What is a court role. Download the crew list form


1. These Rules for maintaining a crew list (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are established in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 32 of the Merchant Shipping Code Russian Federation and subject to the provisions of the Convention to Facilitate International Maritime Navigation, 1965.

2. For the purposes of these Rules, maintaining a crew list means its completion, signature and authentication (certification) in the manner set forth in paragraphs 14, 15 of these Rules.

3. The crew list is the main ship's document containing information about the number and composition of the crew upon arrival and departure of the ship.

In accordance with Article 7 of the Merchant Shipping Code of the Russian Federation, a ship is understood to be a self-propelled or non-self-propelled floating structure used for merchant shipping purposes.

4. The Rules establish a unified procedure for maintaining a crew list and are mandatory for employees of the Marine Service of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and the Service river fleet Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, maritime port administrations, state basin administrations of waterways and shipping, captains of commercial seaports, ship owners, captains of sea vessels and ships of mixed (river - sea) navigation, sailing under the State flag of the Russian Federation:

5. The ship's crew list is submitted by the master of the ship upon the ship's arrival at the port or the ship's exit from the port to port authorities, border control authorities, as well as authorities exercising control over the entry (exit) of ship crew members to the territory of the Russian port.

6. It is not required to provide a crew list at each call of the ship to the port, when the ship, working according to the schedule, calls at the same port at least once within 14 days, provided that there are no changes in the composition of the ship's crew.

When a ship leaves the port, it is allowed to present the crew list presented at the time of the ship's arrival at the port, if changes have been made to it or no changes have been indicated.

7. The procedure for recording in the crew list about the absence of changes in the composition of the ship's crew, as well as making changes when replacing individual crew members, is given in paragraph 15 of these Rules.

8. The crew list contains the following information:

Name and nationality of the ship;

Port of arrival / departure;

Date of arrival / departure;

From which port did it arrive;

about the crew members:

Surname, name and patronymic;

Date and place of birth;


Position on board

  • series and number of the sailor's passport or other document proving the identity of the seafarer.

8. Persons included in the ship's crew, as well as:

cadets (students) of educational institutions sent to this ship for swimming practice;

  • employees of federal executive bodies and employees of organizations under the jurisdiction of these bodies, as well as representatives of the shipowner seconded to work on ships;
  • children aged 12-16 years who go to sea on board the ship together with the ship's crew members who are their legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees), entered in accordance with paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the sailor's passport (approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 1.12.1997 No. 1508) in the sailor's passports of these persons.

The positions indicated in the ship's role on the ship of cadets (students) of educational institutions and persons seconded to ships for foreign navigation are determined by the shipowner, who has the right to complete the ship's crew.

8. The crew list is filled on the ship:

· when the vessel arrives at the Russian port or the vessel departs from the Russian port - in Russian;

  • upon arrival of a ship at a foreign port or departure of a ship from a foreign port - in English,

With a small number of the ship's crew, it is allowed to fill in the ship's role simultaneously in Russian and English.

8. The crew list is filled in using typewritten means or by hand in legible handwriting in black ink.

9. Columns of the crew list are filled in as follows:

· "last name, first name and patronymic", "date and place of birth", "citizenship" - according to the data given in the sailor's passport or other identity document;

  • "position" - on ships of foreign navigation - in accordance with the entry on the official position on the ship in the seafarer's passport or other document issued in accordance with the Convention on National Identity Cards for Seafarers (hereinafter - Convention No. 108). On ships that are not ships of foreign navigation - in accordance with the order (instruction) of the shipowner on the appointment of a person as a member of the ship's crew.

The entry into the seafarer's identity card of an entry about the official position of a crew member on board the ship shall be made in the manner established for making a similar entry into the seafarer's passport.

· "series, number of the sailor's passport or other identity document" - according to the data indicated in the sailor's passport or in the corresponding identity document.

8. Documents proving the identity of a member of the ship's crew may be the following documents:

on a ship of foreign navigation:

  • for citizens of the Russian Federation - a sailor's passport;
  • for foreign citizens and stateless persons - a seafarer's identity card introduced in accordance with Convention No. 108;
  • on a ship that is not a ship of foreign navigation:
  • for citizens of the Russian Federation - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • for foreign citizens and stateless persons - a seafarer's identity card introduced in accordance with Convention No. 108, or valid documents proving their identity and recognized by the Russian Federation in this capacity, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

8. The crew list upon arrival of a vessel at a Russian or foreign port, upon departure of a vessel from a foreign port, as well as upon departure from a Russian port of a vessel that is not a vessel for foreign navigation, shall be certified by the master of the vessel.

When a foreign-going vessel leaves a Russian port, the crew list is signed by the captain of the ship and certified by the shipowner or the captain of the port from which the ship leaves (hereinafter, we mean the port captain who is a member of the maritime administration of the port (the state basin administration of waterways and navigation) or management body of the commercial seaport performing the functions of the maritime administration).

The signatures of the captain of the ship, the shipowner and the captain of the port are sealed with the appropriate seals.

Certification by the shipowner or the Harbor Master is subject to the crew lists of ships, the route of which, after leaving the Russian port, provides for crossing the outer limit of the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation.

9. The entries provided for by paragraphs 6 and 7 of these Rules on the absence of changes in the composition of the ship's crew and on changes in the composition of the ship's crew shall be placed below the certifying signature of the shipowner and the Harbor Master or on the reverse side of the list sheet.

If there are no changes in the composition of the ship's crew, a record "No changes" is made, which is certified by the signature of the captain of the ship and the ship's seal indicating the date.

In case of changes in the composition of the ship's crew, changes to the crew list are made in the following order. The line with the last name of the retired crew member is crossed out. The line with the last name of the new crew member shall be numbered with the line number of the retired crew member.

When a crew member retires without replacement, the line with the last name of the retired crew member is crossed out and a record is made that the crew member (full name, position) was decommissioned from the vessel without replacement.

Changes made to the crew list shall be signed by the master of the ship with the date indicated and certified by the ship's seal.

When making changes to the crew list before the departure of a foreign-going vessel from a Russian port, these changes must be certified by the shipowner or the Harbor Master.

10. For the accuracy of the information contained in the crew list (extract from the crew list), the persons who provided such information, as well as the persons who certify the crew list, are liable in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Watch logs

All essential information relating to the day-to-day operation of the ship must be recorded in logbooks, the format of which is determined by the company. Journals must be filled out in strict accordance with the instructions attached to them. The main journals are prescribed by convention requirements. In the event of a ship accident or pollution environment, the entries in the logs are legal evidence in the investigation of the causes of these events and the liability arising from them. Therefore, in addition to the prescribed mandatory entries, it is recommended to record in the logbook all information that, in the opinion of the person keeping the logbook, may further affect the safety of the ship, people and cargo carried.

Entries in the logbooks are made by officers on duty. All entries in it must be made before the end of the watch. The change of watch is recorded in the journal and confirmed by the signatures of the supervisors handing over and accepting the watch. The captain of the ship must review the contents of the logs daily and confirm this with his signature. Erasures, wiping, the use of coloring agents in logbooks is not allowed. If corrections are needed, the erroneous entry should be crossed out with a thin line so that it can be read, and then, if necessary, new text is entered. Corrections must be certified by the signature of the person who made them. If there are automated means of recording, such as a reverse graph, a course graph, a recorder of run-out parameters according to the machine setting, etc., the tapes of these devices with records should be stored on board the ship in a specially designated place for one year. Logbooks include:

Ship's journal. He is constantly on the navigation bridge (in the chart room) and is conducted by the captain's officer on duty both on the move and at the ship's parking lot.

Machine magazine. It is constantly located in the engine room (at the central control post) and is carried out by the engineer on duty on the move and at the ship's parking lot. The chief mechanic must familiarize himself daily with the contents of the engine log and confirm this with his signature.

Radiotelegraph magazine. He is constantly in the radio room and is kept by the person carrying the radio watch. Daily controlled by the head of the radio station or a person replacing him, and signed by the captain.

The rules for maintaining a crew list on ships of the fishing fleet of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the State Fisheries Committee of Russia dated March 3, 2004. The practical significance of a crew list in ship documentation lies in the fact that when checked by supervisory authorities. On approval of the rules for maintaining a ship's role. Crew list. PDF, EPUB, ! Download sample document Crew list. The role of the ship is InterpretationTranslation. In the case of a significant number of crew, it is allowed to fill in the crew list separately in Russian and separately in English. Forms, contracts, sample documents. In the case of a significant number of crew, it is allowed to fill in the crew list separately, a copy in Russian

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order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia

dated _____________ No. ______


crew role

1. These Rules for maintaining a crew list (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 32 of the Federal Law of 01.01.01 "Code of Merchant Shipping of the Russian Federation"1) and standard 2.6 of the Convention to Facilitate International Maritime Navigation of 19652).

2. The crew list is the main ship document containing information about the number and composition of the crew when the ship arrives at sea ​​port and departure of the ship from the seaport.

3. The rules establish a unified procedure for maintaining a crew list and are mandatory for employees of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport, the Federal Agency for Maritime and river transport, the Federal Agency for Fisheries, seaport administrations, state basin administrations of waterways and shipping, captains of seaports, Russian shipowners, captains of sea vessels, vessels of the fishing fleet and vessels of mixed (river - sea) navigation (hereinafter referred to as vessels) sailing under the State flag of the Russian Federation.

4. The crew list according to the form in accordance with the Appendix to these Rules shall be presented by the captain of the vessel upon the vessel’s arrival at the seaport (hereinafter referred to as the port) or the vessel’s exit from the port to port authorities, border control authorities, as well as authorities exercising control over the entry (exit) of crew members ships to the port area.

5. When a ship leaves the port, it is allowed to present the crew list presented upon the ship's arrival at the port, if no changes have been made in the composition of the ship's crew.

6. The crew list contains the following information:

the name and number of the vessel assigned by the International Maritime Organization (hereinafter - IMO);

ship's flag state;

call sign;

flight number;

surname, name, patronymic (or names);


job title;

Date and place of birth;

type and number of the identity document;

port and date of arrival;

last port of call.

7. Persons who are members of the ship's crew, as well as:

cadets (students) of educational institutions sent to this ship for swimming practice;

employees of federal executive bodies and employees of organizations under the jurisdiction of these bodies, as well as representatives of the shipowner seconded to work on ships;

children aged 12 - 16 years who go to sea on board a vessel with members of the vessel's crew who are their legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees), entered in the seafarer's passport of these persons in accordance with paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the seafarer's passport3).

The positions indicated in the crew list on the ship of cadets (students) of educational institutions and persons seconded to ships are determined by the shipowner, who has the right to complete the ship's crew.

8. The crew list is filled on the ship:

when a vessel arrives at a Russian port or departs from a Russian port - on ;

upon arrival of a vessel at a foreign port or departure of a vessel from a foreign port - on .

With a small number of the ship's crew, it is allowed to fill in the crew list simultaneously in Russian and English.

9. The crew list is filled in using typewritten means or by hand in legible handwriting in black ink.

10. Columns of the crew list are filled in as follows:

"surname, name and patronymic (or names)" - in accordance with the entry in the document proving the identity of the ship's crew member;

"job title":

on ships of foreign navigation - in accordance with the entry on the official position on the ship in the seafarer's passport, other document issued in accordance with the Convention on National Identity Cards for Seafarers (Convention No. 000) 4) or in the seaman's book;

on ships that are not ships of foreign navigation - in accordance with the order (instruction) of the shipowner on the appointment of a person as a member of the ship's crew;

"citizenship", "date and place of birth" - according to the data given in the sailor's passport or other identity document;

"type and number of the identity document":

on a ship of foreign navigation:

for a citizen of the Russian Federation - the series and number of a sailor's passport or a sailor's identity card and a passport proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation;

for a foreign citizen or stateless person - the series and number of a sailor's identity card or other valid document required for exit from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation in accordance with Article 24 of the Federal Law of 01.01.01 "On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation”5);

on a ship that is not a ship of foreign navigation:

for a citizen of the Russian Federation - the series and number of a sailor's identity card or an identification document on the territory of the Russian Federation;

for a foreign citizen or stateless person - the series and number of a sailor's identity card or other valid identity document recognized in the Russian Federation in this capacity, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation.

11. The crew list upon arrival of the vessel at the port and upon departure of the vessel from the port shall be certified by the captain of the vessel and the ship's seal.


to the Rules (clause 4)


(Form 5 FAL IMO)

1.1. Vessel name

1.2. IMO number

1.3. call sign

1.4. Flight number

2. Port of arrival/departure

(Port of arrival/departure

3. Date of arrival/departure

(date of arrival/departure)

4. State of the ship's flag

(Flag State of ship)

5. Last port of call

(last port of call)

7. Surname, name, patronymic (or names)

(Family name, given names)

8. Position

9. Citizenship

10. Date and place of birth

(Date and
place of

11. Type and number of identity document

(Nature and No of identity document (seaman's passport))

12. Date and signature of the master of the ship, seal

(Date and signature by master, seal)

3) Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1997, No. 49, Art. 5598; 2002, No. 28, Art. 2865; 2007, No. 43, Art. 5212).

4) Ratified by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR -VII (Vedomosti of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 1969, No. 28, item 240).

5) Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 34, Art. 4029; 1998, no. 4, art. 531, no. 30, art. 3606; 1999, no. 26, art. 3175; 2003, no. 2, art. 159, No. 27 (part I), art. 2700; 2004, no. 27, art. 2711; 2006, no. 27, art. 2877, No. 31 (Part I), art. 3420; 2007, No. 1 (part I), art. 29, no. 3, art. 410, no. 49, art. 6071, no. 50, art. 6240; 2008, no. 19, art. 2094, no. 20, art. 2250, No. 30, (Part I), art. 3583, No. 30 (Part II), art. 3616, No. 49, art. 5735, Art. 5748; 2009, no. 1, art. 30, no. 7, art. 772, no. 26, art. 3123, No. 52 (Part I), art. 6407, Art. 6413, Art. 6450; 2010, no. 11, art. 1173, no. 15, art. 1740, Art. 1756, No. 21, Art. 2524, No. 30, art. 4011; 2010, no. 31, art. 4196; No. 52 (part 1), art. 7000; 2011, no. 1, art. 16; No. 1, art. 28; No. 1, art. 29; No. 13, Art. 1689; No. 15, art. 2021; No. 17, art. 2321; No. 30 (part 1), Art. 4578; No. 30 (part 1), Art. 4589.

3. These Rules establish a unified procedure for maintaining a crew list and are mandatory for employees of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport, the Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport, the Federal Agency for Fisheries, seaport administrations, state basin administrations of waterways and shipping, captains of seaports , Russian shipowners, captains of sea vessels, vessels of the fishing fleet and vessels of mixed (river - sea) navigation (hereinafter referred to as vessels) flying the State flag of the Russian Federation.

4. The crew list in accordance with Form 5 FAL IMO of Appendix 1 to the Convention is presented by the captain of the vessel upon arrival of the vessel at the seaport (hereinafter referred to as the port) or exit of the vessel from the port to port authorities, border control authorities, as well as authorities exercising control over entry ( exit) of ship crew members to the port area.

5. When a ship leaves the port, it is allowed to present the crew list presented upon the ship's arrival at the port, if no changes have been made in the composition of the ship's crew.

6. The crew list contains the following information:

1) about the vessel:

the name and number of the vessel assigned by the International Maritime Organization;

ship's flag state;

call sign;

flight number;

port and date of arrival;

last port of call;

2) about the members of the ship's crew and other persons specified in paragraph 7 of these Rules:

surname, name, patronymic (or names);


job title;

Date and place of birth;

type and number of the identity document.

7. Information about the persons who are members of the ship's crew, as well as:

about students of educational institutions sent to this vessel for swimming practice;

about employees of federal executive authorities and employees of organizations under the jurisdiction of these bodies, as well as about shipowner's representatives seconded to work on ships;

about children aged 12-16 years old who go to sea on board a vessel with members of the vessel's crew who are their legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees), entered in the sailor's passports of these persons in accordance with paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the sailor's passport * (4) .

The positions indicated in the crew list on the ship of students of educational institutions and persons seconded to ships are determined by the shipowner, who has the right to complete the ship's crew.

8. The crew list is filled on the ship:

when the ship arrives at the Russian port or the ship leaves the Russian port - in Russian;

when a vessel arrives at a foreign port or departs from a foreign port - in English.

With a small number of the ship's crew, it is allowed to fill in the crew list simultaneously in Russian and English.

9. The crew list is filled in using typewritten means or by hand in legible handwriting in black ink.

10. Columns of the crew list are filled in as follows:

1) "last name, first name and patronymic (or names)" - in accordance with the entry in the identity document;

2) "position":

a) on ships of foreign navigation - in accordance with the entry on the official position on the ship in the sailor's passport, in another document issued in accordance with the Convention on National Identity Cards for Seafarers (Convention No. 108) * (5) or in the navigation book;

b) on ships that are not ships of foreign navigation - in accordance with the order (instruction) of the shipowner on the appointment of a person as a member of the ship's crew;

3) "citizenship", "date and place of birth" - according to the data specified in the sailor's passport or other identity document;

4) "type and number of the identity document":

a) on a foreign-going vessel:

for a citizen of the Russian Federation - the series and number of a seafarer's passport or a seaman's identity card issued in accordance with the requirements of the Convention revising the 1958 Convention on Seamen's Identity Cards (Convention No. 185) * (6), and the passport by which citizens of the Russian Federation travel from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation;

for a foreign citizen or stateless person - the series and number of a sailor's identity card or other valid document required for exit from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation in accordance with Article 24 of the Federal Law of August 15, 1996 N 114-FZ "On the procedure exit from the Russian Federation and entry into the Russian Federation" * (7) , and Article 10 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 115-FZ "On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation" * (8) ;

b) on a ship that is not a ship for foreign navigation:

for a citizen of the Russian Federation - the series and number of a seafarer's identity card issued in accordance with the requirements of the Convention Revising the 1958 Convention on Seafarers' Identity Cards (Convention No. 185), or an identity document on the territory of the Russian Federation;

for a foreign citizen or stateless person - the series and number of a sailor's identity card or other valid identity document recognized in the Russian Federation in this capacity, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation.

11. The crew list upon arrival of the vessel at the port and upon departure of the vessel from the port shall be certified by the captain of the vessel and the ship's seal.

*(6) Ratified by Federal Law No. 194-FZ of November 25, 2006 "On Ratification of the Convention Revising the 1958 Convention on Identity Cards for Seafarers (Convention No. 185)" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2006, No. 48, Art. 4944 ).

*(7) Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 34, Art. 4029; 1998, N 4, art. 531; No. 30, Art. 3606; 1999, N 26, art. 3175; 2003, N 2, Art. 159; N 27 (part 1), Art. 2700; 2004, N 27, Art. 2711; 2006, N 27, Art. 2877; N 31 (part 1), Art. 3420; 2007, N 1 (part 1), art. 29; N 3, art. 410; No. 49, art. 6071; No. 50, Art. 6240; 2008, N 19, art. 2094; No. 20, Art. 2250; N 30 (part 1), Art. 3583; N 30 (part 2), Art. 3616; No. 49, art. 5735, Art. 5748; 2009, N 1, art. thirty; No. 7, art. 772; No. 26, art. 3123; N 52 (part 1), Art. 6407, Art. 6413, Art. 6450; 2010, N 11, art. 1173; No. 15, Art. 1740, Art. 1756; No. 21, art. 2524; No. 30, Art. 4011; 2010, N 31, art. 4196; N 52 (part 1), Art. 7000; 2011, N 1, art. 16; N 1, Art. 28; N 1, Art. 29; No. 13, Art. 1689; No. 15, Art. 2021; No. 17, Art. 2321; N 30 (part 1), Art. 4578, art. 4589; No. 50, Art. 7339, Art. 7340, Art. 7342.

*(8) Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 30, Art. 3032; 2003, N 27, art. 2700; No. 46, Art. 4437; 2006, N 30, art. 3286; 2007, N 1, art. 21; N 2, art. 361; No. 49, art. 6071; No. 50, Art. 6241; 2008, N 19, art. 2094; No. 30, Art. 3616; 2009, N 19, art. 2283; No. 23, Art. 2760; No. 26, art. 3125; No. 52, art. 6450; 2010, No. 21, Art. 2524; No. 30, Art. 4011, No. 31, art. 4196; No. 40, Art. 4969; N 52 (part 1), Art. 7000; 2011, N 1, art. 29, Art. 50; No. 13, Art. 1689; No. 17, Art. 2318, Art. 2321; No. 27, art. 3880; N 30 (part 1), Art. 4590; No. 47, art. 6608; N 49 (part 1), Art. 7043; N 49 (part 5), Art. 7061; No. 50, Art. 7342, Art. 7352.

Reference Commercial Dictionary (1926)

Naval Dictionary

crew list

Border Dictionary

crew list

a document in the form of a list of members of the ship's crew, confirming the seafarer's official position on the ship. There are two forms of S.R.: one for ships visiting foreign ports and making foreign voyages, the other for coastal vessels without calling at foreign ports. On Wednesday. the following information is entered: type, name and nationality of the vessel, flag of the vessel, port and registration number, owner of the vessel, port of destination, date of arrival and departure, last name, first name, patronymic of each crew member, position, rank in specialty and diploma number, number , month and year of birth, place of birth, citizenship, seafarer's passport number (seaman's certificate). On Wednesday. for small coastal vessels, it is not required to indicate a sailor's passport. Before the vessel leaves for the voyage S.r. signed by the captain of the ship or an authorized officer with the obligatory endorsement by the captain of the ship. When implementing border control in S.r. official notes are made about the dates of passing through border control, arrival at the port and departure from it, etc.