Palenque, Mexico - "Journey to Mexico! the city of the Mayan Indians, lost in the jungle! Southern Mexico Jungle Expedition Cuernavaca and Taxco


- Survival instructor RSUPC. Historian - History of Central America.

ancient Temples, Villages lost in the jungle, Pyramids and azure beaches of Yucatan.

1st day

Arrival in Cancun - a city that is included in the top five the best resorts peace. Moving to the coast caribbean to the resort town of Tulum, which is one of the best preserved Mayan coastal cities. Hotel accommodation, rest. The opportunity to swim in the purest azure bay.

2nd day

Excursion to the ancient Mayan port city of Tulum, which was previously known as Sama, which means "city of dawn". Acquaintance with the ancient architecture of temples and palaces. First encounter with black spiny iguanas - one of the most common animals in the Yucatan. Moving to the south of the Yucatan Peninsula to the town of Bekan - archaeological site Maya civilization. Hotel accommodation. Getting ready for the upcoming jungle adventure.

3rd day

Before entering the jungle, all participants must undergo a detailed briefing on the rules of behavior, movement and overnight stay in the rainforest.

After walking a few kilometers through the virgin forest, we settle down for the first night in the wild. We set up tents, build a fire and ... start listening to the jungle. The first night will leave few indifferent.

4th day

While moving through the rainforest, we get acquainted with the flora and fauna that surrounds us. Due to the unique nature of the Yucatan, the animal and plant life here is strikingly different from other tropical regions. Botanists have counted about 8,000 species of flowering plants, 1,200 different species of butterflies and 600 species here. Our expedition takes place in the dry season, so we don’t have a chance to see an abundant number of reptiles, but the world of birds will appear before us in all its diversity.

5th day

Having become a little accustomed to the flora and fauna around us, it's time to learn to recognize the sources of drinking water and learn how to purify it. There are no rivers or streams in most of the Yucatan Peninsula, and water is collected in special karst wells, cenotes, where the ancient Mayans made sacrifices to their gods.

6th day

While in the rainforest, we will be constantly surrounded by creepers, many of which are a source of drinking water, but some are poisonous. Our guide, a Yucatec Indian, will show you how to tell one from the other.

During the passage through the jungle we will meet fruit trees, the fruits of which have never been delivered to Russia.

7th day

We will devote this day to rest. We will not make the transition, but will devote time to studying flora and shelter construction. Although we spend the night in tents, but to be able to build a roof over our heads from trees, vines and banana leaves, using only a machete, is a very useful skill that can be useful to a traveler in the jungle. And for those who want to tickle their nerves, we organize a night walk through the jungle, where every sound and rustle will cause a lot of emotions and unforgettable impressions for a lifetime.

8th day

Having overcome several kilometers through the jungle, we will reach an Indian village. The houses here are built on small mounds. Their walls are made of reed covered with clay, and the roofs are covered with banana leaves. Food is cooked here on open hearths right in the middle of the dwelling. Most Indians speak only Yucatec, and only a few understand Spanish. In this village you will be directly involved in the initiation rite, passed along the paths of the Mayan Indians. Everyone will have a unique artifact as a keepsake.

9th day

We have a forest of giant ceiba trees on our way, the height of which reaches 50-70 meters in 200 years. They form a continuous ceiling of intertwined branches above the heads of travelers. In Mayan legends, this tree symbolizes the center of the world, its roots go to the underworld, and the crown holds the sky.

10th day

Having made another transition through the jungle, we stop for the final night. Having made a big fire and prepared a solemn dinner of wild boar-peccary meat, tortillas, exotic fruits, which smoothly turns into dinner, we discuss the results of our expedition through the rainforest, share our impressions, sum up.

11th day

In the morning we go to the abandoned Mayan city of Calakmul, the largest in area open city this ancient civilization. Having climbed its majestic pyramids, rising above the surrounding jungle, already on asphalt and by car, we return to Tulum, where we check into a hotel and put ourselves in order.

12th day

We spend the whole day in Tulum, relaxing on the beach, enjoying the Caribbean surf and tasting Mexican cuisine. Enchilados, fajitas, churros, chimichangas, Aktek-style tartillas will be a wonderful addition to the already vivid impressions of colorful Mexico.

13th day

Early in the morning we set off on a day trip to the most famous Mayan city, Chichen Itza. Before us will appear the pyramid of Kukulkan, the stadium for the sacred ball game, the ancient observatory. According to some researchers, this city personified the center of power of the ancient Indian civilization. In the evening we return to Tulum, where we rest at the hotel.

Yucatan we are in Campeche.

Campeche- fort city. The historical center, recently renovated, is surrounded by walls. The walls can be climbed in several places. I walk along the wall, the sun blinds me, I lick my lips and feel the salt on them.

A small nice museum is immured in one of the walls, it is cool and smells of moisture. We were allowed in for a donation. After the coolness of the ancient walls, it is especially difficult to find yourself under the sun again, to tread on the narrow, scorched streets, half-empty for most of the day. Time here flows especially slowly, and the sun fries mercilessly.

It quickly got dark, central square an orchestra plays, the main buildings are illuminated. After walking around the city at night and sitting in a cafe on the main square (I don’t recommend it - the prices are too high, the quality is below average), we take the bus to.

The night on the bus passes quickly. I am from that happy breed of people who manage to sleep in any position, sometimes even contrary to the laws of physics. Mexican buses are cold, passengers wrap themselves in clothes. I have a sleeping bag with me, and I fall asleep sweetly, climbing into it. If you are going to travel by bus, be sure to stock up on a jacket or clothing.

In many cities Mexico company "ADO", buses which is comfortable, but expensive, is a monopoly. ADO has a website where you can see the schedule and prices, as well as buy a ticket for any flight. In Palenque, it competes with three or four offices that sell tickets for simpler buses at half the price. Their offices are scattered around the city, but the prices do not differ much from each other, as well as the quality. One of the most popular bus companies is located in the kiosk next to ADO at the exit from Palenque.

Unlike buses "ADO"? there is no toilet on the local bus. More precisely, there is one, but it doesn’t work well, so the driver reluctantly lets me go there, saying that you can only go “in a small way”. In many local buses, neglecting this rule leads to the fact that a characteristic smell appears in the cabin. The bus stops near the toilets several times a night, people buy smelly fast food and coffee in white thermo cups. In terms of travel time, they do not differ much from ADO.

Lights flicker outside the window. The bus travels south, crossing state lines. Orion's Belt shines above the darkening selva.

Cloudy, cool, airy. The low selva recedes, giving way to a high tropical forest. After the Cancun heat, the bustle of the markets and night streets of Merida and the colonial grandeur of Campeche, we are in Palenque. We arrived early in the morning, the bus left us on the outskirts. Walking distance to the center, past the opening shops and people going to work. The weight of the backpack presses pleasantly on my shoulders, reminding me that I am free again and that all the roads of the world belong to me.

The city, which we so dreamed of getting into, seemed ordinary-looking to us. The architecture is quite modest, but the atmosphere of peace and simplicity reigning in the city pacifies and fascinates. There are many people here in national clothes, which look different from the Yucatan.

Yucatan Indian women over a huipil - a white sundress with embroidery - in cool weather put on a reboso - a woven cape. Chiapas has a much colder climate and women dress accordingly. Indian women wear thick, embroidered purple blouses, glossy, made of a material similar to silk. Usually the blouse has short puffed sleeves. The skirt may be made of thick coarse cloth wrapped around the body and tied with a sash, or of hide. On the shoulders of Indian women are capes, some with embroidery, others simply woven. Indian women's hair is braided, behind them are bags with goods or babies.

On the first day, it was decided not to go to the archaeological zone - after a tiring night crossing, I wanted peace. We dropped off at a cheap hotel ($30 for three for a private room after we bargained, Hostal San Miguel, Hidalgo 43, Palenque, Mexico) and got some rest from the road. The hostel has internet and hot water, the rooms are very pleasant.

To my shame, I did not prepare for the trip, and therefore the abundance of campsites in the vicinity of the city was a discovery for me. We came across a camping area and were surprised how many there are. In Cancun there are no campsites at all, in Tulum there are few of them, since it is more profitable to build expensive eco-bungalows with all amenities than to rent bare land for a tent to an unpretentious public. All campsites are located outside the city, on the way to the archaeological area. Some Palenque campsites are bustling with drums and hairy folk hanging hammocks under palm-leaf awnings. Other campsites are almost abandoned. A minibus runs from the city to the camping area for $ 2 (say "Panchan" to the driver - the rest of the campsites are within walking distance from him).

The most famous campsite is called Panchan. This is not even a campsite, but several campsites and groups of bungalows, fused together. There are two cafes, a laundry and a travel agency. There is hot water in the shower, in the cafe - cold beer at exorbitant prices. Howler monkeys often come to Panchan, you can hear their roar and watch monkey families going to feed or sleep. The walls of the bungalow are so thin that you can hear every sound of the selva.

It's great to fall asleep to the sounds of a tropical night. When you live in the city, you forget how the forest sounds. It's scary to sleep in the tropics for the first time - there are so many loud, sharp sounds that it seems that at least a tiger is hiding behind every tree. The cry of a howler monkey sounds especially frightening. These small hairy creatures are completely harmless, but their roar makes you want to climb into a sleeping bag with your head and not leave the tent until dawn.

Besides camping? a settlement of happy and smelly hippies was discovered. The entrance to the territory is decorated with a sign no trespassing private property, but our friendly faces served as a pass for us, and we had a very nice chat.

Hippies are allowed to live free of charge, but with the condition that they live in the commune for at least a week and work for the benefit of the public. The work consists in landscaping the territory inherited by the hippies from the ruined owner. On the way from the hippie camp to the environmental control post, a man who suddenly materialized from the forest comes up to us and offers to buy hallucinogenic mushrooms. He asks for them a very small amount, but we refuse. The man returns back to the forest and dissolves.

Over time, bungalows reclaim land from campsites during my life in Mexico. Panchan almost lost places for tents. A night in your own tent (under a canopy) costs 25-50 pesos per person ($2-4). Those who have a hammock can hang it under an awning for half the price. The cheapest bungalow rental option found is 150 pesos ($12) for a double room. It is always better to pay in local currency (pesos). Entrance to the archaeological zone costs approximately $5. If you enter during the day, you will have to pay another $2 to enter the national park. Those who spend the night in distant campsites and drive through the entrance and ticket office at night or early in the morning can avoid paying.

On the second day we go to the ruins. Ruins of Palenque were discovered in the 18th century. The city was abandoned long before the arrival of the Spaniards. Among the reasons are tribal conflicts and natural disasters. As in Chichen Itza, in Palenque there is a brisk trade in souvenirs, and Indian saleswomen are hiding from the cameras, offering me to buy something first, and only then take pictures.

In one of the buildings, the legendary Mayan ruler, Pacal, was buried. The tomb is now empty - Pacal's remains are in the Anthropological Museum in Mexico City.

Almost all the pyramids can be climbed, which people are happy to do, considering the preserved stone carvings and fellow citizens below. The Maya knew how to choose places to build cities. I would like to live in a city where there are so many waterfalls and unexpected turns of the landscape!

To be continued!

I continue to write about my independent travel to Mexico. Today I'll tell you about pyramids of Palenque.

IN Palenque I was driving in preparation for the incredible tropical heat, but everything turned out to be much more pleasant, because for 2 days it was cool, overcast and very comfortable. The city itself is tiny, but the atmosphere is friendly.
People from all over Mexico travel to Palenque to see the ruins of the Mayan pyramids in the jungle. I am no exception, so one day I went to conquer ancient structures.

Honestly, I thought it would be worse, having read about the crowds of tourists and the inability to take even a couple of pictures in which there would be no strangers. There were a lot of people at the entrance, but they are all mostly organized tourist groups that follow a guide and stop at every stone, so we were generally alone in many places. Good thing we arrived at 8:30. And, well, some man in a beautiful shirt followed us on our heels.

Pyramids - Templo de las Inscripciones group of temples, near which groups of tourists mostly hang out for the first 40 minutes:

The Palace is well preserved. Impressive.

You can go down the stairs underground:

And there are real spacious rooms:

Souvenirs are sold on the territory of the ruins of Palenque:

so you can buy yourself an image of some animal:

The pyramids of Palenque are definitely worth a visit.

They are very different in feel from the pyramid of Tonina, which I wrote about in this post:, but in Palenque there are waterfalls, which, you see, is a very good bonus to the jungle, ancient temples, mountains and lawn grass. Even Thailand came to mind with its waterfalls.

I even found my own little waterfall:

Hanging bridge over the river. It sways so much that I got seasickness after 5 minutes of standing

The paths between the ruins are very well done.

Cost of visiting the pyramids of Palenque:

Entrance ticket to the park - 27 pesos
Entrance ticket to the complex - 57 pesos

How to get to the ruins of Palenque, Mexico:

Collectively to the pyramids - 10 pesos one way
Collectively, you can catch on any stretch of the road from the city to the ruins, or approach cnr Allende & Av 20 de Noviembre. Minibuses run every 15 minutes from 6 am to 6.45 pm.

Hotels, accommodation in Palenque, Mexico:

A double room can be found from 250 MXN ($20). We looked at almost all the hotels that are in the city and stopped at the Hotel Chan-Kah Centro (Av Juarez, 2). A room with a balcony 450 MXN ($ 35) is just great, so here we finally bought beer at OXXO and triedndeli for life at midnight, looking at the central square.

On weekend evenings, people gather in the square, music plays, people dance and have fun. From the balcony everything is perfectly audible and visible, so you don’t have to go far.

Only crazy birds yell for 2 hours until sunset, but they are so restless in all cities. It’s good, of course, when you can sit on a tree like this all day long, poop on passers-by, and then squeak disgustingly all evening, and no one will do anything to them for it. Ah, this is life!

If you are heading from Palenque further aside and, it is better to book tickets a day or two in advance. We redeemed the day before departure, when there were only 4 seats left on the bus (this is very strange for Mexico, you could always buy tickets to any city an hour before departure, but here it is!). Eh, it already feels like we are approaching the Yucatan with its crowds of tourists and expensive housing.

The schedule, availability of seats on the bus and ticket prices are checked on the website

Mayan pyramids of Palenque, Mexico. Jungle, waterfalls and suspension bridge,

Welcome to the ancient Mayan city Palenque!

A gem of world historical heritage and a renowned tourist destination for anyone who wants to get to know the culture of colorful Mexico and its incomparable nature.

Getting here is not close if you decide to spend the bulk of your vacation at popular resorts east coast. We rented a car and traveled to tourist places on our own.

The city of Palenque is located right in the rainforest. Even when it was discovered by the Spaniards in the 18th century, it was lost several more times.

The Indians knew a lot about disguise (((=

I don’t remember how much the entrance to the reserve cost, but definitely not more than 10 ye.

When you enter the territory of the museum - you find yourself in a completely different world!

Ancient ruins, almost untouched jungle, stairs, stream, waterfalls and exotic animals in a vast area!

Many buildings can be climbed, wandered around, touched and completely immersed in the atmosphere of antiquity.

Meet us near the entrance Royal Palace where the main people lived with their retinue.

You can climb the steep stairs and enter these mansions.

The courtyard is very rich in Mayan images of various subjects and is quite well preserved.

And this is the top view:

Incidentally, in the background is Temple of the Inscriptions - only famous building Mayan Indians, which was erected as a tomb (as in Egypt). This is the tallest building in the complex.

During the tour you can buy souvenirs:

And do not forget in Palenque will visit a separate museum area .

There you will walk with the feeling that neither restorers nor archaeologists have touched this place.

Everything is as it is.

Ruins, jungle and even a small waterfall !

Excursions and attractions in Mexico

Riviera Maya. Sian Kaan Tour

Located in the south of the Riviera Maya, this recreation area offers mangroves, lagoons, rivers, magnificent scenery, manatees and wildlife in its natural ecosystem. You can enjoy hiking, kayaking or boat trips. motor boat across the lagoon and shallow water.

Tula and Tepotzotlan

Tula, as the capital of the Toltecs, reveals to us their rich creative past. It is of great value due to its colonnades and warriors - "atlantes" - carved stone figures that stand on top of the Pyramid of the Morning Star. Tepotzotfan is a charming colonial settlement famous for the miniature pyramid of the god Pulke. And the Sunday market is the best in central Mexico.

Whale Shark Tour

Fly over to the fantastic Holbox Island, the world's best place to watch and swim with whale sharks. Enjoy this unique adventure as you swim and snorkel with amazing whale sharks in their natural habitat. In addition, watch groups of dolphins, turtles, white pelicans, pink flamingos, herons, ospreys and other exotic wildlife.

Riviera Maya. Xcaret Tour

Visit the Riviera Maya's most famous ecological park, where you can swim in an underground river, visit an aquarium museum, a turtle farm, a butterfly park and much more. With an additional payment in the park, swimming with dolphins, horseback riding, snorkeling is possible. In the evening, a nightly performance that includes a ball game, music and dance from the pre-Hispanic period, a Mexican folklore concert.

Basilica and Teotihuacan

Visit to the Basilica of the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, the patroness of Mexican Catholics, built near Mount Tepeyac in honor of her miraculous appearance. Excursion to the archaeological zone of Teotihuacan, where the most important monuments of the Aztec culture are located - the Pyramids of the Moon and the Sun, the Citadel, the Temple of Quetzalcoatl - the main Mayan god, personifying a good and bright beginning. Visit to the market of folk art.

evening show

Puerto Vallarta. Air expedition to San Sebastian

During this unforgettable excursion, a 20-minute flyby of the coast and the highlands of the Sierra Madre is made. Then the journey will continue to the abandoned silver mines of San Sebastian. This is a kind of time travel for those who want to see the real Mexico. Feel the taste of this country through the traditional national cuisine, look at it through the prism of time through the eyes of local residents.

Volcano Popocatepetl

Popo (for simplicity, it is called that way) has a capricious disposition - its top always smokes a little. However, what else can a volcano do, whose name is translated from Indian and means “smoking mountain”. The top of Popocatepetl rises to 5452 meters, there is always snow around the crater. Many legends and rituals are associated with the majestic mountain. Popo and his neighbor Istaxiuatl were considered by the Aztecs as gods who give rain. It was to them that they turned in case of drought, worshiped and made sacrifices. But once Popocatepetl and Istaxiuatl were people. Istaxihuatl, the daughter of the Aztec emperor, fell in love with the attractive, strong and courageous warrior Popocatepetl. The young man was also not indifferent to the noble beauty. And everything would be fine, but the father was not satisfied with this relationship, he planned to give his daughter in marriage to a noble person. Therefore, Popocatepetl was sent to fight in the Oaxaca Valley. The emperor had no doubts that he would die there. He informed his daughter of the death of his lover. She died of grief. But the warrior returned home unharmed. Upon learning of what had happened, he took the body of the girl and went to the mountains. Where after a while he also died of longing. But their grief and love was so great that even the gods took pity and covered every body with a snow blanket. So the girl and the warrior became mountains. And Popocatepetl is still taking revenge on people for the death of his beloved, periodically spewing lava and ashes. The snow-capped peak of Popo was first conquered in 1827. The volcanic crater is elliptical in shape, its diameter (at its widest point) is 600 meters, the depth in a calm state is 170 meters. At the end of the 19th century, a road was laid to the top of the mountain for industrial needs (sulfur was developed and mined), and tourists also used it. But in last years the volcano began to show signs of activity again, so it is not recommended to visit it.

Taxco. city ​​of jewelers

You will see many churches in the Baroque style, magnificent palaces, cozy squares and streets, old mansions, which are a harmonious ensemble that takes you back to the depths of centuries. Taxco is known as a city of jewelers who create wonderful silver jewelry. You can spend hours walking around the shops of silver jewelry and watching how jewelers work in the courtyards. The variety of their products is amazing. The quality guarantee is the eagle mark that certifies the purity of the silver. The picturesqueness of Taxco is given by a combination of three colors: white walls, red-tiled roofs and black forged gratings. The cathedral rises above the main square of the city, together with the surrounding streets, creating a feeling of beauty and harmony.

Puerto Vallarta. Diving

Puerto Valarta is famous for the crystal clear and warm waters of Banderas Bay and the rich diversity of the underwater world. There are excellent diving opportunities in the area, very interesting places for diving both for beginners and experienced divers. PADI Diver Courses have selected the most safe places in calm waters with a vibrant variety of marine life.

Cancun. Jungle tour

Just imagine steering a boat through the mangroves to the Caribbean Sea! Get a boat for 2 people and drive it! Explore the wonders of the Cancun jungle, enjoy wildlife and rare bird watching, snorkel at a living coral reef - everything that remains an impossible dream for many is available to you today!

Cancun. For adventure lovers

After visiting the archaeological zone of Ek-Balam on foot and on bicycles, we retire along the paths to the subtropical jungle. Not far from the Mayan village of Nuevo Xcan we visit three karst lakes (cenote). We are waiting for a rope descent of more than 20 meters down into the blue waters of the cenote. Having overcome this test, through a small hole we will get into the cenote 4 Halcones (4 Falcons), in underworld Mayan. Here, in this amazing cave with stalactites and stalagmites, 50 meters in diameter, it's so nice to swim in clear water... And ahead - bungee! 120 meters, from tree to tree through the Esperanza Cenote - the Cenote of Hope! - a real adrenaline rush! In the Esperanza Cave, we will talk about the traditions and legends of the Maya, and the Mayan shaman will invite you to participate in a mystical ceremony of purification and blessing.

Mexico City. Trotsky House Museum, Frida Kahlo House Museum, Xochimilko

Visiting the house-museum of one of the most striking, controversial and tragic political figures - Leon Trotsky. Next, visit the house-museum of the famous Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, the wife of the famous painter Diego Riviera, who contracted polio as a child, was on the operating table 32 times, and a few decades after her death she became a cult figure of the women's movement. Next - a visit to the Xochimilco canals (place of flowers or floating gardens) - the ancient canals of the Aztec chinampas, reminiscent of the remains of Lake Texcoco, on which the city of Mexico stands. Gondola ride "trachenera" with live music by Mariachis.

carlsbad caves

Miles of exquisite halls and galleries carved into the mountains of Guadalupe in New Mexico host vast colonies of bats. At dusk, the entrance to Carlsbad Caverns turns black; it is an amazing sight - millions of bats flutter out of the cool darkness of the Bat Cave, where they rested during the day to catch insects at night. Bats are excellent fliers and are equipped with a sophisticated locating system so that they never collide with each other. Although visitors observing this phenomenon hear the rustle of their wings and the occasional chirp, the frequency of the sounds made by bats is too high to hear. The Bats of Carlsbad are just one of the attractions of this huge cave system. The deepest cave explored so far is about 300 meters below the surface, and the largest of the 60 or so caves, Big Room, could hold more than 14 football fields. The history of the Carlsbad Caverns began 250 million years ago when thick layers of limestone were deposited. Cracks formed in the limestone, through which water seeped through, dissolving softer rocks and carving out tunnels and caves. Later limestone deposits were uplifted to form the Guadalupe Mountains. The mountain range of Guadalupe, under which the caves are located, reaches a height of 1920 m. The water left the caves, but continued to ooze from the vaults, depositing salts that formed various drip formations. Today 4.8 km. paths are laid through the most famous of the Carlsbad caves, and there are at least another 30 km. passages and tunnels, not so often visited by tourists. An authentic roller coaster opens the way to the 253-meter descent down the Main Corridor. The first large cave, and also one of the deepest, is Green Lake Room (Green Lake Hall), so named because of the emerald green lake in its center. It is full of graceful stalactites, including an impressive cascade that merges with stalagmites to form a column aptly called the Weild Statue, or Veiled Statue. The Queens Chambers (Queen's Chambers) are draped with fantastic veils: stalactites have grown together to form stone curtains through which light penetrates, and in the Templof de Sant (Temple of the Sun) sinter-drop formations are colored with pastel shades of yellow, pink and blue. In all the caves, there are many fantastic figures: Bashful Elephant (Shameful Elephant) looks like an elephant turned back to the passage, and the famous Rock of Edges (Century Rock) is a giant stalagmite standing in splendid isolation in its own alcove. The Hall of the Giants, or Hall of the Giants, is guarded by three huge stalagmites with rounded tops, and in Kings Palace (Royal Palace) dazzling cascades of stalactites stream from the ceiling. Other interesting phenomena include curtains in the Big Room, so thin that they jingle when struck, and cave pearls. It forms when small grains of sand begin to build up a shell of calcium carbonate, like a snowball that grows when you roll down a mountain.

Cancun. Koba

A large mysterious ancient city, immersed in the jungle, among five lakes, and keeping the secrets of the ancient Mayan temples. During its heyday, the city had 50 thousand inhabitants and covered an area of ​​about 80 km2. Huge temple pyramids have been preserved here, the highest of which, at 42 m, is known as the Nohoch Mul pyramid. Here, in the karst lakes, you can see crocodiles, and in the jungle - outlandish birds and animals. This is not a historical excursion - this is a bicycle trip through the city of temples forgotten for millennia, left for unknown reasons, the ancient religious center ... After the review - swimming in the cenote.

Cancun. bullfighting

Bullfighting is one of the oldest traditions in Mexico, dating back to the time of Hernán Cortés, who was the first bullfighter in Mexico. A display of courage and style combined with folklore dancing and Mexican rodeo is part of a great show. Bullfighting is an old Spanish entertainment. In Cancun, at the Bullring, you will see bullfighting from a Mexican point of view, with a demonstration of the experience of the matador and his courage in front of an angry animal weighing almost half a ton. This is a great opportunity to get in touch with the Mexican tradition. Don't miss this unique spectacle!


The coastal azure waters of this island are a divers dream. Here is one of the largest coral reefs, in the caves of which flocks of colorful tropical fish frolic. This is the right place for snorkeling and diving. Lunch included.

Acapulco. Resort of a planetary scale

Once a small Indian settlement on the shore of an amazingly beautiful bay, then a pirate fort, which eventually turned into a peaceful trading harbor and, finally, a cult resort on a planetary scale - such is the history of Acapulco. The resort is very popular, especially among filmmakers and honeymooners. Now Acapulco reminds fairyland where all wishes come true. Elegant nightclubs, gourmet restaurants, chic discos, splendid hotels, exotic water activities and "flawless" weather - everything promises a wonderful vacation and romantic meetings. The Mexicans themselves are very fond of this resort and many residents of Mexico City come here for the weekend.

Cuernavaca and Taxco

Visit of the colonial city - Cuernavaca, the city " eternal spring". Acquaintance with one of the first churches of the colonial era in New Spain. Excursion to the "Silver City" of Taxco. Visiting the mines and getting acquainted with the art of Mexican artisans. Visiting the Church of St. The city is only 40 minutes drive from Mexico City, and real estate prices are steadily rising here, and the number of people who want to build does not decrease.There is no shortage of hotels either - many residents of Mexico City spend their weekend here. learn Spanish in Mexico, there are more than 50 language schools, which is a lot for such a town.One of the main reasons for this boom is the almost ideal climate of the valley in which Cuernavaca is located.Even the Spanish conquistadors dubbed it "the city of eternal spring".The average annual temperature is 21.5 ºC Short spring showers occur mainly from June to October. And most importantly, flowers bloom all year round. And, finally, a historical note: the name of the city comes from "Quaunahuac", which means in the Nahuatl language "where big trees grow." In Spanish, it sounds similar to Cuernavaca, which means something like "horned cow".

Puerto Vallarta. mexican fiesta

Excursion for those who want to visit a real Mexican party. Traditional Mexican dances, magnificent national costumes, incendiary music performed by the professional group "Mariachi Band" will not leave anyone indifferent. Guests of the party will be invited to evaluate the national cuisine. There is a night bar.

Cancun. sea ​​fishing

Get out on the yacht in the open sea for fishing. You can fish for barracuda, sea bass, red reef snapper, dorado, seriola (yellowtail), mackerel, sailfish, marlin, wahoo, tuna and many more!

Mexico City. National Museum of Anthropology

Among the exhibits is a stone on which thousands of people were sacrificed. Of all the countries in Latin America, it was Mexico and Brazil that proved to be particularly receptive to modern architectural styles. The most daring in this sense is the architecture of Mexico, where in the 30s of the XX century all young artists were strongly influenced by Le Corbusier. For example, the architect and engineer Felix Candela, who was forced to flee fascist Spain in 1939 and settle in Mexico, is known as the author of avant-garde, unexpected concrete buildings. One of the leading architects of post-war Mexico, who built a new church of the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe, is Pedro Ramirez Vasquez. He owns the project of the National Museum of Anthropology, which opened in 1964 in Chapultepec Park. The galleries of this modern two-story gray granite building surround a rectangular courtyard. Two-thirds of the courtyard is covered with a kind of sun and rain canopy, and since it is supported by a single column in the center, the whole building resembles a giant mushroom. This is the world's largest concrete platform of all that is also held on one support. Many consider this museum not only the most beautiful in Mexico, but one of the most beautiful in the world. It covers an area of ​​10,000 m2 and features an incomparable collection of art from before the Spanish conquest. The exhibits are located and arranged so well that they delight visitors without any comments. But, of course, there are also two-hour excursions (in different languages) with a demonstration of the most interesting objects. Probably the most sensational exhibit is the stone on which the Aztec priests sacrificed people, and with incredible cruelty. The man was laid face up on a stone, and five priests held him by the head, arms and legs. A sixth priest in a blood-red robe was opening his chest with a sharp knife. Then with his hands he tore out the throbbing heart from the wound and held it out to the sun. Thousands of people died on this sacrificial stone. In the 70s, a population survey was conducted in Mexico City, and it turned out that workers almost never enter the museum. Then it was decided to organize a special "museum mission" in the workers' quarters. The inhabitants of the slums of Takubaya were visually shown the exhibits and vividly told about them. This is how you can awaken people's interest in culture. You can wander around the Museum of Anthropology for hours. Ancient graves, national clothes, utensils, jewelry, scenes of everyday life, frescoes, dwellings - it is impossible to describe.

Xcaret National Park

Excursion to Xcaret Park - a paradise of nature, which for ten centuries was one of the ceremonial centers of the Maya. Shkaret is an amazing eco-archaeological park, striking with its monuments of ancient culture and tropical nature, where you can swim along underground rivers, swim with dolphins, take a horseback ride along the endless sandy beach, visit the ruins of the Mayan city, to which a winding cave path leads. In the central part of the park there is a restaurant serving local cuisine.

Mexico City. Sightseeing tour around Mexico City

Sightseeing tour of the city center, founded by the Aztec Indians. Acquaintance with the historical center of Mexico City: Zocalo Square (Constitution Square, the second largest in the world), Cathedral and the Presidential Palace, famous for its wall paintings by renowned Mexican artist Diego Rivera. Visiting the ruins of Great Tikal, the main shrine of the Aztecs. An additional excursion to the Anthropological Museum is possible, which presents expositions dedicated to ancient civilizations that lived in Mexico before the era of Columbus.

Island of Women

An exciting Caribbean cruise to the Isle of Women, once used by pirates to relax after sea battles. A small island, on the beaches of which you can swim in turquoise waters, enjoy the beauty of coral reefs and tropical fish. On Playa Garrafon there is a natural underwater park. In souvenir shops you will find products made of thin coral. Lunch and drinks included.

Marietas Islands

A fascinating boat trip along the Banderas Bay to the Marietas Islands. This is a great opportunity to relax on a snow-white beach, get acquainted with the underwater world, go snorkeling and diving, go kayaking. The price of the tour includes a bar.

Cancun. Palenque

The archaeological center of Palenque is located in the state of Chiapas, about 750 km from Cancun. The city, finally abandoned after 900 AD, was the largest administrative and religious center during the heyday of the Maya culture (300 - 800 AD). Hieroglyphic texts tell of the dynasties that ruled the city for centuries, and of the most famous Mayan emperor, Pakal, whose tomb has become a mystery to many generations of explorers. Without a doubt, this is the most beautiful city Mayan culture, a city-gallery, immersed in the high-altitude jungles of Chiapas.

Swallow Cave

Birds are known to love quiet places where they can hatch chicks and return every evening to roost. The inhabitants of the Mexican Swallow Cave had it all until it was discovered by base jumpers and cavers. The cave attracted both those and others with its unusual structure. From above, it looks like a black hole in a mountain with a diameter of just over 50 meters. If you go down, then at first there will be a kind of "neck" - a narrow vertical well of small diameter, and then an expansion to 130-160 meters will follow. The bottle-shaped structure creates difficulties during the descent and especially the ascent, but this does not frighten fans of extreme sports, rather, on the contrary. The depth of this cave is from 330 to 375 meters - the entrance is located on a slope and the floor in the cave itself is also sloping. There are also narrow passages (or rather, passages) to deeper levels, but they have not yet been very well explored. Speleologists and base jumpers from all over the world come here to try their hand. Most often they work together, because jumping down is one thing, but climbing up a sheer wall is another. It requires not only excellent physical, but also technical training. Climbing up the already laid and fixed ropes can take more than an hour and a half. The cave got its name because thousands of swallows live in it. When the cave became popular with all kinds of extreme people, Mexican biologists became worried - the careless actions of people could destroy the bird colony and disrupt the natural balance. Speleologists, heeding the voice of reason, visit the cave only when the birds leave it - from about 12 to 16 hours, and they use a special area to enter the cave where it is allowed to mount equipment, and not the entire perimeter of the entrance. And for base jumpers, compliance with this rule is a vital necessity: colliding with a flock of birds in the air during a 10-second flight is certain death. Jumping into the Cave of Swallows and without additional "aggravating circumstances" is not an easy matter. The landing area is small, you need to open the parachute at a strictly defined time, with an early opening it can catch on the walls of a narrow well. The time of free fall before the opening of the parachute is estimated at 6-7 seconds. Difficult this business - caves. But the swallows love it.

pirate cruise

Evening boat trip on a pirate ship with real pirates on board. After dinner with lobsters and becoming a participant in a fascinating show with the participation of pirates, you can dance or sit in a bar. Dinner and drinks included.


Visit to the city of Puebla, surrounded by snow-capped volcanoes, which is called the "Mexican Rome" and the "City of Angels". Once upon a time, the first Spanish settlers vowed to build 365 churches here. The plan failed, but the legend and magnificent examples of the Churrigueresco (Mexican Baroque) style - the Church of Santo Domingo and the Del Rosario Chapel - remained.

Ruins of Tulum

Visiting the unique ruins of the majestic Tulum - the only Mayan seaport. Surrounded by a stone wall, it is located on the edge of a sheer cliff with a breathtaking view of the sea. The tour continues in national park Shel-Ha (Xel-Ha), which is a natural aquarium, which arose naturally in a mountain cave and feeds partly on marine, partly fresh water from underground rivers. You can go boating, swim in the lagoon or practice scuba diving. Surprisingly clean and transparent water allows you to see a lot of exotic fish and underwater vegetation.

Riviera Maya. Riviera Maya Tour

Visit the stalactite caves - cenotes, located in the jungle coast of the Riviera Maya, which is a fantastic place for diving and snorkeling. In a unique interactive zoo you will see animals that live in the subtropical jungle. Go kayaking to one of the most beautiful areas of the coral reef, and in the evening visit the most popular youth resort of the Riviera Maya - the city of Playa del Carmen.

Riviera Maya. Roi Lagartos

The Crocodile River is located on the coast of the Mexican Ealive. From a small fishing village on a motorboat, we set off through the mangrove jungle, which is home to hundreds of species of birds and crocodiles, and find ourselves in the "home" of pink flamingos. This is one of the few places in the world where you can see pink flamingos in natural conditions.

Puerto Vallarta. Romantic Dinner Rhythms of the Night

This magical journey will take you to a place where time seems to have lost its power over the world. The flickering of torches, a gentle breeze smoothly swaying palm branches, a light splash of waves, mystical pyramids, as if hiding under the cover of a mysterious jungle, a huge starry sky ... All this creates an unforgettable feeling, as if you are under the sweet hypnosis of the surrounding natural beauty, which will forever captivate hearts and charm. The price of the tour includes dinner and drinks.

Puerto Vallarta. Safari in the Sierra Madre

A fascinating journey to the foothills of the Sierra Madre (Sierra Madre), where you can get acquainted with the rich and picturesque flora and fauna of these places, walk along the deserted beach and enjoy your vacation. Guests will be offered a BBQ lunch.

Blue whale

The blue whale plows the vast expanses of the world's oceans, migrating from the icy polar waters to the subtropics of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans. This is without a doubt the largest animal that has ever existed on our planet. The weight of an adult whale can be more than twice the weight of a Brachiosaurus, the largest of the dinosaurs of ancient times, and about thirty times the weight of a male modern African elephant. The average length of this genuine giant is about 26 m, and the maximum recorded is 33.5 m; the average weight is 150 tons, which corresponds to the weight of about 2400 people. A creature of this gigantic size needs a huge amount of food. An adult blue whale consumes about a million calories a day, which is equivalent to 1 tonne of krill, a small, shrimp-like crustacean that forms the basis of its diet. During their seasonal migrations, blue whales cover very large distances. In summer, they live in polar waters, grazing among huge colonies of krill near the edge of the pack ice, and as winter approaches, they move to warm equatorial waters, undertaking journeys of thousands of miles. One whale is known to have traveled over 3,000 km. in just 47 days. These long journeys take them away from the pastures, and for a long period, sometimes up to four months, they do not eat at all, consuming their accumulated resources. The number of cruises to Antarctica for wildlife lovers is constantly increasing, where there is a chance to see a blue whale.

Cancun. temazcal

Temazcal (from the language of the Aztecs, "house of hot stones") is a traditional Indian bath, the only really accessible ritual of the Indians that is practiced today. Before the Conquest, for most Indian tribes, Temascal served both as a bathhouse and as a clinic. You are invited to become a direct participant in an exotic ancient ritual. Hot volcanic stones serve as a source of healing heat, which is saturated with a specially selected bouquet of herbs. The strong aromatic effect, along with the process of removing toxins from your body, creates a special state of relaxation. Massage, tea, fresh agave rub, cosmetic clay facial mask, dinner - this is just a part of what awaits you in Temascal!

Mexico City. Tenochtitlan

The last of the great cities of the indigenous people of Mesoamerica was the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan, located in the Valley of Mexico. By the time of the Spanish conquest in 1521, this city was better organized and larger than any European city of that time. The Spanish conqueror Hernan Cortes on August 13, 1521, after a 70-day siege, declared the city of Tenochtitlan the possession of the King of Spain. The splendor of this city amazed the winners. Their historians have described it as something magical because of its grandiose towers, temples and stone buildings rising straight out of the water. The city of Tenochtitlan was founded in 1325 by the Aztecs on an island in the middle of a lake with marshy shores in the Valley of Mexico. The Aztecs came to the valley from the north under the leadership of their leader Tenoch. Less than a hundred years have passed since the city was founded, as Tenochtitlan turned into a huge metropolis with a population of 150-200 thousand. It was connected with the banks by 3 wide roads-dams: to the north, to the south and to the west. It was often necessary to move inside the city by water. In the middle of the city was giant size a ritual center with many temples and altars, where the 45-meter Great Temple towered above everyone. The great temple was built in the form of a pyramid, its facade was turned to the west. A wide double staircase led to the very top of the pyramid, where two smaller temples stood. These were the temples of the two most revered gods of the Aztecs: Huitzilopochtli, the god of the sun and war, and Tlaloc, the god of rain and water. Subsequently, the stone blocks of the temple were used by the Spaniards for the construction of the Catholic Cathedral - the largest on the territory of the American mainland (the construction of the Cathedral took three centuries). During the excavations, many stone statues and masks of Tlaloc were found, but not a single image of Huitzilopochtli. From the Spanish chronicles it is known that his images were usually made from a special kind of dough and seeds that had decomposed a long time ago. The market in the city, according to the description of the Spaniards, was very large and well organized, with a huge variety of goods. Each type of goods had its own special place there, and all goods were carefully checked. The Aztecs had no money; people exchanged their goods among themselves or paid with cocoa beans, copper axes or pieces of matter. Notable in the city were the houses of the nobility. Some of them were so large that they often had gardens - both above ground and hanging. The gardens had fruit trees, herb patches, and exotic fish pools. But most amazing place was the ruler's palace. He had an arsenal, a weaving workshop, where women wove fabrics especially for the ruler, and workshops where potters, metal craftsmen, jewelers and other artisans worked. There was also an aviary, which contained every conceivable species of birds from all over the empire. Palace parks were the most amazing and magnificent in the whole world in that era. The ruler of Tenochtitlan and his nobility lived in the center of the city, near the ritual buildings. The rest of the population lived on the outskirts of the city in groups called calpulli and consisted of those who performed one type of work and their relatives. Each clan settled in a separate residential area, consisting of one-story houses. These houses were huts made of twigs and silt, or adobe buildings made of bricks. On August 3, 1521, the Spaniards captured Tenochtitlan, along with the last tlatoani Cuauhtemoc and a number of his supreme advisers. Subsequently, Tenochtitlan was completely plundered and destroyed, Cuauhtemoc was executed (in 1525), and the Aztec empire was completely subjugated by the Spaniards.

Mexico City. Teotihuacan

The Mexicans believe that there was a base of alien ships in ancient Teotihuacan. Teotihuacan (Teotihuacan, "the place where the gods are born") is 50 km away. northeast of Mexico City, and is a cult place of many peoples of "Mesoamerica". Origin of this amazing city associated with a civilization much older than the Aztec. The first settlements were founded in these places in the 5th century BC. e., and in the 5th century AD. e. Teotihuacan was largest city Central America. Here, in an area of ​​21 km, there were approximately 100,000 inhabitants, and according to some estimates, even twice as many. His architectural monuments stagger the imagination. Temple of Quetzalcoatl and the 5-kilometer Road of the Dead (40 m wide), the pyramids of the Sun and the Moon, the Quetzal-Papalotl Palace and the Palace of the Jaguars, ancient temple Feathered Shells, Quetzal Butterfly Palace, Plaza de la Luna and the Tepantitla residential complex with the famous Paradise of Tlaloc frescoes - these are just a small part of the local "treasures of history" collected from huge stone blocks and strictly subordinate to some unknown system. Much of Teotihuacan's past is still a mystery to researchers. Something badly suffered from the inept work of the first archaeologists, especially the pyramid of the Sun. Its excavations, as well as the subsequent reconstruction, were carried out at the beginning of the 20th century without due competence. According to today's assumptions, its height was 65 meters, 765,000 cubic meters of building material (earth and stones, as well as adobes - raw bricks dried in the sun) were laid in it. Apparently, the pyramid ended with a flat roof on which the temple stood. People of this culture worshiped the god of Rain - Talloc and deified jaguars. They were mainly engaged in agriculture. An important role in their economic life was played by obsidian deposits, which are rich in the surroundings, and the production of the famous local orange-colored ceramics - both of which were the subject of a very active and wide export. We still don't know exactly what ended Teotihuacan's existence. It is only clear that it was a violent end - the city in the VIII century AD. e. was looted and burned as a result of an enemy invasion (according to some versions - the Toltecs). In the center of the archaeological zone is a wonderful museum with an exposition of the rarest archaeological objects and a scale model of Teotihuacan.


Tula, as the capital of the Toltecs, reveals to us their rich creative past. It is of great value due to its colonnades and warriors - "atlantes" - carved stone figures that stand on top of the Pyramid of the Morning Star. The Toltecs were nomads. Perhaps it was they who destroyed Teotihua-can in the 8th century. But their capital - the city of Tula - in turn was also destroyed by the enemy invasion. For a long time, historians did not know at all where she was. The Toltecs owned Mexico for only two hundred years - from the middle of the 10th to the middle of the 12th century, but legends about their amazing valor and skills have survived to this day. Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, seems to have been an extremely important deity in Tula. His image is constantly found in the painting and architecture of the city, he wraps around the columns of buildings and looks at us from the wall paintings of the pyramids. Among the most memorable sights of Tula is the forty-meter Wall of snakes: it depicts giant snakes swallowing human skeletons. At the top of the pyramid in the center of the city stands the temple of the god Quetzalisoatl. Some of the Toltec leaders identified themselves with this deity. Climbing the stairs to a ten-meter pyramid, the visitor will see a number of figures right in front of him, which are called the Atlanteans (after the name of the character Greek mythology- titanium supporting the vault of heaven). They are warriors, frozen under the weight of orrky, in headdresses of eagle feathers. Their height is 4.6 meters, they represent Quetzalisoatl in the form of the Morning Star. Once upon a time, the Atlanteans propped up the ceiling of the temple. Many of the sculptural reliefs that adorned this structure have disappeared forever, but those that have survived give an idea of ​​some of the leitmotifs of its decoration, such as the image of a jaguar. In front of the temple there was once a place of public meetings - it was also covered with a roof. Some of the pillars on which it rested are still standing. Such columned halls are very characteristic of Toltec architecture and are, as it were, an identification mark of Toltec influence, which is found every now and then, for example, in Chichen Itza, ancient city on the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula. Material traces of the Toltec culture indicate that the Toltecs were a very warlike people. They believed they could appease their gods with human sacrifice. At the end of the 10th century, their leader and high priest, Topiltzin-Quetzal-coatl, tried to rebuild the life of the Toltecs in a more peaceful way. This led to civil strife in the state, as a result of which Topiltsin-Quetzalcoatl was defeated and eventually forced to leave Tula. Since that time, the cult of power unconditionally prevailed in the way of life of the Toltecs. But suddenly Tula was attacked. The Wall of Serpents has been destroyed. Many buildings in the city center burned to the ground. The main secrets of Tula are buried under the ruins to this day: a number of objects have been restored, but many are still waiting for archaeologists to take care of them.


Uxmal ("built three times") is another important Mayan ceremonial center in the Yucatan. The local historical monuments are simply countless - Great Pyramid(100x70x30m), the Pyramid of the Magician ("dwarf's house") 38m high, the well-preserved building of the Palace of the Ruler with its famous "throne of the two-headed jaguar", the Temple of the Phalluses, the House of the Turtles, the field for playing ball, the quadrangle of the Monastery of the Nuns and the pyramid of the Old Witch. In the evenings, the colors of a light and music show spill over the forested ruins of the great city, which gives this place an absolutely fantastic look.

Mexico City. Church of the Blessed Virgin

The most revered shrine of Mexico, stands in the place where once, according to legend, the Blessed Virgin appeared to a simple Indian peasant, Juan Diego. Every year on December 11 and 12, on the evening before and on the day of the feast of the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe, solemn processions are held in Mexico City, accompanied by folk dances. The festivities take on a particularly large scale in the suburbs of Mexico City, where the Church of the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe is located. Thousands of pilgrims rush here to honor the holy place. The last part of the way they usually crawl on their knees. The veneration of the Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe over the past centuries has by no means decreased, but, on the contrary, has increased even more, and at present it is the main national shrine of Mexico. A large influx of pilgrims and fears that the dilapidated church building, built on unreliable ground, might collapse, led to the fact that in 1976 it was decided to erect a new church for the Blessed Virgin much large sizes. This task was entrusted to the architect Pedro Ramirez Vasquez, the author of the sensational and by no means unambiguously evaluated project of the Anthropological Museum in Mexico City. The new church - a structure of steel, glass and plastic - did not meet with the approval of the traditionalists. For a cloak with a miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin in it, a new altar was created. Pilgrims pass by on a self-propelled conveyor belt. Nearby there is also a small chapel near the source, which, according to legend, scored in this place at the moment of the appearance of the Blessed Virgin. According to legend, the appearance of the Virgin Mary happened ten years after the conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Diego was an Aztec farmer, recently converted to Christianity, his Aztec name meant "Talking Eagle". When the Blessed Virgin appeared to him, she ordered him to go to the archbishop and tell him to build a church in this place. Diego humbly replied to this that it would be better, they say, to send a Spaniard to the archbishop. To which the Virgin Mary objected: she acts so out of love and compassion for Juan and his defeated Indian brethren. The archbishop at first doubted Juan's words and asked for a sign. In response to this, at the behest of the Blessed Virgin, roses grew on the bare top of a barren hill. Juan Diego wrapped them in a cloak and carried them to the archbishop, and when he opened the cloak, the famous miraculous face of the Blessed Virgin was already imprinted on it. The archbishop was convinced of everything and ordered to immediately build a church.

Chichen Itza

Excursion to Chichen Itza - the largest center of Mayan culture. The famous Pyramid of Kukulkan (Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent), the largest ball game field in America, the astronomical observatory, the Sacrificial Well, the Temple of the Warriors are just a small part of the impressive complex of attractions. Lunch included.

Cancun. Chichen Itza

The political and cultural center of the Maya in the north of the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico). Until the 10th century A.D. e. Chichen Itza was one of the most important centers of Mayan culture. And then, when this culture began to decline, the Toltec warriors probably captured the city, deciding to turn it into their new capital - like Tula, only bigger and more beautiful. Numerous archaeological finds that can be viewed today in Chichen Itza cannot be unconditionally attributed to any of the cultures. Rather, they form a highly original mixture of the characteristic ideas and motifs of the Mayan and Toltec cultures. In 1178 it was defeated by the troops of three city-states - Mayapan, Uxmal and Itzmal. By the time of the Spanish conquests (mid-16th century), Chichen Itza was a ruin. It is possible that Chichen Itza was new capital the supreme leader and god-man Topiltsin-Quetzalcoatl, expelled from Tula. It is known in the Maya culture as Ku-kulkan, and the building that undoubtedly dominates here over the surrounding area is the pyramid dedicated to Kukulkan, called "Castillo" ("Castle"), a nine-tiered structure with stairs on all four sides. Each staircase has 91 steps. It arose on the ruins of an older, also pyramidal structure. The scale and architectural appearance of "Castillo" stagger the imagination. The steps of the stairs with their number and symmetrical arrangement symbolize the seasons, months and days. All four giant flights of stairs are precisely oriented to the cardinal points. On the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes, a striking sight can be observed here: the rays of the sun fall on the stones of the pyramid in such a way that it seems as if the Feathered Serpent, whose head and tail are carved respectively at the top and at the base of the pyramid, comes to life and, wriggling, begins to crawl out of the temple . During the excavations were also found: the observatory "Karakol"; 7 "stadiums" for ball games; the ruins of 4 colonnades, forming a giant rectangle ("Group of a Thousand Columns"), etc. Statues of deities with a characteristic stylization of plastic forms, reliefs rich in floral and geometric ornamentation, works of small plastic arts and artistic crafts have been preserved. The heyday of Chichen Itza did not last long, around 1200 its inhabitants left the city. Apparently, this was the result of an invasion by troops from Mayapan, another powerful city-state in the Yucatan Peninsula.

Cancun. Shel-ha

Visit to the ecological marine park-reserve Shel-Kha, famous for its stalactite caves and karst lakes. This amazing park was created on the effect of the confluence of the sea water of the Caribbean Sea and the river underground lakes of the Yucatan Peninsula. Here you can explore underground caves and swim in the lagoon or river that goes into the jungle, play with dolphins and see iguanas, parrots, exotic fish... The perfect place for snorkeling and snorkelling.

Riviera Maya. Ek Balam

If you want to feel the full power of the mysticism of the Mayan culture, you simply must visit Ek Balam! Ek Balam was one of the most important cultural centers of the Maya. The archaeological center of Ek-Balam has recently opened to the general public, archaeological excavations are ongoing in it, and fantastic discoveries have recently been made that turn the usual ideas about Maya culture, and, according to scientists, there are many more important discoveries ahead. In the archaeological zone, you can see the Observatory, the Ball Game, the Temascal (imperial bath), the Twin Buildings... Original mystical buildings, plaster sculptures and unusual bas-reliefs have been preserved here. The main pyramid, the largest in the Yucatan, has an entrance in the form of the mouth of an unprecedented monster resembling a giant snake, behind which, as they say, a cliff was hidden and where people sacrificed to the gods were dumped ...

Cancun. exotic tour

Exclusive tour to the fantastic uninhabited island of Punta Pajaros. Fly to a private island paradise surrounded by lagoon systems and small islands, mangroves and canals full of exotic birds. Relax on the unique white sandy beach, snorkel at virgin coral reefs with millions of colorful fish, visit the remains of the ancient Mayan city of Santa Rosa.

Excursion program Aztecs, Olmecs and Maya

The tour starts in Mexico City with an introduction to ancient civilization Aztecs. Further, the path passes through Puebla, Veracruz and Villahermosa towards the impenetrable forests of Tabasco and Chapas, where traces of the most mysterious pre-Columbian culture, the Olmecs, remained. The program ends in the ancient kingdom of the Maya, which conditionally begins from the city of Palenque and stretches across the entire Yucatan Peninsula to the snow-white beaches of the Riviera Maya and Cancun, including: the archaeological sites of Uxmal, Kaba, Chichen Itza, as well as Merida, the modern capital of the state Yucatan, which has completely preserved the colonial charm of the 16th - 19th centuries. Acquaintance with the historical center: Zocalo Square, the Cathedral and the Presidential Palace, the famous wall painting of the famous Mexican artist Diego Rivera. Visiting the ruins of the Great Tikal (the main shrine of the Aztecs) and the Basilica of the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, the patroness of Mexican Catholics, built near Mount Tepeyac in honor of her miraculous appearance. Excursion to the archaeological zone of Teotihuacan, where the most important monuments of the Aztec culture are located - the Pyramids of the Moon and the Sun, the Citadel, the Temple of Quetzalcoatl - the main Mayan god, personifying a good and bright beginning. Visit to the market of folk art. Return to the hotel. From Mexico City transfer to the "City of Angels" Puebla (130 km), then to sea ​​port Veracruz (190 km). Puebla is known for its colonial-style architecture and "Talavera" ceramic tiling. Acquaintance with the church of Santo Domingo (Holy Resurrection) and the chapel of Del Rosario - the best examples of the Churrigueresque (Mexican Baroque) style. Hotel accommodation. Transfer to Villahermosa (410 km). On the way - a stop in the small village of Catemaco, surrounded by volcanic craters. The ancient traditions of the Indians have been preserved here. This place is famous for the best sorcerers and healers. Boat trip on the picturesque lake. Accommodation at the hotel in Villahermosa. In the morning, excursion to the open-air museum "La Venta", where the monuments of the mysterious Olmec civilization are collected. Visit Mizol-Ha and Agua Azul waterfalls, where you can swim in the emerald waters among the tropical jungle. Transfer to Palenque (210 km). Overnight in Palenque. Tour of Palenque, the most beautiful archaeological area during the heyday of the Mayan culture. Acquaintance with the tomb of the times of the Mayan kingdom, the Temple of Murals, the Tower of the Palace and other structures. Transfer to Campeche (350 km) - a city whose history is inextricably linked with the history of the Caribbean pirates of the 16th-17th centuries. Overnight in Campeche. Moving to Merida. On the way, visit the archaeological zones of Kaba (Temple Koodz-Poop) and Ushmal (Temple of the Fortuneteller, the Palace of the Ruler, the House of Turtles, etc.). Overnight in Merida. Morning sightseeing tour of Merida. Transfer to Cancun (320 km). On the way visit the archaeological zone of Chichen Itza - the capital of the ancient Maya. Acquaintance with the famous Pyramid of Kukulkan (Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent), the largest ball game field in America, the astronomical observatory, the Sacrificial Well, the Temple of the Warriors. Arrival in Cancun.

Excursion program of Mexico City, Aztec pyramids and colonial culture

Arrival in Mexico City. Accommodation at the selected hotel. Visit to the archaeological site of Teotihuacan. Sightseeing tour of Mexico City with a visit to the Church of the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe. Visit to the "Silver City" Taxco. Acquaintance with the colonial city of Cuernavaca.

Excursion to Valladolid

Valladolid is a colorful colonial city. Once there were fierce battles between the Maya and the Spaniards. Narrow winding streets, ancient churches and buildings keep the memory of significant historical events. The Church of San Bernardino and the Convent of Sisal, dating from 1552, are among the first Christian structures in the Yucatán. During the tour, we will visit the market, swim in the underground karst lake outside the city and have lunch, during which we will get acquainted with typical Yucatan cuisine.