Camping in Europe. Recreation center, camping or camping - which is better, pros and cons Camping pros and cons


A strange campsite where everyone sings psalms and the country's oldest hotel. On this day, we climbed to a height of 1,500 meters, saw a certain unit, accidentally ended up in a museum of wooden architecture, and then walked to the glacier.

07/02/13 Day ten

Although the evening was cold, but clear, in the middle of the night it began to rain. We got out of the tent at about eight in the morning - it was cloudy, but the sun was making heroic efforts to break through the clouds. We hope that it will overcome the gloom of the morning, because we need to at least dry the tent a little. About the fact that Norway in July also does not indulge in heat, we already wrote. As usual, it takes about 2 hours to get ready, and we leave around 10:00. Continuing the trip to Norway, from Bergen we drive along the E 16 highway. In Voss we stop by the Rimi store. Next stop is the Tvindefossen waterfall. If you go into independent travel by car, then by it, if you drive along the E16 highway, you will not pass, no matter how hard you try. There is a large parking lot, where every now and then buses with tourists taxi in, there is also a souvenir shop. But the toilet is paid - 10 crowns.

We set up a tent, cooked dinner and went for a walk around the neighborhood. The weather became good again, we said “thank you” to Norway for this, and along the fjord we reached the beginning of the Orlov road. Along the slopes we grow a mass of ripe strawberries. And almost no one collects it. We corrected this omission, and ate it to satiety. Very tasty.

Our report on the trip to Norway in parts (after reading it, it will be easier for you to plan your trip around Norway by car):

- Start, interrogation at the border, grocery shopping in Suomi, a strange American boy, a ferry, unexpected spending on camping expenses, Sweden with toilets and pissing statues, and the excitement of the first night in the very northern country Scandinavia.

— The oldest stave church in the country. Why can smoke come out of the pads?…. A hike to the famous pea - chains to help us, a pulpit without preachers, another stave church and a double waterfall falling directly onto the highway.

— Chocolate with bread, a rainbow over a glacier. What is needed in order to sit on the tongue? .... Driving in a circle, you can find yourself in a new place, and not return to the previous one. Bergen - lilacs, cherries and oleanders ...

— As we saw the funniest bridges, we ended up in the strangest church in Norway and what will happen if you don’t listen to the navigator. And another sudden discovery of a planned trip to Norway - the country's most historical hill (we are talking about the legendary Norwegian ruler). What are the disputes about the animal world.

- Arctic - in Norway in July it is +4; the end of the journey to Norway and the Swedish grader; acquaintance with reindeer; the largest campsite, locomotives and sculptures in Finland

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Camping is a type of recreation and tourism that lovers choose active rest and autotourists. For such travelers, there are specially set up camps, where there are places for tents or ready-made tents, special houses. In such places, there must be a sanitary zone (toilet) and parking for cars. Depending on the location, camping may include a car wash, service stations, shops. With a minimum number of conditions, you can have a good rest from the cities, problems and daily hustle and bustle. Often tent camps are located near a forest, lake, sea or other scenic area.

Camping Pros

Those who often travel with tents near wild nature note many positive aspects of such a holiday:

  • Saving money. If you wish, you can relax in nature, this is a worthy option, since paying for parking and the location of the tent will be much cheaper than renting a room in a hotel or hostel. Plus, there are not very strict rules for settling and living on the territory of the tent camp. Do not forget about communication, unity with nature;
  • There is no need to pre-book a campsite (although it can be done). The tourist does not depend on the place and time of arrival at the place. You can come to the campsite at any time. In extreme cases, you can pitch a tent for several days near a lake or in a forest;
  • Camping is often a recreation with amenities. Do not think that these are simple territories without access to civilization. Most quality campsites are fenced and guarded (safety is paramount here), you can take firewood and use the shower. You can cook your own food (conditions are provided for this) or use the services of local cafes;
  • Some campgrounds may offer elite infrastructure. Those who do not want or cannot say goodbye to amenities are offered houses with TVs, comfortable furniture, air conditioners;
  • Clean air and unification with nature, quiet, calm, sincere rest. All this is possible due to the remoteness of campsites from big cities, noisy roads. Although there are options closer;
  • There is a choice of leisure activities for different ages: playgrounds, fishing, walks in the wild, the opportunity to ride a bike, boat, sunbathe. The local administration will definitely tell you the possibilities of recreation and entertainment on their territory;
  • Such a holiday will appeal to a person of any age and will be affordable for almost everyone. Pets are not allowed on the premises.

But there are factors that can scare away from such a holiday:

  • Many people do not like the noise and sounds of nature. Especially at night when you want to have a good rest. In addition, in the warm season, many are allergic to insect bites;
  • Possible close proximity of other vacationers. Sometimes these are new friends and acquaintances, and sometimes they are noisy companies that cannot calm down until the morning;
  • Despite the fact that you can not book a point, you need to study places for recreation in advance in order to find out all the features and not spoil your vacation;
  • For such a pastime, be sure to consider weather and territorial placement of tents. During rain, in the first place, places near water bodies and low-lying areas will be flooded;
  • The cleanliness of a trailer or tent often wishes to be better. It all depends on the conscience and cleanliness of vacationers. Basically, all things (from food to hygiene products) need to be taken with you.

The list of things that you need to take for such a vacation is individual. But there are things that should be in the bag of every traveler:

  1. Personal belongings of each: documents, money, camera;
  2. Personal hygiene products, a cosmetic bag and individual necessary items in it;
  3. Things for the tent camp: a tent, a blanket, a sleeping bag, a carimate, a tarp, a flashlight, a clothesline, candles, an ax, dishes and other kitchen utensils. Sometimes they can be provided by the campsite administration;
  4. first aid kit;
  5. Clothes for any weather.

Where is it better to settle in the Crimea during the holidays. There are many options - camping with tents, private sector, mini-hotel, boarding house, sanatorium or large hotel.

Everyone has their own idea: someone loves comfort, someone likes hiking conditions. Also, the choice of place of residence depends on the wallet.

All of the above has its pros and cons:

Camping or campground

It is considered the cheapest form of recreation. Usually campsites pay for a tent (if you use a camping tent) or for a tent place (if you brought a tent with you). Often, campsites offer three meals a day for an additional fee.

In addition, you will have to pay for parking. The result is not very cheap, about 300 rubles per person per day. When choosing a campsite, you should pay attention to its remoteness from the sea - if you already pay money for accommodation without comfort, then this housing should be right on the beach.

So, the pros and cons of camping:

  • relatively cheap;
  • close to the sea;
  • it is possible to provide food;
  • lack of comfort (public toilet, shower outside);
  • poor weather protection;
  • people who are not distinguished by good health should not settle in a tent camp.

Private sector (room)

Inexpensive and quite comfortable type of rest. The choice of rooms is very large, of course the amenities and the kitchen are shared. They may also be in the yard. This, of course, affects the price of rented housing.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • cheap (a room can be found at the price of a campsite);
  • many offers;
  • more comfortable camping;
  • a greater distance from the sea is possible;
  • food must be prepared by oneself;
  • shared kitchen, toilet, shower.

Private sector (apartment)

Renting an apartment in Crimea is a little more expensive (about 1,000 rubles per day). You can find an apartment a little further from the beach for 500 rubles per day.

The choice of apartments is very large. It is advisable, of course, to book an apartment in advance on the Internet, where there are many advertisements for renting apartments published by the owners.

Pros and cons of this type of residence:

  • individual amenities;
  • availability of hot water;
  • separate kitchen;
  • often in rented apartments there is air conditioning;
  • apartments are usually located far from the sea.

Mini-hotels, guest houses

A very rapidly growing industry. Accommodation is more expensive, but more comfortable conditions are offered - air conditioning, room service, food, the presence of a swimming pool.

The cost of living in mini-hotels varies, so you need to choose on the sites the option that suits you the most.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • a fairly high level of service;
  • comfort;
  • higher prices compared to camping and the private sector;
  • The level of service may not match the cost.

Sanatoriums, boarding houses

Accommodation in sanatoriums or boarding houses of the Crimea is quite expensive. Prices exceed even the cost of a holiday in Turkey or Egypt, and service in many places has remained at the level of the Soviet Union.

An indisputable plus for a trip to a sanatorium or a boarding house is the provision of sanatorium services (medical and wellness procedures).

Also, these objects are usually located on a large area with a park, places for walking.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • health resort services;
  • nutrition;
  • park area;
  • low level of service;
  • very high cost of living.

Camping is good!

Rest at the base or in a tent

It is hardly possible to imagine better rest than a couple of days fishing or hunting. And it is better to devote a week to this matter. Fans of hunting and fishing know that these activities are like tourism, meditation and skill in one bottle. But in order for the rest to be a success, you need to properly prepare for it.

Properly selected equipment matters, and the choice of a place for such a holiday is also not the last thing. But among other things, you will have to decide how exactly this vacation will be organized.

What to choose - a base or a tent?

Of course, the decision is up to you alone, and no one but you will decide what kind of rest is suitable better.

But it is worth noting that camping remains the prerogative of young people without children. Although, if you wish, you can go on such a trip with children, but the younger they are, the more difficult it is to prepare well.

It is clear that for those who just want to comfortably spend time in nature, go fishing, hunt and not worry about everyday issues, recreation centers are more suitable.

In any case, no matter what type of recreation you like, on our website you will find excellent places for hunting and fishing in different regions of Russia, where you can go with tents and to the base.

Yosemite Campgrounds is one of the ideal lodging options in the park. I will tell you how to search, book, pay for campsites and share my own experience.

Arriving at the first on our way national park USA - Yosemite Park - Andryusiks and I did not doubt for a minute that we would spend the night in the campsite. Why? Yes, because it's cheap and cheerful! Hotels in the parks are not cheap pleasure, and sometimes all the places in them are booked several months ago; drive and drive to the nearest city with inexpensive motels, and we are economical in all respects - both in terms of time and in terms of budget. So, as they say, welcome to camping!

How to search for campsites?

You have absolutely no idea where and how to look for campsites and in general, what is it and what are they like? So, especially for you, Andryusiks wrote a review article about US campsites. This is also the first time we have come across this type of housing. It turned out that the devil is not so terrible. In fact, searching and finding campsites is very easy, and spending time in them is very pleasant.

Campsite booking

If you want to prepare thoroughly for the trip and calculate every step, then you will probably want to book campsites as well. If the campsite is popular, located in the center of a park, or if you are planning a weekend/holiday stay, it's best to book well in advance. In some camps, there may not be free places for several months, or even for six months. However, keep in mind that tourists can change their minds and cancel the reservation, so if you have planned a certain campsite for yourself - karaulte.

On the official website, it is recommended to book campsites at the following times (the first column is the estimated date of arrival at the campsite, the second is the day from which you can book a place):

You can find and book a campsite on this site.

What campsites in Yosemite did we stay at?

Andriusiks and I changed two campsites during our visit to the park. We did not book them in advance and did not observe any problems with places, although our visit fell at the very height of the season (July).

Camp 4

We looked after this camp in advance and went to it purposefully. Why? Because it is located in the heart of Yosemite Valley (not far from Yosemite Lodge), which is very convenient - there is a stop of free buses running throughout the valley nearby. Plus, there are several interesting trails (tourist paths) within walking distance.


Schedule: the campsite operates all year round.

Booking: There is no advance booking. Works on the principle first-comefirstserved(first come, first served).

Price:$5 per person (maximum 6 people per seat). There are no places for RV.

Peculiarities: Camp 4 is a camp from the category walk-in. This means that you cannot drive to your place by car. You will have to leave the car in the parking lot, and carry things in your hands through the entire camp, which is not very convenient. We did not know about this, but it would hardly be the reason for refusing to spend the night.

Facilities: The campsite has one shared toilet with running water and a sink for dirty water. Nearby - a tap with drinking water and garbage cans. All.

Advantages and disadvantages: one of the main disadvantages of this campsite is the lack of personal space. Plus - a convenient location and beautiful surroundings: on the one hand - a mountain, on the other - a pretty meadow.


It is better to take places in this camp early in the morning (rangers arrive at about 8:30 in the morning). The scheme is as follows: you arrive, leave the car in the parking lot and go to the rangers' kiosk. There you will surely see other waiting tourists (sometimes they begin to gather already at six in the morning), who need to ask who is the last one and take a seat. Periodically, the ranger comes out and distributes cards with serial numbers. When it's your turn, you will be shown a map of the campsite and given the opportunity to choose a site. After that, you pay it and get a check and a permit for the car, which allows you to leave it in the parking lot for the night (you need to attach it to the windshield), plus a tag that you need to attach to the tent. After that, you can camp or go about your business.

To extend your stay, you must inform the ranger of your desire at least one day in advance. He will have to show all the papers issued earlier: a check, a ticket for a car and a tag from the tent.

Camp 4 Rules

  • Sleeping in a car in the parking lot is not allowed, even if you paid for a campsite.
  • During the summer season (May to September) this campsite is available for a maximum stay of 7 days. Directly in the park during the year you can stay for 30 days, but in the summer - only 14 days.
  • All food must be stored in iron boxes.
  • You can not leave garbage in its place - everything in a lockable garbage container. You don't want a bear to visit, do you?
  • Campfires are only allowed from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
  • You can not collect firewood, cones, needles and other things from trees.
  • Pets are not allowed at this campsite.
  • "Quiet hours" from 10 pm to 6 am (although when we were there, this rule was not very respected).
  • You need to wash the dishes in their place, and drain the dirty water into a special sink (again, so as not to attract uninvited guests with the smell).
  • Check-in and check-out time is 12 noon.


Shower: can be found at Yosemite Lodge, Yosemite Village, Housekeeping Camp, and Curry Village (for a small fee). On the map, these points are marked with gray "droplets".

Laundry: located at Housekeeping Camp.

Grocery stores: in Yosemite Lodge, Yosemite Village (marked with green "droplets" on the map).

Camping Junction

This campsite is no longer in Yosemite, but very close to it. It is located in INYO National Forest, on Tioga Road, about 15 kilometers from the park's east exit. We stopped in it because the next day we were planning a trip to Mammoth Lakes.


Schedule: no information (sorry, forgot to clarify).

Booking: There is no advance booking. Works the same as the previous camping on the principle first-comefirstserved(whoever came first, he was the first to take a place).

Price:$16 per seat including one car. You can also stay on an RV, but there are no special devices (electricity / water) here.

Peculiarities: this campsite is on enough high altitude so it gets very cold at night. In mid-July, when we stopped here, the temperature dropped to +3 degrees in the morning. It is better to have warm clothes with you. I note that Camp 4 was much warmer.

Locations: Places in the Junction Campground are individual, that is, the neighbors are at a sufficient distance. Each place is equipped with a table, a fire pit with a grate and storage for food. I think you have already understood that everything smelling and edible should be locked in the latter.

Facilities: The campsite has one shared toilet without water. There is no clean water on the campsite at all, only a river nearby, in which you can draw water for technical needs.

Advantages and disadvantages: minus can be considered the lack of water and the night cold. If you have a sufficient supply of drinking water with you, then the first minus, in principle, disappears. Unless it is inconvenient to wash your face and brush your teeth. Plus - a cozy area with a river and mountains. In addition, it was here that we observed the starry sky with the Milky Way, which we have never seen in our lives. Fairytale spectacle!


Junction Campground provides self-payment and personal choice of location. Andryusiks described this method in detail with step-by-step instructions.

Junction Camp rules

  • You can stay at this campsite for a maximum of 14 days.
  • Check-out time is 12 noon. Settling time - any.
  • Food and anything considered bear food must be kept in storage ( foodstorage).
  • As elsewhere, you can’t leave garbage on the ground; there is a large container for it at the entrance.
  • Fires can only be lit in specially equipped places.
  • Quiet hours must be observed from 10 pm to 6 am.
  • Do not leave your belongings unattended for more than 24 hours.
  • You can stay with animals, but they must be supervised or on a leash.
  • If you have any questions, you can contact the host ( host) - to the caretaker of the campsite (usually his trailer is located at the entrance to the campsite).


The nearest showers and laundry facilities are in Yosemite Valley. Grocery stores can be found east along Tioga Road, in Lee Vining.

***Other camps

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