How to get to Ko Lipe Island. Koh Lipe Island - a cozy corner in the Andaman Sea of ​​Thailand


»»» () »»» Beaches and hotels of Lipe Island. How to get to Lipa. Neighboring islands.

Lipe Island ( Koh Lipe) and neighboring islands of Satun Province

Koh Lipe Island, one of the most beautiful Thai islands, is located in the far south of Thailand, a few kilometers from the border with Malaysia.

The popularity of the island of Lipe came relatively recently, and 30 years ago no one knew about the existence of the island of Lipe, with the exception of sea gypsies and local residents.

The first European tourists appeared on the island of Lipe at the turn of the 80s and 90s of the last century, and were amazed by the unearthly beauty of the beach located in the southern part of the island, the beach that later received the name.

Despite the fabulous beauty of this place, the mass pilgrimage of tourists to the island of Lipe had to wait quite a long time. It was only in the early 2000s, with the development of cheap air travel and low-cost sea transport, that Lipe Island became a truly popular tourist destination.

With the beginning of mass tourism, massive development of the island of Lipe began, which, according to many vacationers, greatly affected the beauty of the island. This sad fact really does occur, but you need to understand that not only Lipe Island is being built up, but the whole of Thailand as a whole. And against the backdrop of places like Phuket and Pattaya, Lipe Island, as it was a fabulous island ten years ago, remains so now, despite massive development.

Location of Lipe Island. How to get to Lipe Island.

Below are two maps: a map of the Adang archipelago (which includes Lipe Island), and a map of the islands of the southern part Andaman Sea, indicating the routes of the ships.

Click on the preview to get a high-resolution image of the map you need.

Lipe Island is located 70 kilometers from the coastline of the Thai province of Satun and 20 km. from the border with Malaysia.

The closest airport to Koh Lipe Island, which receives flights from Bangkok, is located near the city of Hat Yai. Several airlines fly on the Bangkok - Hat Yai route, including low-cost carriers AirAsia and Nok Air. Ticket prices for this route vary widely, starting from 1,200 baht. This price can be obtained if you pay for the ticket several months before departure. If you buy a ticket a few days before departure, the price can significantly exceed 2000 baht.

At Hat Yai Airport you can buy a combined transfer to Lipe Island, which includes a minibus ride to Pakbara Pier and then by speedboat to Lipe Island. The cost of such a transfer is 900 baht (at the beginning of 2019). Travel time is ~2 hours from the airport to Pakbara pier, and ~2 hours from the pier to Lipe Island.

If airfare seems prohibitive, you can travel from Bangkok to Hat Yai by train. The cost of train tickets, as of January 2019, started from 149 baht for a seat in an unair-conditioned 3rd class carriage. Tickets for more comfortable 2nd and 1st class carriages cost 345 baht and 734 baht, respectively.

Trips to Lipe Island from neighboring islands in the Andaman Sea

A visit to Lipe Island can easily be combined with a tour of the other islands of the southern Andaman Sea.

All the islands listed here are worth not only looking at from a ship, but also spending some time on them. All the islands, except , have hotels, high-quality beaches are everywhere, and, importantly, all these islands are very different from each other. So, if you have time, it would be a good idea to spend a day or two on each of the islands and see their unique beauty with your own eyes.

The best beaches on Lipe Island

On Lipe Island there are two long beaches, more than one kilometer long, Sunrise Beach and Pattaya Beach, as well as many small beaches with a characteristic length of 100 - 200 meters, most of which are located in the north of the island.

Of the two largest and most famous beaches, the beach is in the best condition, and, despite the fact that it is quite densely built up along its entire length, it does not give the impression of an overly overloaded place with buildings.

Unlike Sunrise Beach, the beach, once considered the most beautiful beach Lipe Island, suffered greatly from developers and local boatmen, who privatized a good half of the beach for boat parking, and as a result, as best beach on the island of Lipe is no longer perceived by anyone.

Koh Lipe's shallow beaches are not yet as heavily developed as Sunrise Beach and Pattaya Beach, nor are they as popular as those two beaches. Many of the small beaches do not even have established names, and this leads to some rather curious situations. In particular, on the island of Lipe there are two beaches with the same name, which, however, surprises few people, since most tourists simply do not reach Sunset beaches. And it doesn’t come not out of laziness, but because the small beaches of the northern part of the island (which is where both Sunset beaches are located) were never considered a particularly beautiful place, and attracted tourists exclusively low prices for housing, one and a half to two times lower than on the two main beaches of the island of Lipe.

Read more about the beaches of Lipe Island. Sunrise Beach, Pattaya Beach and Sunset Beaches

Sunrise Beach is the most beautiful beach on Lipe Island, the main advantages of which are a surprisingly calm and relaxing atmosphere, perfect white coral sand and very high-quality snorkeling in the coastal waters. Sunrise Beach is located in the eastern part of Lipe Island; The length of the beach is almost 2 km; The distance from Sunrise Beach to Pattaya Beach, another popular beach on Lipe Island, is just under one kilometer. The main attraction of Sunrise Beach is the amazingly beautiful sand spit.....

Pattaya Beach - 10 years ago it was considered the most beautiful beach on Lipe Island, but at the moment it would be more correct to call it simply the center of the evening life of the island. Sadly, the same thing happened to Pattaya Beach that happened to others not so long ago beautiful places Thailand, for example, what happened at the end of the first decade of this century with the beaches of Tonsai and Lo Dalam on the Phi Phi Islands. If you try to characterize in one word the misfortune that happened to Pattaya Beach, then it is best to use the English term overdeveloped. And if you try to describe the situation in more detail, you will have to say that on the beach.....

In the north of the island of Lipe there are several small beaches, 100–200 meters long, which have not yet been fully developed by the tourism business. These beaches do not have a definitive name, and they are usually called Sunset Beaches. We can say for sure that there are at least two beaches with the name Sunset on Lipe Island, the one located immediately behind Sunrise Beach, and separated from it by a small rocky ridge, and the one where the hotel with the name Porn Resort, strange to European ears, is located . Of all the northern beaches, these two beaches are the most densely built up with guesthouses and resorts, while the rest of the northern beaches are still in.....

Lipe Island hotels. Choosing a hotel on Lipe Island.

Almost all residential buildings on Lipe Island are detached bungalows and cottages.

There are no multi-storey hotels on Lipe Island, and this is a big advantage of the island, because unlike large buildings, small bungalows and cottages can be placed right at the water's edge.

It is in such beach-front bungalows and cottages, located literally a few meters from the surf line, that it is worth living on Lipe Island.

The prices for such housing are high, but in this case it is worth forking out, especially since, despite all its high cost, this housing will not make a noticeable hole in your budget.

This thesis seems paradoxical, however, there is no paradox here, and everything is explained by the fact that Lipe Island is not one of those places where people live for weeks at a time. And if you, like most tourists, come to Lipe Island for 3 - 4 days, then the total surcharge for good location housing will range from a thousand to several thousand baht. Moreover, these several thousand can arise only in one case, if you live in housing of the highest price category.

Cost of living on Lipe Island

Just 15 years ago, Lipe Island was one of the cheapest places in Thailand, a place where you could easily live for 100 - 200 baht a day, however, those days have long since sunk into eternity.

At the moment, Lipe Island is not cheap, the cost of accommodation in most hotels on the island exceeds 1000 baht per day, but at the same time, remnants of the former cheapness are still present.

Firstly, if you are not too attached to comfort, on Lipe Island you can still find accommodation in the price category of ~500 baht per day. For this money, on Lipe Island you can rent a traditional Thai bungalow made of bamboo and palm branches. There will be practically nothing inside such a bungalow, but electricity and a bathroom will be present.

Secondly, the cost of food and drinks in bars and restaurants, as well as prices in shops, on the island of Lipe is not beyond reasonable limits. In particular, it is not the slightest difficulty to find restaurants where the cost of dishes will be noticeably less than 100 baht. Prices in shops and stores on Lipe Island are also moderate and do not differ much from the prices of the well-known 7/11 chain, whose stores are also present on the island.

Thirdly, the prices for boat excursions and transfers on Lipe Island are low, and in some cases, downright cheap. For example, a trip from Lipe Island to the neighboring one will cost you only 100 baht per person.

It is especially worth noting that the high cost of Lipe Island concerns mainly the cost of hotel accommodation, and if you are not ready to live in a shed made of palm branches, then it is safe to say that the cost of accommodation will be the main item of your expenses.

Snorkeling on Lipe Island. The underwater world of Lipe Island.

Snorkeling in the vicinity of Lipe Island can be rated a solid 4 points.

Langkawi Island is the largest Malaysian resort, and this status is confirmed by more than 200 hotels located on the island, an airport and a developed network of high-quality roads.

The main attractions of Langkawi island are several good (but not great) beaches, an impressive cable car, along which you can climb cliffs 700 meters high, and mangroves with an abundance of various living creatures, which you can and should take a ride on an excursion boat.

Traveling from Lipe Island to Langkawi Island and back is not fraught with the slightest difficulty. During the high season, boats regularly run between the islands, the trip takes about an hour, Russians do not need to apply for visas in advance, and border formalities are not tedious and do not take much time.

The island (or less often -) is located in the extreme south of Thailand, 20 km. from the coastline of Satun province and 50 km. from Lipe Island.

There are four Bulon Islands in total. In addition to the island of Bulon Lae, these are the islands of Bulon Rang, Bulon Don and Bulon Maipai. The Bulon Islands are located quite compactly, and the distance between them does not exceed 10 km. from each other.

Of all four islands, only one island has been developed by the tourism industry, the island of Bulon Lae, and when they simply talk about the island of Bulon, without specifying which one, they mean this particular island.

Despite its relatively small size, 1.5 km. x 1 km., the island of Bulon Lae is quite densely populated. There are about 10 hotels and guesthouses on the island, as well as a village of local residents, with a mosque, school, and other rural infrastructure.

The island of Bulon Lae has become popular only recently, and its popularity was a direct consequence of the changes that took place on the island of Lipe. The massive and uncontrolled development of the island of Lipe has led to the fact that those tourists who visited the island of Lipe for the amazingly beautiful and untouched nature of civilization began to avoid this island and look for new places where there are no crowds of people and nature is still in its pristine state. And located near the island of Lipe, the island of Bulon Lae, with its wooden huts and patriarchal lifestyle, turned out to be just the thing and fully suited their tastes.

Tarutao Island and the islands of Tarutao National Park

(Koh) is the largest and highest island of the national park of the same name, with dimensions exceeding 25 x 10 km and a mountain height of about 700 meters.

Tarutao Island is a common stopover for ships traveling from Pakbara Pier to Lipe Island, and all those many tourists who reach Lipe Island through Hat Yai town have the opportunity to see Tarutao Island with their own eyes.

At the same time, there are not so many people who want to not only look at Tarutao Island from board a ship, but also get to know it better and spend several days on the island, and the reasons for this state of affairs are quite clear.

On the island of Tarutao, unlike the island of Lipe, there is no commercial housing (hotels, resorts and guesthouses), but only a tent camp and several spartan-looking cottages belonging to the administration of the national park. Bars, restaurants and nightlife there is no one on Tarutao Island either, and those tourists who go to Lipe Island for entertainment avoid Tarutao Island.

However, if you are not afraid of everyday inconveniences and the lack of evening life, a couple of days spent on the island of Tarutao may well give you pleasure. The nature on the island of Tarutao is gorgeous, the beaches are deserted, there are no cities or villages on the island, but at the same time, there are several high-quality roads, and you can move around the island either on foot or along the shore by boat. In addition, the island has waterfalls, caves and viewpoints, which offer impressive views of beaches, hills, mountains, and islands located in the distance. So, none of the tourists who come there will have a question about what to do on Tarutao Island.

Brief description of the most notable islands of Tarutao National Park

Below are brief descriptions most interesting islands Tarutao National Park, with the exception of the islands of Lipe, Adang and Tarutao, which are written about in much more detail.

Kai Island (Koh Khai) is a small island located halfway between the islands of Lipe and Tarutao. Known primarily for its unusual stone arch, which has become a symbol of Tarutao National Park. The white sand beaches of Kai Island are also good, as are the coral reefs located near the island in shallow waters.

There are at least two islands called "Koh Khai" in Thailand. The second of them is located near the island of Phuket, and is a standard stop on excursions from Phuket to the Phi Phi Islands. Obviously, these two islands should not be confused.

Ravi Island (Koh Rawi) is the twin brother of Adang Island, just as vast and just as high, but at the same time located at some distance from Lipe Island (the distance between the islands is about 7 kilometers). Like Adang Island, Ravi Island is practically devoid of flat areas, however, despite this, Ravi Island has several very decent beaches.

It may also be noted that the coral reefs in the area of ​​Ravi Island are located literally a few meters from the beaches, and Ravi Island is popular among snorkelers.

Dong Island (Koh Dong, sometimes Koh Tong) is the third largest island of the Adang archipelago, the farthest island of the archipelago from Lipe Island, located at a distance of 10 km. from Lipe Island. Unlike the two largest islands of the archipelago, Adang Island and Ravi Island, Dong Island is flatter and quite densely populated by local residents.

Dong Island is a standard stop on island hopping tours near Lipe Island, and its main attraction is the countless number of monkeys (long-tailed macaques) that live on the island.

Hin Son Island

Hin Son Island is a small island located at a distance of approximately 8 km. from Lipe Island. It is a pile of stone blocks, quite unusual shape. If you have ever seen with your own eyes, then looking at Hin Son Island, you will probably remember the Sail Rock, business card Similan.

Hin Son Island is almost never an independent travel destination, and is usually visited together with 5-6 other islands, including the nearby large islands of Ravi and Dong.

Lugoi Island

Lugoi Island is another small island among the many small islands located south of Dong Island. Notable for its clear light blue water, tiny pretty beach and excellent snorkeling in the coastal waters.

It should be noted that snorkeling in the area of ​​Lugoi Island, as well as in the area of ​​other small islands of the Adang archipelago, is noticeably better than near Lipe Island. The water here is clearer, the corals are more diverse, including such hits of the underwater world as gorgonians (sea fans) and soft corals.

Hin Ngam Island

Hin Ngam Island is a small island located 3 kilometers north of Lipe Island. Hin Ngam Island is quite different from the other islands in the Adang Archipelago, and this difference is that the beaches on Hin Ngam Island are pebbly and not sandy, like on all the other islands. These pebbles, large, perfectly polished and pitch black, are the main attraction of this island.

Like other small islands, Hin Ngam Island is rarely a travel destination in its own right and is usually visited in conjunction with several neighboring islands.

I would like to start my review of Koh Lipe with brief information characterizing this island. It lies in the Andaman Sea, on the southern border of Thailand. The island is very small and cozy - you can get around it in a couple of hours. It is simply created for a calm, leisurely beach holiday and romantic adventures. There are no vehicles here, but only a couple or three motorcycles that act as taxis, which almost no one uses. You should know that in addition to cars, there are no ATMs on Koh Lipe (in 2012 there were definitely none)! You need to come here only with cash and preferably with Thai baht, because... The local exchange rate is simply pirated.
But the rest of the benefits of tourist civilization - comfortable hotels, spas, cafes and restaurants - are present in abundance. For such a tiny island there are even more of them here.
There are a lot of vacationers, but they somehow disperse so much that they don’t interfere with each other much. There are no crowds on the beaches.
Getting to Koh Lipe is not very easy. To do this, you need to change several types of transport. If anyone needs information on how to get to this piece of paradise, read .

Pattaya Beach

There are only three beaches on the island. The central one is called Pattaya Beach - this is the most densely populated area. The bulk of hotels, including the most comfortable ones, are concentrated here. Note that the entrance to the water is clean and smooth; the beach is ideally suited for vacationers with children.

Popular hotels in Pattaya Beach:
  1. Hotel AKIRA Lipe - for those who value increased comfort on vacation
  2. Hotel Mali Koh Lipe - wonderful bungalows, perhaps the best hotel in Koh Lipe in terms of price/quality ratio
  3. Seaside Resort and Family Restaurant is one of the most budget options on the island, bamboo bungalows with a fan start from about 800 rubles.

The pier where boats arrive from the mainland and other islands is also located here.

The main and, by and large, only shopping street of Koh Lipe, Walking Street, runs from Pattaya Beach to the quieter Sunrise Beach.

Sunrise Beach

This beach is the second most popular on the island. Housing here is different. From expensive resorts and duplex bungalows to bamboo houses for 300 baht per night. True, such houses cannot be booked online, only on the spot, but they are almost always sold out, because... this is the only resort of its kind in Lipa.
Sunrise Beach is a calm and quiet place, perfect for a leisurely holiday.

Popular Sunrise Beach hotels:
  1. Idyllic Concept - for those who value comfort
  2. Anda Resort Lipe - excellent bungalows with glass walls and sea views, hammocks on balconies and luxurious beds

Sunset Beach

The third beach on Lipa is the most remote, small and least crowded Sunset Beach. The beach is not large and sparsely developed, there is little housing and it is relatively inexpensive. There are almost no tourists in this part of the island.

Popular Sunset Beach hotels:
  1. Smile Sunset - nice bungalows in a quiet location with great sunset views
  2. Phuritra Resort - pleasant bungalows on the rocks with a pleasant panorama of the uninhabited islands of the reserve
  3. Mountain Resort Koh Lipe - excellent price/quality ratio, magnificent views from excellent bungalows and simply gorgeous territory, one of best hotels Ko Lipe

It’s not for nothing that the beach is called Sunset, from where you can watch beautiful sunsets.

All Koh Lipe hotels on the map

To go to view the hotel, simply click on the marker, to change the display of the number of hotels, change the scale (+/-), to sort by cost, use the price range scale.

In the depths of Koh Lipe, closer to Sunset Beach, there is a simple Buddhist temple, but with a wonderful atmosphere and energy.

What to do on Koh Lipe besides a beach holiday

Of course, trips to nearby uninhabited islands
and snorkeling.
The underwater world here is one of the best in Thailand. In order to take such a walk, you can contact one of the many agencies and buy a mini-tour, or you can negotiate directly with local boatmen. By the way, newlyweds, and simply lovers, can organize an unforgettable romantic adventure in this way...
Those who want to feel like Robinson can go on a trip to the islands on their own. See an example of such a journey.

And of course, you can rent kayaks, which are very interesting to take a stroll around Koh Lipe or to the ranger station on Koh Adang. The Ranger Station is a place for those who are looking for solitude, silence and a little respite from the problems of civilization. You can stay in one of several bungalows or in a tent, including your own.
But be careful, do not leave things unattended! Monkeys live here - thieves hiding in the branches of trees.
Almost all restaurants, cafes, and shops are concentrated on Walking Street, which is also the center of the island’s nightlife. Travel agencies, exchange offices and diving centers should also be found here.

Well, in the evening, after the hard work of tourism, a well-deserved rest awaits you - a cocktail
and dinner by the sea.
However, it should be noted that prices on Koh Lipe, compared to other resorts in Thailand, are greatly inflated. So, if you go to this paradise with snow-white beaches, crystal clear water and the reserved beauty of the uninhabited islands in the neighborhood, be prepared to spend a lot. And don't forget about the lack of ATMs.

Have a nice holiday!

The Adang archipelago on the border of Thailand and Malaysia is often called the “Thai Maldives” for its snow-white sand. Lipe is the only inhabited island in this archipelago. Lovers of serene bliss come here, as well as divers, since representatives of almost a quarter of the species of marine life that exist in nature are found in the coastal waters of Ko Lipe.

Lovers of serene bliss come here, as well as divers, since representatives of almost a quarter of the species of marine life that exist in nature are found in the coastal waters of Ko Lipe.

The island does not have its own pier; boats arriving at Koh Lipe moor at a special floating platform, on which tourists transfer to small boats of local residents, who in turn take them ashore. This pleasure costs only 50 THB per person. The return trip from the island to the platform with boats will also cost 50 THB.

The highlight of this archipelago is the Tarutau National Park, a must-see. Prices on the page are as of September 2018.

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How to get to Lipe Island It’s easier to get to the island in high season: ferry services are organized from many popular resorts

in the Andaman Sea: from Lanta, Phuket, Phi Phi, etc. In the low season, boats operate only from the Pak Bara pier, which is most conveniently accessible from the town of Hat Yai.

  1. From Bangkok
  2. In addition, at the capital's Don Muang Airport you can immediately buy a comprehensive ticket to Ko Lipe, which includes a flight, transfer to the pier and a ferry ticket. In terms of cost, such a route is comparable to an independent one, and there are no worries about changing transport: you will be met and escorted everywhere.
  3. You can also get to Hat Yai from Bangkok by train. An evening train departs from Hua Lamphong Station and arrives in Hat Yai early in the morning.
  4. Another a budget option- bus. They depart to Hat Yai from the capital's southern terminal and travel all night (10-12 hours). The cost of a bus trip is comparable to a train ticket, and the bus travels several times. faster than a train, moreover, it arrives immediately at the bus station.

From the pier in Pakbara you can sail to the island either by speedboat or on the so-called ferries. They take a full hour longer (2.5 hours), but sailing on them is much more comfortable than on a speedboat, which shakes from being hit by waves (and the seats are hard and uncomfortable), and the spray often hits passengers. Ticket prices for speedboats and ferries do not differ in price.

It's also worth considering that boats only operate between the mainland and the island during the day, so it's best to arrive in Pakbara as early as possible.

Search for flights to Phuket (the nearest airport to Koh Lipe)

From the southern resorts of Thailand

In the case of Lipe, islands such as Phuket and Lanta can be called “southern” only conditionally, since they are located north of the country’s southernmost archipelago. In high season, boats run from most of these southern resorts to Ko Lipe. The ticket costs about 1000-1200 THB, it will be much cheaper (but also longer) to take a bus to the pier in Pakbara and from there swim to the island.

From Malaysia

Since the island is located on the border with Malaysia, Ko Lipe can also be reached from this country. The closest to it - just 30 km - is the Malaysian island of Langkawi, from where boats start towards Thai Lipe. Guests from Malaysia go through border control upon arrival on the island, however, the checkpoint on Koh Lipe is only open in the high season; in the low season, you will have to cross the border on the mainland, in the Thai city of Satun, from there get to Pakbar and cross to Lipe.

Next to the Adang Archipelago is the Tarutao Island Nature Reserve. It's pretty large island, most of which is occupied by tropical jungle. There is no tourist infrastructure or full-fledged hotels here - only small guesthouses and private bungalows that are rented out to tourists.

You can get to Tarutao in the same way as to Lipe, since boats going to it from the Pakbara pier make a stop off the coast of Tarutao. The cost of a ticket to it is about a hundred baht cheaper than to Ko Lipe.

Koh Lipe is a small island of the Adang Rawi archipelago in the Andaman Sea, part of the Satun province, in the southwest of Thailand, near the border of Malaysia. The Thai name for the island is spelled differently in Russian, but the most common variants are "Koh Lipe" or "Koh Lipe" - the name, by the way, means "Paper Island" in the local Chao Lei language (more on them later).

Koh Lipe is located right on the border of the National marine park Tarutao, south of big islands Koh Adang and Koh Ravi, about 50 kilometers from Koh Tarutao. The L-shaped island, 2.5 kilometers long and 1.5 kilometers at its widest point, is inhabited by about 500 sea gypsies (chao lekh) Thai language) originally from Malaysia, known today as urak lava. They live in small villages, mainly on the eastern side of the island, near Sunrise Beach, and are mainly involved in tourism. Read completely

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Weather in Koh Lipe by month:

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Water temperature
in the sea
Number of solar
hours per day
During the day At night

Updated: Sep 17, 2018

The Adang Archipelago, located in the southern part of the Andaman Sea, near the mainland of Thailand and Malaysia, is often called the “Thai Maldives”, primarily for its snow-white sand. Ko Lipe (Thailand) is the only inhabited island in this archipelago. Tourists come here to enjoy the serenity and tranquility. In addition, the island attracts divers, because many marine inhabitants live off the coast - almost a quarter of all those existing in nature. The island is the southernmost point of Thailand and many tourists are frightened by the question of how to get to Koh Lipe. However, the number of travelers is increasing every year. We have prepared detailed information for those planning a trip to the island.

general information

The island of Koh Lipe in Thailand is located in the southern part of the Andaman Sea and belongs to the Satun province. This is the southernmost point of the country. On a sunny, cloudless day, you can see the coast of Malaysia from the island, namely the Langkawi archipelago, located at a distance of 30 km.

The distance to Phuket is 250 km, to Krabi – about 220 km, and to mainland Thailand – 70 km.

The length of the island is only 3 km, it is easy to get around on foot; there are about 800 indigenous people on Koh Lipe. The main source of income is fishing and tourism.

Interesting fact! The indigenous population belongs to the sea gypsies - immigrants from Malaysia who arrived on the island about a century ago.

On Koh Lipe there is the Tarutao Thematic Marine Park, which was given national status; at the end of the 20th century it was called the second largest in Thailand.

Tourist infrastructure and recreation features

Every year the number of tourists on the island of Koh Lipe in Thailand increases, despite the fact that you can only get here by water. The infrastructure is accordingly developing rapidly - the resort is flourishing and attracting more and more vacationers. The first and main reason why tourists come here are the beaches, where you can enjoy a relaxing holiday or take an exciting dive or snorkel.

Interesting fact! Not far from Koh Lipe there are several uninhabited islands where you can go on an excursion tour or stay in a tent for several days.

Walking Street

The island of Koh Lipe in Thailand boasts walking street– Walking Street, where there are souvenir shops, a pharmacy, travel agencies, cafes and an exchange office. Prices on the main street of the island are quite high, and the exchange rate is unfavorable, so it is better to stock up on everything you need on the mainland. The local attraction begins at Pattaya Beach and stretches to Sunrise Beach. The signs indicate that the street is open from 6:00 to midnight, but Walking Street does not close; many cafes, restaurants and bars open in the afternoon. Of course, most establishments are empty and close by midnight, but you can still find a few bars that invite tourists.

Relatively recently, there were no bank branches or banks on the island, but today withdrawing money is not difficult. It should be taken into account that you will have to pay a commission to withdraw money, and the exchange rate is unfavorable. Also in some hotels you can pay for your room and services with a plastic card, but a fee is charged for this. At exchange offices you can exchange dollars and the Malaysian currency – ringgit.

Koh Lipe in Thailand has Wi-Fi; Internet access points are available in hotels and Internet cafes.

Most cafes and bars are located on the coastline, the maximum distance to the sea is 200 meters. There are no discos and other entertainment venues, as well as attractions, on the island.

Interesting fact! The maximum distance between beaches on the island is 1 km, so during your vacation you can easily visit them all. A walk from one to the other will take about a quarter of an hour. If you don't like to walk, rent a bike.

Why is it worth getting to Koh Lipe?

  1. Seascapes. Already on the way to the island, on the ferry, you can do beautiful pictures.
  2. Bright underwater world. There are a lot of fish and marine inhabitants off the coast of the island; even tourists who cannot swim can take beautiful photographs. To do this, you don’t need to wear special equipment, just a mask and snorkel are enough.
  3. Large selection of excursion tours. Most of them are on deserted islands; it’s easy to stay here for a few days. There are tours with night swimming, which shimmers with the abundance of plankton, a trip with a barbecue against the backdrop of a sea sunset. The cost of the excursion is about $17-19.
  4. Snow-white beaches and clear turquoise water. Despite the fact that getting to the island is not so easy, and Koh Lipe in Thailand has minor drawbacks, the beaches are attractive and allow you to ignore minor inconveniences. Here you can find fabulous sunrises and sunsets, numerous bars offer drinks and delicious treats right on the shore.
  5. Large selection of seafood dishes. Every restaurant and bar offers delicious treats from sea creatures you've never even heard of. Some dishes are prepared right in front of tourists.

Good to know! In addition to traditional restaurants, there are buffets on Walking Street; for a certain amount you can try the entire range of dishes. The cost is about $15-17.

It would be wrong to talk only about the positive aspects of the island in Thailand. If you decide to travel and get to Koh Lipe, be prepared for the following unpleasant surprises:

  • garbage, the island authorities simply do not have time to remove it;
  • boats are the real scourge of the island, they are moored on all the beaches;
  • cats and dogs, some of them annoying;
  • prices for products are higher than in stores on mainland Thailand.

A natural disadvantage is strong ebbs and flows. During high tide, the shore is under water, there is simply no place left for sunbathing. At low tide, the sea becomes so shallow that only children can swim in the sea.

Interesting fact! The only place on the island where there are no ebbs and flows is the northern edge of Sunrise Beach.

There are no large stores on the island; there are small grocery stores. Be sure to try the pancakes - they are sold in street stalls.


Getting to the island is not so easy, but on Koh Lipe we can solve the issue of transportation. There are no cars here, there are few bikes, public transport does not go. Travelers are offered several ways to get around the island:

  • on foot;
  • motorbike taxi;
  • bike rental;
  • Boats regularly ply between the beaches.

Accommodation on the island

Every year new hotels open on Koh Lipe in Thailand, but during the high tourist season it is not so easy to find available accommodation, so it is better to book a room several months before your trip. Most hotels are built right on the beach, many have the appearance of bungalows, but you can also find a traditional hotel.

During the tourist season, rates for accommodation in a three-star hotel are about 3 thousand baht, and a bungalow can be rented for 1 thousand baht. During the low season, prices are halved.

Hotel features in Koh Lipe (Thailand):

Good to know! In addition to hotels, the island also has a budget accommodation option – tents in campsites. Most of them are located on Sunset Beach.

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Beaches of the island

The first and main advantage of Koh Lipe is its beaches, which are considered the best in Thailand. The coastline is better only on the Similan Islands. Several decades ago, the island’s beaches were deserted, but today the situation has changed - infrastructure has appeared, but the exotic nature has been preserved. It is for the sake of the beaches that many tourists decide to go to Koh Lipe. We have made for you a selection of the best places to stay on the island.

Pattaya Beach is located in the south of Koh Lipe and has a long coastline of almost 1.5 km. The shore is covered with white and very fine sand. In sunny weather, the water takes on a turquoise hue, but in the low season, strong waves appear due to the wind, which bring garbage to the shore. The descent into the water is gentle and smooth. Pattaya Beach has strong ebbs and flows, and given the smooth entrance to the sea, it is difficult to find a place to swim.

There is a reef near the shore, so be sure to take your mask and snorkel with you. Unfortunately, there are a lot of boats off the coast, but they moor in an orderly manner, leaving areas for swimming. In the evening there is a fire show on the shore. There are quite a lot of hotels, cafes and restaurants on the first line.

Good to know! There is a tourist office on Pattaya Beach for visitors from Malaysia and mainland Thailand. In addition, there are representative offices of all shipping companies here.

The eastern coast of the island is Sunrise Beach, where the sand is coarse and quite loose, and the descent into the sea is sharp. On the right side there are corals and many different fish.

The coastline stretches for 1.5 km, and the width varies depending on the tides. The widest part is in the northern part, and the narrowest is in the central part.

Good to know! There are no entertainment venues or discos here; by 10 p.m. the shore is empty. To get to Walking Street, you need to pass by the local slums.

There are hotels, cafes and restaurants on the shore; you can purchase an excursion to the mainland of Thailand, to the uninhabited islands of the archipelago and rent a kayak. There are also diving schools.

The only thing that mars your holiday on Sairaz Beach is the chaotically moored boats.

Interesting fact! It is believed that the beach has the most beautiful sunrises, which is why the place is called Sunrise Beach.

Western part of Koh Lipe. This is a small, cozy beach where the most beautiful sunsets are, which is why the beach was named Sunset Beach. The shore is covered with stones, and in some places there are large stones in the water. The sand is coarse, of uneven color - white interspersed with gray and dark colors. The sea is quite shallow, there are fish in the water, but not many of them. This place is calm, uncrowded, and there are many boats in the central part of the beach.

Good to know! The sand is unpleasant to the touch due to shell fragments, so take shoes with you.

On the left side of the bank there is a cafe and sun loungers. There are hotels on the first line. The distance to Walking Street can be covered on foot in a quarter of an hour.

Sheltered, quiet beach, it is often called secret. To get here, you need to go right along Pattaya Beach, get to the wooden bridge and cross it. Not all tourists come to this part of the island, so not everyone knows about the beach.

Good to know! There is only one bungalow built on the shore.

Cross the bridge with caution, it looks fragile, and the creaking boards do not give you confidence. Huge boulders lie under the bridge, and turquoise water splashes quietly.

There is a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere on the shore - some are swimming in the calm sea, some are drinking a cocktail on the shore, and some are taking pictures of the beautiful views.

The beach is perfect for swimming - the water is clean, the sea is calm, the slope is gentle. The seabed is soft, covered with sand, without stones.

Weather and climate, when is the best time to come?

Koh Lipe - an island of two seasons:

  • dry – begins in late autumn and lasts until mid-spring;
  • rainy - begins in mid-spring and lasts until the second half of autumn.

Today, the island's communication with mainland Thailand remains open throughout the year. Previously, in the summer, during the low season, when the sea was stormy, Koh Lipe was closed and hotel employees went on vacation. IN last years The climate on the island is so changeable that even in the low season there is good, sunny and clear weather.

Concerning pricing policy in hotels, there are three seasons:

  • low – three summer months;
  • high season - two autumn months - October and November, two spring months - March and April;
  • peak – from December to February.

To get to the island you need:

  • come to Trang or Hat Yai;
  • get to Pakbara pier;
  • purchase a ticket for a boat that goes to Koh Lipe.

There are several ways to get to Trang or Hat Yai.

  • by plane;
  • by bus – flights depart from the southern bus station, the schedule is from 6-00 to 20-00, the journey takes 13-14 hours, tickets cost about 1000 baht;
  • by train - from Bangkok flights depart to Hat Yai, the route takes 13-17 hours, to get to the island on the day of departure from Bangkok, you need to leave no later than 15-30, fare from 400 to 900 baht;
  • complex ticket - provides travel by plane, minibus (to the pier) and by boat (to Koh Lipe), flights are provided only in the morning.

Koh Lipe (Thailand) – how to get there on your own from Phuket.

By sea.

During high season, the most convenient way to get to the island is by water. Yellow boats regularly operate between Phuket and Koh Lipe. Departure from Rassada Pier. Tourists spend 4 hours on the road. The fare is about 2100 baht.

The first route is by bus. The algorithm is as follows: take a bus from Phuket to Hat Yai. It is most comfortable to travel on night flight VIP 24. Departure is at 21-45, transport arrives at the destination at 06-00. Then you need to get to the pier and from there by boat to the island - departure at 9-30, and arrival at 11-30.

Another route is by plane. There are direct flights from Phuket to Hat Yai - departure at 7-25, arrival at 8-30. Ticket price is about 1700 baht. You can purchase a transfer online - from the airport to the pier, then to the island. Sales of transfer tickets stop three days before the trip. Travel agencies also sell complex tickets.

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How to get to Koh Lipe in Thailand from Krabi

The only way to get from Krabi (Ao Nang) to the island is through Hat Yai. There is no direct air service, so you can choose the following method:

  • by bus;
  • mini bass;
  • Taxi.

The cost of a comprehensive ticket is about 1200 baht

Prices on the page are for September 2018.

What Koh Lipe (Thailand) lacks in attractions, it more than makes up for with beautiful beaches. To fully enjoy nature and spend your vacation in a bungalow on the seashore, prepare for your trip in advance - choose a hotel, book tickets.

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