On which Crimean river is the Zagorsk reservoir located? Zagorsk Reservoir: a large reservoir of fresh water in Crimea

Coordinates: 44°39′07″ n. w. 34°02′10″ E. d. /  44.6520° N. w. 34.0360° E. d. / 44.6520; 34.0360 (G) (I) Zagorsk Reservoir Zagorsk Reservoir K: Water bodies in alphabetical order

Zagorsk Reservoir- a reservoir of natural flow in Crimea, on the territory of the Bakhchisarai region. It is located in the depths of the Second Range of the Crimean Mountains, in the upper reaches of the Kacha River and its left tributary Stili. Reservoir volume 27.85 million m³, length - 3.25 km, maximum width - 0.75 km, water surface area 1.56 km², maximum depth - 43 m, length coastline- about 11.2 km.

The Zagorsk reservoir was created on the personal instructions of Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev (together with the Schastlivensky reservoir) to resolve the issue of water supply to Greater Yalta. Construction began in 1964 - the Kachi valley at the confluence of the left tributary of the Styles was blocked by an earthen dam 48 m high, 760 m long and 10 m wide along the ridge; the filling of the reservoir was completed in 1975 (according to other, less reliable data - from 1976 to 1980 year). During construction, the villages of Lesnikovo, Shakhty and Shelkovichnoye were liquidated, as they lay higher up the valley and were located in the sanitary protection zone, Zagorskoye - which ended up in the flood zone, and Okhotnichye - which fell into the area of ​​direct construction of the dam.

From the reservoir, water, along an 18.25 km long water pipeline, is supplied to the Schastlivensky reservoir by the 1st lift pumping station (Kacha pumping station), from where, through the Ai-Petrinsky tunnel (water tunnel), it enters Yalta.

The reservoir, due to the ban on visiting, is rich in fish - silver carp, crucian carp, carp, rudd, perch, and roach are found.

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  1. This geographical feature is located on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula, most of which is the subject of territorial disputes between Russia, which controls the disputed territory, and Ukraine. According to the federal structure of Russia, on disputed territory Crimea is home to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol. According to the administrative division of Ukraine, the regions of Ukraine are located on the disputed territory of Crimea -

    An excerpt characterizing the Zagorsk reservoir

    “I don’t think I’m on time,” he said, “I wouldn’t have come, but I have something to do,” he said coldly...
    - No, I’m just surprised how you came from the regiment. “Dans un moment je suis a vous,” [I am at your service this very minute," he turned to the voice of the one calling him.
    “I see that I’m not on time,” Rostov repeated.
    The expression of annoyance had already disappeared from Boris's face; Having apparently thought it over and decided what to do, he with particular calm took him by both hands and led him into the next room. Boris's eyes, calmly and firmly looking at Rostov, seemed to be covered with something, as if some kind of screen - blue dormitory glasses - were put on them. So it seemed to Rostov.
    “Oh come on, please, can you be out of time,” said Boris. - Boris led him into the room where dinner was served, introduced him to the guests, calling him and explaining that he was not a civilian, but a hussar officer, his old friend. “Count Zhilinsky, le comte N.N., le capitaine S.S., [Count N.N., captain S.S.],” he called the guests. Rostov frowned at the French, bowed reluctantly and was silent.
    Zhilinsky, apparently, did not happily accept this new Russian person into his circle and did not say anything to Rostov. Boris did not seem to notice the embarrassment that had occurred from the new face and, with the same pleasant calm and cloudiness in the eyes with which he met Rostov, tried to enliven the conversation. One of the French turned with ordinary French courtesy to the stubbornly silent Rostov and told him that he had probably come to Tilsit in order to see the emperor.
    “No, I have business,” Rostov answered briefly.
    Rostov became out of sorts immediately after he noticed the displeasure on Boris’s face, and, as always happens with people who are out of sorts, it seemed to him that everyone was looking at him with hostility and that he was disturbing everyone. And indeed he interfered with everyone and alone remained outside the newly started general conversation. “And why is he sitting here?” said the looks that the guests cast at him. He stood up and approached Boris.
    “However, I’m embarrassing you,” he told him quietly, “let’s go, talk about business, and I’ll leave.”
    “No, not at all,” said Boris. And if you are tired, let’s go to my room and lie down and rest.
    - Indeed...
    They entered the small room where Boris was sleeping. Rostov, without sitting down, immediately with irritation - as if Boris was guilty of something in front of him - began to tell him Denisov’s case, asking if he wanted and could ask about Denisov through his general from the sovereign and through him deliver a letter. When they were left alone, Rostov became convinced for the first time that he was embarrassed to look Boris in the eyes. Boris, crossing his legs and stroking the thin fingers of his right hand with his left hand, listened to Rostov, as a general listens to the report of a subordinate, now looking to the side, now with the same clouded gaze, looking directly into Rostov’s eyes. Each time Rostov felt awkward and lowered his eyes.

One of the most beautiful artificial lakes in Crimea is the Zagorsk reservoir, which supplies the cleanest water through a chain of hydraulic structures in most popular resorts South Bank.

Created about half a century ago, it has managed to gather a large army of fans. Even despite the ban on being near the reservoir, they manage not only to get there, but also take with them a rich catch and a bouquet of memories of a wonderful place.

Work on the construction of the hydraulic facility began in 1964 and, according to most sources, on Khrushchev’s personal instructions. In order to clear the area for the reservoir, it was decided to liquidate several villages located higher up the valley and falling within the sanitary zone. People were displaced, agricultural land was abandoned. Particular regrets are expressed about the once rich Koyash gardens and the sanatorium for children with tuberculosis.

Some settlements They completely went under water, and one of them was Zagorskoe, the name of which was transferred to the reservoir.


In the upper reaches of the Kachi River, in the place where it merges with its left tributary Stil, there is a picturesque lake. Its maximum length is 3.25 kilometers and its width is 750 meters. To go around it, you need to cover a distance of 11 kilometers.

The reservoir lies in a secluded place in the Inner Ridge, at an altitude of 340 meters above sea level. Its crystal clear surface beckons you to take a swim after a long walk in the mountains. But not everyone can do this. Firstly, it is quite difficult to get here, and secondly, the territory is closed to the public.

Nevertheless, the Internet is replete with reports of how someone was lucky enough to avoid meeting with the water inspectors by staying away from the guard houses in the shade of trees. Others are encouraging that it is easy to reach an agreement with government officials. No matter how you get to the shores of this lake, you will leave here with a baggage of pleasant impressions and, possibly, a good catch.

It is very likely that you will be able to catch at least something here, unless you forget your fishing rod. The local waters are simply teeming with different types of fish: crucian carp, roach, pike perch, rudd, perch, carp, etc. This fishing happiness is due to the fishing ban.

Security measures played another positive role - the nature around was able to preserve its pristine state. Dense forest cover purifies the air, saturates it with pine aroma and freshness. It's too easy to breathe here for a fine to overshadow your state of complete happiness after a day spent in this paradise.

There is a funny nursery rhyme that is considered to be the background to the creation of the reservoir.

Once the King of Nepal Mahendra himself and his family visited Yalta. His wife decided to take a bath, but, as luck would have it, there wasn’t a drop in the tap. This respected person had to wash herself in bottled mineral water.

Naturally, this incidental story reached the ears of Nikita Sergeevich. The stung leader immediately gave the order to solve the problem with the city's water supply.

How to get there

You can get to the lake from the village of Sinapnoye. Buses run to it from Bakhchisarai.

Area – 1.56 km².


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The reservoir was built in 1980 at the confluence of the left tributary, the Stilya River. Water from here is pumped through an 18 km long pipeline to the Schastlivoe-II reservoir, which is part of a complex of hydraulic structures in the upper reaches of Belbek. This entire complex system was built for the water supply of Greater Yalta (a 7-kilometer water pipeline was laid through Mount Ai-Petri -).

The volume of the reservoir is 28 million square meters. m; mirror area - 156 hectares; length - 3.2 km; maximum width - 0.75 km; maximum depth - 43 m. The earthen dam is 48 m high, 760 m long and 10 m wide at the crest. The length of the coastline is 11 km.

The facility is closed to the public, there is a checkpoint and a barrier at the entrance.

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The reservoir was built in 1980 at the confluence of the left tributary, the Stilya River. Water from here is pumped through an 18 km long pipeline to the Schastlivoe-II reservoir, which is part of a complex of hydraulic structures in the upper reaches of Belbek. This entire complex system was built for the water supply of Greater Yalta (a 7-kilometer water pipeline was laid through Mount Ai-Petri -). The volume of the reservoir is 28 million square meters. m; mirror area - 156 hectares; length - 3.2 km; maximum width - 0.75 km; maximum depth - 43 m. The earthen dam is 48 m high, 760 m long and 10 m wide at the crest. The length of the coastline is 11 km. The facility is closed to the public, there is a checkpoint and a barrier at the entrance. Save changes

The history of one of the most beautiful reservoirs in Crimea began in a non-trivial way. People still live to this day about how the King of Nepal, Mahendra, visited the peninsula in 1958. He was accompanied by his second wife, Ratna Lakshmi, who wished to take a bath in Yalta. But in those years there were problems with water supply throughout the southern coast of Crimea. The august lady had to soak in a bath of mineral water.

After this incident, Nikita Khrushchev (the head of the Soviet state in 1953-1964) issued a decree to immediately find a way out of the current situation. And already in 1961-62. The department of karstology and mudflows of the Institute of Mineral Resources of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine carried out exploration for the future route of a hydrotunnel, through which water from the yayla could get to the taps of residents of the South Coast. In a fairly short time, this tunnel was built by metro builders from Tbilisi. Its seven kilometers stretch in the thickness of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains and lead to Greater Yalta.

And the source of moisture itself originates in several reservoirs located in the upper reaches of the Belbek River. The first of them were built in 1964 near the villages of Schastlivoe and Klyuchevskoye. Following them, when water became scarce again, in 1975, the construction of the Zagorsk reservoir began, located in the upper reaches of the Kacha River. Initially, it was filled from the left tributary of the Kachi - Stil. Now food comes from both rivers, while the shape of the reservoir, bifurcating in the upper part into two branches, resembles a slingshot in outline. The hydraulic structure was built according to the design of the Crimean branch of the Ukrgiprovodkhoz Institute until 1986.

All reservoirs (Schastlivoe-1, Schastlivoe-2, Klyuchevskoye and Zagorskoye) form a single interconnected chain through which life-giving moisture rushes further into the tunnel, to the South Coast.

Among the Crimean artificial reservoirs of natural flow, Zagorskoye, with a volume of almost 28 million m3, is the fourth largest of fifteen, second only to Chernorechensky (64.2 million m3), Simferopol (36 million m3) and Partizanskoye (34.4 million m3 ).

The reservoir received its name from the flooded village of the same name. It can be found on maps of the USSR General Staff until the early 70s. In addition to him, in 1976, several more villages in the district were liquidated: Shelkovichnoye (Koush), Lesnikovo (Stilya), Okhotnichye, the village of Krymsky (Chair, Shakhty) along with an anti-tuberculosis sanatorium. This is because the surrounding areas have become a sanitary zone.

In 2012, articles appeared in the press on the topic of the unsafety of the reservoir. According to the participants in its construction, the former head of PMK-11 of the Krymvodstroy trust, Alexander Tsiruk, and the ex-head of the site, Vladimir Krasnyansky, in 1986 the object was not actually accepted by the state commission, since it turned out to be unfinished due to lack of funding. And today, in their opinion, there is a threat to residents of villages located in the Kacha River basin in the event of a reservoir breakthrough. And this can happen if a particularly strong flood passes through the spillway.

Due to the strategic nature of the site, access to the reservoir is blocked to this day, and there is a checkpoint at the entrance. Although there are many who want to admire this man-made water miracle, surrounded by forest. Moreover, there were and are fish in the lake: carp and crucian carp, silver carp and rudd, roach and perch. One way or another, fishing enthusiasts still find ways to spend several hours here.

For reference:

Reservoir volume 27.85 million m3

Mirror area – 156 hectares

Length – 3.25 km

Maximum width – 0.75 km

Maximum depth – 43 m

An earthen dam 48 m high, 760 m long and 10 m wide at the crest

According to the Reskomvodkhoz of the ARC

(c) Efimenko Anastasia

One story tells that during the visit of the King of Nepal to Yalta, his wife, Ratna Lakshmi, wanted to take a bath. But in those years there were shortages of fresh water and the queen had to soak in a bath with mineral water. After this incident, the leadership of the Soviet Country took up the problem of water supply to the South Coast decisively: a network of 23 reservoirs was built throughout the peninsula. One of the largest is Zagorskoye, near the village of Sinapskoye, Bakhchisaray district.

Photo of Zagorsk Reservoir:

This is interesting:
  • 43 m - maximum depth,
  • 48 m - height of the earthen dam,
  • 0.75 km - maximum width of the reservoir,
  • 3.25 km - length,
  • 11.2 km - length of the coastline,
  • 156 hectares - mirror area,
  • 27.8 million m3 - volume of water.

How the reservoir was formed - history

To provide water resort town Yalta came up with an unusual solution. We created a large hydraulic system consisting of four reservoirs on mountain rivers, spillway systems, water intake, a suction conduit made of two strands of steel pipes, and pumping stations. The Schastlivenskoe reservoir was built at an altitude of 400 m above sea level. The water flows by gravity through a seven-kilometer water pipeline to the city wastewater treatment plant.

The Zagorsk reservoir, built in 1986, became a reserve reservoir. The place was chosen at the confluence of two small Crimean rivers Kacha and Stil. It is located 100 meters below Schastlivensky, water from it has to be pumped with powerful pumps.

If necessary, water flows to Schastlivenskoye, and only then to the resort. The result was a complex and unique water supply system.

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What to see near the reservoir?

After construction was completed, the adjacent river valleys became a sanitary zone, and settlements were eliminated. The villages of Shelkovichnoye, Okhotniche and Lesnikovo, and the village of Krymsky disappeared from the map of Crimea. The surrounding area was deserted. The famous Krushany gardens have gone wild; only the monument to the partisans reminds of the village of Shelkovichny.

The shape of the reservoir resembles a slingshot, because it is filled with water from two rivers. The water in the mountain river Kacha is distinguished by its transparency and abundance of fish. It is home to ram, crucian carp, rudd, carp, silver carp, roach, and perch. Of the large animals, deer can be found in the surrounding groves.

Stilya is a large left tributary of the Kacha. Along the river there is a trail to the Stilya-Bogaz pass. It was here that there stood a temple built in honor of the Orthodox Saint Stylian, a river was named after him, as well as a pass and a settlement. Another well-known historical fact: in these parts there grew a ship grove, which consisted of pines and beeches; the fleet was built from it during the time of Admiral Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov.

In the vicinity of the Zagorsk reservoir there are spontaneous hiking trails to Ai-Petri, Yaman-Tash and Tepe Carmen. The slopes of the villages along the banks are overgrown with strong deciduous trees: beeches, hornbeams, pine trees. On the banks of the pond you can find blooming lavender and enjoy its aroma.

Is it possible to freely access the reservoir?

The territory is considered a water protection and sanitary zone; the facility is closed to visitors; at the entrance there is a checkpoint and a barrier. It is prohibited to swim, fish, or litter in the reservoir. Only independent tourists, traveling through the Crimean mountains on foot or on bicycles, bypass the checkpoint and the ranger’s house. Cars must have a special permit.

How to get to the Zagorsk Reservoir?

To get to the reservoir, you first need to come to Bakhchisarai, then go by bus to Sinapsky, from the village to the barrier before entering on foot.

Zagorsk reservoir on the map of Crimea

GPS Coordinates: N 44 38.800 E 34 02.817 Latitude/Longitude