Tourists on the glass bridge in China. glass bridge in china


According to the site, the video was published from a tour of the glass bridge in China, which is located at an altitude of 1200 meters along the Taihang Mountain. The object offers a magnificent view of the surroundings. The video shows how one of the unsuspecting visitors to the bridge suddenly sees cracks in the glass under their feet, and in horror falls to all fours, screaming for help. At this time, the glass surface continues to crack with a sound, and the guy in a panic tries to crawl to the side so as not to fly into the abyss.

However, it soon became clear that the cracks on the glass were not real, but just a visual effect added by the project designers at the request of the customer. Such cracks are activated only in some sections of the bridge. These panels react to the steps of people, and display cracks on transparent displays, accompanying the effect with the characteristic sound of cracking glass. Many users thought that even such fake cracks could impress some customers so much that they would drive them to a heart attack.

According to the site, the county even released an official statement on the WeChat channel explaining the unusual design effect. According to the authorities, this is an interesting provocative effect, which should attract more visitors with the opportunity to get additional adrenaline.

Built several glass pedestrian bridges that are of great interest to tourists and local residents. They give a delightful feeling when crossing the abyss and allow the pedestrian to test himself for courage and courage.

Glass bridges are a national hobby of the Chinese. Nowhere in the world there are so many such structures as in China. They are very popular, and their number is increasing exponentially every year.

These bridges are trending in China today. Their construction is inexpensive, and the effect of the influx of tourists quickly pays off the investment. No less in demand here are glass paths over steep cliffs and viewing platforms with glass floor.

1) . It is located at an altitude of about 300 m, has a length of more than 400 m and can simultaneously withstand up to eight hundred people.

The glass cover of the lower part of the structure has been subjected to a huge number of pedestrian safety tests, incl. resistance to high and low temperatures environment, their sharp drops, to a strong wind, etc.

Because of the glass floor, the bridge looks invisible, and pedestrians get the feeling that they are walking on air, floating in the clouds. But such a journey is beyond the power of children and people suffering from actophobia - fear of heights. They may have a nervous attack.

2) The second bridge in Hunan can be found in Zhangjiajie Park. It is called the Bridge of the Brave. It has a length of about 300 m and hangs between two hills at a height of about 180 m.

Previously, the bridge was made of wood, but gradually the interest of tourists and vacationers in the park began to fade, and a modern decision was made: to make it out of glass. First, they conducted an experiment: they covered a small part with glass.

Visitors to the park liked to walk high above the ground in the clouds, then it was decided to make the whole pedestrian walking bridge glass. Since then, it has been wildly popular.

Experts are sure that the 6 cm thick glass floor is completely safe, you can jump on it. But few people dare to take such actions. The vast majority of pedestrians move across the bridge with their eyes closed or crawling.

3) Cracking glass bridge in China near Mount Taihanshan is located at an altitude of almost 1,200 meters. In fact, the appearance of "cracks" is an attraction or a special effect, a way to once again test the courage of pedestrians.

It is important to note that an unprepared pedestrian can simply have a myocardial infarction from such a special effect. Local authorities believe that this is just a game "provocation", but continue to be criticized among the population.

But in 2015, the special effect glass actually started cracking and was removed and repaired. But after the repair, they put in “cracking” glass, explaining this by the great popularity of the attraction among the audience.

4) A new glass bridge appears in southern China, only the most courageous and reckless people will be able to pass through it. It runs around a sheer cliff at an altitude of more than 1,500 meters, called the "Wriggling Dragon" and leads to Mount Tianmen.

The length of the bridge is more than 100 meters, it is narrow - about 1.5 meters. Passing through it, pedestrians see pictures of the surrounding nature of extraordinary beauty: a valley lying below and mountains floating past a cloud.

Glass lookouts and trails

1) Near Beijing is the famous Shilin Forest. This forest is equipped with a platform with a glass floor. It has an area of ​​more than 400 km. m, a height of more than 400 m and gives an excellent view of Shilin: huge stones mixed with trees.

2) In the south of China in the mountains, a path more than 250 meters long was opened in 2015. It is located on the steep side of the mountain, and it takes a lot of courage to walk along it, which the Chinese love to demonstrate so much.

3) The Yunduan Glass Observation Deck is over 700m high. It was opened in the summer of 2015, protrudes far into the abyss from the mountain cliff it is attached to, and offers viewers a magnificent view from above.


A video from China is gaining popularity on the Internet, in which a man walking on a glass bridge falls in a panic when cracks begin to creep under his feet. Fortunately, everything worked out - the cracks turned out to be just an inventive special effect added to one of the sections of the bridge.

Footage of a man cracking underfoot on a glass bridge along Taihang Mountain has captured the attention of Chinese social media, according to Mashable. You can watch how the hero of the video, noticing the cracks, falls on the glass in fear and tries to crawl away.

A man who does not expect a trick, presumably a tour guide, leads a group of people.

Suddenly, cracks begin to appear under his feet.

The guide falls screaming onto the glass, but the cracks continue to creep under his hands. The panicking man tries to crawl away.

The video instantly spread through a large number of Chinese media.

Fortunately, the cracks that frightened the pedestrian turned out to be just the result of the work of special panels installed on one of the sections of the bridge located at a height of 1,200 meters. The panels react to the steps of pedestrians, displaying images of creeping cracks and emitting a characteristic sound.

An impressive view opens from the bridge located along the steep cliff.

The East Taihangshan County Government issued an official apology, explaining that the cracked glass was just an effect added by the designers to "provocation". The administration does not intend to dismantle the panels that frighten pedestrians and hopes that a good dose of adrenaline will help attract additional tourists.

"The effect is too realistic, really a little scary."

"The hearts here can get screwed up."

In 2015, cracks that appeared on another glass bridge, located at a kilometer height, seriously frightened the inhabitants of the Chinese province of Henan. At that time, the cracks turned out to be real and the bridge had to be closed for repairs.

To reassure the public, distrustful of the reliability of glass structures, designers often come up with various strength tests. So, the highest and longest glass bridge, erected over the Zhangjiajie Canyon, journalists were allowed to hit with sledgehammers.

While bridges in China scare casual pedestrians, in the US, a bridge mocks unlucky drivers. In the town of Durham, North Carolina, a bridge passing low over the road to literally all trucks passing under it.

Relatively recently in Chinese in social networks A video appeared in which the floor suddenly cracked under the feet of a man walking on a glass bridge. A man crawls away in horror, because under him there is an abyss 1180 meters deep!

The action took place on the famous glass crossing located along the Taihanshan mountain (China). Every year, hundreds of thousands of tourists go there to test their nerves. But it seemed to the administration of this attraction that people were moving too calmly on transparent glass, and they decided to "add" the thrill of sensations.

A touch panel was installed on a glass segment 430 meters long, which simulates glass cracking. When you click on it, the sensors are triggered, and an image of cracks appears. Transparent panels alternate with matte ones, so it's not clear which one is the trick.

After installing the touch panel, none of the tourists were warned, so the first person to step on the "unreliable" glass was shocked, and the crackling sound was too loud.

To prevent anyone from getting a heart attack from fright in the future, the administration released a video in which the guide demonstrated to a group of tourists that the crackling of glass was not real.

The Chinese love to surprise with breathtaking rides. They built . From gusts of wind, this structure even sways a little, so thrill-seekers can safely go there.

The bridge is strong enough, there should not be any defects, it is able to withstand even a high temperature of 60 °. Does not wobble or stagger in wind speeds of 220 kilometers per hour.

The bridge is treated with care, everyone who wants to walk on it puts on shoe covers. And for people who really want to admire the beauty of the valley, but are afraid to go alone, there is a special staff that accompanies the whole way - from one peak to another.

True, the Chinese themselves are already accustomed to such bridges. The very first glass bridge was built on Tianmen Mountain. The length of courage is only 61 meters. But when you find out at what height the bridge is located, you are unlikely to agree to feel all the delights of human creation. The bridge flaunts at an altitude of 1220 meters. There are always enough people who want to, but there are more of those who are instilled with fear of heights. Many people are terrified of heights, I wonder what it was like for the builders. We hope that their work is well compensated.

You will not believe it, but not so long ago, a guide was leading a tourist group along the bridge, when suddenly cracks began to appear under his feet with a creaking sound.

The man fell to the floor and started screaming, he was scared. Interestingly, a happy, calm man walks towards him and casts an incomprehensible glance at the guide. He is not aware of what happened.

In the video you can see what is happening for yourself. People were so excited, and there were heated discussions on the net later. To reassure people, the East Taihanshan County government told the media that these were just special effects. This is such a PR move in order to a large number of tourists visited such a frightening attraction.