Characteristics of the Great Britain EGP according to plan. Abstract: Economic and geographical characteristics of Great Britain


; 1°46` east longitude and 8°00` west longitude.

Great Britain is an island state; consists of the island of Great Britain and the northeastern part of the island of Ireland (they are separated by the narrow North Strait), as well as smaller islands (the most significant of them are Anglesey, White, Orkney, Hebrides, Shetland). Great Britain includes the internally autonomous Isle of Man in the Irish Sea and the Channel Islands, located in the English Channel off the coast of France. (as they usually call and) are washed by the waters of the North Sea. They are separated from mainland Europe only by the narrow straits of Pas de Calais (in the UK - the Strait of Dover) and the English Channel (English Channel). Great Britain is connected by a 48 km long tunnel, of which 37 km passes under. Coastline- 12,429 km - heavily indented, replete with bays and bays - convenient anchorages for sea vessels. The largest bays are Bristol, Cardigan, Solway Firth, Firth of Clyde, Moray Firth, Firth of Forth, and Wash. The UK shares a land border with the Irish Republic; its length is 360 km.

Much of the UK is characterized by rugged terrain. It predominates in the north and west. In the northern part of the island, mountains rise from 840 to 1300 m above sea level (the highest high peak- Ben Nevis - 1340 m). The North Scottish Highlands are separated from the South Scottish Highlands by the Lowlands, less than 100 km wide. Mountain ranges cover almost the entire western part of the island, especially Wales and Cornwall. The central part of Northern England is occupied by the Pennines, which separate the Lancashire Lowlands in the west from the Yorkshire Lowlands in the east. The southern half of Great Britain is composed of plains separated by hills and highlands.

The UK has significant reserves. Among them are oil, natural gas, coal, limestone, salt, clay, chalk, gypsum, copper, silica. Offshore oil reserves are estimated at 1,430 million tons; most are located in, to the east and north-east of and to the east of Shetland and Orkney; the largest offshore fields are Fortis and Brent, on the mainland - Witchfarm in Dorset. Reserves reach 1,710 billion m3, the main deposits are located in the North Sea near east coast England. The main (significantly developed) are Yorkshire - Derby - Nottinghamshire basin in the eastern Midlands, Northumberland - Durham basin in northeast England.

The UK's soil cover is quite varied. Brown forest, podzolic soils predominate. Carbonate, alluvial, acidic soils, and peat bogs are widespread.

The climate of Great Britain is temperate, humid, and oceanic. Thanks to the North Atlantic Current and warm winds blowing in from the Atlantic Ocean, the UK tends to have mild winters. But these also explain the cloudy weather, frequent rains, etc. The average temperature in January is 3-7°C, in July 11 - 17°C, the amount of annual precipitation is 550-800 mm in the southeast, 3000 mm in the mountainous western and northern regions. The most precipitation falls from October to January, the least - in February-March.

In the UK there is a large number of rivers and lakes. The most - Severn (328 km) - originates in the mountains of Wales and flows into Bristol Bay (west coast). The Lancashire Lowlands are crossed by the Mersey, which flows into Liverpool Bay. Main river east coast - Thames (336 km) - flows through the most densely populated areas of south-eastern England. The Lowlands of Scotland are also rich in rivers. The longest of them is the Clyde (157 km), originating in the South Scottish Highlands and flowing into the Firth of Clyde (west coast), and the Forth, flowing into the Firth of Forth (east coast). There are many lakes in the north of the country. The largest is Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland - 396 km2. The deepest is Loch Morir in the North Scottish Highlands (310 m).

The flora of Great Britain is diverse - 9% of the territory. Broad-leaved forests predominate - oak, beech, birch. There are many coniferous forests in Scotland - spruce and larch. Heather heaths are widespread. In the south of the country there are evergreen plant species. Plants grow all year round.

There are about 30 thousand species of animals in Great Britain. These include foxes, hares, red squirrels, otters, black rats, mink, reptiles and amphibians. Of the 200 bird species, the most common are sparrows, finches, starlings, crows, kingfishers, robins, and tits. In rivers and coastal sea waters there are numerous species of fish - cod, haddock, whiting, herring, salmon, trout.

The country is located in the British Isles in northwestern Europe. Let's look at the UK's EGP - first its geographical aspect. Great Britain consists of four major provinces: England, Wales, and Scotland. The UK's EGP is largely determined by its island position. The British Isles are the largest archipelago in Europe. It consists of two large islands (Ireland and Great Britain) and more than five thousand small ones. The southern part of the island of Great Britain is located at fiftieth, and the northern part of the archipelago (Scottish Islands) is at sixtieth degree north latitude. The distance from the northernmost point of the island of Great Britain to its southernmost point is 966 kilometers, and its greatest width is 508 kilometers. The geographical position of Great Britain is such that it is washed by the waters of the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, and the southern part of its coast is located only thirty-five kilometers from the northern coast of France. They are separated by the English Channel. equal to 243,810 square kilometers.

The lowland areas of England are of great agricultural importance. Somewhat later than the plains, the mountainous terrain began to be developed. An important incentive for this was first pastures, and then mineral resources. Historically, during the course of geological evolution, various minerals began to form in the depths of the British Isles. The country has almost all known minerals, except diamonds.

In the central part and in the north of England are the Pennine Mountains, which consist of coal rocks. In their northern part, karst deposits are common. The foothills of these mountains are rich in coal deposits. Based on these deposits, large mining and industrial centers of the Yorkshire, Lancshire and other coal basins were formed, the calculated reserves of which amount to more than four billion tons.

Most of England alternates between flat plains and rolling cuesta ranges. Cuestas are most often made of limestone or chalk, while the plains are represented by looser rocks: sand, clay, marl. All these sedimentary rocks accumulated in ancient sea basins.

Small hills on the Midland plains are associated with deposits of iron ore and coal. Here is one of the largest iron ore deposits - 60% of all its reserves are concentrated in the East Midlands.

Let us now consider the economic side of the UK EGP .

The country's agriculture is characterized by very high intensity. It is well equipped and produces 60% of the UK's food needs using only 2% of its human resources. The leading industries are chemical and petrochemical, oil, oil refining, mechanical engineering, and ferrous metallurgy.

Per capita is $36,600 per year. Great Britain ranks 13th in the world in terms of living standards. The country's economy is one of the most developed in the world. The country has a developed mechanical engineering industry, which is mainly focused on the production of non-standard equipment, as well as different types and types of machines.

The country has well-developed electronic and electrical production, large-scale automotive manufacturing, aircraft and rocket manufacturing, shipbuilding, and machine tool manufacturing. The chemical and petrochemical industries, the production of handling equipment and industrial equipment, as well as the oil refining and pharmaceutical industries, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy are widely represented. Great Britain is one of the first places in the world in the export and production of dyes and plastics, detergents, chemical and mineral fertilizers.

Thus, we presented in the article information reflecting the UK EGP.

Great Britain (United Kingdom) is an island state, most of whose territory is located on two large islands separated by the waters of the Irish Sea. The total area of ​​Great Britain is 244,017 square meters. km. The population of Great Britain is 58,395 thousand people.

Officially the country is called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It consists of four countries: England, Scotland and Wales, located on the island of Britain, and Northern Ireland. The latter is located on the same island as the Independent Republic of Ireland. Thus, the UK shares a common land border only with Ireland.

The British Isles lie off the northwestern coast of Europe. The British Isles are surrounded by many small islands. To the southwest of the island of Britain are the Isles of Scilly, and to the north of Wales is the Isle of Anglesey. On the western and northern coasts of Scotland there are numerous small islands that are part of Great Britain. The most important of these are the Orkney Shetland Islands.

From the west, Great Britain is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and from the east by the waters of the North Sea.

From the south, Great Britain borders on France - its closest and most developed neighbor, which shares water borders with it. Shortest distance to north coast France - the Strait of Dover, but the main communication between the states is through the English Channel, called the English Channel by the British, along the bottom of which a tunnel for high-speed rail transport was built at the end of the twentieth century. Before this, communication between the two countries was carried out by water or air.

Also, the closest neighbors of Great Britain are Belgium and the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, and Norway are located much further away.

Thus, the UK’s EGP is both neighboring and coastal, which is extremely beneficial for the economic development of the country, although it undoubtedly has certain disadvantages in strategic and military terms.

The administrative map of Great Britain has changed several times, because... the annexation of the countries that make up the United Kingdom took centuries. Each once independent state has its own capital or administrative center. The official capital of Great Britain is London, since the unification of the lands took place around England.

In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, Great Britain, being in first place in the world in terms of economic development, created a colossal colonial power that occupied almost a quarter of the planet's territory. British colonies included India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and much of Africa. In the twentieth century, the English colonies became independent states, but many of them are part of the British Commonwealth, headed by the British monarch. In 1921, the southern part of Ireland separated from Great Britain and became an independent state.

Area - 244.8 thousand km2. Population - 60.4 million people

A constitutional monarchy is a unitary state with autonomous entities (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands). Capital -. London


Great Britain is an island state in the northeastern part. Atlantic Ocean, from the mainland. Europe is separated by a strait. English Channel. Except the island. Great Britain, it includes the north-eastern part of the island. Ireland and a number of small islands. In the west the state borders with. Ireland, which was a colony for more than 700 years. UK her. The closest neighbors on the mainland are... France and Belgium Great Britain is a member. EU,. NATO and other integration associations, which contributes to the development of pan-European cooperation.

Great Britain is a central state. Commonwealth - a political and economic union of countries and territories that were previously part of. British. Empire (49 states and territories) included. The Commonwealth includes 14 states, among them such highly developed ones as. Canada,. Australia,. New. Zealand*.

Location. Great Britain on the islands promotes the development of maritime transport and access to international maritime trade routes. A tunnel built at the narrowest point of the strait. The English Channel connects. Great Britain with the mainland. This improves it significantly. EGGP.


The country ranks second in terms of population European countries after. Germany. For. Great Britain has long been characterized by low natural population growth, which today amounts to more than 1 per 1,000 people per year. For several years, there was even a slight decline in the state's population. Now in. The population of Great Britain is growing slowly due to insignificant natural growth and the influx of foreigners. Low birth rate against the backdrop of a significant average life expectancy (78 years) leads to the aging process of the nation.

The national composition of the population is motley. More than 80% are English, about 4% are Welsh, 2% are Irish, about 5.2% are Scots and over 4% come from other countries. Commonwealth, etc. Since the mid-20th century, about. 30 thousand immigrants from Ukraine. Residents by religion. Great Britain belongs to three faiths: the British and Welsh are supporters of the Protestant Church of England; Irish are Catholics; The Scots are Protestants (Presbyterians).

Placed population. Great Britain's territory is uneven. The average population density is about 240 people per 1 km2. The highest population density in. England (350 people per 1 km2), the smallest in. Scotland and India (more than 100 people per 1 km2). More than 90% of the population lives in cities. For. Great Britain is characterized by large agglomerations with a population of over 1 million people, in which a third of the urban population lives. They, together with smaller agglomerations (about 30 in all), form. English megalopolis with population. ZO million people. Bridge-millionaire two -. London (7.6 million people) and. Birmingham. In terms of the way of life, the countryside is not much different from the countryside.

In the employment structure of the population, about 80% are employed in the service sector, 19% in industry and 1% in agriculture. There is unemployment in the country, on average reaching 5.5% annually.

Natural conditions and resources

. Island. UK is rich in coal resources, whose reserves are currently very depleted. The largest coal basins -. Yorkshire, Newcastle (northern England) etc. Welsh. Oil and gas reserves are significant (North Sea shelf). B. British sector. The North Sea contains significant deposits of oil and natural gas. The UK is the only one of the G7 European countries that fully meets its needs with its own oil and gas.

The nadra islands contain small reserves of iron ore in the central coastal parts of the state, lead-zinc and tin ores on the peninsula. Cornwall (southwest UK). In the central parts. England has deposits of table and potassium salts.

The state is relatively rich in water resources (the humid climate contributes to the full flow of rivers). Only in the central one. England is experiencing a shortage of water resources. Insignificant hydro resources are concentrated on rivers. Sh. Scotland and. Wales.

Forest reserves in the country are insignificant. Only 10% of its territory is covered with forests and only 15% of the wood demand is covered from its own resources

The country is dominated by flat terrain. Significant areas are occupied by old destroyed mountains (Cambrian, Peninsky), which do not have a significant impact on the nature of the development of the territory

The country's climate is temperate maritime with mild winters and cool summers. It promotes the cultivation of all temperate zone crops. On the western coast of the island, 2000 mm of precipitation falls, and on the eastern coast - 600 mm of rainfall per river.

The UK has limited resources of agricultural land. The soils of the state are quite fertile (brown forest, podzolic), but require a significant amount of mineral and organic fertilizers

In the north. Scotland has a large lake district characterized by significant recreational resources

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Municipal educational institution "OSCHEPKOVSKAYA SECONDARY SCHOOL"

Characteristics of Great Britain

Completed by: Marina Rogaleva

11th grade student

Teacher: Mayshev A.N.

R. Pyshma village - 2011

State structure

Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. Formally, the country is ruled by a monarch (since 1952 - Queen Elizabeth II), but in fact the highest legislative body is parliament, which includes the queen, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The House of Commons is a national assembly, elected every five years. House of Lords - aristocrats, princes of the blood, hereditary peers.

Position in relation to neighboring countries

The country is located in the British Isles off the northwestern coast of continental Europe, traditionally called (by name largest island) Great Britain, and by the name of the historical part - England. Officially, it is called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Great Britain is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the north and west sides. Across the expanses of this ocean, this country “neighbors” Iceland in the north.

From the east, the shores of “Foggy Albion” are washed by the waters of the North Sea. The neighboring countries on this side are Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium.

The closest neighboring country is France. It borders Great Britain on the southern side and is separated from the shores of the United Kingdom by the English Channel.

In the west, Great Britain is separated from the main part of Ireland by the Irish Sea and St. George's Channel.

Natural conditions

The climate of the United Kingdom is very mild. The mildness of the climate is mainly due to the influence of the North Atlantic Current (a continuation of the Gulf Stream), which brings warm waters to the western coast of Europe. At these latitudes, westerly transport of winds predominates, and thus cool air comes from the Atlantic Ocean in summer and warm air in winter.

Although the temperature differences are very small, winters on the west coast of the United Kingdom are warmer than on the east. Winters become less favorable as you move north along the east coast, where chilly, damp winds blow in from the cold North Sea.

Frost and snow are not unusual phenomena, especially at high altitudes, but in the lowlands in a normal winter, temperatures below 0 ° C last only 30-60 days a year, and snow only 10-15 days. In London there is only snow on the ground for about 5 days a year.

In normal years, all areas of the UK receive sufficient rainfall for farming, and in some mountainous areas it is even excessive. Seasonal and annual fluctuations in precipitation are slight, and droughts are rare.

Fairly cloudy weather prevails, as most precipitation falls in the form of constant drizzle rather than showers, and the sun does not appear many days of the year.

At these latitudes, summer days are long and winter days are very short. The lack of sunlight depends more on continuous cloud cover than on fog. Damp, damp fog occurs in London on an average of 45 days a year, predominantly in January and February, and most ports experience between 15 and 30 foggy days each year, with fog that can paralyze all traffic for a couple of days or more.

Natural resources

There are not so many valuable natural resources in the UK. The once all-important iron ore production has now dropped to virtually nothing. Other economically important fossil ores include lead, whose extraction only supplies half of the economy's needs, and zinc. There are quite a lot of other resources, such as chalk, lime, clay, sand, gypsum.

On the other hand, the UK has greater reserves of energy resources, including oil, natural gas and coal, than any country in the European Community.

The discovery of oil deposits in the North Sea led to the rapid development of the oil industry. Since operations began in 1975, the amount of oil produced each year has increased every year, making the UK virtually self-sufficient in oil consumption, and even an oil exporter. With an average production level of 2.6 million barrels per day, the UK ranks sixth in the world as an oil producer. Oil reserves in Great Britain reach 770 million tons. UK device population economy

With the start of natural gas production in 1967, coal in cities was gradually replaced by gas, and gas pipelines were built throughout the country. Natural gas reserves are estimated at 22.7 trillion cubic feet.


According to the first UK census conducted in 1801, the population of England and Wales was almost 9 million people, and Scotland - more than 1.5 million. Throughout the 19th century. the population increased annually by 1-1.5%, but in the 20th century. its growth slowed and by the mid-1970s it virtually stopped.

Fertility and mortality

During the 1970s, the birth rate in the United Kingdom fell and reached the death rate. From the 1969 birth rate of 16.7 people per thousand inhabitants, it fell in 1977 to 11.8. However, in subsequent years, the birth rate slowly increased.

Age structure of the population

Due to low mortality in the 1930s and again from the late 1950s, the proportion of the active age population was relatively small - in the 1980s it was only about 63%, and an even greater decline was expected. The share of children under 16 years old accounted for only 22%. Older people, especially those over 85 years of age, have noticeably increased their share of the total population. Their number has also increased in absolute terms. Today there are 9 million Britons living in Britain whose age is equal to or greater than 65 years.

Discordpopulation division and density

If we exclude Greater London, the south coast of England and the area around Belfast, it is safe to say that the majority of citizens of the United Kingdom live in the cities that arose near coal mining. Approximately 90% of the population lives in the city, and more than one in three residents lived in one of the eight urban regions that the British call "cities" (i.e. metropolitan areas). Each such metropolis arises on the basis of a large city; with the exception of London, they are all near large coalfields.

There are 9 densely populated areas in the UK. Greater London, centered on London, is the political, commercial, financial and cultural capital of the United Kingdom; its population is estimated to be about 7 million. In the West Midlands, such a metropolitan area is Birmingham and the Black Country, an area of ​​metalworking and light industry. The county of Lancashire, with its two metropolitan areas - Merseyside (the Mersey Valley) and Greater Manchester - is located at the north-western end of a densely populated belt that runs diagonally across England from London through Birmingham.

Lowland Scotland is home to the capital Edinburgh and the industrial region of Central Clydeside, centered on Glasgow. The Lagan and Bann valleys in Northern Ireland are located around Belfast, a modern industrial city and the capital of Northern Ireland. South Wales is a coal-mining and industrial region where people live in small towns along deep, narrow valleys with open-pit coal mines. On south coast From Portsmouth to Eastbourne there are resorts and leisure areas, as well as important port cities Southampton and Portsmouth.

At the opposite end of the densely populated regions are largely uninhabited areas - much of central Wales, the northern Pennines and Lake District, the south coast and the Highlands.


Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country (share of GDP: industry 24.1%, agriculture 1.8%), which acts as a supplier of industrial products in the international division of labor. At the same time, the economic role of Great Britain in the modern world is determined not only by industrial, but also by banking, insurance, shipping and other commercial activities.

For the development of the UK economy, the export of industrial goods and the export of “services” to the capitalist world, which together provide 26% of the gross national product, are of exceptional importance. An important source of income for British international monopolies has been and remains the export of capital to other countries.

With the reorientation of British industry towards new industries for its development, the external market began to play a greater role than cheap labor. Recently, British monopolies have found this market in developed capitalist countries, whose share in the export of British capital has exceeded 3/5. Great Britain's capital exports to developing countries are still large: it accounts for almost half of the capital exported to these countries by Western European countries. At the same time, the contributions of foreign monopolies to the UK economy are growing rapidly.

Great Britain remains a large, rich country with a high level of both economy and economy. The UK remains one of the main exporters of capital to developing countries (mainly to countries Persian Gulf And Foreign Europe). The country continues to occupy one of the first places in the world in terms of economic level.


The most important industrial sectors are mechanical engineering, food industry (including the production of soft drinks and alcoholic beverages), tobacco and chemical industries, paper and printing industries, and light industry. The fastest growing industrial sectors were the chemical, forestry, furniture, rubber and plastics industries. Within the chemical industry, the pharmaceutical industry began to develop especially actively. The food and light industries, as well as mechanical engineering in general, perform below average.

The largest industrial regions of Great Britain are Mid-Scotland (in the north of the country), South Wales (west coast). Such industrial areas as London, Midland, North-East, Lancashire are located within the boundaries of the “central axis” of development, where about half of the region’s total economic potential is concentrated.


UK agriculture employs only about 3% of the country's working population. Great Britain produces more than half of the agricultural products consumed by its population. The needs for barley, oats, potatoes, poultry, pork, eggs and fresh milk are fully met. However, many of Britain's important products have to be imported from other countries. They import 4/5 of the butter, 2/3 of the sugar, half of the wheat and bacon, and 1/4 of the beef and veal consumed in the country.

The natural conditions of Great Britain are more favorable for the development of livestock farming than agriculture. Livestock and crop production account for 65% and 23% of the value of the country's agricultural products, respectively. Mostly livestock farms are located in the western, wetter part of the island of Great Britain. England is one of the world's largest suppliers of sheep wool.

The most important cereals are wheat, oats, rye (mainly in the northern eastern regions of distribution). A significant part of the grains is used to feed livestock, but the rest is used to produce bread, cereals, etc. In livestock farming, the most important are cattle.


Since the UK is an island state, all its external transport and trade is associated with sea and air transport. About 90% of the total cargo turnover is accounted for by sea transport.

All areas of the UK, except the West Midlands, are, to one degree or another, directly connected to seaports, which serve as major transport hubs. The largest of them are London, Southampton, Liverpool, Goole and Harwich, with London and Liverpool sea ​​ports carry about half of all cargo.

In the past, more passengers arrived in the UK by sea than by air. However, from the early 1960s, the number of air passengers began to grow rapidly and soon doubled the number of those arriving by sea. Freight transport by air is also increasing. There are about 150 passenger airports in the country. Great Britain is connected by regular airlines to almost 100 countries. Five largest airports countries - located in the London area (Heathrow and Gatwick), as well as Manchester, Luton and Glasgow - provide 3/4 of all passenger and air cargo traffic.

The UK is connected to the continent by two railway ferries (Dover-Dunkirk and Harwich-Ostend), and numerous sea car and passenger ferries - with Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Holland and France. The UK is also connected to France via the Eurotunnel under the English Channel - a double-track railway tunnel about 51 km long, of which 39 km is under the English Channel. Thanks to the tunnel, it became possible to visit London from Paris in just 2 hours 15 minutes; In the tunnel itself, trains take from 20 to 35 minutes.

In domestic freight transport, road transport plays the largest role. It is more than 3 times (in ton-kilometers) inferior to railway transport and by the same amount to cabotage. In connection with the development of motor transport, more than 11 thousand km of railway tracks were removed.

At the same time, the network is expanding highways and their reconstruction takes place. In terms of the length of roads per unit area, the UK ranks fourth in the world. At the same time, it still has few modern highways, and the roads remain the most congested in the world.

Main economic regions

In terms of development conditions in Great Britain, there is a sharp difference between the southeast - the so-called "Green England" - and the rest of the territory, where the industrial revolution of the 18th century. created large centers of industry based on coal and iron ore resources.

SOUTH - East Anglia remains the most agricultural part of the country. The industrial role of South East England has grown significantly. She became one of the most important areas concentration of new industries. In Greater London there is a significant number of heavy industry enterprises - electrical, automotive, chemical, etc., concentrated in the suburbs. Agriculture in South East England specializes in supplying London with meat, milk, vegetables and fruit.

South-West England includes the mountainous Cornwall Peninsula - one of the most important areas of dairy farming, developing on the basis of large, lush pastures. Tin and kaolin are mined in Cornwall.

On the banks of the English Channel is the city of Plymouth - a military and commercial port and shipbuilding center, forming one whole with Devonport. The largest city and port in South-West England, Bristol is a significant center for the aviation and food industries.

To the north of "Green England" lie areas of heavy industry (coal mining, metallurgy, heavy engineering) and old textile industry areas. They start from a strip of coal and iron ore deposits bordering the southern spurs of the Pennines.

Midland is an industrial area located on the central plain, the oldest center of the coal metallurgical and engineering industries.

Birmingham is the largest center of the military, automotive, aviation, electrical industries, car and locomotive construction, and the production of high-quality steel, alloys and metal products.

Wales is a mountainous peninsula in the west of Great Britain, abundant in pasture for sheep. Dairy farming and horticulture are developed in the valleys and on the coast. South Wales is one of the most important areas of the coal industry, as well as an area of ​​ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy (in particular the production of white wool) and the chemical industry.

Northern England is the most industrialized part of the country. It contains 3 large industrial areas - Lancashire, Yorkshire and North-East and the smaller Camberlain. All of them were formed on the basis of coal deposits. Lancashire, together with adjacent parts of Cheshire and Derbyshire, is the largest cotton manufacturing area.

Scotland. The Lowlands are home to a coal and metal industry; its center is Glasgow with shipyards, engineering factories, chemical and textile factories. In the eastern part of the Lowlands of Scotland, along with coal mining, light industry is developed. Large cities are located here - Edinburgh (the administrative center of Scotland) and Dundee. Northern and Southern Scotland - backward, sparsely populated mountainous areas, where large areas are occupied by sheep pastures and hunting reserves. There are fishing ports on the coast, the most important of which is Aberdeen. In South Scotland, in the river basin. Tweed developed the production of woolen fabrics.

Northern Ireland occupies the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland. Wheat and flax crops are widespread here, and dairy farming and gardening are developed. The main industrial city and port of Belfast is a center for shipbuilding and linen production.

Foreign economic relations

Foreign trade turnover almost quadrupled. On the one hand, the export of capital has doubled, on the other, the contributions of foreign monopolies to the UK economy are growing rapidly. Great Britain has large capital investments abroad (about 20 billion pounds sterling), the bulk of which is in the Commonwealth countries, which have large reserves of raw materials. At the same time, American, West German and Japanese monopolies are increasingly penetrating the former British colonies, and private American capital is occupying an increasingly strong position in the economy of Great Britain itself.

In world exports of highly developed countries, Great Britain ranks 5th. “Invisible exports” increased almost fourfold. Most of the export value comes from manufactured products: automobiles, aircraft, metal products, electrical equipment, chemical products, synthetic fabrics, steel and textiles. Export: machinery and equipment, oil and petroleum products, chemical products.

The country continues to import natural rubber, phosphorites, almost all non-ferrous and rare metals, more than half of iron ore, as well as cotton, sulfur, and wool.

However, in general, the UK's dependence on imports of raw materials is decreasing due to the reorientation of domestic industry towards modern industries and in particular with further development chemistry and the use of substitutes and local raw materials.

Main foreign trade partners: EU countries, USA, Japan. Great Britain exports many minerals (oil, metals) from Commonwealth countries, and machinery and equipment and chemical products from the USA and Japan.

General conclusion

Great Britain today is a country with a highly developed, strong and independent economy. Now Great Britain is a highly developed state, one of the leading world powers. In terms of industrial production, it ranks fifth in the world after the USA, Japan, Germany and France. But this is not the limit. In Britain, minerals are being mined and new methods of extracting them are being developed. Due to the fact that Britain is an island state, it remains one of the largest maritime powers today.

Thanks to its EGP, the UK still has development options. This country can only develop and improve its position in the world.

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