One hundred to one that they always take with them on the beach. Going to the beach: what to take with you


Imagine that it’s hot summer outside, you have a long-awaited day off, which you want to spend basking in the rays of the bright sun. Or maybe you are at a resort where visiting the beach is a daily ritual of relaxation and rest? In any case, if you decide to spend your day at the beach, you need to know what you always take to the beach, what things you will definitely need, and without which ones are generally normal not to sunbathe.

  1. The first thing that comes to any person’s mind, and without which it would be stupid to be on the beach, is swimsuit, and for men swimming trunks. Choose the right model to your liking, which will eliminate the imperfections of the figure and emphasize the advantages.
  2. Beach towel or mat for lying on . If you are not picky, you can only take a towel, sunbathe on it, and dry yourself with it. Some do not dry at all after getting out of the water, so taking only a beach towel is an option for you. When going to the beach with your family or company, a good option would be to take a light blanket.
  3. Sunscreen . Don’t neglect using it, because you can get singed completely unnoticed and it will be unpleasant to walk around with burning and then peeling skin due to forgotten cream and a couple of hours spent under the scorching sun. Some girls like to use a separate cream specifically for the face, and even lip balm to prevent dryness.
  4. Take it and sunglasses , they will save you from the appearance of small wrinkles in the delicate area around the eyes, and they will simply allow you not to squint all the time.
  5. Take it with you beach umbrella . It happens that you go with a clear thought to melt under the sun, but at some point you may get tired of it. In addition, it has been experimentally verified that a tan sticks no worse under an umbrella than under the open sky.
  6. Prepare some cape, pareo, beach sundress in case, for example, you leave the place of deployment to go to the store.
  7. Headdress – a must-have accessory for beach holiday. With a beautiful hat or panama hat, your wonderful head will not be damaged.
  8. Bottle of water . On the beach you will definitely want to drink and ordinary mineral water is best, but it is better to avoid sweet drinks, as you will only want to drink and eat even more.
  9. What about food think too. As a rule, in the fresh air and in the swimming field, a childish appetite appears. Take it for such an occasion to chew on fruit, you can stock up sandwiches .
  10. Some people get bored of lying around and looking at others. In that case, take it for yourself book or magazine.
  11. For all of the above you will need a comfortable beach bag . Ideally, it should be roomy, wide and light.

This list contains the basic items you should take to the beach. Depending on the situation, whether you have a car or not, and the availability of a company, you can include additional items here if you wish.

Go on vacation by the sea, sunbathe on the beach, enjoy the bright sun and blue sky - what could be better? Unfortunately, many people take getting ready for the beach extremely frivolously, forgetting in a hurry about the necessary things that must be in a beach bag. What to take with you to the beach to make your vacation enjoyable and as comfortable as possible?

What you need for the beach


You can't do without a swimsuit or swimming trunks at sea. It’s good if there are changing cabins on the beach; if not, it’s better to wear a beach suit. A very important beach attribute is a headdress made of natural fabric - linen or cotton. It is advisable that the headdress have wide brims; they will reliably protect the head from the bright sun and help prevent sunstroke. Ladies can take a light pareo; this outfit is suitable for a visit to a summer cafe or for a walk around the city. Shoes should be comfortable and light; the best option is flip-flops or rubber slippers. Don't forget about sunglasses, they will protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays.

Swimming accessories

An inflatable mattress is an indispensable thing on the beach; it is pleasant to sunbathe on the shore and swing on the waves. If small children are going to the sea, you need to take vests and inflatable lifebuoys for them. For fans of scuba diving, fins and a mask will be useful.


  • sunscreen face cream. Sensitive skin of the face is the first to be exposed to aggressive ultraviolet radiation, so you should take special care of it;
  • sun cream The main sun protection product recommended for everyone without exception. The cream applied to the skin forms a film that serves as protection against radiation and significantly reduces the effect of sunlight;
  • tanning oil. Promotes an even tan while simultaneously moisturizing the skin. The oil contains protective ingredients against solar radiation, but its effectiveness is somewhat weaker compared to the cream;
  • after sun cream. Strengthens the tan, soothes the skin, gives a feeling of freshness;
  • burn cream. A modern alternative to sour cream and kefir - quickly relieves burning, inflammation, and accelerates the regeneration of skin cells.

How to use the cream:

  • the marking on the packaging must be at least SPF 15. Apply the cream 30-35 minutes before going to the beach and every 1.5-2 hours of exposure to the sun;
  • Cloudy days are not a reason to refuse sunscreen;
  • you cannot be on the beach during the period of the most intense radiation - from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.;
  • the cream should be applied not only to the back and face, but also to the back of the hands, the upper part of the lower leg, and the insteps of the feet;
  • It is strictly forbidden to use the cream to protect the skin of infants under 6-7 months.


  • painkillers (No-shpa, Spazmalgon, Analgin);
  • headache medications (Paracetamol, Aspirin);
  • bandage, cotton wool, plaster;
  • anti-nausea pills;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

What to take to the beach: other little things

It is convenient to put small items in a small beach bag. Women should take a hair clip, comb, wet wipes, and lip balm. A camera and mobile phone, magazines, newspapers, playing cards, and a player with headphones will come in handy. You must have a certain amount of money in your wallet to pay for an umbrella, sun loungers, or buy ice cream or water. No large sums of money or expensive jewelry!

Beach holidays with children

Warm sand and water delight children, so the best way to spend time on a hot summer day is to go with the whole family to the sea or pond. What to take with you?


Here you need to take into account the child’s preferences, but there are still universal toys that are ideal for relaxing near the water - balls (inflatable/rubber), waterfowl toys. There is no need to take a lot of things, 2-3 items are enough. It is worth putting a watering can and a sand set (bucket, shovels, rakes) in your bag, since children really like to sculpt with sand. A useful device is an inflatable pool; the water in it will heat up instantly and the baby will happily splash around, throw pebbles and launch fish. Psychologists do not recommend taking educational aids and books to the beach; the child should gain new impressions and have a good rest.

What products to take with you to the beach

Seafood and meat. Smoked/fried meat is not the best beach food, but protein food will help restore strength when active recreation near the water, so a piece of boiled rabbit/chicken will come in handy. Lean meat will replace lunch if you plan to spend the whole day on the beach. The second element of the beach diet is seafood. They are rich in vitamins, microelements, tasty and nutritious.

Vegetables. Usually they take cucumbers and tomatoes to the beach. They contain a lot of liquid, do not burden the stomach and promote satiety.

Fruits/berries. The perfect combination is pears and apples. Fruits effectively satisfy hunger, do not create digestive problems, refresh, and replenish fluid and energy deficits. Berries should be chosen without seeds: blackberries, currants, strawberries, raspberries. The main thing about berries is their aroma and extraordinary taste; they will give you vigor and, if necessary, reduce the fighting sensations from sunburn.

Dairy products. You can and should take cheese and yoghurt to the beach, provided you have sealed packaging. Milk and kefir can be consumed within 2-2.5 hours after opening the package.

Dessert. Sweets on vacation with children are a must. Energy expenditure must be replenished. A tired child will want high-calorie food, so cookies, buns, raisins, nuts, and homemade cakes will come in handy. No caramels, cream pies or sweets!

Drinks The healthiest drink on a hot day is still mineral water with lemon. Cold tea, fruit juice, and dried fruit compote will invigorate and refresh you. There is no need to give juices from packages to babies, they do not quench their thirst.

Everyone decides for themselves what to take to the beach. Everyone has their own needs, taking into account which you need to choose what you really need. Then a holiday at sea will not resemble hiking trip, but will remain in memory as a fun and exciting adventure.

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, you need to think in advance what to take with you to the beach, what you won’t be able to do without. First of all, you should think about your health.

Many vacationers make one common mistake - they neglect the means of protection against burns. Sunscreens and lotions will help protect your skin from sunburn.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the SPF protection index against ultraviolet radiation. If your skin is fair and susceptible to sunburn, then the index must be maximum.

In addition, you should not go out in the sun for a long time without a hat. Thus, when deciding what to take with you to the beach, the mandatory items should be sunscreen and a headdress.

Of course, you can’t do without swimming trunks and a swimsuit. Here it is recommended to pay attention not only to convenience and fashion, but also to what material it is made of. The color of the swimsuit also matters. Dark colors absorb and store heat, while white and light colors, on the contrary, reflect the sun's rays.

Swimsuits and swimming trunks made of polyester will cost less than things made of more expensive materials, but, as practice shows, they are less practical and comfortable. The main disadvantage of polyester is that it takes a long time to dry.

The most practical and durable swimsuits and swimming trunks are made from materials such as tactel, polyamide and microfiber. The content of lycra in swimsuits and swimming trunks should not exceed 30%. Swimming trunks must have a cotton insert.

As mentioned above, one of the first things to take with you to the beach should be a hat. This could be a baseball cap, a cap, a Panama hat, etc. It is recommended to buy a headdress made from natural fabrics.

Natural fabrics easily allow air to pass through. When choosing a model, it is better to choose wide-brimmed panama hats and hats, or caps with special neck protection from the sun.

What else do you always take with you to the beach? You can't do without drinking water on the beach. Please note that it should be water, not carbonated sweet drinks. During the hot season, the body loses a lot of fluid, to avoid dehydration and heat stroke, it is necessary to drink water.

Many resorts have pebble beaches, so you have two options: either go barefoot or wear comfortable beach slippers. In the first case, there is a risk that while walking along the beach you can injure your leg.

Unfortunately, some vacationers do not follow the rules of how to behave on the beach and leave trash (and this could be broken glass). Beach slippers should be lightweight and dry quickly, preferably with breathable soles.

When you start thinking about what to take to the beach, you immediately have to think about what to put your things in. Sometimes you can get by with a regular bag, but it’s better to purchase a roomy and light bag in advance.

For those who like to spend a lot of time on the beach, it is worth buying a cooler bag - the water will remain cool, you can take food with you, even sandwiches. If you take food to the beach with you, then take a clean, whole garbage bag.

For people with fair and sensitive skin, as well as for vacationers with children, it is recommended to take a sun umbrella to the beach. The tan will be more even, and the skin will be protected from burns. In addition, children are not recommended to stay in the open sun for a long time. An umbrella can be extra weighty, so you can rent one at the beach.

Towels are exactly what you always take to the beach, regardless of any circumstances. If you decide to use a towel as a blanket, it is better to grab another towel for your hands and face.

Another thing that you always take with you to the beach is sunglasses. They will help protect your eyes from the bright rays of the sun and make you feel more comfortable. When choosing glasses, pay attention to the degree of protection of the glass. For people suffering from poor eyesight, it is better to avoid dark lenses in glasses or give them up altogether.

Ideally, to everything listed above, you should add one more thing - a small first aid kit. This does not mean that you need to take a lot of medicine to the beach. Put there napkins (dry and wet), a couple of painkillers, ammonia, peroxide, iodine (especially if you are vacationing with children).

Few of us go to the beach without money, a phone and a camera. Therefore, it is better to remember a few rules on how to behave on the beach.

First, take only the necessary things with you. It is better to leave jewelry and large sums of money at home or put it in a storage room.

Secondly, you should not meet suspicious people on the beach. Unfortunately, thieves and drug addicts are found not only on domestic beaches, so do not let your guard down. When relaxing in a group, take turns swimming, or keep an eye on your belongings (if possible).

If you see a company in a drunken state, step aside, go to another beach, or simply do not attract attention to yourself. Girls and single women should avoid casual dating. At resorts they often end in trouble.

In any case, each person knows for himself what will be useful to him on the beach, how to behave and how to spend his time, but it is better to be on the safe side once again so that your vacation leaves only pleasant memories.

You need to think in advance about what to take with you to the beach, what you won’t be able to do without. First of all, you should think about your health.

Many vacationers make one common mistake - they neglect the means of protection against burns. Sunscreens and lotions will help protect your skin from sunburn.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the SPF protection index against ultraviolet radiation. If the skin is light and susceptible to sunburn, then the index should be maximum.

In addition, you should not go out in the sun for a long time without a hat. Thus, when deciding what to take to the beach, sunscreen and a hat should be mandatory items.

Of course, you can’t do without swimming trunks and a swimsuit. Here it is recommended to pay attention not only to convenience and fashion, but also to what material it is made of. The color of the swimsuit also matters. Dark colors absorb and store heat, while white and light colors, on the contrary, reflect the sun's rays.

Swimsuits and swimming trunks made of polyester will cost less than things made of more expensive materials, but, as practice shows, they are less practical and comfortable. The main disadvantage of polyester is that it takes a long time to dry.

The most practical and durable swimsuits and swimming trunks are made from materials such as tactel, polyamide and microfiber. The content of lycra in swimsuits and swimming trunks should not exceed 30%. Swimming trunks must have a cotton insert.

As mentioned above, one of the first things to take with you to the beach should be a hat. This could be a baseball cap, a cap, a Panama hat, etc. It is recommended to buy a headdress made from natural fabrics.

Natural fabrics easily allow air to pass through. When choosing a model, it is better to choose wide-brimmed panama hats and hats, or caps with special neck protection from the sun.

What else do you always take with you to the beach? You can't do without drinking water on the beach. Please note that it should be water, not carbonated sweet drinks. During the hot season, the body loses a lot of fluid, to avoid dehydration and heat stroke, it is necessary to drink water.

Many resorts have pebble beaches, so you have two options: either go barefoot or wear comfortable beach slippers. In the first case, there is a risk that while walking along the beach you can injure your leg.

Unfortunately, some vacationers do not follow the rules of how to behave on the beach and leave trash (and this could be broken glass). Beach slippers should be lightweight and dry quickly, preferably with breathable soles.

When you start thinking about what to take to the beach, you immediately have to think about what to put your things in. Sometimes you can get by with a regular bag, but it’s better to purchase a roomy and light bag in advance.

For those who like to spend a lot on the beach, it is worth buying a cooler bag - the water will remain cool, you can take food with you, even sandwiches. If you take food to the beach with you, then take a clean, whole garbage bag.

For people with fair and sensitive skin, as well as for vacationers, it is recommended to take a sun umbrella to the beach. The tan will be more even, and the skin will be protected from burns. In addition, children are not recommended to stay in the open sun for a long time. An umbrella can be extra weighty, so you can rent one at the beach.

Towels are exactly what you always take to the beach, regardless of any circumstances. If you decide to use a towel as a blanket, it is better to grab another towel for your hands and face.

Another thing that you always take with you to the beach is sunglasses. They will help protect your eyes from the bright rays of the sun and make you feel more comfortable. When choosing glasses, pay attention to the degree of protection of the glass. For people suffering from poor eyesight, it is better to avoid dark lenses in glasses or give them up altogether.

Ideally, to everything listed above, you should add one more thing - a small first aid kit. This does not mean that you need to take a lot of medicine to the beach. Put there napkins (dry and wet), a couple of painkillers, ammonia, peroxide, iodine (especially if you are vacationing with children).

Few of us go to the beach without money, a phone and a camera. Therefore, it is better to remember a few rules on how to behave on the beach.

First, take only the necessary things with you. It is better to leave jewelry and large sums of money or put it in a storage room.

Secondly, you should not meet suspicious people on the beach. Unfortunately, thieves and drug addicts exist not only on domestic beaches, so do not let your guard down. When relaxing in a group, take turns swimming, or keep an eye on your belongings (if possible).

If you see a company in a drunken state, step aside, go to another beach, or simply do not attract attention to yourself. Girls and single women should avoid casual dating. At resorts they often end in trouble.

In any case, each person knows for himself what will be useful to him on the beach, how to behave and how to spend his time, but it is better to be on the safe side once again so that your vacation leaves only pleasant memories.

And finally, a little about how to behave on the beach with a baby. The video was taken by a mother with her children:

Summer is the time for vacations, fun weekends in nature and, of course, swimming in warm water. Every time we go on vacation by the sea, lake, river or other bodies of water on hot summer days, we start to think about what to take with us to the beach, what we might need.

What things are needed to make your stay in the warm rays of the sun comfortable?

Let's try to put together a beach bag together.

List of necessary things for the beach

Experienced beach lovers know what it is absolutely impossible to do without. The list is:

  • a large blanket or blanket that will accommodate the whole family;
  • sunscreen cream;
  • lip balms with sun protection factor;
  • pareo;
  • sunglasses;
  • headscarf, hat or baseball cap;
  • water;
  • watch;
  • spare swimsuit (swimming trunks);
  • towel;
  • beach umbrella

The blanket should be dense enough so that small pebbles are not felt - this is especially important if you have children with you. You can replace it with a special straw mat - there are many of these on sale now. They fold up like a handbag. The beach mat is usually equipped with a handle - very convenient to carry.

Even those with dark skin need a cream with protection from UV rays in the first days. To fair and red-haired citizens for the opening beach season It is worth purchasing a cream with a factor of at least 40. As the tan appears, the product can be changed to a less strong one. But if you still feel a burning sensation, a pareo will come in handy.

It is periodically necessary to drink water while taking air baths to avoid overheating and loss of moisture.

A watch is needed in order to control the time of sunbathing: you can get sunburned on the very first day without noticing.

And the last thing on the list of essentials is a second swimsuit. After you swim through the sea waves and get ashore, the wind, of course, will quickly dry both your body and everything you are wearing. But the temperature difference creates favorable conditions for viruses to attack the body. Then you don’t have to wonder where the runny nose came from in 30-degree heat! Hypothermia is especially dangerous for those who suffer from genitourinary diseases and for children - their immunity is still weak. It’s better to dry yourself, change clothes, and enjoy life again.

The list can be supplemented with a camera and a phone for bright and memorable pictures as a keepsake and to be always in touch.

Things to have a good time

Now that the essentials are packed, let's talk about entertainment.

What are you going to do on the seashore? Just lying there is boring and not very useful. Therefore, you can take with you:

  • book;
  • magazine;
  • e-book reader;
  • beach tennis rackets;
  • cards;
  • wallet with small money.

The wallet will come in handy if you want to treat yourself to ice cream, berries or something else tasty from the peddlers. In addition, children will certainly demand to be taken on water rides. Don't take a lot of money.

What to take to the beach with children

For parents with children, the list of necessities will be expanded. It will additionally contain:

  • fruits or dry biscuits;
  • spare T-shirt and shorts;
  • mini-pool;
  • sleeves;
  • air mattress, circle;
  • toys, kite;
  • underwater goggles or mask;
  • disinfectant and bactericidal patch;
  • wet wipes;
  • rubber slippers for going into the water if the bottom is rocky;
  • tent or awning for shelter from the wind.

Is everything ready, is your bag packed? It's time to go!

Enjoy the sun and gentle sea (or river) waves, but remember: you should not spend more than 1.5-2 hours on the beach. Moreover, it is desirable that these hours be morning or evening. Then the sun will bring maximum benefit, and the tan will turn out even and beautiful.