Australian work visa, how to find an employer in Australia. Australia, Sydney


Despite the series of crises covering the world economy and the geopolitical changes of recent years, Australia has consistently demonstrated to the rest of the world how to maintain relative stability and prosperity even in such unstable times. The continent state is traditionally included in the group of countries nominated for the title of the best in the world for birth and subsequent residence, one of the most prosperous countries in the world, states with one of the highest living standards, etc. etc. Such indicators are not may not attract tens of thousands of labor migrants here every year, including from Russia and other countries of the former USSR. Both highly qualified specialists and representatives of working professions can count on getting a job in Australia. Let's take a look at what a job seeker in one of the Australian companies should know.

Labor migrants as a dope for the economy

The Australian authorities have long learned to use the potential of foreigners arriving for the purpose of employment with maximum efficiency. Like any other country among the world's economic leaders, Australia considers it its duty, first of all, to provide work, wages and a decent standard of living for its own citizens. A labor migrant who arrived here in the hope of a new life should be ready for just such a distribution of priorities: first the Australians, then everyone else. In this, in fact, Australia is not original - any other more or less developed country that receives migrants is pursuing the same policy today.

Highly qualified specialists in the field of IT technologies have a good chance of finding a job in Australia

All this does not prevent the Australian authorities from granting tens of thousands of work visas to foreigners every year, thus demonstrating that not only labor migrants need Australia, but it also needs them. What are foreigners looking for in Australia? Good salary, quality medicine and education, unpolluted nature, stability and confidence in the future. What interest does Australia realize by inviting foreign specialists to work? First of all, of course, the closure of existing vacancies in highly deficient professions. The most welcome guests here are narrow specialists who are able to use modern technologies in their work and contribute to the further growth of the economy. In addition, the attraction of foreigners contributes to the awakening of healthy competition among applicants for vacancies, which serves as an impetus for the growth of their professional level and, as a result, the progressive development of all sectors of the national economy.

The state of the Australian labor market in 2017

An updated list of skilled occupations published every six months helps to get an objective picture of the current state of the Australian labor market. The latest one was released by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIPB) on July 1, 2017. According to the head of the department, Peter Dutton, such updates will demonstrate the real needs of the domestic labor market at the moment. Occupation lists are based on extensive consultation with industry, business and education.

In general, the creation of such lists is part of the reforms launched in April 2017 by the Department of Immigration, the purpose of which is to create conditions for achieving the best results for both employers and migrant workers. As part of the ongoing reforms, the requirements for applicants have slightly increased: it is necessary to confirm professional qualifications at a higher level, show more confident knowledge of the English language, and meet a lower age limit.

In the list of the most demanded professions in Australia - doctors, engineers, programmers, electricians, welders

In the list of the most demanded professions in 2017 in Australia:

  • doctors;
  • specialists in the field of IT-technologies;
  • engineers;
  • welders;
  • electricians;
  • representatives of the social sphere;
  • service workers.
  • Increases the likelihood of finding a job in Australia knowledge of English at least 6.0 on IELTS.

    How to look for a job

    You can find a suitable job in Australia using, first of all, the government portal JobSearch. It publishes up-to-date information about vacancies existing on the labor market, requirements for applicants, working conditions and remuneration, etc. In addition, on the site you can find out where to take retraining or language courses. There is also an opportunity to leave a resume for employers.

    A lot of useful information regarding employment is available on the website of the state employment service of the country. Among the most popular online resources specializing in job search:

  • Australian print publications that publish job offers:

  • Australian;
  • West Australian;
  • Courier Mail.
  • You can apply directly to the employer by sending a resume to the Australian company offering the job. Of course, one of the most favorable situations is the presence of relatives or acquaintances in Australia who moved here earlier, settled down and can recommend something real for the first time or for the long term. Communication on specialized forums with experienced migrants, as well as visiting the blogs of compatriots living in Australia, can provide some assistance in finding a job.

    It is much easier to find a job in Australia for those foreigners who have relatives in the country

    Average and minimum wages in Australia in 2017

    The minimum wage is reviewed at the state level on July 1 of each year and in 2017 is 18.29 Australian dollars per hour (1AUD=0.78USD). In 2016, this figure was 17.7 AUD, i.e. an increase of 3.3%. The minimum rate is slightly lower for young professionals, interns and working students.

    It should be said that in countries such as the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany and France, the level of the minimum wage is lower than in Australia. Of the 12.2 million working Australians, 1.8 million people receive the minimum wage.

    Table: Minimum salary for young professionals in Australia

    Table: Minimum Salary for Working Students in Australia

    Average salaries

    The average wage in Australia in 2017 is set at AUD 1164.6 per week (“dirty”, i.e. before taxes). This means that on average an Australian earns about 5 thousand AUD per month, and about 60 thousand AUD per year. Wages are affected by:

  • age;
  • qualification;
  • region of residence;
  • experience;
  • Kind of activity;
  • the number of working hours stipulated by the contract.
  • If we analyze the lists of vacancies offered by employers today (for Russians and citizens of other CIS countries), then the declared salary is:

  • handymen - 3200-3500 AUD per month;
  • housekeepers - 4000 AUD per month;
  • workers in food production enterprises - 3500-4000 AUD per month;
  • agricultural workers - 4000 AUD per month;
  • doctors - up to 150 thousand AUD per year;
  • teachers - up to 60 thousand AUD per year;
  • specialists in the field of IT technologies - up to 100 thousand AUD per year.
  • Women without special education can count on the place of a governess, nurse or nanny. Foreigners without knowledge of the language are employed, at best, as laborers at a construction site or assistants in a farm. There is an opportunity to try your hand at seasonal jobs in Australia: these are usually vegetable picking, other agricultural work, household help, construction, etc. Knowledge of the language and a diploma of education are usually not required.

    Russian women quite often get a job as a nanny in Australia

    Features of taxation and social protection

    The principles of tax collection in Australia are extremely transparent, thanks to which the system works efficiently and does not raise any complaints. Taxation rules for residents of the country and other employees are different. You can independently calculate the amount of income tax using a special online calculator.

    You can try (just try! - no illusions) to apply for a visa with a temporary work permit. And if all of a sudden ... Italians and Germans brought me a couple of times. So they get such visas, and long ones, and even on the Internet. They buy a car on the spot and move around the country, from time to time picking tomatoes and other bananas, which is how they earn their living. And income tax is returned to them upon departure. That's just the planter will not take on work without permission for her most. They can severely beat not only the violator-foreigner, but also him.

    Yuri Tyaglo

    Table: payroll tax for residents in 2017

    Table: payroll tax for non-residents

    Social guarantees

    For the social support of the population, including immigrants, in Australia, the department is responsible, called - the same as the social security in Russia, only works. On the department's website, you can learn about all currently existing types of benefits, as well as deal with the nuances of obtaining them.

    Access to benefits is opened for immigrants after a certain time lived in Australia. Refugees are an exception: there is no waiting period for them. To receive disability benefits or pension payments, you must live in the country for a total of at least 10 years. Among the most popular types of social assistance:

  • family tax credit, which is an assistance to families with dependent children. Not only parents can apply for such an allowance, but also guardians who devote 35% of their time or more to raising a child;
  • Newborn Benefit is an addition to the Family Tax Benefit that is paid out over 13 weeks. The amount of the allowance is AUD 2,000 if the child is the first, and AUD 1,000 if the child is the second, third, etc.;
  • paid maternity leave. The mother is entitled to such leave for 18 weeks. The condition for granting this benefit is the presence of at least 13 months of work experience. The allowance is a maximum of AUD 1,300 and is not paid at the same time as the newborn allowance - you must choose one;
  • a targeted child care allowance for parents or guardians of children over one year of age. If the child goes to kindergarten, then 208 AUD is transferred to the kindergarten account weekly. If a nanny or even a grandmother takes care of the upbringing, an amount of 35 AUD per week is paid. The school age child allowance is 85% of the preschool allowance, i.e. AUD 177 and AUD 28 per week respectively;
  • Australian pension, which consists of the state and funded part of it. Even those who have never worked anywhere receive a pension. Russians, like other foreigners, can apply for pension payments after 10 years of living in the country;
  • unemployment benefits, which are received in Australia not only by the unemployed, but also by other people who find themselves in a difficult financial situation. Candidates over 22 years old who continue to actively look for work can apply for it.

  • You can receive an Australian pension after 10 years of residence in the country

    In addition, there are many other types of social assistance in the country, such as:

  • student allowance;
  • disability benefit;
  • payments for the care of the disabled;
  • assistance to those in crisis.
  • Immigrants with work permits are eligible to take out health insurance.

    Mode of operation and other nuances

    The official working day in Australia is 7.5 hours, in practice it is slightly longer - 8–8.5 hours. Most offices open at 9 am, break at 12-13, there are five working days in a week. Of course, the contract may provide for various nuances regarding the work schedule, conditions and remuneration, social guarantees.

    To start working here, you “need” anyone to have work experience in Australia, no matter what, but the future employer must see that you not only, say, studied, but also worked, that is, did not sit idly by. When writing a resume, answer the questions asked clearly. If you are applying for a job in Austria do not hope that everyone here will help you, etc. (of course, personal sympathy, etc. is not excluded)
    Look for good guarantors, well, let's say, a neighbor (of course, if the neighbor is a good friend and even with a good reputation as a state worker, then yes)
    As for me, I first got a job at Big W, worked there for more than 2 years, then moved to GC and then I was lucky. I got a job at a dental clinic. And so I was supposed to be given a transfer from one Big W store to another, but they didn’t give me, and they didn’t meet me very kindly, but when they called back, I refused, because I had already got a new job.


    Working conditions in Australia are not much different from generally accepted ones, and all the nuances are discussed at the interview and prescribed in the contract

    Features of official employment

    Coming to Australia as a tourist hoping to find a job here and change status already during your stay in the country is a hopeless occupation, and it would be wiser to familiarize yourself with the official employment procedure in advance, while still at home, on the website of the Department of Immigration and Border Control. Given the fact that laws work in Australia, you should be prepared to follow step by step all the procedural measures provided for by law.

    Work Visa

    Australia's migration rules provide for a large number of types of work visas, and it can be quite difficult to figure out on your own which one is most appropriate for a particular applicant. Therefore, to help the novice labor migrant - the DIPB portal. In the “Visas” section, you must select the “Work” category and fill out a short questionnaire, after which the system will display the types of work visas available to you.

    In April 2017, the country's government announced that one of the most popular work visas - 457 - Temporary Work Skilled, will be canceled from March 2018. Instead, it is planned to introduce a new type of visa - TSS, which will have short-term (up to 2 years) and medium-term (up to 4 years) varieties. The country's authorities argue that such a step will allow Australian businesses to solve the problem of a shortage of highly qualified personnel, and priority in employment will continue to be given to its citizens.

    Legal employment in Australia is impossible without a work visa

    In order for a foreign applicant to be able to declare their desire and readiness to come as a skilled worker, a special service SkilSelect has been created on the DIPB website, which allows you to understand the variety of Australian work visas and publish your resume. With the help of SkillSelect, an employer can quickly and cost-effectively select personnel from among applicants who meet his requirements and who are ready to work in a particular region of the country. In addition, the service allows the employer to contact the selected candidate and discuss sponsorship, working and living conditions with him.

    An Australian work visa must be nominated or sponsored by an employer, either a private trader or a government agency. A visa can be temporary or permanent, short-term, medium-term or long-term.

    Features of the registration procedure

    How are applicants selected and appointed to a position? After the applicant has filled out the form with personal data, the system has offered a list of available visas and an employer has been found that is ready to accept a foreigner, you can start discussing the details through personal correspondence. Assuming that the applicant is applying for a subclass 186 visa, which is for skilled workers and is permanent, then it can be obtained by:

  • transition from a temporary visa;
  • the so-called direct entry;
  • conclusion of an agreement.
  • Candidates who have worked in Australia as a temporary worker for at least two years in the same profession and for the same employer within the three years prior to application can switch from a temporary visa subclass 457 to a permanent visa 186. Of course, the employer must express interest in this specialist and offer him a permanent position.

    The Australian labor market offers vacancies not only for highly qualified specialists, but also for blue-collar workers

    Direct employment - a situation where an employer invites a foreigner who has never previously worked in Australia, or who is not eligible to transition from temporary to permanent status. The conclusion of the agreement involves the signing of a formal contract with the employee.

    Requirements for the applicant

    A foreigner applying for an Australian work visa must meet certain criteria. For example, if a subclass 186 visa is issued, then the requirements are as follows:

  • the applicant's candidacy was approved by the employer at least six months before the entry into force of this visa;
  • the age of the applicant does not exceed 50 years if the visa is issued by transition from a temporary status. If the worker is directly accepted, the age limit is 45;
  • The applicant must meet all the qualification requirements for a candidate for the position. The presence of the necessary qualifications, as well as the level of knowledge of the language must be documented;
  • the foreigner does not have serious health problems, and can confirm his law-abiding.
  • Thus, within 6 months from the date of approval of the candidacy by the employer, the foreigner should make a request for a visa. The application must be accompanied by:

  • certificate of medical examination;
  • confirmation of qualification. Such a document can be provided by one of the Australian appraisal organizations with the appropriate authority:
    • vetassess ;
    • TRA ;
    • engineersaustralia;
    • acs;
    • aim;
    • and others;
  • a language certificate confirming English language proficiency at the level of 6.0 according to IELTS;
  • a certificate from the police about the absence of a criminal record. Such a certificate must be obtained in each of the countries in which the applicant has lived for at least 12 months during the last 10 years after he turned 16 years old.
  • In addition, the profession of the candidate must be from the list provided for immigrants. Such a list can be found on the Legislation website. Work experience in the specialty must be at least 3 years.

    Video: Tips for finding a job in Australia

    Types of work visas

    Australian migration rules provide for an extremely specific systematization of work visas, which resulted in a rather large number of them. A complete list of such visas, requirements for applicants for obtaining each of them are available on the website of the Department of Immigration DIPB. The rules for granting work permits in the country often change, so an applicant for employment in one of the companies on the Green Continent should monitor changes in immigration laws.

    One of the most popular types of visas in 2017 is still type 457, designed for foreigners who have an invitation from an employer. The sponsor-employer can be either an Australian company or a branch of a foreign enterprise in the country. To obtain such a visa, the following conditions must be met:

  • the employer must be eligible for sponsorship;
  • the vacancy is approved by the Department of Immigration and is not created specifically for a specific foreigner who intends to move to Australia;
  • the declared profession must be from the Legislation list;
  • the direct employer of the foreigner is exclusively the sponsoring company;
  • the applicant is obliged to provide documentary evidence of the compliance of his qualifications with the requirements for this position;
  • the minimum level of English proficiency is 5.0 on IELTS, unless there are other (higher) requirements of the employer;
  • there is confirmation that the wages and working conditions of the migrant will meet the minimum requirements of Australian labor law.
  • Visa 457 is issued for a maximum of 4 years, in the future it can be extended an unlimited number of times. The holder of such a visa has the right to include in the application family members who will be given the opportunity to study or work in the country. A 457 visa holder has the right to engage in any type of activity without changing employers and without taking other jobs with another employer in parallel.

    Video: Russians share their personal experience of finding a job in Australia

    How is the legalization of diplomas

    A diploma of higher education obtained in one of the universities in Russia or any other country of the former USSR, with a high degree of probability, will have to be confirmed when applying for a job in Australia. The possibility of further steps of a labor migrant on the way to obtaining a job often depends on the successful completion of the legalization procedure. In Australia, there are a number of specialized organizations that have the competence to assess the degree to which the qualifications of a foreign specialist meet the requirements of Australian law. Many of these organizations are engaged in the assessment of diplomas of representatives of certain professions. For example, for confirmation of diplomas of specialists in computer and information technology, you can contact the ASC (Australian Computer Society). The degree of preparedness of managers can be confirmed by VETASSES and AIM (Australian Institute of Management). Engineering degrees are legalized by Engineers Australia. There are institutions specializing in the confirmation of medical, pedagogical, general technical documents on education.

    You can confirm the diploma of a manager in the organization AIM (Australian Institute of Management)

    When applying to one of these organizations, the applicant, as a rule, must prepare for consideration:

  • a copy of any ID;
  • a copy of the diploma;
  • recommendations;
  • resume indicating work experience in the specialty;
  • if available - certificates of advanced training.
  • In addition, the candidate may be required to have a language certificate, a license to carry out a certain type of activity, and other papers.

    The legalization procedure depends on the chosen institution. In Australia, they are most scrupulous about confirming medical education: separate organizations are involved in evaluating diplomas of various medical specialties. For example, you can confirm a dentist's diploma at the Australian Dental Council, whose website contains the rules and procedures for passing exams. First, a preliminary review of the submitted documentation takes place, after which the applicant takes written and practical exams. Based on the results of the test, a decision is made to grant accreditation to the specialist for medical practice in one of the regions of the country.

    Internship in Australia

    An internship in one of the Australian companies can serve as a good springboard for career growth, especially if you intend to connect your future life with the Green Continent. You can get an internship with the help of one of the many specialized agencies or on your own. The cost of the agency services, which takes care of the intern's employment and placement, is generally in the range of 3-5 thousand USD, depending on the duration of the internship.

    Interns, as a rule, tend to be students of the last courses of universities or young professionals who have recently completed their studies. Most often, such internships are associated with the tourism, hotel and restaurant business and occur within 26-52 weeks. The age of participants in most cases is limited to 18-30 years. Internships are either paid or unpaid.

    An internship in one of the Australian companies can be a good springboard for further career growth

    Business immigration

    The principles on which the program of business immigration to Australia was developed reflect the interest of the country's authorities in attracting successful and experienced foreign entrepreneurs who are able to revive the lagging behind segments of the economy due to the accumulated knowledge base, international relations, and investing their own funds. Doing business in Australia requires one of the following types of business visas:

  • subclass 132 - business talent. This visa has two subcategories:
    • successful business history;
    • venture investments;
  • subclass 188 - innovation and investment. transitional visa, which is divided into 5 subcategories;
  • subclass 888 - innovation and investment. Permanent visa, which is usually divided into two types: innovation and investment.

  • Doing business in Australia is one of the ways to immigrate

    Two higher educations. The main activity is freelance copywriting. I write on various topics that interest me, I try to put my own knowledge and experience into the texts.

    Australia is a country with a high quality of life and a stable developed economy. This is what attracts people who want to earn money. Only 22 million people live on a vast territory, so there is a constant need for workers in agriculture, mining and processing industries, as well as qualified specialists in various fields.

    Work Visa

    In order to get a job, a foreigner will need a work visa. Without it, it is impossible to get a job or even just enter the territory of the state. There are several types of such documents.

    Family members are included in the immigration certificate. Everyone must undergo a medical examination and provide a document on the absence of problems with the law and tax authorities.

    The following types of work permits have been developed for citizens of the CIS countries:

    1. Temporary workshop. The specialist arrives at the invitation of the sponsoring company, has the right to bring his family.
    2. Intermittent work. An invitation from the employer is also required.
    3. Internship programs for young professionals. Usually last from 6 to 12 months. Can be found through specialized agencies. Most often, this is a restaurant, tourist and hospitality business.

    Employers have a number of requirements for applicants:

    • good knowledge of English;
    • age up to 45 years;
    • diploma of higher or incomplete higher education;
    • an entry in the work book about work in the specialty.

    The Department of Immigration website has a list of professions under which you can apply for a job. It is updated every 8 months.

    Visiting specialists confirm their qualifications and knowledge of the English language in special licensed institutions. With official employment, an employee does not have the right to work for another company or for himself.

    No work visa is required for politicians, athletes, journalists, people who want to get a seasonal job.

    It is quite difficult to get a good well-paid job in Australia, since the country's policy is focused on employment, first of all, of its citizens. The employer still has to prove that he could not find a specialist for a specific job in his country. In addition, the applicant for some professions will have to obtain a local license. But the demand for low-skilled labor is very high, you can always find a job here.

    Jobs and pay level

    On the website of the Migration Department, you can find out not only which professions are required by the state, but also the average income level for each of them. The concept of "minimum wage" is not legally established.

    Average salary in Australia (in Australian dollars, AUD)

    Specialists receive higher pay than unskilled workers. But even unskilled workers here receive the highest hourly wage in the world - 15 Australian dollars, in addition, on holidays and weekends, wages are doubled.

    Different states of the country require different specialists. So, in Cunnington, miners are needed, the southern states are waiting for electricians, plumbers, welders, fitters, Queensland wants to see hairdressers, dentists, architects. Wages are highest in the capital, in the provinces the same specialists receive less money, but life there is cheaper.

    Seasonal and temporary work

    Citizens of the European Union, the United States and some other countries are most likely to be hired for seasonal work. It is more difficult for our compatriots to get there. This work is provided by:

    • farms;
    • hotels and hotels;
    • services sector.

    Agriculture is one of Australia's priority sectors. Sheep and cows are bred here, fruits and vegetables are grown. The country has vast areas of wheat fields. And sugarcane also occupies an important place in the economy.

    Invited for part-time work:

    • building sector;
    • manufacturing industry;
    • mining industry.

    Chefs and drivers are also often required. You can work as a driver for up to three months without getting an Australian license, but then you will either need to complete training or pass an exam and get a local document. Knowledge of the language in this area is required.

    Especially it is possible to allocate such work as looking after children. Here you can’t do without knowledge of English, but there are enough vacancies in this area.

    If a foreigner is left without a job, and the visa is still valid, he is given the opportunity to find a new place, and they will even pay unemployment benefits for some time.


    The country has a progressive income tax rate. For non-residents of the country:

    Job Search

    Jobs can be found via the Internet, there are local and international resources, it will not be superfluous to refer to the official website of the Department of Immigration.

    Job sites in Australia:


    It also makes sense to send your resume to potential employers. Job advertisements can be found in local newspapers. Although places for non-residents are rare here.

    Often looking for work, directly contacting construction sites, cafes and restaurants, farms. The recommendation system works very well, if you can get a letter of recommendation from your previous job, getting a new one is much easier.

    Employment agencies also work, however, they are not interested in the employment of a particular person, they are more interested in filling a vacancy and receiving their commission from the employer.

    Types of employment

    The hardest thing is to find a full-time job with a social package. Usually, applicants find it, already being in the country and having worked according to the temporary scheme.

    Where do Australians work?

    Migration services regularly conduct raids to identify illegal workers. The country has an electronic service VEVO, which reflects all received visas and work permits. The caught violator is sent to the Illegal Workers Detention Center, after which he is deported from Australia. And the employer faces a large fine, and subsequently a trial, as this is a direct violation of the law.

    Finding a good job in Australia is not easy or quick, but those who manage to get a job are always satisfied with decent pay, decent working conditions and a high level of quality of life.

    If you want to go to live in Australia or work there on a work visa, then of course it is better for you to have a specialty that is in demand in Australia. Almost everyone works in Australia, recently the policy of this country is aimed at raising the retirement age by 5 years until 2035, by the way now Retirement age in Australia occurs for men at 65 years of age, and for women at 64 years of age. Wages in Australia are quite high and do not differ much between the payment of top-level personnel from the average, sometimes as little as 300-500 A$, and unskilled workers are also well paid. If you pass the visa barrier, then working in Australia is easy. there no one likes to strain and therefore you will not be exploited there too much.

    What you need to know in advance before you are going to go to work or live and work in Australia:

    - the selection of employees is very scrupulous, employers get to the bottom and ask about you everything, sometimes it comes to personal relationships.
    Applicant must not be over 45 years of age.
    - compulsory knowledge of English not lower than Vocational English (i.e. knowledge of English at the level of secondary technical education, secondary vocational education, or, more simply, at a level not reaching advanced higher technical education)
    – the presence of a diploma of graduation from a higher educational institution, it is also possible to provide documents on incomplete (incomplete higher education)
    – then you should go to the website of the Department of Immigration of Australia and see if your specialty is on the list of possible
    – when applying for a temporary work visa higher than subclass 400, i.e. Specialist Entry Visa, Approved Sponsorship Required
    – the applicant must provide data on the length of service at the permanent place of residence of the country of residence, which the applicant is currently.
    This may be a work book or any other legally confirmed documents on work experience of at least 1 year in the specialty in which the applicant would like to work in Australia.

    If the employer himself initiates the search for workers
    – the employer must be registered with the Australian Department of Immigration, i.e. be on the list of allowed organizations for a job offer from abroad
    – registration of a vacancy by an employer in the Department of Immigration of Australia
    – submission of documents to the embassy for a work visa (temporary)

    List of professions for the program 2016 - 2017

    Occupation IDVacancy descriptionMax. number of vacanciesAvailable for today
    1331 Construction Managers5289 31
    1332 Engineering Managers1407 74
    1335​ Production Managers3368 3
    1341 Child Care Center Managers1000 8
    1342 Health and Welfare Services Managers1177 10
    2211 Accountants*2500 826
    2212 Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers1413 440
    2241 Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians1000 30
    2245 Land Economists and Valuers1035 9
    2312 Marine Transport Professionals1000 15
    2321 Architects and Landscape Architects1391 81
    2322 Cartographers and Surveyors1000 18
    2331 Chemical and Materials Engineers1000 171
    2332 Civil Engineering Professionals2174 374
    2333 Electrical Engineers1254 210
    2334 Electronics Engineers1000 363
    2335 Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers1539 875
    2339 Other Engineering Professionals1000 598
    2341 Agricultural and Forestry Scientists1000 36
    2346 Medical Laboratory Scientists1602 26
    2347 Veterinarians1000 22
    2349 Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals1000 64
    2411 Early Childhood (Pre-primary School)1822 44
    2414 Secondary School Teachers8032 144
    2415 Special Education Teachers1126 8
    2512 Medical Imaging Professionals1000 23
    2514 Optometrists and Orthoptists1000 1
    2519 Orthotist or Prosthetist1000 2
    2521 Chiropractors and Osteopaths1000 9
    2524 Occupational Therapists1000 38
    2525 Physiotherapists1345 32
    2526 podiatrists1000 7
    2527 Speech Professionals and Audiologists1000 13
    2531 General Practitioners and Resident Medical Officers3495 89
    2532 Anaesthetists1000 74
    2533 Internal Medicine Specialists1000 10
    2534 Psychiatrists1000 2
    2535 Surgeons1000 64
    2539 Other Medical Practitioners1315 125
    2541 midwives1017 10
    2544 Registered nurses16346 808
    2611 ICT Business and Systems Analysts1482 480
    2613 Software and Application Programmers5662 1823
    2631 Computer Network Professionals1426 732
    2633 Telecommunications Engineering Professionals1000 230
    2711 barristers1000 0
    2713 Solicitors5154 47
    2723 Psychologists1532 22
    2725 Social workers1783 46
    3122 Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians1000 39
    3123 Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians1000 30
    3132 Telecommunications Technical Specialists1000 7
    3211 Automotive Electricians1000 3
    3212 motor mechanics5597 50
    3222 Sheetmetal Trade Workers1000 0
    3223 Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers4466 14
    3232 Metal Fitters and Machinists6677 31
    3233 Precision Metal Trade Workers1000 0
    ​3241 ​Panelbeaters​1000 2
    3311 Bricklayers and Stonemasons1751 10
    3312 Carpenters and Joiners7718 46
    3322 Painting Trade Workers2871 84
    3331 Glaziers1000 0
    3332 Plasterers2149 7
    3334 Wall and Floor Tilers1475 3
    3341 Plumbers5169 18
    3411 electricians9345 62
    3421 Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics1701 74
    3422 Electrical Distribution Trade Workers1000 2
    3423 Electronics Trade Workers1993 10
    3513 Chefs2854 31
    3941 Cabinetmakers1568 2
    3991 ​Boat Builders and Shipwrights​1000 1

    Name of professions in Russian

    Construction Managers
    Engineering Managers
    Production managers
    childcare center managers
    Health and Welfare Services Managers
    Accountant *
    Auditors, company secretaries and corporate treasurers
    Actuaries, mathematicians and statistics
    Economists and land appraisers
    maritime transport specialists
    Architects and landscape architects
    Cartographers and surveyors
    Chemical and Materials Engineer
    civil engineering specialists
    electrical engineers
    Electronics engineer
    Industrial, mechanical and production engineers
    Other engineering professionals
    Scientists of agriculture and forestry
    Medical laboratory scientists
    Other professionals in the natural and physical sciences
    Early childhood (preschool) teachers
    high school teachers
    Special education teachers
    Medical Imaging Professionals
    Optometrists and orthopedists
    Orthodist or Prosthetist
    Chiropractors and osteopaths
    Occupational Therapists
    Speech professionals and audiologists
    General Practitioner and Resident
    Internal Medicine Specialists
    Other healthcare professionals
    Analysts in the field of information technology and system systems
    Programmers and Applications
    Computer network professionals
    Telecom Professionals
    Social workers
    Civil Engineers and Civil Engineering Technicians
    Electrical and Engineering Engineers
    Telecommunications Technicians
    Automotive electricians
    motor mechanics
    Sheet metal trading
    Construction industry workers and welders
    Metalworking machines and machinists
    Precision metallurgical workers
    Bricklayers and masons
    Carpenters and joiners
    Painting works
    Wall and floor tiling specialist
    Air conditioning and refrigeration mechanics
    Electrical distribution workers
    Electronics workers
    Boat builders and ships

    The main thing to understand when applying for a job in Australia is that many employers, as well as in many other countries of the world, want to save on wages, so it is beneficial for them to hire foreigners who they pay an order of magnitude lower. For example, in Australia, employers pay foreigners about 40-50% less than the amount that they were able to pay residents of Australia: here is an example, if he paid an Australian 3000 A$, then a non-resident 1500 A$.

    You need to understand one more thing, if you could not get a job in your specialty, did not pass a rigorous selection. There is always another option if you really want to work in Australia, but for lower salaries. This is a seasonal type of income that does not require spoken English, skills in the specialty. Therefore, you should not despair and continue to search in this direction.
    During seasonal work, the employer owes you uncomfortable housing and free food - this is, so to speak, a plus for unskilled seasonal work, for example, picking fruit.

    The nuances of obtaining a qualified job in Australia

    – possible costs when obtaining a license for any type of work
    - references and characteristics from previous employers are required
    - as a rule, you need to have a very good knowledge of the English language
    - an invitation is required
    – a work permit for a qualified specialist is issued for a period of up to 4 years with the possibility of extension
    – the applicant can bring his family members with him, respectively, they can attend kindergartens here, study and even work.
    - you cannot change your place of work without the permission of the employer who hired you and sent you an invitation.
    - it is forbidden to work in several places on a work visa for qualified specialists.
    - you can not open your own business
    - it is forbidden to work in a specialty that you have not confirmed at the Australian Embassy in your country.

    So what kind of specialists are still in demand in Australia. Top 5 jobs in Australia

    1. Nurse (Registered Nurses) is the most sought-after profession in Australia today

    2. Electrician (Electricians) - not only is this vacancy not closed annually for the recruitment of specialists, these works are not performed well in Australia.

    3. Tutor, Secondary School Teachers

    4. Fitters and machinists (Metal Fitters and Machinists)

    5. Joiners and carpenters (Carpenters and Joiners)

    For some of these most sought-after professions in Australia, qualifications are usually not needed, and for some even English can be spoken at the lowest level.
    You can add another 6th vacancy, because it is very popular among job seekers in Australia.

    6. Plumber - and getting this profession in Australia is very likely, especially since Australians themselves almost never work in this specialty, the age limit for this profession is high, by and large you can work as a plumber in Australia until retirement.

    What else can Australia offer to a migrant:
    - these are, of course, vacancies: cleaners, farm workers, dishwashers, staff in cafes and restaurants, construction workers, the vacancy of a nanny and a cleaning lady at home is in great demand.
    Salaries for unskilled vacancies vary: 1 800 - 2 800 A$
    Salaries for qualified vacancies vary: 4800 - 6 500 A $ (Sometimes it reaches 10 000)

    So, in order to get a job in Australia for permanent residence, it is a little different, you will look for it through agencies or in the newspaper, already directly being a resident of this country and your opportunity to get a job increases significantly.
    But to get a temporary job, you need to apply for a work visa.

    How to apply for a work visa, you need to contact either the company that deals with issuing visas, or do it yourself by contacting the Australian Embassy
    A work visa is issued for a period of 3 months to 4 years with a limited number of renewals.

    Documents for obtaining a work visa to Australia:

    1. Valid passport (validity of the passport: at least until the expiration of the visa)
    2. General passport
    3. Photo (color, on a white background, 35x45 mm, 2 pcs., taken no later than 6 months ago.
    4. A completed application form in English or a questionnaire from the visa issuing company.
    5. Family documents (certificates of marriage / divorce, birth of children, etc.)
    6. Work book confirming at least one year of experience at one place of work.
    7. Help from work
    8. An extract from a bank account with the movement of funds for the last 6 months or a certificate from the bank on the state of the account.
    9. Property documents
    10. Copies of documents for real estate, land, car, etc.
    11. Sponsorship letter (Original - if the employer invites you and pays all your expenses)
    12. Job offer
    13. Medical insurance policy.
    14. Documents confirming the payment of the Consular fee
    15. Recommendations from previous employers, translated into English and certified by a notary (Increases the chances of obtaining a visa)

    Copies of documents for all of the above.

    Not every person can get a job in Australia, as high requirements are put forward for candidates. Unskilled work in Australia does not involve such difficulties. People who are willing to work for low wages are always welcome in the country. Today we would like to take a closer look at all aspects related to employment, vacancies and wages in this country.

    What attracts this country

    Work in Australia is attractive for Russians and Ukrainians primarily due to the fact that this country has a developed stable economy and provides citizens with a number of social guarantees. Favorable climatic conditions and a large selection of vacancies allow each person to find what is best suited for him.

    One of the main advantages of this country is the presence of a program that is focused on professional resources. It allows you to go to the country at minimal cost and work there for 4 years. Not all citizens can take advantage of this program; it applies only to specialists who have more than 6 years of work experience. A driver in Australia or a handyman is unlikely to be able to take part in this program, but programmers, lawyers, economists or doctors are much more likely.

    Gift: 2100 rubles for housing!

    When registering via the link in AirBnB, you will receive 2100 rubles to your account.

    For this money you can rent good apartments for 1 day abroad or in Russia. The bonus only works for new accounts.

    Jobs and salaries in Australia

    Considering the existing vacancies in Australia for 2020, first of all I would like to talk about unskilled workers. To work in your profile, you need to go through many obstacles, including even auxiliary training. Sometimes the government requires immigrants to register and obtain a license, so the vast majority of visitors become unskilled workers. The demand for such people is very high.

    According to official data, in 2020 there will be a mass of vacancies for unskilled workers in sectors such as construction, agriculture, processing industry, and child care. A driver in Australia will definitely be able to find a job, as the transport sector is experiencing a shortage of personnel every year.

    Due to the high requirements for candidates, most people are forced to look for unskilled work in Australia. A cleaning lady in a small firm can earn about $1,800. Young people who get a job as a waiter, cook or pizza delivery boy earn an average of $2,200. You can increase your salary if you try and get a job in the same position in a restaurant. However, such workers must have a good knowledge of English and take refresher courses.

    Salesmen and laborers on construction sites earn up to $2,500. It will be quite easy for young women to find social work. Care for the elderly or sick people is estimated at $1,500. A driver in Australia earns about $ 2,000, but he can work no more than 3 months. After that, you will have to obtain Australian rights, as well as take special courses.

    A lot of jobs can be found in such an industry as animal husbandry. Most Australians are engaged in sheep breeding. People without experience and knowledge, as well as skilled workers, can work on the farm. The salary of people who milk cows, look after or walk animals is up to $ 20 per hour. Specialists can earn several times more.

    Among the professions in demand in 2020 that are well paid, there are programmers, accountants, engineers and secretaries. Salary for this position can be up to $ 5,500.

    If you want to earn good money or work in your specialty, you will have to meet all the requirements that employers put forward. People in this country take a responsible approach to choosing an employee, so you should not count on luck, but even a driver in Australia can start making good money if he has different categories of rights and takes the appropriate courses.

    High paying job

    High wages are noted among people who work in mines or in the mining industry. Depending on qualifications and position, a person can earn from $80,000 to $240,000 per year.

    People who specialize in geotechnics, structural engineering, or engineering can earn around $210,000. However, getting into these positions is not so easy, because. and among the locals there is high competition for such work.

    Occupying the post of director or manager, you can safely count on a salary of $50,000 to $240,000. It depends mainly on how large a company you manage and what it does. Analyzing vacancies in Australia, you can see that the position of a doctor is one of the most prestigious and highly paid professions. Depending on experience, specialization and place of work, you can earn from $130,000 to $150,000 a year.

    Requirements for workers

    A working visa to Australia is issued only to those people who speak English and are under the age of 45. In addition, a foreigner will have to confirm the fact that he has a higher or incomplete higher education. Knowledge of English is required and the presence of a work book, where there will be a record proving work in the profession for at least 1 year. If you want to work in your specialty, you will have to confirm your qualifications.

    If these conditions are met, you can count on obtaining a work visa. Work in Australia for Ukrainians and Russians can be intermittent, temporary, in a specific specialization or a separate plan. Depending on this, the appropriate type of permit is issued. For official employment and obtaining a visa, it is necessary to obtain an application from the employer, which refers to the employment. Only people who arrived in the country under a special program may not receive a work permit.

    Unfortunately, a modern adult has to work, regardless of where he lives. Regrets in this case are explained by the fact that working in Australia will distract you from the magnificent ocean and local beauties. No matter how attractive the green continent is for emigration, it also has its own problems, including with work. You, immigrants from Russia, with several higher educations and extensive work experience, it may well be that even a manager in Australia will not be able to immediately offer similar conditions. I'm not talking about money, where a gardener gets as much as in Russia the head of a department of a private company. It's about social status.

    Many Russians find it difficult to find work in another country. Precisely because they do not want to work as bartenders or taxi drivers. Of course, you don’t need to waste money on trifles, but you shouldn’t twist your nose too much either. It is necessary to develop a reasonable policy in relation to work and stick to it. Perhaps the best way would be to accept a less paid job, but in your profile, than working as a lifeguard on the beach or cleaning pools. Such work, which does not require large mental or physical costs, relaxes. It is already difficult for a person to get together and pull himself together.

    “I know a lot of Russian people who are unhappy with their life in Australia. In Russia, they worked in large companies or mass media and were quite well known in wide circles. They had social status. They have nothing here. In the standard of living, these people have not lost anything, and maybe even gained, but nevertheless, they experience a rather acute depression about their social status. One time our neighbor was Victor from Orenburg. At home, he had several of his service stations. Here he delivers fruits on a van. He dreams of returning to Russia. No climate, money and other benefits will bring happiness to a person if he is not satisfied with his position, ”says Daria Gavryushenko, who works at an advertising agency in Melbourne.

    What does work mean to Australians?

    Everyone knows that Australians are lazy Americans. For those, work is the meaning of life, its main value. For the inhabitants of the green continent, this is somewhat easier. For them, work is a means of achieving consumer goods. Such as house, apartment, car, yacht, vacation, furniture, household appliances.

    Australians are very fond of living in a big way, which is why they appreciate a good job. Here they do not even value the amount of salary as much as all sorts of social benefits, such as private medical insurance, pensions, and various benefits. The local society is so socialized that Australians rarely withdraw money from the card. The state and the employer make sure that each person has the basis of the same rights and opportunities, so both gardeners and waiters live decently enough here.

    Australians value their business very much. It is often very difficult for newcomers to immediately plunge into the legal and economic cycle of the country, therefore, initially, almost all migrants get a regular job.

    Work for migrants

    It is considered very successful if the migrant immediately finds a highly specialized job. Still, we are all individuals and everyone has some kind of predisposition, and many also have the appropriate education. Well in Australia, the work of an electrician, gasman, plumber, crane operator is appreciated. This is for people without higher education. Specialists with a diploma, especially if they can confirm it, can get a job as an engineer or in leadership positions. They are reluctant to lead immigrants from non-English speaking countries. Still, no one has yet canceled the problems with the language. People begin to speak tolerably in Australia only after a couple of years, when they already know all the jargon and turns, understand the irony.

    If you come to Australia without a higher education or are engaged in a non-core activity, then you definitely need to do your own training. Judge for yourself, an ordinary accountant gets twenty dollars an hour, and an accountant with a specialized higher education earns fifty. They may do the same job, have the same experience, but one will always get more than the other. In Australia, higher education is not a tribute to fashion, but, first of all, an investment in yourself, in your future.

    As in Russia, in Australia you can work for the state or in a private company. In a private company, wages are higher, but the social package is worse. In private firms, a contract is concluded with an employee for a certain period, which, upon completion, without explanation, may not be extended, and then the person risks being in the labor market. If an employee has a popular job, for example, the same electrician, oilman or builder, then he can easily find a new job, but what if the job is very rare and narrow? For example, a decoder of speedometer tapes for electric rolling stock? Australia has electrified railways, and therefore such specialists are also needed. In total there are about one hundred and fifty people in the country, and some of them are our former compatriots. Having found himself without difficulty, a person with such a narrow specialty will look for a job for a very long time. Most likely, he will have to change the type of activity, which means that he will lose significantly in income. Working for the state is preferable in the sense that there is a better social package and there is no contract. There are even some industries in which, upon dismissal, the employer is obliged to find a new job for his former employee, and if he does not agree, then pay an allowance for some time, somewhat lower than the person’s former salary.

    Recently, many Australians leave to work in the UK. There they are preferred to Arabs and Hindus. Accordingly, on the green continent, jobs are freed up that migrants can take.

    In Australia, as in any Western country, reviews are of great importance. Sometimes they say more about a person than a resume. Do not be lazy to include reviews of your former employers in your resume. Australians may not even be too lazy and call Russia to ask a few questions.

    “I worked in Omsk at the Siberian Electrical Company. We were engaged in the diagnostics of electric motors at oil pumping stations. The work is very serious and responsible. A few years later, after being fired, I moved to Australia and sent my resume to the local oil company. Like, I want to be with you, a specialist in diagnostics. They did not look at my resume and called Omsk with questions. And in Siberia, English is bad for everyone, especially for my former colleagues. The company is small, the employees are all over forty, no one understands English. Somehow they agreed that the Australians would send all the questions by e-mail, then translate them into Russian through a translator, write an answer and translate them back into English in exactly the same way. My new employers then laughed for a very long time. The computer translator translated ugly, and even according to the local jargon, there were several words of profanity in the text, ”says Vladislav Kuznetsov, an employee of Woodside Petroleum.

    You cannot legally work in Australia without a permit. Without it, only freelancers and poker players can live here. By the way, there are a lot of Russian poker players in Australia. These guys travel all over the world without interruption from their main activities and live in various interesting places, since their incomes allow. There are a lot of Russian poker players on the Gold Coast, this is the most prestigious area of ​​Australia.

    Freelancers, on the other hand, mainly contact their customers via the Internet and “on parole”. Nobody forbids you, for example, a freelancer from Russia, to enter into contracts in Australia. Only these contracts will be with you not as an Australian citizen, but as a Russian citizen, respectively, in case of problems, the authorities and the legislation of the green continent will not help you in any way.

    Enough about freelancing, let's get back to more traditional ways of earning money. After the employer agrees to hire you and you get permission for this very job, the next step is to apply for a permanent visa. It's not quite easy.

    In order for an Australian employer to issue an invitation to work for you, and, accordingly, petition the government for a permanent visa, he must prove that there is no specialist comparable to you on the entire green continent. The costs of this case range from twenty to seventy thousand dollars, that is, they can reach half a year's earnings of this specialist. Although it is expensive and, at first glance, unprofitable. Australian companies are taking this step. Some simply prescribe such a clause in the contract: the employee does not have the right to quit until he has paid in full for the costs associated with obtaining a visa. This does not mean that a person falls into eternal bondage. You can negotiate with the employer so that he deducts a certain amount from wages every month.

    Now look at the offers that various companies publish on the Internet. They offer to apply for a work visa in Australia for employees who will pick fruit in Australia or work as a waiter in a restaurant. Judge for yourself, is it real? Would a restaurant want to spend twenty thousand dollars on a waiter? It is easier for a farmer to hire Chinese who will work illegally and, therefore, will receive little money.

    When looking for a job in Australia, whether you are in Russia or already on the green continent, it is best to trust not these dubious firms from the Internet, but immigration law firms. All migrants who have more or less lived in Australia know how to find them. You can easily find them on forums about Australia or if you look for them yourself in search engines. We do not list a single office in the article for the simple reason that we do not engage in advertising, but only educate future migrants.

    unskilled work

    Remember the rhyme from childhood: "All professions are needed, all professions are important." Not all migrants find qualified jobs upon arrival in Australia. Firstly, in Russia and on the green continent there are somewhat different specifics. For example, in the homeland, all work with electricity is regulated by the PUE. In Australia, there is no such document, but there are many different instructions and rules. Our electrician, domestic, will not be able to readjust to the Australian way in a week. Requires retraining, retraining is small. You can’t just do skilled work in Australia, you need to have a license. A license in their case is a work permit. If you have a license, then you are definitely an expert in this industry. To obtain this document, you must apply to the guild, and then pass the qualifying exams. For a license, of course, they will ask for money. It's just that no one will bother with you. Each guild has its own license fees. You can, of course, do nothing and try to negotiate. Often, bribery does not lead to anything good. We are all people and we all love money, besides, there are no people who would not take bribes, there are those who do not know how to give them. Please note that offering money to an official is very dangerous. Firstly, he may be afraid that you are checking him and, as a respectable citizen, apply to the relevant authorities with a complaint. Secondly, in the future, when the fact of giving a bribe comes up somewhere, law enforcement agencies may start working with you. When moving to a foreign country, one must begin not with violating its laws, but with observing them.

    Before counting on a well-paid position, it is necessary not only to improve professional skills, but also to know the language at the proper level. A highly qualified specialist with a mediocre level of knowledge of English, which will have to work, will not cost a penny. Thirdly, you will never be trusted with a truly responsible position if you do not have recommendations from Australian employers.

    Summing up the above, it must be understood that at first you will have to work in a less paid position in order to make a career breakthrough in the future.

    In Australia, there is currently a fairly large demand for unskilled workers. The country needs agricultural workers, workers in factories, construction sites, bus and garbage truck drivers, cleaners, hookah workers and bartenders, nannies and nurses.

    It is best to find job advertisements in newspapers or on your own. To do this, it is enough to come to the company or enterprise you are interested in.

    Many migrants work in unskilled jobs and at the same time look for a warmer place. Although this is an effective way, it is rather inefficient. It is much better to arrange a “job search vacation”. For example, work for six months, then take two weeks of paid leave if you are officially employed, or simply pause for this time if your relationship with the employer is not regulated in any way. During this period, you must actively go around all the enterprises you are interested in, send out resumes and ask for interviews. If nothing decent turns up in two weeks of activity, then you need to return to your previous job. It often happens that these two weeks of activity will give a result only a month later, when the vacancy you are interested in is vacant or employers finally carefully consider the resume.

    In order to understand in what numbers the work of an unskilled worker is estimated, let's give examples of the earnings of people of certain professions: a cleaner on the green continent receives about twelve dollars per hour, plus / minus a dollar, a driver about thirteen, a waiter about fourteen, a salesman as much as fifteen bucks. Of course, such amounts are not what people dreamed about when moving to Australia, but it is quite possible to live on them.

    “There is nothing shameful in unskilled labor. I even thank him. You will probably judge me, but my Australian happiness turned out as follows: for a whole year I worked as a waitress in a restaurant, where I met my future husband. Now my last name is Jones, I sit at home with my little son, I don’t need anything and sometimes I miss snowy Moscow, ”Anna Jones, a woman who successfully married an Australian, shares her success story.

    Jobs in Australia by specialty

    To work in your specialty, you must first find out what specialists are required in Australia. To do this, go to the government website and look. You can easily find it on the Internet. The easiest way to get a qualified job is for IT specialists and engineers. The requirements for them are similar in all countries, so there is no need to retrain much, which cannot be said about marketers, managers, and even more so lawyers. Probably, there is not a single Russian lawyer who, without a large-scale retraining, could find a job in his specialty. Having a diploma, you can earn from twenty to one hundred dollars per hour. Just imagine, a hundred an hour, that's 800 bucks for a working day. The amount for Russia and Russians is simply astronomical.

    It is best to look for such work through the national employment service, whose offices are in every more or less significant city in Australia. Employers submit their requirements for applicants to this service, and potential employees simply choose the one that suits them best from the options offered. The employment service has departments that specialize only in seasonal work, only in unskilled work and in vacancies in the service sector. The National Employment Service is a government agency, which means that no one there receives interest from transactions. We found an employee - good, we didn’t find it - it’s okay, no one will scold anyway. Some employers treat this service rather coolly, believing that it wastes budget money and does not work well enough.

    Sometimes a good job offer can be found in major newspapers. Such as Courier-Mail, West Australian, Sydney Morning Herald or Adelaide Advertiser. If you read an advertisement for a vacancy in the newspaper, then do not hope too much and do not flatter yourself. No one will give a really hot and good ad in the newspaper. The company, first of all, tries to close any vacancy from its own resources: to raise someone up the career ladder or invite a specialist who has been watched for a long time. If nothing comes of it, it is not possible to find an employee on their own and the employment agencies do not give a result, then they turn to the help of newspapers.


    By and large, Australia is one big job market. Everyone will find their place on it, but not everyone will like this place. You can safely move to the green continent, because you will not be left without a piece of bread and a dollar in your pocket, unless, of course, you have arms, legs and a head. The head, moreover, is the main thing from the list.