Rest in jalal-abad, the best prices for tours to jalal-abad. Holidays in Jalal-Abad, the best prices for tours in Jalal-Abad Jalal-Abad


The city is located in the foothills of the Tien Shan Range at the foot of the small Ayub-Tau mountains at an altitude of 763 m above sea level in the Kogart valley. The distance to the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, is ~605 km. The city of Osh is located 105 km southwest. The climate is subtropical, dry, with hot summers up to +43˚С, sunny autumns with rare heavy rains and warm winters with high humidity and an average temperature of about 0˚С. Relative humidity from June to October is low - 30%, in the hot summer months even lower. Precipitation for the year falls about 460 mm. Remoteness from significant water spaces determines the continentality and aridity of the climate. The average annual temperature is +13°C, in July +25 +30°C, in January -3-5°C.
The area in which the city is located is widely known for mineral springs, as well as therapeutic mud.
It arose as a village near healing springs located on the Ayub-tau mountain above the Kugart valley, which were visited by patients from all over the Fergana valley. At the beginning of the 19th century, a fortress of the Kokand Khanate was built here. Local residents served pilgrims to mineral springs and were engaged in agriculture. With the growth of the population of the village, artisans appeared in it: potters, artisans, handicraft workshops developed, which later gave rise to small processing enterprises.
In 1870, Russian settlers appeared in the city, who came along with the Russian garrison. A military hospital was built. Since 1876, Jalal-Abad was part of the Kokand district of the Ferghana region of the Russian Empire, since 1877 it received the status of a city. The first mention of a settlement with the name Jalalabad in official historical documents dates back to the same time.

In 1915, a site was opened railway Andijan - Karasu - Jalal-Abad. The line was private and was built by the Fergana Railway Company. After the 1917 revolution, the railway line was nationalized.
In the middle of 1918, the Basmachi of Madamin Bek, together with the remnants of the White Army, captured Osh and Jalal-Abad. In response to this, the troops under the command of Mikhail Frunze went to the south of Kyrgyzstan and by the end of 1919 pushed the Basmachi detachments into the mountains. On May 27, 1920, Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze spoke at the railway station to railway workers and sent a telegram No. 00031 to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin about the situation in Turkestan, as described by a commemorative plaque on the railway station building.
In 1928, a section of the Jalal-Abad-Bagish railway (length 14 kilometers) was put into operation, in 1932 the railway line was extended to Kok-Yangak (length 15 kilometers), to provide Jalal-Abad and Uzbekistan with coal.
The Pedagogical College has been operating since 1935.
For a long time, the Jalal-Abad station was the final destination for long-distance passenger train routes in the Ferghana Valley. Only suburban trains followed to the Kok-Yangak station, on the Karasu - Osh section) only suburban trains also ran, and since 1978 the movement has ceased (despite the fact that the city of Jalal-Abad at that time was one of the regional centers of the Osh region, and the population of Jalal-Abad was several times less than the population of Osh). Among the reasons are the presence in Jalal-Abad of a locomotive maintenance center and workshops for equipping wagons, which has never been in Osh, an easy track profile on the Karasu-Jalal-Abad section, and also, probably, a tribute to tradition - the Jalal-Abad station appeared earlier than Osh station. The city of Jalal-Abad is historically the main "railway gate" of the region.

Jalal-Abad- economic and administrative center of Jalal-Abad region, the third largest city ​​in Kyrgyzstan with a population of 150 thousand people. It is located in the southwest of the country in Kogart valley of the foothills of the Tien Shan, at the foot of a low Aiyp-Too mountain range. The city lies at an altitude of 763 m above sea level and, due to a significant distance from large water bodies, has a pronounced continental climate, which is characterized by hot and dry summers, warm autumns, not cold and little snowy winters and early spring, with heavy rains and thunderstorms.

Average January temperatures: -3С, -5С

Average July temperatures: +25С, +27С

It is known from reliable sources that the city originates from a village that arose near geothermal springs in the 2nd millennium BC. There are legends that in ancient times this water cured many diseases, it was possible to treat even leprosy.

The name of the city means " Jalala city”and, according to unconfirmed reports, is associated with a real historical character, a certain Jalal-at-Dinom who was extraordinarily righteous and built in these places caravanserai for merchants and pilgrims visiting holy places.

In the Middle Ages, due to the proximity of one of the directions Great Silk Road Jalal-Abad, very quickly became known as a transit point and comfortable spot recreation. The settlement grew, crafts developed, giving impetus to the emergence of small enterprises.

At the beginning of the 19th century, a fortress was built here to protect the borders Kokand Khanate, with the fall of which, the city was under the protectorate of tsarist Russia. At that time it was the main center of nomadic trade in the region. With the arrival of the Russians, a military garrison and a medical hospital were organized here.

In 1916, a railway line was extended here Andijan-Jalal-Abad.

After the establishment of Soviet power in the region, a real resort was built on the basis of mineral springs, the food industry and agriculture began to develop rapidly, and by 1950 the city was completely renovated.

In 1991, with the adoption of independence, Jalal-Abad received the status of a regional center, and in 2007, the city celebrated its 130th anniversary.

Today's Jalal-Abad, quite a modern industrial city, with a well-developed social infrastructure.

Banks and other financial institutions operate here, wholesale and retail trade is widely developed. The industry is represented by a wood processing plant, food, light, cotton fiber, flour milling and engineering industries. The main source of income for the city is the Kyrgyz-Canadian oil refining joint venture - " Kyrgyz Petroleum Company».

In Jalal-Abad libraries are located, parks are laid out, there is a city historical museum, organized in 1971.

However, the bulk of tourists come to these places not at all for this. In the city and its environs there are attractions, to refuse to meet with whom, it is simply impossible. I would like to especially note resort "Jalal-Abad", walnut - fruit forests of Arslanbob, Sary-Chelek Biosphere Reserve and wonderful in beauty historical monument - Mausoleum of Shah-Fazil.

Jalal-Abad Resort

Located 5 km from the city at an altitude of 971 m above sea level, in the vicinity of the western slope of the Ayub-Too ridge, the Jalal-Abad complex is the largest balneological resort in the country. According to legend, the complex is home to the legendary spring "Chashma Ayub" - the spring of the biblical prophet Job, known since the 2nd century BC. "Jalal-Abad" was created on the basis of ...

Recreation area Arslanbob

The most popular recreation area among citizens and guests of the capital is "Arslanbob", located 70 km from the city at the foot of the Babash-Ata ridge. The local places are famous, first of all, for walnut-fruit forests, occupying a total area of ​​608.5 thousand hectares. However, this is not the only attraction in the area. Among the mountain cliffs, at an altitude of 2200 m above sea level, stormy waters carry their…

Sary-Chelek Nature Reserve

Sary-Chelek Biosphere Reserve, another attraction of the Jalal-Abad region. It was created in 1959 to protect the unique walnut-fruit forests. The reserve is spread over the territory with a height difference from 1200 to 4247 m above sea level. Up to 1,000 plant species grow here, the main ones being walnut and apple. They are common in the foothills, up to the mark ...

Mausoleum of Shah-Fazil

The Shah-Fazil ensemble arose in ancient times, according to assumptions, on the site of a sanctuary of a phallic cult, next to the sacred mountain Archa-Mazar. It includes: the mausoleum of Alamberdar of the 19th century. with the sacred mountain Archa-Mazar and the hermit's cave. Then, the place of execution of 2700 Islamic warriors, a mosque of the 17th - 19th centuries, a ritual stone in the form of a phallus and 2 mausoleums - Shah-Fazil of the 11th century. and Safi-Buland of the 19th century. The largest historical…

Photo from the Internet. View of Jalal-Abad from Job Mountain

The Great Silk Road passed through Jalal-Abad, which hospitably received travelers for many centuries. This is evidenced archaeological excavations held in the Chatkal valley. And Jalal-Abad is famous for its resorts and mineral springs.

How to get there

Photo from the Internet. Railroad tracks entangle the whole city

In 1915, a section of the Andijan-Karasu-Jalal-Abad railway was opened. The line was private and was built by the Fergana Railway Company. After the revolution, it was nationalized. In 1993, the last passenger train long-distance route Jalal-Abad - Tashkent - Bishkek. At about the same time, traffic stopped. suburban trains from the Jalal-Abad station.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, they wanted to build a trans-Kyrgyz railway line in the direction of Balykchy - Kochkor - Jalal-Abad (presumably using part of the existing Jalal-Abad - Kok-Yangak line). In practice, the implementation of the project was limited to laying several hundred meters of track near the station in Balykchy.

In 2000, the movement of suburban trains along the Jalal-Abad-Karasu-Osh route was resumed. Unfortunately, the revival of passenger traffic was short-lived.

Now you can get to Jalal-Abad only by road. To avoid a grueling serpentine ride, you can fly from Bishkek to Osh, and from there go to Jalal-Abad.

What to see

Photo from the Internet. Tourist places of Jalal-Abad

Through the whole Jalal-Abad pass railways, somewhere they are overgrown with grass and trees. The city became the final destination of the first railway in Kyrgyzstan.

In Jalal-Abad there is a source of Chashma-Ayub (source of Job). Many of the sources are known from the 2nd century BC. and are considered sacred. Five kilometers from the city is the eponymous resort complex.

By the 1920-1930s, Jalal-Abad was supposed to become the "Turkestan Pyatigorsk", since a study of mineral waters showed that on Mount Ayub-Too, in terms of their performance, they are not inferior to their counterparts from the Caucasus.

In Jalal-Abad there is regional library, the fund of which is 126 thousand copies. City Museum founded in 1972. It consists of nine halls and is one of the oldest in the region.

station Square- one of the city's places rich in historical events. Around the square, which received its final shape in 1986, there were points for the collection and storage of cotton, a slaughterhouse, dozens of workshops for artisans and shops of small traders. It was from here that Mikhail Frunze sent an urgent telegram to Vladimir Lenin about the fight against the Basmachi in the Ferghana Valley and the unfinished White Guards in 1920.

Photo from the Internet. Station square in Jalal-Abad, 1918

From here, in 1941, they were escorted to the front, in 1943 - Komsomol members to restore Stalingrad, in the spring of 1954 - to develop virgin and fallow lands, in 1955 - to build the Karazhalsky metallurgical plant in Kazakhstan.

In 1936, a railway club was built with a restaurant and a dance floor. In 1973, a new station building was erected. It was the third station building.

Photo from the Internet. Train station, view from the tracks

In seven countries of the world there are cities with a similar name. There are 19 settlements in Jalalabad in Iran, four in India, and one in Bangladesh. In Azerbaijan there is the city of Jalilabad, in Afghanistan - Jalalabad. Pakistan has the village of Jalalabad and four localities of Jalalabad.

The Kokand khans, who ruled these lands during the formation of the city, were in active contact with Afghanistan. Perhaps that is why the name of the city is similar to the name of the Afghan one: until 1917 it was called Jalalabad. The Afghan city got its name in honor of Jalal Ad-Din Muhammad Akbar, who founded it in the late 60s of the 16th century.

The most famous recreation area - Arstanbap. It is located 70 kilometers from Jalal-Abad at the foot of the Weber peak on the Babash-Ata ridge. Here you can see small and large waterfalls 35 and 80 meters high. There are several lakes in the recreation area where fishing is common.

Photo from the Internet. Waterfall in Arslanbob nature reserve

According to legend, the first walnut tree was planted by Arstan-Bap. He was an intimate servant of the prophet Mohammed, which made him a holy man. In the center of the village there is a mausoleum containing the remains of Arstanbap-Ata. A six-hour walk from the village is the Namaz Tash rock - a prayer stone, where, according to legend, he was killed during prayer.

What to bring

The area of ​​forests in the Arstanbap valley reaches more than 600 thousand hectares. Locals are sure that the walnut came to Greece from these places. According to another legend, Alexander the Great, returning from a campaign to the East, took with him fruits and nuts from local forests.

However, scientists have determined that the historical homeland of the walnut is Malaysia. Perhaps it was brought to Kyrgyzstan during the heyday of the Great Silk Road. Giant trees grow in the valley, the age of which reaches a thousand years.

Photo from the Internet. Walnuts

Annually Kyrgyzstan exports up to 4-5 thousand tons of walnuts to Iran, Turkey, China, South Korea, France and Holland. In Jalal-Abad, a local delicacy is produced - the so-called nut jam, made from unripe nuts and honey.

Due to the rich chemical composition, nut jam can be used for medicinal purposes. It improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and blood circulation in the body, removes radionuclides, is actively used in the treatment of thyroid diseases, is recommended in dietary nutrition for hypo- and beriberi, with a deficiency of iron and cobalt salts, as a general tonic for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

Photo from the Internet. Nut jam

A half-liter jar of jam can be bought for 200 soms.

Undoubtedly, it is worth bringing a medical canteen from Jalal-Abad mineral water. IN Soviet years it was supplied to the first persons of the Kremlin.

Area Suzak History and geography Based 1870 City with 1877 Square 24.6 km² Center height 763 m Climate type continental Timezone UTC+6 Population Population 113,900 people (2017) Nationalities Kyrgyz - 54.7%
Uzbeks - 38.0%
Russians - 3.4%
Tatars - 1.2%
Uighurs - 0.6% Confessions Sunni Muslims, Orthodox Christians demonym Jalalabad residents Official language [[Kyrgyz, Russian]] * Digital IDs Telephone code +996 3722 +996 Postal codes 715600-715607 car code D-04 (Russian)

Jalal-Abad(Kyrgyzstan Jalal-Abad) - the third largest city in Kyrgyzstan, the administrative center. The population is over 113.9 thousand people. Located in the Ferghana Valley. Not far from the city flows the Kugart River, the right tributary of the Kara-Darya River.


The city is located in the foothills of the Tien Shan Range at the foot of the small Ayub-Too mountains at an altitude of 763 m above sea level in the Kogart valley. Distance to the capital of Kyrgyzstan ~ 560 km. The city is located 100 km southwest. The climate is subtropical, dry, with hot (absolute maximum +43˚С) summers, sunny autumns with rare heavy rains and mild winters with high humidity and an average temperature of about 0˚С. Relative humidity from June to October is low - 30%, in the hot summer months even lower. Precipitation for the year falls about 460 mm. Remoteness from significant water spaces determines the continentality and aridity of the climate. The average annual temperature is +13°C, in July +25 +30°C, in January -3-5°C.

Climate of Jalal-Abad (765 m) for the last 10 years (2008 - 2017)
Index Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Average maximum, °C 4,4 6,1 15,2 21,9 27,1 32,1 34,4 33,4 29,3 21,4 12,3 6,0 20,3
Average temperature, °C 0,0 1,8 10,2 16,1 20,7 24,9 27,2 26,5 22,4 15,3 7,6 1,8 14,5
Average minimum, °C −4,4 −2,6 5,0 10,2 14,3 17,7 20,1 19,6 15,5 9,0 2,7 −2,5 8,7


  • The earliest known name of the city is Jalalabad.
  • From 1870 to 1917 - Jalal-Abad. In the "News of the Turkestan Department of the Russian Geographical Society" for 1900, it is mentioned as the village of Jalal-abad of the Jalal-Abad volost, Andijan district.
  • From 1917 to 2002 - Jalal-Abad.
  • Since 2002, it has been renamed Jalalabat according to the “New edition of the orthography of the Kyrgyz language” adopted by the Jogorku Kenesh of Kyrgyzstan dated June 28, 2002, No. 830-11.
  • Since June 2008, it has been renamed Jalal-Abad in accordance with the resolution of the Jogorku Kenesh of Kyrgyzstan on the restoration of writing the country's settlements with a hyphen.

Since ancient times, one of the routes of the Silk Road passed along Ayub-Too. Thanks to this, the inhabitants of the Fergana Valley, like the Kokand khans who ruled these lands during the creation of Jalal-Abad, were in very active contact with. Perhaps that is why the name of the city is similar to the name of the Afghan one - despite the fact that Jalal-Abad was also called Jalalabad until 1917. call different people by the same name settlements- a common practice in the Middle East. There are more than 30 villages with the name Jalalabad here. In turn, the Afghan Jalalabad got its name in honor of Jalal Ad-Din Muhammad Akbar (1542-1605), who founded the city in the late 60s of the 16th century. "Abad" is translated from Persian as "a place", "a place where people live". In addition, "dzhalal" from the language of Urdu, Persian and Arabic is translated as "glory, shrine, greatness." That is, the name of the city can mean either “a place of glory”, or “a holy place”, or “a place named after Jalal”.


As part of the Kokand Khanate and the Russian Empire

It originated as a village near healing springs located on the Ayub-too mountain above the Ferghana Valley. At the beginning of the 19th century, a fortress of the Kokand Khanate was built here. Local residents served pilgrims to mineral springs and were engaged in agriculture. With the growth of the population of the village, artisans appeared in it: potters, artisans, handicraft workshops developed, which later gave rise to small processing enterprises.

In 1870, Russian settlers appeared in the city, who came along with the Russian garrison. A military hospital was built. Since 1876, Jalal-Abad was part of the Kokand district of the Russian Empire, since 1877 it received the status of a city. The first mention of a settlement with the name Jalalabad in official historical documents dates back to the same time.

In 1902, the Russian officer N. L. Korzhenevsky, with the support of his military command, developed and installed two heliotelegraph stations for two-way communication between Osh and. On Jalal-Abad Many military men were treated at mineral springs and therefore a reliable connection with the provincial city of Osh was very necessary.

In 1915, a section of the Andijan-Karasu-Jalal-Abad railway was opened. The line was private and was built by the Fergana Railway Company. After the 1917 revolution, the railway line was nationalized.

The construction of the railway and the station gave impetus to the development of Jalal-Abad, which had previously been just a large settlement.

Jalalabad-Ayub mineral springs

The encyclopedic dictionary of F. A. Brockhaus and I. A. Efron of 1890 describes the mineral springs of Jalal-Abad as follows:

(Khazret-Ayub) - are very famous in Fergana and in the surrounding countries; are located in the Andijan district of the Fergana region, on Ayub-tau (an associate of the prophet S.A.V.), at an altitude of 3850 feet. above sea level. With the appearance of these very ancient sources is connected local legend about healing their long-suffering Job with water. Russian D. sources became known since 1877. There are several sources; of these, only one is considered sacred by the natives; this key gives 8640 buckets per day, tamper. 38-39°C; hydrogen sulfide in 1000 hours of water - 0.0033461. 10,000 hours of water contains lime bicarbonate - 2.846, sodium bicarbonate - 0.832, magnesia bicarbonate - 0.975, sodium chloride - 1.955, sodium sulfate - 2.451, magnesium sulfate - 0.903, lime sulfate - 0.935, alumina - 0 .124, silica - 0.248. Since 1884, chronically ill lower ranks have been sent to D. waters; since 1885, a sanitary station has been established, and an infirmary for 25 people is opened during the season. Baths for bathers are arranged in three springs.

From the description of the composition of Jalalabad-Ayub waters.

Narodnaya Volya member Ivan Yuvachev, during his Central Asian expedition in 1907, wrote about Jalal-Abad sources:

On Mount Ayub-tau, where a sanitary station is now built, thanks to healing mineral springs, the long-suffering Job lived. Local tradition says that when the time of Job's trial passed, the Lord ordered him to hit a stone with his right foot, and he filled the key of hot water. Then he kicked with his left foot, and cold water came out. In the hot Job took a bath, and got drunk in the cold and completely recovered from the terrible leprosy.

Another traveler, geographer Vladimir Platonovich Voshchinin, wrote about the sources in 1914:

Namely, near Jalalabad itself rises a small mountain - about 4,000 feet above sea level - which must be climbed, since on the top of this mountain there are hot and cold sulfuric and iron springs known in the region, attracting many natives to enjoy bathing and worship the tomb of the native Prophet Job (Khazret-Ayub). According to legend, this prophet was healed of leprosy precisely by the local waters, and after that he died here.

The air and nature on the top of the mountain are delightful, but from the cliff above, near which Ayub's grave is located, a marvelous view of the valley opens - all golden-green, with countless groups of pyramidal poplars, with a silver ribbon in the middle - Kugart - and the distant Aryslanbob mountains . Even for this alone, it was worth climbing here, but there are still here, as it turns out, other curious things. For example, a sacred stone for women who, for some reason, do not have children. This stone stands with an edge, oblong and flat, on a special large pedestal, surrounded by walls, like the tomb of a prophet; any sick person is allowed, for a certain bribe to the local mullahs, to sit astride it and pray ... A mass of pilgrims flock to this stone, and, they say, helps ...

A military infirmary has been set up near the healing springs, and in general, besides the natives, there are many Russian patients here, and therefore the use of the baths is furnished with some amenities, although far from sufficient. In any case, there is a bathroom, and it is kept quite clean. They say that very soon a railway will be brought to Jalalabad. Then, one must think, due attention will be paid to this native resort, and, perhaps, it will flourish and become famous.

The fight against Basmachi

Arbakeshi at the Jalal-Abad railway station in 1918

In July 1918, the Basmachi gangs made an attempt to capture the capital of the county, the city. However, 70 volunteers of the 1st Ferghana Regiment, who guarded the city, with the support of the population, managed to hold out until the arrival of the military unit from and protect the city. Of particular danger was the connection of the Basmachi bands of Kurbashi Madaminbek and the leader of the kulak-peasant army K. I. Monsterov, who sought to overthrow Soviet power in. On September 8, 1919, after one and a half days of fighting by the gangs of Madaminbek and K. I. Monsters, which significantly outnumbered the Red Army units, they managed to capture the city and launch an offensive on where the headquarters of the Osh-section troops was located. On September 26, 1919, the Red Army under the command of Mikhail Frunze liberated the city, and on September 30 -. On May 27, 1920, Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze spoke at the railway station in front of railway workers and sent a telegram No.

Transport development

In 1928, a section of the Jalal-Abad-Bagysh railway (length 14 kilometers) was put into operation, in 1932 the railway line was extended to Kok-Yangak (length 15 kilometers), to provide Jalal-Abad and Uzbekistan with coal.

For a long time, the Jalal-Abad station was the final destination for long-distance passenger train routes in the Ferghana Valley. Only suburban trains followed to the Kok-Yangak station, on the Karasu - Osh section) only suburban trains also ran, and since 1978 the movement has stopped completely (despite the fact that the city of Jalal-Abad at that time was one of the regional centers of the Osh region, and the population of the city is several times less than the population of Osh). Among the reasons are the presence in Jalal-Abad of a locomotive maintenance center and workshops for equipping wagons, which has never been in Osh, an easy track profile on the Karasu-Jalal-Abad section, and also, probably, a tribute to tradition - the Jalal-Abad station appeared earlier than Osh station. The city of Jalal-Abad is historically the main "railway gate" of the region.

At different times, direct trains (or trailer cars) departed from Jalal-Abad to Moscow and other cities of the USSR. The Jalal-Abad flight was constantly running, going through.


The Pedagogical College has been operating since 1935. Later, a cooperative technical school of the Kyrgyz Consumer Union and a medical one were created.

10 secondary schools and one vocational school were created and operated in the city.

As part of independent Kyrgyzstan

Since 1991, the city of Jalal-Abad has been given the status of a regional center.

In 1993, the last long-distance passenger train Jalal-Abad was canceled - -. Approximately at the same time, the movement of suburban trains from the Jalal-Abad railway station also stopped.

In 1994, the process of division of the former Central Asian Railway was completed, on the basis of which the railway administrations of the newly independent states were created. Jalal-Abad became the center of the Southern Branch of the Kyrgyz Railway. In the 1990s, a decision was made to build the "Trans-Kyrgyz Railway", which was to be laid in the direction - Kochkor - Jalal-Abad (presumably using part of the existing Jalal-Abad - Kok-Yangak line). The project was widely advertised, a solemn ceremony was held to start the construction of the highway with the participation of President Askar Akayev. But in practice, the implementation of the project was limited to laying several hundred meters of track at the station.

In 2000, the movement of commuter trains along the Jalal-Abad - Kara-Suu - route was resumed. Unfortunately, the revival of passenger traffic was short-lived. As of August 2008, the railway line operates only on the Jalal-Abad - Kara-Suu section. Trains to Jalal-Abad and all diesel locomotives of the Jalal-Abad depot pass through the territory without stopping. At the Jalal-Abad station there is a locomotive depot - TC-2 of the Kyrgyz Railway (formerly PTOL TC-4 of the Central Asian Railway). Among the available rolling stock are diesel locomotives 2TE10M-0581 (two sections), 2TE10V-4195 (at least 1 section), ChMEZ-6644. In total, there were about 5 ChMEZ and 6 sections 2TE10. New locomotives after 1991 did not arrive in Jalal-Abad.

The section Jalal-Abad - Kok-Yangak, through which coal was once mainly exported, is now mothballed. The administration of the Kyrgyz Railway does not give permission to dismantle the track, so the rails lie there, but the track is overgrown with trees in places and is unsuitable for travel.

In autumn 2007 the city celebrated its 130th anniversary. The main celebrations with the participation of the country's leadership were held at the Teltoru hippodrome. The city was awarded the Danaker Order.

On June 13-16, 2010, mass riots on interethnic grounds took place in the city and adjacent villages, simultaneously with the 2010 Osh riots.

Local government

The first secretaries of the city committee

  • Parfenov Andrey Ivanovich - 05/19/1959
  • Mamakeev 05/19/1959 - ?

Mayors of the city

The mayor of the city is elected by the session of the city kenesh. Kasym Madaminovich Ismanov was elected the first mayor of Jalal-Abad in 1991 as part of independent Kyrgyzstan. As of May 2014, the mayor of the city was Salaidin Avazov.

  • Kasym Madaminovich Ismanov 1991-?
  • Bakyt Adylov circa 2012
  • Mukhtar Arapbaev February 2013 - 5 Aug. 2014
  • Salaidin Avazov since August 5



The main type of local transport is automobile. Also available railroad station and airport.


The largest industrial enterprises are the Kyrgyz-Canadian oil refinery "Kyrgyz Petroleum Company"; an enterprise for the extraction of travertine, limestone and shell rock; brick factory CJSC Stone Processing Plant in Central Asia; JSC "Kelechek"; JSC "Nur"; JSC "Nasos"; Factory of trade and technological equipment and OP 36/10. The enterprises of JSC "Kyrgyzkhlopok" and JV "Ak-Altyn" produce cotton fiber, tobacco-fermentation enterprises of LLC "Tura-Ay" and LLC "Aziz-Tabak" operate.

Enterprises of the flour-grinding industry of the city: Azrat Aiyb JSC, PTK Intershak CJSC, Mariam and Co LLC. CJSC "Jalal-Abad Arak Plant" operates for the production of alcoholic beverages.

Among the light industry enterprises, the leading one is JSC "Mata", an enterprise with a production capacity for the production of non-woven materials of 7 million square meters. m. In the city there are enterprises engaged in wood processing and furniture manufacturing - these are Emerek JSC and Kok-Art JSC.

Banks and microcredit unions

OJSC Commercial Bank "Kyrgyzstan", JSCB "Dos-Kredobank", OJSC "Bakai Bank", Kyrgyz-Russian "Amanbank".


In the city of Jalal-Abad, retail trade is carried out in 10 stationary markets and 9 privately owned mini markets, as well as in 120 stores.


There are 22 secondary schools in the city, as well as male and female Turkish lyceums, and a medical school. There are several universities: Jalal-Abad State University, University of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Academy of Law and Business.


In the Soviet period, the Jalal-Abad resort was considered an all-Union health resort, and thousands of tourists from all over the USSR came here every year with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin and gynecological diseases. Tourists are still attracted by the mineral springs and therapeutic mud of the resort. From the city to the resort can be reached by bus from the city center. The main therapeutic agents are thermal weakly and highly mineralized sulfate-hydrocarbonate sodium-calcium waters used for baths and drinking cures. For medicinal purposes, the resort also uses peat-silt mud. Along with balneo-mud therapy, electrolight therapy, physiotherapy exercises, massage, climate therapy, a therapeutic swimming pool, therapeutic nutrition, a phytobar, and acupuncture are used. The resort has a sanatorium with 450 beds in summer and 150 beds in winter. Accommodation is provided in three buildings and four small houses for 2-4 persons. Indications for treatment: diseases of the digestive system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, gynecological, urological, skin diseases.

57 km from the city in the tract mountain range Kara-Alma is a children's health camp "Altyn Balalyk", which was built in 1972.

Also in the city there are:

  • Regional library with 6 branches in the city and a fund of 126,000 books and magazines.
  • Children's library at the House of Creativity, fund - 25,000 books and magazines.
  • City Historical Museum at the foot of Ayub-Tau, on the road to the resort. It was organized in 1972 by Vasily Filippovich Trunov, later an honorary citizen of Jalal-Abad. The area of ​​the museum is 199 sq.m. and consists of 9 rooms. The museum is one of the oldest in the region. Up to 10,000 people visit the museum annually.
  • Parks. There are 3 parks of culture and recreation, including parks to them. Toktogul with an area of ​​7.5 hectares, Jenish Park (former VLKSM) with an area of ​​14.5 hectares.

Famous Jalal-Abads

  • Rafikov, Mars Zakirovich - Soviet military pilot, member of the first detachment of cosmonauts of the USSR, awarded two orders of the Red Banner of the USSR.
  • Trunov, Vasily Filippovich - historian, honored teacher of the Kirghiz SSR, creator of the local museum of local lore, honorary citizen of the city.
  • Shapovalov, Igor Alekseevich - ballet dancer, choreographer, People's Artist of the USSR.
  • Helpman, Elhanan - Israeli economist, professor.


  1. Population census of Kyrgyzstan 2009. Jalal-Abad region
  2. Superanskaya A. V. Dictionary geographical names. - M.: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2013. - 208 p. - S. 40.
  3. 2017-zhyldagy Kyrgyz Republicsynyn oblustarynyn, dorunun district, shaarlarynyn, shaar tibindegi kyshtaktarynyn kalkynyn sany, Population of the Kyrgyz Republic as of January 1, 2017
  4. M. Grulev et al. Proceedings of the Turkestan Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, Volume II / M. Grulev. - First ed. - Tashkent: Printing house of the headquarters of the Turkestan military district, 1900. - S. 107-109.
  6. RAILWAY LINE KARASU - JALAL-ABAD - KOK-YANGAK. Timetables for the movement of trains.
  7. Jalalabad-Ayub mineral springs// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  8. Kushelevsky V.I. Materials for medical geography and sanitary description of the Fergana region. Volume 1. New Margelan: Printing House of the Fergana Regional Board, 1890. ISBN 978-5-4460-3628-8 ">
  9. Yuvachev, Ivan. Kurban-jan-datha, Kara-Kyrgyz queen Alai»>


  • On the website of the Association of cities of Kyrgyzstan
  • Website of the city of Jalal-Abad

Jalal-Abad is a city located in the Jalal-Abad region in Kyrgyzstan. It is located 750 kilometers from Bishkek. It is located near the Aiyp-Too mountains at an altitude of 763 meters above sea level. Climate: sharply continental arid. The average annual temperature is +13 degrees. In summer, the thermometer rises to +27 degrees, and in winter it drops below 0 degrees.


You can use buses and taxis to get around the city.


Jalal-Abad is not only tourist town how much a balneological resort, on the territory of which there are healing mud and mineral springs, which are worth a visit.


You can visit the museums of the city, go to the parks and take a walk there. And, of course, you can go to beauty salons and massage rooms to restore strength and improve your health.


Most of the hotels belong to the sanatorium-type boarding houses. Here you will be offered to undergo a series of procedures that will benefit your health and at the same time help you relax.


In the restaurants of Jalal-Abad, you can try kebabs, pilaf, manti, noodles with meat sauce, a puff dish of scrambled eggs, noodles and aspic, horse meat sausage. From drinks it is worth trying koumiss.

The shops

Local shops sell carpets, clothes, dishes, jewelry, souvenirs.