Short term visas. Faroese visa, Danish visa Validity of the visa


To visit the Faroe Islands, you need to apply for a visa. Visa to the Faroe Islands is:

  • tourist;
  • for a private trip.

In both cases, they provide a passport, a high-quality color photograph, a certificate confirming financial solvency.

The tourist option allows you to stay on the territory of the islands for 15 days. The applicant is obliged to provide the diplomatic institution with correct information about his itinerary in English / Russian.

In addition to the above documents, you will need:

  • a copy of the identity card;
  • original old foreign passport;
  • photocopies of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • questionnaire;
  • providing a booked room in a hotel / hotel;
  • medical insurance policy;
  • tickets (originals, photocopies).

Visa for private travel

Instead of information about the booked room, the diplomatic institution is provided with a fax letter from the inviting party in English / Danish (sending by e-mail is possible).

Traveling with a minor

If you plan to take a child with you, you must attach a birth certificate, a notarized permission from the parent remaining in your home country, as well as a separate questionnaire to the package of documents. When a minor travels on his own, a power of attorney from the father and mother is provided.

Depending on the case, you may need:

  • original and copy of parent's death certificate;
  • original and copy of single mother's book;
  • certificate from the police station.


The price of a visa is determined by the visa and service fee. Payment (2600 rubles) is made in cash at the office of the visa center (service fee 27 euros). If the application is rejected, the funds will not be returned.

The Faroe Islands, although they belong to Denmark, have the status of an autonomous territory that is not part of the Schengen area. For this reason, to enter here you need to apply for a national visa. However, the issuance of visas is still carried out on Danish conditions through the consulates and visa centers of this country.

  • Validity of a passport for a visa and for entering the country - is there a difference?

To obtain a visa to the Faroe Islands, the passport must be valid for at least three more months after the expiration of the visa. To enter the country, it is necessary that the passport is valid for another 3 months after the end of the trip.

  • Is it possible to enter the country if a valid visa is in an already invalid passport?

No, you need to transfer your visa to a new passport.

  • Documents to pay special attention to when applying for a visa

Particular attention should be paid to the hotel reservation. It must list all persons who apply for a visa.

No less important documents are medical insurance (it must be valid for 15 days longer than the planned trip) and a certificate of employment. In the latter, it is necessary to indicate not only the salary and position, but also the length of service, as well as information that the tourist is granted leave at the time of the trip with the preservation of the workplace.

  • What documents can increase the chance of obtaining a visa?

The consular department of the Danish Embassy is more willing to accept applications not from independent travelers, but from tourists who have bought a tour from agencies accredited at the embassy. Nevertheless, no one can forbid you to plan and carry out an independent trip, but in this case, a longer consideration of a visa application is possible, since the request is sent directly to the Faroe Islands immigration service, and is not decided, as is the case with a Danish visa, directly at the consulate.

  • Where can I find a complete list of documents for a visa?

A list of documents, as well as instructions on how and where to apply, as well as how to then get a passport with a ready-made visa, are available on the website of the Denmark Visa Application Center in Russia:

  • How to get around the pitfalls in the visa application and get a long visa?

If you need a multiple-entry visa, then in item 25 write 90 days, in item 24 select "multiple entry", in item 29 indicate the date of the first entry, in item 30 - the expiration date of the visa (if you need an annual visa, then date of departure is one year after the date of entry).

  • Visa Validity vs Length of Stay - What's the difference?

The validity period of a visa (or visa corridor) determines from what date you can enter the country and by what date you must leave it. In the case of multiple entry visas, the dates "from" and "to" indicate from when you can start the first trip and by what date you must finish the last one.

Length of stay is the maximum number of days you can spend in the country during the validity of your visa in each 180-day period.

  • Do I need to take biometrics and is it so scary?

For a visa to the Faroe Islands, biometric data is not required.

  • How to apply for a visa for children?

The rules for issuing a visa for children are the same as for adults, but a copy of the parents' financial documents is attached to their package of documents. In addition, you will need the original and a copy of the child's birth certificate,
a notarized power of attorney if he is going to travel with one of his parents or with third parties, for example, with his grandmother.

Children are usually issued single-entry visas. To make a child a multiple-entry visa, both parents need to make a cross power of attorney to leave the child, accompanied by each of them. The power of attorney must be valid for the entire period for which the visa is requested.

  • The degree of loyalty of the consulate?

The Consulate of Denmark can be called neutral in relation to Russian tourists. It does not indulge in multivisas, however, it does not impose increased requirements on documents. If you have collected a dossier in accordance with the requirements set out on the website of the visa center, and have not previously had problems with the law, then you will most likely be given a visa without delay.

  • How to behave at an interview at the consulate?

In the vast majority of cases, an interview is not required.

  • What to do if a visa is denied, in what situation is the refusal guaranteed?

The vast majority of visa refusals are due to an incorrectly prepared set of documents. Also, the reason for the refusal may be the "military merits" of the tourist during past visits to the Schengen countries (the islands are not included in the Schengen, but they have a common database).

If the consulate makes a negative decision on a visa, a letter is issued to the tourist along with the passport indicating the reason for the refusal. The corresponding stamp is put in the passport, which is a series of letters (A, C, D) and numbers (1,2,3,4). The letters are the type of visa that was requested, the numbers are the reason for the refusal. Number 2 - you need an interview at the consulate (not even a refusal, but only a requirement to come for additional verification of your travel intentions); 3 - lack of documents; 1 - visa quarantine from 3 months to 1 year due to problems with the law during previous trips; 4 - a lifetime ban on visiting the Schengen countries (for serious crimes; placed in rare cases).
If you find a deuce in your passport, you need to sign up for an interview, for which do not forget to grab all the documents that you submitted along with the application form. If the number is 3, then you need to collect a new package of documents and submit it again (by the way, you can go to the consulate of another country). If the consulate rated you one, then try to remember what they did, and draw up an appeal, attaching documents proving that the consulate was wrong in its conclusions. The appeal must be sent directly to the consulate.

I am writing for those who may find it useful.

The Faroe Islands belong to Denmark, but are not part of the Schengen area. Accordingly, neither a Schengen nor even a Danish visa is enough to visit them - you need to make a separate, Faroese one. True, there will still be no one to check it - there is no border control on the islands. That is, everyone who arrives at the port, or arrives by plane, can immediately go to the city without checking documents. In general, you can easily do without a visa. True, here it’s like with ticketless travel: you can buy a ticket and go quietly, or you can save a little and strain all the way. I don’t feel like straining at all, and the habit has already appeared to comply with all the formalities, so you will have to collect a standard set of documents again and carry it to the Danish visa center.

And then, looking at the Danish EC website, I find out: Russian citizens who do not apply for a tourist visa through an accredited travel agency should be aware that their visa applications may be forwarded to the Danish (Icelandic) Immigration Service for further review and decision, which takes three to eight weeks. At the same time, the Danish Embassy in Moscow cannot guarantee the applicant a positive decision on his application for a tourist visa.

Look what, give them a travel agency!

Three to eight weeks, you know.

I look on the Internet, and there it is written about Danish visas - tin. They say one of the most difficult Schengen visas, many refusals, they are considering for months, horror, horror, horror. Then we talked to the staff of the visa center, and everything cleared up a bit. If over the past three years you have not had a single Schengen, then yes, indeed, documents are sent to Denmark, where the immigration service checks them, wait at least a month, and 80% of refusals return from there. But if there is at least one fresh visa to the Schengen country in the passport, then all decisions will be made in Moscow, and the consideration period will be reduced to eight working days. Well, failures here are less likely.

I thought and thought, why should I be afraid of an open Spanish cartoon? Moreover, it was funny to fill out a standard Schengen application form, indicating in the fields "date of entry into the Schengen" not the date of entry into the Schengen, but the date of entry from the Schengen to the islands. And with the exit the same thing, all the way around.

Collected documents, took, waiting. Moreover, he served during the May holidays - everyone rested, and they worked.

The next day, a call from the consulate: they found a typo in the documents on the yacht charter. Okay, let's change it. And they want to see insurance, so that it says "Valid for Faroe Islands", otherwise Alfabank's "Valid worldwide" does not suit them, you see. Damn, go argue with them now! Yes, it’s easier to make another one for an extra 500 rubles. By the way, you need to do it with an overlap of 15 days after the date of departure. Well changed, cho.

The next day my passport was ready. The visa was given, and on a standard Schengen form.

And not only to me, but also to ten other participants in our trip. Everything is ok, not a single refusal, everything was done quickly, in just a couple of days. Moreover, several people asked not only the Faroe Islands, but also the usual Danish Schengen at the same time, since they did not have an open visa to get to Norway in order to board a yacht. The Danes scratched their heads a little (why they came to them, and not to Norway), but they still gave me a visa. And the Faroe Islands and Denmark.

At the same time, some of our people still do not have a visa, the guys just did not have time to go on time. So there is some intrigue left.

A Schengen visa entitles you to stay in all Schengen countries. If you have a Schengen visa, you can stay in the Schengen area for a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period. It is possible to apply for a Schengen visa 6 months before the start of the intended trip. For seafarers, applications can be submitted up to 9 months before the start of the intended trip.

You can apply for a visa to Denmark if:

  1. Denmark is the only country visited, OR
  2. You plan to visit more than one country during your trip and Denmark is your primary destination (i.e. you intend to spend more days in Denmark, or your main purpose of visit is in Denmark), OR
  3. If it is not possible to determine the main country of residence, but Denmark is the country of first entry.
  4. For example:

  • If you plan to spend 4 days in Denmark and 2 days in Sweden for the same purpose, you need to apply for a visa to Denmark, because Denmark has more days.
  • If you are planning to spend 4 days in Denmark and then 4 days in Sweden, you will also need to apply for a Danish visa as Denmark is the country of first entry into the Schengen Area.
  • If you plan to spend 2 days in Denmark and 4 days in Sweden, you need to apply for a visa to Sweden.
  • If you plan to visit relatives in France (20 days) and also meet with a business partner in Belgium (2 days), but entry and exit through Amsterdam, you need to apply for a visa to France, because. The main purpose of the trip is to visit relatives.

Visa to Greenland and the Faroe Islands: Greenland and the Faroe Islands are autonomous territories of the Kingdom of Denmark and are not part of the Schengen Agreement. For this reason, separate visas are required to visit these territories. A Schengen visa for entry into Denmark and other Schengen countries is not valid for entry into Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Accordingly, in order to obtain visas for these islands, it is necessary to submit documents at the Danish visa center, or at the Embassy of Denmark.

According to these visas, it is possible to visit only the above islands.

Attention A: A Greenland visa is not valid for entry into the Faroe Islands and vice versa.

According to the number of entries, visas to these islands can be single, double, or MULTY (based on the purpose of the trip and at the discretion of the Embassy). The maximum stay for any visa is 90 days.


If the applicant has a valid Schengen multivisa at the time of application, then he only needs a visa for Greenland/Faroe Islands.

If the applicant does not have a Schengen multi-visa, then when applying for a visa to Greenland/Faroe Islands, the Danish Embassy issues a Danish visa marked Valid for Greenland/Faroe Islands

    With more days in the Schengen area (exception - Denmark), the applicant first receives a Schengen visa of the country where it is supposed to spend more days, and then applies for a visa to Greenland / Faroe Islands.

    Example: The applicant's itinerary is 10 days in Iceland and 5 days in Greenland/Faroe Islands, respectively, first a visa is requested for Iceland and then for Greenland/Faroe Islands.

    With more days in Denmark + Greenland / Faroe Islands - this visa can cover the duration of stay in the Schengen area as well.

    Example: Applicant's itinerary: 10 days Greenland/Faroe Islands, 2 days Denmark and 5 days Iceland, a Schengen visa + Greenland/Faroe is requested. This visa will cover travel to Iceland.

Citizens of the following countries can apply for a visa to Denmark at the Visa Application Centers in Russia:

Citizens of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, as well as citizens of other countries who have a residence permit in the above countries.

A Schengen visa entitles you to stay in all Schengen countries. If you have a Schengen visa, you can stay in the Schengen area for a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period. It is possible to apply for a Schengen visa 6 months before the start of the intended trip. For seafarers, applications can be submitted up to 9 months before the start of the intended trip.

You can apply for a visa to Denmark if:

  1. Denmark is the only country visited, OR
  2. You plan to visit more than one country during your trip and Denmark is your primary destination (i.e. you intend to spend more days in Denmark, or your main purpose of visit is in Denmark), OR
  3. If it is not possible to determine the main country of residence, but Denmark is the country of first entry.
  4. For example:

  • If you plan to spend 4 days in Denmark and 2 days in Sweden for the same purpose, you need to apply for a visa to Denmark, because Denmark has more days.
  • If you are planning to spend 4 days in Denmark and then 4 days in Sweden, you will also need to apply for a Danish visa as Denmark is the country of first entry into the Schengen Area.
  • If you plan to spend 2 days in Denmark and 4 days in Sweden, you need to apply for a visa to Sweden.
  • If you plan to visit relatives in France (20 days) and also meet with a business partner in Belgium (2 days), but entry and exit through Amsterdam, you need to apply for a visa to France, because. The main purpose of the trip is to visit relatives.

Visa to Greenland and the Faroe Islands: Greenland and the Faroe Islands are autonomous territories of the Kingdom of Denmark and are not part of the Schengen Agreement. For this reason, separate visas are required to visit these territories. A Schengen visa for entry into Denmark and other Schengen countries is not valid for entry into Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Accordingly, in order to obtain visas for these islands, it is necessary to submit documents at the Danish visa center, or at the Embassy of Denmark.

According to these visas, it is possible to visit only the above islands.

Attention A: A Greenland visa is not valid for entry into the Faroe Islands and vice versa.

According to the number of entries, visas to these islands can be single, double, or MULTY (based on the purpose of the trip and at the discretion of the Embassy). The maximum stay for any visa is 90 days.


If the applicant has a valid Schengen multivisa at the time of application, then he only needs a visa for Greenland/Faroe Islands.

If the applicant does not have a Schengen multi-visa, then when applying for a visa to Greenland/Faroe Islands, the Danish Embassy issues a Danish visa marked Valid for Greenland/Faroe Islands

    With more days in the Schengen area (exception - Denmark), the applicant first receives a Schengen visa of the country where it is supposed to spend more days, and then applies for a visa to Greenland / Faroe Islands.

    Example: The applicant's itinerary is 10 days in Iceland and 5 days in Greenland/Faroe Islands, respectively, first a visa is requested for Iceland and then for Greenland/Faroe Islands.

    With more days in Denmark + Greenland / Faroe Islands - this visa can cover the duration of stay in the Schengen area as well.

    Example: Applicant's itinerary: 10 days Greenland/Faroe Islands, 2 days Denmark and 5 days Iceland, a Schengen visa + Greenland/Faroe is requested. This visa will cover travel to Iceland.

Citizens of the following countries can apply for a visa to Denmark at the Visa Application Centers in Russia:

Citizens of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, as well as citizens of other countries who have a residence permit in the above countries.