Underground network of tunnels penetrating the Earth - Earth before the Flood: Disappeared continents and civilizations. Underground tunnels of the earth


Every year the earth is slipping from under our feet more and more often. Pits suddenly appear on the roads, in the fields, in the yards of houses and even under the houses themselves.

The year 2003 in the Moscow region was marked by a mysterious event. In Lake Bezdonnoye, the driver of the Vereshenskaya rural administration, Vladimir Saichenko, found a regular US Navy life jacket with an identification inscription saying that this property belongs to sailor Sam Belovsky from the destroyer Cowell, which was blown up by terrorists on October 12, 2000 in the port of Aden. 4 sailors were tragically killed, and 10 were missing, including Sam Belovsky.

In the photo: In May 2010, a huge, almost perfectly round sinkhole 20 m wide and 30 m deep suddenly appeared in Guatemala, swallowing a three-story house. Authorities blame the incident on prolonged downpours. (Guatemala's Presidency, Luis Echeverria/AP)

But how could a life jacket from the Indian Ocean get into a lake lost in the expanses of Central Russia, having covered 4,000 km in a straight line in three years? What was his path? Hence; there are some underground ways unknown to us, tunnels, apparently connecting rather repressed parts of the Earth's continents. But by whom and when they were created, and for what?

Pictured: A huge sinkhole that appeared on a street in Schmalkalden, Germany, in November 2010. (Jens Meyer/AP)

It has been repeatedly noted by various researchers on different continents that in addition to metro tunnels, bunkers, mines, and other various caves created by nature, there are underground cavities created by civilizations that preceded the human one. There are giant underground halls, the walls of which are processed by mechanisms unknown to us, as well as linear structures - tunnels. The beginning of the 21st century is marked by an increase in the frequency of finding fragments of these tunnels on different continents.

In the photo: A recent photo from Sochi, taken in March 2013. When one of the tunnels at one of the construction sites suddenly collapsed, a nearby house began to lean backwards. Nobody lives in the house. (REUTERS/Nina Zotina)

The main difference between ancient tunnels and natural and modern underground objects is that, oddly enough, ancient objects are distinguished by the perfection and amazing accuracy of processing the walls of the cavities (as a rule, they are melted), ideal directionality and orientation. They are also distinguished by their enormous, cyclopean size and ... antiquity beyond human understanding. But it cannot be said that they all appeared at the same time. Consider the available real information about ancient tunnels and workings.

Pictured: A firefighter is lowered into a 10m-deep pit that suddenly opened up on a road in Harbin, China. Two people died as a result of this incident, two more were injured… (Quirky China News / Rex Features)

In the Crimea, the Marble Cave is well known, located within mountain range Chatyr-Dag at an altitude of 900 m above sea level. When descending into the cave, numerous visitors are greeted by a huge hall in the form of a pipe about 20 meters in size, currently half filled with boulders that collapsed due to numerous earthquakes, and flooded with karst deposits. Few people pay attention to the fact that initially it was a tunnel with perfectly even walls, going deep into the mountain range with a slope towards the sea. The walls are well preserved. That is, in front of us is a part of the tunnel leading to nowhere and starting at an altitude of about 1 km from the level of the Black Sea. As follows from the latest reports of Crimean speleologists, a huge cavity was discovered under the Ai-Petri massif, picturesquely hanging over Alupka and Simeiz. In addition, tunnels connecting the Crimea and the Caucasus were discovered.

In the photo: April 2011: the collapse of the road in the Beijing area. A truck fell into the hole, but the driver was rescued and no one was hurt. (KeystoneUSA-ZUMA / Rex Features)

And in the Volga region, there is the notorious Medveditskaya ridge, which has been surveyed in sufficient detail by expeditions of Kosmopoisk since 1997. An extensive network of tunnels, surveyed for tens of kilometers, has been discovered and mapped. The tunnels have a circular cross-section, sometimes oval, with a diameter of 7 to 20 m, maintaining a constant width along the entire length, and a direction at a depth of 6-30 m from the surface. As you approach the hill on the Medveditskaya ridge, the diameter of the tunnels increases from 22 to 35 meters, further - 80 m and already on the very hill the diameter of the cavities reaches 120 m, turning under the mountain into a huge hall. Three seven-meter tunnels leave from here at different angles. Becomes intelligible; that the Medveditskaya ridge is a junction, a crossroads where tunnels from other regions converge, including from the Caucasus.

In the photo: March 2013: a huge hole in the ground in the town of Guangyuan, China. Now it is 24.9 m in diameter, and locals they are afraid that it will continue to grow and swallow the neighboring houses. (AFP/Getty Images)

In the Caucasus, in the gorge near Gelendzhik, a vertical mine has been known for a long time - straight as an arrow, about one and a half meters in diameter, more than 100 m deep. In addition, its feature is smooth, as if melted walls. The study of their properties showed that the walls were simultaneously subjected to thermal and mechanical effects, which created a crust in the rock with a thickness of 1-1.5 mm, giving it extremely strong properties that cannot be created even with today's development of technology, and the melting of the walls indicates its technogenic origin.

known; that in the post-war years (in 1950) a secret decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued on the construction of a tunnel through the Tatar Strait in order to connect the mainland by rail with about. Sakhalin. Over time, secrecy was removed, and Doctor of Physical and Mechanical Sciences L. S. Berman, who worked there at that time, told in 1991 in her memoirs the Voronezh branch of Memorial that the builders were not so much building, but restoring the already existing tunnel laid in of deep antiquity, extremely competently, taking into account the geology of the bottom of the strait.Strange finds in the tunnel were also mentioned - incomprehensible mechanisms and fossilized remains of animals.All this later disappeared in the secret bases of special services.

In the photo: Gas crater in the Karakum desert, which is called the Gates of Hell. This strange cave has been on fire for over 40 years. It was discovered in 1971 by Soviet geologists, when the earth at the site of their development suddenly collapsed, leaving behind a hole 70 m in diameter. Since the crater is filled with potentially poisonous natural gas, the decision was made to set fire to it. Scientists believed that it would burn out in a few days, but the fire still does not subside. (Amos Chapple/Rex Features)

The American continent is also rich in reports of the location of ancient tunnels. Andrew Thomas, a well-known explorer, is convinced that ancient underground vertical and horizontal tunnels, again with burnt walls, have been preserved under America, and some of them are in perfect condition. The tunnels are straight as an arrow and pierce the entire continent. One of the nodes where several mines converge is Mount Shasta in California. From there, paths lead to the states of California and New Mexico.

In 1980, off the coast of California, again, a huge hollow space was discovered, extending into the interior of the continent for several hundred meters. It is possible that one of the junction stations of the underground tunnels was discovered.

The presence of tunnels is also evidenced by the fact that nuclear tests conducted at great depths at a well-known test site in Nevada gave an unexpected effect. Two hours later, in Canada, at one of the military bases at a distance of 2000 km from the Nevada test site, a radiation level was recorded that was 20 times higher than normal. How could this happen? It turned out that next to the base was a huge cave, which is part of a huge system of caves and tunnels of the continent.

Pictured: A van hangs over a pit in a parking lot in Salt Springs, Florida, in June 2012. (AP Photo/The Ocala Star-Banner, Alan Youngblood)

Of course, the creators used the tunnels and halls not only for movement, but also as a repository of valuable information, designed for a long time. It is clear that now these premises are no longer used.

In 1971, an expedition of speleologists discovered caves in Peru, the entrance to which was blocked by rocky blocks. Having overcome them, the researchers found a huge hall at a depth of about 100 m, the floor of which was lined with blocks with a special relief. On the (again) polished walls were obscure inscriptions resembling hieroglyphs. Numerous tunnels ran in different directions from the hall. Some of them lead towards the sea, under water and continue at its bottom.

Southeast Asia also does not suffer from the absence of ancient tunnels. In the Hunan province of China, south coast Lake Dongting, southwest of the city of Wuhan, next to one of the round pyramids, Chinese archaeologists discovered a buried passage that led them to an underground labyrinth. Its stone walls turned out to be very smooth and carefully processed, which gave scientists reason to exclude them. natural origin. One of the many symmetrically arranged passages led archaeologists to a large underground hall, the walls and ceiling of which were covered with many drawings. One of the drawings depicts a hunting scene, and at the top one could see beings (gods?) “in modern clothes”, sitting in a round ship, very similar to a UFO apparatus. People with spears are chasing the beast, and “superhumans” flying above them are aiming at the target gun-like items.

In the photo: A huge sinkhole 20 m wide appeared at night in the courtyard of a house in Leshan, China, in January 2011. The owner of the house heard a loud rumbling outside. When he went out to check, he was amazed to see this hole. (Quirky China News/Rex Features)

Everyone knows the pyramids and the ruins of ancient temples on the Giza plateau in Egypt. But little is known about what lies below the surface of the earth. Recent studies by scientists show that huge unexplored underground structures are hidden under the pyramids inside the plateau, and scientists suggest that the network of tunnels extends for tens of kilometers and stretches both towards the Red Sea and towards the Atlantic Ocean. Let us now recall the results of the study in South America tunnels going under the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean… Perhaps they are going towards each other.

The creators of these tunnels, perhaps, were not extraterrestrial space aliens, but one of the four ancient highly developed civilizations mentioned by the Incas, who possessed high technologies that made it possible to create such engineering structures that stretched over vast distances. For there is no need for aliens in the event of a threat of cataclysms on our planet to create underground tunnels, when they could safely retire to their own, observing events on Earth from afar.

Pictured: In January 2007, a huge crater opened up at the construction site of a subway station in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The passenger van fell into a more than 40-meter funnel. (MAURICIO LIMA/AFP/Getty Images)

We know that every 200 million years on Earth there are global catastrophes with the disappearance of up to 80 percent of the fauna and flora, and the last such was on the border of the Eocene, only 30 million years ago as a result of the fall of regular asteroids. Smaller disturbances of life on Earth in the form of the fall of small asteroids and accompanying earthquakes, tsunami waves, volcanic eruptions, surges and floods amounted to 100, 41 and 21 thousand years. Perhaps the ancient civilizations, knowing about such cycles and wanting to avoid their consequences, created a network of tunnels and underground structures throughout the Earth, hiding in them so as not to depend on what is happening on the surface in their activities.

Abridged summary of the article by Evgeny Vorobyov, Academician of the RNAS.

Photo based on the Internet.

Prepared by Devyataeva N.I.

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Many researchers are now talking about the fact that underground there is a grandiose branched network of tunnels connecting not only various geographical objects, but also continents. According to most of them, the tunnels were created by some ancient civilization that disappeared from the face of the Earth.

"Metro" for UFO?

It looks like science fiction, but under the surface of the earth there are not only natural caves, but also real ones. underground cities, mysterious vertical mines, and most importantly, mysterious tunnels, the length of which is thousands of kilometers. According to the Polish researcher Jan Paenka, underground there is a very extended network of tunnels, through which you can get to any country.

These tunnels were laid with the help of high technologies, so far inaccessible to our civilization. The fact is that they are not punched in the rocks, but as if burned into them, their walls, which are melted rocks, speak about this. They are smooth to the touch, like glass, and have considerable strength. The Polish explorer is not a dreamer, he did not invent these tunnels, Paenk talked more than once with miners who, while laying mine workings, sometimes stumbled upon such mysterious underground structures. For example, in New Zealand, he managed to talk with a miner who said that local miners, laying drifts, accidentally punched holes in two of these tunnels. However, one of the high officials ordered that the entrances to them be urgently concreted. It should be noted that such tunnels on this moment

found in the USA, Ecuador, South Australia, New Zealand and other countries.

In addition to tunnels with "glass" walls, there are often vertical wells, as if melted into the rocks. They are absolutely straight, with a constant section throughout, with a depth of tens to several hundred meters. One of these wells with a depth of more than 100 meters is located near Gelendzhik. It has very smooth walls, covered with a thin crust of rocks melted at high temperature. Studying the well, scientists came to the conclusion that it was created both by mechanical and thermal effects. In their opinion, this is not yet within the power of our modern technologies. In addition, an increased background radiation is recorded in this well. Who created these wells and for what purpose? - there are no answers to these questions yet.

However, Jan Paenk believes that UFOs will move at great speed through these underground tunnels from one end of the Earth to the other. This version is supported by a number of ufologists. More than once, eyewitnesses have observed not only fireballs, but also flying saucers flying out of the ground. Some of the ufologists believe that UFOs simply use the tunnels left by some disappeared civilization of our planet, others consider them to be involved in the emergence of at least part of these underground communications. There is also a hypothesis that part of the tunnels belongs to a certain underground civilization that coexists in parallel with us from time immemorial.

The Legacy of a Disappeared Civilization

It is possible that UFOs actually rush through the mysterious tunnels, however, without a doubt, a significant part of the underground structures we inherited from the disappeared civilizations of our planet. Many researchers have long come to the conclusion that civilizations have been born on Earth more than once, which have reached great heights in their development, but have become victims of global cataclysms. Most likely, it was their representatives who laid a colossal network of tunnels underground. They could be used as a transport network or serve as shelters from natural disasters or military operations.

It may seem to many that the information about the tunnels is not specific and is more fiction than reality.

Yes, while there is no information about people who could pass through the underground tunnel from Europe to America, no one has organized such trips yet. However, the tunnels can be traced using geophysical works, they can be detected using special images from space, their length and direction can be extrapolated from fragments found at different points.

There are specific examples of tunnel detection. Here, for example, is what Academician of the Russian National Academy of Sciences Yevgeny Vorobyov writes: “It is known that in the post-war years (in 1950) a secret decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued on the construction of a tunnel through the Tatar Strait in order to connect the mainland with a railway from Sakhalin Island. Over time, the secrecy was removed, and Doctor of Physical and Technical Sciences L. S. Berman, who worked there at that time, told in 1991 in her memoirs the Voronezh branch of Memorial that the builders were not so much building, but restoring the already existing tunnel laid in of deep antiquity, extremely competently, taking into account the geology of the bottom of the strait. Mention was also made of strange finds in the tunnel - incomprehensible mechanisms and animal fossils. All this later disappeared in the secret bases of special services. "There is an assumption that this mysterious tunnel could well go straight through Sakhalin Island to Japan and beyond.

There is no doubt about the data of the Kosmopoisk expedition, which since 1997 has been studying the now well-known Medveditskaya ridge in the Volga region. In the course of research, the expedition members managed to discover and map a whole network of tunnels stretching for tens of kilometers. The researchers visited these tunnels and saw everything with their own eyes. The discovered tunnels mostly have a circular section with a diameter of 7 to 20 meters, only occasionally come across tunnels with an oval section. There can be no question of the natural origin of these dungeons, because these tunnels are characterized by a constant width and direction throughout their entire length. It was possible to establish that they were laid at a depth of 6 to 30 meters from earth's surface.

Interestingly, as you approach the hill on the Medveditskaya ridge, the diameter of the tunnels grows, first from 20 to 35 meters, then to 80 meters, and already under the mountain itself it reaches 120 meters. A huge hall is formed here, which researchers from Kosmopoisk consider a kind of “junction station”, because three seven-meter-diameter tunnels go into the unknown at once from it at different angles. According to representatives of Kosmopoisk, from this hall you can get not only to the Caucasus and the Crimea, but also to Novaya Zemlya, and maybe even to North America.

In Western Europe, on the border of Slovenia and Poland, there is the Beskydy mountain range. It is here that Babia Mountain rises (1725 m). You can hear many legends about this mountain from local residents and even learn some sensational details about its main secret. So one of the locals named Vincent said that in the 60s of the last century, his father took him to Babia Mountain and showed him a secret place at an altitude of about 600 meters. There, the two of them pushed aside an impressive block, behind which the entrance to the tunnel was hidden. According to an eyewitness, the tunnel with an oval section was so large that a train could easily pass through it. Interestingly, Vincent noted that the walls of the tunnel were smooth and shiny, as if covered with glass. So, this tunnel clearly had walls covered with molten rocks.

An indicative fact, experts from NASA together with French scientists, after conducting a series of special studies, found that under the surface of the earth in South America, the Sahara, Altai, the Urals, the Perm region, the Tien Shan, there is a huge extensive network of tunnels and galleries with a length of thousands of kilometers . In this network, there are not only linear workings, but also real underground cities.

Alas, while the study of mysterious tunnels is mainly carried out by enthusiasts. I did not find any data on any serious attempts by scientists to determine their age, however, according to various deposits, stalactites, destruction and a number of other signs, one can safely speak of their extremely ancient origin. Why did the ancients make so much effort to create such labor-intensive and grandiose underground structures?

While working on this article (at the end of August) in one of the television programs, I heard a message that American journalists managed to film the intensive delivery of huge quantities of food to one of the secret underground cities of the United States. Interestingly, this did not happen before the “end of the world” in 2012. It is said that the US government fears a super-powerful flare on the Sun, which allegedly could burn out all life on the surface of the planet. However, most likely, the American elite is preparing for a predicted solar flare that could leave the whole world without electricity. Such a disaster may well cause chaos, anarchy, popular unrest, which are better to sit out in well-guarded and well-stocked underground cities.

Here is the answer to the question asked. The ancients could build underground structures to save themselves from any global cataclysms - a solar flare, an asteroid fall, a sharp cooling or warming. It is also obvious that the dungeons could serve as a reliable defense in case of war, especially with the use of bombs and nuclear weapons. By the way, American and French scientists came to the conclusion that about 25 thousand years ago, a real nuclear war took place on Earth. Scientists have found about 100 points on the earth's surface where, in their opinion, nuclear strikes were carried out. There are also hypotheses that nuclear wars took place on Earth 30 million and 12-15 thousand years ago. There is also a version that the "gods" started a nuclear war on our planet, by which they now mean aliens. They fought a war for control of the planet, and its natives had to hide in underground shelters. So, it turns out that ancient civilizations planets had every reason to "bite" into the earth.

The best "safe" for treasures

It is well known that during wars, popular riots, and just in case, treasures were often hidden in dungeons. Usually these were the dungeons of temples, castles, any military fortifications. So far, there is no information that any valuables have been found in the ancient tunnels. True, this does not apply to the tunnels of South America, which are real legends.

According to one hypothesis, the disappeared gold of the Incas (estimated at least 400 tons) was hidden in the dungeons of the city of Machu Picchu.

The version about underground labyrinths under the fortress of Saksahuaman is considered more plausible. They tell about the case of two Indian children who got lost in these labyrinths in the 20th century. They disappeared for three whole days, and then came to the surface near the monastery Santo Domingo. So, they wandered in the labyrinths under the citadel of the Inca capital, then in the dungeons of Cuzco itself. As a result of these wanderings, they brought to the surface a golden cob of corn - a masterpiece of ancient Inca jewelers. Perhaps this is just a so-called urban legend, although there is too much evidence that the treasures were hidden underground in the Cusco area.

However, the so-called Moritz tunnels are of greatest interest to us. They were discovered and mapped in June 1965 in the province of Morona Santiago (Ecuador) by the Argentine ethnologist Juan Moritz. According to him, it was an unknown system of underground tunnels with a total length of thousands of kilometers. Without a doubt, it was represented by clearly artificial underground structures, they were located at a depth of 240 meters and a vertical descent, made up of successively arranged horizontal platforms, went to them.

So, Moritz went down to the dungeon, where there was a whole network of tunnels rectangular section, the walls of which were very smooth, as if polished. The ceilings were no less even and smooth. Tunnels and passages led to underground halls of impressive size and volume. In one of them, later called "Libraries", there were some semblance of a table and chairs. Some sources say that they were made of plastic, others - from something resembling ceramics or modern composite materials.

Most importantly, in this room, Moritz discovered books consisting of thin metal sheets measuring 96x48 cm, each of these folios weighed no less than 20 kilograms! It is often written that the sheets of these books were made of gold, but, as we will find out a little later, most likely not from it. On the pages of these books, Juan saw mysterious signs, it was clear that they contained extensive information, probably from some long-vanished civilization.

There was also gold in the dungeons, Moritz found many different figurines of animals made of precious metal, among them the researcher distinguished elephants, crocodiles, monkeys, jaguars and bison. These golden representatives of the animal world adorned the passages and halls. Moritz also saw a lot of interesting things on the floor of the tunnels. For example, in one place on the valley there was a drawing in which a man hovered over a round planet. True, one of the sources does not speak of a drawing, but of a certain stone figurine representing a person standing on a globe.

There are quite a few similar discrepancies in detail in this story with the Moritz tunnels. Of course, it is very intriguing, especially after its coverage by the famous Erich von Daniken in the book "Gold of the Gods". The latter was embarrassed a lot with these tunnels and golden books. The fact is that Moritz told reporters that he did not show Daniken the tunnels. After that, many scientists who had a grudge against Erich called him a liar, fabricating cheap sensations.

However, at one time, the director of the Archaeological Institute in Quito, Hernan Crespo Toral, called Juan Moritz himself a swindler and adventurer. The fact is that he only talked about the miracles that he allegedly saw in the dungeons, but did not provide scientists with a single artifact proving his veracity.

Although there is information that Moritz nevertheless transferred to the museum of the Colombian capital Bogotá one of the two gold figurines found in the dungeons, which outwardly resemble a model of a supersonic passenger liner"Concord". According to aviation experts, this figurine is actually a miniature aircraft model.

By and large, even if this figurine was transferred to the museum, it cannot serve as proof of the reality of the existence of numerous artifacts that Moritz talked about. It is known that golden airplanes in South America were found in Indian burials. Why not assume that Moritz could have acquired such a figurine from local "black archaeologists"?

It is alarming that Moritz never showed the sensational historical treasures he discovered to anyone. Instead of the mysterious underground labyrinth he took Erich von Daniken to some secondary cave, and then, in addition, he dishonored him. It was not possible to "split" Moritz and the Scottish scientist and traveler Stanley Hall.

The Scot was literally on fire with the idea of ​​finding a "metal library" and making it the property of mankind. Stanley Hall sought out Moritz and approached him with a proposal to organize a joint Ecuadorian-British expedition. Moritz accepted this offer. The expedition was prepared on a grand scale, even biologists and botanists were invited to participate in it. The Ecuadorian military were supposed to protect the scientists. Stanley Hall wanted the expedition to be led by a world-renowned figure. He told his colleague Stephen Coppens: “We needed an authority figure to lead the expedition, and I suggested that astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, lead it. The American immediately agreed to join us.”

So, on August 3, 1976, the researchers, led by Armstrong, descended underground. The expedition managed to find a burial cave with a sitting mummy, botanists were the most lucky - they discovered almost 400 previously unknown plants in the jungle near the cave. But what about the "metal library"? Alas, no artifacts reported by Moritz could be found, although it was Juan who was the guide of the expedition... It is believed that Moritz decided at the last moment to remain the sole owner of the secret and, as in the case of Daniken, took the researchers to another cave.

Would you have the audacity to fool the first man on the moon? And Moritz had enough! Honestly, if the story had ended there, I would have thought that Moritz simply invented all these tunnels and priceless artifacts. However, although Moritz died in 1991, the story with his mysterious tunnels had a continuation, which, in my opinion, gave it a certain veracity.

Once Moritz said that a mysterious labyrinth of tunnels was shown to him by one person. After the death of Juan Moritz, who never revealed his secret, Stanley Hall began to look for his guide, and he managed to find him. It turned out to be Petronio Jaramillo. He was a rather simple and open person, he immediately made contact with Hall. It turned out that the entrance to the tunnel was shown to my uncle by the Shuar Indians guarding this sacred place back in 1946. Uncle was friends with the Indians and helped them more than once, therefore, as a token of gratitude, this mysterious place was shown to him.

Together with Uncle Petronio, he visited the hall where the metal library was kept. There were thousands of books, weighing up to 20 kg each. Later, he already visited this hall on his own, with difficulty removed seven books from the shelves, they turned out to be so heavy that he quickly parted with the idea of ​​bringing them to the surface. According to him, the metal pages, covered with letters in an unknown language and geometric symbols, were covered with a green coating. Based on this, it is believed that the sheets of the books were made not of gold, but of copper.

In the second hall, Jaramillo saw some kind of quartz tablets, most likely, they were also information carriers, almost eternal, unlike metal books. Wandering through the halls, Petronio saw statues of people and animals, a "warehouse" of some metal bars, and even sealed golden doors, behind which, perhaps, were burials. Perhaps the most intriguing find, in addition to metal books, was a large translucent sarcophagus with a giant's mummy, which was covered with gilding.

Jaramillo immediately agreed to Hall's proposal to organize new expedition for tunnel research. The expedition was to take place under the auspices of UNESCO, it was approved by the Ecuadorian authorities; it seemed that the secret of the “metal library” was about to be revealed. However, as if some invisible and powerful forces interfered with this. First, in 1995, a conflict arose between Peru and Ecuador, and the expedition was postponed, then the political regime changed in Ecuador, and Hall was forced to leave this country. In 1998, all plans to search for the "metal library" finally collapsed ... due to the death of Petronio, who was killed right a few steps from his house. The police thought it was just a robbery, but is it really? Maybe the secret of the tunnels is actually guarded by some forces and the murder of Jaramillo was connected with his intention to show the way to them?

Now unfound metal books are often called the Atlantean library, dozens of researchers and enthusiasts are trying to find it. Unfortunately, so far their attempts have not brought significant results. Moritz said that the mysterious tunnels have a very significant length and pass under the territories of Argentina, Peru and Ecuador. Are they related to intercontinental tunnels? So far, no one knows about it.

Maxim Sirotkin

It is believed that ancient underground vertical and horizontal tunnels with burnt walls have also been preserved under North America, and some of them are in perfect condition.

Some researchers suggest that all over the planet there are underground tunnels unknown to us, connecting separate parts of the earth's continents. Periodically, on different continents, there were underground cavities created long before our era. The beginning of the 21st century is marked by an increase in the frequency of such finds. The main difference between mysterious tunnels and natural and modern man-made objects is that they have surprisingly precise, perfect processing of their walls. It cannot be said that they all appeared at the same time.

In the Crimea there is a Marble Cave, which is located in the area of ​​the Chatyr-Dag mountain range at an altitude of 900 m above sea level. If you go down into it, you can get into a huge hall in the form of a pipe. Inside the hall there are many stalactites, boulders and karst deposits. A real find for tourists. But few of them think that initially it was a tunnel with perfectly even walls, going deep into the mountains towards the sea. Its walls are well preserved. There are no signs of erosion on them. Ufologists of the Caucasus region have determined that under the Uvarov Ridge near Mount Arus there are tunnels, one of which leads exactly to Crimean peninsula, and the other runs through Krasnodar, Yeysk and Rostov-on-Don to the Volga region.

These are not the only tunnels in the Caucasus. In one of the gorges near Gelendzhik there is a straight vertical shaft more than 100 m deep. Its walls are smooth, even, as if melted. The study showed that both thermal and mechanical effects were applied to the walls, which created a crust in the rock, giving it extremely durable properties. No technology today can replicate this. A high level of radiation was noted in the mine. Perhaps this is one of the underground tunnels, connecting in the Volga region with the famous Medveditskaya ridge.

It is believed that ancient underground vertical and horizontal tunnels with burnt walls have also been preserved under North America, and some of them are in perfect condition. The presence of tunnels is evidenced by the fact that when nuclear tests were carried out in the state of Nevada in the United States in one of the test sites at great depth, then after 2 hours in Canada, at one of the military bases, a radiation level 20 times higher than the norm was registered. It is believed that the huge cave, located next to the base, is part of a huge system of underground tunnels of the continent.

South America is not far behind the North counterpart. In the course of research under the surface of the Nazca desert, many kilometers of tunnels were discovered, through which clean water still flows. In general, the legends about the presence of an extensive system of tunnels in South America are justified. It is possible that the Inca gold, which the Spanish conquistadors were looking for, was hidden by the Indians in the underground tunnels of the Andes, the center of which is located under the ancient capital of Cuzco. Such tunnels stretched for hundreds of kilometers under the territory of Peru, Equator, Chile and Bolivia.

Southeast Asia has its own ancient tunnels. It is believed that the famous Shambhala is located in numerous caves in Tibet. They are connected by underground passages and tunnels. They were used by the ancients to preserve the Earth's gene pool and core values. Initiates have repeatedly mentioned unusual means of transportation stored in the tunnels.

underground tunnels And Egyptian pyramids may also be related. Recent studies by scientists show that hitherto unexplored underground structures are hidden under the pyramids inside the Giza plateau. It is possible that a network of underground tunnels emerging from the pyramids extends for tens of kilometers and stretches towards the Red Sea and to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Tunnels in South America, going under the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, can go towards the Egyptian ones.

November 25th, 2012

Very informative materialchik, I advise!

The fact that there is a second life on our planet - underground, has already been written and told enough. But to what extent all this is true, no one can say for sure.

The very first such references to the existence of the underworld and its mysterious people appeared as early as 1946. It was then that journalist and scientist Richard Shaver told in a magazine specializing in paranormal activity, about his personal contact with alien beings living deep underground. According to Shaver himself, he lived in this underworld for some time, along with mutants similar to those demons that our ancestors described in ancient legends.

Until recently, the facts about the existence of such an underground world with technologies inaccessible to humans were not given much importance, but unexpectedly, some scientists confirmed them. Researchers from NASA, together with French scientists, were able to discover in the depths of the earth a whole network of underground tunnels and galleries that stretch all over the world: in Altai, and in the Urals, and in Kyrgyzstan, and in the Perm region, and in South America, and even in desert Sahara. At the same time, we are not talking about any archaeological finds of those cities that once existed on Earth, but specifically about underground tunnels with strange structures. But how these buildings were created, scientists still do not know. And it is likely that we are talking about technologies that are not yet known to mankind.

The Argentine ethnologist Juan Moritz, who not only studied, but even mapped the entire system of tunnels he found in Morona Santiago, was also closely involved in the study of mysterious tunnels. The entrance to the dungeon he found is cut into the rock and descends 250 meters down. At its different levels there are small platforms, from which rectangular correct bends lead, turning only at right angles. Their total length reaches hundreds of kilometers, so they look like a labyrinth. In polished smooth walls, there are ventilation holes located strictly periodically and working to this day.

The identification of such ancient tunnels, which is not an easy task and requires comprehensive knowledge, is carried out by researchers based on the technique of conducting deep work, the mechanisms of transformation of the Earth's crust, and the formation of underground cavities during the evolution of our planet. I must say that this procedure is quite real, given one fact: the main difference between ancient tunnels and modern underground creations, including natural ones, is, oddly enough, that these ancient objects are distinguished by the perfection and amazing accuracy of processing wall cavities. Basically, they are melted, with an ideal direction and a clear orientation, as well as literally cyclopean sizes and, most surprisingly, antiquity beyond our understanding.

More than once, researchers have noted that on various continents, in addition to subway tunnels, bunkers or mines, as well as natural caves, there are mysterious underground cavities, the builders of which are civilizations that preceded the human one. So the beginning of the 21st century was marked by an increase in the frequency of such finds.

So, in the Crimea, the inhabitants of the Marble Cave, which is located as part of the Chatyr-Dag massif, are well known. At the very beginning, on the descent into the cave, a huge pipe-shaped room, about twenty meters long, opens up to visitors. Stalactites and stalagmites hang from cracks in the vault, captivating attention. At the same time, almost no one pays attention to the fact that this tunnel had perfectly even walls, going into the depths of the mountain, sloping towards the sea. The walls of the tunnel are perfectly preserved: they do not have any traces of erosion from flowing waters, and there are no karst caverns, which are the result of the dissolution of limestone. It turns out that this is part of a tunnel leading to nowhere. However, given that the Black Sea depression itself was created about thirty million years ago, at the very junction of the Eocene and Oligocene epochs, as a result of the fall of a giant asteroid that cut and destroyed the Crimean mountain range, it can be assumed that this Marble Cave is one of the fragments ancient tunnel, while its main part remained in the destroyed mountain range.

Every year in Taiwan, a festival dedicated to the "Hungry Ghosts" is held. The Thais are sure that on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, according to the Thai lunar calendar, exactly at midnight, the gates of the underworld open and the inhabitants of the underground come to the world of the living, who feast very thoroughly, and two weeks later, already full, return home, closing the gates to the underground behind them. world.

On our planet, in addition to exotic Taiwan, there are several more places where the aboveground and underground worlds are in direct contact.

In Russia, this is the infamous Devil's Glade, hidden in the taiga dense forests in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Once upon a time, in the valley of the Kova river, there were several small villages: Chemba, Kostino and Karamyshevo.

The inhabitants of these godforsaken settlements say that for the first time a hole between the two existing worlds - the ground and the underground - was opened back in 1908, exactly in the year when humanity had not yet recovered from the fall of the Tunguska miracle. Most researchers associate the discovery of such a hole precisely with the arrival of this fiery celestial body, but there is another, directly “opposite” hypothesis put forward by a geological expedition subordinate to the All-Russian Institute of Minerals.

Studying many ancient geological structures, the expedition suggested that the existence of inexplicable and strange phenomena in the atmosphere is not associated with the fall of a meteorite, but with the release of a huge clot of energy from the depths of the Earth.

In the year of the appearance of a fireball above the earth, many shepherds living in the surrounding settlements found in the middle of the taiga a huge area with completely scorched earth and a fairly large bottomless hole right in the middle. Animals were constantly disappearing into this hole. In this regard, the path along which the shepherds drove their cattle to pastures was moved aside for three kilometers. But this precaution did not help either. Animals still continued to disappear without a trace in the dense taiga and, as the locals claimed, just in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis Devil's Meadow.

The years of World War II, the further difficult economic situation in the country made us forget for a long time about the miracles that are happening in this Devil's Meadow. They even forgot what region it is in, and returned to this issue only in 1984.

This mysterious clearing was again found by an expedition organized by the Vladivostok Association of Ufologists headed by A. Rempel. And she managed to make quite a few interesting discoveries on it.

The fact that there is something very strange underground, no one doubted, but what? In the clearing, the compass needle behaved very strangely: instead of turning to the magnetic poles, it constantly pointed to the very center of the clearing, and the instruments that detected large electromagnetic radiation seemed to go berserk, their sensors began to go off scale.

All this obviously pointed to the fact that under the clearing there are some incomprehensible physical fields that have a rather strong effect on the human psyche. So, even at a decent distance from the clearing, the researchers began to have attacks of completely unreasonable fear, almost all members of the expedition had severe toothaches and swollen joints. Therefore, the work at the entrance to the dungeon had to be curtailed.

American farmers at one time also talked about the place where the underground and aboveground kingdoms intersect. On the very bank of the Black River in the area small town Lions Falls from time to time an underground door opens in the ground, and then ...

Many residents of this town have repeatedly come across an incomprehensible giant animal, very reminiscent of a monster, with a dark brown skin, with a rounded, cone-shaped body, with eyes sparkling like a silver dollar. The monster smells terribly of sulfur. The local police repeatedly tried to catch this creature, but the nets and ropes passed through it, as if through the air, and the monster itself seemed to fall through the ground.

With the help of dowsing frames, the researchers managed to make very interesting discovery confirming what has been said. It turned out that under the earth, at a depth of almost two hundred kilometers, there is still a zone inhabited by a reasonable civilization. Of course, it is difficult enough to imagine such a person, whose body consists of protein tissue, living in such temperature regime at which the stone melts. Not that it is difficult, it is unthinkable. After all, the pressure from rocks at a similar depth is able to crush a solid all-metal ball.

But did this representative of civilization have to be created from protein? Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, being the founder of Russian cosmonautics, at one time created philosophical works in which he assumed over time a gradual change in the appearance of the human race. In his opinion, in the future we - people will consist of fields and will directly receive energy from the Sun and the Earth. And what prevents such creatures from already living in our underground kingdom, at a very great depth, especially since they have enough energy there. To inhabit, build tunnels, which are very convenient to move from one end of the planet to the other...
At the same time, the question still remains unanswered: how and where did such intelligent creatures come from on Earth?

According to some researchers, life, including such intelligent life, originated at the very beginning on the planet Phaeton, the farthest from the Sun, from which only the asteroid belt has survived today. Then this life was transferred or arose independently on Mars, and after this planet also cooled down and became uninhabitable, it was the turn of our Earth. And after all, it is quite possible that already the descendants of those intelligent beings from distant planets, who acquired certain forms of physical fields, were able to move to our planet, however, having discovered that another one was born on it - protein life, they settled the depths of the planet.

Underground tunnels that are found on all continents of the Earth. The mystery of man-made structures has not yet been solved by experts. For what purpose and who built them, experts do not know.

Ancient passages underground

Jan Pienk Polish believes that ancient tunnels are located all over the planet, including at the bottom of the oceans. These tunnels seem to be burned into the earth's firmament. The walls of the tunnels are hardened rock melt, very similar to glass. Modern specialists are still unaware of such mining technology. The oldest tunnels are about a million years old, they were found in 1965 by Juan Moritz, an ethnologist from Argentina. His expedition explored the province of Morona Santiago in Ecuador and mapped the tunnels, which are located at a depth of 230 meters. The walls of these tunnels are very smooth, as if polished, and there are ventilation pipes in the walls. The length of these tunnels is hundreds of kilometers in various directions, one of the directions leads to the Pacific Ocean. So far, most of the tunnels have not been explored.

Andrew Thomas from America believes that ancient tunnels pierce the North American continent, connecting it with Europe and East Asia. The most important intersections of these tunnels are called junctions. One such node is under Mount Shasta in California. One of the branches leads from here to a large space that was discovered near California under the seabed. Pacific Ocean.

Tibet is one important hub. It is riddled with ancient underground tunnels, the walls of these tunnels are perfectly smooth. Buddhist monks believe that it is here in the bowels of the mountains that Shambhala is located, where the initiates live. They move through the tunnels in special devices with great speed.

Recently, huge unexplored voids have been discovered in Egypt under the pyramids on the Giza plateau. These tunnels diverge in different directions: to the north to the Black Sea, to Tibet to the east and to the west to the Atlantic Ocean. Where they are connected to the American system.

There is another knot of ancient tunnels in the Caucasus and Crimea. Under the Uvarov Ridge in the Caucasus, speleologists have discovered tunnels leading to the Crimea, the Volga region and the Caspian. The Medveditskaya mountain range, located in the Volga region, has a network of tunnels in its bowels. Most of the tunnels have a circular cross section and their diameter is from 7 to 30 meters. There are large halls.

The Russian researcher P. Miroshnichenko tells in his book “The Legend of the LSP” that all of Russia is stitched with ancient tunnels. At the moment, not all tunnels have been discovered. One of the ancient tunnels was discovered in the 1950s, when a tunnel was being built in the Tatar Strait. One of the participants in the construction says: the drifters were not so much building as restoring some ancient tunnel. But they never made it to the end. There is an assumption that this tunnel goes through Sakhalin to Japan and America.

The ancient people were waiting for a nuclear strike

The older and deeper the tunnel, the more perfect and more precisely oriented it is by design. The tunnels discovered in Western Europe, 12 thousand years old, are the youngest, they are the most structurally crude of all the ancient tunnels found. But even such tunnels could not be built by primitive people. It remains only to assume that in ancient times there was a highly developed civilization on Earth, which disappeared for unknown reasons. Leaving only our uncivilized ancestors.

Experts speaking about the disappearance of a highly developed civilization point to the possibility of unleashing a nuclear war in antiquity. A group of French scientists studied several large craters on the surface of the Earth, it is believed that these are traces of meteorites, but the craters may have formed from nuclear explosions. The age of some funnels is 25 thousand years. IN South Africa is the deepest crater.

Researchers believe that it was formed from a nuclear strike. Power, which is more than 500 thousand tons in TNT equivalent.

Ancient mankind, most likely, knew about the impending nuclear bombardment and prepared for it. Perhaps this is what underground tunnels were made for. Whether they helped is unknown. Another question arises: who built these tunnels that are hundreds of thousands of years old?

underground country

The appearance of tunnels is easier to explain by the activity of aliens. But many researchers now say that these tunnels were created by the inhabitants of the Earth and possessed high technology. The ancient tunnels may have been built in anticipation of some natural global catastrophe.

About once every 60 years, the most disastrous events occur. Less powerful catastrophes occur every 100, 41 and 21 thousand years. The ancient "supermen" also knew about it, that's why they built underground tunnels, and then left for good in huge natural cavities located underground, where there is its own flora and fauna, its own seas. Theoretically, modern science admits the existence of a self-sufficient biosphere underground, and ancient people could well settle down in this underground world.

There are suggestions that these people still live under our feet. While laying a mine in England, miners heard the sounds of working mechanisms from underground. When they broke through the stone mass, they saw a well leading down, the walls of the well were perfectly smooth, the sounds intensified. Specialists became interested in the find, the workers were taken out of the mine. Special services became interested in studying the dungeon in New Zealand. From the depths of this dungeon, sounds similar to the howl of a siren and blows were also heard. In China, Hunan province, an underground hall was found where there are many drawings depicting people sitting in devices similar to. Sounds periodically come from the dungeon.

There is another proof of the existence of the underworld. Mysterious animals sometimes appear on Earth - one of these animals is the Chupacabra. They are considered extinct animals or completely unknown, appear for a short time and disappear into the unknown. Most likely, the underworld is connected to our underground tunnels through which these mysterious creatures.

Scientists believe that the level of underground civilization is higher than ours. It is from there that aircraft arrive to us. After all, if you think about it, the “plates” of aliens visit us too often. Here it is more logical to assume that they are not in space, but much closer. They try to keep their world a secret from people, for this they disguise themselves as aliens.

Underworld where people live for millions of years remains a mystery to scientists. But it is quite possible that the secret services solved this riddle long ago and it is possible that she has long been in touch with its inhabitants.