Top 10 countries that drink the most. The most drinking countries in the world Statistics of the most drinking countries


Common sense suggests that the greatest consumption of alcohol should be in those countries where there are many problems, perhaps there is poverty and poor living conditions, but in fact, very prosperous states turned out to be among these. This suggests that the financial development and well-being of residents is irrelevant when it comes to drinking. Surveys from various organizations around the world have shown that for the first time people try alcohol at the age of 13-15, which is not at all encouraging. We have ranked the most drinking countries in the world to dispel the myths about some and find out where they drink the most.

10. Portugal

The average in Portugal is 11.5 liters of alcohol per year per person. Port wine is highly respected here, but wine is consumed the most. This is due to the fact that there are many vineyards in the country and the price of products from it is quite low. In Portugal, wine is several times cheaper than beer, which is why it is in the leading position.

9. Hungary

In the top of the most drinking countries in the world, the homeland of the Hungarians, who know a lot about entertainment. Like the Portuguese, they give preference to wine, because they have more than 20 areas dedicated to the cultivation of grapes. It is consumed in bars, where it costs from $2 per glass.

8. South Korea

In Asia, alcohol is very reserved, but not in South Korea. Ten years ago, the strictest law was established here, just a taboo on all alcohol, but it was canceled and the consumption of vodka, tinctures and moonshine just soared from scratch to the eighth position in the list of the most drinking countries in the world.

7. Ireland

The Irish are famous for their love of beer and whiskey. There are 11.8 alcohol drinks per capita per year, but you can’t drink much here because of high prices. One glass of beer costs from 6 dollars, and for a bottle of whiskey you can pay about 40-50 dollars.

6. Germany

In strict, restrained Germany, they are very loyal to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Unlike many other states, in this one you can safely drink beer in the park or on the street. It is also cheap by local standards, although schnapps is considered to be a native drink.

Recent studies have shown that the amount of alcohol consumed by the average Russian citizen has decreased. This is 15.2 liters per year, but it used to be even more, so the stereotype about the most drinking nation is slowly collapsing. The key drink is considered to be vodka, which is popular here because it quickly allows you to enter a state of intoxication.

In the statistics of the most drinking countries in the world, the Czech Republic shows a result of 16.5 liters per person. Varieties of Czech beer are known all over the world, and the state itself has a huge number of pubs and establishments with a long history, where you can have a good time with a glass of strong drink.

3. Estonia

Never before has Estonia been so close to being the leader in such lists. And this is explained by the fact that the authorities of the country decided to remove the age limit on alcohol and now you can drink here from 16 years old. This law also applies to tourists, so they immediately began to organize entire alcohol tours to Estonia.

2. Ukraine

The weak alcohol market, which is very poorly controlled, has led to the fact that a very large number of people in Ukraine, even before they have crossed the mark of 25 years, become dependent on alcohol. Vodka, vodka and beer are popular here.

1. Belarus

What is the most drinking country in the world? According to the data received and an indicator of 17.6 liters, this is Belarus. They drink mainly strong drinks here, wine and beer are quite rare, despite the fact that it was not possible to collect information about their own brewing of moonshine and all sorts of tinctures.

Chronic causes the development of pancreatitis in 60% of cases. 70% of murders and 62% of suicides are committed while intoxicated. Despite this, alcohol consumption per capita is constantly growing.

Ranking of countries in the world in terms of alcohol consumption

Countries where alcohol consumption is particularly high include:

  1. Belarus. This country has repeatedly been in the lead in the ranking of the most drinking states. In Belarus, not only the legal, but also the black market of alcoholic beverages is developed.
  2. Ukraine. The state traditionally occupies a leading position in the ranking due to the large number of wineries and affordable prices for alcoholic products.
  3. Italy. Wine in Italy is consumed with almost every meal. It is customary to give an alcoholic drink diluted with water even to children.
  4. France. Drinking alcohol is considered part of French culture. A bottle of wine almost always accompanies a Frenchman's lunch or dinner.
  5. Great Britain. Many pubs and bars are open around the clock in this country. The most common cause of death among the inhabitants of the kingdom is cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholism.
  6. Germany. You can buy an alcoholic drink in Germany even at a newsstand. There is no ban on drinking alcohol in public places in the country. Beer festivals are favorite national holidays.
  7. Spain. The Kingdom ranks third in the world in the production of alcoholic beverages. Among the main reasons for the abuse of alcohol is the hot climate. Spaniards quench their thirst with cocktails based on alcoholic beverages.
  8. Finland. Finns are encouraged to drink large amounts of alcohol by harsh climatic conditions. Despite the active struggle of the authorities against drunkenness and numerous restrictions, alcoholism is one of the most common causes of death and the occurrence of serious illnesses in this state.
  9. Australia. The use of rum as a currency contributed to the spread of drunkenness.
  10. Uganda. The state ranks first in the consumption of alcohol among African countries. Preference is given to the local alcoholic drink made from bananas, which in ancient times was used by warriors to raise morale.

Drunkenness in Russia

The Russian Federation is among the most drinking countries in the world. Sociologists argue that the cause of drunkenness is often social, psychological, political and economic problems, uncertainty about the future. Frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages is facilitated by a large number of holidays.

Over the past decade, alcohol-related deaths have increased in Russia: if 2.5 million people died in 2008, then in 2015 the number of deaths exceeded 3.5 million people. In most cases, death occurs after the use of surrogate alcoholic products. The main consequences of excessive drinking include the birth of children with pathologies.

The government of the Russian Federation has adopted a number of bills, the purpose of which is to combat addiction and the spread of counterfeit alcoholic beverages:

  1. Since 2010, appearing in a public place while intoxicated is punishable by arrest for 15 days or a large fine. Criminal liability comes for inducing minors to drink alcohol.
  2. Since 2011, drinks containing more than 0.5% ethyl alcohol are recognized as alcoholic.
  3. Since 2013, the sale of alcohol in unauthorized places, as well as at railway stations and small retail outlets (stalls, kiosks, etc.) has been prohibited.

In addition, thematic alcohol holidays and advertising of alcoholic beverages have been canceled on the territory of the Russian Federation. Educational institutions give lectures on a healthy lifestyle.

Numbers and reality

Alcohol consumption statistics for 2017.

An increase in the consumption of alcoholic beverages is recorded both in countries with economic problems and in countries with a more stable economy.

Where do they not drink?

A complete or partial ban on alcohol consumption is more common in countries where the state religion is Islam, which prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages:

  1. Bangladesh. The local population is prohibited from drinking alcohol. Tourists can bring a small amount of alcohol across the border, which is only allowed to be drunk in a hotel room.
  2. Kuwait. The ban applies to both the local population and foreigners. Violators face jail time. Foreigners in most cases are deported.
  3. Maldives. Residents of the islands are prohibited from drinking alcohol. Tourists are allowed to drink in bars after obtaining a special permit.
  4. Mauritania. Alcohol is not prohibited for non-Islamic people. You can drink it at home or in restaurants licensed to sell alcohol.
  5. Pakistan. Non-Muslim citizens who consume alcohol must obtain a permit. The authorities make concessions to support the state's economy.
  6. Yemen. The sale of alcohol in Yemen is only allowed in Sana'a and Aden. A foreigner can bring alcohol with him, but he does not have the right to drink it in public places.
  7. United Arab Emirates. Sellers of alcohol need to obtain a special license. Non-Muslims are allowed to visit bars, but appearing on the street drunk is unacceptable. Violators face a large fine, imprisonment or public flogging.
  8. Sudan. Non-Islamic citizens of the country and foreigners can drink at home (in a hotel room). At the same time, it is forbidden to visit public places while drunk.
  9. Saudi Arabia. On the territory of the state is a Muslim shrine - Mecca. Buying and selling alcohol in Saudi Arabia is prohibited. All foreigners are warned about the ban when entering the country.
  10. Somalia. Muslims who drink alcohol face imprisonment or corporal punishment. Non-Muslims who drink alcohol in public places will also be punished.

In India, the ban on the production and consumption of alcoholic beverages varies by state. In some regions, prohibitions and restrictions are completely absent, in others there is a "dry" law. You can import alcohol into Iran. On the territory of the state, it is permissible to produce and sell alcoholic products to persons who do not profess Islam.

Alcohol existed in antiquity, but the improvement of production technologies is taking place now. From year to year, new drinks containing a large or small amount of alcohol appear on the market, and the number of drinking citizens is growing. Alcohol consumption varies around the world. There are countries where drinks of this type are generally prohibited, but even there they are consumed in small quantities by visitors or tourists.

The most drinking countries in the world: dynamics and statistics

Statistical agencies, such as Statista, take as a basis:

  • the level of sales of alcoholic beverages;
  • population survey data;
  • cultural characteristics and other factors.

It should be noted that the data sometimes differ slightly. The purpose of rankings and research is to indicate to the government of countries that there are serious problems.

  • Belgium (12.6 l);
  • France (11.5 l);
  • Germany (11.03 l);
  • Hungary (10.88 l);
  • Poland (10.71 l).

The publication notes that it additionally took into account the level of beer consumption. Belgium has taken the very first place among drinking states due to the developed culture of drinking this drink. Here it is drunk very often. The country produces 1,600 different types of alcoholic beverages.

Analytical data from Statista

According to statistics, the level of alcohol consumption in the world is either rising or falling again. It cannot be argued that the low standard of living of the population encourages citizens to drink more. The charts show the opposite. In addition, cultural characteristics have an impact: Muslim countries are not aware of the problem of drunkenness. The exception is Nigeria. In this country, the number of Muslims is at least 50%, but this did not prevent her from becoming the most drinking on the African continent. In the world statistics of WHO, the state is in the top ten.

Top 18 most drinking countries in the world in 2020

A country l/year per person
1 The Republic of Moldova15,2
2 Lithuania15,0
3 Czech14,4
4 Federal Republic of Germany13,4
5 Nigeria13,4
6 Duchy of Luxembourg13,0
7 Ireland13,0
8 Latvian republic12,9
9 Bulgaria12,7
10 Slovenia12,6
11 Romania12,6
12 France12,6
13 Portugal12,3
14 Kingdom of Belgium12,1
15 Seychelles12,0
16 Russian Federation11,7
17 Republic of Poland11,6
18 Republic of Estonia11,6

In the list of the most drinking countries in the world, along with the poor and developing, there are economically developed people with a high level of income. This suggests that the main problem of drunkenness is the culture of drinking.

People are sometimes wary of strong alcohol, but they use a huge amount of wine, beer, cocktails. In Germany, the Czech Republic and other countries of the world, beer holidays are officially held. They have become traditional and attract a large number of tourists.

Oktoberfest in Germany

Another reason for the increase in the number of drinking people in the world and in certain countries is the fashion for alcohol. The appearance on the market of Russia, Belarus and other countries of low-alcohol cocktails in bright jars and bottles has led to the highest jump in drunkenness. A small amount of ethyl alcohol, and a person begins to think that nothing terrible will happen. It is noteworthy that two years ago, WHO recognized Belarus as the most drinking state. Today she occupies the 27th line.

Do not forget about the problem of the availability of alcohol. In residential areas of the Maldives, India, and the United Arab Emirates, it is extremely difficult to find a bottle of alcohol.

In the countries shown in the table above, alcohol is available, it is varied in price so that every resident can afford to drink.

Summary statistics of the states - leaders of the rating

Let's compare the performance of the countries represented over several years. This will allow you to find out how quickly the situation is changing. We will tell you what affects the performance and getting into the ranking of the most drinking countries.

A country 2014, l. 2016, l. 2018, l. Dynamics, %
The Republic of Moldova18,22 16,8 15,2 -16,5
Lithuania15,03 15,4 15,0 -0,2
Czech16,45 13,0 14,4 -14,2
Germany12,81 11,8 13,4 +4,4
Nigeria12,28 10,1 13,4 +8,4
Duchy of Luxembourg13,01 12,9 13,0 -0,03
Ireland14,41 11,9 13,0 -10,8
Latvian republic12,5 12,3 12,9 +3,1
Republic of Bulgaria12,44 11,4 12,7 +2,05
Republic of Slovenia15,19 12,6 12,6 -20,56
Romania15,3 14,4 12,6 -21,43
France13,66 12,2 12,6 -8,4
Portugal14,55 12,9 12,3 -18,3
Kingdom of Belgium10,77 11 12,1 +11
Seychelles10,59 9,8 12,0 +11,75
Russian Federation15,76 15,1 11,7 -34,7
Republic of Poland13,25 12,5 11,6 -14,22
Republic of Estonia15,57 10,3 11,6 -34,22

In Western Europe, alcohol is sold to young people over the age of 18, sometimes earlier. There is no special control over this. Countries individually pass laws restricting the sale of the alcohol itself and the surrogate. In the Scandinavian countries, alcohol is very expensive, here the state is interested in curing dependent citizens.

Over the past years, WHO has observed a significant decrease in the consumption of alcoholic beverages in Russia. The Ministry of Health reported on the work done and said that a positive trend has emerged due to:

  • a ban on the sale of strong products at night;
  • a ban on the sale of alcohol in sports, medical and educational institutions, as well as in their immediate vicinity;
  • increase in the excise rate.

Drinking citizens have abandoned the significant consumption of beer and cocktails, among young people they have begun to consume less of the strongest alcohol, vodka and cognac. The main unresolved problem is the availability of a surrogate. Recall that in 2016, 77 people died from the use of cosmetic lotion. The tincture was distributed officially through special machines.

Alcohol consumption statistics in the world

Strong alcohol consumption is on the rise in Eastern Europe. If we talk about Germany, then the inhabitants of this drinking country began to drink more wine.

In Poland, where traditional drinks are tinctures, they are struggling with the consequences of alcoholism. Doing business on tourists, the Poles quickly realized that this had become a problem. Teenagers and students began to drink.

As for the Seychelles, the appearance of the state among the eighteen drinkers is not accidental: the growth in the number of tourists affects the statistics of the list.

On the territory of the two Americas, the top three drinking leaders are as follows:

  • Uruguay - 10.8 liters;
  • Saint Lucia - 9.9 liters;
  • USA - 9.8 liters.

The myth about Russia as the most drinking country in the world

Most recently, our country was among the top ten states that bear the title of drinkers. However, the myth about how much people drink in Russia has been around for a very long time. For foreigners, the largest country in the world is traditionally associated with balalaika, bear, matryoshka and vodka, whose homeland is not Russia. Why is this happening?

The reason for the association with drinkers lies in the culture of drinking. In Russia, it has long been customary to drink on any occasion: a holiday, grief, a heart-to-heart talk, a new acquaintance. The adult generation taught the youth, and there was no talk of any savoring of a strong drink.

Rosstat data by regions

Today Russia is not the most drinking state, but the problem cannot be ignored. The top 18 shows that we are in a vulnerable position: at the same time, there is a downward trend in alcohol consumption, on the other hand, the threshold value of dependent citizens. It is noteworthy that of all drinks the nation prefers vodka (51%). Beer consumption is 74.1 liters per capita per year. For comparison, in the Czech Republic this figure is twice as high.

So, the most drinking country in the world is Moldova. But are there countries where alcohol is prohibited?

Territories free from alcoholic beverages

It has long been known that "dry law" is not a method of combating drunkenness. According to statistics, the volume of consumption is increasing, and incomes fall into the pockets of dishonest people. But there are states where alcohol is prohibited due to cultural characteristics.

The main ban on drinks with ethanol for Muslims is not enshrined in law, but in the Koran. However, a number of countries hastened to write down this measure on paper. Among them:

  • United Arab Emirates (3.8);
  • Iran (1.0);
  • Saudi Arabia (0.2).

In parentheses is the number of liters drunk by the population per year for each according to statistics. There is a ban on alcohol in some states of India. In this country, the attitude towards drunks is negative. In the state of Gujarat, alcohol is completely prohibited. So India is struggling with alcohol addiction, consumption per year is 5.7 liters per person.

Alcohol consumption in Kuwait is so low that the country is considered a non-drinking country

WHO classifies non-drinking countries as:

  • Kuwait;
  • Somalia;
  • Libya;
  • Mauritania;
  • Bangladesh.

Everyone else drinks alcohol.

As can be seen from the statistics, the most drinking country in the world today is also struggling with the availability of wine on the market. Do not forget that any drinks containing ethanol in the composition are harmful to health. A drunk person cannot control himself, develop, enjoy life.

According to most people, the most drinking country in the world is Russia, followed by countries such as Ireland and the UK. But, according to annual studies, it can be understood that these are just stereotypes. These states were not even included in the "top five countries" in terms of the scale of consumption of alcoholic beverages. So which country is the most drinking in the world? Let's look at the representatives of which nations are in the top ten countries that are lovers of such drinks.

The rating of the most drinking countries is compiled annually by WHO (World Health Organization). There are several points of view regarding the use of alcoholic beverages. Most experts say that alcohol is a real evil and it is necessary to tighten the scope of its production and sale as much as possible.

Another part of scientists says that the normalized use of many alcoholic products has a beneficial effect on the state of the body. For example, regular consumption of small doses of wine demonstrates a positive effect on the condition of the skin and contributes to the normalization of blood pressure. But it is very important to note the fact that no matter what point of view you consider yourself to be, the number of people who abuse alcohol is constantly growing. Experts are concerned about the fact that in some states this number has already significantly exceeded the norm.

List of states that abuse alcohol

Tenth line - Slovenia and Denmark. According to the latest data, the amount of alcohol consumed in Denmark and Slovenia is about ten and a half liters per year, per inhabitant. According to statistics, most residents prefer low-alcohol drinks, other products are much less in demand. In one of the cities of Slovenia is the oldest vineyard in all of Europe. Its name is "Stara trta", which in Slovenian means "old vine". Its age is over four hundred years old. To the rest of the world, Denmark is known as a producer of beer brands such as Karlbserg and Tuborg.

Alcohol popularity statistics are as follows: soft alcohol - forty-six percent of the population, wine - thirty percent, strong alcohol - eighteen percent, other drinks - six percent of the population. Borovichka is considered the national drink.

The WHO believes that the most effective measures to address problems associated with alcohol use are to limit access to alcohol, prohibit its advertising and pricing policy.

Ninth place - Hungary. Alcohol consumption per capita in Hungary is ten point eight tenths of a litre. To collect statistical data, we used a survey of residents in the age category from fifteen to sixty-five years.
Hungary is famous all over the world for its famous vineyards. Drinks of this particular country are preferred all over the world.

By popularity, in this state, the first line is occupied by beer, it is preferred by fifty-four percent of the population. On the second line is wine, with twenty-eight percent. Close the top three strong alcoholic beverages, which are in demand only eighteen percent of the local population. The national drinks of this place include wine and schnapps.

Eighth place - Spain and Portugal. The eighth line of the rating is shared by two southern states, Portugal and Spain. Statistics on the use of alcohol in these states indicate that for each inhabitant there are eleven and a half liters of alcohol annually. The warm climate and constant sunny weather allow the locals to engage in the cultivation of first-class grapes.

It is here that the use of wine is given the main preference. According to polls, more than half of the population prefers wine to other alcohol. On the second line, with a popularity of thirty percent, there are different types of foamy drinks. It is important to mention that in these countries beer is several times more affordable and cheaper than wine.

Spanish wineries occupy the third line in the list of countries engaged in wine production. In total, more than ninety varieties of various grapes are grown on the territory of the state. The area of ​​​​Spanish vineyards is so huge that it ranks first in the ranking of countries with the largest vineyards. The national drink of the two states is port wine.

Seventh place - Ireland. In this country, a special attitude to beer, it is here that Guinness is equated with a national treasure. In Ireland, the average resident drinks about eleven and six tenths of a liter of spirits per year. This country is famous for the largest brewery, which produces the most famous dark beer.

In addition, Irish whiskey is also in demand all over the world. It should be noted that the price of alcohol in this country is very high. The cost of a pint of beer is about two euros, and a bottle of good whiskey can reach the price of twenty-five euros. In terms of popularity of types of alcohol, beer ranks first, wine is in second, and other spirits are in third place.

Russia, contrary to stereotypes, was not in the TOP-5

The sixth line is Russia. Many people believe that it is Russia that should top this list. In fact, the statistics of alcohol consumption in the world suggests that this country occupies only the sixth line in the ranking. On average, one Russian has fifteen liters of alcoholic beverages per year.

It is in Russia that the popularity of vodka and beer are equated to each other. According to statistics, the number of consumers of these types of alcohol is about forty percent. According to analysts, the popularity of wine in Russia is only increasing every year. In the next few years, its popularity will catch up with other alcohol. The national drink of this country is considered to be vodka.

Fifth place - Lithuania. In Lithuania, the average resident consumes about sixteen and three tenths of a liter of alcoholic beverages. Thanks to this fact, Lithuania got into the top five most drinking countries. Along with vodka and beer, Lithuanian Midus, a drink made from honey, water and yeast, is popular in this country. It is in this country that the production of most popular alcohol-containing tinctures, balms and nectars is located.

The fourth line is the Czech Republic. Another country where beer is considered to be the most popular type of alcohol. The Czech Republic occupies the fourth position on the list due to the fact that its inhabitants consume almost sixteen and a half liters of alcoholic beverages. A lot of legends and stories are connected with beer in this country. Some breweries are known throughout the world for their quality products.

Beer production in this country has more than eight centuries of rich history. The Celts, one of the first to whom the idea of ​​brewing belongs. Even in ancient times, this drink was so popular that it was prepared in almost every home.

Czech wineries are not inferior in quality to beer. Prague is considered a real Mecca for lovers of quality beer and wine. Such an alcoholic product as Becherovka can be attributed to the real national treasure of the Czech Republic.

Third place - Estonia. If we divide alcohol consumption by country, then Estonia will take the third place in this list. This is exactly what the WHO statistics say. The capital of Estonia, Tallinn is one of the most cultural and peaceful cities on the planet. It is here that the amount of alcohol consumed per capita is about seventeen and a quarter liters per year.

On the numerous streets of Tallinn there are not only masterpieces of world architecture, but also quite interesting establishments. One of these establishments is the Olde Hansa restaurant, stylized under the atmosphere of the Middle Ages.

All the furniture of this restaurant is made of oak wood. Candles are used for lighting, and the food is consistent with what many people believe the ancient knights ate. Such an atmosphere is the best way to ensure that the hand reaches for a mug of light beer. It is beer that is in first place in popularity in Estonia.

In recent years, Russia has been in this sad rating, which inspires a certain positive, down

Second place - Ukraine. The second line of the rating is occupied by Ukraine, where the amount of alcoholic beverages per capita is about seventeen and a half liters. This is the amount the average person drinks. Ukraine is known all over the world for vodka, a product whose popularity dates back to the seventeenth century. In those distant times, vodka was called hot wine.

Among the alcoholic producers, which are famous all over the planet, there are representatives of this people. The Nemiroff brand belongs to the Ukrainian wine and vodka factory. One of the most popular products produced under this brand is Nemiroff. Honey and pepper."

The first line is the Republic of Belarus. It is Belarus that holds the first place in this list. According to the latest WHO information, alcohol consumption in Belarus reaches a value of more than seventeen and a half liters per year per native. In addition, the researchers did not take into account those nuances, which include moonshine. If these data were also taken into account, the figure would be much higher.

It is Belarus that is recognized as the world leader in the consumption of alcoholic products. Krambambula can be attributed to the national alcohol-containing compositions of this country.
By popularity in Belarus, strong alcohol is on the first line. It is used by about forty-seven percent of the population. The second line is occupied by low-alcohol drinks, and beer closes the top three.

World average

According to the same statistics, per capita alcohol consumption in the world is about eight liters per person.

This fact is extremely worrying for WHO representatives, since, in their opinion, the percentage of the drinking population is increasing every year. A few decades ago, this value was equal to only six liters of alcohol per person.

Despite the high development of civilization among the most drinking countries in the world in 2016-2017, there were states with a low standard of living that did not lag behind at all.

World alcohol consumption statistics

When compiling such lists, it is necessary to consider the fact that different alcoholic products are consumed in different parts of the world. For example, beer is quite popular in European countries, the most "beer" cities are recognized:

  • Brussels;
  • Munich;
  • Dublin;
  • Berne.

In regions with a hot climate, products belonging to the wine family are very popular. France and Spain are not only true legislators in this area, but also true fans of this alcohol.

An interesting fact is that the further north the state is located, the stronger alcohol is preferred by its inhabitants. Strong alcohol is quite popular in the Russian Federation, the United States of America, the Czech Republic and Norway.
Also, according to WHO research, about forty percent of people living today have never consumed alcohol.

Which countries are non-drinkers

Which country is the most drinking country in the world, we found out thanks to the rating, but the inhabitants of which country can boast that they do not drink alcohol at all? According to statistics, the states of South Asia are among those where alcoholic products are in the least demand. Pakistan tops the list of these states, where more than two hundred million people live. In the world list in terms of population, Pakistan ranks sixth.

Interestingly, the rate of alcohol consumption in this place on the planet is almost equal to zero. According to WHO research, the average native of Pakistan drinks about one hundred grams of alcoholic beverages every year.

The reason for such a low popularity of such products lies in religion. The state religion in Pakistan is Sunni Islam. Drinking alcohol-containing liquids for followers is strictly prohibited. As a result of the research, a curious fact was revealed that only visitors and tourists drink alcohol in Pakistan. Another interesting fact is that, despite the fact that the religion forbids Sunnis from drinking alcohol, it is not forbidden to buy, sell, and even present it as a gift to other people.

For many, alcohol has become an integral part of life. Fortunately, some drink alcohol only on holidays and in moderation. But still in some countries people drink often and a lot. And which of them can be called the most "drinking"?

Who drinks the most?

Top ten countries that drink the most:

  1. Republic of Belarus. This country is almost one of the most drinking in the whole world! Alcohol consumption per capita in recent years is approximately 17 liters! A man manages to drink about 27-28 liters of alcohol per year! Women drink an average of 9. But the real data is likely to be much higher, because researchers cannot estimate the scale of illegal alcohol production, that is, moonshine, and Belarusians probably brew moonshine, and in huge quantities.
  2. Hungary. Hungarians can hardly be called "alcoholic gourmets", since they are not at all selective in the choice of alcohol. There are no favorite drinks, and therefore almost everything is used: wine, beer, vodka, tinctures, and so on. In a year, one average resident of this country drinks about 13.5 liters of alcohol. At the same time, men drink much more often and more than women. They manage to consume more than 20 liters of alcohol in a year, while the fairer sex is limited to the whole family. By the way, Hungary is famous for its vineyards, which is probably why many residents believe that it is simply impossible not to drink here, because there are so many temptations around!
  3. Czech Republic. In this country they also drink, and drink a lot. There are about 15-16 liters of alcohol per capita per year (about 19 for a man and about 8 for a woman), and this is a lot. And especially the Czechs love beer, no wonder this country is famous for this foamy drink and its breweries, which supply products to many countries of the world. By the way, it is here that the most popular and delicious beer is brewed, and here the term “Pilsner” appeared, which translates approximately as “Pilsen” (the country has the city of Pilsen). But the prices are quite reasonable, so people do not deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying the taste and aroma of malt and hops.
  4. Moldova. Surely, at least once in a lifetime, everyone drank Moldovan wine. But the inhabitants of this country probably drink it regularly, because on average one person over 15 years old receives about 17 liters of alcohol per year (about 25 for a man, and 9 for a woman). Probably, here they still remember the Soviet "dry law" or are worried that it could be introduced again.
  5. Portugal. In this country, it is warm and sunny almost all year round, so that the vineyards grow by leaps and bounds. And the Portuguese are happy to use this, making wine and other alcoholic drinks from grapes, which are consumed almost daily as aperitifs or sedatives. In small quantities, such a drink is useful, but if the country entered the top, it means that they don’t know how to control themselves here. Beer, by the way, is also loved and drunk no less, since it costs much less.
  6. Slovakia. She also did not go far from her neighbor the Czech Republic, they also like to drink very much here. No wonder per capita for the year accounts for about 13-14 liters of alcohol. And if women limit themselves (they drink an average of 6 liters), then men, most likely, allow themselves weaknesses every day, since they manage to drink 20 liters a year!
  7. Ukraine. This country is also included in the list of the most drinking. The average Ukrainian annually receives about 17-18 liters of alcohol, and this is quite a lot. By the way, the national drink is gorilka, which is very similar to Russian vodka. And it appeared, according to some documents and evidence, in the distant XVII century. And at that time it was called “hot wine”, although it cannot taste like wine, because the fortress is much higher. And some alcoholic products are known all over the world. So, a popular brand is Nemiroff.
  8. Russia. Russians know how to drink, everyone knows that. And sometimes they just can’t stop, which is why the country entered the top. On average, there are about 15-16 liters of alcohol per inhabitant per year, and men drink a lot: about 23 liters! The most popular drink among Russians is beer, which is especially loved by men, which is why they are rapidly gaining weight. But women are also not averse to missing one or two bottles in good company. In second place in popularity is the strongest drink - vodka. She is in use at almost all feasts. But, as statistics show, more and more Russian citizens began to drink wine. But it is not known whether to be happy or not, since this drink is also harmful if you do not know the measure.
  9. Andorra. In this wonderful country, in which, it would seem, in addition to feasts, there are so many different more interesting and useful activities, about 14 liters of alcohol are drunk annually. And men drink much more than women, they consume up to 20 liters (while the fairer sex is limited to only 8).
  10. Lithuania. In this country, each average citizen annually drinks about 16 liters of pure alcohol (naturally, as part of alcoholic beverages). They drink a variety of drinks here, but mead is almost national. It is made from honey, water and yeast. In total, three types of midus are produced in the country. But since there is a lot of honey here, other drinks are also made on its basis, for example, nectars, balms, tinctures. Probably, it is very tasty, and therefore Lithuanians are so addicted that they do not always comply with the measure.

And finally, some interesting facts about the so-called alcoholic culture of the world and different countries:

  • The critical norm for alcohol consumption, according to the World Health Organization, is 8 liters. But at the same time, the average volume of consumption worldwide is 10 liters, that is, it turns out that alcohol is abused in literally all countries. And these statistics are very sad.
  • Currently, alcohol claims millions of lives every year! So, they die from it much more often than from violence, pneumonia and AIDS. Just imagine: many literally kill themselves with their own hands, abusing alcohol.
  • Approximately 45-48% of the world's population have never tried alcohol in their lives. And given this fact, it turns out that those who drink, in any case, abuse, otherwise the indicators would not be so significant.
  • Different countries drink different drinks. For example, Spain, France and Portugal are very fond of wine, probably because there are many vineyards. In Switzerland, Bulgaria, Belgium and Germany, residents like beer and wine almost equally.
  • The further north the state is located, the more strong drinks are consumed in it. And especially a lot of them are drunk in countries such as Norway, Russia, Ukraine, Finland, the USA, Canada, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Japan and the UK. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the inhabitants of these countries believe that strong alcohol helps to warm up. And this is true, because after use there is a feeling that it has become warmer. But such a feeling is often deceptive and even dangerous, because many freeze to death precisely in a state of intoxication.

Now you know which countries drink the most and which drinks are especially loved by their inhabitants.