From Prague airport to the city center on your own. How to get to the center of Prague from the airport


Prague Airport is named after the first Czech President Vaclav Havel. IATA code is PRG. Located 20 km from the city center, in the Prague 6 area.

There are 3 terminals at Prague Airport.

  • Terminal 1 - flights that are not included in the Schengen area arrive here. If you are flying from Russia or the CIS countries, you will arrive at this terminal.
  • Terminal 2 - serves flights departing and arriving from Schengen countries.
  • Terminal 3 is a terminal primarily for private jets. Most likely you won't come here.

Terminals 1 and 2 are located very close to each other. You can walk from one to the other Terminal in 5 minutes.

There are no trains or Aeroexpresses from Prague Airport to the city like at Moscow airports.

You can get from Prague airport to the center (and of course back) on your own using several bus options.

If this is too difficult, you are afraid of getting lost in an unfamiliar city, or you want help with your luggage, or you are simply on vacation and want to relax and not think about anything, order a private transfer. A transfer is when you are met with a sign, helped with your suitcases, carefully taken straight to the hotel, and then back if you want.

Where to order a transfer from Prague airport

  • — international transfer service, website in Russian, prices vary depending on the type of car. The downside is that the support service is not 24/7, telephone only.
  • - international service. An excellent site, and the support service is even better - everything is in Russian, there is a telephone number for contact. There is even an online chat. There are cars for 1-4 passengers, as well as various types of minibuses for those traveling in large and very large groups. We recommend.

By the way, in Kiwi you can book not only an individual transfer, but also place in the shuttle bus. However, this is only beneficial if you are traveling alone. A shuttle bus will also take you to the hotel.

The cost per car is fixed for all areas of Prague, no matter where your hotel is. You can also order a transfer not only from the airport to the hotel, but also between cities. View.

In this article I will tell you, how to get to the city from Prague airport. Many who fly to the capital of the Czech Republic ask this question, so to help travelers we will consider all possible transfer options from Prague airport.

The content of the article:

Prague Airport

Prague International Airport(Letiště Václava Havla Prague)is located in the suburb of Ruzyne, in the Prague 6 region at a distance of 20 km from the city center. It was named after the first president of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Havel. There are many international and domestic flights to Prague Airport. Czech Airlines CSA is called Czech Airlines, CSA airline. Prague Airport consists of 4 terminals.

Terminal 1. Flights from countries outside the Schengen area

Terminal 2. Flights from countries within the Schengen area

Terminal 3. Private and charter flights

Terminal 4. Accepts flights VIP class and official visits.

How to get to the city from Prague airport

You can get from the airport to the city by different types of transport, namely:

1. City buses

2. By Airport Express (AE) buses

3. Radio Jet buses

4. Minibuses Prague Airport Transfers

5. Minibuses from CEDAZ

6. Taxi

How to get from Prague airport by public bus

You can get from Prague airport to the city center or to the hotel by public transport. If you arrive during the day, you need to take a bus and go to the metro, if at night you need to transfer from the bus to a tram (the metro does not operate at night).The public bus stop is located opposite the airport exit (terminals 1, 2). The journey to the city center takes approximately 50 minutes.

In the table, I gave the numbers of public buses running from the airport to the city, at which metro stations (tram at night) you need to change to get to the city center, and also indicated the service interval, travel time and operating hours of a particular route.

Public buses from Prague airport to city center


Metro station (center)


Travel time

Working hours


Nádraží Veleslavín (green line A) or tram no. 18, 20, 26


5-20 min.

15 minutes.

From 5:00 to 24:00


Zličín (yellow line B)


10-30 min.

20 minutes.

From 5:00 to 24:00


Na Knížecí (yellow line B) Petřiny (green line A), Anděl (yellow line B)


5-30 min.

45 min.

From 5:00 to 24:00

№510 (night bus)

The metro is not working.

Runs to the Na Beránku stop. To get to the center, you need to get off at the Divoká Šárka stop and change to tram number 51


10-30 min.

40 min.

From 00:15 to 03:55

The fastest way to get from Prague airport to the center is bus route No. 119. At the final stop Nádraží Veleslavín you need to change to the metro (green line A).

If you need to get to the hotel. First, look on the map where the desired object is located, then select the appropriate bus. It is quite convenient and will not be difficult to understand. Electronic stop signs are installed on trams, buses, and subways; in addition, each stop is announced by an announcer. For reference, I will write the route of each bus.

Bus stops No. 119

  • Terminal 1
  • Terminal 2
  • Schengenská U Hangáru
  • Na Padesátníku - Terminal 3
  • K Letišti - Dědina
  • Nova Šárka
  • Divoká Šárka
  • Nádraží Veleslavín (metro station, line A).

Bus stops No. 100

  • Terminal 1
  • Terminal 2
  • Schengenská
  • U Hangáru
  • Terminal 3
  • K Letišti
  • Zličín (metro station, line B)

Bus stops No. 191

● Na knížecí (metro station, line B) ● Větrník ● Nad markétou ● Vypich ● Štefkova ● U ladronky ● Rozýnova ● Televizní věž ● Diskařská ● Stadion strahov ● Hyb šmanka ● Podbělohorská ● Nad klamovkou ● Klamovka ● Anděl (metro station, line B) ● Terminál 1 ● Terminál 2 ● Schengenská ● U Hangáru ● Na Padesátníku ● Terminál 3 ● K Letišti ● Obch.Centrum Šestka ● Dlouhá míle ● Ciolkovského ● l. Na dědině ● Vlastina ● Divoká šárka ● Litovický potok ● Libocká ● Sídliště petřiny ● Petřiny (metro station, line A).

Night Bus stops No. 510

Click on the map to enlarge

●Terminál 1●Terminál 2 ●Schengenská ●U Hangáru ●Na Padesátníku ●Terminál 3 ●K Letišti ●Dlouhá míle ●Ciolkovského ●Sídl. Na Dědině ● Vlastina ● Divoká Šárka ● Litovický potok ● Sídliště Petřiny ● Petřiny ● Větrník ● Nad Markétou ● Vypich ● Štefkova ● U Ladronky ● Rozýnova ● Televizní věž ● Diskařská ● Stadion Strahov ● U Palaty ● Hřebenka ● Holečkova ● Kobrova ● Švandovo divadlo ● Arbesovo náměstí ● Jiráskovo náměstí ● Štěpánská ● I.P.Pavlova ● Vyšehrad ● Pražského povstání ● Pankrác ● Zelená liška ● Budějovick á ● Brumlovka ●Vyskočilova●Pod Dálnicí ● Kačerov ● U Labutě ●Nemocnice Krč ● Zálesí ● Sulická ● Novodvorská ● Lhotka ● Sídliště Lhotka ● Has ova ● Labe ● Družná ●Tylova čtvrť ● Poliklinika Modřany ● Platónova ● Petržílova ● Pavelkova ● Na Beránku

Where to buy a ticket for public transport at the airport

Public transport in Prague includes buses, trams, metro, ferries and funicular. All of them are part of a single PID system; in simple words, there is a single ticket for all types of transport.

To get from the airport to the city you need to purchase a ticket for 90 minutes, since the journey will take approximately 50 minutes. + you need to take into account transfers (bus - metro or bus - tram).

You can buy a ticket at Prague airport in terminals at the bus stand. What do they look like and what are the tickets, their cost, etc. I wrote.

Please note that public transport ticket machines only accept coins.

For the convenience of guests, there are ticket machines at Prague Airport and railway stations that accept credit cards.

I do not recommend changing money at airport exchange offices. Change a small amount in the first case, since the exchange rate there is higher than in the city. Also, when exchanging money, pay attention to the commission percentage. It is often indicated in small print, and during the exchange a person does not notice that it can reach 40% of the amount.

There are ATMs in the arrivals halls where you can withdraw Czech crowns from your card.

You can also buy a ticket from the bus driver. The price will be a little more expensive than in the terminal. You need to have small denominations of Czech crowns with you, otherwise the driver will not accept large bills.

Public transport tickets can also be purchased in the arrivals hall at information kiosks. Opening hours from 7-00 to 22-00. Public transport passes can be purchased at Prague Airport (Terminal C).

For oversized luggage and a dog without special equipment. bags you need to purchase an additional ticket for 16 CZK.

The ticket becomes valid after you validate it. For this purpose, yellow machines are installed on buses and trams. If you do not do this, your ticket will not be valid.

Arriving at night, how to get from Prague airport to the city?

A big plus of Prague public transport is night operating mode. And if you arrive at night, getting to the hotel will not be difficult or extra cost. At night (after 24 hours) bus route No. 510 comes into operation. Above I wrote its route and where you need to get off. Don't forget that the metro doesn't work at night. To get to the center, you need to get off at the Divoká Šárka stop and transfer to tram number 51. The bus leaves at intervals of 10-30 minutes.

Airport Express (AE) buses from Prague Airport to the city center

In addition to public buses, you can get from Prague Airport to the city by special Airport buses Express. Their stop is located at the airport exit (terminals 1, 2) and is marked with the AE logo, which can also be seen on the buses themselves. Airport Express buses connect Prague Airport with Prague hl Central Railway Station. Nádraží (red metro line C, stop Hlavní nádraží, as well as connections with trains EN, EC, SC, IC). Movement interval every half hour. Airport Express operating hours are from 5:30 to 22:30.

Please note that public transport tickets do not apply to the AE bus.

You can buy tickets for Airport Express buses from the driver, at ticket terminals and at railway ticket offices. The cost for an adult is 60 CZK, for children from 6 to 14 years old - 30 CZK.

RegioJet buses

We became acquainted with RegioJet buses on a trip to. Comfortable buses pass Prague Airport. And many tourists drive up on it. He leaves with central bus station Florenz. On the way back, it also stops to pick up those who have arrived and deliver them to the city. Very convenient for those who need to go to the bus station. You can also take it from Prague Airport to Karlovy Vary, in which case it is better to buy tickets online on the official website.

Minibuses Prague Airport Transfers from Prague airport to city center

In addition to buses from Prague Airport, you can order a transfer in the form of a minibus called Prague Airport Transfers. It must be booked in advance on the official website ( I think it is more suitable for groups of tourists. The transfer can be ordered for 1 or up to 7 people. A minibus will pick you up from the airport and take you to Národní 40, which is located near the central Mustek metro station. You can pay for the transfer in person from the driver or online. The cost of a minibus is 140 CZK per person. For 7 people it will cost approximately 700 CZK.

CEDAZ minibuses from Prague airport

Minibuses of the CEDAZ company (SHUTTLE BUS) run from Prague Airport to stop V Celnici, which is located in the center of Prague. The fare is 150 CZK. The total number of seats in the minibus is 20 people. Opening hours: every day from 07:30 to 19:00, every 30 minutes. Travel for children under 6 years old accompanied by parents is free.

You can buy a ticket for the Shuttle Bus directly from the driver or at the CEDAZ information kiosk in the arrival halls (Terminals 1, 2).

Taxi from Prague airport

If you don’t want to waste time and have the opportunity, you can take a taxi from the airport to the hotel or book a transfer in advance .

As for the official taxi companies in Prague. These include: City Taxi, Halotaxi, Taxi Praha, AAA, Radiocab taxi, Radiotaxi. The cost of landing is approximately 40 CZK, the price for 1 km is about 25 CZK. At Prague Airport there are information kiosks of taxi companies, from there you can call the transfer you have chosen.

A couple of tips when choosing a taxi:

1. Choose licensing companies. They can be recognized by the “TAXI” checker on the roof of the car.

2. The vehicle must have telephone numbers, license number and service name on both sides.

2. Check the price in advance: by phone with the dispatcher or directly with the driver before boarding.

Nowadays, it is possible to book a transfer in advance via the Internet. CompanyKiwi Taxi , has proven itself to be excellent. At the airport you will be met by a driver with a sign with your last name on it and you don’t need to run anywhere or look for it!

Information centers at Prague Airport

To obtain additional information please contact information centers located at Prague Airport. They are located in terminals 1 and 2. Opening hours are from 07:00 to 22:00. There are also information call centers in Prague. Phone +420 296 191 817 (daily from 7:00 to 21:00). Information is offered in Russian, English, German and French.

Summary. As you can see, there are many ways how to get from Prague airport to the city, I tried to present them all and talk about them clearly. I hope I succeeded. Write to us your options. Which method worked best for you? Have a great trip friends!

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Prague Václav Havel Airport is located in Prague 6, near the center of the capital, just 17 kilometers from central square Prague. It is the largest airport in Eastern Europe, serving approximately 11 million passengers in 2012.

Getting from the airport to the center of Prague or vice versa will not be a problem. City buses run along the route, with minimal intervals.

How to get from Prague airport to the city center

City buses

All bus stops are located near Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 - in front of the arrivals hall.

  • Bus 119 Prague Airport – Nádraží Veleslavín metro station (metro line A) – 15 minutes

The bus goes to the Nádraží Veleslavín metro station on line A. The movement interval is 5-20 minutes. Travel time is 15 minutes. Runs from approximately 5 am to 00:30 am. The exact schedule can be viewed.
Route: Terminal 1 - Terminal 2 - Schengenská U Hangáru - Na Padesátníku - Terminal 3 - K Letišti - Dědina - Nová Šárka - Divoká Šárka - Nádraží Veleslavín (A).

Then you need to change to the metro and get to the desired station in the city center.

  • Bus 100 Prague Airport - Zličín metro station (metro line B) - 18 min

The bus goes to the metro station on line B Zličín. The movement interval is 7-30 minutes. Travel time is 18 minutes. Runs from approximately 5:30 am to midnight. The exact schedule can be viewed.
Route: Terminal 1 - Terminal 2 - Schengenská - U Hangáru - Terminal 3 - K Letišti - Zličín (B).

Then you need to change to the metro and get to the desired station in the city center (in the direction of the Černý Most station).

  • Airport Express– Prague Airport – Praha hl. nádraží (metro line C and connections with SC, EC, IC and EN trains) - 35 min

The Airport Express bus route provides a direct connection between the center of Prague and Prague Ruzyne Airport. The name of the buses is abbreviated as AE; these are the letters written on the board instead of the number. The express train runs every half hour. The first flight is at 5:30, the last at 21:00 in the evening (from the airport) and at 22:00 from the Prague railway station. It goes in the opposite direction Hlavní nádraží – Terminal 1 – Terminal 2(approximately 30 min.). The exact schedule can be viewed.

Ticket price is 60 CZK (children from 6 to 15 years old - 30 CZK, children under 6 years old - free). If you plan to get off at Dejvicka station, the ticket will cost only 40 CZK. Tickets can only be purchased from the bus driver.

Bus map from Prague airport and metro

Ticket selling

Tickets for buses 100 and 119 can be purchased in the following ways:

  • MHD (city public transport) counter in the arrivals hall of Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 (7:00 – 22:00)
  • Vending machines at the bus stop
  • From the bus driver

Tickets can only be purchased in Czech crowns. Exchange the amount of money you need to get to the city center, and then take advantage of better currency exchange rates in the city center.

Buses (except Aeroport Express) to the airport are part of the city's general transport system, so no special tickets are required. You can take the airport bus in Prague with the same ticket you used for the metro, as long as it has not yet expired. In Prague, tickets are by the minute, with an unlimited number of transfers. If you are coming from the center, you need to buy a ticket for 90 minutes (32 CZK). This is enough to get to the desired metro station, from where the bus leaves for the airport, and then take 15-20 minutes to get to the desired terminal. You can also purchase a daily pass for 110 CZK. You can see the cost of other types of tickets by following the link.

Don't forget to validate your ticket when you board the bus. Controllers on buses on the route to the airport appear frequently.

How to get from Prague airport to the city center at night

Night bus No. 910 (formerly 510) from the airport to the center of Prague runs every half hour from 00-15 to 5-00. Paid at the regular public transport rate. It takes 45 minutes to get to the tram stop I. P. Pavlova in Prague 2. Travel time to the final stop Na Beránku is 75 minutes. The exact schedule can be viewed.

The route of this bus passes through the city center so that you can change to another night transport and get to the address.


If you like to drive a car and intend to frequently travel around Prague, then it makes sense to rent a car, especially since you can do this right at the airport. Go to , choose a suitable car, and it will be waiting for you in the parking lot. Please note that the earlier you decide to book a car, the more possibilities you will have a choice. You can also pre-order additional options, such as a navigator or child seat.


A taxi is the fastest option and is certainly the most comfortable way to travel from the airport to your desired location. Since January 1, 2017, the YELLOW AAA company has ceased to function as the official transport partner of the airport. It was replaced by "TAXI PRAHA". For many foreigners, this is quite sad news, because... AAA Taxi was a well-known company with a good reputation. The final price of the trip depends on the distance and traffic. In this regard, it is very difficult to determine how much the trip will ultimately cost. Prices range from 200 CZK (if you are just going to the airport hotel, located a few kilometers from the terminal) to 1200 CZK if you are going to the farthest end of Prague (assuming that traffic will not be congested). Thus, a rush hour trip from the airport to the city center may take 45 minutes, and the final price will be higher. That is why it is advisable to place a pre-order in the search form below. Confirmation of the order will be sent to you by email, and the driver will wait at the exit from the arrivals area with a sign with your name on it and will help you pay the full price only after arriving at the place.

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All ways to get from Prague airport to the city center: how to get there by buses, shuttles, taxis. Bonus: how to get into the city if you arrive at night.

Well-established in Prague transport system, so getting from Prague airport to the city center will not be difficult - this is not where you can go except by taxi or transit bus, which you need to catch on the highway. In this article we will examine in detail the question of how to get to Prague from the airport and consider all the available methods. But first, let's say a few words about the airport itself.

Václav Havel International Airport is located in Prague 6, in the suburb of Ruzyne, approximately 20 km from the city center. Czech Airlines is based here - its office can be found right in the building. At Prague airport 4 terminals: terminal 1 receives and dispatches flights from countries that are not part of the Schengen area, terminal 2 is designed for flights from Schengen countries, terminal 3 is intended for private and charter flights, and terminal 4 is exclusively for VIP flights and official visits.

How to get from Prague airport to the city center

You can get from the airport to Prague in the following ways:

  • city ​​transport;
  • Airport Express (AE) buses;
  • on CEDAZ shuttles;
  • by minibuses Prague Airport Transfers;
  • by taxi.

Let's consider all the methods in more detail.

(photo © @notnixon /

Bus from Prague airport to the city

There are several bus routes from Prague Airport, they go to the metro, which can already take you directly to the city center:

  • № 119 - to Nádraží Veleslavín (metro line A), travel time approximately 13-17 minutes.
  • № 100 - to Zličín (metro line B), travel time approximately 15-20 minutes.

Bus stops are located at terminals 1 and 2 in front of the arrivals hall. The cost of a transport ticket is from 24 CZK (for 30 minutes), depending on the place of purchase (for example, the driver is more expensive). Children under 6 years old can travel for free.

You can buy tickets at the city public transport (MHD) counters in the arrivals hall, from vending machines at bus stops and directly from the driver. You can also purchase a travel pass at the airport - look at the prices. Don't forget to validate your ticket when boarding the bus.

How to get from Prague airport to the city center at night?

Please note that the last bus leaves at 23:36 (No. 100) and 23:45 (No. 119), so if you arrive later, you will have to get to Prague either by night bus and tram, since the metro does not operate at night, or by taxi. Night route № 510 departs from Terminal 1 and goes to Na Beránku. If you need to go to the center, get off at the Divoká Šárka stop and change to night tram 51. The last bus leaves at 3:56.

To check the bus schedule, go to , enter the route numbers and the date you are interested in.

Airport Express (AE) buses to the city center

From Prague airport to the city center it is easy to get by special Airport Express buses(they can be recognized by the abbreviation AE on the board), which connect the airport with the main railway station of Prague - Praha hl. nádraží (metro line C and connections with SC, EC, IC and EN trains). Travel time is from 30 to 50 minutes.

The bus stop is located at terminals 1 and 2, marked AE. Buses run every 30 minutes, the last one leaving at 22:35. You can buy tickets from the driver, on the website, in ticket machines and at ticket offices of the Czech Railways.

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CEDAZ shuttles

A more expensive way to get to the city is an airport transfer. Ticket price is 150 CZK one way. The minibus will take you to the V Celnici stop in the center of Prague. Shuttles run daily from 7:30 am to 7 pm every 30 minutes. Children under 6 years old can travel for free. Departure from terminals 1 and 2; tickets can be purchased either from the driver or at the company’s information desk in the arrivals hall.

Minibuses Prague Airport Transfers

You can get from Prague Airport to the city center by ordering a Prague Airport Transfers transfer on their official website The fare is 140 CZK. Payment is possible both online and in person to the driver - the main thing is to order the transfer in advance. The final stop is located at Národní 40 (near the Mustek metro station).

(photo © Maisarah H /

Taxi in Prague from the airport

If you prefer comfort and save your time, we recommend ordering a transfer from Prague airport to the city in advance on the service - you will be met at the airport and taken wherever you want. Also in the arrival terminal there are representative offices of companies where you can order a taxi - Radiocab taxi and AAA RADIOTAXI. Taxi prices are approximately as follows: starting price - 40 CZK, price per 1 km - 28 CZK.

Prague Airport - Karlovy Vary: how to get there

If you need to get directly from Prague airport to the Karlovy Vary resort, we recommend using the comfortable buses of the Student Agency company. Ticket price starts from 80 CZK. You can purchase tickets from the driver or in the arrivals hall of terminal 1. The bus stop is under the overpass near parking lot C, near terminal 1.

The main airport in Prague, named after Vaclav Havel since 2012, and previously called Ruzyne, was put into operation in 1937. The well-chosen location for construction made it possible to carry out a major reconstruction in 2004, expand the territory and increase the capacity of the terminals. This made it possible to receive more than eleven million passengers a year using the services of fifty airlines.

Prague international Airport located twenty kilometers from the center of Prague in the suburb of Ruzyne. This convenient position allows passengers to quickly get to the most interesting historical places of the capital of the Czech Republic. The terminal building has four terminals: T1 serves passengers arriving or departing to countries outside the Schengen area. T2 is designed to service flights from Schengen countries. T3 accepts charter and private flights. T4 is intended for VIPs arriving with official and private visits to the country on private or government aircraft.

Passport control

Arriving planes stop right at the exits to the terminals, which is very convenient, since it does not require additional transportation by bus from the parking lot. Thanks to the presence of signs, getting to the passport control point is not difficult. Queues at Prague airport are quite rare and only occur during peak tourist season. There are special customer service counters for EU citizens, so Russian citizens should pay attention to this so as not to waste time waiting.

After passing through passport control, passengers are sent to the baggage claim area, after receiving which they can head to the exit of the airport terminal. It should be borne in mind that customs officials have the right to check the contents hand luggage after its delivery to the owner. This is a normal procedure that you should not be afraid of, much less be rude or resist airport employees.

How to get to the center of Prague

The transport system in the capital of the Czech Republic is at a fairly high level. Since the airport is located within the city, getting to the center or any other point will not be difficult. This can be done by such means of transport as:

  • Taxi
  • Airport Express (AE) buses
  • Transfer by CEDAZ shuttle or Prague Airport Transfers minibus
  • City bus
  • Rented car


For passengers in a hurry, there is a method of transportation such as a taxi. You can order a transfer in advance on the KiwiTaxi website. A company representative will meet the arriving tourist at the terminal with a name sign and take him comfortably to his destination.

City bus

When leaving the arrivals hall T1 and T2 there are stops for city buses No. 119 and No. 100. They take passengers to metro stations in 15 - 20 minutes. The first bus leaves at 4:52 am and the last bus leaves at 0:18 am. Tickets can be purchased at the airport building, at the bus stop, or even at kiosks where they sell cigarettes. A half-hour ticket costs 24 CZK, while a 90-minute ticket costs only 32 CZK. Children under six years of age receive free travel. When boarding the bus, you must validate your ticket. At night you can leave the airport by a special bus, following route No. 510 to the Divoka Sarka stop, and from there tram No. 51 runs to the center.

Airport Express (AE) buses

The Airport Express (AE) bus takes you to the Praha hl train station. Nadrazi. The entire journey takes from 30 to 50 minutes, depending on how busy the road is. The interval between buses is half an hour, and the last bus leaves at 22:35.

Transfer by shuttle or minibus

Transfer from the airport can be done using the CEDAZ shuttle, which costs 150 CZK for children. Whose age does not exceed six years - free. The time for providing this type of service begins at 7:30 and ends at 19:00. Departures occur every half hour, and the final destination is the V Celnici stop in the very center of the capital. Minibus transfers from Prague Airport Transfers must be booked in advance. This can be done via the Internet on the company’s website, and then paid directly from the driver. The entire trip will cost 140 CZK and will end at a stop near the Mustek metro station.

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