number may well get into the frame, even if it is not recognized.

Watch the video to see how it works:

4th place: Lowered-hidden

The mechanism is almost the same as the 5th place, but here the number folds down correctly - down. This solution can be applied to both the front and rear numbers.

See what it looks like on the video:

3rd place: Show your tongue, baby

In the top three, of course, there are no bad decisions. If you have a fairly large car with a wide "muzzle" - this solution is certainly very good!

The number is removed and leaves in this case, in a large front bumper.

Watch the video to see how it happens:

2nd place: Wind, wind, you are mighty!

So, second place. It would have been the best if not for the super-technological nature of the winner.

And in second place is the simplest and most elegant solution. When should you hide your number? At speed. Well, let the speed work for us. The number tilts due to air resistance when moving!

See what it looks like on the video:

1st place: Bond takes on a show off

And finally, the winner!

Solution is an alien from the James Bond movies. The number is not just hidden, but replaced by another, and all this is on electronics!


The site administration strongly recommends that you comply with Traffic Laws! This is the main way not to be afraid of traffic police cameras!

“Classics of the genre” can be called the use by car owners to hide the license plates of their cars from the glass “eye” of the parkon of all kinds of camouflage materials and objects from trash that has come to hand. "Soldier's ingenuity" prompted to cover part of the room in the street parking with a piece of paper, a plastic bag, a fallen leaf, if it happened in the fall. This method worked until the moment when the city authorities brought in a staff of foot inspectors, who, seeing the covered license plate of a paid car standing in the zone, manually remove the “foreign body” and photograph the number of the disguised car on a service gadget. At the same time, a fine for non-payment of parking is sent to the cunning car owner.

The next way to leave the bodies fining for violations in paid parking with a nose was the method of dismantling the license plate of the car. The car owner parked the car, removed the license plate from it and calmly went about his business. After all, the law does not prohibit leaving a car without numbers. You can't just ride on it. The topic has become so popular that savvy entrepreneurs even managed to make good money not selling special magnetic state registration plates via the Internet - which are much easier to remove and install than standard ones. For a while it worked. But then the city authorities sharply pretended to be afraid of parked cars without license plates - they allegedly pose an increased terrorist threat.

That is why such cars "for the safety of citizens" urgently need to be taken to impounds. Who would try to take away a truly mined car ...

IN this moment The following method has become a certain popularity of concealing a license plate. The car owner installs a set of the above-described magnetic numbers on his car and carries with him a pair of fake GRZs. As a rule, these are automobile "numbers" of some non-existent state. At the time of parking, the real ones are replaced by "toy" ones. And the reason for the evacuation is not visible, and the fine for non-payment of parking will not come. However, this method threatens with problems from Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, or rather its part 3: Installation on vehicle knowingly forged state registration plates promises a fine of 2,500 rubles.

The most truly dangerous, albeit the most elegant in appearance, way to hide in the parking lot involves the use of any technical devices - like curtains, advancing on the license plate at the command from the remote control, rotating frames and other "technical solutions". If a traffic police inspector finds such a device on a parked car, then you can get by, as mentioned above, with a fine of 2,500 rubles. But if the inspector waits until the car with “mechanized” license plates starts moving, its driver will face either a 5,000 fine or deprivation of “rights” for up to three months.

Some drivers, in order to avoid fines for violations that are captured by photo and video cameras, hide car license plates in various ways. It can be a simple piece of paper, a rag, a grid, a reflective film, etc.

Type of penalty and nature of the violation

Article No. 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation says that a fine for closed numbers in the amount of 500 rubles is provided for drivers. The main condition for imposing a penalty is driving a car. That is, if the car is in the parking lot, then the citizen does not violate anything.

To recognize the number as unreadable, as well as to fine the driver for this, only the traffic police inspector is authorized. According to the above article, this happens if he fails to read at least one letter or number from a distance of twenty meters.

The number is closed with a disc

If you hide the designation "RUS" or the image of the flag, then there will be no penalty. You also need to take into account the time of day, because at night the twenty-meter rule does not apply to the front number, which cannot be said about the back, which must be readable at any time.

The illegibility of numbers is not always recognized as deliberate concealment, since there may be several reasons for this:

  • weather conditions (for example, snow or mud stuck to the room);
  • some numbers or letters are erased;
  • paper or other material accidentally stuck to the number (but the fact that the driver was not involved in this is difficult to prove).

And here the question arises, how will the traffic police inspector determine whether the driver deliberately hid the number or not? He does this at his own discretion, but his decision can be appealed if there is strong evidence.

Note! If we are talking about deliberate concealment of the number, then a more severe punishment is due for this. The driver is supposed to pay a fine of 5,000 rubles or be deprived of his rights for a period of one to three months, but only by decision of a judge or official.

Penalty for the film on the numbers

Under the deliberate concealment of the state. The numbers mean the following:

  • the presence of curtains;
  • the number is sealed with a reflective film, which is strictly prohibited;
  • the sign was covered with snow or mud on purpose;
  • the presence of any third-party object (it can be paper, a rag, etc.).

The room is closed with a rag

What is the penalty for a closed number when driving:

  • in case of deliberate hiding with mud or snow - 500 rubles *;
  • the sign has worn off over time - 500 rubles *;
  • the erased sign was inaccurately touched up by the driver - a warning, a fine of 5,000 rubles * or deprivation of a driver's license for a period of one to three months;
  • the number is incorrectly fixed: with black bolts or with the help of additional holes - a fine of 500 rubles *;
  • third-party material is used to hide - 5,000 rubles * or deprivation of a driver's license for a period of one to three months;
  • in 2018, there is a fine for a film on a license plate - 5,000 rubles * or deprivation of a driver's license for a period of one to three months;
  • the sign is turned upside down - a fine of 500 rubles * or deprivation of rights;
  • a fake license plate is used - 2,500 rubles * for installing or depriving a driver's license for a period of 6 months to one year for driving a car.

Cars with closed license plates in the parking lot

Additional Information! Some drivers began to deliberately hide license plates in order to leave the car in paid parking and not spend money. The law only talks about a fine for driving a car with an unreadable registration plate, so citizens use it.

The fine for sealed numbers rises to a rather large amount, which is 5,000 rubles. For hiding the number, not only a fine is charged, but they can also deprive you of your rights, so you should think carefully before deliberately hiding the numbers.

Fine payment algorithm

One of the following ways:

  • at the scene;
  • by mail;
  • by email.

Important! The first method will be the most acceptable for the driver, since with adequate communication with the inspector, you can get off with one warning.

When the driver agrees that the fine for concealing license plates was issued legally, and he does not intend to appeal it, he will need to pay it within sixty days. You can do this in any convenient way:

  • through a bank branch
  • using a self-service terminal;
  • using online services.

The latter method is very popular, as it does not require payment of a commission.

Additional Information! Drivers can pay fines for concealing a vehicle registration number at a 50% discount if they make the payment within the first three weeks of receipt.

If the driver intentionally fails to make a payment, he will face fines. When the voluntary payment period comes to an end (2 months), the amount of the fine will double, and the case will go to the bailiffs. They will use different methods of influencing the offender, among them are:

  • withholding wages;
  • administrative arrest;
  • deprivation of a driver's license;
  • public Works.

How to appeal