Bay of Naples. bays of naples


And Procida, near the eastern outskirts - Capri. Around Gulf of Naples from northwest to southeast are the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Bahia, the city of Pozzuoli with its Phlegrean fields, Big city Naples, Mount Vesuvius and excavations of the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, the cities of Torre del Greco and Castellammare di Stabia. In the southeast of the bay is the Sorrento Peninsula.

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See what the "Gulf of Naples" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Golfo di Napoli) Tyrrhenian m. near the Apennine peninsula. Length 22 km, width at the entrance 30 km, depth up to 451 m. east coast Vesuvius. In the south of Capri ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Golfo di Napoli) of the Tyrrhenian Sea, near the Apennine peninsula. Length 22 km, width at the entrance 30 km, depth up to 451 m. Near the eastern coast of Vesuvius. In the south of Capri. * * * GAY OF NEAPOLITAN GAY OF NAPLES (Golfo di Napoli)… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Golfo di Napoli) bay of the Tyrrhenian Sea, off the western coast of Italy. It protrudes into the shore for 22 km, its width at the entrance is 30 km, and its depth is up to 451 m. From the south, the bay is bounded by the mountainous Sorrento Peninsula. Vesuvius volcano on the east coast. Coast of N. z …

    The Tyrrhenian Sea, on the western coast of Italy, is famous for the beauty of the surrounding area, very rich in animal life. From Cape Miseno in the west to Cape Campanella in the east, 30 km wide. The shores are densely populated. Near the western outskirts are the large islands of Ischia ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    - (Golfo di Napoli), in the Tyrrhenian Sea off the west. coast of the Apennine Peninsula. It protrudes into the land for 22 km, the width at the entrance is 30 km, and the depth is up to 451 m. From the south it is bounded by the mountainous peninsula of Sorrento; hours of the bay - about. Capri. To the east shore - the volcano Vesuvius. Tides… Geographic Encyclopedia

    gulf- San Francisco, USA. BAY, a part of a reservoir that protrudes into the land, but has free water exchange with the main part of the reservoir (with the exception of special cases of one-sided flow of sea water into the bay, for example, Sivash). Sometimes the name of the bay is given to individual ... ...

    Naples- View of the Gulf of Naples. Painting by Claude Joseph Vernier. NAPLES, city in Italy, at the foot of Vesuvius. 1.2 million inhabitants. Port in the Gulf of Naples of the Tyrrhenian Sea (cargo turnover of about 15 million tons per year); international Airport.… … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    I Naples (Napoli) is a city in southern Italy, located on the shores of the Gulf of Naples of the Tyrrhenian Sea, at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. Capital of the Campania region and the province of Naples. The most important economic and cultural center of the south of the country. ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (Ischia), a seaside climatic and balneological resort in Italy, in the eastern part of the island of the same name (about 46 km2), in the Tyrrhenian Sea, at the entrance to the Gulf of Naples. Thermal (up to 65°C) radon sodium chloride mineral water,… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    Evgeny Gvozdev Birth name: Evgeny Aleksandrovich Gvozdev Occupation: yachtsman, traveler, navigator Date of birth: March 11, 1934 ... Wikipedia


  • Naples. Capri. Sorrento. Ischia. Pozzuoli. Solfatara. Baya. Kuma, Giuliano Valdes, The very phrase "Gulf of Naples" conjures up a whole kaleidoscope of pictures - bright, juicy, romantic, sometimes contrasting. The natural conditions of this region, ennobled ... Category: Italy Publisher: Caza Editrice Bonechi,
  • Naples. Capri. Sorrento. Ischia, Giuliano Valdes, The very phrase "Gulf of Naples" conjures up a whole kaleidoscope of pictures - bright, juicy, romantic, sometimes contrasting. The natural conditions of this region, ennobled ... Category:

On the western coast of the Apennine Peninsula is the Gulf of Naples. It runs from Cape Campanella in the east to Cape Miseno in the west. This bay of the Tyrrhenian Sea is widely known among tourists for its magnificent beaches, picturesque landscapes and indented coastline.

This bay will delight you with a variety of resorts with modern infrastructure and luxurious conditions for comfortable rest. First of all, the Gulf of Naples is known for its unique climatic conditions, which will help you get healthy and refresh from the stuffy city.

If you are a lover of cultural and educational recreation or are interested in antiquity, then you just need to visit the Excavations ancient city Pompeii. Also here you will discover such interesting places like the ruins of the Roman city of Bahia, the volcano Vesuvius, and many other sights of Naples.

The islands of Ischia and Capri, located in the Gulf of Naples, are excellent options for a relaxing holiday. There are only a few hotels here, so you can take a break from the hustle and bustle big world and relax in silence.

The Gulf of Naples is spoken about with enthusiasm, songs and pictures are dedicated to it, writers and poets adore it. Sailboats, accompanied by seagulls, have been gently gliding along the surface of the sea for centuries, and life here seems free and beautiful. Do you remember that Naples is a city of contrasts? Fans of criticizing the city unanimously admit: "The sea, however, is fabulously beautiful"...

Such is the fate of Naples - to be in the most beautiful bay in Europe, decorated with the cones of Vesuvius on the one hand, the floats of the amazing islands of Ischia, Capri, Procida - on the other, and still not find its best recognition (or vocation) in the economic life of Italy. However, no one better than the Neapolitans themselves was able to sing the beauty of the local coasts and islands - it is no coincidence that this city is considered the birthplace of classical Neapolitan music that conquered the whole world.

To begin with, imagine that we are in Naples with the closest, most desirable person in the world. And we are waiting for a romantic dinner at sunset (photo on the left - click!). We are not in a hurry, but we know for sure that tomorrow morning the picture of the sea will change, the bright sun of the South will drive away the night and a miracle will appear before us - the Gulf of Naples in all its splendor. And it's time for us to take action. Walk on the sea? A trip to Capri? Three days on the island of Ischia? Backpacking Vesuvius? Right. All plans are equally good. And - most importantly - they are real: everything is possible here.

What to do - information for tourists

The main thing is to sit up. Wherever you are, local tour operators offer any options for group or individual excursions by land and by sea. If you like independent travel, just find out the schedule and buy a ticket in the right direction. Try the following options:

Isle of Ischia and the Baths

On the afternoon of June 19, 1864, a noble patient, Giuseppe Garibaldi, arrived in Ischia on the Udine yacht. He was to undergo treatment according to the method of the famous physician Antonio Mennel, which included the full range and rich experience of using the thermal waters of Ischia for thousands of years. Saunas, hot, cool and cold water (tiepidarium, calidarium, frigidarium), mud treatments, walks and good food undoubtedly had a beneficial effect on the commander's health.

Sights of Capri

Capri is the only island in the Gulf of Naples that has not been created by the elements of volcanoes: its dolomite rocks and relief differ sharply from the silhouettes of other islands and give it extraordinary beauty, tension and dynamism. As if to complete the picture of Creation, its Creator adorned the landscape with three rocky obelisks in the sea, which, in contrast to large and small, give volume to this piece of earth's firmament against the background of the endless emerald plane of the sea.

Positano - beaches and relaxation

Here is the realm of the Italian South, warmth and sincerity, comfort and color in an atmosphere of absolute tranquility. No wonder the city is included in Italy. You have an interesting mission: to explore the Sorrento coast on your own. Step by step, take your time and enjoy. Consider this story about the beaches of Positano one of the last building blocks of your travel plan.

The Gulf of Naples is a resort area in Western Italy, located on the coast of the warm Tyrrhenian Sea. lucky geographical position and favorable climatic conditions contributed to the fact that the coast of the bay was densely populated since ancient times, and was a busy trading area and an area with a rich cultural heritage for over 2000 thousand years.

The administrative center of the Neapolitan Riviera is the hospitable and distinctive city of Naples. In Italy, Naples and the entire coast are inextricably linked with famous volcano Vesuvius, which has always played a big role in the life of the region. Almost two thousand years ago, the eruption of Vesuvius destroyed the ancient cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii and forever changed the history of this region. Thanks to a terrible natural disaster, tens of thousands of unique works of art of that era, dozens of architectural structures, along with the bodies of residents and household utensils, were preserved in a layer of volcanic ash for many centuries. Excavations lasting from the middle of the 18th century to this day have provided extensive information about the history of the Neapolitan coast and the entire ancient world as a whole. Currently, many buildings of Pompeii and Herculaneum have been restored and are the most interesting tourist sites that have no analogues in the world due to their safety and scale.

Holidays in the Gulf of Naples is not only an opportunity to join rich history this region, but also an occasion to visit the unique resorts located on the coast of the Neapolitan Riviera and on the nearby islands. For more than two hundred years such resorts as Sorrento, the island of Capri, the island of Ischia have been popular. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, these Amazing places chosen by the European and Russian creative intelligentsia. The resorts of Capri and Sorrento are inextricably linked with the names of such world-famous classics of literature as Stendhal, Leo Tolstoy, Ivan Turgenev, Byron. Sorrento is known as a favorite vacation spot for the Romanov royal family and representatives of many other European aristocratic houses.

Neapolitan Riviera Hotels

The Gulf of Naples 2019 offers all types of accommodation for vacationers and guests of the coast. The island of Capri was a favorite vacation spot of the Roman aristocracy, and its hotels have retained the pomposity and elitism inherent in this resort. Hotels in Capri can offer a truly royal level of service. Rest on the coast of this island is not a cheap pleasure, however, worth the money. 5-star hotels in the Gulf of Naples, as well as 4-star hotels in the Gulf of Naples, located on the coast, are more accessible and very popular with European tourists and our compatriots. When planning a trip to the Gulf of Naples (Italy), the hotel should be selected taking into account its location.

Things to do in the Gulf of Naples

An extensive excursion program can be offered ancient cities Gulf of Naples. Spread 56 kilometers from Naples small town Solerno, rightfully considered the pearl of the entire coast. Even in the early Middle Ages, Solerno was considered a major medical educational center in Europe, where scientists from both European medical schools and Arab and Maghreb doctors flocked. From here the most advanced knowledge of medicine began its journey through the universities of medieval Europe. Many architectural monuments remind of that time. Medieval plumbing, Church of St. George, Areca Castle - this is not a complete list of attractions of this small seaside town.

No less rich past can boast of Sorrento, in the vicinity of which the Roman emperor Tiberius lived and the villas of the Roman aristocracy were located. The cathedral of the 15th century, numerous monuments of ancient and medieval urban architecture, amazing beauty of the rocky coast, indented with deep bays - all this is worth visiting this area of ​​the coast. Separately, it is worth mentioning the local restaurants and cafes that offer a huge number of seafood dishes that are brought here by fishing fleets from all over the Mediterranean. Many recipes are unique to Neapolitan cuisine and are not found in any other seaside region of Italy.

Advantages of tours to the Gulf of Naples

Naples Airport is a major European transport hub, connected to all major airports in Europe. There are direct flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg to Naples, from where you can easily get to any point of the Neapolitan Riviera. The excellent quality of the roads, picturesque landscapes and surprisingly mild climate have made these places popular among autotourists. By renting a car, from Naples you can get to any area of ​​​​southern and central Italy quickly and comfortably.

Climate of the Gulf of Naples

The weather of the Gulf of Naples is formed under the influence of the Mediterranean climate. The average temperature of the summer months is +25 degrees, while compared to the weather on the islands, the weather in the Gulf of Naples (Italy) in its mainland is warmer and less windy all year round. The water temperature in the Gulf of Naples in summer reaches +25 - + 26 degrees.