Rest zander rf. The city of Sudak in Crimea: an ideal place to relax


In the southeast of the Crimean peninsula, near a beautiful river is located Small town ishko - Sudak. The city got its name back in the days of the Ottoman Empire. In the Middle Ages, this city was the largest and most famous center of trade on the Black Sea.

Today, Sudak has become a paradise for tourists from Russia and neighboring countries.

Pike now. Photo by Distance X (

Vacationers are attracted by sights, quartz beaches and developed tourist infrastructure.

Climate and ecology

Sudak has a mild climate. There are practically no sharp temperature fluctuations in this part of the peninsula. Residents of the city and vacationers are pleased that there are very few cloudy days here. The sun shines brightly almost all year round. Rains here are extremely rare, and in winter there is practically no snow. In summer, the sea is warm, so you can swim in the warm sea for more than four months.

River in Sudak. Photo by yadavil (

The main source of air pollution in Sudak is the city dump, where fires often occur. At meetings of the local council, this issue is often raised, but it still remains unresolved. Also, residents of the city are concerned about the problem associated with wastewater treatment. Although the construction of treatment facilities, which are located in the nearby village of Mindalnoe, has been started, it is progressing very slowly.

Smoke from a landfill in Sudak. Photo by tatimesh (

Population of Sudak

The population of Sudak is 15,368 people. But there are also many visitors who live in the city without a residence permit. Therefore, the total population will be in the region of 28,000 people. This figure has remained virtually unchanged since 1989. Russians, Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars live here.

Most of the city's residents are people aged 35-55 years. Young people are not eager to stay here. After leaving school, children go to study in other cities, since there are no higher educational institutions in Sudak. There are only technical schools, so most of the residents have a specialized secondary education. Often, young people find work at the place of study and stay there. Hence the low birth rate in Sudak.

Districts and real estate of Sudak

Despite the fact that Sudak is a small city, it is divided into 8 districts and a districtless zone.

Arealess zone

This is the most distant part of the city from the sea. Here the main attraction is the bus station. There are no hotels or restaurants here. In some places you can find a letnichek with draft beer for local residents.

Tourists who do not know the city can settle here in private households and then regret it for a long time. The price for living in a districtless zone is significantly lower than in resort areas. But it is worth considering the fact that you will have to stomp to the sea for quite a long time. Although, if you have personal transport, the problem will disappear by itself.

central District

It's practically the city itself. Schools, kindergartens, a technical school, a central market, residential high-rise buildings, the Forum and Surozh hotels are located here. When the influx of tourists subsides, this part of the city turns into an ordinary quiet sleeping area.

In the summer, here are the best conditions for vacationers: the sea is not far away, and at night it is quiet here and you can get enough sleep. This area is also attractive because all supermarkets are located here, and prices in restaurants are much lower than in establishments on the waterfront. The cost of housing for tourists here ranges from 20 to 50 dollars per day per person.

cozy area

This is the former settlement Uyutnoe, which was attached to the city. Interesting fact: earlier this village was Sudak itself. It was from this village that the construction of the city began. The area is very close to the beach, but the hotel and restaurant business is not very developed here.

There are no hotels here at all, shops are small stalls or wagons, and from the "restaurants" - this is a dining room. People, bypass it on the tenth road! God forbid you dine there. Well, unless, of course, you are not eager to see such an attraction as the city district hospital, which is located on Gvardeyskaya Street in the Central District.

Tourists can stay in Uyutny in the rooms rented out by residents in their houses and makeshift houses.

Embankment and Cypress Alley

This area can hardly be called a residential area. Here are some of the most expensive hotels in Sudak. From their windows there is a stunning view of the sea, and the service in hotels is at the highest level.

But still, in this part of the city there are more restaurants, bars, nightclubs and cafes. Here everyone will find a place for lunch, dinner or a night out. Life in this area is in full swing almost around the clock during the tourist season.

Cypress Alley at night. Photo by macosXer

Already at 6 in the morning on the Cypress Alley, the trade in all kinds of souvenirs is seething. Sellers greet sleepy tourists with a smile, and after sunset, different music sounds from every corner. All establishments work until the last customer. Therefore, they close at 3-4 in the morning.

At this time, walking along the alley, you can see kitchen workers and waiters who put themselves to sleep right on the sofas in restaurants. These people in holiday season just living at work. Also on the embankment you can see many attractions and an exhibition hall - everything so that the tourist can spend a lot of money, but at the same time remain satisfied.

This is the new part of the city. So far, construction has not stopped here. Almost all streets are located on a hill.

Here is located the largest tourist and health complex "Sudak". There is very little greenery in the southwestern region. But every year its number increases. All the houses in the area are neat and nice to look at. Residents and entrepreneurs of this area take care of its beauty. Flowers are planted all year round, lawns are put in order. This part of the city can be called the most colorful for its variety of flowers.

This part of the city, long before the construction of the water park, was called the South-East District. On wastelands where there were vineyards and a helipad, construction continues. The restaurant business is well developed here, there are many hotels and private households that have been converted into mini-hotels.

This region is dominated by private sector where you can rent a room, bed or even a whole house. The prices are completely different. It all depends on the amenities, and, as they say, on the impudence of the owners of the houses. It is realistic to find housing for $5 a day, but mostly $20-50. The disadvantage of the area near the water park is the almost complete inconvenience of the new streets. Good pluses there will be proximity to the sea, and what is especially good, to sparsely populated beaches and to the water park, and, of course, a beautiful view of the mountains.

The district got its name from the street that is part of it. In addition to Spendiarov Street, this includes Solnechny Lane and Aivazovsky Street. It is in this area that most of the owners of houses who offer "beds" and rooms for rent. You can even find these mini-hotels with meals. But it is worth remembering that the conditions in which food is cooked there may not be the best. Often these will be not the first freshness products, old kitchen equipment and dirt in the kitchen. Indeed, in most cases, one cook cooks, and there are many vacationers in such houses. It is better to overpay a little and dine in cafes, which are enough in the area.

The road to the beach will go through Cypress Alley. 15-20 minutes, and vacationers will "rest" in the central city beach.

There is also a store in the area that will satisfy the needs of any person in the products. But everyone should remember that the prices there are significantly higher than those presented in other stores. This supermarket is considered the most expensive. Most locals prefer to avoid it.

This is the greenest area of ​​the city. There are a lot of trees here, but most of them are poplars, so in June there is simply no saving from fluff. The Spendiarov area, like the Central one, is calm, despite the fact that it rests on Cypress Alley. It is very convenient for tourists in that it is not far from the sea, and 5 minutes walk to the center.

The area was formed during the reign of Gorbachev. It included two streets - Biryuzova and Tankistov. This is the second most expensive area in the city of Sudak. It is here that all knowledgeable vacationers seek to settle. From this area, it is close to the sea, and to the resort center - Cypress Alley, and to the city center.

There are few official hotels in the area, but there are a lot of private houses. Wherever you knock, rooms for every taste are rented everywhere. It is in this area that there are many small cafes in which the cuisine is homemade and the atmosphere is pleasant. And in general, the Biryuzova district is quiet and green.

Marine area

This area is considered the most visited. Everyone who has a rest in Sudak visits this area in the direction of the Genoese fortress. It consists of two small streets - Morskoy and Ushakov. Only this area of ​​the city is located directly on the waterfront. Even if you settle at the very end of the area, there will be no more than 500 meters to the sea.

There are a lot of hotels, hotels and boarding houses of various sizes. You can eat both on the waterfront and in the dining room. It is not at all like the one located in Uyutny. The prices at this establishment are pleasing to the eye, and the cuisine is very tasty. But in most cases, vacationers who settle in this area prefer to dine in expensive restaurants on the waterfront. The sea area is considered the most expensive part of the city. The prices here are simply cosmic. This area has many disadvantages: constant noise from the embankment, remoteness from the city center. But all these nuances are compensated by the proximity to the beaches and the mesmerizing view of the Genoese fortress.

Real estate

In Sudak, there are always a lot of offers to buy houses, apartments, cottages. Although this city is a resort, the cost of housing here is not too high. For example, a three-room apartment in the central area can be bought for 50-70 thousand dollars, but the same housing with a sea view will cost 90-120 thousand dollars. Prices, of course, also depend on the condition of the apartment. You can also buy suburban housing. For example, for 100-120 thousand dollars you can buy a good house 10x10 meters.

Infrastructure Status

The main problem of the inhabitants of the city of Sudak is the lack of normal water supply. Water most often enters the house by the hour (morning and evening). Residents are forced to acquire tanks that are filled at the time of delivery. It often happens that there is no water for several days. For all the inconvenience, water tariffs go through the roof. One cubic meter costs almost $1. And heating in houses is not cheap. Residents of the city pay for a three-room apartment in winter period time more than 80-100 dollars.

It is also expensive to pay utility bills. But here the question already arises: “Where does the money go?” The city has an almost complete lack of normal roads.

If in the central part there is asphalt, albeit in pits, but it is, then on the outskirts of the road there are only unpaved roads. Normal, renovated street only Marine.

As for public transport, only one thing can be said - the inhabitants of Sudak are used to walking. Only one bus runs all year round, which can take you to Dachnoye and Uyutny. During tourist time, another route is added, which can be used from the bus station to get to the valley of roses and to the water park.

There are also many taxis in the city. In winter, its cost is reasonable: 1-2 dollars, and you are in the right place. In the summer, taxi drivers are breaking space tariffs. Well, it will not be a sin to rip off an extra penny from a vacationer.

There are no problems with schools in Sudak. There were 13 schools in total. Many simply became hotels. There are three operating schools. One now bears the proud name "Gymnasium". It is there that all children want to gnaw at the granite of science.

School #2 has been recently renovated. The third school teaches children of the Crimean Tatars.

There is also a music school. But there is only one kindergarten. Of course, the authorities plan to open a second kindergarten. A lot of money was allocated for its construction, which is proceeding at a rapid pace. All residents hope that in autumn 2014 the new kindergarten will open its doors for kids.

Businesses and work in Sudak

There have always been problems with work in Sudak. There are no large enterprises in the city. Many residents cannot find a permanent place of work. The main source of income for Sudak residents is the Sudak state farm, which produces a wide range of dessert, table and dry wines.

SE "Sudak". Photo by 17Rising17

Most residents work in tourist season. Cafes, bars, restaurants, hotels. In winter, the staff in them is reduced, and people are left without work. Many residents rent out their apartments and houses to holidaymakers. The income is enough to live comfortably through the winter.

Jobs can also be found in the markets. The central market, which operates all year round, provides employment for 300-400 people. There is also a fruit market on the cypress alley. He works for holidaymakers. Sudak residents sell homemade wine, oriental sweets, vegetables and fruits there. Prices in this market are much higher than in the central one.

There are also several supermarkets in Sudak: ATB, Svityaz, Guzel. More locals during the holiday season they work on the beaches, selling various goodies. With might and main there is a trade in souvenirs on the cypress alley. There is a small clothing market nearby.

As a result, we can say that most of the inhabitants of the city of Sudak work in the summer and rest in the winter.


Loud crimes are very rarely committed in Sudak. Mostly petty theft and drunken brawls. For example, in February of this year, a guy in a hood ripped off women's bags. There were three robberies, the offender fled and has not yet been found.

But still, there are several points that shocked the locals. Not so long ago, a young man raped a pensioner. The perpetrator was behind bars.

Awards were stolen from a veteran of the Second World War, which law enforcement officers managed to return.

Not so long ago, a man was caught who ordered the murder of his wife 17 years ago. All this time he was hiding from law enforcement agencies, but finally got caught.

Sights of Sudak

Sudak is very beautiful city. Its main attraction is the Genoese fortress. Every resident of the city has been there more than once.

From the fortress opens beautiful view to the city. It seems that Sudak is located just in your palm when you stand on observation deck. Of course, the climb is very difficult, but every tourist must overcome it.

View from the fortress. Photo by grishinslawa (

Another famous place The city has an amusement park. It is better to come there after sunset. It glows with colorful lights. And from the Ferris wheel you can see the night Pike perch - a stunning picture will open to your eyes.

Do not pass by the restaurant "Veranda". It has great food and a romantic atmosphere.

The favorite hangout place for locals and tourists is SunSet openair club. It is located right on the shore of the Sudak Bay. There are interesting shows.

A modern attraction that attracts tourists and Sudak residents is a water park.

Of course, spending a day there is not cheap, but it's worth it. In the late evenings, foam parties are held there, after which a lot of emotions and impressions will remain. For children there are special slides and children's show programs with animators.

It is always pleasant to live and relax in Sudak, despite all its shortcomings. It can rightfully be on the list of the best tourist cities in Crimea!

On the shore of a picturesque bay with clear and clear water, covered by mountain ranges and beech forests, on the southeast coast Crimean peninsula, located a small resort town. In ancient times, it had many names - Sidagios and Sourozh, Soldaya and Sugdeya. Today it is known as Sudak, the rest in the Crimea, spent in it, is remembered for a long time.

Where is the city in Crimea?

Sudak is small town, the administrative center of the Sudak urban district. It is located in the middle part of the southeast of Crimea. The climate here is extremely mild and arid, cloudy weather is the least common here, and the number of days of the swimming season beats all records compared to the rest. Not far from it are no less popular and.

Sudak on the map of Crimea


  • The population is almost 17 thousand people.
  • The area is over 23 km 2.
  • Foundation time - 212

Where to stay in Sudak for a vacation?

Upon arrival in any city, the first task of any tourist is to find accommodation. In Sudak, you can find many places to stay for every taste and cost. There are enough hotels and small boarding houses. When booking a place in an institution you like, you should not deceive yourself with the inscription. It is recommended to additionally inquire about the conditions of nutrition, the remoteness of the beach, the availability of the Internet and the pool.

A good option for recovery is deservedly considered where they specialize in the treatment of ailments of the respiratory system. Location health complex will also delight guests, because the best sights of Sudak are within walking distance. provides tourists with a luxury vacation, located at the foot of the famous Genoese fortress. The guests of this hotel never complain about the lack of attention from the staff.

Those who are interested and at a low cost can use the services of owners of apartments and houses. As in any other resort town of Crimea, in Sudak the private sector is represented by many proposals. Don't forget that low price sometimes means relatively remote area locality and poorly developed infrastructure. However, the city is small, so you can safely choose more budget options.

Despite its small size, the city and surrounding areas are incredibly rich in sights. It is advised to start a tour of Sudak with a well-preserved complex of the 14th century, striking in its scale and powerful defensive fortifications. On the territory of the fortification there is a museum - small, but very valuable and informative.

A place that should definitely be included in the plan for exploring the resort is the notorious one. It is a dozen stone statues, which, thanks to the forces of nature, have acquired the outlines of people and animals. It is advised to watch the stones for a longer time - a change in the direction of the sun's rays seems to enliven the figures, add mysticism to them and periodically creeping fog. This place can look creepy, and sometimes it seems insanely beautiful. Why else is it worth getting here? Here they filmed episodes from! Until now, the stone where Varley performed the dance has survived and has not gone anywhere. Where else to take a photo in memory of Sudak, if not in the Valley of Ghosts?!

The Crimea is also rich in other natural reserves. Rest in Sudak also implies a visit to the picturesque mountain and cape of the same name. This place will delight lovers of solitude with nature. A little to the south, in the expanses of the Black Sea, there is a mysterious one, where beachgoers and those who want to get a small dose of adrenaline often visit.

Where in Sudak to go with children?

Despite the actively developing tourist infrastructure, Sudak is first and foremost. The air here is filled with phytoncides,
and the hot and mild climate is able to warm the weakened after the body. Here, the water in the sea remains warm longer than in other bays of the Crimea.

Hence, mothers and fathers come here with their children. On the beaches you can meet a huge number of families vacationing, both with babies and teenagers. The coastal zone can offer any kind active rest, and a pleasure boat runs along the Sudak Bay, allowing you to see the city from the sea side.

Great place for family vacation is urban. Located on, it offers many attractions for children of all ages. There are also activities for adults, and after fun games in the water, the whole family can drink tea in one of the cafes. With a child in Sudak, you can see other places.

Where can you eat in Sudak?

The traditional menu in the spa cuisine. All this means that visitors are likely to be offered barbecue or fish dishes. Not without more conceptual establishments. The unique restaurant "Fortecia" invites guests to taste the masterpieces of Turkish cuisine in a chic setting with gilded elements and luxurious carpets.

Sudak also has its own peculiarity regarding catering establishments - here canteens come into fashion again. Of course, places like Homemade Dining have nothing to do with Soviet public catering - this is a completely new format that offers beautiful and high-quality dishes of almost restaurant level at a democratic price. Judging by the reviews, this concept of folk canteens was to the taste of both guests and residents of the city.

How to get from Simferopol?

There are several ways to get to Sudak from Simferopol Airport, the most popular is the bus. Between the cities there is both direct communication and transit, when transport goes to the Morskoye settlement.

It will be faster to get to Sudak by car, since in this case there will be no additional stops. The distance is about 110 km, which will take an hour and a half. On the map, the route looks like this:

Crimean resorts are constantly in demand. Rest in Sudak is not only health procedures in sanatoriums and boarding houses. Today it is modern entertainment, interesting in terms of historical and natural sights, unforgettable impressions for memory! Watch a short overview video about this city at the end.

In the southeastern part of the Crimean peninsula, 100 km from Simferopol, there is a cozy resort town of Sudak, which annually attracts tourists with its stunning landscapes, clean and transparent sea, mild climate, an abundance of attractions and, of course, developed tourist infrastructure. In the northern direction from the resort there are mountains covered with dense forest vegetation, the Kapselskaya Valley stretches to the east, and the western Mediterranean landscapes are already familiar to Russian tourists.

The population of Sudak is more than 16,500 people, but during the holiday season this number increases significantly, and the guests of the resort are both family vacationers and groups of young people who appreciate high-quality, rich and interesting holidays. It is worth noting that Sudak is a favorite place among vacationers with an average income, because the prices here are much lower, for example, in Yalta, but the beaches and entertainment here are no worse, and may well compete with each other. Creative people often come to Sudak hotels to write poetry, draw, and maybe look for their muse, and historians and geologists also come to the resort for the duration of the event. archaeological sites because the city has rich history and is of great interest to them.

Pike perch attracts with stunningly beautiful landscapes, always gentle sun and warm sea, it is worth noting that it is here that the longest swimming season is observed. At the resort sandy beaches adjacent to forests and groves, a walk through which on a hot summer day will give you moments of coolness and peace. Do not forget that on the territory of Sudak grows a large number of orchards and vineyards. Guests of the city will get a lot of positive emotions from walking around its surroundings, because in Sudak a large number of ancient buildings of great historical value have been preserved. The main attraction of the city is the Genoese fortress, which everyone who stays in Sudak must see.

On the territory of the Sudak resort area there are several resort villages, each of which is attractive in its own way:

If we talk about the beaches of Sudak, they stretch from the Fortress Mountain to Cape Alchak for 2.5 km. Due to the presence of breakwaters and the location of the resort surrounded by mountains, there are no high waves here, it is also worth noting that the descent into the water is gentle and the depth is shallow, which is why the resort's beaches are the best place for families with small children. They are pebbly and equipped with everything you need for a comfortable pastime - sun loungers and umbrellas, changing cabins, showers and toilets, equipment rentals and, of course, a cafe where you can order ice cream, fresh beer and other drinks and light snacks.

People come to hotels in the center of Sudak not only to relax and see local sights, but also to improve their health. The main specialization of the local boarding houses and sanatoriums is the treatment of respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous system, and the main resource is the unique climate of the resort.

Holiday season in Sudak

Sudak is an excellent place for family recreation and recreation. The prices here are pleasant compared to other resorts, the climate is favorable, and the tourist season lasts from May to October. We will consider holidays in Sudak at all times of the year so that you can choose the best period for your trip.

Rest in Sudak in the summer

The period of high tourist activity lasts from the end of June to the end of August. At this time, vacationers swim in the Black Sea and take sunbaths, as well as attend all kinds of festivals. Accommodation prices at this time are the highest, however, they are much lower than in the resorts of Greater Yalta, which is good news. The markets, beaches and streets of the resort become crowded, but if you are not embarrassed by a large number of tourists, welcome to Sudak at the height of the holiday season!

Sudak is the most "sunny" city of the Crimean peninsula, because there are about 2550 hours of sunshine a year. Summer in the resort is hot, the air temperature rises to + 30 ° C and this is not the limit. It endures the sweltering heat with the help of fresh breezes blowing from the sea. As for the water temperature in the Black Sea, in early June it is +20°C, but by the end of the month it rises to +24-+25°C, and later it rises to +26°C.

Velvet season in Sudak

The beginning of autumn is an ideal time for a calm and measured rest. During this period, you can enjoy cool weather and deserted beaches, because there are many fewer vacationers. Another advantage of holidays in the velvet season are prices that drop by about 25-30% compared to summer, for example, in autumn you can stay at a 4-star hotel for the price of a 2- or 3-star one, there is also no hype for purchasing tickets. If we talk about the weather, the temperature of the Black Sea in September is +21-+23°C, air - +23-+25°C.

Rest in Sudak in spring and autumn

Spring in Sudak is a very beautiful time, but at the very beginning of this season, the vagaries of the weather cannot be avoided, fogs often fall, it can rain, and so on. Closer to mid-April, the weather becomes stable, the sun shines almost every day, trees and shrubs bloom, and the sea air radiates the aromas of flowers and herbs. In the juniper valleys, crocuses and irises bloom in spring, this is an ideal time for walking and healing. Autumn is no less attractive in this regard, and it is much warmer than spring. A noticeable cooling comes only towards the end of October, when the thermometer drops to +14°C. Autumn pike perch is very beautiful and romantic, bright foliage falls from the trees, and stunning landscapes appear.

Rest in Sudak in winter

Winter Pike perch is characterized by cool and windy weather. Snow, on the contrary, falls extremely rarely, it rains much more often and the sea storms. The air temperature on a winter day varies from +3 to +8°C, abnormal frosts are extremely rare. If we talk about the water temperature in the Black Sea, it varies from 0 to +5°C.

10 things to do in Sudak:

  • Visit the pride of the entire Crimean peninsula - the Genoese fortress in Sudak.
  • Go fishing on the high seas.
  • Visit the famous factory of sparkling wines New World».
  • To visit the most interesting show in the dolphinarium.
  • Take the whole family to the water park.
  • See the evening party Sudak from the top of the Ferris wheel.
  • Enjoy the natural beauties on a horseback ride.
  • Play volleyball or table tennis.
  • Spend the evening in one of the resort's cozy restaurants.
  • It is good to relax and get a charge of positive emotions for the whole coming year.

Where to stay - hotels in Sudak

The greatest demand is for hotels located near the sea - in the area of ​​Cypress Alley, the water park and the TOK "Sudak". There are a large number of hotels with a category of 3 stars, as well as boarding houses and mini-hotels. The cost of living varies widely and depends, first of all, on the category of the chosen accommodation facility and the range of services provided. If you prefer quiet areas, pay attention to hotels on the second and third coastline. The road to the beach will take 15-20 minutes, while, as a bonus, you will get much more favorable prices and peace of mind, which is sometimes so lacking for residents of megacities. Many hotels in Sudak offer their guests equipped kitchens and cribs for their little guests. To select the most suitable number according to all criteria, use


The city of Sudak in the Crimea, founded by the Sughds in 212, knew periods of prosperity and decline, it was captured by the Khazars, Greeks, Genoese, Turks and Russians. The city occupied a convenient position, caravans of ships gathered here, trade flourished, and the inhabitants were engaged in agriculture. The Greeks called it Sugdea, the Russians called it Surozh, the Genoese called it Soldaya, and the Turks called it Sudak. With the accession of the peninsula to the Russian Empire, Sudak in the Crimea became Russian. The town itself and the adjacent lands were taken over by Potemkin, by his will, the locals began to plant grapes, figs, mulberries, almonds and figs. In Soviet times, Sudak in Crimea developed as a resort and a center for winemaking. That is how it remains today.

What to see

The most famous medieval monument in the city of Sudak in the Crimea is the Genoese fortress. The year of its construction can no longer be determined. It is believed that the Byzantine emperor built it in the 6th century, and the Genoese who came in the 14th century rebuilt it and strengthened it.

There is a massive stone building in the fortress, which over the centuries managed to visit both a Turkish mosque and a Greek Orthodox church, the Genoese made it a Catholic church, and after the arrival of the Russians, the building again became an Orthodox church. Now there is a museum of the history of the Genoese fortress and the city of Sudak in the Crimea. Nowadays, the festival "Genoese Helmet" is held on the territory of the fortress. Swordsmen and members of historical reenactment clubs take part in knightly tournaments, while residents of Sudak in the Crimea and guests of the resort can take part in master classes of potters and blacksmiths.

Not far from the fortress is the Astagver tower built in the 14th century to protect the port. The Genoese captured Sudak in the Crimea forever, therefore they built the tower so that the defenders could hold out in it as long as possible - large containers were carved into the rock to collect water, and the battlements in the upper part of the tower protected the archers.

There is a historical museum in Sudak in the Crimea, this is the so-called Dacha Funka. The finds collected in the halls belong to different times: objects from the settlements of the Tauris, Gothic sanctuaries, the Greek fort. Another exposition tells about Sudak in the Crimea during the times of the Khazars, the heyday of the Principality of Theodoro and the rule of the Ottomans.

If you are interested in the history of Sudak in the Crimea in even more ancient times, then during an excursion to Cape Alchak-Kaya you will be shown an ancient Bronze Age site. But the cape itself is also interesting. On its slope there is a through grotto of the Aeolian Harp, and from the top there is a beautiful view of the fortress and the city.

The surroundings of Sudak in Crimea are no less interesting:

  • Cape Meganom is considered the driest point of the Crimea. The sea near it is very clean, this place is especially loved by divers;
  • Mount Ai-Georgy is convenient for climbing. Wildlife lovers will see relic juniper, Crimean oak, and from the top of the mountain there is a beautiful view of Sudak in Crimea;
  • Mount Perch is strewn with the remains of destroyed ancient monasteries and temples;
  • Slightly west of Sudak in the Crimea is the village of Novy Svet. There you can visit Chaliapin's grotto, walk the Golitsin trail, swim in the Tsarskaya Bay.

The modern attraction is the water park. Six pools, 9 slides, a section for kids with fountains and small slides will delight the whole family.

Where to stay

Sudak (Crimea) is a small town with a well-developed infrastructure for tourism. Public transport can very quickly get to anywhere in the city and neighboring villages. Renting a house in Sudak in Crimea is quite simple. Everything is here: sanatoriums, boarding houses, private housing, guest houses, hotels:

  • Hotels in Sudak in Crimea are different: budget and expensive. Rooms in expensive hotels and apartments are available even during the peak season, they are comfortable, beautiful, restaurant food. Inexpensive hotels are located in the 2nd and 3rd lines, you will have to walk to the beach, usually it takes 15-20 minutes;
  • Guest houses do not organize meals, but always provide a kitchen with the necessary utensils. Most often there is a swimming pool and parking, and the rooms have a TV, air conditioning, internet;
  • Housing in the private sector- a great option if you are looking for cheaper accommodation. You can find a suitable accommodation option right on the spot or in advance using booking sites. The advantages of housing in the private sector are many: privacy, the opportunity to enjoy the territory, cozy atmosphere, the atmosphere of a real summer resort. In Sudak, you can find housing in the private sector right on the seashore - perfect solution for families with children.

Who is suitable for rest in Sudak in Crimea?

It is considered the most environmentally friendly, because there are no production facilities nearby, except for wineries. The beaches in Sudak in the Crimea are sandy, stretch along the entire coast of the bay, and the swimming season is perhaps the longest on the peninsula. On the entire coast, the entrance to the sea is very convenient - there are no stones, it is gentle, waves are very rare.

Of course, in terms of entertainment, Sudak in Crimea cannot be compared with Alushta or Yalta, but rest in a small town has its advantages:

  • No noisy public, crowds, queues;
  • Rest is much cheaper than in the well-known resort capitals of Crimea.

Holidays in Sudak in Crimea will appeal to families with children, student companies, young couples and all those people who care not about the big name of the resort, but the sea and the sun, new experiences, the stunning beauty of Crimea.

Sudak (Ukr. Sudak, Crimean. Sudaq, Sudak) is a seaside city of republican subordination in the southeastern Crimea, a traditional center for wine production and a resort. Included in the Sudak City District (Sudak City Council).

In ancient times, the city was called differently: the Byzantines - Sidagios and Sugdea, the Italians - Soldaya, in ancient Russian sources - Sourozh. In Ottoman times, the city received the name Sudak, which to this day bears in translation from the Turkic Su (water), dak (mountain forest) - Sudak, which is also depicted in Aivazovsky's painting "Flood in Sudak" (1897) - dacha the artist was a few hundred meters from the mouth of the Suuk-Su.


Sudak is located in the middle part of the southeastern coast of the Crimean Peninsula, 47 km northeast of Alushta and 42 km southwest of Feodosia. The city is located in the valley of the Sudak River, on the shores of the Sudak Bay, bounded from the west by Mount Fortress, and from the east by Cape Alchak. The city is closed from the north by a ridge of mountains covered with beech and oak forests, as well as numerous pine forest belts of artificial origin. To the east is the arid Kapsel Valley. From the west - a typical Mediterranean area.


Genoese fortress (Sudak). Crimea

According to the conclusions made by the prominent Soviet Caucasian ethnographer, professor, doctor of historical sciences A. V. Gadlo, who led the Caucasian archaeological and ethnographic expedition of the Leningrad State University, the city was founded by the Sughds (one of the Zikh (Adyghe) tribes, formerly called Sinds), presumably, in 212.

Sudak Bay

In the Middle Ages, the city was called Sugdeya (Greek Σουγδαία) and Soldaya (Italian Soldaia), and its population grew due to the arrival of merchants, merchants and artisans from different countries including Greeks and Italians. In the VI century, by order of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I, a fortress was built in Sudak. The monument of Byzantine literature "The Life of St. Stephen of Surozh" describes the capture of Surozh at the end of the VIII or the beginning of the IX century by the Rus:

The great Russian army under the command of Prince Bravlin suddenly attacked the Crimean coast. The Rus seized the Byzantine possessions from Chersonesus to Kerch and "with great force" approached Surozh. After ten days of fierce battles, Bravlin with the army, “broke the iron gates by force”, broke into the city.

When Bravlin approached the tomb of Stefan of Sourozh, located in the St. Sophia Church of Sourozh, "his face turned back." Bravlin ordered the soldiers to return the confiscated goods to the Surozhans and release the captives, but healing did not come. The pagan Bravlin had to be baptized, only after that his face returned to its previous position. Bravlin was baptized by Archbishop Philaret of Sourozh. Since that time, Christianity began to spread among the ruling elite of Kievan Rus.

The city has become important shopping center and a significant transit point on the Great Silk Road, reaching its greatest prosperity in the XII-XIII centuries. In 1206, after the conquest of Constantinople and the partition of Byzantium, the city came under the control of the Venetian Trade Republic, however, in fact, it was ruled by the Kipchaks. Around 1222, on the orders of Ala ad-Din Kay-Kubad, the city was raided by the Asia Minor Seljuks, who defeated the Kipchak army, on the side of which the Russian troops also acted. The reason for the raid was the merchants' complaints about the frequent destruction of their ships, and the result was the destruction of crosses and bells and the establishment of mihrabs and minbars in the churches, as well as the introduction of sharia.

In the XIII-XIV centuries the city was devastated and destroyed by the Mongols, but quickly restored. In 1365, Soldaya was conquered by the Genoese and included in the Genoese possessions in the Crimea. During this period, the city was governed by an Italian consul, who was elected every year. From this era, towers and city walls, called the "Genoese fortress", have been preserved.

In 1475, together with all the Genoese territories and the Orthodox Principality of Theodoro in the Crimea, Sudak was conquered by the Ottoman Empire. During the Ottoman rule, the city, which lost its military significance, fell into decay, although it was the center of a kadylyk, the smallest administrative unit of the Ottoman state.

In 1783, Sudak, along with the entire Crimea, went to the Russian Empire. At the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century, the city was almost completely depopulated and turned into a small village; according to the 1805 census, only 33 people lived in the abandoned city. In 1804, the first winemaking school in Russia was opened here. Sudak regained the status of a city only in 1982.

In 1920, the wine-making enterprise SE "Sudak" was founded.

During the Great Patriotic War from October 1941 to April 1944 it was occupied by the German-Romanian troops. In January 1942, Sudak troops landed in the city, which liberated the city and kept it from superior enemy forces for almost two weeks. Almost all paratroopers died in battle.


The main specialization is the production of vintage and champagne wines, the resort industry, the production of rose oil.

Sudak is a climatic seaside resort. Indications - respiratory diseases of a non-tuberculous nature, functional diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular diseases, etc. Sudak is the only city in Crimea that has beaches made of quartz sand.

Every year more than 180 thousand people (mostly unorganized vacationers) come to Sudak and the Sudak region for vacation. In 2003, 49 thousand people rested in 18 boarding houses and health resorts, one third of which were foreigners.


Distance to the cities of Crimea

City Distance (km) Novy Svet 7 Alushta 93 Stary Krym 36 Feodosiya 55 Kerch 153 Simferopol 107 Evpatoria 172 Yalta 131 Dzhankoy 148 Sevastopol 181

Social sphere

There are 3 secondary schools in the city (school-gymnasium No. 1 named after the Hero of the Soviet Union A.E. Chaika, secondary school No. 2, school No. 3 (with the Crimean Tatar language of instruction)), a sports school, a children's and youth center, a city lyceum, branch of the Yalta vocational school, faculty of management and economics of the Tauride national university them. Vernadsky; clinic, hospital.