Ghosts and mysterious creatures of the forests of Karelia. Mystical Karelia


We are not talking about the tree of desires on the embankment in Petrozavodsk, but about those places that (rightly or not - everyone decides for themselves) are considered places of power. We don’t know if it’s possible to really hear the voice of the earth, the whisper of spirits, or refuel with sacred knowledge there. One thing we can say for sure - in those places that will be discussed, goosebumps are found. And they love to attack people.

In general, a trip to all the "places of power" in Karelia can take a whole month. Valaam, Solovki, Kizhi, almost all major reservoirs... "Petrozavodsk Speaks" tells about the strangest and not the most famous places.

The abandoned village of Kochkomozero near Nadvoitsy.

The village has been deserted for a long time. Once there were about 50 strong houses here, now there are less than a dozen left. Some owners come to some in the summer, some are not inhabited, rickety, blown by the winds and blackened. Winds here blow almost constantly. Esotericists say that Kochkomozero is a good place for self-identification. There are some special energy flows. Many say that the village stands at the place of power. And that the feeling of someone else's presence does not leave. Moreover, it is as if the doors and shutters in the houses close and open by themselves.

Radkolye Island

It is located in Lake Onega, not far from the island of Kizhi. Its name is translated from Finnish as "Rock of the Dead Animal". Here, they say, until the 30s of the last century, those whose gods did not live in churches, but in trees, gathered. The island has its owner, whose incarnation is the Radkol idol created by nature. Neither the island nor its mysterious owner did anything particularly bad to anyone, but many who have been there speak of an all-encompassing feeling of humility and apathy that cannot be shaken off. And this is frightening. As well as the heavy stone look of the "owner", as if nailing to the ground. By the way, the “master” was credited with the gift of rewarding something not good for a person who behaves inappropriately.

Segozero in the Segezha district

This place has a bad reputation. Stories are passed down from generation to generation that the reservoir is very self-willed. In 1928, the old-timers said, all the water suddenly left the Bald Bay of the lake. And after a short (very short, surprisingly, there were no casualties) time, it rushed back with force. But it's already warm. Such terrible waves appeared on the lake often. The year after the warm water incident, a wave killed the rafters. They say that in the 17th century, some mysterious pyramidal object descended into Segozero, after which the anomalies began.

alder wilderness

This is the place of female power. Eyewitnesses say that the wind always blows here, and also that a real witch, the mistress of the winds, lived in a house on a hill nearby. Tourists claim that this slide itself is very musically “buzzing”.

The wilderness is located somewhere in the vicinity of the village of Lyappesyurya. It is known for the fact that it often takes on lightning strikes, so there are a lot of charred trees around. Esotericists believe that this is a place of female power, helping to realize oneself. Old sources indicate that once there really was a sacred grove here. And later - an Orthodox chapel, which was devoured by a fire.


Well, of course, one cannot fail to mention Vottovaara, a mountain in the Muezersky district. We will not describe its "architectural" features. But the energy of the place is really strange. You can lie down for a minute on a flat boulder and fall into the deepest sleep. You can wander half a day between stones and seids, and then find out that you have been walking around your own tent all this time. And the mountain is humming. The air hums, the stone hums. And draws in a strange stupor. In a word - goosebumps are provided.

Shamans, sorcerers and esoterics of all colors and stripes go to the mountain to either try to wake up the ancient Sami spirits, or to beg some of their strength from the stones.

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Arina: I haven't read such well-written articles about Karelia for a long time! Very interesting and possible and you can find something new for yourself

Places of power in Karelia-1

Karelia in the eyes of most Russians is a country of lakes, rapids, pine forests. But more and more often it is associated with the legendary Shambhala - the homeland of the Aryans and their ability to control the power of the Earth.

In 1808, the German philosopher and philologist Friedrich Schlegel was the first to write that for many thousands of years there had been a proto-people whose homeland was the Himalayas. This people captured India, Persia, all of Europe and created great ancient civilizations. And it was Friedrich Schlegel who gave him the name "Aryans", which in Sanskrit means "noble".

A century passed, and at the beginning of the twentieth century, the "Aryan theory" made a sharp turn. German scientists began to prove that Schlegel was mistaken: it was not the Indo-European languages ​​that came from India, but, on the contrary, the North European ones came to India. Therefore, the homeland of the Aryans is not the Himalayas, but Scandinavia and Northern Germany. The people living here, it is more correct to call the "Nordic race"

Testing the "Nordic Hypothesis"

This "Nordic hypothesis" became the theoretical basis for the German society "Heritage of the Ancestors" or "Ahnenerbe", which, before and during World War II, organized several expeditions to Greenland, Scandinavia, the Baltic countries - Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.

At the same time, Ahnenerbe employees (it’s hard to call them scientists) robbed museums and libraries in the occupied territories of Poland, France, Yugoslavia, the USSR, looking for evidence of the Nordic theory in them.

We didn't miss Ahnenerbe and Karelia. Here, in the forest near Kestenga, a medallion of an SS man from the Totenkopf Division was found. The officers and soldiers of this elite German division were used in punitive operations against partisans and in the most important sectors of the front - near Stalingrad and on the Kursk Bulge. But there were no battles in Karelia and no punitive operations were carried out.

What did the representatives of the elite part of the SS do in the deserted forests?

The search detachment "For the Motherland", led by Viktor Komkov, tried to figure out the reasons for the appearance of the SS in Karelia. The detachment found two powerful lines of defense near Eletyozero, in a place of no particular military importance.

The first was occupied by the Norwegian volunteer ski battalion of the SS division "Nord". Behind him on the Hasselman and Kaprolat hills was another line of defense. Here, the mountain rangers of the SS division entered the battle with the Red Army. If the SS could be called the elite of the German army, then the SS mountain rangers were the elite within the elite.

There are two questions. First: what did the elite units of the CC do on the calm Karelian front for a long time? After all, reservists could well dig into the ground and hold the defense.

Second: why, at the end of the war, in 1944, did the German troops launch a series of desperate counterattacks in order to break through to the rangers encircled at Yeletozero? The counterattacks were very serious. The Germans went for a breakthrough directly, in a frontal attack, and even through a minefield. For what or for whom were German soldiers sacrificed?

A large dugout town was found near Eletyozero. Sawmills and power plants were built near Kestenga. There were even electrical outlets in the trenches, not to mention the dugouts, and the soldiers could turn on the lights there.

The dugout town in the forests was more suitable not for defense, but for scientists to live. In one of them, an SS sword was found, which was worn by high ranks of the SS. They were used only for magical rituals.

As a result of surveys carried out in the vicinity of the dugouts by one of the search teams, three caves were found. It was not possible to penetrate them - the entrances were neatly collapsed by explosions. What was stored there and what work was carried out in them, the researchers could not find out.

But it became known from local residents that somewhere in the surrounding forests there are so-called places of power, near which Karelian sorcerers performed their mysterious rites before the revolution.

Viking golden cup

It is not by chance that Karelia attracted the employees of Ahnenerbe. Even earlier, researchers from the special department at the Cheka-OGPU, led by Gleb Bokiy, visited here. Many people probably know about one of the expeditions to the Kola Peninsula, led by the head of the laboratory of neuroenergetics Alexander Barchenko, which ended with the discovery of Northern Shambhala.

But recently, information has increasingly begun to appear in the media that Barchenko, in search of hidden ancient knowledge, conducted his research in Karelia, which he considered "the territory of ancient magical Knowledge."

There was a legend that this is where the underground temple of the goddess Yumalla is located, where the so-called “Golden Cup of the Vikings”, which has great magical power, is kept.

Even earlier than the employees of Gleb Bokiy's department and the employees of "Ahnenerbe", Russian mystics tried to find the "Golden Cup" in Karelia. According to modern researchers, the unexpected trip of the famous artist and mystic Nicholas Roerich to Serdobol, now Sortoval, at the beginning of the 20th century was connected precisely with the search for this legendary thicket.

In Petrograd, Nicholas Roerich not only painted his amazing paintings dedicated to ancient history Rus', but also seriously engaged in archeology. He could learn about the possible place where the legendary cup was hidden from secret documents kept by his father Konstantin Fedorovich Roerich, who was one of the leaders of the St. Petersburg Freemasons. The highest sign of the Rosicrucian, which belonged to Konstantin Fedorovich, is now stored in the State Museum of the East.

But let's get back to the expedition of the Ahnenerbe employees to Karelia. The researcher of the Kola Peninsula and Karelia, Vladislav Troshin, discovered materials indicating that the Nazis, using the so-called "places of power", often found in this region, tried to develop the so-called "seid-weapon".

Seida, according to the concepts of the Sami, the natives of Karelia, are natural or man-made structures, consisting of a large boulder placed on several small stones. A "spirit" revered by the Saami lives in the seida. With the help of special rituals, you can make him perform tasks that are completely incredible from the point of view of modern science.

Scientists "Ahnenerbe" guessed the appointment of seids. Their goal was an attempt to direct the power of the seids of the Kola Peninsula to Great Britain in order to cause a local cataclysm there. Time was to shrink, turning the British into frail, decaying old men.

The possibility of using the power of seids to create a local earthquake within the frontal zone was also developed. This is not such an incredible task. If we compare the maps of Karelia during the war years with the location of the latest geological faults, we get an interesting picture: the front line passed through them for three years.

And breaks are almost always anomalous zone, along which there is an unloading of energy constantly released by the core of the Earth. Purposefully managing this process with the help of seids, you can destroy the most reliable fortifications or stop a powerful tank attack.

sacred boulders

Professor Ernst Muldashev, known for his search for “places of power” in the Himalayas, visited the Kola Peninsula and Karelia. The expedition led by him discovered several sources of powerful energy there, which gave Noid shamans power over crowds of people.

According to the scientist, noids have almost disappeared today, but the objects through which they conjured - seids, are found in abundance on the peninsula. Seids, as a rule, are set on flat stones located on the tops of mountains. Sometimes you wonder how they could bring a huge stone there. Moreover, not one seid in appearance repeats the other.

The professor became interested in the legends and fairy tales of the Sami-Lapps, in which seids appear. From them it is clear that they are created by spirits together with beings. underworld- chuckled. Noids sometimes ask the spirits to create a seid to make it easier to conjure. The word "seid" from the Sami language is translated as "sacred".

Muldashev, explaining the origin of seids, cited the words of the brilliant Russian scientist Nikolai Kozyrev, who said that in Time is the most powerful energy in the universe. Then it is quite logical to assume that seids are created for those creatures who are able to use the energy of time, or the so-called "stone power".

Seids of the Kola Peninsula were also studied by a group of scientists from St. Petersburg led by Vasily Volkov. She discovered a phenomenon that is inexplicable from the point of view of modern physics. It turned out that seid periodically changes the radiation background around him, either raising or lowering it.

Marina Karelina, who participated in the work of this group and has extrasensory abilities, made a very interesting observation. The energy of the seid is enhanced during the ritual sacrifices of the Saami. Karelina managed to make another discovery - the energy of one seid flows to another, third, and so on, forming a kind of energy network.

Volkov drew attention to the fact that many seids " They look like they were made just yesterday. There are few old seids, it seems that they are periodically “repaired”.

Summing up the results of the expedition, its leader concluded that the seids are structures of the once existing megalithic culture. Traces of it are scattered all over the world - these are the dolmens of the Caucasus and the island of Crete, megalithic circles in Altai and Mongolia, megalithic blocks in Lebanon and Egypt, megalithic temples in Syria.

So what did the elite SS troops guard in the forests of Karelia? Did Nicholas Roerich get to the underground temple of the goddess Yumalla and the “Golden Chalice” kept in it? Did Alexander Barchenko find "the territory of ancient magical Knowledge"? Maybe all these three questions have one answer related to the ancient wisdom of the Aryans...

White Sea

Karelia, like the Russian North as a whole, is a land full of unsolved mysteries and amazing mysteries. To solve them means to understand our past and present. The greatness and historical immortality of the people are determined by the spiritual culture, which representatives of even the smallest ethnic groups managed to preserve and convey to their descendants. Is the spiritual culture of the ancient peoples, who have long lived on the vast territory of modern Karelia, less ancient than the culture of any of the Western European peoples? Is the Karelian-Finnish epic "Kalevala" less poetic than the Scandinavian "Edda", the French "Song of Roland" or the German "Nibelungs"?

earthly paradise

In 1916, Nicholas Roerich, an outstanding artist and thinker, arrived in the city of Serdobol, the current Sortavala. This was not Roerich's first trip to Finland and Karelia. Roerich's interest in the North was inseparable from his interest in Russia's past, in its history. He was keenly interested in the study of ancient magical Knowledge, the existence of which in ancient times was associated with the northern territories. From time immemorial, the Russian people, dreaming of a better life, turned their gaze to the North. It was here that, according to many Russian scribes and preachers, that happy and blessed country was located, which can only be compared with an earthly paradise, preserved in the people's memory under the name Belovodie. Belovodye is not an objective, but a spiritual reality, which has accumulated in its image all the thousand-year-old wisdom of mankind. The origins of the doctrine of mysterious country and tried to find Roerich in the North.

He was engaged in a serious study of northern legends, legends, conducted scientific research, and painted. The result of his research was the idea of ​​the existence of an ancient spiritual tradition in the form of a single and inseparable chain, the beginning of which is in the North, and the end is in the East, in Tibet and the Himalayas. And Nicholas Roerich went on an expedition to Altai and Tibet to continue his research there. "In distant countries, beyond great lakes, behind high mountains, there is a sacred place where justice flourishes. Higher knowledge and Higher wisdom live there for the salvation of the entire future of mankind. This place is called Belovodye," N. Roerich wrote in his book- diary "Altai - Himalayas".

And in one of the legends, which was sacredly kept by the Old Believers of the "Vygovsky community", it is directly stated that Belovodie is located near Lake Lopon. This lake is not geographical maps. But "lop" is the old Russian name for the indigenous population of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula - the Saami. The well-known Lapland derives its name from the word "lop". So, maybe Belovodie itself is somewhere very close?

Mass hypnosis

In 1921 the first scientific expedition to the Kola Peninsula was organized. This expedition was carried out under the personal supervision of Dzerzhinsky, and was headed by Professor Alexander Vasilievich Barchenko, who acted with a mandate from the Institute for the Study of the Brain and with the personal blessing of Academician Bekhterev. A.V. Barchenko, who had psychic abilities, was recruited to work in the Soviet state security bodies, where he headed a top-secret laboratory of the occult direction. The purpose of the expedition was to search for the remains of ancient civilizations, which, according to the concept of A.V. Barchenko, possessed universal Knowledge, which included knowledge of other sources of energy and effective means of mental influence on people. A.V. Barchenko assumed that this knowledge did not disappear without a trace, but was preserved in a coded form in megalithic monuments, legends, traditions, and they can be found and deciphered. Interesting are his studies of a number of places in Murmansk region, in which people fell into an unusual state, similar to mass psychosis, called "measuring." Usually it manifested itself during magical rituals (according to official sources, far from rare even at the end 19th century), but could also occur spontaneously. At such moments, people began to repeat each other's movements, unconditionally carry out various commands, etc. Using modern terminology, it is quite possible to call this "zombie".

The “flickering” effect is, in essence, the effect of a mass and purposeful hypnotic influence, the source of which is completely unknown to science. Similar phenomena of "measuring" are observed to this day in a number of places in Karelia, on the territory of which there are still the remains of ancient sanctuaries. All this requires careful study, not only for scientific, cognitive interests, but also from the point of view of the possible practical use of this type of magical energy, for example, for medicinal purposes.

Hyperborea is somewhere near

Karelia (North of Russia as a whole) has deep and strong traditions associated with the preservation of esoteric (secret) magical Knowledge, originating from the ancient, powerful and mysterious Hyperborea. From time immemorial (even from the point of view of the historical approach) the territory of Karelia has been included in the general planetary and geocosmic "program" for the preservation of esoteric Knowledge, which is fundamental in the general context of earthly evolution and fragmentarily recorded in various historical, ethnographic and cultural discoveries of our time. There are ancient maps that depict the disappeared polar continent - Hyperborea. The works of Gerhard Mercator, the most famous cartographer of the 16th century, have survived to our time in copies. One of his maps (1569) reproduces the outlines of Severnaya Zemlya most fully, without corrections for new geographical discoveries. If you superimpose the map of Mercator on the map of modern Scandinavia, surprising correspondences are found: the southern border of Hyperborea passes through Lake Ladoga and Onega, through Valaam and Vygoretsia. "The magical cliffs of Valaam, so similar to man-made strongholds, were once an island in an ocean bay off the coast of Hyperborea - northern Ladoga has preserved the immensely ancient contours of this bay," writes the well-known Russian researcher of Hyperborea E. Lazarev. - Such an island, apparently, There was also a granite monolith of Solovki: similar, but still different. No wonder the mystical feeling of the northern monks found them different sacred names: northern Athos - for the hidden Valaam and New Jerusalem - for the harsh Solovetsky Islands.

Karelian Stonehenge

The end of the 20th century was marked by serious archaeological discoveries on the territory of modern Karelia. In the early 90s, a Neolithic sanctuary called Pegrema was opened on the northwestern coast of Lake Onega, which included zoomorphic idols, sandstone disks, etc., which testified to the development of a religious and magical cult and deep skills in stone processing. from our distant ancestors. In 1993, the now widely known, but still insufficiently studied, ancient pagan complex was discovered on Mount Vottovaara, in the Muezersky district. It consists of more than a thousand seids (structures made of stones that the ancient Sami - Lapps - endowed with great magical power), some of which reach truly enormous sizes, "stairs" carved into the rock, etc. Constructions of such a scale do not fit into the urgent needs of the ancient Sami or Karelian hunters and do not fit into the logical constructions of scientific theory. That is why the complex on Mount Vottovaara has already been dubbed the "Karelian Stonehenge".

sea ​​pyramid

In 2001, an expedition of specialists from the Russian Geographical Society discovered a strange "sea pyramid" off the Anzer Island of the Solovetsky Archipelago, rising to a height of about ten meters above the water level, which has also not received an intelligible explanation to date. In the summer of 2003, an expedition organized by the International Academy of Megascience conducted research in the Medvezhyegorsk region near the small village of Venge-gora, fifteen kilometers from the more famous village of Maslozero. Fragments of ancient traditions and legends are still preserved in the people's memory, which testified that in ancient times, on the shore of one of the lakes located in this area, there was an ancient pagan temple, built of numerous stones and highly revered by the locals. To date, the monument has been completely destroyed; stones are scattered over a large area or simply destroyed. Many of them "gone into the ground" or "into the sand", and finding them is quite difficult.

Legends also say that this temple was built from "marked" stones, i.e. from stones with "runic signs" carved on them, which, along with semantic and magical functions, also carried a protective function. Interestingly, the word "rune" itself does not mean "letter" or "sign" at all. It means "secret" or "mystery". The word "rune" is an analogue of the Greek "mysterion" (mystery). Rune systems are not just systems of "letters" in the ordinary sense. Rather, it is a system of sacraments. That is why runic signs and symbols have always had a magical character and were understood by a select circle of people. The search for the "Karelian Hyperborea", apparently, is just beginning. One thing is clear - there are still many unexpected, bright and interesting discoveries. The northern pilgrimage elders predicted: in the triangle marked by the three churches of the Transfiguration - Valaam, Solovetsky and Kizhi - the cleansing of Russia would begin. This is a place where grace thickens, as it were, becoming apparent to sensitive hearts. Here is the soul of the Russian North, the center of its harmonies.


During the seven years of the activity of the archaeological expedition of the Karelian State Museum of Local Lore (1987-1993), the most significant event was the discovery in the summer of 1992 of a previously unknown cult monument - a "sanctuary" on Mount Vottovaara. It is located 20 km southeast of the village of Sukkozero, Muezersky district of the Republic of Karelia.

Mount Vottovaara is the highest point of the West Karelian Upland - 417.1 m. The cult complex as a whole occupies the entire surface of the mountain and several hills located singly near it (6 sq. km). The monument cannot be imagined without connection with a specific natural environment. Its natural boundaries are steep, in some places sheer southern and western slopes. The ascent from the north and east is smooth and most convenient for reaching the summit. The altitudinal zonality of vegetation is well traced. The pine belt along the slopes is replaced by a pine-birch forest tundra near the summit.

The relief is very rugged: rocky outcrops alternate with small swamps - paleo reservoirs and small lakes that dry up in the hot season. Large, poorly rolled boulders and blocks of local rocks are scattered everywhere. There are glacier-ploughed troughs and sheep foreheads. Quest landscape: steep ledges, exposing to the north and gentle slopes of the southern exposure. In general, the rocks are poorly dislocated, but elements of prototectonics are well manifested in the form of the following system of cracks: bedded (their occurrence is close to horizontal) and gaping vertical ones - sublatitudinal and submeridial south directions. The separation of rock blocks, which is very impressively observed 150 m southwest of the summit center, in a natural rock amphitheater, could have occurred in the process of neotectopic movements during the postglacial period. The primary unit of study at this site is the cult stone (The author deliberately does not use the concept of "seid", because of disagreement with its established use to designate these cult constructions in Russian scientific literature.). Despite the fact that every researcher who has studied the worldview of this people mentions their cult as an integral part of the religious beliefs of the Saami, almost nothing is known about them reliably or the information is contradictory.

To avoid conceptual confusion, it is necessary to define the semantic content of the term "cult stone" used in this work: it is a boulder stone or a piece of rock, the artificial nature of the isolation of which is immutably replaced. It is also possible that some stones were distinguished by man from the surrounding landscape only on the basis of their individual natural features. On the other side of the question - whether this object was deified, now we can talk with less certainty. This professional definition undoubtedly differs from the concept of "seita-kamen", which existed among the Sami in the 19th century.

Of the many thousands of boulders located on the surface of the gori, only those few were classified as cult stones that had clear artificial signs of human activity: the presence of "tops", "legs" or a clearly deliberate grouping.

There is no doubt that the monument on Mount Vottovaara, according to its purpose, can be classified as a religious building, that is, buildings specially erected for religious rites (1, p. 76). well-established architectural and compositional techniques and principles in its creation, which are a reflection of both the religious ideas of their creators and specific cult functions. In this work, an attempt is made to establish these regularities on the basis of a statistical analysis of data obtained during short work during the 1993 field season. A significant statistical sample will make it possible to reduce to zero all undoubtedly existing errors in the subjective perception of such an extraordinary monument as the complex on Mount Vottovaara.

Each cult stone was described according to twelve features, which, in our opinion, give a comprehensive fixation of the location of the object and its morphometric features. This is being in a group or isolation; the presence of processing; the presence of "legs", "top", their number and orientation; dimensions; location on a rocky base or turf; near a reservoir or on a dominant point in the surroundings; snapping to the edge of a cliff. A total of 1286 stones were identified during the examination. It is likely that their number is much larger, since on the territory of 6 square meters. km some of them could escape attention. There is no doubt that some of them have been destroyed by man. For example, when erecting a trigonometric sign on top, or just for the sake of curiosity, stones were thrown down from steep ledges. The densest concentration in the center is at the very top and on the steep southwestern, southern and southeastern slopes. Here they are at every rock outcrop. When descending from hills places of worship decreases sharply.

The arrangement of cult stones in groups is predominantly observed. Only 138 specimens (18.7% of the total) can be called solitary, located mainly at low elevations of the forested slopes of the mountain. 1148 stones make up 166 groups. The number of cult stones in a group varies quite widely - from two to forty-four maximum. Based on the data we have, we can say that groups of two to six make up more than two thirds (68.6%), with groups of two, three, four stones predominating. More numerous additions are single. According to purely visual observation, the number of components in a group may depend on the area of ​​the rock outcrop on which they are located. For example, the largest accumulation (44 pieces) in the central part of the sanctuary occupies a rocky area 40 m long and 10 m wide. It was impossible not to notice another pattern: in a separate group, the number of structures with "legs" can be from one to five or six (of various sizes), but the accompanying stones without "legs" are always smaller.

There is no particular selectivity in the form of cult stones - these are various natural outlines of the surrounding boulders. None of them bear traces of processing and, in our opinion, cannot be defined as having zoomorphic or anthropomorphic features. Often there are stones that have broken up partially or completely into five or six pieces. According to geologists, this splitting is the result of frost weathering or progotectonic disintegration along cracks, in the complete absence of traces of fire.

During the examination, the so-called “legs” were counted for each object, that is, stones about which one could definitely say that they were artificially installed under the main stone. In total, about a third of structures raised on "legs" - 431 (33.5% of the total). The number of used "legs" varies from one to eleven. Slightly less than half of them were installed on one stone (184 - 42.6%) (Table 2). Almost the same number of cult stones have two or three "legs" (95 and 83 - a total of 41.2%). With an increase in the number of "legs" involved, the number of objects installed on them decreases sharply. An attempt was made to identify the system of their underlayment. We can firmly say that this cult complex lacks orientation of “legs” to the cardinal points. As a rule, if there were a small number of “legs” (one or two), the orientation was carried out in the direction of the nearest edge of the cliff or in the direction of a neighboring reservoir. If the stone was heavy enough , then the “leg” “slid” into the most convenient location. If there were a large number of them, they were located under the stone in a circle. Usually, tiles or pieces of the same rock as the main stone were used as “legs”. The number of cult stones with "tops" is very small - 24 pieces (1.8%). The “tops” are mostly one or two tiles of the same rock as the large boulder under them - the base. In two cases, such a tile itself had a "leg" - a smaller pebble. With a single exception, the base has grown into the ground and its location is isolated. Based on this, we can say that, probably, the specific “top” had the same semantic meaning as the cult stone, that is, it was itself a separate small analogue of it. The stones with tops were mainly found on the northwestern slope of the mountain and sporadically near the center of the peak.

One of the main objectives of the study was to identify patterns in the choice of location for the installation of structures. Already during the initial survey of the sanctuary, it was observed that cult stones were predominantly found on rocky areas without sod cover. And indeed, when counting, it turned out that only a very small part was located on the turf (32 pieces - 2.4%). Moreover, in eight cases these were the aforementioned base boulders with “tops” grown into the ground. Even with visual observation, one can clearly feel the interdependence of finding cult objects from the surrounding landscape. As a rule, they were located at points dominating the immediate surroundings (1093 - 85%). More than a quarter of the total number of cult stones (357 - 27.7%) were installed directly along the banks of numerous small lakes and swamps.

A certain order in the grouping of accumulations of stones was observed relatively rarely. Twice on the northern slope near the top they were arranged in one straight line up to 15 m long. "occupied a central place, with four boulders without "legs" on both sides.

Speaking about the artificially created structures on the Vottovaara mountain, it is necessary to note the most clearly visible complex on the southeastern slope of the mountain. On a huge, horizontal, rocky platform up to 30 m long, rising 1.1 m above the general level of the surface, there are four separate groups of cult stones (6, 7 and 15 specimens each). Each group occupies its own microsite and forms a circle with obligatory hearth masonry of small fragments in its center. Probably, these constructions on this site should be considered as a separate cult object.

Summarizing all of the above and based on the assumption that this monument is a single complex and based on the above observations, we can make the following generalizations:

1. The place for the installation of a cult stone should have the following features: the presence of a rocky area without a soil layer, altitudinal dominance at least within a radius of 30 m, a desirable location at the edge of a reservoir, even if it does not exceed 10 m in diameter.

2. Cult additions were established in groups, mainly from two to six stones. Apparently, “legs” were placed under a large stone on the spot, and smaller boulders were brought. It is impossible not to note in the group a higher semantic status of cult structures with "legs" in front of stones without them.

3. There was no necessary orientation of cult stones to the cardinal points, which is sometimes observed among northern peoples. For example, among the nearest neighbors, the Nenets, “the blockheads of the lyceums always stood to the east” (2, p. 235). Although, it is possible that sacred stones were installed in combination with wooden seids, the existence of which is often mentioned by ethnographers of the 19th century. (3, p. 391) and in the orientation of which there could be some regularity.

4. Cult stones do not have any definite outlines that would allow us to talk about isolating them from the surrounding landscape according to their anthropo- or zoomorphic appearance. Also, there were no visible traces of processing (chopping, hewing) - “they are the same as nature itself created them” (4, p. 182). By the ancient creators, they simply stood out from environment small necessary touches - the addition of "legs" "top".
5. There is no doubt that natural factors - the dominant elevation, clear traces of powerful tectonic activity, sparse high-mountain vegetation - stimulated the appearance of the monument in this particular place.

There are two more cult complexes similar to the "sanctuary" on Mount Vottovaara in Karelia. One is located on the Russian and German Kuzov islands in the White Sea, 20 km from the city of Kem, and the other is on Mount Kivakka, located in the Papajärvi Nature and National Park in North Karelia. (5, p. 82). The locations of five single cult stones with a "leg" are also known: on Mount Nuorunen, Chumanniy Kamen near Evzhozero Matroilampi in the Louhi region (7, p. 6). There are also unverified reports of their presence on the peaks of Possosiro and Ukontunturi on the territory of the already mentioned Panayärvi PNP. Among them, the sanctuary on Mount Vottovaara is the southernmost and the largest in terms of the number of cult stones.

based on materials from the Internet

Karelia. The majesty of mountain ranges, the beauty of virgin forests, rushing high into the sky, the crystal clearness of countless lakes. But you don't even know what's behind it. A land full of mysteries and mysteries. We set off in search of an entrance to a parallel world through strange places shrouded in many legends.


Pudozhsky district, Shalsky settlement (390 km from the capital)
A ledge on the banks of the Onega. A place with a frightening name "Demons Nose", dotted with drawings of ancient people. Petroglyphs are rock carvings that we inherited from our ancestors. They are located under the feet of visitors, and not on a vertical sheet of rock. The deep meaning of these messages of ancient people east coast Lake Onega, as well as in the Belomorsky region, cannot be fully interpreted by scientists to this day.
There are more than 500 petroglyphs on the Besovy Nos, among them the central figure is the Onega Bes, remotely similar to a man, only with a square head, a body - a barrel, with five fingers on his hands. The figure of the demon is divided exactly in the middle by a gap, which, according to scientists, indicates a connection with other world. Both locals and visitors regularly disappear here. In the place where people disappear, only their things remain. Who is behind these mysterious and traceless disappearances? According to one version, which has been considered by scientists for more than half a century, the Bes depicted on the cape is a real creature representing Bigfoot.Due to the fact that the object is difficult to reach, it is visited only by fishermen and hunters, who cajole the owner by throwing coins into the slot so that he deigns to fish with them.
What about in the direction where all the drawings depicted on the cape are looking? It turns out that there is a kind of little Mars - Raspberry quartzite quarry. The stone of power was widely used in the construction of the Mausoleum and St. Isaac's Cathedral, the most famous tombs around the world were made from it, including Napoleon's Sarcophagus. It is mined only in Karelia, 60 kilometers from its capital, on the western bank of the Onega, in the ancient village of Shoksha.Strange, but true: rain always bypasses the quarry.
Quartzite is not the only alien from another reality. Thanks to shungite, the Russians defeated the Swedes near Poltava: because of the intense heat, the water in the rivers bloomed. And our soldiers drank it, first dropping shungite into it. The Swedes, on the other hand, suffered from dysentery.There is another property of this mysterious stone that surprises scientists: shungite is the only mineral on earth that conducts electric current. In production, shungite is processed manually, this process is quite traumatic. Surprisingly, wounds from cuts during its treatment do not fester and heal very quickly.
More accessible, compared to Besovy Nos, for tourists has become Zalavrugas complex with 29 groups of rock carvings, making up 1.5 thousand petroglyphs, most of them illustrate the life of that time (2-3 millennium BC). But among this variety of birds and animals there is the most outstanding image that attracts the attention of tourists and scientists - "Dancing Shaman". According to legend, one has only to rub it, the spirit will come out and will certainly fulfill the cherished desire.
Prionezhsky district, Kosalma village (half an hour from Petrozavodsk)
Literally two kilometers from it rises Mount Sampo. Translated from Finnish, "Sampo" means a magical object, a source of happiness and well-being. A visit to this place is included by some tour operators in sightseeing tours. Having overcome the path to the top of the mountain along the stairs, trees full of different colors will appear before your eyes. Ribbons tied to them are a sign of wishes made.
White Sea. Body islands ("kuusen" - spruce)
Looks like from a distance stone balls, overgrown with spruce and only slightly protruding from the water.
Russian Body Island, Bald Mountain. At its top there was a large sanctuary with a deity in the center of the "Stone Woman", to whom sacrifices were made, and next to which the elders of the Sami tribe were buried.
But the central temple of the ancient Sami with a large concentration of idols and seids is located at the highest point German Body, here the shamans performed their main religious rites. According to legend, in the 17th century, a detachment of Swedes took refuge here from a storm in order to attack the Solovetsky Monastery, which angered the Gods, whose forces protected the holy monastery from the enemy, turning it into stones.
The gate to a parallel world is worth looking for on Mount Vottovaara - the most terrible and legendary place in Karelia (200 km from capital Cities). Dead trees and a realm of ritual stones that emit the sound of emptiness. The ridge of mountain hills stretches for 7 kilometers in length. The road here is already filled with many obstacles, and sometimes it even seems that they are simply insurmountable. Having reached the goal, you can notice surfaces so smooth that it looks like someone has polished them.Many are convinced that the mountain has a powerful energy, because rituals and worship of the gods were performed here. This is evidenced by the silent one and a half thousand seids arranged in a mysterious order. The question immediately arises: how did huge boulders, among which there are multi-ton boulders standing on smaller ones, ended up on top of a mountain 417 meters high? Who put them here?Perhaps the souls of dead shamans are imprisoned in the stones, people with extrasensory abilities come here to communicate with them, and also ask the stones for part of their strength and move to parallel worlds. It also remains a mystery who carved the thirteen steps of the Heavenly Stairs and the “Bathroom” in the form of a depression filled with water into the rock?
Vottovaara is shrouded in many mysterious phenomena: animals do not live here, lakes are dead, devices fail, equipment fails, and trees are especially striking like in a fairy tale about Baba Yaga, twisted and even tied in a knot, which only enhances the already creepy feeling. from staying in this place. Here you can also fall into a deep sleep, if you lie down on a boulder.
One of the unsolved mysteries of Karelia is labyrinths - encoded knowledge in the form of spiral-shaped stone symbols, reaching up to 30 meters in diameter and testifying to the connection of man with cosmic forces. The spiral is a kind of code that has been passed down from generation to generation. In many legends, labyrinths indicate the entrances and exits of a parallel world, the doors of which open to those who know the key to them. So far, no scientist has deciphered its meaning.
Mysteries of Klimecki
40 km north of Petrozavodsk is one of the largest islands of Lake Onega - Klimetsky, 30 km long. In the next journey of the Novgorod merchant in this place in the 15th century, a storm was so strong that his ship was thrown ashore. The merchant liked the picturesque surroundings. Here he decided to found a monastery. In the 19th century, local storytellers glorified these places with epics about heroes. To date, the popularity of the island has not stopped due to such phenomena as: ghosts wandering between the trees, garlands of running lights in forest glades, UFOs. It does not do without cases of disappearances of people. Some first wander through the forest for a long time, although in fact they find themselves near their tent. Others do not remember at all how they ended up in one place or another. One way or another, there is no scientific explanation for these phenomena.
The small and rocky island of Radkolye is spread among the Onega, not far from the island of Kizhi. Those who worshiped the gods living in trees gathered here. The island has its owner - an idol in the form of a rock, with features similar to a human face and with such a stone look that it inspires fear, causes apathy and humility. Those who anger him, he "bestows" misfortunes and illnesses.
Belomorsky district, Okhta River, Ushkovo village (380 km from Petrozavodsk)
In the middle of the swamps on the top of the rock, a singing boulder became a godsend. From a strong wind, the stone on the props sways and makes melodic sounds, similar to an orchestra, or a flute. But even in a calm, these sounds do not stop. Is the wind able to shake such a huge monolith?
Trinity Island, the same Okhta River and the same Belomosrsky district. Sacred spruce grows here, planted in the 14th century. Its trunk in diameter reaches 4 meters. From this tree, with the help of numerous seids, it was as if someone marked a mysterious path to an unexplored lake surrounded by impenetrable swamps with the no less mysterious name "Karma". It certainly holds more than one secret from the past.
Alder wilderness, surroundings of the village of Leppasyurya (highway A131 Pitkyaranta - Suojärvi)
The fire destroyed the sacred grove that used to grow here. And now the winds always blow, because earlier the sorceress and mistress of the winds lived in the house on the mountain. Moreover, this place attracts lightning, so in the area you can see trees with burnt tops from its strikes.
Divny Island (250 km from the capital) is part of the Valaam archipelago
Judging by the name, something inexplicable is really happening on the island: the sudden appearance of UFOs and "wonderful" people: old men, dwarfs. At the same time, some argue that they suddenly have an unreasonable fear, turning into horror and a desire to run somewhere. Others, on the contrary, experience a surge of strength. But still, guests try not to linger on Divnoye for a long time. The main attraction of the island - cromlech, laid out millennia ago, is a row of small stones. In the 15th century, the Valaam monks put a cross here. It was believed that our ancestors surrounded some very important place with these buildings.
Loukhsky district (600 km from Petrozavodsk), national park Paanajärvi, Mount Kivakka
On its top, they repeatedly tried to install an Orthodox cross, but because of the wind, these attempts were in vain. Local residents are confident in the superiority of mystical forces. Yes, and frequent glows from the mountain only reinforce such guesses.
Here, on the territory of Paanajärvi, is the most high point, the roof of Karelia - Mount Nuorunen, 577 meters high. At the very top of the mountain, despite universal gravity, a multi-ton seid balances on three small boulders.
At the tip of Sapen-mountain (165 km from Petrozavodsk) in the Medvezhyegorsk region, lightning strikes fall more often than all other heights, as evidenced by trees with burnt tops. According to legend, iron rain fell on it so that people learned how to mine and process iron. Maybe that's why there are a lot of iron ore deposits here.
In the same area in the village of Pegrema, in the north of Lake Onega, there is a complex of the same name with an area of ​​20 thousand square meters. In its northern part there is an object of worship "Duck", symbolizing the feminine principle, in the southern part - "Frog". Thanks to her, the whole object was discovered. The dense vegetation hiding the ancient idols was destroyed by a forest fire. It was as if someone had deliberately opened this place to the public. Our ancestors considered the frog a symbol of evil. That is why rituals were held around her in order to appease her and noble representatives of the tribe were buried. Esotericists come here for various rituals.
West of the Ladoga Skerries. Kilpola
On the opposite coast of the northern part of the island there is an abandoned village, shrouded in stories that tell about mysterious events that began here back in the 19th century: sharp objects suddenly became dull overnight, thick fog suddenly descending, then dissipating, burdocks grew twice as tall as human height, a sudden unreasonable feeling of anxiety among local residents, the absence of night, mirages in the form of cities and palaces, red flying balls. The locals also bypassed the thicket of the forest: an unknown force forced them to wander there for several days, after which no one else saw the missing person. People also hid from meeting with strange creatures, because otherwise anyone who was touched by someone was struck by an unknown disease and he died in agony. From time to time, three nine-meter-wide tubs appeared and disappeared near the water, remaining warm even in winter.But it is worth noting that there were also positive phenomena. For example, when a person was cured of an illness.
Residents to one left the "wonderful" place, moving from here as far as possible.

Places of power in Karelia

The secrets in Karelia do not end there. Not only islands and mountains keep them in themselves. Here, for example, Pitkyarantsky district (200 km from Petrozavodsk), Janisyarvi lake has a beneficial effect on human energy. At the same time, fireballs also appear here, a glow appears in the depths of the lake, accompanied by a hum and vibration.
long abandoned Kochkomozero village with several rickety and blackened houses, the doors of which open and close by some unknown force. Many esotericists testify to it. Visitors to these places will not leave the feeling that someone is watching them.
Segezhsky district, Segozero (270 km from Petrozavodsk)- cursed place.According to the testimony of old-timers, at the beginning of the 20th century, all the water suddenly left Lysa Guba of the lake, and after a very short time it rushed back sharply, but already warm. Such terrible waves on the reservoir are very frequent. And such anomalies began with the fact that in the 17th century an unidentified object descended into it, which remains in the local waters to this day.
Urozero (Svetloe) (25 km from the capital) filled with underground water transparent - bluish color, through which you can see the bottom. Water taken from this source can be stored for quite a long time, presumably due to the fact that the springs that feed it pass through silver mines.
Famous for strange phenomena and Vedlozero in the Pryazhinsky district (50 km from the capital). This place is simply teeming with flying saucers and luminous balls, a short merman lives here, with a large head and thin limbs, and often precipitates in the form of jelly, healing any wounds.
Olonetsky district, the village of Eroila (150 km from Petrozavodsk).Two crosses sailed here from Novgorod in the 12th century along the Olonka River. One stopped at the entrance to the village, the other at its exit. A sign from above? Later, chapels were founded here, which were destroyed at the beginning of the 20th century, and the shrines disappeared. Almost a century has passed since then, and one of the local residents found one of those disappeared crosses in the bushes in his yard after rain. It is difficult not to call this phenomenon a miracle, since the loss was found on the 780th anniversary of the baptism of Karelia.
Keeps a mystery and Lake Ladoga. Between the islands of Konevets and Valaam, sounds similar to the roar of a jet aircraft come from under its waters and they last about a minute and a half. Not only local residents talk about barrantids, but also in their writings the monks of the Valaam Monastery, as well as Alexander Dumas, testified to this phenomenon.
On the shore Impilahti Bay (180 km from the capital) stands the village of the same name. Once there lived two lovers. The girl's parents were against her chosen one and tried their best to separate them. And so it happened: they locked their daughter in the house, and the young man disappeared without a trace. The girl could not endure such torment and, having run away from home, threw herself off a cliff. Turning into the mermaid Impi, every night she went ashore and made heartbreaking sounds that resounded throughout the neighborhood. Hence the name of the bay.

Hurry up to discover the mystical and amazing Karelia! Perhaps then, you will be able to make sure that many secrets are not at all the fruit of the fantasies of local residents!

by the most major island on the way to Kizhi is the Bolshoi Klimetsky Island. It is 30 km long and up to 9 km wide. At the end of the 15th century, the Klimetsky Monastery was founded on the southern tip of the island by the Novgorod merchant John Klimentov. According to legend, in 1520, during one of his many journeys from Veliky Novgorod, he was caught by a terrible storm, and the ships loaded with salt were thrown onto a rocky shoal. The area turned out to be very picturesque and the merchant liked it so much that he subsequently chose it to build a monastery here.

At the end of the 19th century, the island became widely known in Russia. It was in these places that the famous storytellers T.G. and I.T. Ryabinina, V.P. Schegolenok, according to which P.N. Rybnikov and A.F. Hilferding recorded a large number of, which have become famous all over the world, Russian epics, legends and legends (including about Ilya Muromets, Dobryn Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich). The storytellers performed with great success in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

However, the peculiar “famousness” of the island is associated not only with its historical and cultural past, but also with an equally mysterious present. The fact that “strange” and mysterious stories happen to people on the island has been known since ancient times, perhaps since the island (according to legend), hundreds of years ago, there was one of the largest pagan temples in Karelia. Old-timers of neighboring villages and casual eyewitnesses claim that at night you can observe a wide variety of amazing phenomena: from “witch lights” running through forest clearings like festive garlands, to “luminous banners”, various types of UFOs and ghostly humanoid silhouettes wandering between the trees.
Selective studies using a dowsing frame show that there are many places on the island with a powerful energy potential. How do you know if it is not capable of reaching such values ​​in certain parts of the island at certain times that space simply “folds up”, giving rise to the effect of a “vicious circle”, which, perhaps, numerous witnesses face?

What secrets does a small piece of land keep, which has become the focus of mysterious and inexplicable events?
The island attracted close attention of the author of the material due to one case.
In the summer of 1973, Aleksey Fedorovich Pulkin, the captain of the fleet of the Petrozavodsk fish processing plant, a deviator (who knows the issues of orientation on the ground better than many others) with a group of several people arrived on Bolshoi Klimetsky Island for the weekend to go fishing:

We came from Petrozavodsk on a fishing boat. On the ship was the director of our enterprise and someone else from our management. Friday just happened to be two days off. There is a place on the island called the Old Monastery, that's what we fishermen call it. The two of us remained in the Old Monastery, and the ship moved on. There is a fishing house there, it was built especially for fishermen, where our team of fishermen lived. There are no other buildings there. Two days later we were supposed to be picked up to. The next day, my friend and I split up: he stayed to deal with the caught fish, and I went to the forest ... (the full transcript of the conversation, produced in the Union of Journalists of Karelia on March 10, 1985, is with the author of the material).

Alexei Fedorovich came back after ... 34 days! That's how much he was forced to spend on the island. Everyone was looking for him possible ways during all this time - to no avail, until he himself - dirty, hungry, emaciated - went out to people. Alexey Fedorovich was conscious almost all this time, but his story was so "strange" that it immediately came to the attention of the relevant organizations, and the whole story was hidden. They don't know about it to this day.
As it turned out later, this is far from an isolated story about the “oddities” of Bolshoi Klimetsky.

Here is a brief recorded account of an eyewitness - an old fisherman Alexander Efimov, who lives in one of the villages - related to the island: “Last summer (2008 - A.P.) I sailed to Bolshoi Klimetsky Island in the evening. Leaving the boat on the shore, not far from the sandy spit, I went for firewood to build a fire. From the lake, I walked very close and moved all the time directly in the direction opposite to my parking lot. I know these places well, I have been here several times, so I always felt calm and confident.

Although he treated the stories about the "strangeness" of the island with respect, since people whom I know personally and who would never stoop to "invented nonsense" talked about it. Nothing like this has ever happened to me here, so there were no fears. So, imagine what my surprise was when, having gathered firewood, I suddenly saw my shore and a boat right in front of me. The impression was as if, having wandered through the forest, I made a circle and returned to my original place. But the point is that I did not make any “circle”. This puzzled me. I "forgot" about the fire and - again in the thicket, but again found myself on the shore. I "did" this five times, but with the same result. The most amazing thing is that the little compass on my watch strap kept pointing in the right direction. I made the last two attempts, specifically checking with him.


So what do we know about geopathogenic zones A? This concept, however, called differently in different localities, was familiar to our distant ancestors. Somewhere such places were called “bad place” or “unhappy”. “Blood spots” are often mentioned. This, as a rule, is a heavy place, not suitable for people, animals and even plants to live. In such places, phenomena that are not understandable and not familiar to a person often occur. There are situations of a clearly anomalous nature. Something out of the ordinary.

In the forests, in such places, people simply disappear, or at best, wander through the three pines that seem to have been passed a hundred times. But not only in the forests. Sometimes in an open field, a person wanders for hours in one place and cannot see the village, which is some 500 meters away. Animals in such places do not behave adequately, strong excitement or aggression without any external stimuli, a clear sign good place. In cities, in places where negative or positive energy is concentrated, car accidents, suicides, frequent fires and other man-made problems become commonplace. The strong influence of such zones on behavior and even human health is also noticeable. Frequent illnesses, especially those associated with the psyche, constant fatigue even in inactivity, bad mood, depression. But as soon as such a person simply changes, at least for a while, the place of residence and all the symptoms disappear. Even if elsewhere, living and working conditions are much harder.

Deviations in the development of plants in such places are also characteristic. Trees grow crooked, with strongly intertwined branches, several trunks at a time. On such trees, growths (burls) and “witch's brooms” most often appear. Botanists have their own explanations for this (viruses, climate, human intervention), but why in one place this phenomenon is common, but does not cross certain boundaries, and in another you cannot see this for ten kilometers, they cannot explain. Most often, in any case, in the latitudes of Karelia, the Murmansk region, these zones correlate with tectonic faults and shifts. Here they are clearly expressed and easily comparable with data on unusual and anomalous phenomena.

Explanations for geopathogenic zones are given in different ways. The most probable and scientifically explainable idea of ​​geopathogenic zones is the output of the magnetic fields of the earth itself. As in the experiment with an ordinary magnet, we see the most powerful streams-rays, and in the case of our planet. Somewhere the release of energy is stronger, somewhere weaker. Geopathogenic zones are formed depending on the radiation power. It is here that the earth's plates, rock layers and faults exert their influence. It is likely that the voids formed in the process of withdrawing groundwater, minerals, and the construction of tunnels also do not have the best effect on the concentration of magnetic fields. Namely, they facilitate the exit of rays, which contributes to their greatest concentration.

Regarding the attachment of the maximum concentration of magnetic emissions in the places of tectonic faults, it is worth mentioning radioactive radiation. Since earth layers move along the fault line, the probability of carrying out uranium-containing rocks closer to the surface is much higher. This is what is observed in the territory of Karelia. During expeditions along Zaonezhye, in the west-east directions, it was necessary to record a certain increase in radioactive radiation (not significant) precisely at the boundaries of tectonic shifts and faults. And radiation, even in small doses, with prolonged exposure can greatly undermine human health. Even if not in the first generation. There are houses in Petrozavodsk, with a background of block walls, up to 40 mkrg. It was checked by modern, military dosimetric equipment. Crushed stone for the construction of such blocks was taken from quarries that were closed, at one time, by the Soviet government. Due to the increased background radiation. Like this.

We will not consider geopathogenic zones from the point of view of esotericism. Those who are interested can find such information on many sites. Where something inexplicable is presented as science or religion, their goals. Sometimes not very decent. With regards to Petrozavodsk, only one example can be given. Look at the map. Cathedral of A. Nevsky. It stands in the least favorable place. Or rather, the worst. Now remember his story. And compare with the church on Zarek. It is located in the neutral zone. As they served in it, so they serve. And no cataclysms. And it was in this church that healers went and probably go, and, as they are called in the common people, witches. Also pay attention to the place of the former OTZ. Soon he will be gone. This can be explained not by the ability or desire of the current leadership of the city for mental exercises, but the fact remains. Look at the map and think logically.
But you should not immediately attribute the place where a cat was crushed on the road 15 years ago to the category of geopathic zones. Maybe she just didn't know the rules of the road.


About the “wonderful” island of Valaam, located in the northern part Lake Ladoga, probably everyone heard. Everyone knows that this is one of the oldest pillars of Orthodoxy in Rus'. Valaam is often called "Northern Athos". This is the place of concentration of Orthodox mysticism and spiritual exploits. It is not known for certain where the name Valaam itself came from. According to the main version, it comes from the Finnish word “Valamo” (Karelian Valamoi) and means “high” i.e. mountain land.
According to another, the island is named after the biblical sorcerer and soothsayer Balaam (“בִּלְעָם” or Bil'am), from the city of Ptor, hired by the king of Moab Balak to put a curse on the Jews who were preparing to enter the Promised Land. As everyone knows, this insidious plan was destroyed by an angel, who was sent to the soothsayer by the god Yahweh. As a result of the negotiations, Balaam not only renounced the curses of the Jews, but also blessed them three times, predicting a great victory for them.
There is another version, the most mystical. According to it, the island is named after the ancient pagan god Vaaal or Baaal (Heb.”בעל”). In general, the Semitic tribes denoted any deity with the word "Baal", but most often Baal is associated with the supreme deity in the Assyro-Babylonian culture. He was revered in Phenicia, Canaan and Carthage as the god of thunder, the god of fertility, the god of war, the sky, the sun, and much more. According to some reports, the concept of Baal, having migrated to the Western world, received new names: Zeus - among the Greeks, Jupiter - among the Romans, Veles - among the ancient Slavs ....

In short, the story is as follows: before the arrival of the first Christian monks, there was a pagan sanctuary for peoples living both on Valaam itself and on the banks of Ladoga. In general, most researchers call the place where the ancient temple was located, the top of the Serpent Mountain (61°20’54″N; 30°58’34″E). At the same time, the mountain was repeatedly explored, and no real structures indicating this were found. To whom and how the services were performed is also not exactly known. There is an assumption that it was a cult of the god Veles. The monks who came to the islands gradually began to oust the pagans (it is believed that they were ousted peacefully) and became full owners of the islands. As an illustration of their activities, a Finnish legend has been preserved, according to which the newly arrived Christians first settled on the island of St. Then they turned to the owners to allocate land for their needs on the main island the size of a cow skin. The pagan hosts laughed at them and agreed. But the monks, taking the skin and cut a long rope out of it, with the help of which they fenced the best lands around the perimeter. The pagans had no choice but to leave the island...
It is curious that there is no exact date for the appearance of Christians on the island either. According to legend, the Apostle Andrew was the first to see the island and even erected a Christian cross on the shore. The next stage in the development of Valaam is the arrival of St. Sergius and Herman, who arrived "from the eastern countries." According to church legend, they were Greek sacred monks. They came with a group of followers first in Velikiy Novgorod, and then, having received a blessing, they landed on Valaam and founded the first monastery. However, historians do not have a clear and unambiguous answer when this happened. There are two main versions, according to the first - it happened in the X century. In any case, in the life of St. Abraham of Rostov, it is reported that in 960 a Christian monastery already existed on the island. Another ancient cathedral chronicler reports that the transfer of the relics of St. Sergius and Herman from Valaam to Novgorod was carried out in 1163. It turns out that Valaam Monastery was founded even before the date of the official Baptism of Rus'!

What is the reason for such a stormy spiritual life flourishing on the Valaam Islands? Having visited the island and felt its atmosphere, I can share my own impressions. Undoubtedly, Valaam is a Place of Power, and a very powerful one at that. From the first minutes of landing on the island, thoughts acquire orderliness and unconditional determination. Immediately attention is focused on the really important, and the fuss and mental husks are eliminated by themselves. The soul, as it were, “falls into place” and calms down. During my entire stay on the island, I never thought about the problems and worries that awaited me on the mainland. Are these not ideal conditions for spiritual growth and self-development of a person?

Address: Republic of Karelia. Valaam Island.
Coordinates: 61°23’18″N 30°56’50″E

Cave of Alexander Svirsky on the Holy Island

Shrine of Orthodox Christianity
A place associated with the activities of an unusual person
energetically active place

Holy Island (Fin. “Pyhäsaari”) or as it is often called “Gloomy”, is located a kilometer from the Black Cape - the northeastern tip of Valaam. Its area is slightly more than 6 hectares, and in this moment only a few monks live on it, leading a very secluded lifestyle. Getting to this island is not easy. For this, at least, you need the blessing of the abbot of the monastery. And the point here is not only that the administration of the monastery avoids the arrival of outsiders on the Holy Island.
Address: Republic of Karelia. Valaam archipelago. Saint Island (Gloomy). 1 km to the East from Cape Cherny Nos.
Coordinates: 61°24’40″N 31°3’24″E

Divny Island

Energetically active place Dangerous place

Location of unidentified flying objects

Not far to the north there is a land where sheer granite giant rocks grow from icy, transparent to the depths of lakes, where centuries-old trees, whimsically bending, look like forest spirits, where rivers have stormy holes, and the character is fishy, ​​where wooden temples without a single nail coexist with the legacy of ancient civilizations, where stones heal from any ailments and, it seems, you can feel the very cosmic basis of the universe. There, at night, foxes hunt on the hills and scratch their sides on the rocks so that sparks fly into the sky, turning into northern lights. The name of this world is Karelia, the land of a thousand legends, hundreds of lakes and many discoveries.
Karelia is good in any weather and season: in winter they travel here on snowmobiles, conquering the expanse of snow-covered forests, flying over frozen lakes to stop at one of them for ice fishing, or, after driving along the Onega, get to the island of Kizhi, where the old village and wooden temples appear to the traveler like a living picture from the pages of children's fairy tales; you can also take a kite with you and give yourself up to the wind on the perfectly flat ice of one of the many Karelian lakes or experience the delight of speed while driving a dog sled. With the arrival of spring winds, when Ladoga and Onega are freed from ice, the water expanses of Karelia are conquered by yachtsmen - sailing trips on lake skerries, sunsets of unprecedented beauty, spinning fishing, juicy berries on the hills and mushroom abundance on the first step into the forest invariably attract many travelers. For some, Karelia is rafting on turbulent rivers or long walks from one bewitching waterfall to another, no less bewitching, someone is sure that the White Sea gives unforgettable diving, while others are attracted by the healing power of shungite Martial waters. Orthodox pilgrims aspire to monastic cloisters for blessings, and esotericists get in direct contact with the astral plane in Karelian places of power. Each of them is right in his own way, because each of them has his own Karelia.

Karelia with a big stretch can be called primordially Russian land, although the Slavic tribes lived here back in the days of the Sami, and who was before the Sami, even the Lappish gods are vaguely known. However, this did not prevent the same Slavs, for example, from time immemorial to use the local asp-stone, which returned youth, and healed wounds, and made them invulnerable in a bloody battle. The miraculous waters infused on this stone healed the great-grandmother of Peter the Great from all sorts of ailments and allowed her to give birth to the founder of the Romanov dynasty, and Peter the Great himself founded the Marcial Waters sanatorium, largely because the water on the asp-stone was infused, healed wounds and "internal" diseases soldier. Only in the last century, scientists gave the stone the now known name "shungite", and its healing properties still attract many suffering people to Karelia. Shungite is found only in this area, according to scientists, where a meteorite fell thousands of years ago. Mystics consider the stone to be a fragment of an ancient planet, and, without a doubt, this mineral is one of the many mysteries of the Karelian land.
In the west of central Karelia there is a small plateau, 400 meters high, the Vottovara Upland, or "witch's mountain" according to local belief. The last point of civilization near the mountain is a village on the shore of Porosozero. They say that recently a shaman still lived there, performing some rituals in the sanctuary on the mountain, they also say that those who go to the mountain seem to be led by a goblin, and people wander in 3 pines. Esotericists refer this area to energy places, which are many in our north. One of the clusters of seids is located on Vottovar - this is how the Sami-Lapps who previously inhabited these lands called unusual stones that stand out from the general relief. These stones can stand individually or in groups, often a huge stone, as it were, lies on several small ones, or stands on the very edge of an abyss at such an angle that it should fall, but does not fall. They can also have a shape similar to animals or people - the Lapps believed that the soul lives in the stones - great hunters, sorcerers and gods. Stones were prayed to, bowed to and made sacrifices. True, scientists believe that these stones were inherited by the Lapps - but from whom, opinions differ. According to one version, the seids are the work of the glacier, according to another, these are signs left by a powerful Arctic civilization that lived here long before the Sami.

The seids of central Karelia are nothing compared to the accumulations found on the islands of the White Sea. Although the "spirits of stones" date back to several thousand years BC, this does not prevent the locals from telling legends from the time of the Swedes' journeys to Rus'. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that our people confuse the Swedes and Germans in their legends - this is how the legend arose about the petrified Germans who decided to somehow attack the Solovetsky Monastery, but who were not able to get out of the island due to bad weather. There the Germans became petrified, becoming seids, and the island was called the Big German Body.
But if one can still agree with the glacial origin of the seids, then the famous labyrinths of the Solovetsky Islands are definitely man-made. Even people who are far from mysticism and astral practices, who find themselves in the labyrinths of Solovki at dawn or sunset, it is in these “oblique” rays of the sun that they cover with magic, the interconnections of everything that exists and belonging to the great - the White Sea, the sun at the horizon, a long bright wasteland with rings stone mysteries and the unsolved mystery of the past. Perhaps it was here that Hyperborea began - the homeland of the Aryans, described in the Vedas and other sacred books, from where the forefathers of world civilizations came. For many years, enthusiasts have been looking for confirmation of this theory in the north of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula, and Solovki is referred to as world places of power, where the energy of all things is felt.

No less mysterious are the petroglyphs on Onega - images of people, birds and animals, scenes of hunting and fishing, carved into the rocky shores of the Onega Islands. The pilgrimage of tourists to the petroglyphs began not very long ago, although the locals have known about these strange images since ancient times. The monks of one of the numerous monasteries on Onega considered the drawings to be the product of evil spirits, and tried to protect Christians from it. Therefore, some of them show crosses carved over the old image. A trip to prehistoric drawings is best done on a rented boat. It will take you through the picturesque, pine-covered skerries of Onega, where you can stop for fishing and catch real excitement in salmon fishing.

Those who once visited this amazing land of transparent lakes, rocky cliffs, turbulent rivers and centuries-old pines strive back with all their hearts. Karelians have a great saying: “the catch begins with perch and ends with salmon”, so it doesn’t matter where Karelia starts for you, the main thing is that it will forever remain in your heart, discovering more and more new treasures.