Submarine "Piranha": small and very dangerous. Submarines "Piranha" These are literally "black holes" in the ocean

Project 865 Piranha submarines

Model of the submarine project 865 "Piranha" at the exhibition "Army 2015"
Main characteristics
ship type Small submarines
Project designation 865
Project developer SPMBM "Malachite"
Chief designer L. V. Chernopyatov, Yu. K. Mineev (since 1984)
NATO codification Losos class
Speed ​​(surface) 6 knots
Speed ​​(underwater) 6.7 knots
Operating depth 180
Maximum immersion depth 200
Autonomy of navigation 10 days
Crew 3 + 6 divers
Surface displacement 218 t
Underwater displacement 319 t
Overall length
(according to CVL)
28.3 m
Hull width max. 4.7 m
Height 5.1 m
Average draft
(according to CVL)
3.9 (average)
Power point
diesel + electric motor, 220 hp With.
mine armament
2 400 mm torpedoes, 4 PMT mines

History of design and construction

In the second half of the 1970s, the command of the USSR Navy issued the Leningrad Special Marine Engineering Bureau "Malachite" a technical assignment for the design of the first project of the Soviet ultra-small submarine. TTZ determined that such a boat is intended for use in a maritime theater with a vast shallow water area of ​​​​the shelf, in the depth range from 10 to 200 meters. The submarine was supposed to solve the problems of countering the enemy and conduct reconnaissance. To ensure these tasks, the boat should have placed appropriate electronic weapons, mine-torpedo weapons, as well as a diving complex to perform special tasks at depths of up to 60 meters. According to TTZ, the displacement of a submarine should not exceed 80 tons.

L. V. Chernopyatov was appointed chief designer of project 865, who was replaced by Yu. K. Mineev in 1984. Since the earlier developments of the Ostekhburo on ultra-small submarines were classified and firmly forgotten, it was again necessary to start designing from scratch. During the design of the Project 865 submarine, a significant amount of experimental work, model and field tests, experiments on individual structures, devices and technological processes were carried out.

The laying of an experimental submarine took place at the Leningrad Admiralty Association in July 1984. Its dimensions were: length 28.2 meters, width 4.7 meters, average draft 3.9 meters, surface displacement - 218 tons.


The project 865 submarine hull was made of titanium alloy and designed for a submersion depth of 200 meters. Full underwater speed reached 6.7 knots, surface speed - 6 knots. The range of navigation under water with an economical course (4 knots) reached 260 miles, on the surface - 1000 miles.

The central post housed the operator's console, instrument racks and information display facilities, as well as controls for the main systems and devices. Under the deck flooring of the central post there was a battery pit. Closer to the nose from the operator's console were the entrance hatch, periscope, shaft of the retractable device of the radar complex. The central post was limited by a bow spherical bulkhead, which had an entrance hatch to the lock chamber. On the bow bulkhead there was a porthole for observing the work of divers and a gateway for transferring objects from the CPU to the camera. There were also control devices for the divers' locking system.

From the electromechanical compartment, the central post was separated by a flat aft bulkhead with a gas-tight door. In the electromechanical compartment, on a shock-absorbed platform, disconnected from a strong hull, a 160 kW diesel generator, a 60 kW DC propulsion motor, pumps, fans, a compressor and other equipment stood on shock absorbers. Thanks to the two-stage depreciation system in combination with noise-absorbing coatings on the hull structures, the Project 865 submarine had a minimal acoustic field. The electromechanical compartment was visited during the campaign only to check the condition of the technical means. The screw, placed in a rotary annular nozzle, also served as a vertical rudder.


The submarine armament complex was located in the middle part of the superstructure and consisted of two cargo containers for transporting diving equipment (4 Proton-type tugs or 2 Sirena-U type transporters) and 2 mine-laying devices, which housed two mines of the PMT type, or two grids for 400-mm torpedoes "Latush" (a special version of the SET-72 torpedo), used by "self-exit" over the entire range of depths. A durable cargo container was filled with seawater, and was a cylindrical structure about 12 meters long and 62 cm in diameter. A retractable tray was provided for loading, unloading and securing diving equipment. The drive and controls of the sliding tray were located inside a rugged case.

The minelaying device consisted of a permeable launch grid with guide tracks of a pneumomechanical ejector device, which ensured the mines were pushed forward along the course of the submarine. The possibility of placing a torpedo instead of a mine was also envisaged. Electronic weapons were specially designed for this project. The Piranha was equipped with a small-sized radar complex MRCP-60 "Radian-M", as well as a sonar complex MGK-13S "Pripyat-S".


The crew of the submarines of the Piranha project consisted of three officers: a navigator commander, an assistant in the electromechanical part and an assistant in electronic weapons. In addition to them, a reconnaissance and sabotage group of six combat swimmers was taken on board. The output of combat swimmers was carried out within the depths of up to 60 meters and on the ground. Being outside the boat, combat swimmers / divers had the opportunity to use the electricity supplied from it via wires, as well as replenish the supply of the gas mixture in breathing devices. During the operation of the project submarine, two shift crews were formed for each boat. There was also a technical crew designed to service both boats.


On August 20, 1986, an experimental boat, which received the tactical number MS-520, was launched. Then, for 2 years, she passed factory and state tests, which ended only in December 1988. Since 1989, MS-520 has been in Liepaja as part of the 22nd submarine brigade. The exits of the submarine at sea were fraught with difficulties, and combat training turned out to be very difficult. Test hydronaut A. I. Vatagin participated in the tests of the submarine, who was later awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In March 1999, both Project 865 Piranha submarines were towed to Kronstadt for scrapping, having served less than ten years. There were many reasons for the early withdrawal of submarines from the combat fleet of the fleet: lack of funding, the opinion of a number of naval experts about the uselessness of such ships, as well as obvious shortcomings of the project (too large displacement and operational difficulties).

Name Factory number Bookmark Launching Entry into service
MS-520 01465 July 15 August 20 December 30th
MS-521 01466

Recently, a representative of the Ministry of Defense told reporters that in the coming years, the Russian Navy will include several types of the latest non-nuclear weapons with fantastic characteristics. They have already been included in the state armaments program for 2018-2025, which is about to be approved by President Putin.

On the one hand, these will be capable, like nuclear-powered ships, of carrying strategic weapons - for example, long-range cruise missiles of the Caliber family equipped with a nuclear "head", and on the other, they will have an ultra-small displacement and practically zero acoustic field.

What kind of miracle is this - a new generation? Let's try to lift the veil of mystery that surrounds them...

All of them are heirs of the legendary "Piranha" - a submarine of the 865th project.

By 1990, two such babies were built in the USSR. There were supposed to be more, but the collapse of the Soviet Union interrupted the construction program. And after that they served only eight years, until 1999.

"Piranhas" had a displacement of only 220 tons. At the same time, they could dive to a depth of 200 m, carried a crew of three, and were able to take on board a reconnaissance and sabotage group of six combat swimmers. Autonomy was 10 days, and armament - two containers with 400-mm torpedo tubes, which were located in the outboard space of the submarine to the right and left of the wheelhouse fence, between the strong and light hulls.

Thus, the combat capabilities of these submarines were quite wide, they could still serve and serve, but they could not survive the “dashing 90s”. However, there is a blessing in disguise: since they were preparing to withdraw from the fleet, in the second half of the 90s they were allowed to be filmed, and the general public got acquainted with the once top-secret "Piranha" in the frames of the famous comedy "Peculiarities of National Fishing".

The new submarines that are preparing to enter service with our fleet are the "granddaughters" of those Piranhas.

This is, first of all, a submarine of the P-650 Super Piranha project. Meet: 720 tons displacement, crew - nine people and six combat swimmers, weapons - four torpedoes. The maximum diving depth is 300 m. All its characteristics are much more serious than those of its predecessor.

In particular, the cruising range is 2000 miles, and of these two thousand, most of them - 1200 miles - it can pass under water without surfacing. It is set in motion either by two diesel generators that generate electricity for an ultra-quiet propulsion motor, or by the so-called. anaerobic, i.e., air-independent power plant.

Very small and very dangerous

In addition to the P-650, we have another project for an ultra-small non-nuclear boat - the P-750 Super Piranha 2. Its displacement is slightly larger, 950 tons. The range is more than 3700 km, and, like the P-650, it can cover most of this distance in a submerged position. This submarine is more than seriously armed: four missiles in universal vertical launch stops, four 533 mm torpedoes or eight 400 mm torpedoes.

In torpedo tubes, as well as in vertical launchers, it is possible to place cruise missiles of the "Caliber" or "Onyx" family of the "submarine - ship" and "submarine - land" classes. Well, among other things, in special containers located between the strong and light hulls of the boat, containers can also accommodate 12 minutes.

The noise level of this ultra-small submarine does not exceed the background values ​​of the biological noise of the ocean, that is, it is almost impossible to detect it. This means that in the Arctic and the Far East, such submarines will be able to ideally protect the deployment routes of our nuclear submarine missile carriers from American multi-purpose submarines or enemy ship-based search and strike anti-submarine groups.

As a result, a team of, for example, six of these kids will be able to control a huge area of ​​water. Well, let's say, the entire water area of ​​the Black, or the Baltic, or the Caspian Sea. And their maneuverability is such that they can literally spin on the spot: the pivot screws and outboard steering columns provide them with such an opportunity.

In addition, the possibility of deploying winged Calibers on such small submarines, which are capable of inflicting nuclear strikes on objects located deep in enemy territory at a distance of more than 2,500 kilometers, makes Super Piranhas capable of solving even strategic tasks. Previously, say, 20 years ago, it was impossible to even dream of such opportunities ...

Summarize. "Super-piranhas" are ready to solve an incredibly wide range of combat missions.

They can land combat swimmers, that is, carry out covert special operations. They can engage in anti-submarine defense. They can counteract carrier strike groups, because four anti-ship Caliber, even in non-nuclear, conventional equipment, are capable of inflicting severe damage on any aircraft carrier or guaranteed to send any destroyer from the carrier strike group to the bottom.

Which of these two submarines - either the P-650 or the P-750 - is already included in the state armament program for 2018-2025 is unknown. But in any case, both of these submarines are no longer just "Wishlist" admirals, not just the development of some advanced models for the exhibition, but quite real samples ready for mass production.

Mistresses of the coastal seas

It should be especially noted that all Russian non-nuclear submarines of the new generation will be equipped with anaerobic, i.e., air-independent chemical generators, which will significantly increase the range of their underwater movement.

It is worth saying more about this. It was for Piranhas that back in the late 80s of the last century, the St. Petersburg Special Design Bureau created the first domestic air-independent power plant "Crystal-20" with a capacity of 130 kilowatts. By the way, the efficiency of such an electrochemical generator reaches 75%.

In 1991, after passing comprehensive tests, the Kristall-20 installation was already adopted by the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union. But the collapse of the USSR soon followed, and the democrats who came to power buried all this, of course.

But today such technologies have been restored to a new level. In order to assess their significance, it is important to understand: if a non-nuclear submarine acquires the ability to stay under water not for 3-4 days, as it is now, but, let's say, for three weeks, then in closed water areas, in coastal seas, such submarines will become an order of magnitude more efficient than huge and expensive nuclear-powered ships, because they make almost no noise.

A nuclear submarine makes much louder noise: the mechanisms that convert the energy of a nuclear reactor into motion energy are associated with vibrations, rotations and all sorts of mechanical interactions of different parts, which inevitably create a powerful acoustic field, and no matter how you try to reduce it, it still remains very significant.

And the new baby boats are, in comparison with nuclear-powered ships, almost silent. When they swim under water, they practically do not stand out from the natural biological noises of the ocean depths.

These are literally "black holes" in the ocean.

Silence is key here. Any other submarines will be heard by our little ones much earlier than they can understand that the Russian "Super Piranha" is next to them. This means that the P-650 and P-750 will be able to approach, for example, American nuclear-powered ships at a distance, allowing even small-sized anti-submarine torpedoes to be used against them! This creates a completely new situation in all the coastal seas of Russia: in the Arctic, and in the Far East, and in the Black Sea, and in the Caspian, and in the Baltic - in short, everywhere.

Thus, the appearance of air-independent power plants on these small silent submarines will create the most important prerequisite for a real revolution in the tactics and strategy of submarine warfare! The second prerequisite for such a revolution will be the appearance on ultra-small submarines of long-range missiles of the Caliber family. Placed on silent, undetectable submarines, they can become a formidable weapon both against enemy surface ships and against strategic targets deep in enemy territory.

Cheap and angry

Another nice plus of ultra-small submarines is the cost. Non-nuclear mini-boats will cost our treasury dozens of times cheaper than nuclear-powered ships.

By the way, the Americans will not be able to catch up with us in this area of ​​weapons either in 10 or 20 years. The fact is that after the Second World War, they generally abandoned the construction of diesel boats and built only nuclear ones. And this is understandable: American submarines, in order to get into their combat patrol areas, must cross the oceans. They are not protecting their shores, they are solving offensive, aggressive tasks.

It is we who defend ourselves in our coastal seas, and the Americans must build such submarines that are capable of solving combat missions thousands and thousands of miles from their bases, from their native coast. Therefore, Washington is simply doomed to bet solely on nuclear submarines. But when these expensive giants cross the oceans and come to us, our coastal waters will be protected by ultra-small NNSs, whose combat effectiveness will be significantly higher than that of nuclear-powered ships, and the cost will be an order of magnitude less.

This combination of cost and effectiveness will allow Super-Piranhas to radically change not only the rules of naval warfare, but also have a major impact on the strategic balance of power in the land theaters of Europe and the Far East.

"wrote an article about the ultra-small submarine of project 865 Piranha.

In the mid-70s, the command of the Navy was concerned about the lack of small submarines in the fleet that could be used for reconnaissance and countermeasures. Therefore, in 1976, the design bureau "Malachite" was given the task of designing an ultra-small submarine. The project determined that such a submarine is intended for use in shallow water areas at depths of 10 to 200 meters, where it can solve sabotage tasks in order to counter the enemy, as well as conduct reconnaissance. It was necessary to place a diving complex on it to perform special tasks at depths of up to 60 meters, electronic and mine-torpedo weapons.

Design work began a few years before the technical assignment was received in 1974 under the guidance of designer Sergei Mikhailovich Bavilin, and since 1976 it was carried out by chief designer Lev Vladimirovich Chernopyatov, then, since 1984, by Yuri Konstantinovich Mineev. The features of the future submarine project 865 "Piranha" were: titanium hull; outboard complex for storage, delivery and use of diving equipment, as well as mine and torpedo weapons; both small-sized equipment and mechanical; high degree of automation.

The laying of the first experimental submarine MS-520 of project 865 "Piranha" took place at the Leningrad Admiralty Association in July 1984. By design - a double-hulled ship with a developed superstructure, which houses weapons and special diving equipment. Length - 28.2 m, width 4.7 m. For maneuverability at low speeds and in shallow water, a propulsion complex with a screw in a rotary nozzle was provided.

  • Normal displacement - 220 tons, underwater - 320 tons,

  • diving depth - 200 m,

  • underwater speed - 6.5 knots,

  • armament consisted of 2 outboard launchers with a caliber of 537 mm for launching torpedoes or mines.

In 1987, the second submarine MS-521 was laid down, and in 1988 the fleet received the lead submarine MS-520. In 1990, the second submarine was handed over to the fleet.

The crew of the submarine consisted of 3 people: the commander, who is also a navigator, an assistant in electronic weapons and an assistant in the electromechanical part. Also on board was a sabotage group of 6 people. For carrying out special operations for the landing and reception of divers-saboteurs, a diving complex was provided, which included a lock chamber located in the bow. The equipment necessary for divers was stored in two containers located in the superstructure. Being outside, divers could use the electricity supplied from it through the wires and replenish the supply of gas mixtures for breathing.

Both submarines performed well during tests and in the first years of operation by the fleet. But, unfortunately, they did not last even 10 years. In 1998, the first, and in 2001, the second, these unique small submarines were withdrawn from the fleet and disposed of in Kronstadt.

There were several reasons for the withdrawal: the complexity of operation, since, due to its specificity, going to sea was associated with certain difficulties, and the opinion of a number of senior naval officials about the uselessness of ultra-small submarines. And, of course, the main reason is the lack of funding.

It is worth adding that simultaneously with the construction of Project 865 submarines, work was underway to create an ultra-small submarine of Project 8652 (Piranha-2) with a power plant that uses an electrochemical generator. The technical project was approved in 1991, but further work was stopped due to lack of funding. Malachite is still promoting this boat on the international market. To date, it has been possible to bring the displacement to 250 tons, and the crew has grown to 4 people.

In the 70s, only special small submarines were developed in the USSR. So in 1976. The command of the USSR Navy issued the Leningrad Special Marine Engineering Bureau "Malachite" a technical assignment for the design of a modern domestic ultra-small boat. It determined that such a boat was intended for use in a maritime theater with a vast shallow water area of ​​the shelf, in the depth range from 10 to 200 meters, where it should solve the tasks of countering the enemy and conduct reconnaissance. It should have placed the appropriate electronic weapons, mine and torpedo weapons, as well as a diving complex to perform special tasks at depths of up to 60 meters. At the same time, the displacement of the boat, according to the assignment, should not exceed 80 tons.

L. V. Chernopyatov was appointed the chief designer of project 865, in 1984 he was replaced by Yu. K. Mineev, the chief observer from the Navy - k.2r. A.E. Mikhailovsky. There was no experience in designing and creating such technical means, since the developments of the Ostekhbyuro were classified and firmly forgotten. I had to start all over again from scratch. The novelty of the engineering task necessitated a significant amount of experimental work, model and full-scale tests, experiments on individual structures, devices and technological processes.

The laying of an experimental submarine took place in the Leningrad Admiralty Association in July 1984.

The case was made of titanium alloy and is designed for a depth of 200 meters.

The complex of weapons placed in the middle part of the superstructure consisted of two cargo containers for transporting diving equipment (four Proton-type tugs or two Sirena-UME-type transporters) and two mine-laying devices, which housed two mines of the PMT type (4 bottom mines of high power (including those with nuclear charges)?), or two lattices for Latush torpedoes used by "self-exit" over the entire range of depths. A durable cargo container filled with outboard water was a cylindrical structure about 12 meters long and 62 cm in diameter. A retractable tray was provided for loading, unloading and securing diving equipment. Its drive and controls were located inside a rugged case.

The minelaying device consisted of a launching permeable grid with guide tracks of a pneumomechanical ejector device, which ensures that the mine is pushed forward along the course of the submarine. The second option provided for the possibility of placing a torpedo instead of a mine.

The central post housed the operator's console, instrument racks and means of displaying information, controls for the main systems and devices. The instrumentation complex includes a radar, sonar, means of underwater communication and other devices. A battery pit was located under the flooring of the CPU deck. Closer to the nose from the operator's console were the entrance hatch, the periscope, the shaft of the retractable device of the radar complex. The bow spherical bulkhead limiting the central post had an entrance hatch to the lock chamber, which could also serve as a decompression chamber. On the bulkhead there was a porthole for observing divers and a gateway for transferring objects from the CPU to the camera. There were also control devices for the divers' locking system.

A flat aft bulkhead with a gas-tight door separated the central post from the electromechanical compartment, where, on a shock-absorbing platform disconnected from the pressure hull, there were 160 kW diesel generators (fuel capacity 6.5 tons), a 60 kW DC propeller motor (capacity batteries 1200 kilovolts), pumps, fans, compressor and other equipment. The two-stage depreciation system, combined with noise-absorbing coatings on the hull structures, provided the submarine with a minimum acoustic field. The electromechanical compartment was an uninhabited room; during the campaign it was visited only to check the condition of the technical means. The screw, placed in a rotary annular nozzle, also served as a vertical rudder.

The design of the boat is such that it provides a minimum level of noise from mechanisms, the intensity of magnetic and physical fields. This makes the boat unobtrusive for anti-submarine defense.

The crew consisted of three officers: a navigator commander, an electromechanical assistant and an electronic weapons assistant. In addition to them, a reconnaissance and sabotage group of six people was taken on board, which was the main "weapon" of the ship. The output of combat swimmers could be carried out at depths of up to 60 meters and on the ground. Being outside the boat, they had the opportunity to use the electricity supplied from it by wires, as well as replenish the supply of the gas mixture in breathing devices. Autonomy of the boat - 10 days.

Since 1989, MS-520 has been in Liepaja, where it was subordinate to the commander of the 22nd submarine brigade. The command of the unit was not particularly enthusiastic about the presence of a special purpose boat, since its exits to the sea were fraught with certain difficulties, and combat training, due to its specifics, turned out to be very difficult.

Further construction of ultra-small boats in the Soviet Union stalled, and then "power changed." As a result, the series was limited to two units - the experimental MS-520 and the head MS-521, handed over to the fleet in December 1990. Each boat has two shift crews. There was also a technical crew designed to service both boats.

Drawings and models of the boat were presented in February 1993. at a weapons exhibition in Abu Dhabi, where they aroused great interest. It was decided to offer these boats for sale. There are no data on successful sales.

One of the boats took part in the filming of the film "Peculiarities of the National Hunt".

In March 1999 MS-520 and 521 were towed to Kronstadt for scrapping. After serving for less than ten years, they never found a use for themselves. There are many reasons for this: lack of funding, the opinion of a number of naval experts about the uselessness of such ships, as well as the obvious shortcomings of the project (too large displacement, operational difficulties, and others).

(Serial number 01465)

Laid down on July 15, 1984 at the Leningrad Admiralty Association, launched on August 20, 1986, and commissioned on December 30, 1988.

In 1999, she was withdrawn from the Navy.

(Serial number 01466)

Laid down on December 1, 1987 at the Leningrad Admiralty Association, launched on May 31, 1990, and commissioned on December 25, 1990.

In 1999, she was withdrawn from the Navy.

In connection with the continuous strengthening of the NATO fleet, as well as the possibility of war, the Soviet command decided to turn its attention to the construction of mini-submarines that would be able to operate in rivers, in shallow water, on the territory of enemy fleet bases. To bring these goals to life, the naval leadership instructed the Leningrad Design Bureau "Malakhit" to design a mini-submarine. The developed boat received the designation project 865 and the code "Piranha". Subsequently, 2 submarines of this type were created in Leningrad - this is an experimental boat MS-520 and the lead boat of the MS-521 series. In total, only 2 boats were built, both of them were in service from 1990 to 1999.

For many years, ultra-small and small submarines were not built or designed by the domestic industry. Their design resumed only in the 70s of the last century. Since 1973, the Malachite Design Bureau began work on the submarine Project 865 Piranha. The main designers of the boat were Yu. K. Mineev, S. M. Bavilin, L. V. Chernopyatov. The small submarine was designed to carry out special missions in shallow, coastal and difficult-to-navigate areas in which the operations of conventional submarines were either impossible or seriously hampered, including in conditions of serious anti-submarine defense.

Initially, L. V. Chernopyatov acted as the chief designer on the project, but in 1984 he was replaced by Yu. K. Mineev. The main observer for this project from the USSR Navy was the captain of the 2nd rank A. E. Mikhailovsky. There was no experience in creating and designing such technical means at that time in the country. For this reason, I had to work almost from scratch. At the same time, the novelty of the task set for the designers and engineers led to the implementation of a very large number of model and full-scale tests of the boat, experimental work, and various experiments on individual structural elements, technological processes and devices. For this reason, the laying of the first, experimental submarine of project 865 took place only in July 1984 in the Leningrad Admiralty Association.

To fulfill the tasks assigned to them, the Piranha submarines were equipped with a specialized diving complex, which included 2 outboard sealed automated containers (0.62 m in diameter, 12 m long) designed to store divers' personal means of propulsion and diving equipment and a dry lock chamber for divers-saboteurs to enter the sea in a submerged position. In addition, there were 2 outboard permeable devices (diameter 537 mm). The Piranha submarines were equipped with a modern electronic weapon system, which included small-sized navigation, communications and surveillance equipment (radar and hydroacoustic) and an automated control system, which made it possible to reduce the crew to a minimum (only 3 people).

The armament complex was located in the middle part of the superstructure of the boat and consisted of 2 cargo containers, in which 2 Sirena-UME type transporters or 4 Proton tugboats could be located. In addition, there were 2 mine-laying devices, in which there were PMT-type mines (up to 4 mines of high power, the use of nuclear charges is possible), or 2 lattices for 400-mm Latush torpedoes, which were used over the entire range of diving depths "self-exit". For unloading, loading, as well as securing diving equipment on the boat, there was a retractable tray. The controls and drives of the tray were inside the robust hull of the mini-submarine. The mine-laying device was a permeable launch grid with guide tracks of a pneumo-mechanical ejector device, which ensured that mines were ejected in the direction of the submarine - forward. According to the second option, torpedoes could be used instead of mines.

In addition to a variety of special equipment and armament, the submarine had increased stealth. This was achieved through the use of a non-magnetic housing, low-noise mechanisms, perfect acoustic protection and the use of a diesel-electric power plant with full electric propulsion. The boat used a diesel generator with a capacity of 160 kW, as well as a low-speed all-mode main electric motor with a capacity of 60 kW. The Project 865 boat could use a lead-acid battery with a total capacity of 1200 kWh or a silver-zinc battery with twice the capacity.

The ultra-small submarine pr. 865 had a displacement of 319 tons in a submerged position, in a surface position - 218 tons. The dimensions of the boat were 28.2x4.7x5.1 meters. At the same time, the boat was double-hulled (lightweight and durable hull), had a developed superstructure and one shaft. To ensure increased controllability and maneuverability of the boat at low speed, a propeller with a propeller in a rotary nozzle was mounted on it.

In the central post of the mini-submarine there was an operator's console, information display facilities and an instrument rack, controls for the main devices and systems. The instrument complex of the boat included means of underwater communication, sonar, radar and other devices. Under the deck flooring of the central post (CPU) there was a battery pit. Closer to the nose of the operator's console were the shaft of the retractable device of the radar complex, the periscope and the entrance hatch. The spherical bulkhead limiting the CPU had an entrance hatch to the lock chamber, which could also be used for decompression. The bulkhead had an airlock to transfer items from the CPU to the chamber and a porthole to watch the divers. The control devices for the divers' locking system were also located here.

An aft flat bulkhead, equipped with a gas-tight door, separated the CPU from the electromechanical compartment, where a diesel generator, a DC propulsion motor, compressors, fans, pumps and other equipment were located on a special shock-absorbing platform disconnected from the pressure hull. The noise-absorbing coating on the hull structures of the submarine, in combination with the two-stage depreciation system, provided the mini-submarine with a very small acoustic field. At the same time, the electromechanical compartment was uninhabited; while the boat was on a hike, it was visited only in order to check the condition of the equipment. The screw, which was installed in the rotary annular nozzle, also served as a vertical steering wheel.

The crew of the mini-submarine included only 3 people. All of them were officers: the commander-navigator, the assistant in electronic weapons and the assistant in the electromechanical part. In addition to the crew, the boat could take on board a reconnaissance and sabotage group of 6 people. It was the saboteurs, in fact, that were the main "weapon" of the submarine. Combat swimmers could leave the submarine both on the ground and at depths of up to 60 meters. Being outside the submarine, they had the ability to replenish the supply of the gas mixture in breathing devices, as well as use the electricity supplied from the boat through the wires. The autonomy of the Project 865 submarine was 10 days.

The direct development of the Piranha-type boats could be the Piranha-2 mini-submarines with a normal displacement of 400 tons, which had an air-independent (anaerobic) power plant that used the Crystal-20 fuel cells. The maximum underwater speed of such a submarine was to be 12 knots, and the cruising range was about 1200 nautical miles. The boat was planned to be armed with 2-8 torpedoes in special launchers on a light hull. In early 1993, Malachite began to promote its submarine on the international market. At the same time, the normal displacement was increased to 250 tons, and the crew grew to 4 people. In general, on the basis of the submarine pr. 865, a whole family of submarines with a displacement of 130 to 920 tons was developed.

The fate of the ships of this project was quite sad. Already in March 1999, both built boats were towed to Kronstadt, where they were cut into scrap metal. As part of the fleet, they did not serve even 10 years. There were several reasons for the withdrawal of submarines from the fleet: first of all, the lack of funding, as well as the opinion of a number of naval officers about the uselessness of such submarines by the Russian fleet. It is worth noting that before the mini-submarines were sawn up for scrap, one of them took part in the filming of the comedy "Peculiarities of National Fishing".

Tactical and technical characteristics of "Piranha":

Dimensions: length - 28.3 m, width - 4.7 m, height - 5.1 m.
Displacement - surface - 218 tons, underwater - 319 tons.
Underwater speed - 6.7 knots, surface speed - 6 knots.
Cruising range - full 1000 miles, continuous underwater - 260 miles.
The maximum diving depth is 200 m.
Autonomy of navigation - 10 days.
Crew - 3 people + up to 6 combat swimmers
Armament - 2 torpedoes 400 mm Latush torpedoes or 4 mines.