Hiking in the Caucasus: preparation and seasonality. Tours to the Caucasus Hiking in the Caucasus for the November holidays


The Caucasus Mountains are one of the amazing places that every person should definitely visit, and more than once! And not just for a couple of days, but for at least a week, to take in their grandeur and unique landscape! This is exactly what we were able to experience at the most popular route Thirty in August 2016.

First day. Meeting. The village of Kamennomostsky. "Long live the waterfalls!"

Our hike began with a meeting at Krasnodar 1 station. We were met by conductor Evgeniy Pavlovsky. His first reaction was to my two backpacks: “Do you have that much stuff for two of you?” - he asked. My answer surprised him very much. I answered: “Of course, for one, just food in one, and things in the other. Nothing superfluous, everything is according to the list. Everything then has to fit into one.” During the hike I realized why I had caused so much surprise on his part, and that the main reason was too many things.

On three mountain minibuses, our group was in the village of Kamennomostsky in 2.5 hours Krasnodar region, and from there to Khadzhokhskaya Gorge to the Rufabgo waterfalls. From here you could enjoy the Belaya mountain river and the rising ridges of the local mountains.

Many of our group decided to swim at the waterfalls. Especially after the intense heat and the long journey on minibuses, this helped to understand that the hike had started successfully.

Day 2. Caucasian reserve Lago-Naki. Lago-Naki plateau. Instructor's Gap.

The second day was very eventful. We were brought to the checkpoint of the Lago-Naki nature reserve, from where a full-fledged hiking trip through the Caucasus Mountains began.
At first everyone was amazed by the amazing view of the mountains from the observation deck. Many have already realized that they are finally in the mountains, and the hike will be bright and unforgettable.

For several hours we walked along the plateau from spring to spring, making small stops and communicating with each other. Our path ran past karst sinkholes, in which lay snow that had not yet melted from the winter. There was neither a tree nor a bush around. Small hills with white snow spots were visible on the horizon.

In the evening, we arrived at our campsite, at Instructor's Gap, where we immediately set up tents, fetched water from a mountain spring and began to cook dinner on gas, since there was no firewood nearby. Many of the same tourist groups gathered here.

The evening was spent in a close circle of mountain tourists, singing different songs with a guitar, talking and looking at the scattering of stars in the sky.

Day 3. Climbing Mount Oshten.

Early in the morning, after oatmeal with condensed milk, our gang set off to conquer Mount Oshten, 2804 m high. Distinctive feature The mountain is a huge bowl covered with snow.

The conquest began with a small hill, the climb of which seemed endless to me personally. Step by step, our group finally reached its top, but our journey did not end there. We now had to walk along the ridge of Oshten itself all the time upward. Here I would like to especially mention trekking poles. With their help it was much better to go up the mountain. In addition, because of my knee, the poles were a real salvation on the way back down the mountain.

What a stunning view that opened up after the tired but unbroken tourists reached the very top of the mountain! Here you truly expand your worldview, you feel all the power and at the same time the indescribable grandeur of the mountains. This is one of those moments when you want to stay, dream, determine your purpose in this world!

From the top of Oshten, in clear weather, you can see Mount Fisht, which is not much higher than Oshten, and also get a gorgeous panorama of the Caucasian mountain ranges and passes.

For some reason the way back seemed shorter to me than the ascent. Despite this, our entire group, together with our instructor, was caught for the first time by a powerful thunderstorm front with hail.

We spent the rest of the trip in the rain. By evening the sky cleared and the sun came out again.

Day 4. Forced march to Mount Fisht. Shelter Fisht. Radial to the lower glacier.

On this day, we got ready early again and went to the Fisht shelter. The path ran along a winding narrow path. On the left, the mountain ranges are like huge backs of whales in the ocean, and on the right is the mighty Oshten.

Along the way, we managed to swim for the first time in a mountain lake with fairly warm water.

Closer to lunch we came to observation deck, from which one could clearly see the shelter itself. The time to get to the shelter took a very long time, despite the fact that we got there on a positive note. Along the way, we each took a log in our hands and, loaded, approached the shelter.

How we later had to rescue things from under the tent during a heavy downpour and thunderstorm is a different story. Most importantly, try to place your tent as high as possible and on grass or rocks if possible. In the lowlands of the shelter, in case of rain, real rivers and streams form, ready to destroy everything in their path!

The radial route took about 2 hours. Together with Evgeniy, we visited the foot of Fisht, took some excellent photographs against the backdrop of the mountain and overcame a rather difficult section consisting of mighty stones and boulders. The sticks helped again!

We spent the evening in the gazebo, playing the guitar and singing songs. Someone even managed to dance Lezginka with the local population. In general, everything went great!

Day 5. Climbing the Fisht-Oshtenovsky pass, Lake Psenodakh.

This day was a real challenge for me and I think for many. The road was not particularly extreme, but due to the constant rise and the feeling that the rise was still not ending, I had to endure a lot and move on. When you have overcome this distance, you realize that you are capable of something more, even if your backpack is ready to burst from the load! Despite this, our entire group successfully reached the end of the pass. In the end, we didn’t lose anyone!

By lunchtime we approached the beautiful, very cold mountain lake Psenodakh. The brave ones decided to take a swim. We settled down next to the lake for lunch. For each lunch we had 2 sticks of sausage, 2 loaves of bread, 2 cans of corn and peas, 3 circles of cheese, canned fish, and for dessert - delicious dates and nuts. It turned out very tasty in a camp style, there were always enough calories until the evening!

Day 6. Another beautiful waterfall. Ski slope. Overnight on the rock.

We visited a 200-meter waterfall flowing from the cave of Fisht himself. The spectacle was amazing; many of our group swam under the powerful cool stream of water.

After overcoming the last climb (Evgeniy himself finally told us this), we again saw the mountain ranges from a different angle and, of course, heard the approaching thunderstorm again. In general, thunderstorms in the mountains are a very frequent phenomenon; the frequency is on average a day. We also had to test the equipment again. Many had long raincoats, which were either torn or dangling in the wind like a sail. Our guide had an exemplary raincoat - a poncho raincoat with a hump under a backpack. This raincoat is not afraid of any rain, and there was no need to worry about things at all.

Our path lay along a path marked with signs past a building under construction ski resort President of the Russian Federation, where, as they say, there are no direct roads and where everything is delivered by helicopter.

The highlight of this day was an unexpected overnight stay right on the rock! The wind was very strong, and all participants in route 30ka were forced to secure their tents to the ground with all the stakes. Our things dried very quickly after the rain. Our instructor wore sandals the entire time and felt very comfortable in them. I was wearing new Bona sneakers, which I tested dried very quickly and did not chafe my feet.

Day 7. Circassian booths. Fun descent. Overnight at Babuk-Aul.

The overnight stay was excellent. The wind died down in the morning, and bright sun and tasty breakfast from Evgeniy. We passed by the Circassian booths and began to walk through the forest past huge trees. Then, after a few stops along the trail, the Fun Descent began, which was clearly not that fun for everyone. But the instructor led us further and further. Cyclists flew past, also traveling along this route, but without tents. They traveled from one shelter to another, where they spent the night. So there is also an opportunity to overcome the Thirtyadka route.

The final destination was Babuk-Aul, which was an area, the main part of which was covered with a lawn - a place for placing tents. Nearby there were several houses and terraces with barbecues for cooking. The main thing is that there was also a shower with hot water. As evening approached there were more and more people.

The songs on the guitar did not stop until the night.

Day 8. The final part of the route. Descent to the sea. Stop at Uch-Dere beach.

In the morning at about seven o'clock we already started moving towards the final checkpoint of the Caucasus Nature Reserve. It was necessary to leave its territory before 9.00, since construction of the road began. Thanks to the prudent Evgeniy, we managed to do everything and settled down for breakfast on the bank of a mountain river.

We had to walk another 12 km to the bus stop, but then we were suddenly offered a ride in an army truck with two GAZ 66 benches. After long discussions and voting, everyone agreed to pay extra and go with the breeze. The only downside was that we waited a long time for the car, but it was worth it in the end!

We got to Dagomys by bus, and from there by train one stop to Uch-Dere.

We set up our tents right on the beach, and in the evening we enjoyed a final dinner and a spectacular sunset!

I would like to say a special thank you to our hardy and true hiking guru Evgeniy Pavlovsky. Thanks to him, I understood what a mountain hike is, I was convinced from my own experience what you need to know and be able to do while hiking and, most importantly, that traveling is cool and unforgettable!

Several main conclusions on the 30ka route

  • 1. Take a minimum of things, since you will carry all these things on you during the entire hike. The main thing is to have a good backpack in which you can fit everything, and which will not tear under the load. My Chinese backpack barely survived this trip; I had to sew the straps on several times.
  • 2. Trekking poles are very helpful on a hike. Especially if you have problems with your knees, poles are very helpful. Also, in slippery areas or rocky areas, poles can be very helpful.
  • 3. It is better to take shoes that are light and quick-drying. Many of us were wearing trekking boots, but if the boots got wet, they took a very long time to dry. You can take sneakers, as they dry quickly, are quite light, and your feet don’t get tired in them.
  • 4. If you have a guitar, be sure to take it on a hike! Without her, the trip would be incomplete and not so bright!
  • 5. It’s better to have your own tent. I had my own assault 2-seater Tramp Sarma weighing 2.5 kg. Tested successfully! Withstood 100%!
Good luck and great climbs!

The Caucasus Mountains have a well-deserved reputation for being harsh and difficult - it is better to go here after first conquering several lower Crimean or Carpathian peaks. But, on the other hand, our club offers hikes in the Caucasus 2016 of varying difficulty - among them there are those that are accessible to beginners without special training. Moreover, you can even go to or with children.

Parking features

Most routes around the Caucasus involve overnight stays at popular tourist sites, where there is convenient access to water and plenty of space for tents. In general, there are no problems with water in the Caucasus - during the transitions you will not have to carry a large supply of water with you, and at rest stops you will have the opportunity to wash yourself every day.

The situation with firewood is a little worse - not every parking lot will have enough of it. As a rule, hikes in the Caucasus Mountains are carried out with a gas burner; it completely solves the problem of cooking.

Separately, it is worth saying that most of the more or less difficult Caucasian routes pass away from villages and cities. This means that it will most likely be difficult to leave “for civilization” halfway through the hike - plan to complete the hike to the end. For example, in our hike to Fisht, a convenient opportunity to leave the race occurs only on the 7th day. It also follows that you will have to carry a supply of food with you - there will be no opportunity to buy anything along the route.

When is the best time to go hiking in the Caucasus?

You can go on stationary tours with an overnight stay at a hotel at any time of the year - clean air, luxurious landscapes and healthy mineral springs always await tourists. But for hiking in the Caucasus, the optimal season is, of course, summer. And not at the very beginning of summer, but closer to its middle - when warm weather sets in even in the mountains.

Please note that at an altitude of over 2500 m above sea level. Even in July there may still be snow. On the one hand, this provides a unique opportunity to play in the snow at the height of summer, but on the other hand, it obliges you to take care of a warm set of clothes for the hike and appropriate shoes.

The best months for this are July and August. This is a time of more or less stable weather, when the air has already warmed up well, and the autumn coolness has not yet begun. Beginners can still go to the mountains in September, albeit with the expectation of colder nights. But October, November and the winter months are only for experienced hikers who are prepared for serious difficulties and have good winter equipment. That is why our club does not plan hikes in the Caucasus later than September.

Trekking in the Caucasus in Western Elbrus region 7 days

Have you seen Elbrus from the heights of an eagle's proud wings, flying in the world of the Caucasus mountains?

Five thousand meters in height, where there are beautiful ridges and sky!

Have you tried the warmer waters of the local Narzans here while swimming?

Or did you not boldly dive into the invigoratingly cold lakes that live there, among the high-altitude forests? No?!

And they didn’t sit in pure passes,

Where the world at your feet lies in the splendor of landscapes, like the most worthy of the planet? No?!

Then they went to where the one who rules the wind, who is higher than everyone else, raising his snow-white peaks into the sky, invites you to his fiefs.

Elbrus is the glorious name of the Caucasus mountain!

A technically simple, sightseeing hiking trip through the Caucasus (Karachay-Cherkessia), to the foot of the highest mountain in Europe, at average altitudes from 2000 to 3700 meters, confidently beautiful, interesting and educational with everything that is there.))

  • Duration - 7 days.
  • Type - autonomous hike.
  • Difficulty - above average.
  • The cost of the tour is 10,000 rubles.
  • Hiking distance – 73 km
  • Age limit - from 16 years.

Hiking conditions in the Western Elbrus region:

  • Travel time – 7 days. Heights up to 3700 meters.
  • It is best to arrive in Nevinnomyssk in advance, on the eve of your trip to the Caucasus, and spend the night in hotels in the city (we will tell you the addresses).
  • The total time for group gathering at the Nevinnomyssk railway station is 9.00. Start of the hike.
  • The cost of the trip includes: all transfers (round trip), 3 meals a day (hot breakfasts and dinners, lunch and snacks on the route), guide services, group pharmacy + equipment: gas, burners, boilers, registration with the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • The price does not include: Railway and air tickets, rental of personal equipment.
  • Equipment: it’s best to have your own, familiar, down to the last lace.)) But we have rentals: backpacks, tents, rugs, sleeping bags - look.
  • If you have any questions, write or call here, me, Oleg.
  • Number of participants in the trip: 10-12 people.
  • The host has a multi-fuel burner for the main cooking. A fire, depending on the availability of firewood in a particular place. Plus a camp pharmacy, boilers, etc. necessary for an autonomous hike.
  • The finish of the hike is in the city of Nevinnomyssk at the railway station. Estimated arrival time is 18.00 (six o'clock in the evening).

The route is carefully thought out with the goal of logical and adaptive acclimatization, so that your and our journey is successful and with the interest of everything that is in the western mountains of the Elbrus region.

Attention! This hiking route to the Caucasus is intended for advanced users of mountains and forests, that is, those who have at least two or three independent hikes behind them and good physical fitness, health and the ability to independently manage personal equipment: pitch a tent, center a backpack, etc. associated with the collective life of a group on a hike. This is important and is related to the altitude of the route!

Equipment list for the hike, look and read below, after a full description of the route.

More details about the route:

First day. Nevinnomyssk – Khurzuk – Ullu-Khurzuk

The group gathers at the railway station in Nevinnomyssk at 9.00. That is, you need to arrive the day before the start. This will be convenient and logical. A chartered bus will take us to the start of the route in the high-mountain village of Khurzuk. The road is long, the travel time is about 5 hours, so we will stop for lunch (khychin, tea, ayran) near the memorial to the defenders of the Caucasian passes at the entrance to the city of Karachaevsk.

Second day. Narzan springs of Djily-su.

To get to the wonderful possessions of Mount Mingi-Tau, another name for Elbrus, you need to work a little.))

Today we have an early rise and an early departure. The path ahead is not short, about 17 kilometers up the valley, to the foot of Mount Elbrus. Two-thirds of the way we will pass through a pine forest, where a variety of berries in the form of strawberries, lingonberries, raspberries and blueberries will help us calmly overcome the first difficulties of the climb. And when the forest ends, ahead, in the evening light, we will be greeted by the one who rules the wind. In the evening we set up camp at an altitude of 2700 m, near the Narzan resort called Djily-su (Karachay-Cherkessia), unfinished in the last century, with healing mineral springs or on a tour. base (depending on weather conditions). We are in the Caucasus mountains.

The smooth lines of mountain ranges, the comfort of the green valleys of the highlands, make you happy and conducive to relaxation.

Some places in Narzans are equipped for swimming, others are intended for drinking. To relieve fatigue before bed, those who wish can plunge into 18-degree soda.))

Day three. Radial exit - Balk-Bashi pass.

We will devote this day to traveling lightly, to one of the passes, located in the depression of the northern spur, from the eastern peak of Elbrus. This is called the Balk-Bashi pass (3689m), a beautiful and panoramic mountain location. In the photo he is on the left. After the crossing you can relax in the bathhouse.

Day four. Radial exit to the Ring Pass.

After breakfast, get ready and... another light radial. We slowly pace and climb to the Ring Pass (3350m). The climb is not steep, it goes along the left tributary of the river. Bityuktube (orographically), at the end there is a lot of large scree, but quite passable. The pass itself is spacious and wide. There is a lake. If desired, you can climb the Ozerny pass, provided the group is in good health. From the Ring Pass you can clearly and beautifully view the southern spurs of Elbrus, the valley and passes of the Kukyurtlyu River.

Descent back along the right side of the left tributary of the river. Bityuktube, after passing a large scree.

At the finish line there is Narzan and a swimming pool.))

Day five. Enukol Ridge.

The most beautiful and panoramic trek to the Caucasus, in good weather. After a short descent, we are faced with a long, steep climb to the Enukol ridge.

In these places there is an old, well-trodden cattle drive, Sut-Jol (Milk Road). We will take advantage of the invitation of the trail, first asking if it is possible?)) And having heard - “Bon voyage”, we will rise to the heights of the ridge. The Milky Way is beautiful, panoramic and impressive with its views of Oshkhamakho (where the gods live - another name for the beautiful Elbrus) and the surrounding mountains.

We will set up camp right on the ridge, not far from the Enukol pass, at an altitude of about 3000 m. This will be our highest overnight stay.

Day six. Enukol Ridge – Lake Khurla-Kol

An easy and spectacular trek to the lake. The lake is located at an altitude of about two thousand meters above sea level. The age of this unique thing among the lakes of the Caucasus is 15 thousand years! Can you imagine?!

On a wide mountain terrace, bordered by pine forests and magnificent landscapes, the lake looks like a beautiful tribute to these places. Beautiful purity, crystal transparency, cold and attractive. Sit and watch for a long time. What else do you need?))

In good weather, you can arrange a real beach holiday.

Day seven. Lake Khurla-Kol – Kart-Dzhurt – Nevinnomyssk

Early rise and departure. We have breakfast, clean our feathers and head down to our native land.)) Today is the last day of a trip to the Caucasus, a short and glorious journey!

After climbing to a small pass, a long descent awaits us to probably the most ancient village of Karachay-Cherkessia, the village of Kart-Dzhurt, an educational place for historical facts. Not far from the village, on the way home, at the confluence of the Kuban and Khudes rivers, there is a stone, the Black Stone of Karchi, sacred - it has been lying for an eternity, and passing travelers consider it their duty to stay near it, knowing that this stone has given a lot of good to the people, living here.

We will ask the driver to stop here for a moment and also be with him for a little while, paying tribute to the history and traditions of this small but glorious country.

A minibus will be waiting for us in Kart-Dzhurta, which will take us to Nevinnomyssk.

You can see photos of the trip to the Caucasus

In the Caucasus there are routes of varying levels of difficulty, and every traveler will be able to choose something for themselves.

Hiking tours in the Caucasus that we conduct

    Climbing the legendary Elbrus (5642 m)highest point the entire Caucasus, ( and, according to some, even Europe). This gigantic volcano offers the traveler the best views of the harsh Caucasian mountains; it strengthens the spirit and tests the strength of anyone who dares to challenge it. Acclimatization trekking in the Elbrus region will pleasantly delight you with bright landscapes and local flavor.

Such a variety of routes, cultures and altitudes makes the Caucasus a versatile hiking destination, with something for everyone to choose and discover.

Weather in the Caucasus Mountains

The massif is located on the border of two climatic zones: temperate and subtropical. In addition, there is a very large difference in altitude and the influence of two seas is felt. High mountains hold back the cold northern masses, preventing them from penetrating into Transcaucasia. All this makes the climate of the Caucasus quite diverse and heterogeneous. Essentially, this means that in the Ciscaucasia it is colder and rainier than in the Transcaucasus, which belongs to the subtropical zone. The main Caucasus range lies in the temperate zone - winters are snowy, summer and early autumn are relatively dry, and spring and late autumn are rainy. In the mountains of the Western Caucasus, local cyclones often form in the summer, so there is a lot of precipitation. In areas adjacent to the Black Sea, winter is moderated by the influence of Mediterranean winds. On the Caspian coast, summers are usually very dry and hot.

In addition, in the Caucasus, the climate clearly depends on the altitude of the area. This type of climate is calledmountain and means that the higher you rise, the colder the air, the stronger the wind, and the weather can change quickly and dramatically. Therefore, if you are going on a hike in the Caucasus, you need to prepare for different situations, regardless of the area in which the trek will take place.

When is the best time to go hiking? s in the Caucasus

It depends on which part of the Caucasus you are going to. But in general, generalizations can be made.

On Main Caucasian ridge It’s better to go during the season: June - early September. You should not go between February and April, as avalanches occur in the mountains. From October to December there is a lot of rainfall. January is the month of mountaineering, but we do not recommend this kind of entertainment for beginners without serious experience of difficult winter hikes.

On Western Caucasus and in Black Sea regions You can safely go from May. The high passes are still covered in snow, but many routes are passable and the weather is stable. And all around are stunning views of the snow-capped peaks of the Greater Caucasus... In the summer it rains here - be sure to take a good membrane poncho with you!

On South Caucasus in July and August it gets down to 29° C, so it’s better to go from late April to July, and in September - October, or be prepared for the heat. In any case, they will come in handy here sunscreen, glasses and a hat. The winter here is very snowy, and avalanches occur in the spring.

Hiking in the Caucasus in winter - where to go?

The Western Caucasus is ideal for winter trekking. Here are the driest and coldest winters, since the spurs of Elbrus block the path of wet sea and tropical currents. This ensures good snow conditions and a high probability sunny weather. In this part of the Elbrus region there are low picturesque passes and peaks from which the harsh Great Ridge. Many of them are on the list world heritage UNESCO. That's why , despite the “small” height, there will be something to see :). In winter, Tkhach, Lago-Naki, Fisht-Oshtensky massif and Taberda are well walked. There are many nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and natural monuments here, which are very impressive in any season.

How to get to the Caucasus

Our hikes in the Caucasus begin inNevinnomyssk, Pyatigorsk, Mineralnye Vody and Krasnodar.You can get there by train or plane.

Trains to the Caucasus

From Moscow to these settlements there is right railway message. Fastest train (Moscow - Krasnodar) on the way 24 hours (until the final ), with stops in Nev and Nomyssk, Pyatigorsk and Min Vodakh. Tickets will cost from 4100 rubles. Two more trains on this route take a little longer - a day and a half, but are cheaper (from 3,400 rubles)

There are trains from St. Petersburg to Krasnodar, but not on all days of the week. The journey takes from 30 hours, tickets from 3200 rubles.

Direct message from Kyiv no, but you can go with a transfer in Bobruisk (R. Belarus). First, by train Kyiv - Minsk (8.5 hours), and then on Minsk - Adler to Krasnodar (38 hours, from 4000 rubles).To Minsk you need to buy tickets well in advance, because they sell out very quickly.

And from Minsk there is the mentioned Minsk - Adler.

From Krasnodar to Min Vody and Nevinnomyssk trains walk only on odd days and at night, please note This when planning a move. There are no direct routes to Pyatigorsk.

To the Caucasus by plane

In Krasnodar and Mineralnye Vody there are international airports, which significantly speeds up the picking process.

You can fly from Moscow T b to Krasnodar in 2 hours and 5000-5300 rubles. ( Ural, S7, VIN Airlines), and in Mineral water— from 3,400 rubles (which is quite comparable to the prices for moving railways!).

There are few direct flights from St. Petersburg to Krasnodar and Min Voda, they fly for at least 3 hours and cost from 9,000 rubles ( U Tair ). With a transfer in Moscow it takes longer, but a little cheaper ( S7 from 5h, 7700 rub; Nordwind - 5 hours, 7200 rubles).

There are no direct flights from Kyiv either, the cheapest flights are with two transfers, cost from 12,000 rubles and flight time is 12-20 hours(UIA+Aeroflot). Fast ones with one transfer (6 hours on the way) will cost 28,000 rubles.

From Minsk for 9,000 rubles and with a transfer in Moscow you can fly to Krasnodar in 6.5 hours.

What documents are needed to go hiking in the Caucasus?

For Russians who go on a hike from Russia, no documents are needed. Bring your passport with you to check in at the checkpoint (some parks require this).

Citizens of the CIS can still enter Russia using an internal passport. Theoretically, they do not need a foreign passport or registration if they stay in Russia no more than 90 days in six months. But we practically advise you to take with you your international passport, return tickets and some proof of solvency (bank statement or cash, for example). Now there are no problems with crossing the border by plane or from the Republic of Belarus (there is still no communication in the conflict region). So no need to worry - you need to go hiking in the Caucasus! ;)

If you are coming from Georgia, citizens of Ukraine, Russia and the Republic of Belarus do not need a visa; entry is required abroad.

You need to get a visa to Abkhazia. How to do this, read the link.

Caucasus amazing place. The legendary peaks Elbrus and Kazbek crown the local ridges, united in mountain systems– this is where the Greater and Lesser Caucasus begin. Looking at the snow-covered rocky slopes supporting the sky, you feel the full power of wild nature. The Caucasus is quite a harsh mountain; in winter, five meters of snow falls on the passes here, and in summer the heat reaches thirty degrees. Numerous hiking routes in the Caucasus are very diverse and at the same time not simple. Mountains and passes attract both experienced tourists and those who are just beginning to explore the wonderful world of tourism. Alpine meadows here alternate with stormy mountain rivers, carrying their foamy streams into real foothill jungles. Stunning colors and amazing silence, this business card these places, and here in the Caucasus, indeed, you can fully enjoy both.

There are several features of hiking in the Caucasus. Firstly, it’s worth talking about the weather. The rains here in summer are rarely prolonged, but they come often, and sometimes it happens every day. A windbreaker is a must when hiking, and a raincoat too. If the sun is shining, it's shining so good, especially at altitude, so don't forget to take sunscreen with you so as not to get too sunburnt. Good weather that lasts for a week in a row is rare in the Caucasus, but it does happen. Besides, there are no problems with water in the Caucasus; there are many springs and rivers that we will cross from time to time.

Secondly, I will mention a slight feeling of hunger. We usually carry all the food with us, since on most routes there is no place to buy it, and since you can’t take on much, otherwise you simply won’t go, we have to take into account the amount of food per day compared to the same Crimea. A vicious circle - the pressures in the Caucasus are heavy, you will want to eat a lot, but you won’t be able to take much with you, in general, you will have the opportunity to lose another kilogram.

Our hiking trips in the Caucasus usually last 9 and 12 days. And here you need to be strong in spirit and realize that you will have to go to the end. Because there is simply nowhere to get off here on the route. There are only mountains around. To leave the route, the whole group will have to leave and go to the nearest village, and this is often a couple of days of travel in order to leave there those who want to end the journey prematurely. But I will add that we have a couple of not very difficult routes, especially for beginners - along Tkhachi in Adygea and along the Kodori Gorge in Abkhazia.

Let me remind you that we have routes that go along the border and nature reserves. This imposes its own characteristics on hikes, nature reserves as nature reserves, but you need to obtain permits for some routes in advance from the border guards; for Russians, the pass is issued a month in advance; for citizens of other countries, two months before the hike, we issue the pass; all we require from you is your data. Well, that’s all, have a good hike!