Disposable Crimea. Why did the flow of tourists fall?


What kind of tourist should we expect this summer - wealthy or economical, "mattress" content with the beach - or greedy for impressions? But each of them needs to be provided with comfort and reasonable prices for rest.

Economical and not very

The Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan has developed tips for health resorts to reduce energy costs. “It is necessary to make sure that the energy demand of the sanatorium and resort sector decreases, this affects the entire Crimea,” said Sergey Strelbitsky, Minister of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea. “If the cost of electricity goes down, the cost of services will go down as well. Now we need to keep prices the same. According to our forecasts, the eastern and western Crimea can become leaders in receiving tourists.”

His words are confirmed by the Crimean tour operators. “Economy holidays are in great demand, but the sanatorium complex is also in demand, because people go to Crimea for treatment,” Marina Danilova, head of the booking department of one of the Crimean tour operators, told AiF-Crimea. - Sales of tickets in February, compared to last year, increased by about a third. It is unlikely that those who chose Turkey or Egypt will go to the Crimea - after all, the level of service is incomparable. Their "all inclusive" means free use of everything that is located on the territory of the hotel. And the Crimean "all inclusive" means that only breakfast, lunch and dinner are included in the price of the tour.

An average Crimean tour for ten days costs up to 30 thousand rubles. For this money, you can get basic medical procedures. There are vouchers for 1,500 rubles a day per person - despite the fact that the price is calculated for the peak season. On average, the cost of placement increased by 15-20%. Some health resorts and boarding houses have lowered prices, but there are not so many of them.

For Crimea, May holidays have always been a kind of test for the success of the season. “Sales of tours for the May holidays have started, and they are coming to an end,” said Victoria Stupina, a marketer for a travel company. “Traditionally, tour operators prepared package offers in early March, but this year they started selling from February 10.”

"May" tourists are interested in travel and attractions, so there is a high demand for sightseeing tours.

An average Crimean tour for ten days costs up to 30 thousand rubles. Photo: AiF / Olga Korobova

Where is the service?

Last year, Crimean tourism industry experts noted that among visitors there is a very high percentage of people who have never been to Crimea before. But they managed to travel around the world. Here they are - demanding, critical customers. Keeping them will be incredibly difficult. They did not skimp on comments from the airport, because it is impossible to find navigation information at the airport itself. Complained mainly about the infrastructure, accommodation facilities and the lack of information about the services in the hotels themselves. In addition, traditionally they were dissatisfied with the fact that it was impossible to visit some sights during the peak season.

The Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Kazakhstan is already working on these shortcomings. Soon, the same museums will be able to switch to an extended work schedule so that tourists can visit them in the evenings, and small tour groups are formed. In addition, passports of accommodation facilities will be prepared.

The 2016 season is expected with a tourist flow of up to 4.9 million people. To do this, the ferry plans to take more motorists in the summer - at least 7 million people in both directions. And the airport of Simferopol, as the main gate of the Crimea, has also prepared: now Aeroflot will operate flights from Simferopol to the main big cities Russia.

According to representatives of the Crimean administration, this year the tourist flow to the peninsula has increased again.

“This year, the high holiday season was generally successful. The total number of vacationers since the beginning of the year and as of mid-October exceeded five million people,” the media representatives were officially informed last Friday.

Is it a lot?

No, it's not too much.

On the one hand, this is more than last year and significantly more than a year earlier. For the whole of last year, 4.59 million tourists visited Crimea (which, in turn, is 21% more than in 2014).

There is reason to believe that the final figures for 2016 will be equal to the average "pre-Maidan" years, when 5.5-6.1 million tourists a year arrived in Crimea. And maybe - if the beginning of winter goes well - and will exceed them.

What, by the way, is the most curious: a 2.2-fold increase in the tourist flow was recorded even from Ukraine, which is “at war” with us. In total, since the beginning of this year, a little more than 864,000 citizens of this militant power have actually rested in Crimea.

This means the following things:

1) The preserved mental health of a fairly decent part of the citizens of Ukraine, which, in fact, at a purely everyday level, ignores the fierce media hatred pouring from every iron and "unforgettable-unforgivable."

2) The resource for the extensive development of the tourism industry in this Russian region is rapidly depleting. The simple replacement of the majority of tourists from Ukrainian to Russian (before reunification - two-thirds from Ukraine, after reunification - four-fifths from Russia) has already been exhausted.

Now the tourism infrastructure of the peninsula needs to be systematically reformed.

And this is a very difficult task: in Sochi, the "flagship" in this respect, for example, it was carried out only at the expense of the Olympic project. And this despite the fact that at that time Sochi and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus were generally the only Russian “tourist region”.

But we, unfortunately, do not see a new "Olympic project". Especially in the Crimea.

No, it cannot be said that nothing is being done in this direction. The transport infrastructure is being “embroidered”, and we are talking here not only about “ Kerch bridge". The airport is being expanded, internal road communications are being improved. New tourist facilities are being restored and built, a key issue for any "tourist region" with sightseeing and entertainment facilities is being resolved.

It's just that what is being done is categorically not enough.

Moreover, we have already spoken more than once about the need for a “national project” in the field of the so-called. "domestic and inbound tourism", of which, of course, Sochi and Crimea should become an integral part. But for its implementation, it will be necessary to change the entire structure of the tourism industry, starting with the mentality of the people who manage this industry.

Officials still, by and large, perceive "tourism" exclusively as an "exit" discipline.

Would you like a small example?

Now the issue of the so-called. "resort fee from travelers", and at the regional level. And this means that this "fee" - yes, a small one - will be levied exclusively on "domestic" and "inbound" tourists. And not from those who prefer Egyptian Sharm el-Sheikh to Crimea and Sochi. At the same time, purely technically, it is not at all more difficult, as well as directing the proceeds from the hypothetical "exit fee" funds in a targeted manner to the development of the tourism infrastructure of one's own country.

But such an approach at the system level simply does not occur to these people in fact. And with such a mentality of government officials who do not even think about creating additional advantages for competitors to our own “tourist regions” and objects, tourism as a national project cannot be developed for sure.

What will the holiday season be like in Crimea?

Only a few regions on the southern coast of Crimea will be able to earn during the holiday season. At the same time, the Russian authorities are doing everything possible to ensure that the Crimeans are left without the traditional summer earnings.

“On May 9, there were many guests in the city, but it cannot be said that the sanatoriums survived the rush demand, there are no aunts with signs “Housing by the sea,” Feodosia Natalia, who works as a guide in the summer, spent the May weekend at home. The townspeople explain the modest results by the fact that that the majority of tourists visit the Eastern Crimea in transit, heading to rest on the South Coast. However, things are not brilliant there either. But less, much less than last year, - said Vitaly Malyshev from Yalta. “According to the forecasts of my acquaintances who work in travel agencies, it is not worth waiting for tourists until mid-June.”

The popularity of Crimea for the May holidays is considered to be an indicator of the quality of the upcoming holiday season. Having accepted the first wave, the Crimean authorities burst into cheerful statements that millions of guests were waiting, promising to set a record for visiting resorts. Ukrainian experts believe that there is no reason for optimism: it is still difficult to get to Crimea, and Ukrainians, who have always accounted for the lion's share of the tourist flow, will not go there for reasons of security and patriotism. The holiday season may also be affected by the initiative of Russian legislators, who propose to significantly complicate the delivery of housing.

A big difference

Estimates of the number of tourists visiting the peninsula during the long May weekend vary considerably. The Ministry of Resorts of Crimea reported that there were 161.6 thousand of them, which is 23.3% more than in 2015, plus 250 thousand tourists Rostourism counted in Sevastopol, announcing that the growth was 20%. The department reported that Yalta and Alushta became the most popular resorts in Crimea, they account for about half of the tourist flow.

Former Minister of Resorts and Tourism of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Oleksandr Liev, based on data from the Ukrainian Hospitality Industry Association, gives other figures. Crimea was visited by about 35 thousand tourists, almost all of them are Russians, in the best years the peninsula received about 200 thousand people in May. He explains this difference by the fact that Russian statistics are based not on economics, but on politics and propaganda. At the same time, there is no reason not to trust the information received from the Association. “She monitors data from open Russian Internet sources about transport links with Crimea, mainly air and ferry traffic,” explains Liev. we monitor the online booking system. In total, about 73 systems are analyzed. This is how we see the volume: how many rooms are rented, how many are booked, where reservations have already been stopped. We also use the data of large tour operators in Crimea. The most objective source for us is direct communication with the owners of accommodation facilities on peninsula, we monitor more than a hundred objects."

Seven million tourists

The other day, Russian media disseminated information that Russians are increasingly preferring vacations in other regions to Crimea. Airline sellers say that due to the rise in prices, the demand for Simferopol flights by independent travelers has decreased by a quarter. Tour operators predict a decline in demand in organized tourism as well: Russians will choose Sochi.

The Crimean "authorities" immediately issued a refutation. The "Deputy Prime Minister of the Crimean Government" Ruslan Balbek, who oversees the tourism sector, said that these data are unrepresentative and indicate information stuffing or incompetence. "Speaker of the Crimean Parliament" Vladimir Konstantinov said that Crimea plans to receive up to 7 million tourists this year, breaking the record of recent decades.

Such forecasts cause distrust even among many Crimeans, who remind that a few years ago, when Crimea set records, hosting 6 million people, everything was packed, housing was booked several months in advance. “Now nothing portends a rush demand,” says businessman Yevgeny Volchenko. “The owners of apartments and mini-hotels expect the season to be at the level of last year. Then it was officially announced that 4.5 million people had a rest in Crimea, those who work in this sphere, they suggested boldly dividing it by two. That is, Crimea accepted 2–2.5 million, this is felt against the backdrop of 2013, when we felt the real 6 million. sanatoriums are closed because someone "squeezed them out" and now does not know what to do with them.In the private sector, the search for clients has shifted to the Internet.Those who quickly orientated themselves to the Russian market and the Network get some kind of tenants ".

Crimeans hope that this year will be a little better. The Russians are now cut off from Egypt and Turkey, after the devaluation it is more profitable to spend rubles on holidays than dollars, so the demand for domestic tourism will increase. In addition, seasonal housing in the Crimea costs one and a half times cheaper than in the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory.

Alexander Liev notes that the least affected by the annexation tourist season in Sevastopol and Yalta. These two cities divided the main tourist flow during May holidays and share it throughout the year. "Separately it is worth noting the city of Saki, mud spas which were filled. But the specifics of this resort and its medical profile, as well as a small number of beds, make this result not very representative, says the ex-minister. - Far beyond the loss is the tourist flow in Evpatoria and Alushta. The catastrophic situation in the resorts of Kerch, Sudak, Feodosia, the Black Sea and Razdolnensky regions. It can be predicted that the 2016 season in Crimea will remain at the level of last year, that is, 1.2–1.5 million tourists. All this will be a monostream from Russia."

His words indirectly confirm the observations of Vladimir Yarmolenko, the owner of a boarding house in Primorsky, who says that there is little demand for Eastern Crimea, although his rooms cost from 300 rubles. (about 115 UAH) per person.

"Hello Crimeans"

On the eve of the tourist season, problems were thrown to the Crimeans by Russian legislators who decided to ban accommodation services in apartments. The bill, for which the State Duma voted in the first reading, suggests that if the owner of an apartment wants to provide hotel services, he needs to remove it from the housing stock, register as an entrepreneur and pay taxes. For Crimeans, this is unacceptable, since many residents of coastal cities rent housing for only two or three summer months.

“It is curious that no one speaks loudly about this bill, which was nicknamed “Hello to the Crimeans,” many do not know,” says Volchenko. “When you tell your friends about it, the first reaction is: “Come on!”, And then they start to resent. The ban will affect the whole of Russia, so it is actively discussed on the Internet.They say that the law will kill the whole sector - what to do with shift workers, renters, students?"

According to the entrepreneur, there have already been attempts in Crimea to bring private sector income out of the shadows. In 2014, they offered to pay for beds without registration of entrepreneurship, but people did not agree to this, since there were no guarantees that at least someone would come to rest, meanwhile, the fee is collected monthly. The owners of the apartments agreed with the neighbors: if an inspection came, the vacationers had to be represented by friends or relatives of the owners. Last year they took on mini-hotels, the owners of which, according to officials, earned from 20 to 50 thousand rubles daily. (from UAH 7.8 thousand to UAH 19.4 thousand). “That is, even the Crimean officials are far from reality, the majority of the earnings were many times less,” says Volchenko.

He believes that the appearance of the bill is "a continuation of the belt-tightening story." At least ten new taxes have been introduced in Russia in a year, and the next initiative of legislators has become an image of vigorous activity to fill the budget.

The greed of hotels and airlines, which turned their heads on a successful 2016, and the opening of Turkey, today explain the sharp drop in tourist flow to Crimea. But market participants name one more reason: "disposable" clients.

Something obviously went wrong with the holiday season this year: July has begun, and there are few tourists in Crimea. In 2016, the tourist flow to Crimea increased to 5.6 million tourists compared to 4.6 million in 2015, this year the head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov expected 6 million tourists. But at the end of May, sales of tour packages to Crimea fell by 30%.

Tour operators estimate a decrease in demand for holidays in the resorts of the peninsula at the beginning of the season at 20%, hotel owners - at 12%, according to EADaily. At the same time, according to the Ministry of Resorts of Crimea, the total tourist flow at the beginning of the season decreased by only 3.8%. Nevertheless, local bloggers talk about the prospects for a 15% reduction in the number of tourists by the end of the year.

Why did the popularity boom of the Crimean coast end so quickly?

The Minister of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea Sergey Strelbitsky blames the cold May and June for this, but according to statistics, more tours to Crimea were sold in June than in July, although the opposite was always the case.

Experts of the "Association of Tour Operators of Russia" connect the incident with the "greed" of hoteliers and air carriers, who raised prices due to the fact that the success of the 2016 season "turned their heads."

Strelbitsky agrees that hotel owners raised their prices unreasonably and therefore "do not deserve tourists." According to the official, a significant part of vacationers refused the services of both tour operators and hotels, and now they rent their own housing in the private sector. 48% of tourists go to Crimea without the help of operators, 36% live in private houses and apartments.

An important reason is the opening of Turkey: this year, not only Crimea, but everyone has faced a decline in tourists Black Sea coast Russia. Search engine data shows a decrease in requests for recreation in the Crimea or in Anapa since December 2016 by 30-35%. Conversely, outbound travel destinations are growing in both sales and search terms.

The cheapest offer in Turkey is 20,000 rubles in a three-star hotel with a flight and all inclusive, while in Crimea for 20,000 rubles you can only fly in plus take a taxi ride from Simferopol to Yalta, quotes the words of the general director of the Dolphin tour operator Sergey Romashkin.

Tour package to a decent hotel for a family (two adults and one child 6 years old) with full board(all inclusive) both to the Crimea and to Anatalya will cost almost the same - 145 thousand rubles. The tour package includes 14 nights of rest in the first half of August. In Crimea, this will be the Yalta-Intourist hotel, in Antalya Grand Park Lara (five stars). However, the Crimean tour package does not include an air ticket, unlike the Turkish one. And this is another plus of 45 thousand rubles. And that's nothing: in Yalta, vouchers to five-star hotels are offered at prices ranging from 500 to 2.3 million rubles for 14 days of rest.

There is another reason for the decline in tourist traffic - airfare.

“Where does it fit when it takes the same time to fly to Simferopol and Sochi from Moscow, but for some reason the cost of a round trip to Crimea is higher by 2.5-3 thousand rubles,” Sergey Strelbitsky said.

A search for air tickets on Momondo.ru to Simferopol, Sochi and Antalya for the same dates (July 29-August 5) showed that the most cheap ticket round-trip to Simferopol will cost 12-15 thousand rubles, in Sochi - 10-12 thousand rubles, and to Antalya - 14-16 thousand rubles.

Perhaps that is why the expectation that the health resorts of the Crimea will be filled by the military and civil servants of the Russian Federation, who are prohibited from traveling abroad, did not materialize. Officials and the military do not actually go to Crimea, Kommersant writes.

According to official data, only 1% of military personnel among those who vacationed on the peninsula in 2016, and 11% of civil servants. In figures, this is about 650 thousand tourists. Much more of those for whom the abroad is closed go specifically to the Krasnodar resorts.

Moreover, Russians get to the south in the most conservative ways: by their own car or by train, not so many people fly by plane. Here is the answer why they don’t go to the Crimea - who wants to pay from 1,700 rubles for a car at a one-way crossing, and then make a detour of 200-300 km on expensive gasoline and give the same money for housing, the quality of which leaves much to be desired ?

“Any market that rises this fast then falls quickly. During the Ukrainian period, the peninsula was visited by 1.5-2 million Russians, this was a stable figure. Over the past two years, Crimea has managed to attract 3.5 million new Russian tourists to those 2 million regular customers. Many visited the peninsula for the first time, came out of curiosity, climbed all the sights. However, Crimea has not yet been able to hook these new clients for a long time. The honest marketing base of the peninsula is those 2-2.5 million tourists,” Romashkin argues.

Tourists are conservative.

“If they are used to relaxing in the Turkish 'all-inclusive' format in a closed area, then they returned to this this year. Crimean pyramid as it grew, so it fell apart. Crimea has yet to compete for regular tourists,” concludes Romashkin.

Tourists are scared off not only by prices, but also by the underdevelopment of infrastructure - from transport to public. “To get from the airport to a place of rest, either you need to pay a lot of money to taxi drivers, or you need to dodge and guess with public transport, which is very inconvenient and uncomfortable,” complains a public figure, coordinator of the “Blue Buckets Society” movement Petr Shkumatov on his Facebook page.

Beaches also do not always leave positive emotions. “You can see a strange picture: restaurants that do business on vacationers throw garbage on the beach. Simply because they know that municipal employees are obliged to take out this garbage from there. But sometimes municipal employees do not cope with this task, and then the garbage lies until the next day. All vacationers see this,” Shkumatov notes. Chaotic and barbaric development also reduces tourist value. South Shore Crimea, he adds. One way or another, Crimea will have to solve all these problems if the peninsula wants to consistently earn money from tourists.

The number of vacationers has decreased several times

In Crimea, as the local "authorities" say, only half of the beaches are ready for tourists to relax. Entrepreneurs complain that vacationers from Russia are sent to state sanatoriums, while "private traders" are left without earnings. Polls show that only 4% of Russians plan to spend their vacation this summer on the annexed peninsula. Housing and food prices are rising, and the number of tourists is declining. The site found out how the tourist season goes in Crimea "Today.ua".

Can't make money this summer

According to the "Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea", last year 4.5 million people rested on the peninsula, in 2014 - 3.6 million. At the same time, as the ex-Minister of Crimean resorts Alexander Liev recalls, before the annexation, there were 4 times more holidaymakers. This year, local "authorities" hope that the number of tourists will grow. Most of the vacationers are Russians, however, judging by the forecasts of sociologists, citizens of the Russian Federation are not going to go on vacation to.

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