Bohemian Saxon Switzerland is a national park in the Czech Republic. Natural monument czech switzerland Routes in czech switzerland


“České Švýcarsko”, which is the name of the reserve in Czech, which is located in the north-west of the country, near the border with Germany. On the other side of the border, Switzerland becomes Saxon.

But since the borders in Schengen are conditional, and even more so inside the park, then we will consider both halves of the reserve together as Czech-Saxon Switzerland.

Bohemian-Saxon Switzerland in all its glory.

Where did Switzerland come from in the Czech Republic?

According to legend, in the 19th century, two Swiss went to restore the Dresden Gallery at the invitation of the elector himself, and were quite surprised to find sandstone mountains nearby, very reminiscent of their own. And of course, friends spent all their free time on the slopes, as a result, they dubbed this place the name of their homeland. This name has taken root, because the landscape is really very reminiscent of the Swiss. By that time, these mountains already had the status of a natural reservation, and since the beginning of 2000 they have been national reserve Czech Switzerland.

True, it is difficult to call these places mountains, since the most high point park - Decinsky Snezhnik (Děčínský Sněžník) - is located at an altitude of 723 meters. But, nevertheless, it is the rock formations and canyons that fascinate many visiting tourists, and Pravčická brána, which is considered the symbol of the park, is also the largest mountain arch in Europe of natural origin. At present, it is impossible to get on the arch because of the danger of its possible collapse, but several observation platforms have been organized in the district, in the most interesting viewing places.

The ancient stone observation tower at the top is called the same as the mountain itself - Děčínský Sněžník. The best view of Czech Switzerland opens from this tower.

How to get there on your own?

The easiest way is to purchase a tour in advance via the Internet or directly in Prague and forget about the need to invent and develop your leisure time. The approximate cost of an excursion at the office of a travel agency in 2019 is 40 €, when booking online - about 32 €.

Here are some excerpts from Lydia's review:

“Perhaps the most memorable event of our trip was an excursion to Czech Switzerland…
The great Danish storyteller G.Kh. Andersen visited this place and drew inspiration from the contemplation of the local beauties ...
We loaded into a boat, rather reminiscent of a Venetian gondola ...
Every now and then, funny figures were opened to our eyes, carved from wood, clearly for the entertainment of tourists, and in one place our cheerful gondolier pulled the rope, bringing down a real waterfall in front of us ... "

Olga writes in her review:

“There is beauty all around! And you don't know where to look. If in the Czech part nature reserve seemed quiet, peaceful, calm, then the Saxon part of it, on the contrary, is full of majesty, grandeur, you feel helpless before all the power of nature ...
Amazing landscapes open up from the height of the Bastei Mountains. And here is the famous Bastei Bridge. It is built of sandstone, that is, the same mountains served as the material for it ... "

But many travelers prefer to act independently, acquiring additional freedom.

How to get to Czech Switzerland yourself?

So, the shortest way to the park is by train, from Prague's Mosarikov railway station to Decin (Děčín), a town near the reserve. The journey takes about two hours. If accommodation near the park was booked in advance, then most likely the hotel services include meeting guests at the station and transfer to the hotel. Or you can drive to Hřensko on your own, by bus or taxi. It's already very close.

By the way, you can take a boat from Decin to the park, to the pier in the village of Smilka, and from there - about a kilometer to Hřensko.

Choo-choo. Arrived Here is the main station of the city Děčín. We get out.

But the most interesting way to get to Czech Switzerland is, of course, highway(see photo above), which runs along the Elbe and is full of additional natural beauties. Here is what tourists write in reviews after visiting the park: beautiful landscapes: either a thicket of water lilies, or a lonely boat on the river bank, or pretty houses already with brown roofs along the shore, or a castle ... "

The journey by car from Dresden will take about 45 minutes, from Prague - about an hour and a half.


On the territory of Czech Switzerland there are several hotels of various levels offering a full range of tourist services. From mid-range hotels, we can recommend "Labe", located in Hřensko, at the crossroads of many hiking trails, with parking and cozy rooms.

Hotel "Labe" - in Czech it means "Elba".

Also of interest is the Belveder Hotel, located on top of a cliff overlooking the canyon of the Elbe River.

Here you can see a piece of the Belveder Hotel with an observation deck. High... Very high... If you are going to climb there, just in case, take a diaper with you.

Auto travelers can stay in campsites, also available in the park.

For passionate lovers of outdoor recreation - there is one more thing in the Czech Republic. Fabulous sunsets for lyricists, around - for goth lovers, playgrounds, waterslides and attractions - for children, bicycles and boats - for fat people and athletes, and, of course, royal fishing - for those who cannot imagine themselves without a fishing rod in their hands.

The main attraction of the park is the already mentioned Pravčická brána, a huge sandstone arch, the largest in Europe. It is 16 meters high and 26 meters wide. Not only a train, but also an airplane can pass through such gates. An unforgettable sight can be obtained by walking through the arch and enjoying the majesty and power of nature.

Near Branna, the old 19th-century hunting lodge "Falcon's Nest" is built into the rock and was the summer castle of the Clari-Aldringen family. Currently, the castle houses a nature reserve museum and a restaurant with original wooden coverings and ceiling paintings from the nineteenth century.

What to do in the park?

The Czech Swiss mountains, although not big, are still mountains. And the lessons here are mountaineering - mountaineering, trekking and rafting, but naturally in the simplest form, for unprepared participants.

By the way, sandstone rocks are easily exposed to atmospheric treatment and over time acquire surprisingly unusual features, like heaps of separately taken huge boulders with rounded edges, held together in some incomprehensible way. Due to the softness of the rock, mountaineering is not particularly difficult, ascents often occur without additional equipment. But this is only allowed for people with training. Ordinary tourists have the opportunity to feel like climbers only in safety equipment and under the supervision of an instructor.

The whole Bohemian-Saxon Switzerland is dotted with many specially equipped walking paths of various levels of difficulty and length. You can familiarize yourself with the schematics of their location in tourist booklets and on the map, and navigate according to the signs posted on the routes. This type of outdoor recreation charges you with vivacity and muscle tone for a long time.

There are also specially laid trails for cycling with a lift height of up to 300 meters. Several categories of difficulty and length, from 20 to 44 kilometers, with visits to the main attractions, with a picnic or lunch on the way. You can rent a bike in the park or in hotels. You can also start the cycle route from Decin.

And there is everything for cycling.

In hot weather, it is very pleasant to go through a small rafting through narrow canyons, refreshing yourself with the splashes of waterfalls rushing close to the boat. Such entertainment is absolutely safe, the tributaries of the Elbe are light and calm.

Czech - amazing country, full of interesting things, with the mentality of the inhabitants and culture, related and close to the Russian people. But if the time of satiety begins and once again the question arises - where to go in the Czech Republic, then go to Switzerland. In the Czech Republic, it is also there, and the real one.

Czech Switzerland(České Švýcarsko) - the most beautiful corner of nature in the northwest Czech Republic. The area adjoins the German "Saxon Switzerland" and is famous for unusual shape limestone cliffs, gorges and dense forests spread in the Elbe (Laby) river basin. In 2000, an area of ​​79 km2 officially became a national park and came under state protection.

Ironically, it is more convenient to get to the park from German Dresden than from Prague. We take the train to Schöna station, go to the ferry and, please, you are in Grzhensko, from where several popular hiking trails start!

From Prague to Decin (here it is worth seeing the local castle) can be reached by train - just over 2 hours on the way. Further to the town of Hřensko - by bus or taxi. The second option is preferable because you don't have to wait, but the trip will cost about 350 kroons

From Decin, you can also get to the place by sailing on a boat sailing along the Laba. The final stop is in the village of Shmilka on the German side of the border, then to the crossing in Grzhensko with a kilometer walk

Another interesting way is again by train from Prague. Direction to Decin, there is a transfer to the line to the German Bad Schandau and get off at Schöna station. Next, you already know…

The honor of opening the region to the public belongs to Adrian Zing and Anton Graff, two Swiss artists and teachers at the Dresden Art Academy, who lived in the mid-18th century. In search of "nature" they traveled along the Elbe, visiting places between Pirna and Chrzhensko, and painted a lot.

Almost immediately, their landscapes attracted attention and the tourist reached out to these places for unusual beauties. One of the most famous personalities who did not fail to visit here: the author of fairy tales, the Dane Hans Christian Andersen, who paid two visits, in 1831 and 1851.

Gorge Kamenitsa

What to see

There are several routes that allow you to see Czech Switzerland in detail: both on foot and by bicycle.

Czech Switzerland

Let's mention iconic places national park, without seeing which not a single tourist will leave here:

Pravčická brána is the largest natural limestone arch in Europe, 26 meters long and 16 meters high. You can’t climb it - it’s fraught, but it’s absolutely necessary to see it.

In 1881, Prince Edmund Clary und Olringen, who owned local lands, built a Branoy castle called "Falcon's Nest". The castle was built in just one year: today the building houses the National Park Museum and a restaurant with great views.

"Falcon's Nest" and Pravcicka Brana

Kamenice is a river flowing in a winding mountain gorge. Especially beautiful is the backwater of Tiha Souteska, the “Quiet Gorge” (Tichá soutěska), - for almost a kilometer, tourists from boats can contemplate sheer walls up to a hundred meters high, rocks that tried, but never slipped into the water, relic pine groves.

  • Edmund's Gorge - the most colorful part of Kamenitsa

The village of Jetřichovice, a convenient starting point for traveling through the mountain range of the same name. Nearby you can visit the Falkenštejn castle and the Mariina skála, a beautiful view point at an altitude of 428 meters.

The ruins of the Shaunstein fortress (Šaunštejn) on a lonely rock - it was destroyed either in the 15th or in the 16th century and has not been restored since then.


Czech Switzerland

When tourists first hear such a name, their minds are concerned with only one question: where does Switzerland come from in the Czech Republic. It sounds really interesting, but in reality we are talking about an amazingly beautiful national park, which, due to its views and landscape, has such an unusual name as Bohemian Switzerland.

Why is this place interesting for a tourist?

Bohemian Switzerland is part of the territory of the Elbe Sandy Mountains, which belongs to the Czech Republic. Tellingly, in Germany this area is called Saxon Switzerland. The territory of the park has nearly 80 square meters. m, and since 2000 it has officially acquired the status of a reserve. On the map of the country, Czech Switzerland is located in the northwestern region, near the headwaters of the Elbe River.

The reserve got its name thanks to two Swiss artists who traveled to these places in their free time and created, inspired by the local beauty. The masters of the brush did not even want to return home, arguing that they found their Switzerland in the Czech Republic.

Attractions of the Bohemian Switzerland Reserve

The park has a number of interesting and fascinating places, the creator of which was nature itself. So, what to see and where to take a souvenir photo in the Bohemian Switzerland National Park:

In one of the matches of the third round of the group stage of the World Ice Hockey Championship, the Czech Republic will face Switzerland. The match will take place in Copenhagen and starts on May 8 at 21-15 Moscow time.
Content: notes that literally on the eve of the world championship, the national teams held two friendly matches between themselves, in which the Czechs confidently won twice.

The Czech national team is currently outside the top four in the group, but the team played only two more matches, and at the same time they played very well. In the course of the opening match, the Czechs were inferior to the Slovakian team, but showed fighting qualities and won the final victory in overtime 3-2. The day before, the team was defeated in the fight against Sweden 2-3.
The Swiss team, in turn, managed to score five points in two starting meetings, settling in the top half of the group. Moreover, in the first round, the team heavily defeated Austria. According to the results of regular time, there was a draw 2-2, and only in overtime did the Swiss tip the scales in their favor. Following was a fairly convincing victory over the Slovakian team 2-0.

Live online broadcast of the match Czech Republic - Switzerland

Match odds Czech Republic - Switzerland

  • P1 - 1.99-2.05
  • X - 4.25-4.35
  • P2 - 3.15-3.25
  • 1X - 1.33-1.37
  • 12 – 1,2-1,24
  • X2 - 1.77-1.82

Total odds:

  • less than 3.5 - 3.05-3.15
  • more than 3.5 - 1.36-1.4
  • less than 4.5 - 2.02-2.08
  • more than 4.5 - 1.83-1.88

Czech Republic — Switzerland expert forecast

This calendar year, the Czech national team has already beaten the Swiss three times, and now this trend is also likely to continue.

Salt to taste

After all, the Czechs scored only two points in the opening matches, and now the team needs to win. In general, offers a prediction for the match Czech Republic - Switzerland: Czech Republic Victoria with a zero handicap.
Even this confrontation is unlikely to be over productive, and for sure the number of goals in it will not exceed 5.5. Along with this, we are betting that the Swiss will not be able to hit the opponent's goal more than 2.5 times.

Important statistics and interesting facts

  1. Note that in the last ten personal meetings, the Czech team won eight times, losing to the Swiss team only twice.

Excursions and transfers to Czech Switzerland are in high demand. Czech Switzerland has become one of the main destinations for eco-tourism.

Bohemian Switzerland National Park

The new concept of eco-tourism recreation has come from a rapidly growing number of eco-tourists who love the most beautiful corners and sights created by miraculous nature.

The beauty of the natural landscapes of Bohemian Switzerland fascinates not only the eco-friendly, but also ordinary tourists and travelers. The history of the emergence of a mountain range with crevices, streams and even lakes has more than one millennium. In ancient times, this part of the land with the Elbe Sandstone Mountains located on it was the subject of constant wars between Saxony, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria and Prussia. Robbers often ran here. Only in 1459 did it become clear about the ownership of the Elbe Sandstones, since the signing of the Treaty of Eger, the Elbe Sandstones were divided in the middle of the navigable Elbe. Since then, one half belongs to Saxony, which is part of Germany, and the other half has remained in the ownership of the Czech Republic. The Meissen plateau was the name of that part of the Elbe Sandstones or as the Saxons of the Ore Mountains called them, but it lasted until the 18th century, later they were renamed Saxon Switzerland. There is practically no reliable information about the name Czech Switzerland. Either the Czechs, having decided to keep up with the Germans, called their part Czech Switzerland, or vice versa the Germans, but now there are two Switzerlands on the map divided by the Elbe River, Czech from the Czech side and Saxon from the side of Germany.

Be that as it may, but the beauty of these Switzerland deserve attention. The highest point in Czech Switzerland is Decinsky Snezhnik 723m., and the main attraction of Czech Switzerland is the unique so-called Pravcicka Gate, they are also Pravcheska Brana in Czech written as Pravcicka Brana. The width of this gate is not small 26 meters, and the height is breathtaking 16 meters. The view at the Pravcicki Gate - a huge arch, probably the fact that they are the main attraction of the delightful Czech Switzerland confirms the fact that the entrance to them is paid! There is also a small diner, with the same small assortment on the menu, beer and sausages, that's the whole list of dishes. Nearby is a castle built in 1881 that has grown into the rock. It was built in just a year and has a suitable name for the place: Falcon's Nest in Czech (Sokolí hnízdo). Delightful nature, a sea of ​​trails and routes, a mountain river on which there are boats with boat guides carrying tourists and telling about the landscapes that tourists pass by.

If you want to book excursions from Prague to Czech Switzerland, go to the page excursions in the Czech Republic from Prague.

If you want to order a transfer from Prague to Czech Switzerland, go to the page Transfer in the Czech Republic from Prague.

Related topics:

Prague tour prices in Russian.

Prague Czech Switzerland excursion, excursions in the Czech Republic, Czech Switzerland, Czech Republic excursions, Czech Switzerland transfer, Prague excursions, Czech Switzerland tours, attractions of the Czech Republic, nature in the Czech Republic.

The price of the excursion Czech Switzerland from Prague includes: transfer from your hotel to the very place of the excursion, a guided tour, the language of the excursion is Russian, transfer to the hotel back.

Here, you can learn everything about Czech Switzerland, from people who visited Czech Switzerland, read or write reviews and comments about Czech Switzerland - forum.

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Very beautiful, rivers, mountains, castle, water park



When people talk about the Czech Republic, everyone immediately thinks of Prague and Karlovy Vary. But in this country there are many other equally wonderful cities - resorts and others - albeit small, but old, rich in historical monuments and having their own unique features.
I have already talked about thermal spa- Teplice, and now I want to open for you another small but cozy town in the Ustetsky region - Decin.
Decin, like Teplice, is located in the northwestern part of the Czech Republic, in an area called Bohemian-Saxon Switzerland, very close to Germany.

The town is located in a valley between mountain ranges, and it is here that the rivers Laba (aka Elbe) and Plouchnice meet. Therefore, Decin is an important river port.
The city itself is small - a little more than 50 thousand people live here, but there is something to see here.
An interesting historical fact is that Decin (and in German - Techen-Bodenbach) as a single city was formed recently - in 1942. This happened as a result of the merger of two nearby villages - Techen and Bodenbach. Since 1947, the name of the city became Decin.
The city is incredibly beautiful: around mountain ranges, and between them - colorful houses and ponds.
Look at the positive architectural forms. When I saw them, I immediately had the thought that in such a vibrant city, people simply cannot be unhappy :)

The reservoirs here are magnificent, they are crossed by old and new bridges,

Ducks and majestic swans swim in the water itself, which are fed by numerous tourists with pleasure.

The most famous landmark of the city is Decin Castle, located on a hill on the right bank of the Laba. The history of the castle dates back to the 13th century. Initially, it belonged to noble families, and in 1934 it was sold to the state.
A road cut between the rocks leads to the castle - “Long Ride”, high stone walls stretch on both sides of it.

And here is the castle itself, it is under a long reconstruction, and inside it there is a museum where paintings, weapons and more are exhibited.

There is a magnificent rose garden on the territory of the castle, but we did not have the opportunity to see this beauty in full, since Decin was visited in March.
By the way, photography is not allowed in the castle, as I understand it, this is quite traditional for the Czech Republic.
Near the rose garden there is another historical monument - the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

The church was built at the end of the 17th century and has hardly been restored since then.

Bohemian Switzerland is one of the national parks of the Czech Republic

Inside it is decorated with magnificent frescoes.

In addition to the above, Decin has many other historical and architectural monuments worth seeing: these are other churches, a synagogue, churches and chapels, town halls, fountains, the "Pastoral Wall" - a sheer cliff on which the restaurant of the same name with more than a hundred years of history has sheltered.

Children will also be interested in Decin. On the same Shepherd's Wall there is a small, but old and well-groomed zoo.
There is also a water park here, which we were lucky to visit. It consists of a covered open areas and is considered one of the most modern in the Czech Republic.

Of course, it is worth going to Decin even if only to see the incredibly beautiful area in which the town is sheltered - mountains and rivers give it a unique charm.


Usage time: 1 time

Year of visit:2010

Czech-Saxon Switzerland

There are many interesting and picturesque corners on our planet, where once you get there, you want to return again and again. One of these places is Bohemian (Bohemian) Switzerland or, as the locals call it, Saxon Switzerland.

This park was founded not so long ago, at the beginning of the 2000s. Its territory is about 80 sq. km. When creating the park, the country's authorities wanted to preserve the area of ​​untouched nature in its original state. And they succeeded. It's amazing here Beautiful places with minimal human intervention.

The basis of the park is made up of unique sand formations in the form of rocks. The rocks are covered with ancient forests with rare plant species. It is believed that the rocks were formed about 10 million years, and over time, when the water receded, the rocks, on the contrary, protruded. These sandy deposits were compressed mainly during the Mesozoic period under the influence of wind, temperature changes and other natural phenomena.

Unique natural formations impress with their picturesqueness: canyons, arches, windows, etc. And the ruins of fortresses and other medieval buildings, which have been perfectly preserved to this day, fit very harmoniously into all this. Many photographers come here to capture the unique beauty of these places.


For the first time this territory began to be inhabited by nomadic tribes of hunters and gatherers about 10 thousand years ago. They settled mainly near water bodies. Still locals after spring floods, ancient tools and utensils are discovered.

A little later, farmers began to settle in these places, for whom the lands along the tributaries of the river were the most fertile. Over time, to strengthen their settlements, people began to build walls and even build forts, the ruins of which are scattered throughout the national park.

In the 14th century, Saxon colonialists settled on these lands, who were engaged in logging. In those days, there were real impenetrable thickets here. They also settled here, in some places even the ruins of entire settlements with specific architecture remained.

But it was precisely two Swiss restorers who made this area touristic, who were invited to Dresden to restore one estate. During their vacation, they often walked along the modern territory of the national park from Dresden and admired the beauties of these places. And at the end of the work, they stayed here to live, because the local rocks very much reminded them of their native Switzerland. And so the name "Switzerland" got accustomed to this place. Since the end of the 18th century, this area has been called “Saxon Switzerland”.

In the 19th century, local communities opened the first tourist routes for travelers. The mining society of Bohemian Switzerland began to open the first hotels and restaurants here. They began to equip viewing platforms and clear the most beautiful gorges. And on the Elbe River, everything was equipped for lovers of sailing. In general, everything was equipped for comfortable rest tourists in these places.

Where is

Conventionally, the park is divided into German and Czech parts, which are separated by the border between the states and the Elbe River in the west of the park.

Czech Switzerland is located in the northern part of the Czech Republic, close to the border with Germany and 40 km. from Dresden. The highest part of this park is Mount Dechinsky Snezhnik with a height of just over 700 meters. The most popular place among tourists is the Pravchitsky Gate, which was formed due to rain and severe erosion.

How to get there

In fact, there are only two options to get into it. fabulous place: on your own in a rented or own car or with a guided tour. excursion tour can be bought at any travel agency in. The cost of such a tour is from 30 euros and more, depending on the number of people in the group. You will also have to pay separately for visiting certain attractions.

If you get there on your own, you can enter the park both from German territory and from the Czech Republic. You can enter the National Park in different ways: both along the autobahn and along ordinary roads. But it is worth using a map or navigator so as not to get lost.

You can also take a train from Prague to the city of Decin, and then go to the village of Khrzhensko by bus number 434.

When is the best time to go?

The park is open all year round. From November to March, the park is open from 10.00 to 16.00. And from April to October 10.00 - 18.00.

The most successful time to visit the park is considered to be spring and autumn, when it is not very hot, and you can spend a lot of time walking and relaxing.

The entrance ticket can be bought at the entrance to the park, it costs 70 crowns. Additional excursions will have to be paid separately. Boating is available in the park sightseeing tour along the gorge, or visit the castles.


The entire territory of the park is marked with special hiking trails, from which it is impossible to leave. Therefore, it is worth buying a map of the park immediately at the entrance. All trails are accessible. There are even routes for cyclists. You can rent a bike right in the park. There are also rock climbing areas in the park.

Fans of camping can spend the night immediately in the reserve, but this is allowed in special camp areas. Walking in the park is allowed even with pets, so you can safely bring your favorite pets for walking.

For more convenient rest in the reserve and search for places in the park, there are several tourist centers located in different parts of the park. The main tourist center is located in Krasnaya Lipa. It is open daily from 9:00 a.m. until the park closes. There are also information centers in Khrzhensko, Saule, Serbian Kamenica.

When traveling to Czech Switzerland, you should definitely take comfortable shoes and clothes. It is hardly easy to get uphill in heels or tight trousers. Be sure to take a couple of bottles of water with you, as water is much more expensive in the park.


The basis of the reserve is forests and rocks. But even in addition to the stunning beauty of landscapes, you can see architectural sights in the park.

Pravchitsky Gate

The main attraction of the park is the Pravchitsky Gate arch. The gate is the symbol of the park. Tourists tend to see this colorful and miraculous property. Nature has been creating this huge hole in the rock for many millennia. And only after passing through it, you can really admire the work of nature. From the observation deck near the arch, a stunning view of the canyon from below opens. But climbing to the top of the arch is strictly prohibited.

Falcon's Nest Castle

This castle is located near the Pravchitsky Gate. It was built in 1881 by a noble Czech family, literally within a year. The walls of the castle are built into the rock, which gives it an extraordinary charm and simplicity. High-ranking guests have always been received here. The castle has ancient interiors and a restaurant decorated in the style of the Middle Ages. The view from the restaurant is amazing, but the menu is scarce, but with greatly inflated prices for dishes.

Ruins of Schaunstein Castle

They are another picturesque place that deserves attention. Once upon a time, barons engaged in robbery lived in this place. The barons themselves did not build the castle, they simply captured the already built defensive fort and firmly settled in it, changing its name to the "castle of thieves". You can climb to the ruins through a narrow gorge along a steep staircase thrown over a cliff. Today, tourists come here to see the beautiful views that open from the observation deck near the ruins.

Canyons of the Kamenitsa River

For a fee, you can see the beauty of the canyons from the gondola. During this journey, you can see a man-made waterfall leading to a cave with a pirate castle.

Dolskaya mill

This is another picturesque place, but it is located in a dense forest, and it is impossible to see the surroundings from it. The ruins of the fortress are used as scenery in films. By the way, it is believed that it was thanks to the films that this place became famous. The mill operated from the end of the 14th century and long years destroyed by the effects of natural phenomena. But having declared this area a reserve, the restorers took up the mill. And in 2007, the mill became a national architectural monument.

royal spruce

Not far from the Dolskaya mill there is an ancient fir tree, which is over 180 years old, and the tree trunk has grown to a width of more than three meters. Spruce is protected by the state no less than other monuments.

Falkenstein Castle

This is one of ancient places parka. The castle was built in 1394 on a high hill. This building was built for the purpose of defense against robbers. Climbing the walls of this castle was very difficult. Many parts of this castle are perfectly preserved, as they were carved into the rocks. Several legends are associated with it, one of which says that the robbers who wanted to capture this castle were caught. Then hanged. And soon angry dogs began to run around the castle, which can be found today in the vicinity of the castle. Local residents believe that these are the very robbers who are trying to take revenge on their killers.

mouse hole

Such a strange name has a staircase that leads to the top of the hill through a narrow gorge. There are a lot of steps at the stairs, and many tourists who go down the back constantly shout “Wow!”. It's hard to say why, but perhaps they admire their excellent physical shape. Initially, the locals called this staircase the staircase of the Angels. But the owner of the estate did not like the name, and he renamed it in his own way.


Everyone has heard about Bohemian glass, but no one knows that it is not made in Bohemia, but in a workshop in Czech Switzerland in the village of Chrzypska. Since the 14th century, the very Bohemian glass that was admired before and admired to this day has been produced here. Today, excursions are not taken to the production, but in the village you can buy products made from real Bohemian glass for almost a penny.

Viewpoint Belvedere

This is a huge rocky terrace located above the canyon of the Laba River. The platform height is 130 meters. Not far from the site, the Belvedere Hotel was built, from the windows of which stunning views of the surroundings open. This site is considered the very first observation deck in Bohemian Switzerland. It was built by the owners of the estate, who owned almost the entire part of modern Czech Switzerland.

Silver mines of Jiržetin pod Jedlová

Precious metals have been mined in the ancient Mines of these mines for a long time. Today, in order to feel the spirit hovering in the dungeon, you can put on a mining helmet with a lantern and go down into the mine tunnels. these mines first opened in 1474. Silver and copper have been mined in the mines for over two hundred years. But the Thirty Years' War forced the owners to cover their booty. When mining resumed several decades later, it turned out that it was no longer profitable and the mines were closed again. Today, tour groups lead here, showing and telling in detail how the process of mining takes place.

What else to see?

  • You should definitely visit the city of Decin, which is located in the vicinity of Czech Switzerland. The main attraction of the city is the Decin Castle, built in the 8th century. At various times, the Castle was both a military and defensive structure, and the residence of aristocratic families and even monarchs. The city also has a small zoo and water park.

Video trip to Decin:

  • Khrzhensko is a small village, from which all excursions to Czech Switzerland begin. This is a nice and very hospitable place where you can relax and drink real Czech beer with German sausages. The village is located along the river Kamenitsa. The city is known for selling gnomes for gardens at almost every step, of various types, sizes, colors and for every taste.

A trip to Czech Switzerland is a solitude with nature, acquaintance with unusual sandy cliffs and a great chance to get acquainted with the sights created by Mother Nature herself.

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The Bohemian Switzerland National Park (also known as the Bohemian Switzerland National Park) was founded on January 1, 2000 and covers an area of ​​almost 80 sq. km. The park is located at the northern border with Germany and continues on German territory (there it is called " Saxon Switzerland") The task of creating the park is to preserve the natural beauty of these places, so that human intervention is strictly limited here.

The main wealth of the park is unique sandstone rock formations, covered with green islands of well-preserved old forests and rare plants. These rocks once rose from the bottom of the sea, where sand accumulated over 10 million years to reach a thickness of more than 1 km by our time. The most important geological processes took place here in the Mesozoic.

The modern amazing landscape of the national park is these deposits, compressed into cliffs, which cracked and split under the influence of wind, rivers, temperature changes, etc., forming amazingly picturesque cliffs, rock towers, canyons, arches and windows to our days. The most famous of them is Pink Hill, the highest in Bohemian Switzerland.

The main wealth of the park is unique sandstone rock formations covered with green islands of well-preserved old forests.

Bohemian Switzerland is a real forest kingdom. The forest covers almost its entire territory. Here grow mainly coniferous-birch forests, the oldest of which can be found in impregnable gorges and on high cliffs. Since the soil on the latter is either poor or absent, very viable representatives of the flora grow here, creating very picturesque pictures with their curved trunks. Animal world The national park is also rich: the landscape creates ideal conditions for nesting of many species of birds, colonies of bats live in rock cracks, shy and nocturnal animals such as deer live in the forests.

History of Czech Switzerland

The first inhabitants of Bohemian Switzerland were probably hunters, fishermen and gatherers - which is natural for that time, more than 10 thousand years ago. They roamed the area, setting up settlements near water streams. Tools, pieces of coal and utensils are still found here. Much later, Bohemian Switzerland was partially settled by farmers. From time to time, a fortified fort was erected here and there, and trade caravans went through the territory of the national park.

Hiking in Bohemian Switzerland

In the 13th-14th centuries, Bohemian kings invited colonizers from the territory of modern Germany to come here. The latter built villas, stone castles, engaged in logging, began to produce glass and coal. But, since the forests were dense, and there were no wide plains in Bohemian Switzerland either, the life of these communities was of a specific nature. The architecture was also specific: old half-timbered houses of a typical design are still preserved in the national park (in particular, in Kamenitska Strana and Vysoka Lipa). In the second half of the 20th century many of these settlements, abandoned, fell into disrepair, and in some places in the park you can find the most picturesque ruins.

The beginning of the tourist development of the region was laid quite early, approximately in the second half of the 18th century. Romantic artists living in Dresden began their first travels in what was later called Saxon Switzerland (the name was adapted in the Czech version). The systematic development of tourism began in the 19th century, when landowners from local estates (the Kinsky and Clari-Aldringen families), as well as the first tourist communities (the Mountain Society of Bohemian Switzerland and the Mountain Society of North Bohemia) began to step by step increase the attractiveness of the region for travelers. The first walking trails, restaurants, hotels, viewing platforms and observation towers began to appear here. lovers aquatic species more and more sports people came here to sail on the Elbe, and the gorges in Kamenitsa were full of punts.

Bohemian Switzerland Tourism

Today, dozens of well-marked hiking trails are laid in the park. Here you can ride a bike, go in for horseback riding and rock climbing in designated areas, and stay overnight at official campsites. You can even come here with your pets.

But what you can’t do is go off the marked trail in zone I of the park.

Today, the national park contains several extremely interesting places, to see which tourists travel from all over Europe. This is a stone natural arch 26 by 16 m, which is called the Pravchitsky Gate; gorges of the river Kamenice; valley of the river Krynice; famous rock Pink Hill; the town of High Lipa; Dolskaya mill; Dittersbacher peaks; waterfalls near Brtniki… You can go on and on, but it’s already obvious: it’s not enough to spend a day or two in Czech Switzerland. It is worth coming here as a full-fledged vacation.

Practical Information

Tourist centers are located in different parts of the national park. The main one is located in Krasnaya Lipa. information centers- in Saul, Jetrichovice, Serbian Kamenica, Hrensko.

Opening hours of the tourist center in Krasna Lipa: daily from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 12:30 to 17:00, in January - February - until 16:00, in June - August - until 18:00.

You can get to Krasna Lipa by car in about two hours if you drive due north through Melnik and Česká Lipa. Another option is to travel by train to Germany, to Bad Schandau, which is located in the German part of the national park (Saxon Switzerland). This trip will take about two hours.

The Czech Republic is not offended by mountains. The Czech mountains, of course, are low, but picturesque. And one mountainous area even got the name "" ( České Švýcarsko). Eco wonder, you say, the labels "Switzerland" and "Venice" are the most common. A little city in the canals - right there "Venice". And if the area is hilly - "Switzerland", of course.

As for Czech Switzerland, in this case the Swiss themselves likened this corner of the Ore Mountains to their Switzerland. Swiss artists arrived in Dresden to restore paintings in the Dresden Gallery and found an extremely attractive place in the vicinity of the Elbe: sharp sandstone cliffs, deep canyons, hills overgrown with forest. “Well, like we have in Switzerland,” said the artists. And so it happened.

On the Czech side formed national park Czech Switzerland. And on the other side of the Elbe - "Saxon Switzerland". We visited both there and there. In this article I will talk about our walk in Czech Switzerland, and in the next - about Saxony.

We left Prague around 8 in the morning and two hours later we were already approaching the Czech-German border. The river (in Czech, Laba), along which the border of countries passes, looks very romantic in this place: it is not narrow and not wide, it flows among the wooded mountains, houses are visible in some places along its banks, but in general the place seems secluded and quiet .

City of Grzhensko

Our goal - city ​​of Grzhensko, which stands at the confluence of the Kamenitsa River with the Laba. Hiking trails start from Hřensko national park Czech Switzerland.

Pier near Grzhensko

Along the edges of the gorge, like entrance towers, there are two hotels. The Labe Hotel looks especially impressive - it seems that it is leaning against a rock.

The hotel opposite is more modest

We turn right and move along the Kamenitsa River.

The city of Grzhensko begins with long shopping arcades. The Vietnamese trade here.

The rows end in front of the main city square, as miniature as the whole city, with a small church.

The city is stretched along the river. Houses stand on both sides of the river, and behind them the mountain slopes rise.

Many hotels and private pensions. There are cafes and shops, in a word, the entire infrastructure of the resort town. The houses are cute. Let's say this one, overgrown with ivy.

And the most charming villa is hidden a little away from the road, behind a rocky ledge.

The series of houses along Kamenitsa is completed by the Praha Hotel, one of the best in the city. And the whole Grzhensko from "Labe" to "Praha" can be walked in 15 minutes.

Then the paths diverge. There is a hiking trail along the river (we returned to the city three hours later). To the right, the motor road leads to the village of Janov, to the left - to Mezne Louka and further to Jetřichovice, an old Saxon village.

Hiking trails in Bohemian Switzerland

Most tourists (including us) go to the town of Mezne Louka, from where hiking trails begin in the national park "Czech Switzerland" in the Grzhensko district.

Scheme of hiking routes Grzhensko

Most popular route leads to Pravcicka Brana, a unique natural arch bridge. From Mezni Louka to Pravcicka Bran, walk along the path for 70 minutes (as indicated on the map of the park) and then another 45 minutes will take the road to Grzhensko.

We're heading down a different route. First, we pass 2 km along an asphalt road. The road goes through the fields.

Rocks can be seen in the distance above the crowns of trees.

We reach the boarding house "Na Vyhlidce".

Behind the house begins a trail that leads to the river Kamenitsa.

The descent to the river is steep and winding, the path winding among the rocks and trees.

Mountain serpentine ends with an exit to the bridge.

We have reached the bottom of the gorge. From the bridge, the canyon looks spectacular: vertical rock walls are opposite each other. How long did the water cut through the rocks to make its way!

After the bridge, the path turns and goes along the coast along the rocks (and sometimes under the overhanging rocks or in a broken tunnel).

At one point, the gorge makes a sharp turn and widens. In the place of expansion there is a house, which houses a small museum dedicated to the nature of this region.

Rafting on the river Kamenitsa

And here is the pier. Near the walkways are punts painted bright green. The boat is designed for 26 persons.

We are waiting for the laggards

We load into the boat and set sail downstream.

This section of Kamenitsa is called.

The boat is driven by a boatman with a pole. He stands at the stern, rules the boat and jokes. And in one place he slowed down, pulled a stretched cable with his hand, and a waterfall fell from above the rocks. Fortunately, not on us. The waterfall did not last long, I managed to photograph the last jets.

Here and there among the rocks there were funny wooden figurines.

And behind the next turn, such rocky fingers appeared.

This is how we sailed and sailed along the Edmundov Gorge. The place is very quiet, secluded, filled with a mysterious gloomy beauty. Everything is like from a fairy tale: silently flowing dark water, mossy stones in the riverbed, walls of the gorge going up, knotty tree roots clinging to the rocks, dark green crowns reflected in the water.

The only time our privacy was violated was when a boat passed us against the current. Yes, pushing a boat against the current with a sixth is not an easy task.

Finally the pier appeared. We disembarked and continued down the path along the river.

I thought that our walk through the protected forest had come to an end, but the way to Grzhensko took another 30-40 minutes. The gorge went on and on, we all stretched out along the path, there were few people, only closer to Grzhensko people began to meet.