The most famous canyons in the world. Canyons: characteristics and types

November 12, 2012, 22:03

Canyons are some of the most dramatic landscapes on the planet. They boast fantastic scenery and incredible size. Most of them are formed by the washing out of rocks by the rapid flow of the river over millions of years. There are many of these amazing natural formations on every continent. Below are some of the most beautiful canyons in the world. Antelope Canyon, USA. This is an amazing creation of nature, which is a bizarre sandy cliffs with giant cracks, illuminated by a delightful magical light. Over the course of several centuries, water and wind carved depressions in the red sandstone for several hundred meters. Once every few years, during heavy rains, each canyon, which usually dries up during the year, is flooded with water. It was rainwater, slowly flowing down and carrying away grains of sand, that for many years formed these graceful relief lines inside the rocks. The canyon got its name due to the reddish-red walls, reminiscent of the skin of an antelope. Best time visits - in spring and autumn: March - April and October - November. At this time, the sun's rays penetrate to the very bottom and the canyons look like a bright light is burning inside a dark palace. In winter, the lighting in the canyons is rather weak - it is quite gloomy inside, deep shadows and flat reliefs.
Blyde River Canyon, South Africa.
This unusual canyon, which forms part of a line separating a large plateau South Africa from the lowveld plain in the east, one of the most beautiful places in Africa. The escarpment, about 1000 m high, drops abruptly to the bottom of the Blyde River canyon. Ancient granite domes dragon mountains in the South African Transvaal, separated by abysses, rise like giants over the winding valleys of the Blyde River Canyon. This is the third largest canyon in the world. Blyde River Canyon looks huge, from whichever of the observation platforms you look at this twenty-six-kilometer gorge. Lush hills covered with subtropical greenery, sharp bends in the river, impressive potholes and diverse animal world canyons are very picturesque.
Charyn Canyon, Kazakhstan.
The Charyn River flows 200 km east of Almaty. It originates in the foothills of the Zailiysky Alatau and flows into the Ili. During her life, Charyn cut such a deep and picturesque canyon in the ground, which in its uniqueness can only be compared with the Grand Canyon of Colorado. The Charyn Canyon is an abyss more than 200 meters deep. The banks of the river are impregnable rocky walls. Then the rocks give way to sedimentary rocks, from which nature has created fabulous sculptures. The grandiose colonnades of red and reddish-brown rocks contrast with the pointed blue-black pyramids. The realm of mountains with formations of sand castles, valleys and rocky gorges against the backdrop of a bright blue azure sky.
Charyn Canyon is a unique natural monument preserved from the Paleogene era. Its age is more than 30 million years. Such natural landscapes are preserved in only a few places in the world.
Colca Canyon, Peru.
This is the deepest canyon in the world, its depth from the bottom to the mountain peaks reaches 3400 m. It is twice as large as grand canyon in America and, unlike him, is suitable for life and agriculture.
This canyon was formed by the course of the river of the same name, and along the way to it, you can see numerous andenes - agricultural stepped terraces. King's Canyon, Australia.
Ancient sandstone walls and giant rocky cliffs are the main feature of the Australian Royal Canyon. The delightful Royal Canyon is located in the Red Center of Australia, 323 kilometers from Alice Springs. The height of its walls in some places reaches 300 meters, and the total length exceeds two kilometers. Once sacred to the aborigines, the land of the Royal Canyon is today one of the main attractions of Australia. Tara river canyon, Montenegro This is the longest canyon in Montenegro. Its length is 82 km and its depth is 1300 m. The Tara River Canyon is the deepest canyon in Europe. Flowing through the territory of the national park, the river forms many waterfalls and cascades, which are known as The Montenegrian Colorado. The canyon has rocky and pebbly terraces, sandy beaches, high cliffs and more than 80 large caves. Unfortunately, it is planned to flood the gorge of the Tara River and build a hydroelectric power station on the river. So far, the efforts of the defenders of the preservation of the gorge remain in vain. Chulyshman Canyon, Russia
Chulyshman Canyon - a nominee for the "7 Wonders of Russia" contest - is located in the Ulagansky district in the highland zone of the eastern part of the Altai Republic. The beautiful river Chulyshman flows here. The Chulyshman valley is surprisingly picturesque. The decoration of the Chulyshman River are numerous waterfalls. The uniqueness of the Chulyshman Canyon as a landscape-geographic site is that it bears traces of the ancient Altai glaciation, as well as secondary landforms of eolian origin - stone mushrooms, pyramids, pillars. Copper Canyon, Mexico. According to ancient legend, the canyons of the Sierra Tarahumara were formed during the creation of the world, when the stones were not yet frozen and pliable. The Barranca del Cobre is a group of canyons located in 6 different locations in the Sierra Tarahumara in the northwestern Mexican state of Chihuahua. The Copper Canyon system is larger and deeper than the Grand Canyon in the United States of America. Its area covers 60,000 km². The canyon gained world fame not only thanks to the incomparable landscapes, but also railway, along which you can ride on a comfortable Chepe train. From the windows of the compartment, magnificent landscapes of mountains and high waterfalls as well as picturesque villages. Verdon Gorge, France

The Verdon Gorge in southeastern France is considered by many to be the most beautiful canyon in Europe. The gorge has a length of 25 kilometers and soars up from the Verdon River, which flows along its bottom, by 700 meters.
The river itself, whose name comes from the bright emerald color, is the most attractive part of the gorge. Glen Canyon, USA.
It doesn't matter how much you've heard about him or how many pictures you've seen. Glen Canyon, and in particular the place called Horseshoe Bend, will make you admire the beauty of these landscapes again and again.

The horseshoe-shaped meander is just another creation of the mighty Colorado River, but something makes this particular place attractive.

Waimea Canyon, Hawaii.
Also known as the Grand Canyon Pacific Ocean, Waimea Canyon stretches for 16 kilometers in length in the west of the island of Kauai. Its width reaches one and a half kilometers, and the depth in some places exceeds 1000 meters. The canyon was formed more than a thousand years ago as a result of rains, severe floods and the flood of the river of the same name, which left fabulous evidence of the creative forces of nature.
Numerous hiking trails pass over the gorge, allowing you to admire its view, as well as at the bottom of the canyon among dense jungle, red rocks and tropical vegetation.

Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon, Tibet, China.
Yarlung Tsangpo Canyon grand canyon) has a length of 240 kilometers - just an incredible work of the mighty Yarlung River. The latest Chinese studies, conducted at the end of the last century, claim that the average depth of the gorge is five thousand meters, and in the deepest place it reaches 6009 meters. Therefore, the Yarlung Tsangpo is considered by many to be the deepest canyon in the world.

Grand Canyon, USA. There are many wonders in the world, anyone can say, but it's safe to say that the Grand Canyon and its landscape is like nothing else. The canyon is believed to be at least 10 million years old. It is in the Grand Canyon, like nowhere else, that one can trace what happened to our planet during the time from which the canyon has existed. Exactly this amazing place which is still growing.



a narrow and deep river valley with steep or stepped rocky sides, the bottom is entirely occupied by the channel of a river or temporary watercourse. Canyons are formed as a result of intense deep erosion and erosion of the slopes by the river. Characteristic for districts composed of horizontally occurring rocks (limestone, sandstone, etc.). They are found on plateaus and in the mountains, especially in countries with a hot, arid climate. The largest - Grand Canyon in the USA, dug r. Colorado (length 446 km, depth up to 1600 m). Submarine canyons are formed on the underwater continental slope - narrow and deep, usually rectilinear furrows resulting from rapid turbulent flow and underwater turbidity avalanches.

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .


deep river valley with steep sheer or stepped slopes. The term comes from the Spanish cañón (pipe, gorge). Canyons are similar to gorges, but larger in size. They are formed as a result of the active erosional activity of rivers, mainly in semi-arid regions, where surface erosion and landslides do not destroy the vertical walls of the valley. The most famous and one of the largest in the world is the Grand Canyon of Colorado (Arizona, USA) with a depth of up to 1800 m. Its walls are a series of ledges in which multi-colored rocks are exposed. There are also underwater canyons, which often compete in depth with canyons on land. Submarine canyons are confined to the shelves and often serve as a continuation of terrestrial valleys. major rivers, for example, the Hudson River (New York) in the USA and the Congo River (Zaire) in Africa.

Encyclopedia Around the World. 2008 .

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See what "canyon" is in other dictionaries:

    Canyon- Zion (Zion) in Utah Canyon (Spanish cañón "pipe, gorge") a deep river valley with very cr ... Wikipedia

    CANYON- [sp. canon letters. pipe] geogr. a deep river valley with very steep, often stepped slopes and a relatively narrow bottom, usually completely occupied by the river bed. Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. canyon (Spanish: salop letters, pipe) ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    canyon- gorge, valley, gorge Dictionary of Russian synonyms. canyon, see gorge Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 ... Synonym dictionary

    CANYON- (Spanish canon) a deep river valley with very steep slopes and a relatively narrow bottom, usually occupied by a riverbed (for example, B. Canyon of the Colorado River in the USA) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    CANYON- CANYON, a deep, narrow gap in the earth's crust. Terrestrial canyons result from water erosion where rivers of relatively recent origin flow through dry terrain. Underwater canyons in the seas can form when the bed ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    CANYON- CANYON, canyon, husband. (Spanish cañon) (geographic). Deep narrow valley eroded by the river. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    CANYON- [nyo], ah, husband. A deep narrow valley with very steep slopes, washed out by a river flowing along its bottom. | adj. canyon, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    CANYON- [sp. canon pipe] gorge, deep narrow valley with sheer or steep slopes, often stepped. They are characteristic of plateaus composed of horizontally lying settlements or lava covers, especially in arid regions. Typical K. on the river. Colorado deep ... ... Geological Encyclopedia

    CANYON- (Spanish canon), a deep river valley or gorge, usually of erosional origin, at the bottom of which a river or water stream flows, with high, often sheer cliffs. K. are most characteristic of the mountainous regions of North America (for example, ... ... Ecological dictionary

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Canyons are a prime example of the powerful corrosive power of water. Millions of years water streams carved their way through the earth and rocks, slowly creating an unprecedented miracle of nature - a "bottomless" river valley with a narrow bottom and steep vertical slopes. The deepest canyon in the world, Yarlung Tsangpo, is located in Tibet. It is about him and about 9 of his "brothers" that we will talk in today's article.

The deepest canyon on the planet is located in the Tibetan Himalayas. The fog-shrouded gorge is called the last geographical secret of the Earth. Its greatest depth is 6009 meters, length - about 500 km. Thoroughly examined only in 1994. Everything that was known about him before sounded too fantastic.

The canyon has an unusual horseshoe shape. He is surrounded highest mountains with snow-white peaks that merge with the azure sky, becoming almost invisible. They often attract beginner climbers, but only professionals can submit.

Along the canyon lies the path of the Tsangpo River. Its smallest width is 80 meters, but from the height of the mountain peaks it looks like a barely visible thread. Rafting on the river is considered quite difficult, but this does not prevent it from being popular among rafters.

The canyon is distinguished by a special ecosystem, where snow-capped peaks coexist with flowering vegetation. The variety of species of flora and fauna is due to the presence of several habitats:

  • Below, warm air dominates, comfortable for many representatives of the plant world;
  • Higher, in difficult mountainous conditions, there are completely different living creatures and vegetation, adapted to a lack of oxygen and low temperatures.

2nd place in the ranking of the deepest canyons in the world is Kali Gandaki. It is located in Nepal. Depth - 6 thousand meters. The name of the gorge comes from the name of the Hindu goddess Kali, who personifies the power of natural forces. The locals consider the canyon sacred. Every year it is visited by a mass of pilgrims who are attracted here by sanctuaries and miraculous wonders of nature: for example, burning stones.

The canyon is surrounded by huge mountains rising to 8,000 meters. The height difference forms a variety of landscapes. At a level of 3 km, among the lifeless mountain slopes, you can find small villages, whose inhabitants harvest crops from local oases twice a year. Shrines and hard-to-reach villages located on mountain slopes give this place a touch of antiquity and mystery.

A canyon with a depth of just over 3.5 km is located far from civilized places, between a pair of rock systems: Coropuna and Solimana (Peru). It is very popular with travelers.

A lot of hot underground springs are concentrated on its territory. There are also several waterfalls here: for example, Sipia, which rises to 250 meters. On the territory of the gorge there are several villages, whose inhabitants create unique things from alpaca wool.

The canyon is equipped with a convenient viewing platform that allows you to enjoy a breathtaking panorama of the surroundings. Engaged here and outdoor activities: paragliding, boating, conquering mountain slopes and peaks.

Located in Peru. Considered one of the most visited places in the state. Depth - 3.4 km. The first people who settled Kolka were representatives of the original tribes of the pre-Inca era. Here they managed to create an intricate system of agricultural plots with an area of ​​​​more than 10 thousand hectares. The name of the gorge is translated as "grain barn".

It was formed from the activity of the volcanoes Walka and Sabankaya. Hundreds of tourists flock to the canyon, attracted by:

  • Unique views from unprecedented heights;
  • Incredible nature;
  • Colorful settlements.

On one of highest points Kolka formed the Cruz del Condor observation platform. It allows with maximum close range see the "masters of the Andes", the largest birds on the planet - condors.

The canyon is famous for comfortable hotels near hot springs. After a hard walk, tourists will find impeccable service and a relaxing holiday in a pool of natural water.

One of the most attractive and deepest canyons on the planet is formed by 2 mountain clusters in the southwest of China. Its depth is 3 thousand meters. It owes its name to the myth of a powerful tiger, which, hiding from its pursuers, jumped over the seething river of the canyon in just 2 huge jumps.

For a long time the gorge was absolutely impassable. All research attempts ended tragically. And only in 1986, luck favored another scientific group, and in 1993 the gorge was officially opened to foreign tourists. Today the canyon is famous among hikers and rafting fans.

Canyon Sulaksky

The 6th place in the list of the deepest canyons is occupied by the Dagestan Sulak Gorge, surrounded by the Salatau and Gimrinsky mountain ranges. Depth - 1.92 km. It is considered one of the most attractive local attractions.

Climbing up to the plateau, you can admire the amazing panorama of the Sulak River and the many hydroelectric power stations installed on it. It is worth remembering that the gorge is not equipped with railings, viewing platforms and fences, so being at its very top is very dangerous.

copper canyon

This is the name of the system of six gorges, spread out in the Mexican State Park of the same name. The greatest depth is 1.87 km, the smallest - 1 km. It was named by Spanish explorers who confused moss-covered rocks with copper ore.

Travelers experience very strong feelings when they find themselves in the area of ​​dangerous deep gorges, spread out in the middle of a hot wasteland and connected by 6 picturesque rivers. One of the railway lines passes here, and the trains make a scheduled stop for viewing the scenery.

The slopes of the canyon are strewn with small caves and huts inhabited by 60 thousand Indians. Their life is not much different from the life of their ancestors. Just like before they:

  • Conduct a subsistence economy;
  • Grow vegetables;
  • Wear traditional clothes;
  • Perform ritual dances;
  • Messengers are used to communicate with neighboring tribes.

Tourists can buy souvenirs and household items from the Indians, live in their camp and join the ancient traditions of the tribes.

Located in the American district of Colorado, in the park of the same name. Depth - 1.6 km. One of the most unique and beautiful places on the planet. Valued for the proportionate combination of depth, size, and layering of rock formations created over billions of years of weathering and rock decay.

The Grand Canyon is a unique structure representing 4 geological zones. Its bottom is lined with ancient granite rocks, which are destroyed much more slowly than newly formed ones.

Brownish-red river waters, rushing through the canyon at an impressive speed, roll huge boulders, small pebbles, sand and clay. The state park that hosts the Grand Canyon includes several areas of forest and wasteland. Fauna and flora consist of:

  • 1.5 thousand types of vegetation;
  • 355 bird species;
  • 89 mammals;
  • 47 varieties of reptiles;
  • Several types of fish and amphibians.

The climate depends on the altitude: at the top it is about 15 0 C, below, surrounded by burning stones, the temperature reaches 40 0 ​​C.

Located in southern Africa. Depth - 1372 meters. It is one of the most amazing and majestic gorges in South Africa. The steep slopes of the Blyde River are not lifeless, they are covered with a mass of lush subtropical plants.

Among the most majestic sections of the canyon are:

  • “Burk's luck potholes” - huge cylindrical recessed ones, carved into the soil by whirlpools and waterfalls;
  • Three Rondavels - sandy round rocks, reminiscent of traditional Aboriginal dwellings;
  • The "Eye of God" is a spectacular place, known from one of the feature films.

The tenth place in the list of the deepest canyons in the world is occupied by the Tara River Canyon with a depth of 1.3 km. Located in Montenegro. It is famous for its amazing nature, interesting excursion tours, historical monuments.

One of the local attractions is the Dzhurdzhevich Bridge across the Tara, the cleanest river in Europe. In the summer, the canyon attracts many rafters, in the winter - lovers of skiing.

There are a lot of places in the world, after visiting which there are unforgettable impressions. And some of the most amazing natural phenomena that have been created, day after day for a long time, are natural canyons. It is about them that will be discussed in our article.

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Today we have to get acquainted with the best representatives of these unusual natural phenomena, learn about them Interesting Facts, and, quite possibly, fall in love with their unusual landscape.

A canyon should be understood as natural formations that arise under the influence of natural forces. The bulk of the canyons are formed in the places where rivers flow, that is, in river valleys, which are surrounded by a number of high rocks. Looking ahead, I note that the largest number canyons is located on the territory of modern USA, and Arizona is considered the most impressive. But this does not mean at all that other canyons that are scattered around the globe are not at all worthy of attention from tourists. Rather, on the contrary.

The Charyn Canyon, which is also called the local "miracle", is considered a unique natural monument of its kind. The age of sedimentary rocks that underlie the rocks of the canyon reaches 12 million years. Since outwardly the Kazakh Charyn is very similar to the American Grand Canyon, locals jokingly they call him that.

Without any exaggeration, such a miracle of Nature cannot be found anywhere else. The canyon is part of the national park, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich may be the envy of some European states. It is on the territory of a huge park that archaeologists still continue to find the remains of ancient representatives of the animal world, including the remains of famous mastodons.

The easiest way to get to the Charyn canyon is from the capital of Kazakhstan. The distance of 200 km is quietly covered by comfortable buses or private cars. Ease of access and unique nature made this place one of the most popular among tourists.

The size of the canyon is impressive. The approximate length is 150 km, and the depth in some of its places exceeds 300 meters! But the main attraction of the canyon is its unique flora. Many plants (such as ash) even managed to survive the Ice Age!

All this and much more like a magnet attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world. And everyone should see the magnificent beauty of the canyon!

Waimea Canyon

The next stop on our journey will be Hawaiian Islands. As it turned out, they boast not only unique beaches and round-the-clock parties, but also a real canyon, which was named Waimea. Unlike many of its "colleagues", the canyon was not formed at all as a result of soil erosion. The history of its origin is inextricably linked with the volcano, which provoked the formation of a huge failure. Although the flowing river of the same name also contributed to the formation of the crack.

The length of this "scar on the face of the Earth" is 16 km, and the depth of the failure in some places is a record 900 meters. This canyon is also often compared to the Grand Canyon of Arizona. Around the canyon is based natural Park, which is considered one of the most favorite places for hiking on the planet. Thousands of tourists come here every year to make a multi-day or short-term trip to the jungle of the island.

The park is under protection, and going deep into the island, you should take care of a good map, provisions and inventory for all occasions.

No less grandiose a natural phenomenon is the Colca Canyon in Peru. It is considered to be the deepest in the world. Its depth in some places reaches 3400 meters. The formation of the canyon was preceded by the long-term activity of two volcanoes at once - Valka and Sabankaya. The latter is still active today.

If you consider yourself an avid rafting, hiking and mountain biking enthusiast, you should definitely find the time and opportunity to spend at least a little time in the company of the magnificent Colca Canyon.

Apart from dizzy height, beautiful nature and the unique animal world of all visitors to the canyon is waiting for something else. Just imagine, right on the steep slopes there are entire villages with terraces for agriculture, which are still used today. Well, how can we ignore the king of modern birds of prey - the Andean condor. The wingspan of this giant bird sometimes reaches 3.3 meters!

And now let's go to the southern part of the African continent. It is on the territory of modern South Africa that another bright representative of the world of canyons is located - the Blyde River Canyon. It is part of the Dragon Mountains and is included in the list of objects natural origin, which are definitely worth seeing with your own eyes while traveling around the African continent.

In addition to its phenomenal size, the Blyde River Canyon boasts the most dense vegetation, which elevated it to the first place in the ranking of the "greenest canyons in the world." Red sandstone, which in some places appears through dense thickets, only reminds of the origin of the grandiose canyon. And at this time, somewhere below, the river of the same name flows, drawing the eyes of rare travelers behind it into unprecedented distances.

The approximate length of the canyon is 26 km, and the depth in some places exceeds 1400 meters. And this despite the fact that some Mountain peaks, which frame the canyon along the entire perimeter, are located at an altitude of more than 2 km above sea level!

Well, so that all visitors can boast of unique photographs upon returning home, full-fledged observation platforms are equipped along the entire length of the canyon, in the most picturesque places.

Arizona's Glen Canyon looks no less impressive. It is here that Americans from all over the country gather, emphasizing how popular this place is. The red-orange sandstone that lies at the base of the canyon gives this grandiose place a special charm. There is everything here: rocky ledges, and deep caves, and hills, some of which are hidden under water.

More than 4,000 square kilometers were allotted for the recreation area alone. That is why every visitor to the canyon will be able to fill every minute of their vacation with active activities and other entertainment. It offers vacationers and water skiing, and jet skis, and excellent fishing, the catch of which will delight even those who are far from fishing rods and spinning rods. Hiking and various excursions are especially popular among vacationers. And for those who want to slowly appreciate all the beauty of the canyon, a comfortable ferry is ready to offer its services, which makes boat trips every day.

Another prominent representative of the "family" of canyons is, which is also located in Arizona. This canyon has the right to claim the title of the most unusual and colorful on the planet. Cracks of bizarre shapes, an unusual color scheme of rocky ledges, which is somewhat reminiscent of the skin of a noble antelope - all this made the canyon unique and unique place interesting for every tourist.

Getting into this grandiose place, one gets the impression that he has fallen into a kind of fairy tale, the author of which is Nature herself. Despite this, Antelope Canyon is not assigned to any national park, although visiting it for free will not work. It turns out that representatives of the Indian tribe, who own the rights to this land, will have to pay the fee.

Please note that the light in the canyon does not penetrate well, so you will have to use all your photography skills to get really good pictures. The best time for photography is the middle of the day.

No description can truly prepare a person for the scale and majesty of this vast gorge, extending as far as the eye can see into a grandiose complex of canyons, waterfalls, caves, towers, ledges and ravines. The Grand Canyon always seems to look new, and the sun and shadows from passing clouds cause the rocks to constantly change shades of colors in an exquisite range from black and purplish brown to pale pink and bluish gray. Cave finds indicate that the first inhabitants appeared in the Grand Canyon around 2000 BC. Less than 10 million years ago, the Colorado River meandered across a vast plain. Then the movements of the earth's crust forced this area to rise, and the river began to cut into the rock. Soft limestones, whose age was estimated at 2 million years, were the first to be eroded, and then came the turn of older shales and sandstones, located in deep layers. The oldest layer was formed by 2 billion years old granites and schists that form the bottom of the canyon. The main canyon is 365 km long and reaches approximately 29 km at its widest point. Its depth in some places reaches 1.6 km. There is no bridge across the gorge, and anyone wishing to cross from North Rim Headwaters (North Rome Headwaters) in located on south coast the village of the Grand Canyon, and the distance between them in a straight line, through the canyon, does not exceed 19 km, will be forced to overcome more than 322 km.

Riot of colors

Here you can enjoy an incredible palette of colors, looking at scarlet, golden and orange cliffs, purple abysses, crystal clear waters, thanks to which these places are considered one of the most beautiful corners of the Earth. Seeing the sunset in the Grand Canyon, the poet Carl Sandburg exclaimed: "Here comes the Lord with an army of standard bearers!"

The South Rim of the Grand Canyon is the most popular destination as it is easily accessible from the highway that runs parallel to the rim of the canyon. There are several viewing platforms and hiking trails.

The northern edge, where the height of the canyon walls becomes much more noticeable, is visited by tourists much less often, because getting here is not so easy. The Tuwip area can still be reached via several dirt roads and enjoy stunning views, but in general the area is not accessible by car.

In addition to the Grand Canyon, there are many side canyons and gorges, but most of them require time or complex rafting on the Colorado River to explore.

After a single trip here, you begin to understand why this place is so popular and why it is considered a unique wonder of nature.

The ancient legends of the Navajo Indians tell of a brave hero named Packit-haawi. He put an end to the Great Flood by taking a heavy club and splitting the solid earth so that all the water could go into the crack that had formed. Geologists say that the gorge was formed over 40-50 million years, while the waters of the Colorado River stubbornly deepened their channel.


On March 20, 2007, a unique structure was opened - the Cloudy Bridge (Grand Canyon SkyWalk), the first in the world glass bridge hovering over the beauty of the Grand Canyon at an altitude of 1200 meters!!! horseshoe bridge, extreme point which is located 20 meters from the edge of the abyss! No cables or brackets restrict all-round visibility. The transparent floor of the bridge makes you feel like an eagle soaring over the hot expanses of the prairie. This observation deck is 2 times higher than the Ostankino Tower, the Taipei 101 tower in Taiwan is 2.5 times higher, the Empire State Building in New York is more than 3 times higher! Entrance fee is $25 in addition to the cost of entering the Grand Canyon West.

The park itself is very simple. (American style convenient and comfortable). A road runs along the edge of the canyon. Periodically (every 4-10 miles) there are well-maintained places for viewing, observation platforms, marked parking near each and constant parking spaces for the disabled. On these sites, as a rule, a fence-fence is put up so that someone does not fall down and file a lawsuit that will ruin the entire system. national parks USA. Some sites are located on rocks that protrude somewhat into the canyon, which allows you to enjoy a 270-degree view. On the elect observation decks Desert View and Canyon Village (Desert View, Canyon Village) there are souvenir shops where you can buy real and high-quality made (usually in China) calendars, DVDs, maps and other souvenir trinkets. The staff is friendly, they will definitely tell you the place for the best sunset photography.

If possible, it is better not to come to the Grand Canyon during the influx of visitors from May to September. There are campgrounds and hotels near the North Rim, but this is the place for the local regulars. Beginners should stop at the South Rim.

If you are going to stay at the campsite, book a place in advance; You can also rent a house in the Grand Canyon Village. In the local stalls you can get information about routes, both on foot and on mule, down the canyon; or rafting down the Colorado River. Hiking or riding a mule requires courage. Rafting on the river gives you the opportunity to see the canyon under the supervision of experienced guides.

At first, the Information Center in the Grand Canyon Village will help. Along the Rim Drive, tourists traveling by bus or bicycle can get curious information about the local geology, vegetation, animals and people who lived in these parts at small information kiosks. Of particular interest is information about the Indians, whose dwellings in the rocks of the canyon are still visible from the Northern Territory.

Up along the edge of the canyon through thickets of juniper and edible pine, wonderful hiking trails are laid. Every now and then you find yourself in a clearing at the edge of the canyon, where huge mounds or hills rise like Egyptian pyramids or Aztec temples and bearing such names as the Zoroastrian Temple or the Pyramid of Cheops. There are also rock formations with sonorous names: the Cape of the Skeleton and the estate of the Ghost.

Regular buses travel along the route along the 13-km-long West Rim, closed to private vehicles from May to September, stopping at places where you can enjoy a wonderful view of the canyon: Hopi Point, Mojave Point and Pima Point. There are often other buses that can take travelers.

Hiking should be undertaken by a physically well-prepared person; despite the short distances, the terrain here is rugged, and the heat is great. Wear hiking shoes, protective clothing, a wide-brimmed sunhat, apply sunscreen and bring drinking water.

The easiest route is the Light Angel trail. (Bright Angel Trail), starting from the shelter of the Light Angel (Bright Angel Lodge). Set out at dawn with the expectation that the descent will take three hours, and the ascent six or seven hours. The path, winding, after 2.5 km leads to the first resting place, where an emergency telephone is installed, and after another 2.5 km - to the second resting place - the so-called biblical Jacob's Ladder (Jacobs Ladder), and, already going almost straight, reaches the wonderful Indian garden (Indian garden) at Garden Creek. Here, in the tent camp near the caretaker's lodge, you can spend the night, provided that you have booked a place, which you need to take care of at least six months before arriving here.

Hiking enthusiasts can continue their journey along Sadovoe brook, bypassing the Devil's Gimlet the next day. (Devil's Corkscrew) down Trubnoy Creek to Rechnoye's resting place next to the Colorado River. In case of advance booking, travelers can stay in the barrack-type premises of the Phantom estate. A more difficult route follows the steep Kaibab trail. (Kaibab Trail) from Yaki Point Road east of Grand Canyon Village.

Hiking trails allow you to retire from the crowds on the Rim Drive road, although here you can always step aside a hundred meters and enjoy the beauty of a natural wonder in silence.


The most developed area in the park is the Grand Canyon Village (Grand Canyon Village), which is located 9.6 km north of the entrance to the South End (South Rim Entrance Station). The only entrance to the North Rim is located 48 km south of Lake Jacob (Jacob Lake) on the highway (highway) 67. The road from the North Rim to the South Rim will be 344 km if you drive, 33.6 km if you walk through the canyon, or 16 km for a flying condor.

Entrance ticket to the park (vehicles/cyclists and pedestrians $25/12) valid for seven days, it can be used on both sides.

Night walking tours and camping in the outlying areas of the park require a permit. Information Center for Remote Areas (Backcountry Information Center; Tel: 928-638-7875; Fax: 928-638-7875;; Grand Canyon Village (Grand Canyon Village); 08.00-12.00 and 13.00-17.00, telephone service 13.00-17.00 Mon-Fri) accepts applications for issuance of permits for hikers ($10, plus $5 per person per night) only for the current month and the next four. You have a decent chance if you apply early. (for four months, spring and autumn) and suggest alternative walking routes. The application is accepted in person, by e-mail or fax. More detailed information you can find it at If you have arrived without permission, go to the office near Maswik Lodge and put your name on the waiting list.

South edge

You can get information not only at the tourist centers listed below, but also in the park itself at the Yavapai Observation Station (Yavapai Observation Station), in the tourist center of Werkamps (Verkamp's Visitor Center), hotel El Tovar. museum Tusayan (Tusayan Ruins & Museum) and Information Center Desert View (Desert View Information Center). Grand Canyon Tourist Center (Grand Canyon Visitor Center; Tel: 928-638-7644; 8:00-17:00) The Grand Canyon Visitor Center and Books & More are on the plaza 300 yards behind Mather Point. The information board at the plaza displays messages about forestry programs, weather, tours and walking tours. The interior of the center is bright and spacious, the information stand is staffed by forestry personnel; ministers give lectures daily in the lecture hall.


National Geographic Tourist Center (National Geographic Visitor Center; Tel: 928-638-2468;; highway (highway) 64, Tusayan (Tusayan); adult/child $13/10; 8.00-22.00) located in Tusayan, 11.2 km south of the Grand Canyon Village; pay $25 entry fee vehicle and save time in the potentially long wait at the park gate, especially in summer. Amazing 34-minute film "Grand Canyon - Hidden Mysteries" is shown in the IMAX cinema (Grand Canyon - The Hidden Secrets).

northern edge

Tourist center of the Northern Territory (North Rim Visitor Center; Tel: 928-638-7864;; 8am-6pm, closed mid-October to mid-May) Located next to the Grand Canyon Lodge; maps, books, road routes and weather information.

How to get and get around

Most tourists come to the canyon in private cars or with a guided tour. Finding a car park in Grand Canyon Village can be tricky. Under the new program "Park and drive" (Park and Ride) in summer, visitors can purchase a park ticket at the National Geographic Visitor Center (National Geographic Visitor Center), park the car at the designated place and take the free bus that follows the Tusayan-Root road through the park (Tusayan Route; 8.00-21.30 mid-May-early September) to Grand Canyon Visitor Center . A park pass is also good for this option. The trip takes 20 minutes, the first bus leaves for Tusayan at 8.00 am. The last bus from the park leaves at 21.30.

Free shuttles run through the park on three routes: around Grand Canyon Village, west on Hermits Rest (Hermits Rest Route) and east on the Kaibab Trail (Kaibab Trail Route). Usually buses run at least twice an hour, starting an hour before sunset and ending an hour after it.

A free Hiker's Express bus runs during the summer months (at 4.00, 5.00, 6.00 June-August, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00 May and September). It departs from Bright Angel Lodge, picks up tourists from information center backcountry (Backcountry Information Center) and Grand Canyon Visitor Center (Grand Canyon Visitor Center) and then goes to the beginning of the South Kaibab trail (South Kaibab).

Bus Transcanyon Shuttle (Tel: 928-638-2820;; one-way/return ticket $80/150; 7:00 mid-May-mid-October) departs daily from Grand Canyon Lodge to South Rim (5 hours), which is suitable for tourists traveling from one edge of the canyon to the other. Book at least one or two weeks in advance. Free tour bus to North Kaibab Trail (North Kaibab Trail) departs at 5.45 and 7.10 am from the Grand Canyon Lodge. You need to make an appointment at the reception; if no person checks in the night before departure, the bus will not start the journey.

Bicycle rent

Bright Angel Bicycles Bicycle Rentals (Tel: 928-814-8704;; full-day adult/child $35/25; 8am-6pm May-September, 10am-4.30pm March-April and October-November weather permitting) Rental of comfort cruiser bikes: friendly staff will pick up any bike for you. The price also includes the rental of a helmet and a bicycle lock.


Here you can find traces of four geological eras of the Earth, a variety of rocks and caves containing rich geological, biological and archaeological material. The Grand Canyon is considered one of the best examples of soil erosion. The Colorado River originally flowed through the plains, but as a result of the movement of the earth's crust about 65 million years ago, the Colorado Plateau rose. As a result, the angle of inclination of the river flow and, as a result, increased the speed of the current and the ability to destroy the rock lying in its path. First, the river eroded the upper limestones, and then set about deeper and more ancient sandstones and shales. This is how the Grand Canyon was formed. It happened about 5-6 million years ago. The canyon is still growing due to ongoing erosion.

Cycling through the Grand Canyon

In our time, the most ancient rocks have already come out at the bottom of the gorge - granites, the destruction of which is much slower. The waters of Colorado rush along the gorge at a speed of 20 km per hour, rolling huge boulders and pebbles along the bottom and carrying with them so much sand and clay that the river becomes completely opaque and acquires a red-brown hue. During the day, Colorado carries into the sea about half a million tons of rocks. Stones and sand carried by the river increase the destructive effect produced by the Colorado, and even the hardest granites of the canyon bed are rubbed with this "emery" a quarter of a millimeter annually.

The vast expanse of the gorge does not look like just a long narrow hole in the ground. It is filled with random clusters of remnant cliffs, which have the most bizarre shape. Landslides, water and wind erosion created in the walls of the canyon the outlines of giant pagodas, pyramids, towers, fortifications, representing a spectacle of unique beauty and grandeur. Many of them have their own names: Vishnu Temple, Shiva Temple, Wotan's Throne, etc. stone maze, like the gigantic walls of the canyon, are lined with alternating yellow, pink, red, brown and brown layers of sedimentary rocks that make up the plateau. These arguably the most complete geological outcrops in the world represent the history of the Earth over 1.5 billion years.

Now the floor of the Grand Canyon has sunk at least 1,000 meters below the level it was once raised by tectonic activity. The erosion process continues. Someday, in the very distant future for us, the Grand Canyon will cease to exist altogether.

Climate and nature

The climate on the plateau and at the bottom of the canyon differs sharply - when it is about 15 ° C above, at the bottom of the gorge, among the red-hot stones, the temperature can rise to +40 ° C.

The wildlife of the canyon is interesting. At the bottom of the gorge - a typical desert landscape of the Southwest USA with a variety of cacti, agaves, yuccas. As you rise, arborvitae, oaks, aspens, willows begin to meet, the zone of pines and junipers extends even higher. The rich fauna includes about 100 species of birds and 60 species of mammals, including several extremely rare species.

June is the driest month of the year, July and August are the wettest. In January, the average nighttime temperature drops to -11°C -7°C, and the daytime temperature reaches about 4°C. In summer, the air temperature in the canyon regularly rises above 38°C. The South Rim of the Grand Canyon is accessible to tourists all year round. Most visitors arrive between the end of May and the beginning of September. The northern edge is open from mid-May to mid-October.

Research History

In 1540, a detachment of Spanish soldiers, scouring in search of the legendary Seven Golden Cities of Quibola, came to the edge of the gorge. Stunned by the sight before them, the Spaniards fell on their knees and began to pray. For three days they were looking for a path to go down into the gorge, but they never found it. Their food and water supplies ran out, and they returned to Mexico empty-handed.

In 1858, Joseph Eaves sailed from the Gulf of California up the Colorado River on the Explorer. He wanted to determine the length of the navigable part of the river, but soon ran aground. At this, Ives had to end the expedition and return to where he reached the Grand Canyon. And only in 1869, Major John Wesley Powell became the first explorer to traverse the entire course of the Colorado River. His expedition marked the beginning of the scientific study of the Grand Canyon.

Following Powell, many scientists visited here. The Grand Canyon has become a real treasure for geologists, because the layers of ancient deposits exposed by the river can be considered the library where information about the history of the Earth is stored. The oldest formations found on these slopes are 1.7 billion years old - there are no more ancient rocks anywhere in the world! And the Colorado River continues its painstaking work for the glory of archeology, exposing new rock layers to science every year.

Grand Canyon Skywalk


  • Title: Grand Canyon.
  • Location: USA. state of Arizona.
  • Dimensions: The Grand Canyon has a length of about 450 km, a width of 30 km at its widest points and a depth of 1.8 km in some places.
  • national park and List world heritage UNESCO: The Grand Canyon National Park was established in 1919 as one of the first in the United States, and it was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979.