The Grand Canyon of Crimea: a one-day hike with elements of rock climbing. The Grand Canyon of Crimea: what to see and how to get there (photo, video) The Grand Canyon of Crimea how to get from Bakhchisaray


The Grand Canyon of Crimea: description, photo, video

grand canyon Crimea It is a geological fault formed by increased tectonic activity with shifts of lithospheric plates and earthquakes. These processes took place more than 2 million years ago. A large role in the appearance of the gorge was played by soft limestone rocks. The fault of the Grand Canyon in the Crimea divided the local mountain range on the Sredinny Ridge and the Main Ridge, and its scale, under the influence of water erosion, wind and landslides, continues to increase.

The dimensions of the Grand Gorge, of course, cannot be compared with the American Grand Canyon, or, but in combination with the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe peninsula, its parameters are very large-scale. The length of the fault is 3.5 kilometers, and the depth can reach 600 meters, with an average of 320. The width of the gorge fluctuates - in some areas it expands to 187 meters, in others it narrows to 3.

View of the Grand Canyon of Crimea from the tour. Parking "Boyka"

At the bottom of the canyon flows the river Auzun-Uzen. She feeds a large number of springs and streams, and also forms small, but sonorous and beautiful waterfalls. Even those who at least once saw the Grand Crimean Canyon in the photo fall in love with it at first sight. Massive rocks, cauldrons and depressions at the mouth of the river, filled with water, create unearthly landscapes and landscapes. By the way, the lakes located at the bottom of the gorge are called “baths” here.

The closed space of the fault contributed to the formation of a peculiar microclimate below and along the slopes. Many flowers, shrubs and trees grow on the territory of the canon. Many of which are endemic. Interesting fact- almost 70 percent of the peninsula's orchid species are found here. You can also admire relic saxifrages, needles and berry yews in the gorge. The territory of the canyon is a nature reserve and is under protection.

Where is the Grand Canyon

Geographically, the attraction is located on. The Grand Canyon, as it were, separates the Boyka and Ai-Petri massifs. The Auzun-Uzen River, flowing along the bottom of the gorge, in turn, forms a large tributary of the Belbek. The canyon is quite remote from settlements, among the closest ones is the village of Sokolinoye in the Bakhchisaray district. It stretches only 3 kilometers and is the last reference point for tourists.

Grand Canyon on the map of Crimea

Distance from major cities Crimean peninsula:

  • Simferopol - 64 kilometers;
  • Yalta - 50 kilometers;
  • Bakhchisaray - 31 kilometers;
  • Sevastopol - 59 kilometers.

The coordinates of the Grand Canyon of Crimea on the map: 44.528127, 34.019346.

How to get to the Crimean Canyon

You can visit the protected area as part of excursions, by private or public transport. How to get to the Grand Canyon from Yalta by car:

  • go on the road to Bakhchisaray;
  • near the pass near Mount Ai-Petri, one should overcome the serpentine descending from the mountains;
  • further on the track there will be a sign directing to the sights.

From Sevastopol, you should go to the Sevastopol highway in the direction of Bakhchisarai, then you need to turn off onto the road to the pass and pass the village of Sokolinoye. The "entrance gate" of the Crimean Canyon is quite difficult not to notice. There is a parking lot at the entrance to the reserve. Here you need to leave the car, as you can only move along the gorge on foot. Public transport can be reached from Simferopol, Sevastopol and Bakhchisarai. There are both direct flights, past the village of Sokolinoe, and with a transfer in Bakhchisarai.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea on the map:

We go to the Grand Canyon of Crimea from Sevastopol

We go to the Grand Canyon of Crimea from Yalta

When is the best time to visit the Grand Canyon

The weather in the Grand Canyon in Crimea has its own characteristics, due to the significant depth and gorge. A small amount of sunlight breaks through to the bottom, so even on hot days it is damp and cool here. The air quite rarely heats up above 18 degrees, and the water temperature does not exceed 11. It is not recommended to visit the gorge after heavy rains, at this time stones often fall off the rocks.

Grand Canyon of Crimea, as a reserve, is of interest at any time of the year. In early spring, due to the melting of snow, Auzin-Uzen acquires mighty streams, and many small waterfalls roll down the slopes. In autumn, the fault is full of various shades. It is cold in the gorge in winter, but those who are not afraid of frost will be able to look at the ice kingdom surrounded by mighty mountains. The ideal time to visit the reserve is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. The river at this time becomes shallow, opening up opportunities for a full inspection of all interesting places.

Features of visiting the Grand Canyon of Crimea

You can fully and legally see the Crimean Fault only as part of an excursion. In ads, you can often find offers from private guides, but most of them do not have the appropriate license, which is fraught with fines. The Grand Canyon in Crimea has several tourist routes - along the right slope along the fault line and along the very bottom. All of them allow you to nice photos and have certain characteristics. The tourist route along the edge is the safest, but not as picturesque. Unlike others, you can go through it yourself.

A hike along the bottom of the Grand Canyon in Crimea is much more picturesque. The cost of visiting for an adult is 100 rubles, and a children's ticket will cost 2 times cheaper. It is important to bring comfortable shoes with good soles, warm clothes, water and snacks. In summer time nature reserve works from 9 am to 7 pm. It is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, scatter garbage, burn fires, put up tents and pluck plants.

On the territory of the Grand Canyon in Crimea there is suspension bridge. Entrance to it is paid - 500 rubles. For fans of extreme sports, there is also an opportunity to go down with climbing equipment from the slope and ride a zipline. The cost of each entertainment is also 500 rubles. You can stop at the reserve in the village of Sokolinoye. There are two tourist bases here.

What to see around the Grand Canyon

On the slopes of the gorge are equipped viewing platforms, among which Sentinel Cliff Summit is the most popular. It offers an excellent panorama. You can fully see the entire length of the fault from another site - the Fifth Cliff. An interesting attraction of the Grand Canyon in Crimea is the Silver Streams waterfall. It is located at an altitude of about 200 meters, and an evergreen cap of moss is spread over it.

On the territory of the reserve is located Blue Lake. Its waters are clean, transparent with a slight bluish tint. Near the descent from Watchtower Rock is Apple Ford - a huge number of wild apple trees along the river. In autumn, the fruits and leaves fall into the Auzun-Uzen, which takes them straight to its tributary Almachuk, which translates as "apple". Behind the ford is the Pania spring in the Grand Canyon in the Crimea. It is considered holy and is one of the major sources of fresh water on the peninsula. There is a cave next to it.

The Grand Crimean Canyon has its own Bath of Youth. This is a large basin, having a depth of about 5 meters, flowing into a waterfall. Even in the heat of the day, its temperature does not rise above +11 degrees. It is believed that whoever bathes in it will gain youth on long years. Among other attractions, near the village of Sokolinoye, one can note the hunting house of Prince Yusupov, the Danilcha-Koba cave, the Boyka and Ai-Petri mountain ranges and a significant number of tourist camps.

Grand Canyon of Crimea really lives up to its name. It's great for lovers active rest. Here, every tourist will find something to their liking - picturesque landscapes, special energy and thrills. A visit to the gorge will surely give its visitors a kaleidoscope of impressions and emotions.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is not the only beautiful canyon in Russia. There is still amazing in Dagestan. Its scale is simply enormous. If you are interested, you can easily follow the link above and find out more information about it. In any case, the Sulak Canyon in Dagestan, the place is simply amazing.

Without exaggeration, we can say that the entire Crimean peninsula is one large nature reserve, every corner of which must not only be visited, but also felt its beauty and mood. The Grand Canyon is no exception. At one glance, it is breathtaking and you just want to silently look around and listen to the breath of nature.

This huge fault in the Crimean mountains stretched for many kilometers. The canyon is located in the south of the peninsula, not far from Yalta and Alupka. It is located on the northern slope of the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains, in the Bakhchisarai region and lies between two massifs Ai-Petrinsky and Boyka.

Nearest locality to the big canyon - the village of Sokolinoye, which is located 5 km from it.

The Grand Canyon is the deepest and most grandiose gorge on the peninsula. It was formed approximately 2,000,000 years ago, as a result of tectonic activity, accompanied by earthquakes and plate shifts. It still continues its formation under the influence of environment, landslides, weathering and water erosion.

Baths of the Grand Canyon of Crimea


  • To date, his long is 3.5 km;
  • depth on average 320 m, but in some places it reaches 600 meters;
  • width as well as the depth varies from 3 to 187 meters, then narrowing, then expanding throughout.

The beauty of the canyon is added by the river Auzun-Uzen flowing along its bottom. It is thanks to the water that has worked to create the landscape for many millennia that there are many rapids, waterfalls, boilers and baths. There are more than 150 of them here. There are many more attractions on the peninsula, and one of them is the Jur Jur waterfall, but this guide will help you understand how to get to it by car.

How to get there

There are several ways to get to the reserve:

By car

If you drive from Yalta or from its suburbs, it is best to choose the route leading to Bakhchisaray. On the Ai-Petri pass, you will have to overcome the mountain serpentine. On the track there is a sign "Grand Canyon" leading to the right place.

If you move from Simferopol, you need to choose the Sevastopol highway and move along it to Bakhchisaray, then turn onto the road that leads to the Ai-Petri pass, you need to pass the village of Sokolinoye, 3 km from it, there will be "entrance gates to the Grand Canyon".

On the video - how to get there by car:

Near the entrance to the reserve there is a guarded parking lot, where you need to leave the car and move on on foot. You will also learn about where Mmarsian Lake is located, and how you can get there by car and on foot

Public transport

All public transport goes only to the village of Sokolinoe, since buses and fixed-route taxis are prohibited further, so you will have to walk to your destination or use the services of a private cab. There will definitely not be any problems with this, since in Sokolinoe there are always enough people willing to take a tourist to the famous Crimean landmark, for a small fee.

excursion tour

On the video - how to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea:

Such an excursion includes not only a hike along the most beautiful and largest canyon of Crimea, with a visit to its natural attractions such as:

  • Blue Lakes;
  • Source of Pania;
  • Apple ford;
  • Yew Falls;
  • Youth bath and waterfall Silver jet, but also a lunch cafe of Tatar cuisine. It will be interesting for every traveler to learn how to get to the Taigan safari park in Crimea, as well as see

To the starting point of the tour tourists are delivered by buses that follow very scenic roads, however, all buses stop at the parking lot and you need to explore the canyon on foot. Experienced guides lead groups along the most interesting impassable stone paths that will not leave anyone indifferent, you will have to walk a lot along rocky paths, so comfortable shoes are a must.

On the video - walking tour:

In addition to the mesmerizing nature and views, there are many places in the canyon where you can swim, so be sure to take your bathing suits with you.

No matter how difficult it is to get to the Grand Crimean Canyon, it is a must to visit it. This unique place, in which rare species of plants and animals are found, in addition, it is simply very beautiful here. Everyone knows that the nature of the Crimean peninsula is unique and its natural attractions are in no way inferior to architectural ones. Any tourist will also learn about such a wonderful place as New World, as well as what kind of beaches there are.

Of course, everyone who goes to rest in the Crimea hopes to see something interesting and unforgettable there. Fortunately, the nature of the peninsula is rich in beautiful and fascinating sights. Along with the sea, caves and mountain slopes, the Crimean canyons can make an indelible impression. These are unique objects of wild nature, the history of which dates back thousands of years. Today we will get acquainted with the three most famous Crimean canyons.

grand canyon

For tourists who have been here, the gorge, overgrown with forests, with blocks of rocks, clean springs and deep baths, remains one of the favorite places for life. Coming here, people are immersed in an atmosphere of peace and quiet. Nature fascinates with its beauty and inspires philosophical reflection. Here you want to be silent and calmly look around, and there is something eternal in this silence.

It was formed at the site of a giant split of the Ai-Petrinsky mountain range, when Mount Boyka separated from it. The edges of the slopes practically did not crumble, and the shape of the canyon is similar to a partially split log. The depth of the Grand Canyon at different points is 250-300 meters. At the same time, its width in some places allows two people holding hands to touch opposite walls. It is thanks to this steepness, narrowness, coolness on hot July days, twilight, silence and a feeling of complete domination of nature that people come here again and again. Assessing the scale of this beauty, one can realize the insignificance of our daily problems and be inspired to conquer new heights.

Canyon visit

The main disadvantage of the canyon in holiday season- an overabundance of visitors. Excursion buses come here from all over the world in a constant stream. Therefore, from 11 am to 3 pm, along the stream along the only path, there is an uninterrupted two-way string of people. Because of this oversaturation, it is difficult to enjoy the true natural beauty.

Organized visits usually follow short route- to the Bath of Youth and back. But the main beauty begins further. There the trail is more difficult, but it's worth it. Therefore, having passed 100 meters above the Bath of Youth, you can be alone with nature. Here you will find transparent pools with warm, sun-warmed water, banks overgrown with euonymus and yew, and that very silence. A little more up - and you will open the canyon itself. Seeing it, you will definitely look at the Crimea in a new way.

Grand Canyon: how to get there?

Although this place is popular among tourists, the path to it can cause some problems. Without your own transport, it is quite difficult to come to the Grand Canyon of Crimea. The tour is the most comfortable way to visit this attraction. Its disadvantage is that you will have little free time to explore the natural beauties on your own. But you will not worry that you will safely return to the right place. For those who nevertheless decided not to be led by the exclamations: “The Grand Canyon of Crimea: an excursion”, coming from all sides of the beach, and drive on their own, we will tell you the route. First you need to get to the village of Sokolinoe. From it, along the Bakhchisaray-Yalta highway, you need to walk / drive 5 kilometers towards Yalta. The entrance to the canyon will be near the highway.

For those who travel by car, there is no problem. You can at any time (within the schedule of visits, of course) come to the canyon and take your time to see everything interesting places. It is unrealistic to get lost in the canyon, as the paths here are more than noticeably trodden. By the way, many tourists, having entered the gorge, put on helmets in order to protect themselves from falling stones. The stones themselves rarely fall, but when crowds of tourists pass over the top, the likelihood of injury increases. If you are going to the Grand Canyon of Crimea by car, it is better to put something in the trunk to protect your head.

Chernorechensky Canyon

Speaking about the canyons of the Crimea, it is impossible not to mention the Chernorechensky canyon. It flows into the Inkerman area. This place is located. Its water mirror covers an area of ​​\u200b\u200b6 square kilometers. Exactly this large reservoir in the Crimea, which supplies clean water to the whole of Sevastopol.

Below the reservoir, the Crimea begins. Its second name is the Small Canyon. Its length is as much as 16 kilometers. Stormy foamy water here alternates with calm backwaters, rapids, waterfalls and ledges turn into overflows, in which there are even islands. Under the canopy of trees it is always humid and cool, and the rocks are hot in the sun. River spray shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow from time to time. Beautiful place! There are baths in the canyon, the water in which is even warmer than in the Grand Canyon. Only now it flows with pressure, so in some places it is dangerous to swim. Along the banks of the river you can find a lot of mushrooms, campfires for tourists and benches for rest.

Closer to the village of Morozovka, a wide and deep gutter begins with a strong flow of water. Passing through it, tourists are insured with a rope. Walking along the canyon, you can meet huge boulders cutting through the water, large beech trees, old juniper, ferns, euonymus and other interesting plants. The fast mountain river gives the impression that we are somewhere in the Carpathians, and not in the Crimea.

The Small Canyon of Crimea includes many ascents and descents, so it is difficult for inexperienced tourists here. It is advisable to walk along it with guides, as there are a lot of different paths, roads and sheer cliffs. In early September, it is unlikely that you will be able to meet tourists in the Chernorechensky Canyon.

How to get to the Chernorechensky canyon

You can get to the lower part of the canyon from the village of Chernorechye (1 km). On the way, you can stop by to look at the Chorgun Tower. You can go to the middle part from the villages of Morozovka (2 km) and Rodnoe (5 km). To the top - from the road between the villages of Shirokoye and Peredovoye (0.5 km).

Canyon Kuchuk-Karasu

5 kilometers south of the Simferopol-Feodosiya road, just outside the village of Povorotnoe, the Kuchuk-Karasu River formed a canyon. It is distinguished by an abundance of waterfalls. Emerald waterfalls, "erosion cauldrons" and stone baths - that's what the canyon is famous for.

For three kilometers of the river there are five waterfalls. Each of them has its own characteristics. The first waterfall forms the bath of youth, or, as it is also called, Diana's Font. The water temperature here does not rise above 10 degrees. Bathing in a font allows you to bring the body into tone and harden.

The second waterfall was named Gorgeous. There is another cold water bath here. By the way, they are all over the place. From here you can see the waterfall of love. It consists of two small streams, which, after the waterfall, are combined into one powerful stream.

A little further you can admire the graceful stream of the Kosichka waterfall. In the season of rains and snowmelt, it turns into a huge spit. The last waterfall has no name, but it has more than 10 meters in height. It consists of alternating waterfalls, plums and waterfalls that follow each other without intervals. As a result, powerful streams of water fall in zigzags, which makes an incredible impression.


Today we reviewed the main and most interesting canyons Crimea. In general, there are many more canyons on the peninsula, less exciting, but also quite interesting. Walking along them allows you to escape from the monotonous beach holiday and see Crimea from the other side. We recommend that you visit the canyons of Crimea, which charge you with incredible energy of centuries-old forests and ancient majestic mountains.

Without exaggeration, we can say that the entire Crimean peninsula is one large nature reserve, every corner of which must not only be visited, but also felt its beauty and mood. The Grand Canyon is no exception. At one glance, it is breathtaking and you just want to silently look around and listen to the breath of nature.

This huge fault in the Crimean mountains stretched for many kilometers. The canyon is located in the south of the peninsula, not far from Yalta and Alupka. It is located on the northern slope of the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains, in the Bakhchisarai region and lies between two massifs Ai-Petrinsky and Boyka.

The nearest settlement to the Grand Canyon is the village of Sokolinoye, which is located 5 km from it.

Baths of the Grand Canyon of Crimea


  • To date, his long is 3.5 km;
  • depth on average 320 m, but in some places it reaches 600 meters;
  • width as well as the depth varies from 3 to 187 meters, then narrowing, then expanding throughout.

The beauty of the canyon is added by the river Auzun-Uzen flowing along its bottom. It is thanks to the water that has worked to create the landscape for many millennia that there are many rapids, waterfalls, boilers and baths. There are more than 150 of them here. There are many more attractions on the peninsula, and one of them is the Jur Jur waterfall, but this information will help you understand how to get to it by car.

How to get there

There are several ways to get to the reserve:

By car

If you drive from Yalta or from its suburbs, it is best to choose the route leading to Bakhchisaray. On the Ai-Petri pass, you will have to overcome the mountain serpentine. On the track there is a sign "Grand Canyon" leading to the right place.

If you move from Simferopol, you need to choose the Sevastopol highway and move along it to Bakhchisaray, then turn onto the road that leads to the Ai-Petri pass, you need to pass the village of Sokolinoye, 3 km from it, there will be "entrance gates to the Grand Canyon".

On the video - how to get there by car:

Near the entrance to the reserve there is a guarded parking lot, where you need to leave the car and move on on foot. It will also be interesting to know where the Mmarsian Lake is located, and how you can get there by car and on foot.

Public transport

All public transport goes only to the village of Sokolinoe, since buses and fixed-route taxis are prohibited further, so you will have to walk to your destination or use the services of a private cab. There will definitely not be any problems with this, since in Sokolinoe there are always enough people willing to take a tourist to the famous Crimean landmark, for a small fee.

excursion tour

The most profitable and convenient way to visit the nature reserve is to purchase sightseeing tour. Today, in every resort town, many shops offer a wide range of excursion programs, among which is a visit to the large Crimean canyon. In addition, in our age of electronic technology, a sightseeing tour can also be purchased via the Internet. It is also worth learning more about what kind of excursions there are from Evpatoria to Yalta.

On the video - how to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea:

Such an excursion includes not only a hike along the most beautiful and largest canyon of Crimea, with a visit to its natural attractions such as:

  • Blue Lakes;
  • Source of Pania;
  • Apple ford;
  • Yew Falls;
  • Youth bath and waterfall Silver jet, but also a lunch cafe of Tatar cuisine. It will be interesting for every traveler to learn how to get to the Taigan safari park in Crimea, as well as see photos.

To the starting point of the tour tourists are delivered by buses that follow very scenic roads, however, all buses stop at the parking lot and you need to explore the canyon on foot. Experienced guides lead groups along the most interesting impassable stone paths that will not leave anyone indifferent, you will have to walk a lot along rocky paths, so comfortable shoes are a must.

On the video - walking tour:

In addition to the mesmerizing nature and views, there are many places in the canyon where you can swim, so be sure to take your bathing suits with you.

No matter how difficult it is to get to the Grand Crimean Canyon, it is a must to visit it. This is a unique place where rare species of plants and animals are found, in addition, it is simply very beautiful here. Everyone knows that the nature of the Crimean peninsula is unique and its natural attractions are in no way inferior to architectural ones. It will also be interesting for any tourist to learn about such a wonderful place as the New World, as well as about what beaches there are.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea: among the enchanting natural beauties

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is not only the most beautiful and fascinating place, but also in many ways a rather mysterious and mysterious corner, surrounded by many legends and tales. At the sight of this gigantic rock formation, like a giant scar stretching for kilometers in the body of the Crimean Mountains, one involuntarily takes one's breath away and there is a feeling of respectful awe before its silent, calm grandeur.

All the beauty of this place, as well as the feelings and emotions that it generates during contemplation, is difficult to describe in words. On the one hand, it is quite multifaceted, nature did its best in this, enriching its flora and aesthetic world, and on the other hand, the mouth simply goes numb from the breathtaking spectacle. It is completely different from the gloomy, dark crevices that arise in the imagination at the word "canyon". On the contrary, it is filled with unimaginable colors, charm, the spirit of ancient legends, as if hovering in space, and life, seething literally under every stone.

Where is the canyon in Crimea?

It is located on the southern tip of the Crimean Mountains, in the Bakhchisarai region. It lies between two mountain ranges - Ai-Petri and Boyka, approximately at an equal distance, 5 km from the village of Sokolinoye.

Gorge on the map of Crimea

What is an attraction?

Of course, the Great Crimean Canyon cannot be compared with the fault of the same name in the US state of Arizona, but its parameters are also impressive. It stretches for 3.5 km in length, has an average depth of 320 m, but in some places reaches 600 m,
with a width ranging from 3 to 187 m, then narrowing, then expanding throughout. The river Auzun-Uzen flows along the bottom, fed by many streams and springs, turning into beautiful, sonorous waterfalls, cascading from a small height. The mouth of the river is replete with depressions or boilers filled with water, forming small but rather deep lakes, called "baths".

Nature of the Grand Crimean Canyon

Due to its depth and gorges, where the sun's rays rarely penetrate, a peculiar microclimate is formed in the canyon, thanks to which it is cool and damp on the hottest days. The air temperature rarely exceeds +18 degrees, and the water remains at +11, so it is not possible to soak up one of the famous "baths". Vegetable world in the closed space of a giant fault is very rich and diverse.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is represented by hundreds of species of trees, shrubs and flowers, many of which are endemic and have survived to this day only due to the peculiarities of the formation itself. Orchids are especially noteworthy in this regard, most of their species (about 70%) grow only here, as well as relict plants, such as yew berries, sublingual needles, saxifrage, etc., are not found anywhere else on the peninsula.

Routes and excursions to the Grand Canyon

The tour, introducing its unforgettable beauties, runs in two directions - along the fault, along its right edge, and along the bottom. Both options are good in their own way, and in both cases you will get wonderful photos, but they are very different from each other. The route passing along the upper "side" is not so picturesque, but it is completely safe -
You can walk along it at any time of the year and also on your own. On the way, stunning views of forested mountain slopes and shady valleys open up, but the main impressions still lie deep below - where you can only look from dizzy height standing on a ledge.

The route passing along the bottom is more interesting, truly exciting and picturesque, but it is unusually difficult, and sometimes it poses a considerable danger - during rainy periods, for example, a natural landmark turns into a death trap. As a result, it is worth abandoning such a trip until at least mid-July, and going on it yourself is fraught with great risk - the map will not let you get lost, but ignorance of the area can lead to undesirable consequences. It is better to go here with an excursion or with an experienced guide, have climbing skills and good, comfortable shoes.

How to get (get there)?

You can use public transport, by bus "Bakhchisarai - Yalta", get to the stop "Grand Canyon of Crimea" and walk about 5 km more on foot or on a ride. Often, tourists are also interested, wanting to visit the Grand Canyon of Crimea, how to get there by car, which indicates a desire to look into it on their own. It is best to focus on the route from Bakhchisarai, from where you need to drive along the T0117 highway 32 km in a southerly direction to Sokolinoe settlement and further 3-5 km to the southeast.

Are you better on a map? Look at it, how you can get to the desired object:

Note to the tourist

  • Address: pos. Sokolinoe, Bakhchisaray district, Crimea, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 44.528127, 34.019346.

Speaking of the Grand Canyon, one thing is for sure - you won’t find a more amazing and beautiful place in Crimea! Thanks to such objects as the Blue Lake, the Bath of Youth or the Pania Spring, it has become widely known far beyond the peninsula. But here everyone finds a reason to visit it. Someone is attracted by extreme sports, someone is attracted by the inimitable beauty and rare species of flora, and someone comes at all attracted by terrible Tatar legends. One way or another, everyone finds here what they went for, what they were looking for, and even though everyone has different reasons for visiting, the common ones are vivid, unforgettable impressions and delight that remains for a long time, if not for life, then for many years. Watch the video about this enchanting place in the conclusion.

About Crimea

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Grand Canyon of Crimea

Among the natural attractions of Crimea, the Grand Canyon occupies a very special place. This large canyon was formed about 1.5 - 2 million years ago, in place of a huge tectonic fault.

At its deepest point, the depth of the canyon exceeds 320 m, and it itself stretches for 3.5 km. Great place for trekking and hiking. But you should not go to the canyon alone and on your own, it is better to go as part of a tourist group or take a tour at a specialized agency.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea is one of many such places in the world. There are stunning mountains, gorges and canyons, for example, in Iceland. Norway is incredibly rich in such natural attractions. And if you want to get closer, there are many mountain routes of different difficulty levels in Georgia. You can see interesting routes to the mountains on the page of the tourist club

The Grand Canyon of Crimea has been forming for millions of years. Today it is a deep channel, somewhere wider, somewhere narrower. Along the channel there are about 150 erosive cauldrons with waterfalls, the so-called baths. Some are very tiny, and some reach a depth of about 2.5 m and a length of up to 10 m. The Blue Lake is the largest cauldron, the bath of youth is also a similar formation.

The canyon is fed by a huge number of streams, springs, mountain rivers that come out of the gorge and flow into the Azun-Uzen River. This is a clean, cold river. Throughout its length, even in the baths, the water temperature does not exceed 11 degrees.

When to go to the Grand Canyon

It is safe enough to be in the canyon only from the second half of summer to the beginning of autumn. During this period, when rains are rare, the canyon is drained. And routes for trekking and hiking become available.

During the rainy season, the canyon is dangerous. Not only is it rushing along the riverbed mountain stream with dirt and stones. Due to the rains, the slopes of the canyon become less stable and rockfalls are increasingly occurring. By the way, in the dry season, because of the danger of falling stones, you should not come close to the slopes.

Keep in mind that the canyon has its own microclimate. It is always a few degrees cooler here than outside. And yet, quite humid.

How to get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea

The Grand Canyon starts at 5 km. from the village of Sokolinoe. If you are going to hike on your own, you will have to take a taxi from Sokolinoye or go on foot, there is no public transport to the canyon. You can get to the village of Sokolinoye by bus from Simferopol, Sevastopol and Bakhchisaray.

If you are going on a hike with a tourist group, such a tour usually includes a transfer to the canyon.

If you are traveling by car, you need to go through Ai-Petri. On the way to the plateau, approximately in the middle of the way, there will be a sign "Grand Canyon".

What to take on a hike

The minimum duration of a walk through the Grand Canyon is 2.5-3 hours. Therefore, be sure to bring enough water with you and, if necessary, a light snack.

Definitely comfortable shoes. The route itself is not too difficult, but you will need to jump over somewhere, cross streams, puddles, stones somewhere.

The entrance to the Grand Canyon is paid, because it is a nature reserve. So, you need to take money with you. In the 2017 season, the entrance ticket costs 100 rubles.

How to get there

The Grand Canyon of Crimea can be reached from both Yalta and Bakhchisaray.

1. From Bakhchisaray

Bakhchisarai is located on the highway between Simferopol and Sevastopol. Getting to it by public transport is not difficult - buses and trains run frequently.

On your own

From Bakhchisarai you need to get to Sokolinoe. Buses depart from the Bakhchisaray bus station every hour. The last one is around 6pm. Taxi Sokolinoe-Bakhchisarai will cost 800 rubles. Then you can walk along the highway on foot (about 5 km), or take a taxi (300 rubles).

You can also take a walk along the Yusupovskaya trail, which goes from Sokolinoye through a picturesque forest along the slope of Mount Boyko. It is also about 5 km to the canyon along it.

By car

From Bakhchisarai along the old Yalta-Bakhchisaray highway, you need to get to 6 km of the highway, a little further from Sokolinoe.

2. From Yalta

On your own

Public transport in the direction of the Grand Canyon from Yalta does not go. But you can try to catch a ride to the canyon near the turn to Ai-Petri to the ski lift.

Road Yalta-Bakhchisarai

By car

You need to go to the Bakhchisarai highway - the turn to it will be near the sanatorium "Uzbekistan". On it, drive through the pass up to 6 km of the Yalta-Bakhchisaray highway. This road has not been repaired for a long time, plus a serpentine. If you are an inexperienced driver, then this trip can take you more than 2 hours.

It is called the heart of the Crimean mountains. The Grand Canyon of Crimea is a lost world of pristine beauty. A grandiose three-kilometer hollow filled with stone blocks, replete with picturesque waterfalls and baths, strikes the imagination of the most sophisticated travelers. The unique landscape reserve is strictly protected by the state. On protected lands, it is forbidden to pick flowers, cut down trees, kindle fires, spend the night and set up tents ... A visit to the canyon is paid and regulated, which does not prevent thousands of tourists from traveling to an outlandish place. The resulting vivid impressions pay off all the difficulties and costs!

And the rocks parted...

"The Heart of the Crimean Mountains" is located 3 kilometers from the village of Sokolinoe, Bakhchisarai district. A lot of paved paths and paths lead to the northern part of the Ai-Petri massif, so anyone who wants to get into the inner sanctum can do it. True, it is best to choose a dry season, because during the flood period the Canyon can absorb uninvited guests. After all, his heart is stone, and it does not know pity.

The Grand Canyon is relatively young - only about 2 million years old! Once upon a time, at the place where it is located, the ocean depths raged. Nature sculpted the local landscape, either raising mountains to the skies, or plunging them into the abyss of the sea. Once, during another restructuring, one of the colossal blocks broke, resulting in a giant crack. A tectonic fault divided a single mountain range into two - Ai-Petri and Boyka. The work on the formation of the depression was continued by the Auzun-Uzen River. For many millennia, the river "drilled" the rock mass, forming a canyon gorge. At the bottom of the canyon, many rapids, waterfalls and erosion pots, the so-called baths, appeared. Today, the channel is a three-kilometer depression with smooth walls along the sides, cluttered with boulders and boulders. Its maximum depth is 320 meters, the width reaches from 3 to 5 meters.

For the first time, the “Lost World” of Crimea was described by Professor I.I. Puzanov in 1925. One fine day, traveling through the Crimean mountains with a friend, the scientist made an amazing discovery.

“Having climbed the Boyka massif, the rocky surface of which was no different from Ai-Petrskaya, of which it is an outpost, we decided to go straight to Ai-Petri. ... After walking for half an hour, we suddenly found ourselves on the edge of a bottomless cleft that stretched parallel to Yaila. Looking with bated breath into the abyss blocking our path, we saw that a river was flowing at its bottom. The opposite edge of the crevasse was also absolutely sheer, like the one on which we were standing. By direct distance it was no more than 200-250 m away. Through the abyss separating us, white-bellied swifts swept with a whistle, ”the traveler described his impressions in this way.

Perhaps the author of these lines was a little cunning. It's nice to feel like a discoverer of new lands! The gorge, of course, was well known even before Puzanov local residents. Other researchers and local historians also knew about its existence. In 1906, the botanist I.V. Vankov mentioned the Canyon in a scientific article. In 1915, N.V. Rukhlov described in detail the main rivers in the mountainous Crimea, including the area of ​​the Grand Canyon. The Crimean Society of Naturalists, shortly before the First World War, publishes a guidebook of the Crimea, in which there is a mention that in the Kokkoz region there is ... "an interesting mountain gorge" Canyon ". A unique depression was marked on the topographic maps of the Crimea, published before the revolution. Puzanov popularized the exotic corner of the Crimea even more. After his article and the film "On the Grand Canyon of Crimea", filmed by F.F. Schillinger, natural monument began to become widely known. In the 30s of the last century, an excursion to the Canyon was included in the plan of the Kokkoz tourist base, and its description appeared in all Crimean guidebooks.

Nature of the Grand Canyon

High humidity and low temperatures have created a special microclimate in the Grand Canyon. The vegetation here develops with a delay of 3-4 weeks compared to the surrounding forests. Small groups of pines can be found on local limestone slopes. Broad-leaved forests grow in the lower part of the gorge. Age-old hornbeams, beeches, ash trees, oaks, maples, mountain ash and lindens are the eternal inhabitants of these places. The undergrowth is represented by many shrubs. Here, hazel, dogwood, barberry, buckthorn feel great ... A feature of the Canyon flora is the presence of one and a half thousand trees of the tertiary relic. Among them, a bright representative is the yew berry. There are real giants, reaching 1.5 meters in girth and 10-15 meters in height.

During the Ice Age, the well-isolated canyon became a haven for heat-loving plants. The hollow warmed rare species of ferns, relic hyoid needle, endemic saxifrage, more than two thirds of Crimean orchid species, among which there is a very rare flower called Lady's slipper.

Brook trout splash in the cold, oxygenated water of the rivers of the gorge. Travelers often meet hedgehogs, and if you're lucky, you can see a weasel, a badger or a roe deer. Of the birds, the most common are the titmouse, woodpecker, redstart, robin, warbler and jay. And, of course, the nimble lizard is the mistress of the stone jungle.

The unique nature of the canyon requires reverent protection and protection. In 1947, the Grand Canyon of Crimea was declared a natural monument, and since 1974, its territory (more than 300 hectares) by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was declared a landscape reserve of republican significance. Today, on protected lands, it is forbidden to pick flowers, cut down trees, kindle fires, in general, rudely interfere with the ecosystem of the area. The state of the reserve is monitored by employees of the Kuibyshev forestry. They also developed special routes for tourists.

In the heart of the canyon

The journey to the heart of the Crimean Mountains begins near the Postal Oak. During the Great Patriotic War, partisans left secret messages in the once powerful tree. In peacetime this tradition was continued by tourists. As a result of the fire, only part of the trunk remained from the oak. Tour guides suggest that the tragedy occurred due to a lightning strike, although it is quite possible that the main reason is human negligence.

Two paths lead from the Postal Oak. The first one goes to the bottom of the gorge, the second, the “Winter Path”, goes up and follows the right slope. The first option is convenient for a summer walk, it is interesting and not so complicated. This is the route followed by the main tourist routes.

After some time, travelers who have chosen the summer trail will find the first attraction - Blue Lake. Shallow in depth, the body of water is the widest in the Canyon. A surprise awaits those wishing to swim - the water temperature in local springs, the river and the lake, even in the hottest months, does not exceed 11°C. Blue Lake is the largest karst spring in Crimea. Every second it brings to the surface about 370 liters of water.

Walking along the bottom of the Grand Canyon of Crimea, you never cease to be amazed at the inexhaustible imagination of Mother Nature. Fanciful statues, carved by water in stone, are found here and there, evoking various associations.

Unusually picturesque small waterfalls. The water falling from the stones washes out the hollows under it, forming stone baths. One of them, the most famous, is called the "Bath of Youth". The modern name of the "bath" has been known since the early 1960s, and once it was called "Kara-Gol", which means Black Lake. This is the deepest basin in the gorge, reaching 4 meters. There is a belief: they say that after bathing in it you can rejuvenate for several years. Indeed, 9-11 degree water is very invigorating!

The bath of youth is the last point of excursions along the Grand Canyon of Crimea. To go further, you need to have climbing skills. In the spring and during heavy rains, one must be prepared to move 100 - 200 meters knee-deep in cold water. Do not forget about the danger of rockfalls. During floods, driving along the extreme part of the canyon is strongly discouraged. Once a gardener who worked in the park of the Yusupov tea house shared a warning with Professor I.I. Puzanov: "Our peasants say that at night wild cries, squeals and laughter are heard from the cleft of Auzun-Uzen - then the devils are celebrating their weddings ...".

Those who are not afraid of shaitans and witches and still decide to go further, are waiting for fabulous beauty corners of nature and unforgettable adventures!