What volcano erupts in Bali. How dangerous is a volcanic eruption in Bali (photo gallery)


Volcano Agung on the island of Bali began its eruption on the morning of April 21, throwing a two-kilometer column of smoke and ash into the sky, which then settled in the areas of Karangesem, Bangli and Klunglung. The ash emission was recorded at 18:25 local time, and it was accompanied by a very strong roar, reports the Daily Mail. The eruption has been assigned the third danger status out of a possible four.

Authorities are distributing masks to residents to protect their respiratory tract from the ash. It is forbidden to approach the volcano closer than four kilometers. However, some climbers ignored the warning and tried to climb the mountain.

Indonesian authorities said the eruption did not affect Bali's main airport, Ngurah Rai International Airport, and it was still operating as normal. But the volcano's continued activity could mean thousands of travelers could become trapped.

During the 2018 eruption, Jetstar, Qantas, AirAsia and Virgin Australia canceled flights at Denpasar airport and 5,000 people were stranded on the island.

Thousands of people have been evacuated from the area since seismic activity resumed on the mountain in 2017 and small eruptions occur regularly. Two other active volcanoes, Bromo and Merapi on the island of Java, are also on alert.

“This is a normal situation with an active volcano and the public should not panic as long as they remain outside the danger zone,” said national disaster mitigation agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho.

Some foreign climbers, however, ignored the exclusion zone and attempted to climb Mount Agung. They had to be evacuated in a rescue operation.

Indonesia is prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions because the archipelago is located on the Pacific "Ring of Fire" that extends along the coast Pacific Ocean before west coast Northern and South America. Local government seismologists in the country monitor more than 120 active volcanoes.

On a small territory of the island of Bali there are two active volcano: Batur and Agung.

Let us remind you that last eruption Mount Agung occurred in 1963. The disaster killed more than 1,100 people.

The powerful eruption of Agung, according to climatologists, can “slow down” global warming for about 5 years and temporarily cause a slight cooling.

By the way, an analysis of the statistics of eruptions in past decades and centuries shows that Batur and Agung erupt together or alternately. Agung and Batur share a common system of underground channels through which lava can move between their magma chambers, coming from a common magma source located at a depth of 10-30 kilometers.

Outdoor terrace of the restaurant with panoramic views of the Batur volcano. The view is magnificent. The cuisine is exclusively Indonesian, buffet style. The rice with vegetables is amazing.

Volcano Kintamani

A trip to the Kintamani volcano is an integral part of excursion program every tourist vacationing in Bali. Most often, guides take guests on a special observation deck, where there are restaurants with beautiful views of the volcano.

Kintamani Volcano erupted three times: in 1927, 1929 and 1947. This volcano has a double crater. After two strong eruptions in 1917 and 1927, Lake Batur was formed in one of the craters, which is the largest in Bali. The contours of the lake resemble a Korean bowl in shape. This lake has one interesting feature: Throughout the year its depth remains constant - both during the dry season and during the rainy season. This circumstance became the reason that local residents began to believe that it was God himself who was taking care of this lake. The area is also famous for its hot springs.

The volcano is quite active - even today, smoke and ash emit from its crater from time to time. Previously, the crater housed the village of Batur, which after the 1926 eruption was moved to the edge of the crater, and miraculously surviving architectural monuments were restored. In the evening, a very picturesque view opens from the top of the crater.

Coordinates: -8.25158500,115.33029600

Volcano Batur

Volcano Batur is located in Indonesia, in the northeastern part of the island of Bali. The main cone of the volcano is crowned by 3 craters, and the highest point reaches 1717 meters above sea level.

Scientists suggest that the formation of the volcano in this area began more than half a million years ago.

Past volcanic activity is evidenced by frozen basalt rocks left over from lava flows. Some activity is still observed today, manifested in occasional tremors and ash emissions. The last eruption of Mount Batur, accompanied by human casualties, occurred in 1963. Lava flows wiped out a small village located nearby.

In 1999 - 2000, local residents and visitors to the island could observe emissions of volcanic ash reaching a height of 300 meters. Despite its dangerous nature, Batur Volcano is one of the main tourist attractions of the island. From the top of the volcano you can admire the surrounding views and appreciate the power of the natural elements.

Coordinates: -8.24200000,115.37500000

Gunung Agung Volcano

Volcano Agung is the mother mountain, the volcano of the gods, the diameter of the crater is about 500 meters. The southern side of the mountain, above the Besaki temple, is considered highest point Bali. Height 3142m. Agung is a place of spiritual purification and worship. The life of a Balinese is oriented towards Agung. The entrances to all the temples of the island are located in the direction “towards the mountain”; the names of all houses and settlements in Bali are translated into Russian as “towards the mountain” or “from the mountain”. Even the head of a sleeping Balinese must be directed towards the sacred volcano.

In the spring of 1963, a terrible eruption occurred, flooding many villages in eastern Bali with lava and killing about 2,000 island residents. Everything was destroyed. Traces of lava are still clearly visible on the northern coast of Bali.

The Balinese believe that the culprit was the wrong choice of date for the grandiose spiritual cleansing ceremony Eka Dasa Rudra (the most important ritual in Balinese Hinduism, performed once every hundred years), which brought upon them the displeasure of the gods and resulted in terrible revenge.

That’s why the Balinese respect the gods and take them seriously, which is what they advise tourists to do.

Everyone who wants to watch the dawn above the clouds and plunge into the divine atmosphere must ask permission from the gods (here it is not necessary to memorize the most complex prayers, it is enough to ask for passage with your soul). Climbing the volcano does not require special physical training (the entire journey will take no more than 4 hours), but it does require great respect.

There are two routes to climb the volcano: the first will lead to the top along the western slope from the Besakih Temple, the second will only lead to the lower part of the crater, which offers a panoramic view of the eastern side of Bali. During religious holidays, climbing Gunung Agung is prohibited, but you are always welcome to enjoy the incredible landscape pictures of the island.

Coordinates: -8.34101900,115.50376700

Sights of Bali

The volcano in Bali, in addition to being a tourist attraction, plays a big role in the cultural and spiritual life of the Balinese people. There are two volcanoes on the island of Bali - Mount Agung and Mount Batur. The proximity to formidable giants could not but affect folklore and fine arts. Volcanoes Batur and Agung also influence the daily lives of the islanders and the climate of Bali.

Volcano Agung

Most high volcano in Bali rises 3142 meters above sea level and is the highest point of the island. The name can be translated as “great mountain”. Belongs to the type of stratovolcanoes. The crater of the volcano measures 500 by 200 meters. Located in the eastern part of the island. During the history of observations, the volcano has erupted only 5 times - in 1808, 1821, 1843, 1963-1964 and in 2018. Moreover, the eruption of 1963 was the most powerful and destructive and was accompanied by the descent of mud flows from the slopes of the volcano.

According to some sources, crimson sunsets in Europe were caused by this eruption. It is estimated that about 2,000 people living near Agung died. There was little volcanic activity in the 1980s. In 2000-2001, thermal anomalies occurred at the foot of Mount Agung. On this moment Agung is dormant, but this volcano in Bali is under the close attention of Indonesian volcanologists.

Volcano Agung also affects the amount of precipitation in various regions. Clouds coming from the West of the island are blocked by the slopes of the mountain and as a result this area receives more moisture. Due to this, the eastern regions of Bali are drier and hotter.

Volcano Batur

It also belongs to the type of stratovolcanoes and rises to 1717 meters. It is located in the northeastern part of the island in the Kintamani region and is one of the island’s attractions. The outer caldera (circus-shaped basin) of the volcano measures 10 by 13.5 km. and was formed 29,300 years ago during colossal eruptions. Lake Batur is located in the inner caldera of the volcano. Volcano Batur is quite active and the last major eruption was in 1968, as evidenced by frozen basaltic lava flows.

The last significant activity of the volcano was observed in 2000, when a column of ash rose 300 meters. In 2012, UNESCO declared the area of ​​the volcano's caldera a Geological Park. For tourists who want to enjoy the stunningly beautiful view, a similar excursion is organized. The ascent, accompanied by a guide, will take only 3 hours. A popular tour is also being organized to the volcano, during which you can see Batur itself and other attractions of the center of the island.

The significance of the volcano in Bali in culture and religion

In Balinese-Hindu mythology, the center of the universe, its axis of the universe, is the sacred Mount Mahameru, which the Gods later split and the two most sacred mountains in Bali arose - Agung and Batur. The Balinese believe that the tops of volcanoes are the abode of gods and deified ancestors, who descend to people several times a year (during ) and then return again. All Balinese villages are oriented towards Agung, and the Balinese always try to sleep with their heads towards the top, since according to beliefs, the human soul is in the head and in this case it will be closer to the gods.

The patron saint of Mount Agung is considered to be Batara Mahadeva (in traditional Hinduism, Shiva), who personifies the masculine principle. The legends of the island say that before the appearance of Agung and Batur, the island of Bali was a lifeless and barren plain. The legend is partly right - the island owes its mineral-rich soil fertility to volcanoes.

On the slopes of Mount Agung is the most important and revered temple in Bali - the “mother” of all temples in Bali. According to ancient Balinese texts, once every 100 years it is in this temple that the unique and most important ceremony of cleansing the whole world from sins is held - Eka Dasa Rudra. Such a ceremony was planned in 1963.

When the volcano woke up in February 1963 and began to make itself felt, the high priests began to claim that this was a very bad sign from the gods and that the Balinese had chosen the wrong date for the ceremony. However, then-Indonesian President Sukarno, who invited a foreign delegation to Bali, ordered the ceremony to be held anyway.

However, already on March 18, explosions occurred and the active phase of the eruption began, during which a large number of people died. Although the Besakih temple was located on the slope of the volcano, it remained undamaged and the lava passed a few meters from the buildings. The Balinese found an explanation for this miracle in the fact that the Gods decided to take pity on the majestic temple. Although another temple, Pura Pasar Agung, was not so lucky and was completely destroyed. The most significant volcano in Bali can also be recognized in decorations during ceremonies and holidays, when the Balinese decorate the thresholds of their houses with a tall, curved bamboo pole called a penjor. This pole, bending under the weight of gifts to the gods at the end, follows the contours of Agung and symbolizes him.

Lake Batur in the caldera of the Batur volcano is considered sacred by the Balinese and is one of the abode of the Balinese goddess fresh water Devi Danu, in whose honor the Ulun Danu Batur temple was erected (also dedicated to her in the Bedugul region).

It is believed that sacred lake feed 11 sources. The water from them then flows to other islands through underground channels. Swimming is prohibited in the lake; you can only fish and irrigate the land.

There are many legends about this. One of them tells how the king on the island of Java, Sri Jaya Pangus, and his wife Kang Ching Wee did not have children for a long time. And the king decided to leave his wife and go on a long journey. After a storm, he was thrown ashore on a magical island. After trying to explore the island, he decided to meditate. To do this, he found himself a place near a beautiful and clean lake(Batur). When he woke up, he saw the goddess Devi Dana in front of him. The goddess seduced him and he stayed with her. After for long years In anticipation, Kang Ching Wee's wife went in search of her husband. However, I found him in Bali already married to Dewi Danu and with a child. Out of resentment, she ordered her guards to kill Sri Jaya. In response to this, Devi Danu turned the king and queen into statues. The son became the heir to the throne and the dynasty continued to exist.

The second most important volcano in Bali is especially revered by. They live isolated from the rest of the world in the village of Trunyan on a small strip of land. It is located between the Batur caldera and the lake. This tribe is known for burying the dead simply by placing them under a special magical tree. Local residents explain their isolation with a legend. According to it, a Javanese prince fell in love with a goddess living in the branches of a huge Banyan tree. She agreed to marry him only on the condition that he would not bring anyone with him. And she forbade him to show him the way to the village. The Bali Aga believe that eruptions and other disasters are the cause of the spiritual pollution of the people in Bali.

In the 2000s, after another volcanic activity, the Balinese decided to appease the gods. They remembered the catastrophic destruction in 1963-1964. For this, it was decided to hold a ceremony on the Batur volcano. Pilgrims from all over the island took part in it. They surrounded the volcano with a multi-kilometer sarong (white cloth) and left it near the crater a large number of offerings. After this, activity decreased significantly and the mountain calmed down.

The volcano in Bali, like on many other islands of the archipelago, has always destroyed and created. Therefore, the islanders always treated him with respect. They created an aura of divinity and greatness around him. It is very difficult to imagine Balinese culture and religion without Agung and Batur volcanoes. The modern development of geology and the study of processes in the earth's crust provides answers to many questions. However, for the Balinese, the volcanoes of Bali are still sacred and inhabited by gods and spirits. This makes the island's culture unique and distinctive.

Just over half a century after the 1963 eruption, Mount Agung awoke in Bali.

In the fall of 2017, seismic activity was recorded in the Karangasem region. The volcanic eruption in Bali today entered the active phase.

On this page you will find the latest news about the Agung volcano, as well as information about its eruption, seismic activity now and the likely consequences in the future. Data will be updated regularly.

Volcano Agung: chronology of events

On the morning of November 26, 2017, a powerful ash emission occurred. It reached an altitude of 2500-3000 meters above the Agung crater. In the crater of the volcano there is hot magma. It reflects on the ash coming out of the crater, so it seems as if fire is coming from the volcano.

Due to increased seismic activity, the danger level for air travel near the island was changed from orange to red. In fact, this meant the impossibility of air traffic, but Nguur Ah Rai International Airport in Denpasar continued to operate as normal. Only some flights were cancelled.

On the evening of the same day, at around 22:00, it was officially confirmed that Agung was in the stage of active eruption. Volcanic ash quickly began to be carried by the wind, the bulk of it went east, towards the island of Lombok.

On November 27, due to ash settling in the Denpasar area, Ngurah Rai Airport was closed. According to official data, 445 flights were cancelled, including 249 domestic and 196 international. In total, about 59,000 passengers were unable to fly or land on the island that day.

The Indonesian government has advised local residents within a 10-kilometer radius of the volcano to wear masks and not go out unless necessary. Since it is now raining in the Agung area, volcanic ash is falling down the slopes of the volcano and from water streams reaches the villages at the foot. This threatens to pollute local rivers and freshwater sources.

Everything is calm in the resort area now. The volcano is practically invisible from Denpasar and its environs, so many tourists learn about the eruption in news reports. However, for those who urgently need to leave the island, a ferry service has been organized to neighboring islands(Java and Lombok). The airports there are still operating normally.

The Indonesian government continues to urge tourists not to panic and leave the island. The situation with the volcano in Bali is under control of seismologists, and if there was a real threat, evacuation measures would have been taken long ago.

Tourists whose permitted stay in the country is about to expire need to extend it. This can be done in international airport Ngur ah Rai, at the office of the migration authorities (second floor of the terminal). To renew, you just need to provide your passport and air ticket. The procedure is quite quick, and upon completion you will be given the opportunity to stay in Bali for another 7 days.

Against the backdrop of these events, tourists are asking the question: are travel packages being returned because of the eruption in Bali? On November 27, 2017, Maya Lomidze, executive director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia, reported that Russian air carriers are currently refunding tickets for everyone who has not yet gone on vacation. Also, a number of hotels in the Indonesian resort have announced their readiness to return the funds spent by tourists on bookings. However, this process is not quick; first you must submit an application, then confirm it, wait for approval - and only then will you be able to return the money. In addition, most Bali hotels operate through intermediaries in Russia, so the matter may drag on for a long time - it may be easier to wait for the restoration of air services.

Of course, it is best to refrain from traveling to the island altogether until the situation with the volcano calms down. But if you have already purchased tickets, or if you are not bothered by the proximity to active volcano, then below I have given some recommendations for you.

  • To protect yourself from volcanic ash, you need to have protective masks with you. Now they are in short supply on the island, so it’s better to bring your own. If the situation worsens, it could even lead to food shortages in stores. Already today, many local residents are stocking up on water and food.
  • Do not attempt to climb the volcano on your own while it is active. This can be deadly. Comply with all police requirements. If you are asked to leave the area adjacent to the volcano, you must comply with the request.
  • When planning your trip, plan everything so that you don’t have to decide anything at the last moment. Please note that air traffic to the island may be interrupted more than once.
  • For relaxation, choose hotels in the south of the island and on the Bukit Peninsula. Resorts such as Ubud (which are relatively close to the volcano) are not closed to the public, but that could change. In addition, such a vacation cannot be called pleasant - in these regions, tremors are felt quite strongly.

How did the Agung eruption begin?

From mid-August 2017, seismic activity in the area of ​​the volcano increased, and by September 22 it reached critical levels. It became clear that the Agung volcano had awakened. Because of this, Indonesian authorities declared the highest level of danger. A state of emergency was introduced on the island. It still works today.

In the vicinity of Agung, tremors were recorded daily, and clouds consisting of volcanic vapors accumulated above the peak, near the crater. The likelihood of an eruption was minimal, but seismologists even then noticed the rise of magma from the depths to the surface.

From settlements At the foot of the volcano, about 60,000 people were evacuated in September. The evacuation was carried out by employees of the Indonesian Red Cross branch with the support of volunteers. 1 4 tons of humanitarian aid were delivered to evacuation centers. A logistics center was opened in Ubud, as well as a collection point for provisions and donations.

On September 25, Indonesian President Joko Widodo visited the island. He inspected the evacuation points and spent one night here.

Ngurah Rai Airport in Denpasar was operating normally all this time. In case of its closure, a plan was drawn up to reroute flights. As a last resort, it was planned to organize a ferry service between Bali and neighboring islands.

Based on the topography of the eastern part of the island, seismologists predicted a map of areas that could be affected in the event of an eruption. And, although no one could say for sure whether this would happen, it was known for sure that lava flows could pass along the southeastern slope, towards the city of Amlapura, along the eastern slope towards Tulamben, and also to the southwest - right up to the city Semarapura.

At the end of September, only the Kubu area in Karangasem district, as well as the 1-2 kilometer zone around the volcano, were closed to the public. The southern resorts were not in danger of an eruption. But many local residents Having learned about the evacuation from Karangasem, they began to come to refugee centers in the hope of receiving free food and things.

Until the beginning of October, the situation remained tense, but by the middle of the month the activity of the Agung volcano was downgraded from the highest danger level 4 to level 3. Evacuated Balinese began to return to their homes, and tours began again in the Agung area. Until November 18, 2017, the volcanic activity of Agung was declining.

Observations of the volcano did not stop. Every day, drones circled over it, filming all the changes taking place in the crater. Basically, they recorded white smoke coming from the vent. Seismologists reported that this smoke is just water vapor, which rises to a height of about 7,00 meters. Steam arose from the contact of groundwater in the crater of the volcano with magma. This effect has been compared to throwing a spoonful of water onto hot oil.

On November 21, at approximately 17:15, Mount Agung began to erupt. And on November 25, gray smoke poured out of the crater of the volcano. It came from the crater of the volcano in a thick column about 1,000 meters high. Volcanic ash fell in several villages at the foot of Agung. The police received several thousand masks to distribute to the public. Village residents were again asked to leave the dangerous area.

On the same day, more than 20 flights were canceled at Ngurah Rai Airport. More than 2,000 passengers were unable to leave the island or fly here. Jetstar Australia canceled all flights to Bali, followed by several other carriers.

On November 27, the danger level was again raised to 4. Now one thing is clear: an eruption can no longer be avoided. However, the Indonesian government is asking Balinese and holiday tourists not to exaggerate what is happening on the island. Dangers for resort area still not.

Damage from the volcano's activity has already been estimated at more than 1 2 trillion Indonesian rupiah, or almost 15 0 million dollars. This is a colossal amount by local standards, and authorities are trying to do everything possible to avoid further losses.

Don't forget to visit this page - I will update the data as it becomes available.

In addition, you can see the latest information on the activity of the volcano on the Volcano Agung website: news now
(magma volcano agency website in Indonesian).

Volcanic activity of Agung online in real time -

Ah, Bali - Bali! The island is a fairy tale... The island is a dream... But since the beginning of August 2017, the tourist flow here has turned from rich to very narrow. Especially before the beginning of November. And the reason for this is the Agung volcano and its probable eruption.

Agung is a volcano that stands here on the island and periodically tickles the nerves of all local residents and tourists at the same time. The last time the Agung volcano tickled their people was about 54 years ago, and now it began to wake up again in August 2017. And for a second, this is not just a volcano. This is a super volcano! And this means that if he shy away, it won’t seem like much!

Who and what will not seem enough, how to behave on the island if it does start to erupt? And in general: is it dangerous to vacation in Bali in 2017-2018? In today’s article, first-hand, from an employee of our editorial office, who has been there for a month and has no plans to leave yet. 🙂

By the way, if you want to visit one of the volcanoes of Bali, then this can be done. — approx. editors.

Volcano Agung in Bali

Volcano Agung is translated from Indonesian as “big”. And it was right next to (only 50 km) from this dangerous colossus that we settled exactly 1.5 months ago. While still in Russia, we already heard that a large dangerous mountain began to wake up and could begin to erupt at any moment. When we found out about this, the tickets had already been purchased, and we decided not to change our plans, despite the danger.

In addition, this is not our first time on the island and we have already made several Russian friends who live here permanently. They told us that the danger only exists for people directly next to the volcano. This means that the situation is very local. The worst thing that can happen is that the airport will be closed. But even in this case, you can get here from the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, by water.

In general, after weighing all the pros and cons, we realized that we would go. The last few days before departure, we feverishly followed news from the media, realizing that journalists were forced to exaggerate everything. Today, news about Agung still keeps many Russians in suspense. But! First things first...

Volcano Agung has awakened

Agung has woken up! Like a bolt from the blue, this news broke out on the Internet and on the radio since August 2017. I personally am still surprised - how did this information not end up on TV?! It is thanks to this that my mother still knows nothing about this and lives quietly in the Arctic Circle, unaware of the danger that roams 50 km from her beloved daughter. 🙂 But on the radio and on the Internet, journalists painted a very sad picture...

What do they say today the Agung volcano woke up and if anything happens, it won’t spare anyone! Someone, of course, was incredibly happy: “It’s too good for all those who go to Bali! Let them suffer too, bastards! :-)” Others got wildly scared and handed over their tickets, others decided to relax in a more safe place, fourth - like scumbags like us, we packed our bags and went at our own peril and risk. What, exactly, was the risk?

And here's what it is:

  • could close the airport, and for a long time. I would have to fuss with tickets and look for a way through the ferry from Jakarta - and this whole adventure is not very comfortable and very long.
  • The volcano can still really explode at any moment, and no one guarantees anything for sure. Well, that is, it will be hard not only for those in the affected area. The airport will be closed, there will be problems with the supply of food on the island, volcanic ash will fall on your head for some time... The real Silent Hill (those who are in the know understand).:)
  • and to the heap: toxic substances can spread through the water from the volcano throughout the island, and poisonous rain may well fall on the heads of locals and tourists... And then it will not be good for everyone! Not only for mountain residents...

“Beauty”... Isn't it?!

At least that’s how the situation was described in the media. Yes, the media, of course, likes to embellish everything, but damn... After all, no one can guarantee that everything will be completely wrong! 🙂 We understood this.

But upon arrival on the island we were met by a smiling Balinese who assured us that there was no danger. That Agung changed his mind about erupting and decided to fall asleep again... And like there is no real threat to tourists, and then in 1963, no one else really had cars or motorcycles - so people found themselves in a situation in which many died... They just didn’t fully believe that it would explode and, as a result, they didn’t have time to leave the affected area in time... Something like that!

He finally reassured us by saying that his family was living 4 km away right now. from the epicenter and there is no need to worry at all!

Of course, this encouraged us - I’ll say it straight away. But doubts still remained... Then we decided to go straight to the affected area and see the handsome man with our own eyes! So, Agung Volcano and the latest events in Bali - through the eyes of eyewitnesses :).

Latest news about Agung by the beginning of November

News about Agung on the Internet had already died down in early November. The latest dates back to mid-October. It was at this time that the young man and I went there. We waited for the full moon, since volcanologists were afraid that the greatest risk of an explosion would be during the full moon, so we got on the bike and rode off.

Locals told us that the best view of the mountain opens from the neighboring super-volcano - Batur. Which, by the way, has been sleeping soundly for a long time, for the benefit of everyone. He is many times larger than Agung. And if Batur explodes, then the whole island could accidentally actually go under water... But the current news story is Agung in Bali today.

Journey to active Agung

News about the Agung volcano in Bali, as I already said, did not stop us from traveling straight to the affected area - that is, 9 km. from his mouth. On our way to meet the “scarer” of a million tourists, we met:

1. Gorgeous tangerine grove with fresh tangerines.

2. Stunning views of the neighboring mountains from Mount Batur.

3. Bush! Oh Gods, this bright bush.

Super, as always - beautiful road to the place and stunning views along the way. We took plenty of photos, filmed them on camera and headed directly to Agung.

UPD from November 28: Eruption of Mount Agung

And it would seem that everyone had already relaxed, but Agung still caused an eruption! To be honest, when I just sat down to write this article, local residents were already saying in unison that that was it - there would be no eruption. Just take it and start!

On November 21, just after we met my boyfriend’s mother, who came to visit us from Russia, Agung began to erupt. Just as ordered! 🙂 But I hasten to reassure all those suffering from blood and sensation: nothing terrible is happening yet.

The volcano stands still and slowly soars. This is the steam eruption of Agung. The only thing that really bothers tourists and local residents is a small flood. Due to the huge amount of hot evaporation, such a large-scale tropical rain fell on the island that they say that even slippers floated on the road! 🙂

Why do they say? Yes, because we ourselves are not in Bali now, but nearby on the Gili Islands. And today we even saw a small tornado over Bali from the island of Gili-Eir. I hope that in a couple of days before our arrival, this whole apocalypse will be over and we can safely move to Thailand! 🙂

Agung in Bali today

Agung's activity in August - September 2017 forced many local residents to seriously strain themselves. They regularly prayed to local spirits to put them to sleep again. dangerous mountain. They held magnificent ceremonies in their temples. And it seems that their collective determination is bearing fruit. Volcano Agung - erupts only with steam. The ceremonies themselves are held in the following temples:

The eruption of Agung in Bali really does not cause serious damage to the island, just by some miracle!

That's probably why it's 3 km away. before the affected area, when we went to the volcano in October, some Balinese women stopped us, stuck rice on our foreheads, illuminated our bike, put some wooden beads around my neck, twirled around, whispered something and let me go with God further! 🙂

That's probably why it's 3 km away. before the destruction zone, some Balinese women stopped us, stuck rice on our foreheads, illuminated our bike, put some wooden beads around my neck, twirled around, whispered something and let us go on with God! 🙂

It didn’t seem to calm us down much, of course, but it became somehow easier... Both in our souls and in our pockets... So - like the priestesses of the island of dreams, naturally, they carried out the procedure for cleansing karma, well, not for free. Cleaning karma these days costs about 400 rubles with our money. Well, you must agree - life is more valuable! 🙂

Eruption of Mount Agung in 1963

On the way to Mount Agung, my husband and I, of course, once again discussed the history of 1963, when people (several hundred) actually suffered. Did they really pray to their Gods near the vent until the very end, hoping that he would change his mind?! Getting acquainted with the local mentality, we are increasingly coming to the conclusion that yes. And so it was. The local people honor their land, their home, precisely their place of birth. And it doesn’t matter to them even if this place is in such a dangerous zone.

The possible eruption of Agung in Bali does not prevent them from living a normal life. The one that their ancestors lived. Here is an inscription that right now we are in the zone of defeat or exclusion, as it is also called:

But people who continue to fall asleep and wake up here... Take their children to school, work, have breakfast, lunch and dinner... Life goes on:

To this day, there is a forum about Agung in Bali, where people discuss whether it will explode or not. Many members of the island's VKontakte community also raise this topic. But recently, most have agreed that the danger has passed...

But, you know, when you stand so close to the mountain... The sensations are simply unimaginable...

I would have gone further, right there to the foot, but my young man turned out to be wiser and more prudent, however, as always :). We drove past, and for dessert there was a beautiful beach waiting for us, which is also located in the exclusion zone. Its name is Virgin Beach. Here he is - handsome...

They say that the sand here used to be completely white. But after the Agung eruption in 1968, it mixed with volcanic lava and became like this - with black inclusions. But this is also wonderful... Soon I will write a big review of all the beaches of the island and, perhaps, I will give it honorable first place in the top of my heart :).

And here is the view of Volcano Agung from the entrance to the beach - Virgin Beach:

Conclusions about Agung in 2017

Agung on the map paradise island Bali is a thorn in the head of many tourists... This dangerous neighbor does not allow all residents from Karangasem to Ubud to sleep, he makes everyone remember and realize very well: life is just a journey, and we, the guests, are on this earth. No matter how important we may seem to ourselves big volcano, how Agung can suddenly intervene in everyone’s fate and disrupt that very “solid” tomorrow, cross out all our plans, tear all ideas, dreams and hopes to pieces...

For now, it just stands and releases powerful columns of steam, but not a single person could guarantee that the Agung eruption will stop... Anything can happen! Any time…

This is probably why the inhabitants of the island are closest to the life of Buddhists and all kinds of enlightened people. The main wisdom tells us: “the past has passed, the future has not yet come, there is only here and now...” And not a single force in the world guarantees any of us that we will live in this world for at least another minute... That is why, Balinese rejoice! Smile every day. They smile even during the funeral of their relatives. They don’t just smile, they sing and dance! 🙂

But somehow I completely went into philosophy... Let's get back to the facts:

Volcano Agung- steam is erupting right now. So far nothing serious is happening, but no one is giving any guarantees.