canaima national park, venezuela. Canaima National Park Canaima National Parks is also a must


Basic moments

The unique nature reserve is very popular among tourists. People go to Canaima Park to climb the mysterious tepui, admire deep canyons and see endemic species of tropical plants and rare animals. Most travelers visit the world's highest Angel Falls.

The territory of the reserve is remote from the roads, so people travel around the park on foot, by boat or in traditional Indian canoes “curiaras”. Small aircraft are used to travel long distances. In the western part of the park is the village of Canaima, and in the east - Santa de Airen and Puerto Ordaz.

Canaima is home to the Pemon Indian tribe. Since ancient times, representatives of this nation have revered flat mountains and believed that tepui are the home of the mawari spirits. Today, most of the pemons inhabiting the reserve are busy serving tourists and selling souvenirs.

Tepui Canaima National Park

national park Canaima is famous for its high plateaus. Translated from the Indian language, "tepui" means "house of the gods." Table mountains were formed from sandstone in those distant times when Africa and South America were one mainland. The most famous tepuis of the park are Roraima and Auyantepui.

IN XIX century The Venezuelan mountains were explored by Robert Hermann Schomburgk. His account of the attempt to conquer Mount Roraima inspired Conan Doyle, and the writer created the famous novel The Lost World.

Giant anteaters, monkeys, armadillos, three-toed sloths, jaguars, cougars, porcupines, otters, capybaras and tapirs live in the valleys and on the slopes of the tepui. The rainforests of Canaima are home to black-capped sun hummingbirds, rock bettas, king vultures, singing thick-billed wrens, banana warblers, and blue-cheeked Amazons. According to scientists, many of the plants growing on plateau-like uplands are not found anywhere else in the world.

Angel Falls

The world-famous Angel Falls falls from the Auyantepui plateau, whose name means "mountain of the devil." Water falls from a height of 979 meters and makes such a long way that not jets reach the gorge of the Kerep River, but only the smallest water mist.

The Venezuelan waterfall was named after pilot James Angel. In 1935, he was flying in Canaima, his plane broke down and the pilot was forced to land near the majestic waterfall on the mountain. The pilot and his companions had to descend on foot. The path through the tropical jungle to the nearest village turned out to be very difficult and took 11 days.

Nowadays, many tourists come to see the giant waterfall. The attraction is located in the western part national park Canaima. Travelers are brought to Angel Falls by plane from Caracas, Ciudad Bolívar, Margarita, Santa Elena de Wayres and Puerto Ordaz. The flight from Caracas lasts an hour and a half and, depending on the capacity of the aircraft, costs $300-350.

Information for tourists

As a rule, the starting point for trips to Canaima National Park is the city of Ciudad Bolivar. From here, travelers enter the reserve on small aircraft. One day tour to Angel Falls takes one day and costs $110. For $300-350 in Ciudad Bolívar, you can buy three-day tours to the reserve.

Not far from the Angel Falls, on the shore of the lagoon in the flood of the Carrao River, is the village of Canaima. Upon arrival at the airport of the village, tourists must pay a fee for visiting the reserve and present documents confirming that they have been vaccinated against yellow fever.

There are eco-hotels and campsites in Canaima. They are tourist complexes of small palm houses, harmoniously integrated into the surrounding landscape. Restaurants and cafes are open at eco-hotels and campsites. All accommodations are equipped with electricity, hot water bathrooms and mosquito nets. Tourists who book rooms and houses in Canaima are offered a meeting at the airport, transfer and meals, and those who wish can use the services of a guide.

How to get there

The Canaima National Park is located in the Venezuelan state of Bolivar. You can fly into the reserve from Caracas, Ciudad Bolívar, Puerto Ordaz, Porlamar, Puerto Ayacucho, San Cristobal, San Antonio del Tachira and Santa Elena de Aires. Most flights are from Ciudad Bolivar.

Small aircraft fly to the village of Canaima. Some travelers get to the territory of the national park by boat from the Orinoco Delta.

Canaima is a national park in Venezuela.

Description of Canaima Park

One of the attractions of Venezuela is the Canaima Nature Reserve, which is visited by tourists from all over the world. It was created to protect the majestic waterfalls that fall from the local mesas. The Canaima Nature Reserve is located on the border with Brazil. Well, most beautiful mountain this protected area is Roraima.

The Canaima Reserve was created by the Venezuelan authorities in 1962. Although the height of its mountains does not exceed 3 km, they are interesting for their flat tops and vertical slopes. Here it is worth noting right away that in the reserve you can see the largest mesas in the world.

So mountain Auyantepui interesting in that the noisy Angel Falls, which is considered the highest waterfall in the world, rushes down from it. Its height is 979 m. Well, Mount Roraima is interesting because the area of ​​its flat top is 34 km2. Moreover, climbers managed to climb to its top only at the end of the 19th century. An additional flavor of Roraima is given by the fact that a huge cloud constantly hangs over it. The top of the mountain attracts to itself all the wet masses from the plain that surrounds it. Therefore, there are very often strong thunderstorms. But there are practically no plants on its tops. After all, it is completely covered with sandstone.

The sights of the Canaima Reserve include the fact that 300 species of endemic plants can be found here. You won't see them anywhere else in the world. In addition, here you can see a huge variety of orchids. But among the animals of endemic species is not found here.

The park is also interesting because there are villages of the Pemon Indians, whose ancestors came to these parts about 10 thousand years ago. It is believed that the ancestors of these Indians left mysterious petroglyphs on the rocks.

There are no roads in the park. Therefore, tourists move here on foot, by boat or by light aircraft. Well, local Indians act as guides. It is they who tell tourists various legends that are associated with the protected area. In addition, tourists can spend the night in the park in special huts that the Indians specially built for them. These are original hotels in the park. Therefore, tourists can not only enjoy the wildlife, but also feel the ancient way of life of the Indians.

Venezuela conjures up a picture of a lost world, riddled with historical curiosities and heavenly landscapes that you want to merge with forever. The Canaima Reserve is that unique formation, every particle of which indicates that a person has fallen into another reality. Virgin pure nature, lush green forests, blue water - these beauties make you forget about everything.

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The park is located in South America, next to Brazil and Guyana. Its surroundings are spread over a vast territory of 30,000 km. Canaima is the oldest reserve, the year of discovery is 1962. Thanks to the unique flat-topped mountains called Tepui, it is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The purpose of the park is to protect the mountainous surroundings near the largest waterfalls.

The remoteness of the object from civilization leads to the fact that it is very difficult to get to the park by traditional routes. There are few roads connecting with settlements, so the most relevant are the means of small aircraft. Hiking and moving along the rivers with the help of canoes are very popular.


The calling card of the place is undoubtedly Tepui. They are unique natural formations. Their second name is "table mountains". And indeed, when you look at these outlines, it seems that someone's giant omnipotent hand has placed bizarre tables on the surface of the earth.

If we turn to history, we can get quite certain information about the origin. Tepui formed during a period when South America and Africa were elements of the same supercontinent. The mountains have an interesting relief: sharp and steep slopes, peaks that look like truncated pyramids. There are none like it anywhere else in the world. There are about a hundred of them in total, and each more than once became the object of conquest by climbers and gave such "dared souls" a fabulous view from a bird's eye view.

The locals of Pemona worship these formations, it is no coincidence that the literal translation of the word Tepui means "house of the gods." "Table Mountains" have a sandy nature. The highest are Roraima and Auyantepui. The expedition of the scientist Robert Schomburgk to the top of Mount Roraima inspired Conan Doyle to create the legendary "Lost World". More detailed information you can read about Mount Roraima in our article.

The approach to Roraima is clearly felt for many kilometers; a huge cloud flaunts above its giant "tabletop", because due to its height, the mountain becomes the center of concentration of moist air masses. It is also the cause of regular powerful thunderstorms.

Angel Falls

Another gem of the reserve is the Angel Falls. He is also known from school geography textbooks as highest waterfall in the world. Its height is 1054 m. It is even hard to imagine how much it is. Before touching the ground, drops in a powerful stream scatter into tiny particles and form fog.

Interestingly, the waterfall got its name in honor of James Angel, an American pilot. According to historical data, during the landing on Auyantepui, his plane was damaged and the whole team had to descend the mountain on their own, and the path to the nearest locality took 11 days. The fame of the courage and valor of the traveler spread everywhere and it was decided to give the waterfall his name.

The full-flowing rivers Churun, Carrao, Caroni and Yuruani attract with their cool lagoons of stunning beauty. They pull the weary traveler into their arms. They contain a huge freshwater supply of the planet. The water of the Caroni River has interesting feature- dark color, which is associated with an increased concentration of humic acids that end up in the river with humus from coastal land. This river is also called "blackwater", along with the Brazilian Rio Negro.


The Canaima Reserve is characterized by the South American nature of the transition zone from the plains to the mountainous terrain. The bases of the mountains have become the birthplace of the savannas, and evergreen forests can be found on the slopes. The flora is characterized by exceptional diversity.

The park is a real repository of endemic plants. More than three hundred species of them have been found here. But orchids are the most common, because here nature itself has created excellent conditions for them: a high level of temperature and humidity. There are overgrowths of moss and lichen. There are also rare Roraima sundews, related to insectivorous plants.

The fauna of the surroundings of the park also has many varieties, but these are completely traditional animals for the foothills of Venezuela: agoutis, chameleons, tapirs, jaguars, peccaries, cougars and, of course, fearsome, broad-faced caimans.

For a long time of his residence, the caiman has practically abandoned his hunting inclinations and basically does not hunt in the wild, but lives in ponds where peasants water their cattle. These animals become his prey. Fans of birds will be able to meet here such favorites as owls, parrots, hummingbirds.


The territory is the historical homeland of the Pemon Indian people, for whom local attractions are considered iconic - endowed with special power and energy. Aborigines are something like an integral symbol of the area, an element of national color. Therefore, they are employed in the field of tourism as guides to the beauties of the park, as they are well oriented in the area. It has already become a tradition for guests of the park to take a few photos with the representatives of the tribe and listen to their fascinating stories and legends.

The inscriptions found on the territory testify that this people settled in the vicinity of the reserve more than ten thousand years ago. Pemons prefer to live in the flat area of ​​Canaima. They are traditionally engaged in gathering, hunting, have small gardens where they grow fruits and vegetables for food.

The tribe exists, as it were, apart from civilization; children do not attend school, there is no electricity. Aborigines do not use medical services, preferring to treat themselves with folk remedies and methods. Some residents have additional income through the construction of vernacular style huts. Visitors are willing to pay money for it.

How to get there

There is only one road for the entire reserve - from the city of Ciudad Bolivar. It is the only one with a gravel coating. There are no other roads. Mostly tourists get on their own, although it takes quite a decent period of time and can be dangerous for unprepared travelers.

Therefore, most of the guests arrive in Canaima by light aircraft from Caracas, or by canoe from the Orinoco Delta. Here the road will not take much time and will be exciting and memorable. There are no around the park big cities, which, in principle, is favorable for this area, because there are no pollution, nature retains its untouched appearance.

Several hotels are ready to accept travelers on the territory of the reserve. The most luxurious of them are Parakaupa Camp Lodge and Arekuna Camp Lodge. They look like small palm houses, surprisingly fitting into the surrounding landscape. Guests can not only relax in them, but also visit numerous restaurants, bars, cafes, where they will be pleased with the friendly atmosphere, friendly staff and delicious food.

Canaima National Park opens up to the traveler all the treasures, all the richness of its flora and fauna. Due to the inaccessibility, all this has been preserved almost in its original form. The staff of the reserve carefully monitors that guests observe the rules of conduct and protect nature. Only then will all the beauties remain intact and they can be admired for many years to come.

Canaima National Park is located on east coast Venezuela in the state of Bolivar. The park was founded on June 12, 1962. The area is about 30,000 km². In 1994, Canaima National Park was listed as world heritage UNESCO.

It is one of the twenty countries of the world with the richest biological diversity and strikes the imagination with its unique landscapes inherent only in this area, as well as the species diversity of flora and fauna.

It is here, in Canaima Park, that the highest in the world is located. The rarest mountain landscapes of tepui (the so-called "table mountains"), which are flat-topped sandstones, were formed back in that distant era when South America and Africa were one continent.

The most famous tepui park: Roraima, Auyantepui, Sierra Neblina. Climbing some tepui (of which there are more than 50 in the park) became possible only at the very end of the 20th century.

Conquering the majestic tepui of Venezuela, the researchers were struck by the similarity of the landscapes for the first time coming off the human eye with the fantastic worlds of Arthur Conan Doyle, who created his "Lost World" under the impression of these primeval places of Latin America. Of the plants collected on the tepui expedition, 98% were unknown to botanists of the 20th century.

In the Canaima National Park, where the spurs of the Guiana Highlands form isolated stem mountains with almost vertical slopes, and the water in the rivers after the rains turns bright red and black from washed-out sandstone, endemic plants and animals are found that do not live anywhere else on the planet.

In the park you can see the valleys covered with a carpet of predatory orchids that feed on small animals. Meet the rarest caimans and three-legged owls, the world's largest dragonflies and tarantulas over 35 cm long, and predatory ants that easily bite tree branches. Therefore, enjoy the beauty of the park, preferably during daylight hours, accompanied by a guide.

Canaima National Park - the best place for ecological tourism, because only here you can see the most ancient landscapes Earth over 2 billion years old. Only in this truly fantastic place, polar mosses coexist with African palm trees. From the cracks of the rocks, bright brown shoots soar several meters high, which are the root system of the rarest plants, similar to giant artichokes. And on the tops of the tepui, more than 200 species of Mesozoic ferns grow, the appearance of which has not changed for more than 180 million years.

Canaima National Park - PHOTOS

It was founded on June 12, 1962, and in 1994 was listed in UNESCO. Once upon a time, Indians lived here, who fought with each other, and in ancient times the word "Kanaima" in the language of the Indians meant a killer. Currently, more and more tourists from all over the world come here to see these amazing beauties. The national park is famous Angel Falls, the highest in the world(Salto ?ngel), 979 meters high, named after the pilot James Angel, who first saw the falls from an airplane in 1935, who flew over the falls and landed on top of a mountain in search of gold, where his plane got stuck in the jungle and he was about 11 days went down. His plane remained on top of the mountain for about 33 years and can now be seen in Ciudad Bolivar. Water overthrows from the largest table mountain Auyantepui, which means "mountain of the devil" and flows into the Caroni River, which flows into the Orinoco River. The only way to get to the foot of Angel is by boat about 4 hours from Canaima and another way, the easiest way is to see it from a bird's eye view by flying around in a corncob (in a small plane).

national parkCanaima consists of many impressive waterfalls: Golodrina, Acha, Ukaima and Sapo. In the Sapo Falls, you can walk inside the waterfall and this is an indescribable pleasure that everyone should experience in reality. Canaima's property is 3 palm trees in red water, the color of cognac or coca-cola and pink sand, which cracks underfoot in an unusual way. In the national park you can see many exotic plants, including orchids, as well as mammals (anteaters, jaguars, monkeys and others) and a greater variety of birds (parrots, hummingbirds, toucans, eagles and others). In the national park Canaima Pemon Indians live, the population is about 2 thousand people, there is a school for children, restaurants, cafes, Best time to visit the park Canaima And Angel Falls- during the rainy season (April-November), when rivers and waterfalls are at their fullest.

Angel Falls and Canaima National Park considered the main attraction of Venezuela.

Tour Canaima and Angel Falls 3 days 2 nights from Margarita Island: price from $450 per person.

1 day tour: Departure at 8.30 from Porlamar to Canaima (via Puerto Ordaz). Arrive in Canaima around 11 pm. Pay
additional entrance to Canaima National Park 150 bsf per 1 person. At the airport of Canaima you will be met by a guide, with whom you will go to the lodge, where you change clothes and go to Angel in boats (canoes), the duration is about 4 hours, depending on the water level. On the way you will have a stop for lunch. Throughout the journey, we will be surrounded by the landscapes of the national park, the extraordinary tepui mountains. In the afternoon we sail to the camp on Raton Island, which is located at the base of the waterfall, where you will have dinner and spend the night in hammocks overlooking Angel.

2 day tour: Getting up early in the morning and leaving for the Angel Falls, we walk through the forest jungle for about an hour, we approach the foot of Angel, where we swim, sunbathe, take photos and enjoy the amazing nature. They say that after swimming in Angela, you will look 10 years younger. Then we return to the camp, have breakfast, and sail back to Canaima at about 3 o'clock. We sail to Canaima at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, we are accommodated in the village, we have lunch. After lunch, there is the opportunity to go sunbathing, swimming in Canaima and take photos near the three famous palm waterfalls Acha, Golodrin and Ukaima. Then dinner at 19.00 and the opportunity to take a walk in the park at night, watch the starry sky and a beautiful sunset.

3 day tour:. Rise early in the morning, about 7 o'clock in the morning we go by boat for a walk along the waterfalls of Canaima: Ukaima, Golodrina, and Acha and

Sapo, We land on the island of Anatolia with pink sand, where you will see all the waterfalls from all sides, we head (about 15 minutes on foot through the forest jungle) to the most beautiful and unusual Sapo waterfall, where we have the opportunity to walk inside the waterfall, Then we return back to the village, re going,

If desired, you can stay in the village for 1 extra. night. change clothes and fly out at 12.00 from Canaima to Margherita Island(Porlamar) via Puerto Ordaz, arriving at Margarita Island around 2 pm.

Flying over Angel Falls in a corncob (small plane) - 800 bsf per person

Included: Porlamar-Puerto Ordaz-Canaima-Puerto Ordaz-Porlamar tickets, Spanish speaking guides and English, meals, accommodation (1 night in a lodge in Canaima, 1 night in hammocks near Angel), all excursions.

Not included: airport tax (Porlamar Canaima -45 bsf), entrance to nat. Canaima Park 150 bsf per person, alcoholic drinks, transfer

Prices for tours from Margarita Island:

FULL DAY from Margarita Island - $300

Briefly about the tour program: the plane is designed for 19 people.

Departure at 8 am from Porlamar to Canaima. You arrive in Canaima at about 10 o'clock, where your guide meets you and directs you to the campamento (posada), where you change clothes, leave your things in a special room. storage room and go on canoes for a walk to the Canaima waterfalls, such as: Acha, Ukaima, Golodrina, land on the island of Anatolia, where you will see pink sand and memorable views of all these waterfalls, then head 15 minutes through the forest jungle to Sapo waterfall, where you pass inside it. The duration of the walk is about 2.5 hours. Return after a walk to the posada, where lunch awaits you, change, take pictures near the 3 famous Canaima palm trees that stand in the water and head to the airport. climatic conditions allow (70% of 100% that the flight will be made). Having circled Angel several times, fly further to Margarita. Arrive around 6 pm.

Included in the tour: tickets Porlamar-Canaima-Porlamar, lunch, tour of the waterfalls, flying around Angel (if favorable) climatic conditions), English and Spanish speaking guides.

Not included in the tour: airport tax 45 bsf., entrance to nat. Canaima park -150 bsf., alcoholic drinks

Orinoco Delta, Canaima, 2 days 1 night from Margarita Island -430 $

Briefly about the tour program:

1 day tour: Departure at 8 am from Porlamar to Canaima. You arrive in Canaima at about 10 o'clock, where your guide meets you and directs you to the lodge, there you change clothes and go on a boat trip to the Canaima waterfalls, the duration of the walk is about 2.5 hours. Return after a walk to the village, where lunch awaits you, change, take pictures near the 3 famous Canaima palms that stand in the water, you can also buy souvenirs in local Indian stores and see how local Indian settlements live, after which you head to the airport, Flight to Orinoco around 4 pm, where on the way back the pilot makes a few circles over the Angel Falls, if climatic conditions allow (70% of 100% that the flight will be made), there you will be met and provided with a transfer (boat) to the camp located in the jungle of the river Orinoco, accommodation in campamento, where dinner awaits you.

2 day tour: After breakfast, we go on an Indian boat (canoe) for a tour of local attractions, where we can observe the fauna and flora, catch piranhas, get acquainted with the local Varao Indians, whose houses are on the water, their way of life, we can buy their local souvenirs and imagine ourselves in movie "Staying Alive". Lunch at the campamento (including caught piranhas). Around 5 pm return by plane to Margarita.

Included: tickets Porlamar-Canaima-Porlamar, lunch in Canaima, dinner, breakfast, lunch 2 days in Orinoco, all excursions to the waterfalls, the Orinoco Delta, the flyby of Angel (under favorable climatic conditions), all transfers, English speaking guides. and Spanish languages.

Not included: airport tax 45 bsf., entrance to the Canaima lagoon -150 bsf., alcoholic drinks

Excursion - Canaima and Angel National Park 3 days 2 nights from Ciudad Bolivar, Puerto Ordaz - $ 300 (a group of 4 people - we provide a discount)

Our company can pre-book tickets for you:

Caracas-Puerto-Ordaz-Caracas - from $50

Caracas-Puerto Ordaz- margarita- from 50 $

We recommend taking with you : swimsuit, beach clothes (cap, shorts, T-shirt + warm clothes in the evening), towel, sunscreen, mosquito spray, flip flops for the beach, sneakers, bags (closable) for storing the camera, if there is a special waterproof case for the camera, be sure to take it. It is not recommended to take with you everything related to cutting objects (knife, tongs, etc.) - it is not allowed at the airport, it is better to take alcohol with you, since prices in Canaima are 6 times too high.

If you need a Spanish interpreter, we can provide for an additional fee.