Dombay and the road to it. A trip to Dombay: what to do there in summer Dombay resort area in summer


Dombay – mountain range in Karachay-Cherkessia. He became famous thanks to the legendary “Dombai Waltz”. It was about him that the bard Yuri Vizbor wrote: “The skis are standing by the stove, the sunset is fading behind the mountain.” Dombay is most beautiful at sunset. The sight of snow-white peaks in a crimson halo is enchanting, and the crystal clear air intoxicates your head. These places are good at any time of the year.

Homeland of the Dombai Waltz

Many people mistakenly believe that Dombay is a single mountain peak. Nothing like this! Dombay is a whole mountainous country. It is located in Karachay-Cherkessia in the Caucasus. At an altitude of 1650 m high mountains The valley with the Dombay glade is hidden from prying eyes. An entire village called Dombay fits into a small area. It was born in the 20s thanks to the emergence of a popular tourist center.

Tourists willingly buy unusual magnets depicting a mountain panorama. All surrounding peaks are marked on it. With the help of such a souvenir you can study local geography. The Dombay glade is surrounded by three gorges - Amanauz, Alibek and Dombay-Yolgen. It so happened that they all met in one place. Perhaps because of this, the local mountains have some kind of special magnetism.

Most high peak is Dombay-Yolgen. It is also called Dombay-Ulgen. The height of the Caucasian giant is 4046 meters. Its peak is covered with snow all year round. In the Karachay-Balkar language the name means “killed bison.” It was once common to encounter this mighty beast in the mountain valleys. Alas, to this day, only the name of the mountain has been preserved as a reminder.

Masterpieces from God

There is no doubt that most of Dombay's attractions are of natural origin. The main one is the mountain landscape itself, which is a combination of fir forests, alpine meadows, snow-white peaks, glaciers, rivers, streams and waterfalls. The range also includes crystal clear air, which is a medicine in itself.

There are points from which the most picturesque views open. These, for example, include the slopes of the Mussa-Achitara ridge. Natural Observation deck is located at an altitude of 2400 meters. From here you can clearly see the most spectacular peaks - Ine, Dombay-Yolgen, Belalakaya, Sofrudzhu, as well as the Sulahat ridge.

Mount Belalakaya, 3861 meters high, is also called “Striped”. It got its name due to the alternation of layers of snow-white quartz. Ine means "Needle". There is no need to explain why the mountain received such a name. Amanauz resembles an impregnable fortress. And Mount Dzhuguturlu-Chata, which is also called the “Abode of Tours,” stands out with a multi-headed ridge.

Not far from the Dombai meadow there is a gorge through which the Ptysh River flows. Literally at the entrance to the gorge the Chukhchursky waterfall is noisy. From here you have a postcard view of the peaks of the Main Caucasus Range. There is also the Alibek waterfall, which is considered the largest in Dombay. Its height is 25 meters. The Alibek glacier and Turye Lake, which are distinguished by their particularly clean water, are very impressive.

It is also impossible not to mention the Sofrudzhuk waterfall, which is formed by the stormy Amanauz River. The water flow falls from a height of several tens of meters. And the Mussa-Achitara ridge is known for its beautiful lakes located in the basins. For example, Lake Klukhor has a depth of 35 meters! For most of the year it is covered with ice and opens in all its pristine state only in the middle of summer. Not far from it, the Upper Klukhorsky waterfall roars. Well, if you want to see the Black Sea, just climb the Klukhor Pass.

Not far from the Dombai meadow there is a river and the village of Teberda. The biosphere reserve, founded in 1935, bears the same name. Dombay is part of it. In total, the protected zone includes more than 150 mountain lakes. The reserve is famous for its zoo, which houses yaks, bison, Caucasian deer, bears, wild boars and wolves. Birds of prey are represented by the black vulture and griffon vulture. Visitors are offered horseback riding. You can buy honey and fir cone jam at your local store!

The skis are standing by the stove...

In winter, the Dombay slopes are occupied by skiers. The ski area extends to an altitude of 3200 meters. The total length of the trails reaches 25 km. The mountain landscapes above are no different from those that can be seen in Swiss or French Alps. The first cable car in the mountains was built in the 70s. Back then the lifts were exclusively chair lifts. Now from the lower station, which is located at an altitude of 1600 meters, you can take an eight-seater gondola to the second station at an altitude of 2277 meters.

WITH high altitude Dombayskaya Polyana is clearly visible, which is literally crammed with cottages and small hotels. At the second station, a hotel in the shape of a “flying saucer” will definitely attract your attention. It was installed on the very edge of the abyss in 1979, and since then it has become one of the calling cards of Dombay. The hotel is small - it has one 4-bed and two 2-bed rooms. A stunning mountain panorama opens from the windows! The landscape is colorfully complemented by grazing musk oxen.

The next station is located at an altitude of 3008 meters. This point is reached by a six-seater chairlift. Its capacity is 2 thousand people per hour. The station has several small cafes, a toilet and equipment rental points. The blindingly bright sun reminds you that sunglasses and protective cream will not be superfluous.

And finally, the last push is required to “conquer” the highest point of 3168 meters. There is a four-seater chairlift leading here. From this place, the whole of Dombay appears in full view. High altitude is felt by difficulty breathing due to thin air. The upper station serves as a link with two more stations, which, respectively, are located at altitudes of 3000 and 2980 meters.

Photo: Skiers and snowboarders coexist in Dombay

The resort also operates five lines of old cable car and drag lifts. The resort has trails of all difficulty levels. The best place for skiing is considered to be the slopes of Mount Mussa-Achitara. The ski area is located between altitudes of 1630-3168 meters. There are conditions for free riding and heli skiing. People ride on Dombay from December 20 to April 15.

Dombay in summer

It’s clear what to do in Dombay in winter. But what to do here in the summer? At this time of year, lovers of hiking, mountaineering and rock climbing come to the mountains. Many walking routes begin at Dombayskaya Polyana. Nordic walking is popular here. It is possible to ride a mountain bike or rent an all-terrain vehicle with a driver to get into the most inaccessible places.

Those who wish can ride a horse or fly a paraglider. It’s hard to believe, but even... amateurs come to Dombay beach holiday! Of course, there is no sea here. But there are mountain lakes where the water warms up to +20 degrees in mid-summer. They say that crystal clear mountain water has a rejuvenating effect. You can sunbathe at an altitude of three kilometers. For this purpose, there are lifts that operate in the summer.

Climbers have chosen the following climbing objects: Mount Belolakai, Marka and Alibeksky Peak. There are two routes of category 3B to Belolakai. The third follows the southeast ridge of the Mark and is classified as 2A. The fourth route is laid along the western buttress to Alibeksky Peak. It belongs to category 3B. In addition to these most popular ones, there are other routes from categories 1A to 3B. The duration of the ascents is usually 8-10 days. During this time, they cover up to 55 km.

The resort offers tourists a large number of excursions. The most popular destinations are Lake Tumanly-Kel, where trout is found, as well as the Gonachkhir and Azgek gorges. Tourist hits include Turye Lake, the Devil's Mill canyon and a whole collection of waterfalls - Sofrudzhinsky, Chuchkhursky and Alibeksky. The duration of excursions does not exceed 4 hours. Most of the route is by car. Excursions are organized from July to September, but there are also winter options.

In addition to excursions, there are one-day and multi-day hikes. Autotourists travel independently to the Sentinsky and Shaoning temples. There are car tours to Lake Tumanly-Kel, Jamagat Narzans and the Shumka waterfall. Jeeping is popular. The duration of extreme trips is from two to seven hours. Domestic UAZ vehicles are used as all-terrain vehicles. You won't be bored in Dombay!

It is also worth mentioning the souvenirs that are brought from Dombay. Here you can buy unusual figurines of arctic foxes, tigers, and mountain goats made from fur. They are made so skillfully that they seem alive. Even in summer, knitted items are in demand, including... slippers. The assortment includes mountain caps and felt hats. Dombay herbal tea and mountain honey can be a good gift.

How to get there

Dombay can be reached by any means of transport except water. The nearest airport is in Mineralnye Vody. Regular flights of the airlines S7, UTair, Aeroflot, Donavia, and Ural Airlines" and others. Next, they travel to the resort by taxi, special shuttle bus, or regular bus. Distance – 230 km.

Photo: Snowcat is the best transport for climbing Dombay

The nearest train station is in Nevinnomyssk. You can also travel by train to Cherkessk, Nalchik or Mineralnye Vody. Depending on the type of train, travel time from Moscow is 28-38 hours. Next, you have to travel on transfer roads, as in the case of an airplane. Many Dombay hotels offer transfers.

During the ski season, bus services are organized from Moscow. Travel time is 28 hours. From Nevinnomyssk you can get to Dombay by regular bus, but you will have to make three transfers. Minibuses run from Cherkessk and Karachaevsk to the resort. The easiest way to visit Dombay is to go there by own car. The distance from Moscow to the resort is 1600 km.

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Looking at the map of Dombay from a satellite, you will get an idea of ​​the location of the village, its infrastructure, you will find streets and houses, institutions, restaurants and hotels. WITH interactive maps It’s easy to travel – they will help you create a route and also help you get your bearings upon arrival in the village.

Convenient maps of Dombay with districts will help you determine the best place to be located so that there are shops and cafes nearby, as well as cable car lifts. The village began to develop as a tourist center in the 20s. last century. For a long time, tourists who came to relax in the mountains or conquer their peaks lived in tent camps or in houses local residents. But, if you look at a modern map of Dombay with diagrams, it becomes clear that today the village has a developed infrastructure and many offers for accommodation.

The luxurious beauty of the landscapes surrounding Dombay is simply breathtaking. On the territory of a small village, using an interactive detailed map Dombay, you can consider the main hydraulic objects:

  • Alibek channel;
  • R. Amanauz;
  • R. Dombay-Ulgen.

Mountain rivers winding between the slopes annually attract tourists in the summer season. Here you can have a great rest and also go fishing.

Dombay village on the map of the Russian Federation

Modern Dombay resembles a tourist camp, only instead of tents, hotel buildings and inns have grown here. There is no strict layout of streets in the village, as well as names of city arteries. The map of Dombay with streets shows that the main highway in the village is part of the Military-Sukhumi road. It leads tourists and skiers to the populated area.

There is no railway connection to the resort. Nearest railroad station is located 100 km in the village of Ust-Dzheguta. Zoom into the map of Dombay with streets and houses and you will see alleys along which you can walk to:

  • shops;
  • hotels;
  • hotels;
  • entertainment centers;
  • restaurants;
  • huts;
  • boarding houses.

The resort's hotels, cabins and boarding houses line the A-155 highway. The largest accommodation offers can be found in the center of Dombay. Small cozy cottages and hotels are located on the outskirts in the foothills. Using a map of Dombay with streets and houses, you can find the best options for accommodation at the resort near the cable car lifts. You will also find the direction of the mountain road that stretches along the water canal and leads to the Alibek alpine camp - one of the most popular places among tourists in the Teberda Valley.

Map of Dombay with streets and houses

Even before the Great Patriotic War, Dombaya was a center where climbers and skiers trained, and in the 60s. the village gained enormous popularity and began to attract tourists with different levels of experience. At the same time, the construction of cable cars began, which are displayed on Yandex maps of Dombay. The last cable car was put into operation in 2004. It takes tourists and skiers to an altitude of 3200 m.

Particular attention of tourists is attracted by objects built in Soviet years. The government of the Soviet Union was interested in building a resort in the Dombay Valley, so the best architects and artists of the country worked on the design of the facades and interiors of hotel complexes, which can be found on the map of Dombay with houses. Mosaics, embossings, and carpets are still preserved here, which create a unique national flavor and comfort.

The main attractions of the Dombay Valley include one of the highest points of the Caucasus Mountains - the Dzhugurluchat mountain range. Its highest point is at an altitude of 3921 m. To get the best view of the beauty and majesty of these mountains, tourists go to the place “Mussa-Achi-Tara”.

In addition, when coming to Dombay, it is worth visiting such attractions as:

  • Klukhor pass;
  • Devil's mill;
  • Ptysh glacier;
  • Murudzhinsky lakes;
  • Alibek waterfall.

TO the most beautiful places Walking and horseback riding tours are organized in Dombay.

Tourist infrastructure of Dombay

The economy of the resort village is based on the provision of tourism, consumer services and trade. On the map of Dombay with house numbers you can find a wide variety of hotels, boarding houses, camps, and tourist centers. To accommodate tourists, hotels are equipped with superior rooms, but those who prefer to live in the mountains closer to nature can stay at recreation centers.

The main directions of tourism are hiking, horseback riding, skiing and hang gliding. The infrastructure of the resort is favorable for a holiday in the mountains. In addition to hotels, there are several restaurants, entertainment centers, as well as shops and beauty salons.

From the archives. This is the only trip from my August stay in the Caucasus that I did not post at the time. It's just too popular a place that everyone knows about. Oh well, my gallery won't hurt either.

In the morning I left Pyatigorsk. Here we are in Karachay-Cherkessia. The first ridge of the Caucasus is Pastbishchny, with flat tops, still essentially foothills.

The Kuban River near the city of Ust-Dzheguta.

Stop in Karachay village.

Here we were offered local dishes.

Noteworthy is this unusual monument, seemingly dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

The mountains surrounding the village.

We continue moving deeper into the mountain region.

The valley of the Teberda River, which flows into the Kuban.

We rise higher and higher. We are already accompanied by real mountains.

Stop near the Ullu-Muruju river.

The bridge over which the road to Dombay passes.

Ullu-Muruju is a tributary of the Teberda. There is unusually fresh air near the river.

We've already arrived. Souvenir shops on Dombayskaya Polyana. The height above sea level is 1600 meters, and there are impressive mountain ranges all around.

We begin our ascent by cable car, the goal is the first level at an altitude of 2500 meters.

At an altitude of 2500 meters.

Panorama from the first level. Below is the Dombay glade, on the left is the Main Caucasus Range and Mount Belalakaya (3861 m)

Closer view of the glaciers of the Main Range. Somewhere there is the Alibek glacier. August turned out to be warm, so even on peaks under 4000 meters in height there is absolutely no snow, only melting glaciers.

Peak of Mount Belalakaya and Sofrudju Glacier.

Dzhuguturluchat massif ( maximum height 3896 meters) and Ine Peak to the left.

Hotel "Tarelka" at an altitude of 2500 meters. It was built by the Finns during the Brezhnev era, if memory serves.

Let's go higher, to the second level. Directly the famous mountain Dombay-Ulgen.

View of the Main Caucasus Range from a height of just over 3000 meters.

The top of Mount Musa-Achitara, on the ridge of which I stood.

Gonachkhir Gorge from a height of the second level. This is the Side Ridge. When visibility is very good, Elbrus can be seen in the distance on the right. But he didn’t appear to me that day.

On the right is the end of the Gonachkhir Gorge. And on the left, the Amanauz gorge gives way to the Teberda valley.

Far below is some small lake.

The gorge and the Amanauz River, which translated means “Evil Mouth”.

View towards the Amanauz gorge and the Rocky Ridge.

Alpine base on the ridge of Mount Musa-Achitara.

This is the greatness of the mountains! On the right is Mount Semenov-bashi (3600 m)

Just a house in the mountains, apparently, there is also a cafe there. And clouds rolled in from the Black Sea, and visibility began to drop sharply.

While I could still see something, I hung up the zoom lens.

The Dzhuguturluchat glacier (how do they pronounce it?) is close.

And here is Dombay-Ulgen. Highest point The Western Caucasus reaches an altitude of 4048 meters above sea level.

Closer to the Dombay-Ulgen ridges and glaciers. The clouds finally hide the summit. Abkhazia is already behind it.

In the heart of the majestic mountains of the gray Caucasus lies one of the oldest tourist and mountaineering centers in our country. This is Dombay - a ski Eden, located in a protected corner of Karachay-Cherkessia. Incredibly beautiful landscapes North Caucasus, clean mountain air and amazing conditions for active rest attract tourists from all over Russia, as well as from near and far abroad.

The modern resort of Dombay is a unique center for mountaineering and skiing, a venue for international competitions, significant events in the cultural and sports life of the country.

Resort location

The Dombay glade is an intermountain basin at an altitude of 1620 meters above sea level - the place where Dombay is located. located in the basin of the Teberda mountain stream, on the territory of the Teberda National Nature Reserve. The high-mountain valley nestles comfortably at the foot of the Main Valley, where the waters of the Dombay-Ulgen, Amanauz and Alibek rivers merge.

The clearing is ringed by a chain of bizarre snow-capped peaks with an unusually poetic name - Dombay-Ulgen (translated from Karachay - a killed bison), Sulahat - a sleeping girl, the striped rock Belalakaya, Dzhuguturlyuchat (habitat of the aurochs), Ine Peak, the majestic Erzog glorified by Vizbor.

Thanks to the mild climate and favorable geographical location Dombay always has wonderful weather: massive mountain slopes protect the resort from the winds, and the sun illuminates the valley more than 320 days a year. Heavy snowfalls and stable snow cover determine a long ski season, lasting from November to May.

Dombay - ski Mecca of the North Caucasus

The sunny land of tales and legends - the amazing Caucasus - has long attracted travelers, researchers and climbers. Since the 20s of the last century, Dombayskaya Polyana has been developing as a center for tourism and ski holidays. Today Dombay is a ski resort, rapidly developing its capabilities and infrastructure. The skiing conditions here are close to those of alpine resorts: modern winter pistes, more than 20 kilometers long, an extensive network of ski lifts, a high level of service, and the main advantage is the wild, untouched beauty of the surrounding mountains.

Ski slopes of the resort

The ski slopes in Dombay originate at an altitude of more than 3 thousand meters at the top of the monumental Mussa-Achitara ridge. A system of slopes of varying difficulty levels and lengths is suitable for both beginners and ski aces. The slopes, according to the accepted classification system, are conventionally divided into “green” (simple slopes for beginners), “blue” (average level of difficulty) and “red” - for confident pros.

The main ski area is located at an altitude of 2600-3012 meters and is characterized by smooth, calm terrain. For children and completely “green” beginners, the simplest gentle slopes, the so-called “paddling pools”, equipped

For thrill-seekers and professional athletes, the steep slopes of the northern part of Mussa-Achitara and the Gonachkhir gorge offer ample opportunities for freeride. Fans of heli-skiing can expect a breathtaking ride along the untouched slopes from the peaks of Semenov-Bashi and the Alibek glacier, where extreme sports enthusiasts are dropped off by a local helicopter. For skiing in the late hours, the resort provides night lighting of the slopes.

Dombay lift system

Dombay is a ski resort served by several lift systems:

  • Five stages of the cable car, built back in the 70-80s of the 20th century. The fourth and fifth lines of the cable car deliver to the main ski area. The fourth stage leads to the so-called “Moussa glade” at an altitude of 2.5 km. From here, the fifth double chairlift takes tourists to the crest of the ridge.
  • Eight-seater gondola lift.

  • The new complex, which includes six- and four-seat chairlifts, takes skiers and snowboarders to altitudes of up to 3,200 meters.
  • Yugoslav cable car with a length of 1700 meters.
  • A cable car, including two carriages with a capacity of up to 40 people, lifting tourists and skiers to a height of 2260 m.
  • A network of drag and towing roads serving training slopes.

Resort attractions

The most important attraction of this region is the surrounding splendor of the Teberdinsky Nature Reserve. Crystal mountain rivers and picturesque gorges, rapid waterfalls, the cold beauty of alpine lakes - an amazing panorama of these places opens up from the observation deck on the top of Mussa-Achitara. From here you can see distant Elbrus shining in the cloudy haze.

A remarkable place and unique business card Dombaya is the original eight-bed Plate Hotel, made in the shape of an alien ship.

On the way to the Alikbek gorge there is a quiet and memorable place - the cemetery of fallen climbers. People come here to pay tribute to the memory and respect of those who died in the mountains while climbing or trying to save the lives of their comrades. On the path leading to the graves there is a sign with words from Vysotsky’s song: “There are no scarlet roses and mourning ribbons, and the stone that gave you peace does not look like a monument...”.

Entertainment and excursions in Dombay

Dombay is a ski resort where, in addition to an exciting variety of slopes, guests are offered a lot of opportunities for active and varied recreation. You can admire the expanses of the snow-covered Caucasus while taking an ATV ride or on an exciting snowmobile safari. Fans of thrills will not be left indifferent by the opportunity to make a stunning descent in a special zorb, a voluminous transparent ball.

Special mention should be made of exciting paragliding trips with an instructor, which offer unforgettable views of mountain landscapes from a bird's eye view. Confident skiers can try their hand at speedriding - an extreme combination of paragliding and alpine skiing.

On the territory of the complex there is an ice skating rink, sleigh rides, horseback riding and walking excursions to the picturesque corners of the Teberda Nature Reserve.

Dombay in summer and autumn

Reserved Dombay is a ski resort that is worth visiting not only in winter. The delightful nature of this region opens up excellent opportunities for recreation in summer and autumn. When the snow cover melts from the slopes of the Caucasus Mountains, the alpine meadows of the Dombai Valley bloom with a silky carpet of delicate plants. Travelers can see the beauty of centuries-old fir forests, turquoise mountain lakes, thousand-year-old glaciers against the backdrop of a clear sunny sky.

In summer, Dombay has a special cool climate, favorable for long walking excursions. At this time of year, popular tourist attractions include mountain biking and horseback riding, climbing the Caucasus peaks, and trekking. In autumn, the nature of Teberda lights up with a motley palette of golden-crimson colors.

Dombay - ski resort: prices for lifting and equipment rental

Prices for lift services depend on the choice of lifting system. Since the main cable car complexes belong to different owners, there is no single tariff on Dombay. There is a 50% discount for children and pensioners.

  • The cost of a one-time ascent along the old chairlift depends on the queue and varies from 150 to 250 rubles; a day pass will cost a tourist from 500 to 1000 rubles.
  • The cost of a ski pass for both stages of the new cable car complex will be 1,600 rubles per day for an adult. A one-time lift on each line costs 500 rubles.
  • The services of the pendulum cable car for skiers and snowboarders will cost 200 rubles, for tourists - 300 rubles for one lift.

The price for renting a set of ski and snowboard equipment is approximately 400-450 rubles per day. You can also purchase new equipment on the territory of the complex.

How to get there

There are several ways to get to the corner of Karachay-Cherkessia, where Dombay is located. Ski resort is located 230 kilometers from Mineralnye Vody airport, and the easiest way to transfer is by air. A bus runs from the airport daily (during the ski season from December to March), taking tourists to the center of the village. You can also take a taxi or rent a car.

If you get to ski resort by train, your destination can be selected from stations in Nevinnomysk, Pyatigorsk, Nalchik or Mineralnye Vody. The journey will take from 24 to 38 hours. You can take a taxi from the station to Dombay; there are regular bus routes.

Direct flights of comfortable intercity buses run from Moscow to Dombayskaya Polyana. You can also get to your vacation spot without transfers on your own, that is, in your own car.

The protected places of the majestic Caucasus welcome their guests all year round unique nature, healing air and the splendor of high mountain valleys. Dombay ski reviews tourists are unanimously ranked among the most impressive and beautiful resorts our country.