Sacred Lake of Tuvy. History of Sut khol kozhuun


One of the best places for tourist holiday in the Republic of Tyva, one can name the lake Sut-Khol, located on the territory of the Sut-Kholsky kozhuun. This picturesque reservoir hid from prying eyes in the spurs mountain range Western Sayan, at an altitude of 1.8 kilometers above sea level, surrounded by spreading spruces, larches and cedars. The beauty of these places is simply mesmerizing. Not far from the lake rises Mount Bora-Taiga, the top of which is crowned by a man-made wooden pyramid, installed here by topographers. The surrounding forests abound with currants and lingonberries, which can be collected in whole baskets, and in open areas grow bergenia, wintergreens and other flowers that delight the eye with their variegation. In the immediate vicinity of Lake Sut-Khol there is a tourist base of the same name, which has been welcoming guests for more than 10 years. Here you can stay in a yurt camp, equipped with all the benefits of civilization, and taste Tuvan cuisine, which will be delivered directly to your yurt. Alternative options - three meals a day in the dining room, and cooking barbecue on the grill.


Even Lake Baikal can envy the purity of the water of Lake Sut-Khol, but, unfortunately, you cannot swim in it. The fact is that this reservoir is considered sacred among the locals, and bathing in it is punishable by terrible curses. To believe in these legends or not is a personal matter for everyone, but it is clearly not worth neglecting them, at least out of respect for the traditions of the Tuvans. It is noteworthy that next to the lake is located mineral spring Ulug-Dorgun, whose water is allowed to be used not only for drinking, but also for bathing. However, its temperature barely reaches 5 degrees, and only real walruses can do such a test. Recently, Sut-Khol has been used for fish farming. The fry of grayling, ripus, peled and omul were brought here, which settled down well in the new place and have already managed to give offspring. Small crustaceans, which are found in the lake in large quantities, have become the main food base for these fish. On this moment fishing is prohibited on Sut-Khol, and vacationers come here only for recreation and recreation. The most beautiful landscapes These places often become the backdrop for photographs, and the most successful angles can be caught on the southeast coast, at the source of the Khol-Ozhu River, which forms a gorge with waterfalls and bizarre rocks.


One of the Tuvan legends says that the reservoir got its name thanks to an old sorceress who lived in these places in ancient times. During the preparation of the next broth, she threw a vat of milk into the water, and the whole lake turned white. Since then, the cows grazing on its banks began to give thick, fatty milk, similar to cream, and the reservoir itself began to be called "Sut-Khol" - "Milk Lake". Another legend tells of a mythical creature - a bull that lives in the depths of the lake and helps people in their misfortunes. Every time the bull comes to the surface, the lake begins to seethe and foam, and a thunderstorm begins in the sky and a heavy wind blows.

How to get there

Nearest locality to Sut-Khol Lake - the village of Sug-Aksy, which can be reached from the regional center along a good paved highway. A country road leads from the village to the shores of the reservoir, which is often washed away by rains, and even an SUV cannot always drive along it. Along the way, you will have to overcome a steep pass, which is only possible under favorable weather conditions.

The beautiful mountain lake Sut-Khol, which is located on the territory of the Sut-Kholsky kozhuun of the Republic of Tyva, above the Kyzyl-Taiga mountain, is considered sacred. Local residents are sure that it was under the influence of the lake that this region turned out to be prolific for the great fighters in the Khuresh national wrestling.

The area of ​​the lake is 1400 hectares, and the depth in some places reaches 50 m. Mongolian grayling, omul, peled, and vendace live in it. The purity of the waters of the lake is comparable only to Lake Baikal.

Here, shamanic rites are performed annually, during which the Lord of the lake is coaxed to help in obtaining a good harvest, prosperity and protect the population from diseases, jute (poverty, hunger and loss of livestock).

The lake has been considered sacred since ancient times, and it is not for nothing that all Tuvan fairy tales and legends begin with the words: “A long time ago, when Sut-Khol Lake was a small puddle, and Mount Sumber-Uula (the mountain that is currently under the lake) was a bump…” . There is a legend that the owner of the lake “Holdun Kok Bugazy” (Lake Blue Bull) once lived in the lake. When the owner begins to leave the lake, then thunder rumbles, lightning flashes, waves higher than human height begin to walk across the lake and crash against the rocky shores with force.

Scientific adviser, Ph.D.

The Republic of Tuva has enough a large number of unique, unique places on its territory, which are rich not only in natural resources, but also in historical monuments. One of such places is Sut-Kholsky kozhuun (district). It was officially established only in 1983, before that the territory Sut-Kholsky district was part of the Dzun-Khemchik region. The total territory of the district covers an area of ​​669125 hectares. It has 7 sumons: Aldan-Maadyr, Ak-Dash, Bora-Taiga, Sug-Aksy, Kara-Chyraa, Kyzyl-Taiga and Ishkin. The regional center is the village of Sug-Aksy, which is located in the middle part of the Sut-Kholsky district. The region itself is located in the northwestern part of the Republic of Tyva. It borders in the south with Dzun-Khemchiksky, in the west with Barun-Khemchiksky, in the east with Chaa-Kholsky kozhuuns of the Republic of Tuva, in the north it borders with Khakassia.

On the territory of the Sut-Kholsky kozhuun there is a beautiful mountain lake Sut-Khol, which is located next to the mountain "Kyzyl-Taiga" (mountain height 2400 meters above sea level). The area of ​​the lake is 1400 hectares, length - 8 km, width - 3.5 km, depth - 35 m, the lake is located at 1814 m above sea level, Mongolian grayling, peled, omul, vendace live in the lake. Kozhuun got its name in honor of the lake - Sut-Kholsky.

In Tuva there is a national wrestling "Khuresh". On the traditional holiday of livestock breeders (Naadym), competitions of wrestlers are held annually. All the great wrestlers in the national wrestling "Khuresh" come from Sut-Khol, and this is considered by the locals to be the influence of the sacred lake Sut-Khol. The purity of the water in the lake is comparable only to Lake Baikal. Since ancient times, the lake Sut-Khol is considered sacred, and it is not for nothing that all Tuvan fairy tales and legends begin with the words: “A long time ago, when Sut-Khol Lake was a small puddle, and Mount Sumber-Uula (the mountain on which the lake is currently located) was a bump…”. In the lake area, shamanic rituals are performed annually, during which the owner of the lake is coaxed to help in obtaining a good harvest, prosperity and protect the local population from diseases, jute (poverty, hunger and loss of livestock).

Wild animals live on the territory of the kozhuun: deer, roe deer, wild boar, musk deer, hare, etc. Birds: black grouse, capercaillie, partridge, duck, goose, snowcock, eagle, kite, etc. The Khemchik, Sep, Ak, Alash rivers are rich in various species fish.

Ulug-Ovaa is a unique monument of cultural and historical heritage. Ovaa is a traditional place where Tuvans worship various spirits of nature, where a mound of stones with protruding dry branches is formed, on which ribbons are tied as a sign of worship. Ulug-Ovaa is located on the border between Khakassia and Tuva. It is assembled from special stones, on which letters and horoscopes compiled by lamas are carved in two languages ​​(Tibetan and Tuvan). Ulug-Ovaa has been a place of worship for local residents since ancient times. Today it is mostly abandoned. And earlier, the road to Tuva passed by it because of the Sayans.

In Tuva, the holy spring is called arzhaan. On the territory of Sut-Khol there is an arzhaan Shaarash (Dorgun) - a radon source, which is located on the territory of the village of Kyzyl-Taiga. The water temperature in Arzhaan is + 4.2 degrees. It treats diseases of the endocrine, musculoskeletal, respiratory systems. People come here for treatment not only from Tuva, but also from other regions of Russia.

In the village of Aldan-Maadyr there is a monument dedicated to the uprising of 60 heroes. The author and manufacturer of the monument is Saryglar Ortun Ertineevich. In the area of ​​the village in 1883 - 1885 there was an uprising of 60 heroes - this is the largest uprising of arats against the Manchu oppression and local feudal lords. The monument was erected in 1993, made in the form of a huge quiver for arrows, 68 names of the rebels are lined with metal on it. The monument is a landmark of the village.

Mount Kizhi-Unmes is located near the village of Ishkin. In translation, Kizhi-Unmes means a mountain that a person cannot climb. Kizhi-Unmes is the most high point Ishkinskaya Khor-Taiga, 2650 meters above sea level. According to the observations of local residents, it is on this mountain that the weather is born. Locals believe that if clouds have gathered over the top of the mountain and a blizzard begins, expect bad weather. It is always windy at the top, so you can climb there only in clear weather. Before climbing, it is considered obligatory to perform the rite of worship to the mountain. It is noticed that if a person climbs a mountain, then after that it rains or snows for several days, it is believed that the mountain is angry. In 1953, a plane with an expedition of geologists crashed here. The plane crashed into a mountain due to fog. One of the passengers of the plane survived and crawled through the taiga for several days to the shepherd's camp, where he was helped. In the light of this event and various signs of the local population, there is a special attitude towards Mount Kizhi-Unmes.

In the picturesque place of Nizhny Ishkin, there is a stone stele Dash Kozhee, about 2.5 meters long. As tells local the village of Ishkin Koshkar-ool Ondar: “The oldest inhabitants of these places said that once two brothers lived here - Borbak-Sat and Churek-Sat. During the war with neighboring tribes, they died. In place of their yurts, the wives of these fighters placed a stone statue of Dash Kozhee. However, Koshkar-ool Ondar claims that the stele was originally twice as high. Apparently it could not withstand the weight of time and broke off. Although this fact, as well as the names of those for whom, according to the stories of the old-timers, it was erected, speaks of the comparative youth of the monument. Stone statues of Scythian times look different. Not far from the stele there are several burial mounds, each with a diameter of 15-20 meters. They have not been looted, as they are located in a remote place.

Sut-Kholsky kozhuun is one of the beautiful regions of the Republic of Tuva, in kozhuun there is not only unique places nature, but also historical monuments, around many of them since ancient times legends and legends have been composed. The inhabitants of the kozhuun themselves are proud to live in Sut-Khol. It is necessary to preserve the historical heritage, cultural monuments, and traditions of the area.

Bibliographic list

1. Tuva. Guide "LE PTI FUTE" - Moscow: Vanguard. - 2001. - S. 148-149.

2. Aldan-Maadyr. Memory of ancestors. - Kyzyl: 1997. - P. 12.

3. Biche-ool V. L., Shaktarzhik dugayynda chugaalar. - Kyzyl: 2C. 139

Lake Sut-Khol is located in the Sut-Kholsky kozhuun of the Republic of Tuva in the spurs of the Western Sayan not far from the stormy Khemchik at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level.

The length of the lake from west to east is 7-8 kilometers, width - 2-2.5 kilometers.

On the shores of the lake grow sprawling larches, slender spruces, handsome cedars. On green moss there are pink flowers of round-leaved wintergreens, lingonberries, and bergenia. In the vicinity of Sut-Khol there is a rounded forest-covered mountain Bora-Taiga, the rocky peak of which is crowned by a wooden pyramid built by topographers. From the south, the dome of the Kyzyl-Taiga mountain rose above the lake, from where a magnificent view of the Khemchik basin opens.

Sut-Khol is remembered by everyone who has ever seen him. Bizarre shape the peninsulas go deep into the surface of the lake, wild rocks and white clouds are reflected in the water, as in a mirror.

Small rivers flow into the lake from the west. Their shores serve as a common place for shepherds to stop. In the southeast, from Sut-Khol, along a picturesque gorge surrounded by yellowish rocks with trails of stone screes, the Khol-Ozhu River flows rapidly, forming small waterfalls in places. Bushes of red and black currant hang over the river, irises, bluebells, lilies bloom, wild gooseberries are found in the clefts of the rocks.

Not far from Sut-Khol, the arzhaan Ulug-Dorgun beats. The water temperature in the spring is +4.2 degrees. The trees near it, according to the old Tuvan custom, are hung with offerings to the spirit of the mountains. In summer, tents of vacationers are located near the arzhaan, who not only drink the water of the source, but also take a shower.

The lake is very rich in plankton. There are a lot of amphipods in it, which feed on omuls. Ichthyologists have launched fry of the Baikal omul, Mongolian grayling, peled, ripus, and vendace in Sut-Khol. Scientists believe that Sut-Khol - perfect place to breed these fish.

The lake has very clean air and absolute silence. Since ancient times, Sut-Khol has been considered sacred, its name of the lake in translation means "lake of milk", and milk among Tuvans symbolizes purity. To this day, no one can swim in the sacred lake. It is believed that if someone disturbs the peace of the lake, clouds suddenly run up and hail begins. Perhaps, therefore, the purity of lake water is comparable only to Lake Baikal, because no one dares not only to pollute the water, but also to leave garbage on its shores. No one really disturbs the peace on the lake, this is a sacred place.

And Sut-Khol is the birthplace of the most famous storytellers and the strongest Tuvan wrestlers, which is also attributed to the influence of the sacred lake.

There is a legend among the people. In ancient times, an old sorceress settled by the lake. She brewed healing decoctions from Sut-Khol herbs, recited spells, sent a thunderstorm to the taiga. Once a sorceress splashed a large vat of milk into the waters of Sut-Khol. In the morning, people did not recognize the lake: it became snow-white, as if filled with milk. Since then, the people began to notice that on the Sut-Khol pastures, cows give a lot of thick, like cream, milk. Not for nothing, Sut-Khol is translated into Russian and means - Milk Lake.