Sights of Crimea that are worth visiting on the map. The best sights of Crimea, which are worth a visit


The Crimean peninsula has a rich history: Greeks, Crimean Tatars, Italians, Turks, Russians and Ukrainians lived here in different eras. They fought for their native lands in bloody wars, built cities and castles, wrote poetry and erected monuments. The interweaving of traces of ancient, medieval and modern cultures create a unique image of the Black Sea pearl, and hundreds of thousands of tourists flock to the peninsula to appreciate the sights of Crimea with their own eyes.

Historical sights of Crimea

An ancient city founded by the ancient Greeks in the 5th century BC. e., for a long time was the richest center of culture, crafts and trade. In the 1st century BC e. the first followers of Christ settled here, and in the 10th century Prince Vladimir was baptized. Today Tauric Chersonesos amazes with its primeval beauty and the breath of past eras. Archaeological excavations began in 1827, and it is noteworthy that they are still ongoing.

The ancient monastery in Bakhchisarai, founded by runaway Byzantine monks more than a thousand years ago, is located in a steep wall of a wild gorge. The mountain monastery was closed by the Soviet authorities and then destroyed by the 1927 earthquake.

During the Great Patriotic War, a military hospital was located on its territory, and after that - a psycho-neurological dispensary, and only in 1993 the Holy Assumption Monastery was restored and transferred to the Orthodox Church.

In the Middle Ages, the Crimean peninsula was occupied by the rich colony of Genoa, and in order to protect their lands from the invasions of nomadic tribes, the Genoese built fortresses in Sudak, Feodosia and Balaklava. According to statistics, today these fortress sights of Crimea are the most popular among tourists. This is partly why further archaeological excavations are planned on the territory of the citadels, designed to continue an exciting journey into the past.

4. Monument to the Scuttled Ships in Sevastopol

During the Crimean War in 1854-1855, orders were given to sink Russian ships in the Sevastopol Bay in order to prevent the enemy fleet from reaching the shores. At the beginning of the 20th century, a monument to the scuttled ships was opened, which is now depicted on the coat of arms of the city. A triumphal column with a double-headed eagle looking towards the sea rises on an artificial granite rock protruding from the water. The monument, over 16 meters high, embodies the eternal memory of the heroes of the war.

The military-historical memorial is located on a strategically important hill on the Ship side of Sevastopol. This height, from which a bewitching panorama of the city opens, became famous in two wars: the Crimean and the Great Patriotic Wars. The defensive tower, preserved from the time of the First Defense of Sevastopol, the museum, the Eternal Flame and more than twenty memorial architectural monuments can tell about the battles and exploits of Russian soldiers and commanders.

The snow-white and blue Moorish-style palace was built near Yalta at the end of the 19th century for Prince Romanov according to his own sketch. Arched windows, battlements, silvery domes - the luxurious building fully justifies its name, which is translated from Arabic as "magnificent".

With the advent of Soviet power, the palace functioned as a sanatorium, but today it is closed to visitors, however, tourists can view this Crimean landmark from the outside and walk around the picturesque territories of the palace.

In 1942, the Nazis occupied Kerch. Soviet troops, who did not have time to evacuate, and the local population went to the dungeons of the village of Adzhimushkay. The defense of the quarries lasted almost half a year, and after the capture of the catacombs, forty-eight people out of thirteen thousand remained alive.

A tour of the Adzhimushkay quarries is designed to acquaint people with the conditions for the survival of the defenders and tell about the feat and tragedy of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War.

On Red Rock, at an altitude of more than 400 meters above sea level, at the end of the 19th century, a church was erected in honor of the miraculous rescue of Alexander III and his family during the collapse of the imperial train in 1888. During the occupation by the German invaders, the building was used as a stable, after the war a restaurant was opened here, and then a warehouse. In the early nineties, plundered, without windows and domes, the church began to be gradually restored. Today, the most beautiful Byzantine-style church is open to the public.

One of the most famous sights of Crimea is the palace of a German baron, built at the beginning of the 20th century in the spirit of medieval knights' castles on a sheer cliff on the southern coast of the peninsula. At the beginning of the First World War, a restaurant was opened in the building, in Soviet years- reading room. For a long time the castle was in disrepair. Today, the restored masterpiece of Gothic architecture is open to the public.

In the Bakhchisaray region, on a mountain plateau, there is an ancient cave fortress. According to scientists, it was created in the 5th century, later it was mastered by the Polovtsy, then by the Karaites. More than one hundred and fifty caves are former residential and utility rooms, carved into the rocks, like a honeycomb. To this day, only two Karaite temples, one residential estate and the mausoleum of the daughter of Khan Tokhtamysh have been well preserved. The rest of the city has been reduced to rubble.

Crimean sights, as if on purpose, are located very well. No matter how you plan your route, there is always something interesting nearby. If you expand all the sights of Crimea on the map, you can easily plan a route for every taste: through cave cities, through palaces and museums, through south coast parks, as well as through any other historical, archaeological, natural and botanical monuments of the peninsula.

If you love, then most often they are formed geographically. For example, "Sights Southern Crimea"will include Nikitsky Garden, and at least a couple of palaces - Livadia and Vorontsovsky, as well as the Yalta embankment, a cable car and, for dessert, a boat trip. But on excursions you will not be shown the “parade” of nudists in Fox Bay or the majestic rocks and cliffs of Cape Fiolent. All the most interesting places hidden from the eyes of an ordinary tourist and our site will help you reveal the secrets of the wonderful Crimea!

Map of Crimea with attractions

We have collected all the interesting places that every tourist needs to see in Crimea in a convenient guide with photos and descriptions. Each point and each place is exactly marked on the map, you can download any category from the guide in universal .kml format. This file can then be copied to your navigator or phone, tablet. This will allow you not to get lost and visit all the places planned in advance without unexpected “adventures”.

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Photos of Crimean sights - everything interesting in Crimea!

For example, you can see the Swallow's Nest from all angles in pictures on the Internet, but this is nothing compared to reality. This greatest attraction of Yalta (Crimea) has a peculiarity: you need to look at the Swallow's Nest from the ship, bending around the rock from the sea. Wind, sea spray, the cries of seagulls, and in the sky - the crown of architectural excellence of the Crimean southern coast! The sights of Crimea in the photo are only suitable for planning a route. To estimate how big the palace is and how long it will take to inspect it. How difficult is the route in the cave, how deep is the bay, how high does the cable car go...

Sights of Crimea: when to see?

And finally: Crimea is not only a summer resort. Forget this stereotype. The sights of Crimea in the summer are the beach, boat trips, water parks and open airs. Winter Crimea no less interesting. This is a calm, not burdened by queues, realm of luxurious palaces and noble estates, ancient museums and walks in the evergreen parks of the South Coast. Come to us! Sights of Crimea are waiting for you at any time of the year!

Most vacationers do not agree to limit their vacation to lying on the beach (even the most wonderful one) - give them sights as well. Crimea is rich in them so much that it will satisfy every taste. On the peninsula there are both natural and man-made wonders - in huge numbers. About them with photos and descriptions in more detail in our rating - TOP-50. Go!

Palaces of Crimea: what to see from the castles

Bird home

  • Address: Alupkinskoe highway, 9A, Gaspra, Yalta.

This is the official symbol of Crimea, the photo of the legendary building is known to everyone. Although outwardly the Swallow's Nest is strikingly similar to medieval castle, it appeared only in 1912. Created a masterpiece commissioned by industrialist R. von Stengel architect L. Sherwood.

After the revolution, the castle was badly damaged due to neglect and due to an earthquake, but in 1967 it was completely restored. Now they carry it; Various exhibitions and cultural events are regularly held there.

  • Address: River street, 33, Bakhchisarai.

The Khan's Palace in Bakhchisarai is a whole complex that was built during the first half of the 16th century. It was the residence of the Crimean khans. In 1736, Russian troops burned it (during the war with Turkey), but in the 20th century the palace was completely restored.

Now it is an architectural and historical museum complex. It includes many different structures (mosque, baths, harem ...), the most famous of them is.

  • Address: Alupkinskoe highway, 13, Gaspra settlement.

The palace on the site of an ancient Roman estate in Gaspra was built for one of the members of the imperial family by the famous architect N.P. Krasnov. The architecture of the complex combined antique (with a hint of the location of the estate) and Scottish motifs.

  • Address: Simferopol highway, 13, Massandra.

Its construction was ordered by Count Vorontsov; however, the estate was later bought from him for Tsar Alexander III. The architect M. Mesmacher basically retained the original design of the building.

The king did not live to complete the construction, although he had been here. The estate was in the possession of the Romanovs before the revolution, after which it was used as a children's sanatorium and a government building. Now it is a branch of the Alupka Museum. It houses a rich exposition dedicated to the history of the Romanov dynasty.

  • Address: st. Baturina, 44A, Livadia.

The resort Crimea began as a place of royal rest. The Livadia Palace complex near was built from 1834 to 1911; since 1861 the estate belonged to the royal family. Alexander III died here and Nicholas II rested every summer. The modern look of the complex was given by N.P. Krasnov.

In Soviet times, the palace was used as a sanatorium, then meetings were held in it within the framework and the President of the United States F.D. Roosevelt lived in it. Now the palace is a museum complex; its exposition tells about the royal family and the Yalta conference.

  • Address: Palace Highway, 18, Alupka.
  • Address: Knyagini Gagarina street, 5, Utes, Alushta.

The most beautiful Crimean parks and gardens

  • Palace highway, 18, Alupka settlement.

The famous Crimean palaces are usually surrounded by the original park area. Vorontsovsky Park is considered one of the most beautiful among the palaces. It was built at the same time as the palace.

The park has two levels, and from the lower one you can go to the sea (this is what many tourists do). The territory is divided into thematic areas; there are 4 artificial glades and 3 artificial lakes. There are several viewpoints. You can visit the park for free - they often go to the beach along it.

  • Address: Foros descent, Foros.

It was founded by the hero of the war of 1812, General Raevsky, but made a masterpiece by the tea magnate A. Kuznetsov. The park is unique in terms of species richness of vegetation, and is inferior in this only to the botanical garden.

The park is decorated with artificial reservoirs. It has a regular and forested parts. The total area is 70 hectares. In Forossky Park you can walk for free at any time.

  • Address: Vasilchenko street, 1a, Partenit village.

This masterpiece of park art is relatively young - it appeared in 1964. The park is known under the name of I. Aivazovsky. The main local attraction is the old olive grove. However, the park has several thematic areas decorated in different traditions. Recently added to them.

It is important to consider that the entrance to this park is paid.

  • Address: Nikitsky Spusk, 52, Nikita, Yalta.

This is the most famous object of this kind in the Crimea. The botanical garden is considered one of the best in the world in terms of the volume and quality of collections. You can come here at any time of the year (greenhouses are open in winter). Traditionally, seasonal festivals are held in Nikita - tulips, irises, roses, chrysanthemums ...

The park has been repeatedly used for. In it you can buy varietal planting material (including local selection).

  • Address: Drazhinsky highway, pos. Nikita.

Perhaps he is the youngest - appeared in 2017. They had been planning to create a branch of Nikita in Yalta for a long time, but slowly.

Despite its youth, the park looks complete and sophisticated. It has an artificial reservoir and several themed areas (floral "Garden of Eden", Mexican garden and much more). Admission is paid, but tickets are inexpensive.

Lakes, rivers and waterfalls in Crimea

In ancient times, primitive people lived along the banks of the river - this is confirmed by archaeological finds. Now it attracts the attention of fishermen - the catch in Salgir is not bad.

Belbek leads the TOP of the Crimean reservoirs in terms of full flow, although its length is only 63 km. Near its mouth there is a resort - a well-known suburb.

The river laid a deep gorge in the rocks of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains - recognized as one of the most interesting. Reviews of fishermen also praise Belbek.

  • Coordinates: 44.492595, 34.092194.

The waterfall on the river of the same name is located on one of the slopes of the Ai-Petri massif. Its height is about 100 m, Wuchang-Su is the highest of.

However, the Wuchang-Su River is not full-flowing, so it is best to admire the waterfall in spring - in summer it dries up. In winter, the stream turns into a cascade of icicles.

Waterfall Dzhur-Dzhur

  • Coordinates: 44.805430, 34.459677.

Dzhur-Dzhur on the Ulu-Uzen River is the most powerful of the Crimean waterfalls. Located close to. The height is small 915 m, but the power of the 5-meter stream makes an impression.

The surroundings of the waterfall are, so it will not work to drive up to it by car. Foresters have equipped an observation deck convenient for observations and photos.

  • Coordinates: 45.119422, 33.556253.

Lake Saki (within the city of the same name) is the most famous healing reservoir in the Crimea. The silt from the bottom of it has determined all the glory of Sak as a resort. Lake with an area of ​​8 sq. km is estuary by origin (that is, it was formed due to fencing off by a natural embankment sea ​​bay). The silt of Saki Lake is used to treat diseases of the skin, joints, bones and nerves.

  • Coordinates: 45.046578, 36.182577.

Koyashskoye Lake is located in the south. It is small (the area is about 5 sq. km, the depth is only about a meter), but it is interesting for the variety of flora and fauna of its shores, as well as the composition of the water.

Lake Koyashskoe is extremely salty; microorganisms also live in the water, the mass reproduction of which makes the water saturated. The surroundings of the lake are a nature reserve, but you can visit them.

Caves and cave cities of Crimea

  • Coordinates: 44.797298, 34.279389.
  • Coordinates: 44.870155, 34.343972.

Kizil-Koba, or Red - the largest of the Crimean caves. It has 6 tiers, the total length of the passages is 17 km. The cave has underground river and lakes.

Tourists are allowed only in some halls, but this is enough. Mineral deposits have created deposits underground, similar to the real works of the sculptor.

  • Coordinates: 44.966732, 34.350175.

Located in the Belogorsk region. The cave is small (50 sq. m), quite beautiful, it opens interesting view. But the main thing is the oldest and largest site of primitive man in the Crimea, dated back to 100 thousand years BC.

Archaeologists found in Kiik-Koba the skeletons of a woman and a boy (based on them the appearance of the Crimean Neanderthals was reconstructed) and several hundred flint tools. And tourists can take pictures of the drawings of ancient people decorating its walls.

  • Coordinates: 44.741069, 33.923642.
  • Coordinates: 44.592885, 33.800836.

This cave city, 20 km from Bakhchisarai, was the capital of the medieval. Mangup is the most famous of the Crimean cave complexes. When examining the city, one can see the remains of both cave and ground structures, since the inhabitants did not live exclusively underground.

  • Coordinates: 44.610938, 33.739417.

This cave city is distinguished not only by its scope, but also by its picturesqueness. It is located in the Bakhchisarai region. The territory is protected, it is forbidden to stay there overnight.

Residential, public and religious premises were found in the Eski-Kermen complex. Information boards allow you to understand everything even without a guide.

The most famous Crimean mountains and rocks


  • Coordinates: 44.612735, 34.243362.

The natural sights of Crimea are often expressed in stone - a significant part of the peninsula is occupied by mountains. Roman-Kosh is the highest of the Crimean peaks (1545 m). The top of a fairly regular shape is highest point plateaus.

You can climb Roman-Kosh without special equipment and training. From the top there is a beautiful view of the Yaila and.

  • Coordinates: 44.451649, 34.060141.

Part of the Crimean mountains are plateaus, called yayls here. Ai-Petri is the most famous Crimean yayla. Geologically, the massif is the oldest coral reef. Over many thousands of years, erosion has given it a fanciful shape and formed the famous "teeth". Because of this, the plateau is particularly picturesque.

You can climb to the top by cable car from or by car. There are parking lots, cafes and various entertainments, such as bridges between the battlements. Skiing is possible on Ai-Petri.

  • Coordinates: 44.933078, 35.230784.

Karadag is not just a mountain, but a whole mountain system, which is one of the most famous in the Crimea. Karadag is an ancient volcano, and its geological composition is very different from other regions of the Crimean mountains. Here you can find a huge number of different minerals.

Karadag is a protected area, but there are constantly guided tours on various routes. They are of interest to lovers of nature, geology and.

  • Coordinates: 44.561590, 34.332739.

Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain) is the most famous of the peaks. It is famous due to its characteristic shape (it looks like a bear drinking water from the sea) and its location near the international one.

The origin of the mountain is volcanic. The height is only 570 m, but the length is 2.5 km. The mountain is covered with forest, very rich in different forms of vegetation. The territory is a nature reserve, it can be visited with a guided tour.

  • Coordinates: 44.914611, 35.231500.

The rock has a through arched passage that determined its name. It became “golden” due to the peculiar shade of the lichens covering it.

Since ancient times, various mystical properties have been attributed to the rock. Excursion boats try to smuggle tourists through the "gates", and they throw a coin into the water for good luck. Among advertising specialists, the photo of the Golden Gate competes in popularity with the Swallow's Nest.

  • Coordinates: 45.007482, 36.174420.

Limestone rocks, which once were part of a narrow spit, are located in the sea near (Kerch Peninsula), you can see 4 rocks, the fifth is quite low and hardly noticeable. The name is associated with the shape of the rocks, reminiscent of ancient sailboats.

Rock-ships are surrounded by many legends. They are one of the most recognizable Crimean species.

Crimean capes and bays

  • Coordinates: 45.347611, 32.494822.

It is the tip of a small peninsula, western. Tarkhankut is a flat steppe plain, sheer to the sea. Erosion by water and wind has given the cliffs a bizarre shape that attracts photographers and filmmakers.

Tarkhankut attracts lovers of sea walks and "wild" swimming. Its shores have clean and good water.

  • Coordinates: 44.501394, 33.489149.

Located between Sevastopol and. It represents the beginning of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains. The cape has a rather bizarre shape and is surrounded by many legends. The origin is volcanic, which is why you can find many ornamental stones on Fiolent, such as jasper or carnelian.

The coast near Fiolent is popular with vacationers, as there are beautiful and clean beaches. On the cape itself is St. George's Monastery.

  • Coordinates: 44.793220, 35.080454.

It is considered the most mysterious cape of the peninsula - a place of power, an entrance to the kingdom of Hades, and much more. Meganom is one of the sunniest places on the entire coast, and many believe that it is near it.

  • Coordinates: 44.496728, 33.597836.

Located near Sevastopol, Balaklava Bay is "in the shade". But that one is a whole complex of bays, and Balaklava is integral.

The bay has a complex curved shape (1.5 km long, 450 m wide), and this has attracted navigators since ancient times. The USSR arranged a secret submarine base here - the shape of the bay contributed to secrecy. Suitable for submarines and depth - up to 10 m in the upper reaches. It is located in the bay - excursions are now being led there.

  • Coordinates: 44.895923, 35.164309.

In cultural terms, it is the opposite of Balaklava - that one was chosen by the military, and this one by various informals and anarchists. The bay is located between Meganom and Karadag, the length of the beaches is more than 2 km. Above the bay stretches almost devoid of vegetation but the sea is rich in life.

Lisya Bay is an almost official camping area for informals (nudists, fans of exotic religions and simply opponents of "foppish" vacations). It embodies Crimean multiculturalism and democracy.

  • Coordinates: 44.411796, 33.715486.

Located between Sevastopol and Yalta, it has a unique Mediterranean atmosphere. Coniferous vegetation on the banks heals the air.

The bay is considered one of the most picturesque places in the Crimea, and therefore often starred in films. Representatives of the Soviet leadership rested here with equal success, and.

Temples and monasteries of Crimea

  • Address: Belogorsky district, the village of Educational.

This is a convent, located in a tract not far from. The monastery is active. It is interesting in that it offers bathing in three springs, which are considered healing. The most famous of them is. It is believed that the appearance of the monastery is due to the properties of this water.

  • Address: Sevastopol, Health Path.

Located on Fiolent. It is believed that it patronizes sailors and was founded by shipwrecked, allegedly miraculously rescued from Fiolent. The modern buildings of the monastery have existed since the end of the 16th century; archaeologists have discovered the foundations of older structures.

The complex of the monastery is successfully inscribed in the surrounding landscape. A landscaped square adjoins the actual monastery buildings. The monastery is active, but people come and are far from Christianity - for the sake of views.

Church of John the Baptist (Kerch)

  • Address: Per. Dimitrova, 2, Kerch.

Part of the complex of this church is one of the oldest buildings in the Crimea - built at the beginning of the Middle Ages. Behind long years The church was repeatedly completed and rebuilt, but the original building is still partially preserved. During the restoration (after the Great Patriotic War), most of the later additions were removed, leaving the oldest part and the completion of the century.

The church is active, but it is interesting precisely for its antiquity.

  • Address: Old Sevastopol highway.

The church was built in 1892 by order of the tea merchant A.G. Kuznetsova. The merchant celebrated in this way a successful outcome for the royal family of the railway accident in Borki in 1888.

The architecture of the church combines pseudo-Russian and neo-Byzantine styles, and it looks very elegant. But the most interesting thing about it is its location almost on a cliff, on a stone peak.

  • Address: Sadovaya st., 2, Yalta.

The cathedral is new (built in 1902), but already known for its interesting architecture. The building embodies the essence of the Russian style, as it was understood at the beginning of the 20th century.

The richest decor, imitation of carving, multi-dome construction, rich porch - outwardly, the building resembles a fairy-tale tower. The interior decoration is also rich.

Vladimir Cathedral (Sevastopol)

  • Address: st. Suvorova, 3, Sevastopol.

The cathedral was founded in 1848, but in fact construction began only after. The building is of particular interest because of the burial place of the discoverer of Antarctica M.P. Lazarev, as well as the heroes of the First Defense Admirals Kornilov, Nakhimov and Istomin. For this reason, the cathedral is called the "tomb of the admirals" and it is an important historical monument.

In the architecture of the building, internal columns lined with unique Carrara marble are interesting.

About the Temple-tomb of admirals...

  • Address: st. Revolution, 36, Evpatoria.

For some reason, it is now customary to consider only Christian buildings as “temples”. But some interesting destinations in Crimea are of Islamic origin, the peninsula has always been an example of tolerance. The Juma-Jami Mosque (Khan-Jami) is located in. This is the only multi-domed mosque in Europe, its appearance resembles St. Sophia of Constantinople.

The mosque was built in the second half of the 16th century. In it, the Crimean khans swore allegiance to the Sultan.

Crimea historical

  • Address: Ancient street, 1, Sevastopol.

It so happened that the best historical sights of Crimea were concentrated in Sevastopol. The Khersones complex is one of the most famous archaeological reserves in the world. This is the excavation site of a large policy that arose on the Crimean coast during the Great Greek colonization. Chersonese was a republic, the text of the oath of its inhabitants is known.

A tourist in Chersonese can walk along the streets ancient city. See the remains of warehouses, workshops, temples, residential buildings. Here you can even watch a performance in a real ancient Greek theater.


  • Address: st. Genoese Fortress, 1, Sudak.

The fortress is evidence of the life and management of colonists from Italy in the Crimea. Sudak (Soldaya) was one of the largest Genoese colonies.

Of all the Genoese fortresses in the Crimea (they are in Sevastopol and Feodosia), Sudak is better preserved than others. It was built at the height of the Middle Ages, but there are also earlier monuments on its territory (for example, Khazar burials). It is believed that Khan Mamai was killed here after the defeat in the Battle of Kulikovo. In the last years of the USSR, the building was thoroughly restored. Today the fortress is a museum-reserve and a platform for historical festivals.

  • Address: Sevastopol, memorial complex Malakhov Kurgan.

The hill dominating over Sevastopol is the last stronghold of the First Defense of the city during the Crimean War. The defense and capture of Malakhov Kurgan is the culmination of this conflict.

Today, the mound is occupied by a large historical complex that tells about the events of the period of the Crimean and Great Patriotic Wars. It was installed on Malakhov Kurgan, the combat positions of both the Second Defense and the Second Defense were saved.

  • Address: microdistrict Sapun Gora.

Another Sevastopol peak is connected with the events of another war. The assault by Soviet troops on Sapun Mountain on May 7, 1944 became the main component of the operation to liberate Sevastopol from the Nazis. The capture of the hill ensured the advancing success.

  • Address: st. Brothers Malchenko, 36, Kerch.

Underground catacombs in the suburbs arose as a result of the extraction of building stone during the time of Greek colonization. The Adzhimushkay quarries became the last line of defense of Kerch from the Nazis - 10 thousand soldiers and several thousand citizens kept the defense underground for half a year, withstanding the lack of water, gas attacks, flooding and underground explosions.

Today, part of the quarries has been examined, and an underground museum of the defense of Kerch has been equipped in them. This is a difficult place to perceive; children under 6 years old are not allowed into the museum. You can’t even climb into the quarries on your own - they still have mines and ammunition from the war.

  • Coordinates on the map: 44.546307, 33.623553.

The place is special - it is historical in two planes. A small mountain range near Sevastopol became one of the positions of the famous battle in 1855. In these places were the very ravines that are forgotten on paper - in any case, the proverb was born here. During the Great Patriotic War, the heights also represented an important military position.

Today, there is a permanent historical park, where everyone can get acquainted with the peculiarities of military affairs and the military life of all the peoples who have ever been in the Crimea.

In general, it doesn’t matter what a tourist’s taste is. He can be a principled ecologist, an equally consistent believer, or a skeptic with a scientific mindset and an interest in the mysteries of the past - all early on the Crimean peninsula he will find something to see and where to go on an excursion. In conclusion, we also suggest watching a thematic video from YouTube, enjoy watching!

Using our detailed overview"the best sights in Crimea", you can make your trip to this hospitable city unforgettable. Developing a rating of what to see in the Crimea should certainly, we took into account the recommendations of qualified guides and feedback from vacationers.

What to see in Crimea Firstly

2. Vorontsov Palace

South facade of the Vorontsov Palace Derevyagin Igor

Few sights in Crimea can boast such a breathtaking view. In fact, the object is both the former summer residence of the count family, and the park complex, and the reserve-museum, which keeps its chic interiors. numerous magnolias and cypresses, as well as Mount Ai-Petri, create a worthy exterior. Filming of such films as "Ten Little Indians" and "An Ordinary Miracle" was carried out here.

3. Livadia Palace

Snow-white Livadia Palace surrounded by a green park

Date of construction of the snow-white royal palace- over a hundred years ago. It is also a reserve-museum, famous for its incredible architectural beauty. IN exhibition centers you can see thematic expositions dedicated to the Romanov family. If you do not know what to see in Crimea in 1 day, come here.

4. Massandra Palace

Eastern facade of the Massadra Palace

Another palace complex of the 19th century, which at one time was the property of Count Vorontsov. The building is decorated in the style of the time of Louis XIII. Today there is a museum on its site.

5. Khan's Palace in Bakhchisarai

Great mosque and courtyard in the Khan's Palace in Bakhchisarai

If you are interested in the culture, life and architecture of the Tatar-Crimean people, you have just learned where to go in Crimea. The former khan's residence was to become a "heaven on earth". However, over the many hundreds of years of its existence, it has been destroyed and remade more than once. However, even today in this cultural and historical reserve you can look at the decoration that was in the harems of the wives and private chambers of the Tatar rulers. Other attractions include the famous Fountain of Tears, Sarah Guzel baths and mosques.

look Beautiful places Crimea in this wonderful video!

6. Foros Church

Foros Church on a steep cliff - Red Rock above the village of Foros in Crimea

An exquisite and small temple of the 19th century, built at an altitude of 412 meters above sea level. Look at it from below, and it will seem to you that it is floating in the air. The church is active: weddings, baptisms and clergy services are held here. So observation deck you can look at the surrounding areas and Foros.

7. Assumption Cave Monastery

Assumption Cave Monastery on the slope of the Crimean Mountains, in the picturesque gorge of Mariam-Dere

Talking about best places in the Crimea, it is necessary to mention this male temple, created by the monks of Byzantium in the 13th century. The building has existed for such a long time that even the Khan of Crimea came to her to bow to the local shrines. During the USSR, the temple was closed and almost destroyed, but about 25 years ago it was completely restored.

8. Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Blooming summer garden and gazebo in Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Territory botanical garden- tens of hectares. Research centers, all kinds of flowers, plants and trees are located on the square of the 19th century. There are many greenhouses and even its own museum with a unique herbarium. For fans of the fauna, regular excursions are held, flower festivals, exhibitions and balls are organized.

9. Bear Mountain (Ayu-Dag)

View of Ayu-Dag from Gurzuf Papa Q

natural and archaeological site with a rich history, keeping the remains of the city of 8-14 centuries. According to legend, Ayu-Dag is a giant petrified bear that was laid to rest by the sea king. Over 10 species of rare animals of the Red Book live on the area of ​​the protected zone of the mountain.

10. Mount Ai-Petri

Mount Ai-Petri in clear weather Batyashev Alexander

The mountain peak, which previously served as the location for the Greek temple of St. Peter. A cableway stretches through Ai-Petri, almost three kilometers long. The rise to the top point is carried out in special booths.

11. White rock Ak-Kaya

white rock Ak-Kaya rises above the valley of the river Biyuk-Karasu Seitmemetoff

A rocky massif formed by white varieties of limestone. At the foot of the mountain, they found the sites of primitive people, their fossilized bones and tools. Near Ak-Kai there is an 800-year-old oak tree, under which Suvorov held military conversations with representatives of the Sultan of Turkey.

12. Cave city of Chufut-Kale

The surviving caves of the medieval fortified city of Chufut-Kale in Crimea Peter Ashton

An ancient fortress-city built by the Byzantines in the 3rd century. It is here that the ancient architectural and natural masterpieces - grottoes, caves and foundations - have been preserved in the best condition. In addition, wonderful panoramas of the canyon open from the territory of the city (an area of ​​90 hectares). Be sure to go to see the local male temple, built directly on the rocks.

13. Marble Cave

"Mammoth" in the Gallery of Fairy Tales of the Marble Cave in Crimea

According to historians, education was formed millions of years ago, and is gradually expanding its size. Inside there are spacious halls, about one and a half kilometers long. If you do not know where to go in Crimea, come to the Marble Cave and look at the unique varieties of local stalactites and crystals.

14. Tauric Chersonese

Ruins of Tauric Chersonese in Crimea

Remains ancient city, which was created by the Greeks over 2.5 thousand years ago. Nearby is a museum with archaeological artifacts, the Vladimir temple and a park complex.

15. Genoese fortresses

Fortress walls with towers and an ancient mosque of the Genoese fortress in Sudak

A trio of fortified forts that were once used to defend against attack from the water. By agreement between the Genoese and the Tatars, the fortresses became part of the Genoese Gazaria. Later they belonged to the Ottomans. Today, everyone can look at such interesting places in Crimea.

16. Dolphinarium in Koktebel

Trained dolphins in the dolphinarium "Koktebel"

What to visit in Crimea with children? Dolphinarium, the main characters of which are: snow-white northern whale, fur seals and Black Sea bottlenose dolphins. Each "artist" has its own number and coaches. The opening date of the site is summer 2008. In the warm season, the complex operates outdoors. In winter it is covered with a dome.

17. Dinopark in Evpatoria

Life-size dinosaur in Dinopark Evpatoria

Dinosaur Park, where "real dinosaurs" live. 16 objects are life-sized and are also outdoors. They not only move and growl, but even breathe.

18. Water park in Sudak

Slides of various lengths and steepness in the Sudak Aquapark

The park with water attractions is located on the territory of more than 20,000 square meters. meters, and is divided into 3 parts. The number of slides, cascades and pools is a pleasant surprise. Guests of the complex can be people of any age: entertainment is available for both kids and adults. There are several cafes where you can enjoy soft drinks and ice cream.

19. Panorama Museum "Defense of Sevastopol"

Fountain in front of the building of the panorama "Defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855." cmapm

A grandiose building that tells about the days of the defense of the Crimea. You can see it only by purchasing a ticket for a tour group. The museum is located in the park area.

20. Monument to the Scuttled Ships

Monument to the scuttled ships on the main embankment of Sevastopol

A monumental object submerged in water. The monument was created in memory of the events of the 19th century (Russian ships were sunk in the local bay in order to cut off the waterway for the most powerful fleets of England and France - at the direction of Prince Menshikov).

Sights of Crimea: what else to visit in Crimea?

We told you about the main attractions of the Crimea briefly. In addition, take the time to explore the city's treasures, such as:

21. Balaklava bay

Panoramic view of Balaklava bay in Crimea

A compact bay with indented colorful coastlines. There is also a Genoese fortress here. If there are opinions that the first buildings appeared on the shores of the Balaklava Bay as early as the 8th-9th century BC. In the days of the Crimean War, an English military base was located here, later - under the USSR, a secret facility.

22. Object 825GTS

Entrance to the underground submarine base - Object 825GTS Russianname

The previously secret military facility of Balaklava and an underground station for submarines. At the time of the Soviet Union, the bay was not even put on maps. After the collapse of the Union, the attraction was looted and destroyed. But 15 years ago, the Ukrainian authorities set up a museum here with expositions dedicated to the fleet. Now the Russian government wants to once again change the purpose of the object by placing the newest base on its territory.

23. Grand Canyon of Crimea

Landscape grand canyon Crimea

Included in the list of "best natural » . The object is known for its hollows and fancy baths, waterfalls and relict forests. Please note: get here on public transport It's hard enough. Many hotels in Crimea organize excursions here: a visit is recommended with a group. The Grand Landscape Canyon is a vast fissure in the rock, through which cliffs-capes stretch. Tourist routes are laid along the surrounding area and along the bottom of the crack (there are equipped observation platforms).

24. Ghost Valley

Cluster of rocks bizarre shape in the Valley of Ghosts in Crimea

More than a hundred stones of various sizes cast original shadows at dusk and dawn, intertwining with each other and “moving”. The dimensions of some rocky blocks are over 25 meters. There are no spirits here, the name was given to the area just taking into account the extraordinary ability of stones to “change their location”.

25. Cape Fiolent

View of Cape Fiolent in Crimea

Landscape object with unique flora and fauna. The territory has several attractions of its own, such as Jasper Beach and St. George's Monastery (connected to each other by several hundred steps of stairs). We can recommend a visit to this cape to everyone, but especially to those who are passionate about diving. Because ships almost never moor here and 100% visibility at sea.

26. Golitsyn trail

Golitsyn mountain trail near the coast of the Blue Bay in Crimea

The length of the trail, equipped by order of the Golitsyn princes in the eastern part of the peninsula, is 3 kilometers. Fragrant pine trees grow on the famous tourist route, several observation platforms are equipped. The attraction has become a huge success, thanks to the picturesque landscapes and fantastic views from mountain peaks. The Golitsyn trail goes around the magnificent Novosvetsky bays - Blue, Blue and Green.

27. Waterfall Dzhur-Dzhur

Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall in the picturesque area of ​​the Khapkhal gorge

A wonderful place, pleasing with its beauty and coolness even on hot days. The height of the famous full-flowing waterfall with an average water flow of 270 liters per second is 15 meters. Buy a ticket and you can look at the territory of the Khapkhal gorge, including from the observation deck. It is proposed to get to the waterfall by jeep along mountain paths.

28. Factory of champagne wines "New World"

Monument to Prince Lev Golitsyn on the territory of the Novy Svet champagne factory Ta2Ed

An organization that produces champagne using classic French technology. The length of the tunnel facilities of the enterprise is seven kilometers. During the year, about one million six hundred thousand bottles of sparkling wines and champagnes of excellent quality are produced here. The plant was founded by order of Prince Golitsyn in 1878. After 12 years, it was decided to produce drinks on an industrial scale. As for our days, the enterprise is organized excursions: their goal is to improve the culture of alcohol consumption and to familiarize visitors and residents of the city with branded products in detail. Experienced oenologists-winemakers work in the exhibition halls, advising in detail on all issues of product selection. Both elite and budget alcoholic drinks are on sale.

29. Winery "Massandra"

The tower of the main wine cellar of the Massandra plant Pavel Mozhaev

In addition to the enterprise with a beautiful facade, on the square of the winery there are cellars and cellars that are unique in their architectural design (they safely store legendary bottles of wine that have a fabulously high cost). It is also recommended to visit the plant as part of an excursion group. You can have personal tastings of vintage drinks, as well as learn about how various wines are made. There is an opportunity to purchase products of the Massandra brand.

30. Crimean bridge

View of the 19 km Crimean bridge

The world-famous transport connection, which includes automobile and railway routes. This high-tech attraction is long enough to make it the most long bridge in the Russian Federation and the states of all Europe.

We are sure that those sights of Crimea, the photos with the names and descriptions of which you have just seen, aroused your interest. Arriving on the peninsula, inspect them for sure.

The residence of several Khan dynasties of Crimea is a historical and cultural monument of global significance. The fact is that this is a unique, the only example of palace architecture on the planet of an entire nation - the Crimean Tatars. Tourists from different countries come here to meet richest history and the culture of this region, visiting the museum located within the walls of the palace, to see their artistic work and get acquainted with the collection of medieval weapons. But the main...

Even if you have never been to Crimea before, you probably know what it looks like " business card”, the famous castle called “Swallow's Nest”. The majestic and at the same time elegant stone structure crowns the peak of the sheer Aurora rock. He seems to be looking at his reflection in the waters of the Black Sea, harmoniously blending into the surrounding mountain landscape. From the history of Lastochkin...

In the southern part of the Crimean peninsula, just 3 km from Yalta, there is a real masterpiece Black Sea coast- Livadia Palace. The snow-white building, built in the neo-Renaissance style at the end of the 19th century, became a favorite vacation spot for the royal family. Today, this palace-museum is considered the most luxurious of the Crimean ones - it was not for nothing that Stalin, who loved to impress foreign guests with rich decoration, chose it to host the Yalta Conference. ...

In the vicinity of Yalta, there are several luxurious palaces, one of which is the palace built by Emir Abdul-Akhadan in the early 20th century. This graceful Moorish-style building attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists with its original architecture. From the history of the Palace of the Emir of Bukhara How to get to the Palace of the Emir of Bukhara:...

Crimea is famous for its palaces with original architecture. One of the most famous masterpieces of local architecture - Vorontsov Palace built in neo-Moorish style. It is part of the Alupka Palace and Park Museum-Reserve, which consists of five buildings located on the territory of the landscape park. From the history of the Vorontsov Palace...

The most striking representative of the Crimean Gothic after the Swallow's Nest is, undoubtedly, the estate of Romantic Alexandria in Gaspra. This light gray stone building with two graceful battlements, reminiscent of an old medieval castle, is located near the center of the Yalta resort village. From the history of Romantic Alexandria How...

If you are planning to visit South coast Crimea, make time for a trip to Gurzuf, where one of the "visiting cards" of the Crimean peninsula, the Suuk-Su Palace, is located. The snow-white building majestically rises above the river near the Ayu-Dag mountain, attracting a lot of tourists who want to find out how aristocrats rested in the Crimea at the beginning of the 20th century. From the history of Suuk-Su How to get there...

The luxurious estate of the Yusupov princes in resort village Simeiz is one of the most famous sights of the Crimean peninsula. The exquisite palace and park complex includes a well-preserved Neo-Romanesque palace building, many elegant sculptures made of bronze and marble, and, of course, a stunningly beautiful park with relic plants. From...

In the village of Koreiz near Big Yalta, the Dulber Palace is located - architectural masterpiece late 19th century. From Tatar, the name is translated as "charming", and it fully justifies the appearance of the attraction. The snow-white walls and silver domes of the palace are elegantly combined with the lush greenery around. The attraction attracts tourists who want to see the luxury of the apartments of Russian princes. Moreover, Dulber is located next to no less famous palaces. ...

Among the architectural structures of the Crimea, the Kharaks Palace stands apart. It is more like a private cottage, finished in the Scottish style, rather than the house of representatives of the royal family. The palace and park complex belonged to several representatives of the Romanov dynasty, and during the time of the Roman Empire it was a fortress. It is worth getting to know Charax better not only for connoisseurs of Scottish trends in architecture, but also for everyone who wants to get in touch with the history of the Russian Empire in the 19th and 20th centuries. ...

One of the last acquisitions of the royal family in the Crimea was the Kichkine Palace (translated from Tatar - "baby"). Combining the features of eastern and western architectural styles, it has absorbed the grace of Muslim buildings of the Middle Ages, and with snow-white towers it resembles a Gothic castle. Kichkine is one of the smallest palaces near Yalta, but its historical and cultural significance is enormous. ...

Unlike most palaces in Crimea, the estate of Princess Gagarina is more like a medieval castle. The architecture of the building is unique: all sides are made in different styles, corner towers, carved windows, sharp spiers, a variety of decorative elements. The estate has a long love story. The palace is located 16 km from Alushta and 29 km from Yalta. The history of the estate of the princess ...

The Admiralty Cathedral of St. Vladimir is an architectural monument of the peninsula and the burial place of Russian admirals who fell in the Crimean War. It is often confused with the Vladimir Cathedral in Chersonese, which is why the locals also call it the "tomb of the admirals." From the history of the Admiralty Cathedral of St. Vladimir How to get there...

One of the masterpieces of the architecture of the Crimean peninsula is the Armenian Church in Yalta, otherwise called the Church of St. Hripsime. It was erected at the expense of a patron in memory of his daughter, who died early due to tuberculosis. It is of great importance for the Armenian diaspora in Crimea, which includes about 11,000 people. From the history of the Armenian...

The Tower of St. Constantine in Feodosia is a popular historical landmark, symbolizing the strength and power of medieval architecture. This tower is a kind of "visiting card" of the resort: it is depicted on the coat of arms of the city and souvenirs. To see the famous fortification with their own eyes, tourists come to Feodosia from all over the world. ...

Evidence of the horrors of war, human heroism and selflessness are the Adzhimushkay quarries in Kerch. Tens of thousands of tourists come here specifically to honor the memory of the soldiers of the Adzhimushkay garrison who defended the city and civilians who took refuge underground from the Nazi invaders. From the history of the Adzhimushkay quarries...

The ancient polis, founded by the Greeks in the south-west of Crimea, is part of the sights listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. On the vast territory of the settlement, tourists can see the agora ( central square), antique amphitheater, basilica, Zeno tower and others architectural monuments, most of which were erected in the 5th-4th century BC. From...

The Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Foros is a reference example of Byzantine cross-domed architecture, erected at the end of the 19th century on the edge of a cliff that rises 400 meters above the sea. This graceful church with laconic decoration has experienced many tragic events over almost a century and a half of its history. From the history of the Foros church How ...

The Orthodox monastery, located in Balaklava, belongs to the Simferopol diocese. Like many other famous temples of Crimea, it stands right on the Black Sea coast, next to Cape Fiolent. This is one of the oldest religious buildings of the peninsula, which attracts thousands of lovers of history and archeology from all over the world. From the history...

Crimea is famous for its abundance of cave cities and fortresses. According to sources, most of them arose in the 5th-7th centuries. ad. The fortified city of Chufut-Kale is no exception. Its construction began in the 5th century, and initially the fortress was a Byzantine fortification. Today medieval city is empty, but it is listed among the objects cultural heritage In Russian federation. ...

There are truly amazing places in Crimea. Peering into the dense vegetation on the rocks, you can see golden reflections from the domes of churches built right in the mountains. A classic example of such architecture is the Assumption Cave Monastery, founded over a thousand years ago. There are many legends around him. The shrine to this day is considered one of the main Orthodox shrines of the peninsula. locals treat it with pride, and tourists - with reverence. ...

The Crimean peninsula impresses with its architecture. Those who wish to feel the romance of the Middle Ages should visit the Genoese fortress in Sudak. This is one of the few monuments that has been preserved almost in its original form. Everything here is imbued with the spirit of the times of noble knights and beautiful ladies. The fortress stands out among other sights of the Crimea with its color. ...

In the city of Inkerman, not far from Sevastopol, there is a Kalamita fortress. The remains of the Byzantine buildings look more like ruins, but the influx of city guests to these places is not decreasing. Today, the Kalamita fortress is a branch of the Tauric Chersonese nature reserve and opens its doors to those who wish to get acquainted with its history. From the history of the Kalamita fortress...

The ruins of the royal Scythian fortress in the Crimea are not as popular as Tauric Chersonese, although they are only a couple of centuries younger. At the same time, the value of Scythian Naples for scientists and admirers of the Scythian civilization is simply enormous, since these are almost unique remains of the presence of this nation in the region. From the history of Scythian Naples...

Built in the 18th century, the Church of the Twelve Apostles is considered the oldest Christian building on the peninsula. The fact is that the foundation of the temple was laid in the middle of the 14th century. The building combines the influence of antiquity, Venice, Genoa and Russian Orthodox traditions, so it looks authentic and makes an unusual impression on visitors. From the history of the Temple...

The main Friday mosque of the Crimean peninsula is also the residence of the Mufti and the Spiritual Director of the local Muslims. This is one of the oldest buildings in Simferopol, which is a fine example of Ottoman architecture. From the history of Kebir-Jami How to get Photo...

Fans of ancient holy places are simply obliged to visit the Church of St. John the Baptist, which is considered the oldest in the Crimea and, possibly, in all of Russia. According to religious sources, he is associated with Andrew the First-Called, who left his mark here, and with Simon the Zealot, whose relics were previously kept in the temple. From the history of the Church of St. John the Baptist...

The northeastern tip of the Kerch Peninsula is topped by a small round cape Kazantip, the entire territory of which is occupied by the reserve. This natural reserve is distinguished by special climatic conditions thanks to which there are unique varieties of animals and plants. The Kazantip Nature Reserve is one of the most popular natural sights of the Crimea, which is worth visiting in the near future, otherwise you just might not have time. The fact is that industrial ...

The little-known Massandra Palace could share the fate of other small residences, the “toylike” nature of which touches tourists so much. And everything seems to be as usual - a lot of small carved elements, Gothic turrets, intricacies of stairs, galleries and terraces. But it is worth taking a closer look at it and you understand that it was here that the legend of the sleeping beauty, which formed the basis of Charles Perrault's fairy tale, could have been born. Yes, Massandra Palace can be walked around in a couple of hours, but don't rush...

From our story you will learn: When the Pavilion of the Winds was built Where is the rotunda located and what is it What can be seen from the observation deck Photos of the gazebo How to get to the mountain and the observation deck on your own How much does a pass to the territory cost ...

From our story you will learn: Why it is worth visiting the Aivazovsky Museum A brief history of the gallery What can be seen in the museum Where is the gallery and how to get to it The cost of visiting the expositions, the dark room and the secret pantry in 2020 Curious...

From our story you will learn: What is the "Belaya Dacha" The history of the Chekhov House Museum What can be seen in the legendary writer's house What is interesting about the Chekhov Garden Where is the Chekhov Museum and how to get to it How much does a visit cost in 2020 Curious facts...

From our story you will learn: The history of the house-museum of Alexander Grin What you can see interesting in the writer's apartment Where is the house-ship and how to get to it Ticket prices and excursions 2020 Curious facts about Grin, his work and the house [:222:] .. .

Lonely and deserted Mount Mithridates - iconic place and the heart of Kerch. Once there was an ancient acropolis of the formidable ruler of the Greco-Persian kingdom, but then the life of the city "descended" and concentrated at the foot. The Great Mithridatic Stairs became a link that connected the times and centers of ancient Panticapaeum and already Russian Kerch. It is not easy to overcome 432 steps. But it is worth climbing them to touch the history and appreciate the magnificent panorama from the top of the mountain. ...

Kind, a little naive "Glade of fairy tales" in Yalta - a place where visitors can almost everything. Exhibits in ordinary museums are often hidden under glass, fenced with a thick burgundy cord and guarded by vigilant old caretakers. You can’t touch them, you can’t sit on them, and sometimes you can’t even get close to them for joint photos. On the Glade of Fairy Tales, it is easy to climb the Zmey Gorynych or take a selfie with Leshy. Yes, this is probably a location for boys and girls. But the heroes of old cartoons remind...

Small, bright, placed in the palm of your hand and so dear to the heart magnets. Some of us hang them on the refrigerator door out of an inexplicable habit or fashion. They tease and remind you of relaxation every time you enter the kitchen. Others purposefully collect these funny trinkets for years. Museum of magnets and ancient Crimean studies in Gurzuf - the first and only on the peninsula and in Russia. It is a treasure trove of souvenirs. And its supervisor claims that each exhibit is a real artifact,...

If a lighthouse is a guiding star that sends rays of light and indicates a safe way home, then the lighthouse church is called upon to save all the lost both at sea and on land. Such structures are unique in themselves, but when they also combine several objects, they are simply a must-see. The temple-lighthouse of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is not only a functioning church, but also the world's only Water Disaster Museum. And even the main theme of the painting of its interior is unusual - the Flood. ...

There are many mysterious corners in the world that are full of mysteries and covered with a layer of "dust of times". They are beautiful and unusual, have positive or negative energy, are overgrown with myths and, of course, attract a lot of people - from curious tourists to those who believe in a different reality. The famous Carlos Castaneda called them "places of power". And one of them is the Temple of the Sun in Crimea. ...

A carved tower, where life is in full swing, or still a temple in which twilight and peace reign. The Church of St. Catherine in Feodosia is a unique architectural object. It impresses and puzzles at the same time, strikes the imagination with the freedom of imagination of its creator and causes a burning desire to look inside even in notorious atheists. But what if the architect so boldly changed not only the usual external image, but also the interior? ...

They say that you can look at the flowing water endlessly. It “washes away” fatigue, cleanses the soul, distracts from worries, sets one up for reflection and pacifies. At first, the fountains of great civilizations performed only utilitarian functions, were used for irrigation, as a source of drinking water and coolness. In ancient Greece, they became an attribute of almost every policy and were already laid out with marble, in Rome they appeared in the courtyards of the townspeople. The first fountains in the Crimea arose in the XIV century in the ancient...

In the galaxy of Crimean attractions, lighthouses do not occupy the first place, yielding to palaces, but there is something especially romantic and mysterious about them. Lighthouse of Nicholas the Wonderworker Yalta lighthouse Chersonese lighthouse Ai-Todorsky lighthouse Tarkhankutsky lighthouse Kerch...

Aivazovsky Park, or "Paradise" is one of the most popular places on the Crimean peninsula. The attraction is located on the territory of the sanatorium of the same name. This is a large landscape complex with unique vegetation, represented by tens of thousands of species and varieties. Amazing architectural forms, beautiful reservoirs, magnificent flower beds - all this will brighten up your walk when visiting the park. Acquaintance with this Crimean landmark will bring ...

The Crimean Palace, which once belonged to Princess Gagarina, became the embodiment of love and fidelity. Tender, touching feelings arose between completely different at first glance people. Alexander Gagarin was the governor-general of Kutaisi, and the Georgian princess Tasso Orbeliani became the object of his worship. It was she who made this outlandish palace famous throughout the peninsula and far beyond its borders. ...

One of the oldest botanical gardens in the world, which is located in the village of Nikita in Yalta, was founded in 1811. Over the course of two centuries, the Nikitsky Garden has turned into a major biological and agricultural research institute, at the same time becoming one of the most visited sights of the Crimean peninsula. History Interesting...

Crimea is rich in cool locations. Some of them have become places of mass pilgrimage for tourists. Others are little known, but no less interesting. Cape Meganom at Sudak is full of mysteries and magnetism, removed from civilization now and was practically uninhabited even in the mists of time. It attracts connoisseurs of silence and wild recreation, secluded half-empty beaches, crystal waters, walks along mountain slopes and caves. ...

In Crimea there are interesting places for everyone. Beaches - for lovers of relaxed rest and swimming, architecture - for connoisseurs of the cultural program. And those who choose active tourism and the conquest of new territories are waiting for the Baidar Valley in the south-west of Crimea - a unique creation of nature, surrounded by a rocky ring. Baidarskaya valley or Crimean Switzerland...

The landscape reserve called Karalar Park is located in the Crimea, in the northern part of the Kerch Peninsula. On the one hand, it is washed by the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, on the other, it is surrounded by steppes. On the territory there is Lake Chokrak, known for its healing mud. The total area of ​​the park is more than 68 sq. km, more than 30 of which belong to the protected zone. History and features...

When traveling to the Crimea, it is not necessary to spend time only on the beaches, in hotels and cafes. One of the best ways to relax is trips to natural attractions such as the Golden Gate Rock. The reasons to come here - the opportunity to pass under the arches of the "arch" on a boat and hear a few interesting stories about this extraordinary place. Self-guided visits are prohibited. But the cost of the tour will not hit your pocket, especially ...

The natural beauties of Crimea attract tourists from all over the world. One of the most striking sights of the region is the Wuchang-Su waterfall. The reservoir not only attracts the eyes of travelers, but also gives the population and guests of Yalta crystal clear water. Wuchang-Su Natural Scenery Legendary Place Wild Landmarks...

Tourists visiting the Crimea in search of interesting natural sights should definitely go to the Dzhur Dzhur waterfall. It is located on the South Coast, north of Alushta, and is considered the most powerful Crimean on the peninsula - more than 270 liters of water pass here per second. Although the cascade is only 15 meters high and 5 meters wide, it looks majestic and is even considered dangerous. Therefore, swimming near the flowing streams of water and jumping from the waterfall is prohibited. A...

When driving through the outskirts of Sevastopol, set aside a few hours to visit the amazing beautiful ruins Cembalo fortress in Balaklava. The Genoese stronghold will be of interest not only to historians, but also to connoisseurs of beauty: the local atmosphere imbues with reverence for eternity and natural strength, and photos against the background of ancient stone walls are simply amazing! Cembalo...

Landscape art is developed in the Crimea thanks to a large number mansions that were built on the Black and Sea of ​​Azov aristocrats. Almost all residences, from hunting lodges to majestic castles, were surrounded by gardens, in the shade of which the elite of society escaped from the sun and strolled after dinner. Foros Park is one of the most beautiful corners of the South Coast. ...