Tourist potential of the Urals. Developed types of tourism


In the regions of the Ural Federal District, long-term programs for the development of inbound and domestic tourism have been developed. According to the authorities, the new industry fits into the strategy of rebranding the old industrial and raw materials territories and can become a source of budget replenishment.

So, in the potential of the Sverdlovsk region alone there are 1250 historical and cultural monuments that can attract the attention of foreign guests. There is also a home-grown list of "seven wonders", including the Verkhoturye Kremlin, the Nevyansk Leaning Tower, the Deer Streams park and other reserved places. The Chelyabinsk region is replete with lakes, the Trans-Urals are rich in springs mineral water. There are natural conditions for the development of sports and recreation, hunting and fishing, extreme and other types of tourism in Yamal, in the Tyumen region and Yugra. To create a large-scale tourist flow in all six regions, the main thing is lacking - conditions that ensure the comfort and safety of tourists.

Rebranding in the purse

You can’t call the current state of inbound tourism in the Urals anything but deplorable, - Vladimir Baskov, deputy chairman of the Executive Committee of the Interregional Association Big Ural, tells RG. - As practice shows, the majority of tourists from far abroad are ready to spend money on an eight-ten-day tour with the expectation that the cost of living in a hotel room does not exceed $50 per day. And here, as well as in Moscow and St. Petersburg, prices in hotels are much higher. This is partly why in both capitals the annual flow of tourists is about two million people, and due to high prices it tends to decrease. For comparison, in Finland the number of visitors visiting the country on tourist visas is one and a half times higher than the number of residents. This means that similar climatic conditions the Ural regions have something to strive for. It is necessary to invest in the arrangement of historical places, to create an entertainment industry.

According to Ural experts, in order to attract tourists at the initial stage, it is necessary to organize an inter-regional tour, within which people will be able to get acquainted with the sights of several regions at once. The guests should get the impression that the Ural regions are self-sufficient and have good prospects for economic development. Such a route, for example, can be developed by the joint efforts of the Sverdlovsk, Tyumen and Perm regions. There are many options. In today's conditions, a tourist will need no more than three days to get acquainted with the wonders of the Middle Urals, after which the traveler could head north - to the Tyumen region, Yugra or Yamal.

We need a common ambitious program for the formation of a tourist flow of five million people. This will attract real investment in infrastructure, says Baskov. - At the same time, the business involved in the implementation of such a project must have guarantees of return on investment.

For government account

The authorities of the Sverdlovsk region are aware of the need to take comprehensive measures in the field of tourism. In particular, the draft target program for the development of the industry for 2009-2011 presented the day before with a budget of 48 million rubles was sent for revision. According to the regional prime minister Viktor Koksharov, the document in its current form is of a narrow departmental nature.

The program should include clear quantitative indicators and final results, to which the implementation of the document should lead, the prime minister emphasized.

It is planned to organize an interregional tour, within which guests will be able to get acquainted with the sights of several regions at once

Following the Sverdlovsk region, tourism has been declared a priority sector of the economy of the Trans-Urals. In order to develop it, specialists from the Department of Physical Culture under the Government of the Kurgan Region have begun to develop a long-term program for the development of the recreation industry, which they will be able to adopt no earlier than 2010.

Next year we will carry out the studies necessary for the implementation of the program,” says Viktor Shevelev, deputy head of the region. - We have a rich natural resource potential in the region, which gives us confidence that tourism can become a self-sufficient industry.

Trans-Urals has over a hundred natural landscape monuments. There are conditions for the development of hunting tourism. In addition, the region is famous for its water and mud baths. In particular, on the territory of the region there is a unique in its composition salt Lake Bear.

Rest in law

IN Chelyabinsk region the foundations for the development of tourism are laid down in the law on tourist and recreational activities.

The document spells out the basic concepts of tourism activities and measures to support this type of business, - explains Igor Lashmanov, Deputy Head of the Regional Ministry of Economic Development. - We are seriously engaged in the popularization of existing tourist complexes and are preparing to develop new sites for the construction of sports and entertainment centers, hotels and holiday homes. Among the promising objects is the island of Vera, known even outside the Urals, on Lake Turgoyak. The regional government has decided to lift restrictions on the movement of motorized vessels that bring tourists to the island, and to hold sports competitions on the water surface.

Here, on Lake Turgoyak, the construction of a new health complex at the expense of investors from Tatarstan. The project is being implemented within the framework of the current agreement on cooperation between the Chelyabinsk region and this republic. In September, the region will present its tourist brand "Ural" at the Sochi Economic Forum. The authorities expect that regional tourism will acquire European features in the near future. This will be facilitated by the large-scale reconstruction of roads that has begun, the construction of new highways, energy facilities and gasification of the "outback".

The authorities of Ugra are also counting on high profits from investments in the development of inbound tourism. In 2008-2013, about 300 million rubles are allocated from the KhMAO budget to create the infrastructure of the industry.

In five years, inbound tourism will not only be a source of revenue growth for the treasury, but will also create new jobs, - says Governor Alexander Filipenko. - And the influx of guests stimulates the development of northern aviation as the main mode of transport for tourists in Yugra and neighboring Yamal.

It is also important that local entrepreneurs believed in the development of tourism in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, who invest in the construction of cultural and recreational complexes with a high level of service. Recently, VIP tours have been launched in the district. For a tidy sum, rich tourists become participants in extreme routes. Guests are met by helicopters, hosted by the best hotel complexes, national communities. Tourists are surprised by fishing on the northern lakes and rivers, staying in the natural and ethnographic complex of the village of Gorno-Knyazevsk. This summer, the district budget can earn about two million rubles from visiting YNAO by rich tourists. Profits from commercial tours are directed to the creation of the infrastructure of the industry, the district notes.

Adopted about a year ago, the district law on tourism provides for the development of domestic, inbound and social tourism. The document is intended to ensure the development of the recreation industry, as well as regulate relations in this area in the region.

With the adoption of the regulatory act, tourism in Yamal has moved from the social to the economic sphere, - explains Vladimir Zobnin, head of the district tourism agency. - Therefore, in the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the district until 2020, tourism is included in the "Economy" section.

Most likely, tourism development programs will be included in the economic sections of the long-term strategies of all regions of the Ural Federal District. Therefore, the governors are demanding that plans to create a tourism industry be viable. The available documents so far differ from each other only in the amount of funds planned for their implementation.

With all the positive shifts in the development of tourism in the Urals, there are targeted investments, which are clearly not enough. There will be more funds, and the effectiveness of investments will increase if the efforts of the regions are combined, experts say.

A fascinating tourist trip through the Ural Mountains is simply a paradise for a tourist: river rafting, hiking, descents into caves, extreme tourism in the air, on water and in the mountains. We will help you choose a popular tour or create a new direction, we will give helpful tips and show interesting photo trips and video reports.

Tourism in the Urals

Tourist hiking and water tourism, as well as speleological exploration of caves that allow you to dive into the bowels of our planet and reveal the secrets of the underworld with your own eyes.

How pleasant is the physical fatigue of a mortal body during rest - after a whole day of hiking with a backpack through a green forest, hills or mountains, how many thoughts you change your mind while walking in the natural habitat of a person, which is not an artificial man-made city. Wildlife with springs, rivers, forests and mountains - this is a real cozy home for life.

And now you are so tired in the evening after a delicious dinner with a pleasant heaviness in your stomach, you are sitting near the fire, around which heartfelt conversations are being held, exposing the hearts of people and removing masks from their faces. Then you direct your gaze to the night sky, there, under the firmament, a stunning view opens up - thousands of stars in the darkness of the universe draw mysterious constellations, then the realization comes that for the sake of this moment it was worth going on a hike and enduring difficulties all day on the road. Hiking is quite developed in the Ural region, you can go hiking in summer and winter, as there are many mountains and natural monuments that impress with their magnificence and beauty, changing their appearance depending on the season, making the travel route more interesting, unforgettable.

There are also many rivers in the Urals that are suitable for water tourism (for kayaking and rafting), which attract travelers from different countries to get a thrill when overcoming the dangerous rapids of the reservoir, as well as to enjoy the contemplation of the amazing landscape. Most of the rivers are of the first and second category of difficulty. The rivers are available for rafting from mid-May to September. For speleologists in the Urals, there are many caves and grottoes for which people who are passionate about underground travel have compiled speleological routes, some of which have a length of tens or even hundreds of kilometers. Since the Urals are large and beautiful, we decided to describe routes for hiking and water sports tourism, as well as caves for speleologists. This information will be useful for those who like to combine extreme sports and nature tourism.





Department of Socio-Economic Geography

tourism market of the Ural region

5th year student

Part-time department

Gorbunova N.A.

Scientific director

PhD, Associate Professor

Balina T.A.

Perm 2009


1. The current state of the tourist market in the region

2. Network of active tourism routes and protected natural areas

3. The main ways and prospects for the development of the regional tourism market in the Urals




The Ural lands are traditionally not included in the list of special economic tourist and recreational zones. At first glance, this is quite fair: summer lasts a week, birch landscapes of the middle lane ... Here are just the old Ural mountains, rising like a ridge along the border of Europe and Asia, turbulent rivers along which rafters once lowered their barges, cities where the chronicle froze in architecture merchant and gold industry, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Chelyabinsk... Since we have so many things, it means that there is a place for tourism.

This paper gives a brief description of the current state of tourism in the Urals, its main routes. Particular attention was paid to the ecological framework of the region - the system of its specially protected natural areas and nature-oriented tourism routes closely related to them. The problems and main directions of development of the tourist market of the Ural region are considered.

1. The current state of the tourist market in the region

It is believed that the Urals is now experiencing a tourism boom: skiing is actively developing in the world, and the landscape features of the region, as well as a good sanatorium and resort base (this is typical for the Southern Urals), make it possible to receive financial profit from inbound tourism. There is an opinion that it is skiing that can become the "horse" of the Urals as a whole.

As for the historically and culturally significant objects of the Urals, they are mostly on municipal and state funding. There are a number of practical developments in the transfer of such objects for rent. An example is the organization of a walking route around the city of Tobolsk, when significant architectural objects were leased to entrepreneurs who ensured the "event" of the route.

For the Middle Urals, the most relevant topic is the interpenetration of cultures on the border of Europe and Asia. A mountainous region with long industrial traditions, the Stroganovs, Demidovs, the Ural Gold Rush - all these images form the basis of our region's positioning. There is another key episode in history with which the Urals are often associated - the already mentioned execution of the last tsar and his family. Certainly one of the most effective this moment factors of cognitive tourism, but its negative context cannot but affect the image of the territory. But its consequences are gradually smoothed out, the political aspect becomes one of the elements of the richness of the cultural and historical heritage.

However, both representatives of the regional administration and tour operators often note that while the introduction of inbound tourism is a matter of enthusiasts, and the income from it often does not cover losses. The director of the Krasnov travel agency and the president of the Perm Tourist Guild, Mikhail Krasnov, notes that group inbound tourism is quite rare, and the main clients are people living outside the Urals, since most local lovers of such a holiday are members of the relevant tourist clubs and travel without the mediation of travel companies.

But development does not stop - work is also being done with tourist mountain, water and speleological routes, bases and parking lots are being equipped, infrastructure is improving. The main barrier to inbound tourism - both in the Perm Territory and in the Urals as a whole - is the lack of information support. And the cooperation of the territories to promote a single brand of the Greater Urals should help overcome this problem.

Separately, it is necessary to single out the sphere of active tourism, which is very poorly represented on the market and has great development potential.

2. Network of active tourism routes and protected natural areas

Currently, there are a large number of types of tourism, one way or another related to travel in nature. These are “environmental”, “green”, “nature-oriented”, “soft”, “environmentally and socially responsible”, “adventure”, “active”, etc. changed environment and route character.

Within the Urals for more than seventy years, a system of active tourist routes has developed.

In administrative terms, they pass within the Perm Territory, the Sverdlovsk Region, the Chelyabinsk Region and the Republic of Bashkortostan. These regions are united by their position within the Ural mountain country. Three of them, except for the Perm Territory, have long common boundaries. The Perm Territory borders on the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Sverdlovsk Region. The integrity of this territory is based on close industrial, transport, social and other types of ties. The closest tourist ties are found in the northeastern periphery of the Perm Territory and the northwestern Sverdlovsk Region, as well as the northeastern part of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the northwestern part of the Chelyabinsk Region. These territories have good tourist permeability of borders, which can be explained by the lack of transport links between administrative centers and their extreme periphery, as well as formally existing borders between regions. The only possible ways to overcome these insulators are either natural river highways or hiking trails.

The existing system of tourist routes and the system of specially protected natural areas (PAs) coincide spatially. This is especially evident in large protected areas, such as nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, national and natural parks.

There are 8 state reserves in the Urals. Table 1 provides reference data.

Table 1 Reserves of the Urals

Geographical position



Middle mountains of the axial zone of the Northern Urals

and its western foothills within

river basin Vishera in its upper reaches

Money stone


The mid-mountain central part of the Northern

Ural with the center - the mountain node Denezhkin


Western slopes of the Middle Urals in the subzone

middle taiga on the border with southern



Middle Urals - part of the low-mountain

watershed range and western

macroslope, upper reaches of the river. Sulem



Eastern foothills of the Southern Urals

South Ural


Southern Urals, Yamantau Ranges,


Zigalga, Mashak




Central part of the Southern Urals


Significant areas of the mountain range

The Ural economic region includes the regions: Orenburg, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Sverdlovsk regions, Perm region, Bashkiria and Udmurtia. Here, on an area of ​​824 thousand km 2, more than 19.2 million people live, of which 13.7 million are urban residents. The area is characterized by a high concentration of urban agglomerations. Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Perm and Ufa each have over 1 million inhabitants; Izhevsk came close to this line. This largely predetermined the main task of the recreational economy of the region - providing recreation for the local population. In the structure of medical and recreational institutions, the first place in the district in terms of the number of places is occupied by recreation centers (42.2%), followed by sanatoriums and boarding houses with treatment (30.6%), rest houses and boarding houses (18.4%) and tourist institutions (8.8%). The Ural region is especially distinguished by the development of horticultural associations, the capacity of hunting and fishing farms (16.5% of the country's fund - the first place in the country) and the provision of the population with children's camps.

The climate is continental; average January temperatures from -14 to -20 0 С; July from 16-22 0 C, precipitation 300-500 mm per year and up to 800 mm in the mountains. The average duration of a comfortable period for summer types of recreation and tourism in the northern part of the region is only 20-30 days, in the middle - 30-40, in the Orenburg region - up to 50, and in the very south it again decreases to 30 days. The duration of the favorable period for summer recreation and tourism ranges from 60 days in the north to 120 in the south. The bathing period is limited to 30-90 days, respectively. In the northern part of the region, the height of the snow cover varies from 0.8 to 0.5 m to the southeast, and the duration of occurrence varies from 185 to 170 days. In the coldest period (December - February), moderately frosty and significantly frosty weather prevails here (75%). recreational use mountainous areas at altitudes above 1000 m winter period complicated by strong snowstorms, the speed of which reaches 40 m/sec. In the southern part of the region, the Urals and Trans-Urals territories are characterized by little snowy winters (0.3-0.4 m with a duration of 140-160 days) and strong snowstorms. Summer here, in contrast to the more northern and mountainous parts, is hot and dry.

Relief. Ural - a word of Turkic origin, translated means "belt". The total length of the mountains from north to south is about 2000 km, and the width is 40-60 km. The highest heights are observed in the Subpolar Urals - Mount Narodnaya (1895 m), the Northern Urals - the city of Telposis (Stone of the Winds) and the Southern Urals - Mount Yamantau - "Thin Mountain" (1640 m). Low absolute marks Ural mountains, the position in the center of the country at the intersection of latitudinal highways attracts a large number of tourists to this area. On the territory of the Southern Urals, the peaks are especially popular for climbers: Taganay (Moon's Stand), Yurma (Don't go), Devil's Armchair. In the Northern Urals, tourists visit not high flat-topped ridges called parmas and undulating hills called chugrs. The plateaus of the Northern Urals are decorated with the most phenomenal natural sculptures. Bizarre columns (blocks) of cemented conglomerates and other resistant rocks, tens of meters each, rise above the flat surface.

Karst landforms are widespread in the Urals. In the Perm Territory alone, more than 15,000 sinkholes have been described in detail. The largest in the Urals is the Sumgan Cave (Southern Urals). The Kungur ice cave with numerous grottoes and underground lakes is very famous.

In the granite intrusions of the Urals, deposits of native gold and precious stones are concentrated, among which the Ural emerald has become world famous. The Ilmen Range is especially rich in ornamental minerals. It is low - only 748 m, but is famous for the accumulation of 200 different minerals, among which there are unique ones. Created here in 1920 mineralogical reserve.

The area has an extensive river network, the use of which is difficult in a number of places due to intensive economic water use. In some parts of the region, due to karst processes, the water network is sparse. At the same time, rivers such as the Chusovaya have long been used for water tourism. lakes little in the area. Most of them are located on the eastern slope of the Urals, in the Chelyabinsk region. Here is the largest lake in the region - Uvildy with a water area of ​​​​68.1 km 2. There are about 800 km2 of lakes in the Iset basin. The lakes of this part of the region are very picturesque, with steep, forested shores, some of them are already used for recreational purposes. Many lakes are rich in fish (whitefish, carp). There are quite a lot of artificial reservoirs in the region: the reservoir of the Kamskaya hydroelectric power station with a length of 220 km, reservoirs in Chusovaya, the Urals, Uzhe. There are many artificial ponds, the largest of them are Verkhneisetsky and Nizhny Tagil. Main rivers: Ural, Belaya, Sakmara, Miass, Tobol, Iset, Tavda, Tura, Kama, Vishera; lakes - Uvildy, Irtyash, Turgoyak, Chebache. In the Kurgan region, 25-30% of lakes are salty. Rapa and silt mud of some salt lakes are used for medicinal purposes, including in the Medvezhye resort; in Udmurtia at the Varzi-Yatchi resort.

The area is located in a unique region, rich in healing resources in the form of natural hot vapors (40-50 0) and dry gases (50-70 0) of carbon dioxide-oxygen, nitrogen-oxygen composition. The temperature of the gases at the surface of the crack is 37-160 0 , at a depth of 80-90 m to 300 0 .

Forests occupy from 4% in the south to 50% in the north. The species composition of forests varies from north to south from fir-spruce forests to mixed, forest-steppe (mainly birch) forests and areas of virgin steppe. The area is favorable for the development of sports and commercial hunting, the object of which can be a white hare and a hare, a marten, a fox, a squirrel.

The region has numerous nature reserves: Orenburg, Bashkir, Ilmensky, Shulgan-Tash, Visimsky National parks- Bashkir and natural monuments - Kungur and Divya caves.

The area of ​​Ilmensky is 32.1 thousand hectares, Bashkir - 72.1 thousand hectares. In the Bashkir Reserve there is a Kapova cave with ancient rock paintings.

Among remarkable natural objects in the area stand out: in the Perm region - Kungur ice cave, Divya cave, Spassky mountain in the vicinity of Kungur, Sylvensky reefs along the river. Sylveidr.; in the Sverdlovsk region - limestone outcrops along the rivers Ivdel and Northern Toshemka, oak forests, lake. Tangzhui and others; in the Chelyabinsk region - lakes, areas of dark coniferous taiga; in the Bashkir ASSR - Askinskaya cave-glacier, relict forest on the river. Cadass.

Within the district, amateur hiking trips are possible: hiking (to the places of Bazhov's fairy tales) (1-4 KS), skiing and skiing (1-2 KS), water (1-2 KS), cycling (1-5 KS), automobile ( 1-5 SC), motorcycle (1-5 SC), caving (1-3 SC). Popular trips to the caves of Bashkiria: Sumganskaya, Kapova. In the Kurgan region there is a route "Equestrian along the Trans-Urals", in Bashkiria - a horse route near the city of Beloretsk. In winter, routes on snowmobiles "Buran" in Bashkiria are especially popular. Rafting on the river is popular among water sportsmen. Sakmara, Ufa, Belaya, Yuryuzan, Chusovoy, Sosva, Pyshma, Sylva, Ture, Vyatka. Gatherings of tourists on the border "Europe - Asia" are popular.

Vacationers. Currently, the main contingent of tourists is formed by area population. These are mainly workers and employees of the industrial enterprises of the Urals. A relatively large flow of tourists is directed from the region to the I recreational zone, significant flows - to the Central and North-Western regions. The flow of tourists from other areas is still insignificant. Mainly amateur tourists. There are four all-Russian and 25 local routes on the territory of the district. However, unlike many other areas, local tourist routes are mostly designed for active movement, which to a certain extent limits the participation of older tourists in them. It should be noted the relatively low mobility of vacationers within the region, which is explained, first of all, by the high concentration of recreational facilities near settlements.

In Chelyabinsk, the city center, the Chelyabinsk forest and the Shershnevskoye reservoir are used for everyday recreation. The forest is visited daily by 20-30 thousand, and on weekends - up to 100 thousand people. The place of daily and weekly rest is the green belt of Chelyabinsk, its width reaches 6 km. Reservoirs are widely used for bathing and beach suburban recreation. Under good weather conditions, approx. major cities the beaches of the reservoirs are experiencing overload. So, in the region of Perm, on the Kamskoye and Votkinskoye reservoirs on fine days, there are 1.5 people per 1 m 2.

In the structure of excursions, out-of-town excursions account for a large share.

Cultural and educational objects are distributed relatively evenly throughout the region. However, most of them are concentrated in large cities. IN Yekaterinburg there is a local history museum, museums associated with the names of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, P. P. Bazhov, various theaters, architectural monuments and other objects. A museum has been created in the old mining settlement. We hang, in the homeland of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak. In general, the connection of cultural monuments with the industrial development of the Urals and its revolutionary past is characteristic. In Yekaterinburg - the place of execution of the royal family. Mineralogical Museum.

Interesting architecture. Troitsk founded in 1734 as the Trinity fortress.

IN Chelyabinsk- an art gallery and a museum of local lore with Kasli castings.

IN Perm- art Gallery.

IN Miass and the Ilmensky Reserve - mineralogical museums.

IN Udmurtia many wooden 1-2-storey houses and stone buildings of the early 19th century have been preserved. built in the spirit of classicism with architectural details in the form of neo-baroque and modern style. Peasant huts (korki) and two-storey barns (kenos) are richly decorated with wooden carvings.

Engineering and technical facilities. Many recreational institutions of the region are well-maintained and have a year-round operation. First of all, these are sanatoriums, a significant part of which are close to the largest industrial agglomerations. There are also many year-round holiday homes, but there are much fewer of them in the southern parts of the district.

There are 26 camp sites in the region, 15 of them operate year-round (with a significant reduction in the number of places in winter). Many camp sites have stationary buildings with rooms for two or three people, cottages. In summer, part of the tourists are accommodated in tents.

The district has an extensive network of electrified railways and lots of highways. The length of railways is 11 thousand km. The Ural Range is crossed by five railway lines, four of them within the region. There are 112 thousand km of motor roads in the region. Airlines tie Largest cities area with Moscow, St. Petersburg, the resorts of the Caucasus. River transport underdeveloped, mainly in the western part of the region. Regular navigation is carried out along the Kama and Belaya. The area has favorable conditions for the organization and construction of recreational enterprises. Only the wide development of karst processes can be considered as an obstacle, but they are quite clearly localized and well studied.

In functional terms, the following parts are distinguished in the region: northern and central - health-improving, suburban recreation and educational tourism; western - water tourism; southern - mountain tourism, health-improving.

2.2 Characteristics of the infrastructure of the tourist market of the Sverdlovsk region

The Sverdlovsk region - the most important industrial region of Russia - has relatively favorable recreational and tourist resources Yekaterinburg as a tourist center: The concept of tourism development in Yekaterinburg A.M. Gorky, 2000. .

Profitable geographical position on the border of Europe and Asia, relative political stability, diversity of historical heritage, high intellectual and cultural potential determine favorable long-term prospects for the development of the recreational and tourist complex of the Sverdlovsk region.

The city of Yekaterinburg is the main tourist center of the region, a zone of accelerated tourist development. The regional center has a high economic, cultural, historical, scientific potential, has a developed transport network ( international Airport, railway station, bus station), the highest density of tourist infrastructure facilities.

However, despite the significant recreational and tourist potential, the existing material base of the recreation and tourism sector is currently characterized by a high degree of physical and moral deterioration. Up to 60% of fixed assets of local hotel and specialized accommodation facilities need to be modernized Ural Tourist Server .

As of August 1, 2010, there are 436 travel agents, 57 tour operators and 24 firms specializing in domestic tourism in the Sverdlovsk region. official website of the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Sverdlovsk Region www.

There are 240 travel companies operating in Yekaterinburg (2% of the total number of Russian travel agencies), 32 of them specialize in inbound tourism. Yekaterinburg is the third most popular tourist city in Russia.)

Among large firms with a service volume of more than 1000 people and a sales volume of more than 1 million. rub. firms that are engaged in tour operator and travel agency activities at the same time prevail in the year.

"right">Table 2

Travel companies with a volume of service of more than 1000 people. per year Ural Tourist Server




Tour operators

Aeromost plus

Outbound international tourism, air tickets

Yekaterinburg, Lenina avenue, 28

Outbound tourism: USA and other countries of the world


Tolmacheva, 10



Outbound tourism: Spain, Türkiye, etc.

Yekaterinburg, Lenina, 5/2

Jazz travel

Outbound tourism: UAE, Canary Islands, Thailand, about. Bali


Lenina, 24/8; Lenina, 36

Reception and excursion service in the Sverdlovsk region, all types of international and domestic tourism


Proletarian, 3


Outbound and domestic tourism

Outbound and domestic tourism

Yekaterinburg, Sverdlov 11-A, 144

Elite and exotic outbound tourism


Kuibyshev, 44


Religious and domestic tourism in the Urals

Verkhoturye, hotel


International and domestic tourism, air ticket offices, visa support


Pushkin, 5

NTTB Sputnik

International and domestic tourism, air ticket offices

Nizhny Tagil, Lenina 28A

fast and furious plus

International tourism, shopping tours

Yekaterinburg, Pushkin, 2

Peace Foundation

Outbound tourism


Khokhryakova, 25

Outbound tourism, organization of children's recreation


May Day, 104

travel agents

Victoria LTD

International and domestic tourism

Nizhny Tagil, Lenina 17

Calypso tour

Domestic medical and health tourism


Popova, 4a

Shopping tours and tours for holidays in China


Generalskaya 6

"Russian holidays"

International tourism: UAE and other countries

Ekaterinburg, Radishcheva, 4-1

Sverdlovsk travel agencies have become more actively involved in traditional Moscow international exhibitions.

The structure of the market is clearly dominated by domestic tourism - 92.7%, inbound international tourism is 2.9% of the total volume of services, outbound international tourism - 4.4%.

The volume of sales of services to the population by sanatorium, hotel and tourist organizations Sverdlovsk region in 2009 amounted to 1919.5 million rubles official server of the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Sverdlovsk Region

The growth in the volume of sales of services in the field of recreation and tourism, along with an increase in their importance in the consumer market, leads to the fact that enterprises of the tourism industry play an increasingly prominent role in the foreign economic activity of the region. Nevertheless, the role of tourism, as the most profitable export item on the world market, successfully competing with the export of oil and cars, is clearly underestimated in the regional market.

Inbound tourism by destinations is not as diverse as outbound tourism. The EU countries remain in first place in terms of inbound tourism. Most often the Sverdlovsk region was visited by tourists from the UK, France, Spain, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, Finland, the Czech Republic, and Israel. The flow of people arriving mainly for business purposes from China and South Korea is growing official website of the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Sverdlovsk Region www.

The presence of a rich cultural and natural potential allows the Sverdlovsk region to gain serious positions in the tourism market in the case of state support for the development of the industry at the regional level. The forms of such support range from direct investments directed to the formation of tourist infrastructure, expenses for training personnel, scientific and advertising and information support for the promotion of the regional tourist product on the Russian and international markets, to the creation of a preferential tax regime for those business entities that are engaged in the production and sale of tourism product by priority types of tourism - inbound and domestic.

The weakest link in the system of state regulation in the field of tourism and recreation in the Sverdlovsk region at present is the lack of a system for promoting the regional tourism product, which does not contribute to the growth of a sustainable tourist flow directed to the Sverdlovsk region.

There is also a shortage of qualified specialists in the industry, especially in terms of servicing tourists arriving in the Sverdlovsk region.

The specific problems of realizing the recreational and tourist potential of the Sverdlovsk region include: the clash of interests of urbanization and recreation with the expansion of industrial and civil development zones; lack of an effective system for regulating recreational loads on natural complexes already existing recreation areas; infrastructural disorder of transport communications, insufficient professional training of tourism personnel.

The existing infrastructure base does not meet the needs of modern tourism, there are no favorable conditions for investment in the construction and reconstruction of hotels and specialized accommodation facilities (health resorts) and the improvement of roads and tourist display facilities.

It is necessary to use the existing tourism potential more effectively, revive the regional tourism market, strengthen the material base of the tourism infrastructure, reduce the shortage of qualified personnel and obtain the necessary support for tourism development from the regional government.

In order to develop tourism in the Sverdlovsk region, a medium-term tourism development program has been adopted. In case of successful implementation of the medium-term program, conditions will be created to stimulate the attraction of extra-budgetary domestic and foreign investments for the period up to 2015.

The main socio-economic effect of the Program is to create conditions to meet the needs of various categories of the region's population for a good rest in accordance with the demand, to familiarize the younger generation with the cultural and historical values ​​accumulated in the region.

Compared to the all-Russian indicators, the share of domestic tourism in the Middle Urals is slightly higher than the all-Russian indicator.

Reasons: the relative remoteness of the Ural region from the borders Russian Federation; the growth rates of money incomes of the population in the Urals Federal District are ahead of the average Russian figures.

Foreign citizens who register with the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region represent mainly the CIS countries. The main flow from abroad arrives in the region for private purposes (in search of employment) - 71.3% of the total number of those registered in 2005, 75.4% - in 2006 and 71.3% - in 2007. Citizens of the CIS countries among them in last years make up to 98-99%. On the contrary, the proportion of representatives of non-CIS countries is high among those who indicate during registration such purposes of arrival as business / professional or tourist interest, the official server of the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Sverdlovsk Region

"right">Table 3

Registered foreign citizens (according to the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region) official server of the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Sverdlovsk Region

In 2007, out of 100,987 people, only 25,000 became hotel guests. A considerable number of foreigners live in other places - in apartments, recreation centers, etc. The average duration of their stay is also less than 3 days - therefore, they may legally not be registered with the Federal Migration Service.

While maintaining the current network parameters of accommodation facilities - specialized and hotel enterprises, it is necessary to modernize the number of rooms and exclude the operation of rooms without amenities, for which it is necessary to reconstruct 3.7 rooms for 6 thousand places of sanatorium and health organizations and 1.2 thousand .rooms of hotel enterprises. The minimum total investment required to bring accommodation facilities up to demand is 850 million rubles, of which 550 million rubles. - reconstruction of specialized accommodation facilities, 300 thousand rubles. - reconstruction of the hotels "Big Ural", "Sverdlovsk", "Hotel Yekaterinburg-Central", "EvrAsia"

In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in arrivals to the countryside.

This led to an increase in the number of places in suburban collective accommodation facilities, an increase in the average provision of a hotel fund in rural areas and resulted in a significant increase in overnight stays outside cities.

"right">Table 4

The ratio of quantitative indicators of urban and suburban collective general-purpose accommodation facilities official server of the Ministry of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Sverdlovsk Region

Total number of accommodation facilities:

Incl. in urban/rural areas

Number of seats:

total / urban / rural

7695 / 7610 / 85

8068 / 7991 / 77

7958 / 7893 / 65

9209 / 8545 / 664

10 944 / 10224 / 720

Average provision (places per 1000 inhabitants): total / in urban / rural areas

Number of overnight stays, thousand: total / in urban / rural areas

1205,9 / 1203,5 / 2,4

1074,3 / 1073,7 / 0,6

1200,2 / 1199,3 / 0,9

1208,9 / 1117,9 / 91,0

1593,5 / 1465,9 / 127,6

In terms of consumption of tourist services, the market of the Sverdlovsk region last year amounted to 11.5 billion rubles. This is almost 9 percent of the total volume of all paid services provided in the region.

Today, more than 75 thousand people are employed in the Middle Urals in the field of tourism and related industries. These are employees of travel agencies and excursion bureaus, hotel enterprises, sanatorium and resort complex, museum objects. There are three natural park, 60 recreation centers, 93 enterprises of the sanatorium and resort sphere, 15 ski resorts. Some of them are literally all-Russian popularity. For example, routes to Bazhov places, places associated with the history of the Romanov family, Orthodox shrines in the Urals, travel to the border of Europe and Asia, natural Park"Deer Brooks".

According to the plans of the authorities, the number of tourists visiting the Sverdlovsk region annually by 2020 should reach at least 2 million 200 thousand people. But this, of course, requires further development industries. New projects have already been developed or are being developed. One of the most ambitious is the creation in Yekaterinburg of the International exhibition center, an amusement park similar to Disneyland, but with Russian and Ural styles, as well as medical and recreational complexes near the village of Sarana in the Krasnoufimsky district and in the region of Tavda and Turinsk. Concept for the development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Sverdlovsk region until 2025//

The strategic goal of the state policy in the field of tourism development in the Sverdlovsk region is aimed at ensuring, through a balanced and sustainable development of the tourism industry, a high-quality and affordable tourism product and the development of existing tourism resources of the Sverdlovsk region.

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