Open the left menu dallas. Dallas - a city of harmonious development Determine the capital of Dallas

32.7825 , -96.7975 32°46′57″ N. sh. 96°47′51″ W d. /  32.7825° N sh. 96.7975° W d.(G) Square 997.1 km² Center height 131 Official language English Population 1,240,499 people () Density 1 391.9 people/km² Timezone in summer link (English)

View of Dallas

Unfortunately, spring, autumn and the pleasant temperature ranges that accompany them are fleeting. However, no matter how short they may be, residents and visitors of the city have enough time to enjoy the beauty of wild flowers (such as Texas cornflowers, castille) and other flora. In spring, the weather is extremely unstable and can change radically in a matter of minutes.

The climate of Dallas and its large southern neighbor Houston are often compared. Texans generally agree that Houston's climate is significantly wetter and Dallas's dry, but Houston's humidity makes Dallas's climate comparatively more comfortable.

Demographic Information

As of the 2000 census, Dallas had 1,188,580 people, 451,833 personal households, and 266,581 families. The population density is 1339.7/km² (3469.9/mile²). The total number of houses is 484,117 with an average density of 545.7/km² (1413.3/mile²). The racial component of the city is as follows:

  • 50.83% white
  • 25.91% African American
  • 0.54% Native American,
  • 2.70% Asian American,
  • 0.05% descendants of the islands of Oceania,
  • 17.24% other races,
  • 2.72% mixed race.

35.55% of the population are Hispanic immigrants. In some areas of Dallas, Hispanics have displaced African Americans as the largest national minority.

There are 451,833 private households in Dallas, 30.3% of them are families with children under 18, 38.8% are families without children, 14.9% are single women, 41.0% of them belong to non-families. 32.9% of households have an individual owner, 6.5% have single people aged 65 and over. On average, 2.58 people live in a house, the average family size is 3.37.

In the city, 26.6% of the population is under the age of 18, 11.8% from 18 to 24, 35.3% from 25 to 44, 17.7% from 45 to 64, and 8.6% who are 65 and older. Average age - 30 years. For every 100 women, there are 101.6 men.

The median annual household income in Dallas is $37,628, and the median household income is $40,921. Men have a median income of $31,149 versus $28,235 for women. The median per capita income is $22,183. The incomes of 17.8% of the total population and 14.9% of families are below the official poverty level. The crime rate in Dallas was in first place among the largest cities in America from to years. While most parts of the city are generally safe, some areas should be avoided after dark. These include parts of South Dallas and areas where there is a concentration of old residential buildings (houses older than 10 years are considered as such).


The Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport is located in the geographic center of the metroplex, between the downtowns of Dallas and Fort Worth. It is the largest airport in the state, the second largest in the United States, and the third largest in the world. By the standards of passenger and cargo traffic, this is the fourth airport in the country, the sixth in the world. It is also the home airport of American Airlines, the world's largest airline.

Dallas Love Field Airport is located within the city limits, a few miles north of downtown, and is the home airport of Southwest Airlines. Under the Wright Amendment and the Shelby Civil Aviation Regulations Amendment, this airport cannot handle large aircraft operations flying to or from the bloc of Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Kansas, Mississippi, and Alabama. For this reason, Southwest Airlines and Continental Express are the two largest local airlines operating at this airport. Attempts to weaken the above-mentioned amendments or soften them have not yet led to noticeable results.

Trains and Buses

Light rail in Dallas

DART (DART - Dallas Area Rapid Transit - Dallas Rapid Transport) is a transportation company that oversees bus and rail routes, dedicated lanes for vehicles with several passengers. DART is the first company in the state and throughout the southeastern United States to launch a light rail line in 1996, and has steadily expanded its capacity and reach ever since.

There are currently two tram lines operating in the city. The Red Line runs from south Dallas through downtown to the northern suburbs of Richardson and Plano. The blue line runs from south Dallas through downtown to suburban Garland. The branches run parallel for several miles. At the intersection is Cityplace Station, the only underground tram station in the southwestern United States.

Two more light rail lines, orange and purple, are planned to be operational by the end of the decade, bringing the total length of the subway to at least 93 miles. The new routes will connect southeast Dallas to the remote northern suburb of Carrollton, and north Dallas to the city's major Dallas/Fort Worth airports. The Yellow Line will go towards Denton's future LRT system.

In the longer term, it is planned to expand the transportation network in the city to 250 miles, expand light rail lines to 150 miles, build an underground metro system in the city center, and open a bus line in Fort Worth. The smaller Fort Worth transportation system is connected to the Dallas one at several transfer points.

The Dallas Light Rail was the only modern urban rapid rail system in Texas until the year the 10-mile subway line opened in Houston.

The advent and development of the light rail network has driven up property prices in surrounding areas and spurred the development of private housing, especially in areas adjacent to the city center.

Despite the growing popularity of public transport, the vast majority of residents of the urban agglomeration have their own cars.

Major highways

6 federal highways and about 20 highways pass through the territory of Dallas, two of which are paid.

Residents of Dallas

Dallasians consider themselves to be more sophisticated people than residents of other parts of Texas, especially in Fort Worth. Due to the recent economic boom in Dallas, many people have moved here from other states and other countries. Residents of Dallas eat at restaurants an average of 4 times a week, ranking third in the country for this indicator. There are twice as many restaurants for every Dallas resident as there are for every New Yorker. Dallasians also warmly relate to their sports teams, in particular, to the Dallas Cowboys (Dallas Cowboys). The Cowboys are loved by the locals even despite a series of bad luck, unpleasant losses, not a hindrance even if the other team overtakes the Cowboys in the tournament championship. Calendars with images of sports stars, as well as other paraphernalia are so popular that numerous stores are dedicated to them. People love to spend time in sports bars where you can watch your favorite team play with a few dozen like-minded people.

A notable minus is the crime rate. According to this indicator, Dallas is in first place among American millionaire cities (according to the statistics of the year, there are only 9 such cities in the USA). Before that, Detroit was in the first place, but due to a decrease in population, it left the category of millionaires, and Dallas took its place.

On a global scale, Dallas is considered to be similar to its large southern neighbor, Houston. Both cities are the clear economic centers of Texas and maintain friendly parity. However, they are distinguished by some features. For example, the bulk of the population of Houston lives within the city, while in Dallas the bulk of the population lives in numerous suburbs.

Russian-speaking Dallas

The Russian-speaking community of Dallas is, according to some estimates, about 10 thousand people, mostly emigrants from the republics of the former USSR. Private Russian-language schools, shops operate in the city, and Russian-language satellite TV channels are received. There are several Orthodox churches in the city. Periodic cultural events are held for the Russian-speaking community, such as concerts by pop stars, performances, and exhibitions. Writer Sergey Taranenko, singer Mikhail Shufutinsky live in Dallas on a permanent basis, in the suburbs of the city (Garland) is the residence of the famous actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

twin cities

  • Brno (Czech. Brno), Czech Republic
  • Giza (Arabic الجيزة‎ ‎‎, Egypt
  • Dijon (fr. Dijon), France
  • Cardiff (English) Cardiff, Wall. Caerdydd ), Wales
  • Kirkuk (Arabic كركوك ‎‎), Iraq
  • Monterrey (Spanish) Monterrey), Mexico
  • Riga (Ltsh. Rīga), Latvia
  • Sendai (jap. 仙台市), Japan
  • Taipei (traditional Chinese 臺北 , simplified 台北 , pinyin Taiběi), Republic of China
  • Tianjin (Chinese 天津, pinyin Tianjin), China
  • Frederikshavn (Danish Frederikshavn), Denmark
  • Hyderabad (Telugu హైదరాబాదు, Urdu حیدر آباد, English. Hyderabad), India
Capital Austin
Largest cities

Houston | Dallas |

The city of Dallas is located in the United States of America. It was formed on the Trinity River, in northeastern Texas. Today it is the center of the district administration of the same name. Together with Duncaville, Fort Worth, Arlington, Denton, Garland, Irving, Plain and Mesquite, Dallas forms the largest metropolitan area, which is the first largest city in all of Texas and the 9th largest in the United States of America.

History of Dallas

This city is relatively young, as well as, especially by the standards of all American cities. It was founded by John Bryan in 1841. True, it should be noted that before the appearance of the Americans on these lands, the native inhabitants of America already lived here. Until now, the origin of the name of the city has not been determined.

In 1856, Dallas received city status, but the breakthrough in the history of the entire city did not occur until the 1870s, when it became the intersection of railroad lines. It was thanks to this that the city was able to become the most important trading center in the entire south of the United States of America. Already in 1900, the largest cotton market in the whole country appeared there.

In the 1930s, a source of oil was found near the city, thanks to which oil production appeared here. During World War II, Dallas played a major role in the economy of the entire country. Today, the city is even sometimes called the "Silicon Prairie" due to the fact that a large number of telecommunications companies are concentrated here.

Today, the city of Dallas is a very important financial and industrial center of the country. It is its economy that is based on the activities of banks, commerce, energy, computer and telecommunications industries, as well as transport links.

How to Get to Dallas

Dallas can be reached by plane. The city is served by the two largest commercial airports: Dallas Love Field and international Dallas Fort Worth. Also, civil aviation is served by an airport called Dallas Executive, which is located on the territory of the city. In addition, in the north of the city, in one of the suburbs, there is the Addison Airport. Dallas also has 2 airports in the west and 2 more in the north.

From the airport to downtown Fort Worth or Dallas, you can get a free shuttle to the station, which can be reached by train in a third of an hour. You can also take a minibus, the ticket price of which depends entirely on the distance to your destination.

Do not forget that in the morning traffic to Dallas is directed mainly towards the center, and in the evening - away from it.

Prices in restaurants and local shops

The city is famous for barbecue and regional American cuisine. There are a large number of different restaurants and cafes in which everyone can find exactly what he likes. All residents of Dallas are very fond of hearty and delicious food, so there are many more restaurants here than in all other cities.

The owners of a large number of restaurants and cafes use products only from local producers and firms, which is why the dishes are always fresh. Every Wednesday in the city you can try goat cheese, which is wrapped in a tortilla, and enchiladas, which are made from local chickens.

At Bolsa, the chef does not use deep fryers or freezers. The menu is described here as consisting of local and fresh dishes. A special dish of this institution is a tortilla with Italian sausage.

The concept of another restaurant is to use products grown only in their own garden. Green beans, potatoes, corn, herbs and carrots are grown here. At a cafe called Amore, you can order cannelloni stuffed with cheese called ricotta, spinach and ground beef. Thus, the city has a large number of establishments where you can not only eat delicious food, but also experience a very cozy and pleasant atmosphere of American life.

Dallas also has a large number of shops, shopping and entertainment centers, where you can find not only global brands, but also local ones. The centers here are exactly the same as in all of America.

The most interesting and beautiful places in Dallas

The best park in Dallas is Fair Park, which is located in the east of the city. On its territory there is a huge Ferris wheel, venues for concerts, as well as about 9 museums.

To the west, Downtown has an observation tower 171 meters high. It is from here that a magnificent view of the whole city and all its environs opens. It is this attraction that is the main attraction for all tourists.

Not far from the observation deck is Dealey Plaza, where John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. This is a very popular place, which houses a museum dedicated to the death and life of the President of the country. It is believed that a shot was fired from this building from its 6th floor. Also not far from these places are places of interest such as the Kennedy Memorial, the very first building of the city, as well as the building of the oldest museum.

Climate of Dallas

The city has a subtropical climate. In summer, dry winds blow from the north and west, and the temperature in the air rises to +38 degrees. Winters in the city are very mild, and the temperature at night fluctuates between -1-7 degrees, and in the daytime within the range of 13-21 degrees.

Dallas is a fairly large city located in the northeast of Texas. It ranks 9th in the United States in terms of population. About 1.3 million people live here. Together with Fort Worth and Arlington, Dallas forms an urban agglomeration of 6.5 million inhabitants. This urban formation is the largest in the southern region of the United States and ranks 4th in the country in terms of population. Dallas International Airport, which is located north of downtown, is the 5th busiest in the US and 6th in the world.


The climate in the city is humid subtropical. However, in summer, northwestern dry winds blow quite often here, due to which the air temperature rises sharply and can easily overcome the mark of + 38C. In winter, the weather in Dallas is mild, with air temperatures ranging from -1 to +7C at night and from +13 to +21C during the day. The temperature can drop below -1C only under the influence of cold fronts. Snow falls no more than 2-3 times during the whole winter.

The most comfortable weather conditions in Dallas are observed in spring and autumn. But during this period, the threat of tornadoes constantly hangs over the city. The reason for its occurrence is the meeting of cold fronts from Canada and moist air masses moving from the Gulf of Mexico.


Dallas was founded by John Bryan in 1841. Even judging by American standards, the city is considered relatively young. However, before the advent of Europeans, Native American settlements still existed in what is now Dallas.

The origin of the city's name has not yet been precisely clarified. Many historians are inclined to believe that it was named after Vice President of America George Mifflin Dallas.

Since the 1870s, the city has become one of the important centers of trade in the southern regions of the United States, as many railroad lines ran through it. The trade was so good that by 1900 Dallas had become the largest cotton market in America. With the discovery of oil near the city, the oil refining industry began to actively develop.

Technology companies played an important role in Dallas' economy after World War II. In modern times, the city is often referred to as the "Silicon Prairie" due to the concentration of many telecommunications companies.


Today Dallas is an important financial and industrial center. Such well-known companies as Nokia, Verizon, Fujitsu, Ericsson and many others work here. The city's economy is based on banking, commerce, transportation, computer industry and energy.


Historically, Dallas has always attracted Mexicans, which is why they now make up 38.5% of the population. Hispanics predominate in the west and east of the city. African Americans make up the majority of the population in the southern areas, while whites make up the majority of the population in the north.

Landmarks of Dallas

Dallas is located on the Trinity River, which poses a risk of flooding for the city, but at the same time it is a great place to relax. Recently, a large-scale project has been launched here to strengthen the banks of the river and transform them into park areas. Now its first stage is being completed - the construction of the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge. Many predict him to become one of the symbols of the city.

Northeast of downtown is Dallas' second largest water resource, White Rock Lake. It was created by hand at the beginning of the 20th century and is surrounded by a large park area. The eastern shore of the lake is occupied by the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden.

The palm among the parks of the city rightfully belongs to Fair Park. On its territory there are numerous concert venues, 9 museum complexes, a giant Ferris wheel.

A wonderful view of Dallas and its surroundings opens from the observation tower of the Reunion Tower. It is located in the west of the downtown and its height is 171 meters. Next to the Reunion Tower is the infamous Dealey Plaza. It was on it that John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. There is also a museum dedicated to his life and death.

South of downtown is the huge Dallas Zoo. It consists of three thematic zones: the giants of the Savannah, Wild Africa and the northern part (various exhibitions are held here and traditional animals live here). In total, the zoo contains over 400 different species of animals.

Residents of Dallas are proud of the city's sports teams and support them in every possible way in competitions. Everyone's favorite is the American football club "Cowboys". They took part in the championship finals 8 times, winning 5 of them. In addition to being the most popular club in the world, the Cowboys are also one of the most expensive sports clubs in the world.

Dallas was the very last point in the USA, from where we flew to Europe. No, this is not the end of American history, I just decided to write something about him. Let not in chronological order, but it does not matter?

So, it was not easy for us to take a look at the coolest data center (Data Processing Center) of the very world famous company Cisco in Dallas. We arrived in the evening, took a taxi ... well, a purely American taxi. With a switch on the steering wheel, a thin tall black man behind the wheel and such a width that it seems 4 people in the back seat will sit down and will not touch each other with their elbows. These are not the old cities of America, Dallas feels spacious. When the trunk opened, it immediately became clear why the Yankees like to transport people in the trunk. We could put all our suitcases and a couple of ourselves there and we would not feel strongly infringed on our civil rights. A kind of passenger taxi-bus. Go.

We stopped, as it should be in downtown, in the center. It was already dark, we should have dinner, but our group split into two flights, so we are waiting for the rest. What to do with time? Even so - what to do with time in Dallas? As long as drinking is not my forte. And let's take a walk in the neighborhood, see the city center!

The only attraction is the large business center surrounded by waterfalls. Looks great at night.

Tell me what you know about Dallas? Only one thing is known about Dallas - in some furry year, President Kennedy was assassinated here. All. I don't know anything about Dallas anymore. And after visiting my knowledge expanded not much.

Dallas is the oil capital of Texas, locally known as Texas. The state of Texas is one of the richest states, moreover, at one time, even more shaggy than the time of the Kennedy assassination, Texas was the most arrogant and militarily recaptured from Mexico. In memory of this, the inhabitants of Texas have something genetic left and from time to time they begin to think about leaving the States. Perhaps everything. Well, one more curious fact - while riding a taxi, we were very surprised at the abundance of five-pointed stars. Somehow, Soviet symbols look strange, for example, on the poles of overpasses. The answer is simple - the star is a symbol of the local sports team, so it is actively used everywhere.

Night, left the hotel, went to look for the place of the king's assassination. We consulted with a taxi driver, he didn’t even give us a lift (!!!), like there are a couple of steps, now you turn around the corner and you will see everything right away. What- there! They stomped stomped, barely stomped.

The first thing that struck us in Dallas at night was the emptiness. Nobody is on the streets. Those. no one at all. For almost half an hour of walking, we met only one man walking his dog. At the very end, we crossed the street, which can be conditionally called a restaurant. Several people were sitting at tables talking quietly. Where is all the people? Okay, Monday, evening, business center of the city, but no one at all?!! Maybe all the Ebolas got scared? By the way, I forgot about Ebola, at the time of the trip it was the most pressing topic, since it was in Dallas that a health worker who treated a patient with an African virus became infected.

Building with a commemorative inscription. It wasn't even painted over. But Oswald was not sitting in this building, but in the one to the left of the photographer. We didn't know about it at the time.
There is a museum on the ground floor
This is the part of the street where the President was assassinated.
Memorial Complex

We looked at the monument, went back, but on a different path. Here it was livelier. Instead of one man with a dog, we stumbled upon a bus stop, where 7 black people of various genders and obviously not with a Harvard education hung out. After a moment of silence and looking after the two "snow whites", they continued to actively discuss their topics. We never met anyone else. The fact that the city is still alive was evidenced only by car traffic.

Finally, everyone flew, arrived. We decided to go to eat real Texas steaks, for which we had previously found an appropriate restaurant on the Internet, determined the path to it. We catch a taxi, we go, it's not far, we arrive, the restaurant is closed. It is closed completely, only the top is not tightened with a cover. As if it didn't work. Time - 21:00.

We go in, we are greeted with words - we work only until 9:30 pm. True, a little later it turns out that orders are accepted until 9:30, and you can sit longer. I note that the Brazilians cooked meat better than in Astana, but all the same, a good steak tastes better in every way. But I liked the Californian red wine, the price-quality ratio is very good. Of course, I'm talking about the price there.

Morning greeted us with a view of Baiterek.

Right in the distance

There is still not a single person in the city. There were more cars, pedestrians did not appear. What a strange place

We went to see the data center, very impressed. The data center is a low building surrounded by an embankment. This is done so that in the event of a tornado, it breaks away from the embankment and flies over the building. The tour engineer noted that this is the safest building in the area - If a tornado comes, I will immediately bring the whole family here, otherwise we all have houses without foundations, they will scatter.

On the way back, the taxi driver suddenly began to fuss and began to poke his finger at some gloomy multi-storey building. It turned out to be a hospital that treated ebony patients.

The doctor - says - has already recovered. His whole family was also taken to quarantine, 21 days have passed and now everyone has been released, everything is fine.

The story of Ebola so captivated the taxi driver, he was so emotional that at some point I was about to hear a phrase from him, like - don’t believe me, I myself drove them in my car from quarantine, they were sitting right here, on this chair, where you are now ...
But it seems to have worked out. Didn't say. Or maybe we didn’t understand, the American language is still that English.

After the data center, on the way to the airport, we once again dropped by the site of the Kennedy assassination to show those who remained in the daylight. Even though it's October, it's hot.

Dallas made a sad impression. Yearning. Heat. Also tornadoes from time to time. Not my place. If not for Kennedy, there would be nothing to talk about at all. In our sinful deed, even a barbaric thought appeared in our heads. They presented just a picture, the tourism council sits in their city administration and breaks its head, how would the people attract the city to such anguish. Let's - they say, we'll brainstorm, express the most ridiculous ideas! Let's kill the president!
That's what they said.
Time passed, new people, old committee, new meeting, same topic. And let's bring Ebola from Africa?!!!
In general, they are trying to promote the city as best they can.

My American acquaintance, a born Texan, was offended by my review. It’s just that there weren’t any locals with you, we would have shown you!

May be.

But not soon, that's for sure. It is unlikely that I will want to visit again on my own. The city is not bad for work, but not for tourism.

The world is full of nicer places, we will visit them.