How can I remove information from the ZIC database (zonal information center). How can I get rid of a criminal record and what needs to be done to remove information from the ZIC


Continuation of the story of how we spent the last weekend, spending the night in a tent in one of the most remote and wild corners of the mountainous Ingushetia, walking along the "mined" paths on the border of Ingushetia, Georgia and Chechnya) In the photo report, in addition to Tsori and Guloikhi, Tsorinsky gorges, there are tower villages of Bisht, Pyaling, Niy, Tsizdy, Myashkhi, Oaseg, Argaug, Vitsy, Gul and the hard-to-reach Lyazhg, to which we had to go down the river from Tsori for four hours.

1. First, I will introduce our team, there were four of us:

2. Magomed Akhriev, hunter and experienced guide.

3. Journalist Ibrahim Tsoroev ibeqa_baraqat

4. Photographer and founder of the popular Ingush VK group Akhmed Osmiyev osmiev . Don't miss Ahmed's photo report from our trip.

5. Dawn we met in LOK Armkhi, 75 km to the end point. In order to get to it on time, it was necessary to overcome two mountain passes, the rise was scheduled for 5:30, and two minutes to six left the room.

6. Soon our guide Magomed arrived, and a long journey to Tsori began.

7. After 40 minutes we stopped at the Tsey-Lam pass.

8. Bisht and Tumgoi gorge.

9. It turns out that there is a small shop near the village of Pui, where they stocked up on food.

11. Upper Pyaling.

14. In the depths of the gorges I saw Myashkhi for the first time. Now I want to go there and drag Akhmed Osmiyev there))

15. Ibrahim wrote the video, and Ahmed took pictures and gave valuable advice)

16. The day before, a thunderstorm passed in the mountains, and snow fell on the peaks.

17. Three hours later we reached Tsori.

19. Ahmed did not forget to take the flag)

21. Near Tsori, the tower villages of Oaseg.

22. Vitsy, by the way, it is the highest mountain in Ingushetia, at an altitude of almost 2000 meters.

23. Argaug.

24. We saw a chamois near him :)

25. Wasting no time, we climbed higher than Tsori, to the pass.

27. Down the pass - the road to Gul and the border with Chechnya.

28. The easternmost village of Ingushetia, Gul.

29. Here, in the glaciers, the Guloikhi Gorge begins, through which the Guloikhi River flows. Many saw her below, Vovnushki and Tkhaba-Yerdy are standing on it.

30. We set up camp at the Tsori towers. There were already stones lying there as a makeshift table.

31. At sunset we went to explore Tsori.

32. In total, there were 23 towers, including 3 combat, 20 residential, 12 crypt burial grounds and 1 mausoleum.

33. To do beautiful photo, I had to climb the neighboring hill as quickly as possible.

34. Argaug towers stand here, one combat and two residential. The Arshkhoevs and Geroevs are from this village.

36. And back and forth I had to climb through the bushes of nettles as tall as a man.

37. The descent was steep, at 60 degrees, at the end - a jump across the river to a nearby hill)

38. At night, it was originally an option to spend the night right in the towers, in the open, but in the end they decided to pitch tents. I slept in my own single room, Ibrahim and Ahmed in a double room. Tsori is located at an altitude of 1800 meters, at night the temperature dropped to five degrees, rescued by a sleeping bag. I slept, frankly, anxiously) because around, as the border guards say, there are more bears than people)

39. Woke up at 6 in the morning to take a photo of the dawn :) Luna and Argaug.

40. Morning Tsori. The front wall of the combat tower is lit only until 8-9 in the morning.

44. View of the pass. Excavators will soon come to this place, lay roads, fences, power lines, cable cars and restaurants.

45. At 11 in the morning we decided to go down the Tsorinsky gorge, which after 8 km merges with Guloikhi. There, near the place of their confluence, there is the village of Lyazhg, one of the most inaccessible in Ingushetia. It is difficult to get there, not only physically, because. you have to go along the wild riverbed, fording it many times, but also organizationally - for this you need permission from the border guards. Luckily we had it :)

46. ​​Honestly, I'm very tired, because there was a bright sun and almost the whole road was just stones, you had to be careful not to stumble.

47. Only border guards now walk in these places, they also made bridges.

51. At 500 meters from the Guloikhi gorge, in the forest, we saw a cemetery. This is a closed burial ground.

52. Who is buried here is unknown.

53. Beyond the ridge - Georgia.

55. And finally, the Guloikhi River.

56. The final point is the tower village of Lyazhg. It used to have 5 towers, now it has been badly damaged.

58. After resting for half an hour, we went back. Three hours later, Tsori appeared again)

59. And his solar burial grounds. One after the flood of 2002 crumbled into the river and, as some say, now the remains of it are found in the vicinity of Tsori. I saw two human skulls three meters away next to the road to Tsori, they were just lying on the rocks. Few people seem to care that they may be the descendants of the tower builders and deserve to be buried next to their ancestors, instead of being paraded to everyone on the road. They prefer to taboo the question instead of identifying the remains and burying them in accordance with all the rules. It's unfortunate, but I hope things change.

60. At the end of the day we had a small photo session) some of which you saw in the first photos)

61. And after sunset they returned home to LOK)

As a result, the trip was very successful) Ibrahim and Ahmed, however, got a little burned, but on the contrary, I walked all day with wet feet and caught a cold) to walk 25 km in a day is not a joke, my knees still hurt) But I don’t regret it and I’m ready repeat it again) Tsori deserve it)

In conclusion, many thanks to the Tourism Committee of the Republic of Ingushetia, the border control and personally Zakirov S.F., as well as our guide Magomed Akhriev for the opportunity to visit here :)

The search is carried out on the following fields:

Date of Birth
Place of Birth
passport Series
passport ID

A monthly updated and expanded integrated operational system for recording, processing and structuring negative information.

The total number of registered individuals in the current version of the system is 63,591,272 (Russian Federation).

The total number of registered legal entities in the current version of the system is 562,533 (Russian Federation).

The total number of vehicles registered in the current version of the system is 8,270,496 (Russian Federation).

The total number of invalid documents passing through the records of the current version of the system is 13,153,503 (Russian Federation).

The total number of registered special products in the current version of the system is 16,529,173 (Russian Federation).

New opportunities for the operational system of accounting and information processing

· Criminal cases and convictions (Russia);

· Criminal cases and convictions (Kazakhstan);

· Criminal cases and convictions (Ukraine);

· Criminal cases and convictions (Crimea);

· Criminal cases and convictions (Sevastopol);

· Database "Bank Negativity";

· Database "Federal search - 2017";

· Database "Guard Account";

· Database "Bankruptcy of Individuals";

· Database for 2017;

· Database for 2017;

· Database for 2017;

· Database "Executive proceedings - Moscow, Bailiff Service" for 2016;

· Database "Executive proceedings - Moscow region, Bailiff Service" for 2016;

· Database "Enforcement Proceedings - Regions, Bailiff Service" for 2016;

· Database "Executive proceedings - Moscow, Bailiff Service" for 2015;

· Database "Executive proceedings - Moscow region, Bailiff Service" for 2015;

· Special account of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow(incidents, criminal cases, verification of materials) indicating the plot, articles of the Criminal Code and the date of the crime;

· Database "Conviction - Moscow". Information on the consideration of criminal cases by the courts of Moscow. Information on the final indictment and sentencing. Information about features of punishment(deferred execution, suspended sentence, etc.). Information on appeal sentence.

· Special account of TsORI GUVD of Moscow(preventive accounting, incidents, criminal cases, checks of materials, detentions) indicating the plot, residents of Moscow, residents of the regions, foreigners;

· Database "Executive proceedings - Moscow, Bailiff Service" for 2014.

· Database "Executive proceedings - Moscow region, Bailiff Service" for 2014.

· Database "Executive proceedings - Russian Federation, Bailiff Service" for 2014.

· Special account of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Administrative District of Moscow(preventive accounting, incidents, criminal cases, checks of materials, detentions) indicating the plot;

· Special account of the Federal Drug Control Service: Search, Drug addicts, Drug dealers, Registration of administrative offenses for narcotic drugs;

· Special account of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow for December 2013(incidents, criminal cases, verification of materials) indicating the plot, articles of the Criminal Code and the date of the crime;

· Database "Conviction - Moscow" for 2013. Information on the consideration of criminal cases by the courts of Moscow. Information on the final indictment and sentencing. Information about features of punishment(deferred execution, suspended sentence, etc.). Information on appeal sentence.

· Database "GIC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia";

· Database "Incidents at the address." Ability to search by address ("Street-house", "Street-house-apartment"), color and date of the incident;

· Database "Criminal connections". Contacts with persons who have a criminal record, who have committed recidivism, who have been brought to criminal responsibility, who were held in a pre-trial detention center or correctional institutions;

· Updated and updated monthly databank "Bank Correspondence» (information on the exchange of negative information on individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation by credit institutions, data on credit fraudsters, information on refusals to provide loans);

· Databank " Accounts of collection agencies»;

· Monthly updated and supplemented data bank " Regional criminal and negative records”;

· Database for seized notebooks for 2011. Information on the owner, seizure data, telephone and address information, full names of individuals. Passing telephone and paging numbers with law enforcement comments. Ability to display a complete notebook. Ability to search by phone number, pager, full name, organization name, address, nickname, accounting category, comments.

· Database "Conviction - Moscow" behind 2007 - 2013.

· Database "Executive proceedings - Moscow, Bailiff Service" November 2012.

· Database "Executive proceedings - Moscow, Bailiff Service" on 2008.

· Database "Executive proceedings - Russia, Bailiff Service" on 2008.

· Data bank on persons, recognized victims in criminal matters, January 2012 with the characteristics of the victims (official and social status, education, etc.) and information about the damage caused;

· Data bank on persons, recognized suspects in criminal matters, as of December 2013 with the characteristics of the suspect (place of work, official and social status, education, etc.);

· passing as a participant in negative and criminal episodes (economic crimes, giving and receiving bribes, etc.);

· Enterprise data bank, passing as a link in negative and criminal episodes;

· Enterprise data bank, recognized victims on criminal cases January 2012;

· recognized plaintiffs

· Data bank on persons and enterprises, admitted defendants in civil proceedings;

· Special account of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow for 2012

· Special account of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow for 2011(incidents, criminal cases, verification of materials) indicating the plot, articles of the Criminal Code and the date of the crime;

· Special account of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow for 2010(incidents, criminal cases, verification of materials) indicating the plot, articles of the Criminal Code and the date of the crime;

· Special account of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow for 2009(incidents, criminal cases, verification of materials) indicating the plot, articles of the Criminal Code and the date of the crime;

· Special account of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow for 2008(incidents, criminal cases, verification of materials) indicating the plot, articles of the Criminal Code and the date of the crime;

· Special account of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow for 2007(incidents, criminal cases, verification of materials) indicating the plot, articles of the Criminal Code and the date of the crime;

· Special account-Archive of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow for 2002 - 2006(incidents, criminal cases, verification of materials) indicating the plot, articles of the Criminal Code and the date of the crime;

· Accounting TsORI GUVD of Moscow for 2007(preventive registration, registration of persons of operational interest, incidents, criminal cases, verification of materials) indicating the characteristics of the person, plot, articles of the Criminal Code and the date of the incident;

· Registration of TsORI GUVD of Moscow (Archive);

· Database Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments in Moscow and the Moscow Region(information on court verdicts Moscow region, serving sentences convicted persons);

· Information on the passage mobile and city telephone numbers individuals and legal entities for negative accounting;

· Database “Scoring – Russian Federation”;

· Information array "Billing". Details telephone conversations, pick up calls from the scene of the incident and the routes of the persons involved;

· Information on 1,622,072 telephone numbers;

· Monthly updated and supplemented data bank on declared invalid identity documents;

· Database "Theft".

Possibility of verification of individuals Russian Federation for the following types of accounts:

· Federal search for individuals in Russia;

· Archive of information on federal wanted list, data on removal from the wanted list (detention, death, discovery of missing persons, etc.);

· criminal record individuals of the Russian Federation;

· Removed conviction;

· Information on referral checks individuals to banking organizations of the Russian Federation for the provision loans;

· Information about refusals to provide individuals loans banking organizations of the Russian Federation;

· Administrative offenses in Moscow;

· Accounting ZITs GUVD Moscow;

· ZIC archive Moscow GUVD (incidents, criminal cases, crimes, convictions for the period 80 - 90s);

· ATC records Moscow (by districts);

· Accounts of the Main Department of Internal Affairs subjects of the Russian Federation (by region);

· Filed against the individual being checked criminal proceedings, including discontinued;

· Carried out in relation to an individual material checks, including the decision to refusal to initiate criminal proceedings;

· Negative.

The Tsori ski resort will be located in the vastness of Ingushetia near the Guloikhi River. Once here, among the snowy hills, it seems that time stops. Tsori strikes with the majestic beauty of her mountain peaks, attracts constancy of peace and balance. It receives tourists from different countries all year round. Here you can enjoy skiing or snowboarding, improve your health, admire the dazzling beauty of winter nature and return home full of energy and impressions from an active holiday. To date, a number of projects are planned to give this resort the status of an international one, for the active development of its infrastructure.

On the positive side, the gentle slopes of Tsori allow the development of almost all types of winter sports and all types of tourism here. Also important is the fact that outdoor activities will also attract people with disabilities. For them, by 2019, it is planned to build a special elevator, a special ski track, where wheelchairs will be able to ride freely.

overview video

Distinctive features

Aul Tsori

The stone towers in the village of Tsori date back, relatively speaking, to the 12th-17th centuries. Today, the towers are abandoned and partially destroyed, but once it was a powerful castle-type complex, erected on the crest of a mountain ledge near Mount Tsori. The complex consists of three impressive military and about 20 residential towers with various outbuildings and burial structures. It was built by the Tsorintsy, one of the Ingush communities that played a leading role in the Assinsky Gorge in the 19th century. During the late Middle Ages, Tsori was a kind of spiritual, economic and political center of the entire region. Initially being the center of the eponymous shahar (union of communities - teips), in the 19th century it became the core around which the teips united into a single Ingush people. Each of the towers has its own character: different shapes of stones, arches over doors and windows, the number and proportions of the latter, and most importantly, decorative elements. Craftsmen and craftsmen, scientists and architects Tsori were famous for their art throughout the region. The external similarity of the many towers of the complex is explained by the similarity of their proportions: probably, the Tsorints found a kind of a single golden standard for the ratio of parts of buildings. Nevertheless, each of the towers has its own character: different forms of stones, arches over doors and windows, the number and proportions of the latter, and most importantly, decorative elements. The tallest of the five-story Tsori towers reached 24 m.

Admiring Tsori up close, you can see preserved ornaments on the walls of many buildings, made in a very simple and at the same time original way: in order to decorate the buildings, some stones were removed from even walls, creating a relief. In addition, the towers are decorated with simple drawings and solar symbols carved on stones - the so-called petroglyphs. A special distinctive detail of the design of the towers is the image of the hands of the master who built them at the entrance. The towers of Tsori were surrounded by an imposing stone wall, the remains of which have survived to this day. In addition, a half-meter-thick wall with gates adjoined the walls of Tsori, which were carefully guarded, representing a kind of checkpoint on the historical Ingush Road. Now only the foundation itself has survived from the wall. On the hill next to Tsori, you can see three more towers - these are the Argaug towers, a military one and two residential ones. From here you have an excellent view of Tsori from above, although climbing is not very convenient: there is no trail. One of the glorious legends associated with Tsori tells of a warrior girl, a brave rider Mogushka. The legend says that the girl commanded a detachment of more than six dozen male warriors and frightened her enemies with her courage. In the middle of the 17th century, after the death of a girl in Tsori, a separate three-tiered mausoleum, Mogushka-Kash, was built for her. This is a seven-meter tomb with a multi-tiered roof, erected on a rock on the southern edge of the village.

Tsori (Russia) - description, history, location. The exact address, phone, website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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The stone towers in the village of Tsori date back, relatively speaking, to the 12th-17th centuries. Today, the towers are abandoned and partially destroyed, but once it was a powerful castle-type complex, erected on the crest of a mountain ledge near Mount Tsori. The complex consists of three impressive military and about 20 residential towers with various outbuildings and burial structures. It was built by the Tsorintsy, one of the Ingush communities that played a leading role in the Assinsky Gorge in the 19th century. During the late Middle Ages, Tsori was a kind of spiritual, economic and political center of the entire region. Being originally the center of the eponymous shahar (union of communities - teips), in the 19th century it became the core around which the teips united into a single Ingush people.

Each of the towers has its own character: different shapes of stones, arches over doors and windows, the number and proportions of the latter, and most importantly, decorative elements.

Craftsmen and craftsmen, scientists and architects Tsori were famous for their art throughout the region. The external similarity of the many towers of the complex is explained by the similarity of their proportions: probably, the Tsorints found a kind of a single golden standard for the ratio of parts of buildings. Nevertheless, each of the towers has its own character: different forms of stones, arches over doors and windows, the number and proportions of the latter, and most importantly, decorative elements.

The highest of the five-story towers of Tsori reached 24 m.

Admiring Tsori up close, you can see preserved ornaments on the walls of many buildings, made in a very simple and at the same time original way: in order to decorate the buildings, some stones were removed from even walls, creating a relief. In addition, the towers are decorated with simple drawings and solar symbols carved on stones - the so-called petroglyphs. A special distinctive detail of the design of the towers is the image of the palms of the master who erected them at the entrance.

The towers of Tsori were surrounded by an imposing stone wall, the remains of which have survived to this day. In addition, a half-meter-thick wall with gates adjoined the walls of Tsori, which were carefully guarded, representing a kind of checkpoint on the historical Ingush Road. Now only the foundation itself has survived from the wall.

On the hill next to Tsori, you can see three more towers - these are the Argaug towers, combat and two residential. From here you have an excellent view of Tsori from above, although climbing is not very convenient: there is no trail.

One of the glorious legends associated with Tsori tells of a warrior girl, a brave rider Mogushka. The legend says that the girl commanded a detachment of more than six dozen male warriors and frightened her enemies with her courage. In the middle of the 17th century, after the death of a girl in Tsori, a separate three-tiered mausoleum, Mogushka-Kash, was built for her. This is a seven-meter tomb with a multi-tiered roof, erected on a rock on the southern edge of the village.

Practical information

Getting to Tsori is easy, but quite long. If you go by car from Dzheirakh and Armkhi, you will have to overcome two passes: Tsey-Lamsky and Tsorey-Lamsky. But the road is worth it: on the last pass there are about fifty tower villages, including Upper Pyaling and Nii.