Open the left menu Lindos. What hotels in Lindos have nice views? Interesting places and sights


The population is 700 people, but thanks to tourists, it grows significantly during the high season. One of the main attractions of the island is the arrival of tourist buses in the morning. Closer to noon guides in literally drag their wards out for lunch and then take them to the next point on their travel itinerary.

general information

Lindos is a mixture of history and beaches. The town has many historic houses (known as Captains houses) dating back to the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. It is almost entirely made up of a network of paved pedestrian streets. The only means of transportation are donkeys and mopeds. The white-painted little houses are cozy on a hillside, which makes the town one of the most beautiful settlements of the island.The ban on the construction of modern buildings gives the island a certain charm.

Legend has it that the island was built by one of the divine sons of Zeus. However, in fact, it was established by the Dorians in 1000 BC.

How to get there

The distance between the city and Lindos is 56 km (or 36 miles). The cost of a one-way bus ticket will cost 5 euros. The settlement can also be reached by boat from the port of Mandraki, city. Tour operators such as Direct Greece and Olympic Holidays provide apartments and villas for families of all sizes. (Be aware that tour operators Kosmar and Libra went bankrupt.)

By plane

From airport

A taxi from the airport to the city will cost 63 euros. If you try, you can bargain for a smaller amount. However, if taxi drivers overcharge, be sure to ask to be taken to the police station.


Lindos - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 1

Kazan 1

Samara 2

Yekaterinburg 3

Novosibirsk 5

Vladivostok 8

When is the season. When is the best time to go

Lindos - monthly weather


Lindos - monthly weather

Main attractions. What to see

The main attraction of Lindos is the city itself with its winding streets and small traditional whitewashed houses. Be brave and explore the back streets! Stock up on free maps from tourist centers. They are incredibly useful, however for some reason not all streets are signed, so there is still a chance of getting lost.

Walking through Lindos, you will come across Captain's house style houses. They date back to 1400, but despite this they look quite attractive. Double points to whoever can find and enter such houses!

Visit the ruins of the acropolis and the temple of Lindian Athena. For 6 euros you can enjoy a beautiful view. The entrance to the acropolis is open until 18.40 from March to December. The ruins of an ancient amphitheater, carved from the slope of the acropolis, have also been preserved here. If you still wish to avoid the grueling climb, hire a donkey before entering the city. On the way up to the acropolis, the first thing you will see are the ruined medieval walls. At the beginning of the 14th century, the crusaders built fortifications on the ruins of older fortresses from the Byzantine era and ancient times. Several towers along the medieval walls follow the contour of the slope.

Tomb of Cleobulus - a stone structure in the upper reaches of the strait.

The Church of the Virgin is a must to visit, if only for the sake of traditional ornaments and decorations. Free entry is a nice bonus.

You can also admire St. Paul's Bay, which is said to have crashed against the rocks of this island and brought Christianity with it.

Beaches. Which is better

Lindos has the fewest sandy beaches all over Rhodes, and, as you might expect, they are crowded with people. Unfortunately, trash is scattered everywhere.

You can ride along the strait not only on simple tourist boats, but also on boats with a glass bottom.

main beach- head down the street from the main square.

St. Paul's Beach - nice beach near Lindos. Great place for swimming. 8 euros for a beach umbrella and two sun loungers.

What to see in the surroundings

Afandou is one of the largest settlements on the island. There is a golf course in this area along the coast.

Faliraki - famous place for relax. Party radii come here. Relatively calm beaches and well-developed public transport. The hotels are located near water parks and are not attractive to frequenters of nightclubs.

Old city- the largest city of the island and the center of local government. Nearby are the cities of Lardos and Pefkos.

Food. What to try

There are a lot of different restaurants and taverns in the city, but the dishes are specially prepared for tourists, so, unfortunately, they are monotonous and far from Greek culture. But you will meet food from all over the world. The staff of any restaurant speaks English language and the menus are also written in English. Many bars offer breakfast until noon.

Supermarkets have a huge selection of products, many of which are English imports. On the main street of Lindos, there are 3 shops at a distance of 100 m from each other. They offer the same range of products at the same price. Supermarkets also offer a good selection of seasonal fruits and vegetables, and a large number of alcohol at unearthly prices. But there is nothing to do, even if it does not suit you.

There are two more supermarkets in Kronos Square (accessible by bus). Although in most cases both shops are visited by those who are waiting for their buses. The prices there are incredibly high, all goods are much more expensive than in the same stores in the city.

You can taste Greek food cooked right in front of you, such as souvlaki (kebabs) or pancakes, at very competitive prices.

The average price for souvlaki is 2.50 euros. This is a bread tortilla (pitta guro) or kalamaki (chicken on a stick in a tortilla). Incredibly delicious obelistiris on the main street. The owner is quite grumpy, but his kebabs are just delicious. Say "ap ola" and they'll add tomatoes, onions, lettuce, tzatziki, and french fries.

"Artemis" - local cuisine, dishes prepared to a high standard. It has a friendly atmosphere and professional staff.

“Acropolis” - all dishes from the menu are cooked on fire, meat from Rhodes is used.

Tavern "At Mary's".

“Mediterranean East” - excellent Mediterranean cuisine, magnificent surroundings, breathtaking views.

Zorba's - fresh local food. Open air restaurant and friendly staff.

Things to do

Shopping and shops

If you are looking for supermarkets in Lindos itself, then shopping will cost you a lot. Better head to Kiraki, where the shops offer a wide range of goods at an affordable price.

Bars. Where to go

Lindos has a huge number of bars for every taste. Many of them have rooftop gardens where you can watch the sunset or sunrise. “Until Night” offers to see the night in all its glory from its rooftop. All bars are allowed to come with children.

There are two nightclubs within the city limits and one open-air club that can be reached by taxi and is open all night until early morning.

“Patio” - as the name suggests, the bar has a patio and 2 floors of beautifully furnished rooms overlooking the entire acropolis. This is the only bar in Lindos where live music is played on Sundays - Greek guitar.

Yanni's is a cute bar in Lindos. A mug of coffee - 3 euros.

Cafe and bakery "Meliya" on St. Stephen's Square. Nice place with a sea view. From the roof of the cafe you can see the entire acropolis and a piece of St. Paul's Bay. Melia is located far from the tourist routes, so this place is much calmer than the central bars. The cost of coffee is 3.30 euros.

How to move around the city


You can park your car in all areas of the city. For such cases, there are special blue “not free” signs, which are mixed with the signs of “free” zones located outside the supermarket parking lot. To get from the supermarket parking lot to the settlement, you need to go down to the market square, where you can find free parking spaces, then enter the city through a small street. Or go down to the beach, walk to the other end and go up to the settlement.

By public transport

Lindos - small town so walking is the best solution. Since it is built on the side of a mountain and the roads are quite steep, for some people it will seem like a real challenge to get to the acropolis. However, many tourists find it worth it. Therefore, there are two alternatives. The bus will take passengers down from the main stop in the city center to the square closest to the sea - a short distance, but the difference is felt if you go down on foot. If you plan to reach highest point acropolis, you can rent a donkey for only 5 euros. And although this price is for one donkey, animals go only in pairs, and then a donkey rental for one or two passengers is a minimum of 10 euros.


There is an internet cafe in Lindos called "Lindianet".

Where to get out of the city

Buses run from Rhodes to east coast islands and back, including Lindos, the only negative is the slow movement due to frequent stops. Drivers, keep in mind: a modern highway has been laid between Lindos and Rhodes.

Rhodes is literally packed with historical monuments and sights. The city of Lindos, where a whole fortress of the Crusaders has risen, and the slopes of the mountain are covered with white houses of ancient quarters, like sea foam, is no exception.


Entering the city, one can recall the myth of the love of the sun god Helios with a nymph. They had sons: Lindos, Kamiros and Ialysos, who founded three city-states named after them. Lindos is the "eldest" city of Rhodes according to the sun.

In fact, Lindos was founded not by the son of a god and a nymph, but by the Dorian Greeks. For a long time he was the main one on the island, moreover, he was the monopolist of the Mediterranean trade. The Lindosians were the first in Europe to draw up a code of maritime law, later called the Rhodes Law. Their town was famous for its sculptors, and it was here that the master Haret created the famous Colossus for the "new" city - Rhodes.

Landmarks in Lindos

There is something to see and admire here. The city is located on the southeastern side of the island on Cape Krana. It is separated from the capital of Rhodes by 55 km. The town is small, but the most famous and ancient of the island settlements. Its history goes back 3000 years. In Lindos, all the streets are very narrow and there are no cars here. And the town owes its early development to two cozy harbors, which housed ports. In ancient times, the most big ships from all over the world.

The city blocks are spread at the foot of a 116-meter mountain, on top of which the acropolis was erected, the largest among the urban structures of Ancient Hellas. Since ancient times, Lindos has been known for its skilled sailors and shipbuilders. The Lindos took part in and in the Trojan War, detaching 10 ships led by the ruler Cleobulus.

There is no car traffic in the city. Cars stop at the entrance to the acropolis, because there is no street in Lindos where at least one car has passed. Here they ride mopeds and donkeys, and the latter are tourists. Five euros - and you are in the saddle, and ten minutes later you are already examining the surroundings from the fortress walls.

Acropolis of Lindos

Climbing the mountain, visitors find themselves in a stone medieval basket with antique contents. Here is the Acropolis of Lindos, the second largest in all of Greece after the Athenian. Italian and Greek archaeologists are constantly working with builders to restore the colonnades.

Ancient Greek cities had their patron deities. Athena Linda protected and gave prosperity to Lindos and its inhabitants. In the center of the acropolis was a temple dedicated to the goddess, where the townspeople sacrificed to her from their bounties.

Unfortunately, time has not preserved the name of the architect who designed the acropolis in the 4th century BC. Scholars tend to believe that Athena Linda was a serious goddess in the ancient pantheon and was worshiped almost 1,000 years before the advent of Jesus Christ.

A narrow path leads to the acropolis of Lindos, wrapping around the rock and passing through the remains of the fortress of the Crusader Hospitallers. Having overcome the medieval fortified area of ​​the city of Lindos, a tourist buys a ticket to see the acropolis at the box office (in Rhodes, visiting architectural and historical sites is paid) worth 6 euros. Children under 18 are admitted free.

Once directly on the territory of the monument, you can see two relics. The elevation, made in honor of a wealthy resident of Lindos, who once brought olives to Athena Linda.

Another attraction of the city is a unique bas-relief of an ancient Greek ship, carved right on the rock. After going up the stairs, we get to the building called the Palace of the Grand Master built already in the Middle Ages.

Further lovers of historical places are met by the Propylaea, in our opinion - the gate. You can go to them through the Dorian portico, near which is the church of St. John, erected in the 13th century AD. The Propylaea is an impressive building of the ancients - the width of each with 34 steps is 21 meters.

Previously, the gate served as a barrier that separated the temple of Athena Linda from the other territory of the acropolis. On the steps, the faithful left their generous gifts to the goddess and held feasts on the occasion of the holidays.

Due to the abundance of historical artifacts, UNESCO has included Lindos in the list of monuments of global importance. In addition to the Acropolis, there is a chapel of St. Paul. Legend has it that he landed on the site of its construction on Rhodes in 47 AD. The temple of the monastery of the Archangel Michael is famous for its ancient frescoes. Many people come to it specifically to be present at the church service.

To this day, a system of fountains operates in Lindos, which was organized back in the era of the Byzantine Empire. It is interesting to walk around the quarter of sea captains' villas, whose cozy courtyards are buried in luxurious flowers.

For people who are indifferent to the traces left by man on earth, Lindos has prepared natural views of fantastic beauty. Most often, tourists visit the valley, where seven mountain streams carry their waters through the cave, converge into one and flow into the lake. Legend has it that those who walk along the path of the streams into the valley of the Seven Springs will be cleansed.

After visiting all corners of the town, tourists are waiting for souvenir and other shops, acquaintance with one more, besides donkeys, four-legged symbol of Lindos - the ubiquitous cats, swimming in turquoise sea water and having dinner in a tavern on the shore of one of the bays.

Be sure to take all the necessary photos for your album in Lindos and go to Faliraki as soon as possible!

Even for such an ancient country as Greece, the history of the small town of Lindos on the island of Rhodes is unusual. According to one version, the city-state of Lindos was founded by the Dorians in the 10th century BC. There is a version that the city is 27 centuries old.

The mention of the city is in Homer and Herodotus. There were three ancient cities- Lindos, Kameiros and Ialliasos, of which only Lindos has survived. Only ruins remain of the other two.

Lindos was one of the participants in the Trojan War and is mentioned in the Iliad.
Lindos was a famous city in the ancient world. The city with a beautiful port, consisting of two closed bays, located at the intersection of sea routes, was the center of trade in the Mediterranean.

The important maritime significance of the city is confirmed by the petroglyph - a bas-relief depicting an ancient Greek warship. The author of the work is the sculptor Pythocrates. It is no coincidence that it was in Lindos that the very first known code of maritime law, the famous Rhodes Code of Navigators, was created and ratified.

Lindos was a very influential and wealthy city. He was known for his fleet, navigators. The city was not able to capture the powerful Persians, and Alexander the Great. But against the power of the Roman Empire, the city was powerless. During Roman rule, Christianity appeared on Lindos.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, Lindos became part of the Byzantine Empire. Since that time, the golden age of Lindos has ended. The city was turned into a fortress, which was used by the Byzantines, the Ionite knights and, finally, the Turks. All eras have left their mark on the architecture of the Acropolis.

How to get there

separates from the center of Lindos 55 kilometers. But there is no direct way. You can get to Lindos from the airport by bus, taxi or rental car.

Another option for the road to Lindos is the ferry from the port of Rhodes. But the road by sea is obviously longer than the land. In addition, Lindos hotels are often located a few kilometers from the port, and upon arrival there you still have to take a taxi.

The most economical way is, of course, the bus. There is tourist information about direct bus from the airport to Lindos. But finding the price and schedule is possible only upon arrival at the airport, and these flights are quite rare. It is easier and more reliable to get from the airport to the city of Rhodes, which will take 15-20 minutes and costs 2.20 euros, in Rhodes take a bus to Lindos.

There are 7 such flights per day, and 6 of them are in the interval from 6.45 to 14.30 hours, the last flight at 19.30. The fare is 5 euros, travel time 1 hour 20 minutes.

Tickets are a little more profitable to take at kiosks at bus stops, but drivers also sell them. Tickets must be kept, because. there are controllers on the lines, and the fine for traveling without a ticket is significant.

A taxi ride from the airport to Lindos will cost from 4851 rubles, depending on the class of car.

Many hotels provide a paid shuttle service to the hotel. This should be clarified in advance.

Where to stay

The city of Lindos, made up of white, crowded houses, leaves little room for the construction of hotels. Therefore, almost all Lindos hotels are located outside the city.

For tourists who want to spend time not only on the beach, this is a certain inconvenience. When choosing a hotel in Lindos, be sure to pay attention to the distance from the center.

Hotel reservations can be made on the websites:


Melenos Lindos Exclusive Suites 5*

One of the few five-star hotels in Lindos is located in the heart of the city, near the hill on which stands the Temple of Athena.

The hotel has all the features of a high star hotel: free breakfast, spa with wellness treatments, cooking classes for the study of Middle American cuisine.

Particular attention is paid to the design of rooms in the hotel. The design of the rooms reflects the specifics of local architecture, using unique items in the form of exclusive ceramics and draperies, there are even things from the personal collections of the hotel owner.

Guests arriving at the hotel are greeted with a bottle of wine and a fruit basket. The hotel has only 12 rooms, which creates an atmosphere of family and comfort. The beach is only 100 meters away. From the windows of the hotel offers a magnificent view of the coastal bays and the sea.

The price for a double room starts from 21414 rubles for one night.
Hotel address: 85107, Greece, Dodecanese Region, Lindos, Main Street

Atrium Palace 4*

Atrium Palace Hotel is located 6 kilometers from Lindos towards Rhodes and 700 meters from the village of Kapafos. The hotel positions itself as "almost 5 stars". In fact, this is a real four-star hotel.

The hotel operates on an all-inclusive basis, and you can also choose other meal plans: breakfast only, or breakfast and dinner. The hotel has 5 types of rooms, the cost of which varies markedly.

The hotel has an excellent infrastructure for a good rest:

  • 6 outdoor pools with fresh water, 1 indoor heated pool with fresh water;
  • beauty saloon;
  • spa - salon with a hairdresser, Turkish bath, sauna;
  • Gym;
  • playground;
  • children's pools: 1 outdoor and 1 indoor pool (fresh water);
  • kids club mini-club.

Bonuses and compliments of the hotel are intended for all tourists upon arrival, regular guests of the hotel, on the tourist's birthday, newlyweds and wedding anniversary.
The hotel is surrounded by a park, the buildings are buried in greenery, goldfish swim in the ponds.

The sandy-pebble beach is located 200 meters from the hotel. Sunbeds and umbrellas on the beach are free, which is very rare for Greece.

Prices for a double room per night start from 12934 rubles. Honeymoon suites, family suites and presidential suites are, of course, more expensive.
Hotel address: Kalathos Beach, Lindos85109, Greece. |

Lindos White Hotel and Suites 3*

Tourists call this three-star hotel “White Lindos” in the reviews, and they unanimously praise the hotel as a whole, the rooms, the excellent cuisine of the hotel, and the sea view from the rooms.

The hotel is one of the five best three-star hotels in Lindos. The pebble beach is 200 meters away. The center of Lindos is 3.5 kilometers away and can be reached by regular bus. The hotel has its own supermarket.

The hotel is designed for a quiet, family holiday. The hotel is surrounded by a garden with a playground and tennis courts.

Hotel infrastructure:

  • cafe / bar;
  • open pool;
  • parking;
  • car rental;
  • 2 children's pools with fresh water;
  • sauna;
  • hamam;
  • Spa-center;
  • billiards;
  • table tennis;
  • tennis court.

The price of a double room for one night starts from 7870 rubles.
Hotel address: Vlycha Beach, Lindos, 85107, Greece.
Hotel website:

Anastasia Studios 2*

Anastasia Studios is one of the cheapest accommodation options on the coast between Rhodes and Lindos. The capital of the island of Rhodes is 20 kilometers from here, and 25 kilometers to Lindos.

This two-star hotel is convenient for travelers who do not want to spend all their time on the beach and rent a car. The hotel is a 10-minute walk from Afandou village and the beach. From the windows of the hotel offers a beautiful view of the village.

The hotel rooms have a mini-kitchen, a refrigerator and you can cook your own food in the room. The hotel has a restaurant and a snack bar. The hotel is quite small, only 7 rooms.

One night in a hotel will cost only 3691 rubles. You should not demand five-star service from a two-star hotel: a bed, a shower and a bath and food in a restaurant at your own expense - that's what you can count on for that kind of money.
Hotel address: 85103, Greece, Dodecanese region, Afantou, Pernou 125.


In the center of ancient Lindos, on a high rock, is the Acropolis.. This architectural masterpiece of world significance was built in the 2nd century BC. After this is the largest Acropolis in Greece.

The center of the Acropolis is the temple of Athena of Lindos, famous far beyond the borders of Rhodes, built according to Homer in the 14th century BC. Danem. Danai was the son of the Egyptian king Bel, and is considered the ancestor of the Danaans. The temple, according to legend, was built by Danai with his 50 daughters when they hid here from anger. The great Alexander the Great came to this temple to bow to the goddess.

The original Acropolis was much larger. It combined defensive and cultural functions. There were many temples, a square, amphitheatres, warehouses with water and food supplies.

The ascent to the Acropolis is quite steep. But you can use the services. Their "services" are valued at 5 euros.

An amazing ancient theater is carved right into the rock. In the time of the Hellenes, all the buildings of the Acropolis were a single ensemble, an excellent example of ancient Greek architecture.
Knights - Ionites erected in the Acropolis medieval castle Order of Saint John.

In the 14th century, the knights built a protective wall around the city, which finally made the city impregnable for enemies. In order to get to the Acropolis, you have to go through the fortress. Narrow stairs without railings are unsafe, especially for children.
Over the centuries, the Acropolis of Lindos has been destroyed many times by earthquakes and has been reconstructed.

The Acropolis of Lindos overlooks St. Paul's Bay.

According to legend, the Apostle got into a severe storm when he sailed on a ship past the island. Paul offered up a prayer for salvation, a passage opened in the rocks, and the ship was saved. Thus, a beautiful bay appeared. The apostle stayed on the island and began to preach Christianity here. At the place where the Apostle Paul landed on the shore, a chapel was erected.

In Lindos, during the Byzantine Empire, the ancient Christian Church of St. John was built.

At the monastery of the Archangel Michael there is a temple where you can see ancient frescoes and see the service of Byzantine monks. Several Orthodox churches have been preserved in Lindos. One of them is the St. Nicholas Orthodox Church of the XIII century, built on the site where there used to be an even more ancient church.

Landmark of Lindos are the "houses of the captains", built in the 16th - 19th centuries and protected by UNESCO.

This is the most colorful quarter of the city, whose houses are made in the same style. Behind the snow-white facades of luxurious villas are patios with beautiful flower beds.

The system of fountains, built back in the time of the Byzantines, has survived to this day.
The sculptors of Lindos were famous throughout Greece. Sculpture of Nike of Samothrace on display at the Louvre, the author of which is the great sculptor Pythocrates.

Not only architectural monuments are a landmark of Lindos. Incredibly beautiful landscapes and picturesque bays are the most beautiful not only in Rhodes, but throughout Greece.

The beaches of Lindos are certainly attractions, as are architectural masterpieces .

On the two beaches of Lindos, Big and Small, everything is arranged for comfortable rest. Sunbeds and umbrellas, restaurants and boat trips, a variety of water and beach activities - everything you can dream of while relaxing by the sea.

Eat in Rhodes amazing place. IN different countries There are many butterfly parks in the world, but they are all artificial and covered with a net.

The Butterfly Valley in Rhodes is of natural origin. This is a wonderful corner of nature, where a stream flows between the rocks. Here, in the humid and warm gorge of the butterfly stream, she-bears introduce their offspring. The valley is small, but well equipped for tourists.

Getting here is easy: Buses run every hour from the main bus station of Rhodes to the valley. The fare costs 5 euros, the journey takes 30 minutes. A taxi ride will cost 30 - 35 euros. The last bus from the valley to the capital leaves at 15.00. Therefore, you need to leave Lindos early. There are guided tours from hotels to the Butterfly Valley.


Lindos is a resort for lovers of picturesque nature, ancient architecture, beautiful beaches and the purest, blue-emerald sea. For tourists who crave stormy and noisy nightlife, it is better to choose other resorts: Rhodes or Filiraki. In Lindos, noise levels are regulated by local law.

But there are still entertainments on Lindos, including night ones. Numerous restaurants host themed evenings, bands play, and you can dance. In local taverns, in addition to excellent local cuisine, you can listen to Greek music played by local musicians.

Numerous bars in Lindos are famous for their excellent cocktails.
Numerous nightclubs are located on the streets of the town. They are small, do not have large areas, but very cozy. They cannot be missed during evening walks around Lindos. In ancient Lindos, as in a UNESCO site, nothing can be built and changed.

Therefore, in taverns and restaurants on the roofs of old houses, gardens and open areas are arranged, where you can not only have a delicious dinner, but also admire beautiful views of the coast.

In the center of Lindos, in one of the captain's houses, is the Kalypso restaurant, Odos Agiou Pavlou, and in front of it on the roof is the Kyriakos tavern, where you can hear live Greek music almost every evening.

The most famous and popular is night club"Amphitheater"", which is located 1 km from Lindos on the road to Filiraki.

You can get here and back by a free taxi from Platia Eleftherias. Every day from 24 hours until sunrise, open-air discos are held here, which is very pleasant in the hot climate of the island. The evening is spent by two DJs.

The dance floor offers incredible views of the sea and rocks. The club has a beautiful bar and a fairly large hall. Entrance ticket costs 5-15 euros depending on the DJ performing the evening.

Cocktails cost 5 euros, but with the purchase of an entrance ticket, any drink is served free of charge. Foreigners from all over Europe willingly visit this club. Meeting the dawn here is absolutely unforgettable.


In the ancient, one-story Lindos, there are no large shopping centers. Small shops are located in the city center.

It sells: jewelry, wine, olives and ceramics, souvenirs, shells and sponges. But Lindos is famous for its ceramic workshops, and products made in them.

You can see the work of potters in the workshops, which are located next to the ceramics shops. The traditions of ancient Greece have not been interrupted until now. Master potters work using pottery samples found during excavations. Buying such a product is not a cheap pleasure, but what a memory of the trip!

For those who love not chic boutiques, but ordinary markets, a visit to the Lindos market will deliver real pleasure. It is huge, you can buy here whatever your heart desires, and unlike shops, you can bargain here.

Charming Lindos, sprawling around the Acropolis hill with white foam of houses, leaves no one indifferent. Those who came here for the first time come back again and again to see the bays with emerald water, admire the sunsets from the roof of your favorite restaurant or stroll through the narrow streets of the old town. Lindos is a story that has survived to this day, alive, fascinating and always a little mysterious.

Address: Greece, Rhodes island, Lindos city
Main attractions: Temple of Athena of Lindia, Church of St. John, Fortress of the Knights
Coordinates: 36°05"29.9"N 28°05"17.9"E


Short description

The Greek island of Rhodes attracts the attention of thousands of tourists from all over the globe, who are attracted not only by its mild climate and two seas at once (Aegean and Mediterranean), but also by the mass of historical and architectural monuments.

Surprisingly, the ruins of some of them date back to the pre-Greek (!) period. One of the most interesting attractions is located near the city of Lindos - this is the legendary and world-famous Acropolis. It is located on an "impregnable" steep rock, from the top of which a picturesque view of the sea opens.

General view of the Acropolis

In addition to the ruins of the Acropolis, a person who has climbed a rock that seems to hang over an endless water element will be able to see a castle built by knights during the Middle Ages. In the Acropolis of Lindos, one gets the feeling that time did not rule this place: the oldest sanctuaries built back in the 400s BC, in which pagan gods were worshiped, are located next to the Roman temple and with the more “modern” and “usual” medieval fortress wall, fortification, tower and Christian chapel.

The Acropolis of Lindos is rightfully considered the second most important in all of Greece. However, its sights do not consist exclusively of ruins, and from them one can get a certain idea of ​​​​the significance for a vast country not only of a small town, whose population today is just over 4,000 people, but of the entire island. Naturally, it is rather difficult to overestimate the strategic importance of the island of Rhodes and the fortress built by medieval knights on a high rock.

General view of the Acropolis

True, we must not forget that even before our era, access to two seas at once did Greek island just a tidbit for the conquerors, who could conduct uninterrupted trade from its ports and raid neighboring islands. It is for this reason that the island had a difficult history, mostly associated with bloody wars, betrayals, robberies and destruction. Let's be frank, in ancient times such an unenviable fate was not only near the island and its city of Lindos, with the once beautiful Acropolis, but throughout Greece.

Acropolis of Lindos - temple of Athena Linda and the myth of the goddess

The city of Lindos, located on the island of Rhodes, like all ancient Greek cities, had its own patron, or rather the patroness. Athena Linda provided prosperity, protection from enemies and prosperity to the townspeople. Undoubtedly, in the Acropolis of Lindos, the temple was considered the main building, in which the entire population of Rhodes brought gifts and worshiped the goddess. It was built according to the project of an architect whose name has not been preserved by time, back in the 4th century BC. This is the official version of modern scientists, however, there is unconfirmed evidence that Athena Linda was worshiped 900 years before the Savior came to our world.

Temple of Athena of Lindia

As a result archaeological sites V The remains of an ancient sanctuary built in the 6th century BC were found on the Acropolis of Lindos. The examination showed that the old temple was burned down, and in its place in the 4th century a “new” one appeared, with beautiful columns and a massive staircase. In ancient descriptions, there are references to the fact that Alexander the Great worshiped Athena Linda and made not a single pilgrimage to the temple on the territory of the Acropolis of Lindos.

One of the most interesting ancient Greek myths has survived to this day, telling how Athena Linda saved the inhabitants of Rhodes and the city located on it from plunder. The Persian Darius ordered the commander Datis to conquer Rhodes with his army, and thereby secure a strategic advantage at sea. All the inhabitants, barely seeing the huge Persian army, took refuge on a high rock outside the walls of the Acropolis of Lindos. Datis understood that it would not be possible to take the Acropolis by storm and most of his troops would die during the ascent to the hill.

Church of Saint John

Therefore, the ancient strategist decided to wait until the people who had taken refuge in the Acropolis began to die of thirst. The besieged really had no supplies of drinking water, and almost everyone decided to surrender to the mercy of the Persians.

At that moment, Athena Linda herself appeared to one of the Greeks and said that she would not allow the enemy to capture the Acropolis. To Datis, the besieged replied to his ultimatum that Athena would help them in the very near future, and they did not intend to surrender. The commander, according to an ancient legend, laughed at the simple-minded inhabitants of Rhodes for a long time, but the very next day incessant rains began and people who had taken refuge behind the walls of the Acropolis of Lindos were able to replenish their supplies. Datis believed in the help of a higher power and, frightened by the wrath of the goddess, decided to retreat. This myth suggests that the miraculous appearance of Athena Linda, in whose honor the temple was built on the territory of the Acropolis of Lindos, occurred in 490 BC.

Fortress of the Knights

Unfortunately, time did not spare the once huge and beautiful temple. Numerous marauders and hunters for ancient values ​​did not spare him either. Today, only a few Doric-style columns and ruined parts of the building remain from the sanctuary of Athena Linda. By the way, according to ancient descriptions, it can be assumed that in the center of the temple in ancient times there was a statue of the goddess Athena, which was destroyed or stolen, or maybe it was simply destroyed by time.

Acropolis of Lindos through the eyes of a modern tourist

You can climb the Acropolis of Lindos along a narrow path that wraps around an impregnable rock like a snake. You can enter the territory through the fortification, which was built by the knights belonging to the Order of St. John. Almost immediately behind the powerful medieval fortification is the ticket office. Like many monuments of history and architecture, access to the Acropolis of Lindos is paid, the ticket price is 6 euros, but older people can pay only 50% of the cost of the entrance ticket. Young people can get acquainted with the ruins of the temple of Athena Linda and other sights of the Acropolis for free. True, all benefits are calculated only for citizens of countries that are members of the European Union.


Once the tourist is on the territory of the Acropolis of Lindos, he can immediately see two attractions. One of them is a small elevation made by ancient craftsmen in honor of the wealthy inhabitant of Aglaohartra, who at one time presented olives as an offering to Athena Linda. To the right of this "monument" is one of the most interesting images of the Acropolis - an ancient ship carved by an unknown sculptor right into the rock! It is interesting that this ship was a kind of pedestal for the statue of the hero Agesander, who once won a victory in one of the naval battles near the island of Rhodes. Archaeologists say that the statue stood at the stern of the ship, but, like other monuments, time did not spare it. Not even an inscription has been preserved, saying in honor of whom the ancient inhabitants of Rhodes installed the sculpture.

Remains of a temple, probably from the Roman period

After visiting these sights, the tourist immediately gets on the stairs that lead to the building called the Palace of the Grand Master. It is worth noting that this building was erected on the territory of the Acropolis of Lindos already during the Middle Ages, but the stairs leading to it date back to the 6th century BC. As mentioned above, on the territory of the Acropolis, towering on the rock of the island of Rhodes, time periods are closely intertwined: near the Palace of the Grand Master are the ruins of a temple dedicated to Diocletian and built during the heyday of the Great Roman Empire.

After examining these ruins, you should go to the Propylaea - the gates of the Acropolis through the Dorian Portico. By the way, next to the ancient portico is the Church of St. John, which, as is known from the surviving documents, was built by knights in the 13th century AD. The dimensions of the Propylaea are impressive - 34 steps 21 meters wide. Behind these Propylaea and is the main building of the ancient Acropolis of Lindos - the temple of the goddess Athena Linda. During the reign of the Romans, a portico in the Ionic style was added to the Propylaea, which were supposed to be a kind of “barrier” separating the holy place from the rest of the Acropolis. Guides conducting tours of the Acropolis say that gifts intended for Athena were exhibited on the steps, and festive meals were often arranged on them.

On the territory of the Acropolis

Those who were brought to Greece should definitely set aside time and go to the island of Rhodes in order to see the ancient Acropolis of Lindos with their own eyes. By the way, you can not pay for the entrance to its territory every Sunday from November to April, as well as on the days of the Greek national holidays. The description of the Acropolis of Lindos can be found in almost every tourist booklet that hotels in Greece offer their guests, which once again proves its importance as one of the main monuments of history and architecture.

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