What is a yacht. Yacht device



(English). A small vessel used for recreational sea trips.

(Source: "Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language." Chudinov A.N., 1910)

(English) a small vessel used for entertainment. sea ​​trips.

(Source: "Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language." Pavlenkov F., 1907)

English yacht, head. jakt, Danish jagt, from him. jagen, drive, hunt. Single-deck cruiser.

(Source: "Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots." Mikhelson A.D., 1865)

a small sailing ship for sailing on the sea.

(Source: "The Complete Dictionary of Foreign Words Used in the Russian Language". Popov M., 1907)


(from Dutch jacht), a sailing, motor-sailing or motor vessel for water sports and walks. Sports sailing yachts are distinguished by the design of the hull, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sails, the presence of a keel or centerboard. Marine yachts are made with permanent ballast keels.

S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language



YACHTA, -s, w.

1. Large and light sports sailboat. Olympic yachts(certain types of dinghies, keel yachts, catamarans).

2. A small boat for walking, sports. Motor me.

| adj. yacht, -th, -th and yacht, th, th. Yacht keel. yacht club(yacht Club).

Yacht- any sailing, motor or motor-sail vessel intended for sports or tourist purposes. The most common are sailing yachts. A sailing yacht has two main parts: the hull and the rig. The hull accommodates the crew and supplies of the yacht. Armament is understood as sails and all devices for setting sails and controlling them.

Types of sailing yachts

In sailing, yachts of various types and sizes are used. Depending on the navigation conditions in a particular area, large or small yachts of one design or another are used.

There are two main criteria by which you can determine the type of yacht: destination and area of ​​navigation; hull design and armament.

According to the first feature, cruising and racing yachts are distinguished.

Main purpose racing yachts- sailing races over limited distances, so racing yachts are built as light as possible. For long-distance voyages, they are not strong enough and do not have amenities.

cruising yachts have a very solid construction and a maximum of household amenities. The main purpose is cruising and racing on the high seas with a large distance from the base.

Cruiser-racing yachts- the most common type of yachts, combines the properties of the above yachts.

By hull design.

Dinghy- This is one of the types of yachts. The dinghy has a shallow and relatively wide body. A slot is made in the middle of the hull, in which a flat (metal or wooden) retractable keel - centerboard is placed. When there is no need for additional lateral resistance (for example, with tailwinds) or when a shallow place is passed, the daggerboard can be raised and even completely removed into the daggerboard well. The stability of the dinghy (the ability of the ship to return to its original position on the water with the masts straight up, after reducing the impact of any force that caused the deviation) is much less than that of a keel yacht. Basically, the stability of the dinghy is ensured by the appropriate shape of the hull - flat and wide. A dinghy cannot capsize if not managed properly, so it is less safe when sailing in the sea and open water than a keelboat.

Case bottom keel yacht turns into a deep fin, which creates significant lateral resistance. To give greater stability, a cast-iron or lead weight, called a ballast keel or false keel, is attached to the bottom of this fin. Yachts of this type are designed for sailing on the seas and lakes with deep water and strong winds and waves. A keelboat is very stable and cannot capsize under normal conditions. It is difficult to sail on keel yachts along rivers and shallow lakes due to the large draft.

The intermediate type of yachts will combine the characteristics of the described vessels. So, to obtain increased stability with a small draft, ships are built with a centerboard passing inside the ballast keel. These vessels have less draft without a centerboard than keel yachts, but more than dinghies. These yachts are called compromises.

Sailing yachts can have not one, but two or even three hulls. Then they are called and .

Yachts also differ in size and class.

  • Yachts up to 30 feet (10 m) are designed for day trips over short distances.
  • Yachts from 30 to 56 feet (10-18 m) are the most popular and democratic class of yachts. Such yachts allow you to travel long distances and go out into the open sea without creating extreme situations.
  • Yachts from 56 to 70 feet (18-24 meters) usually need a crew to maintain them.
  • Yachts over 70 feet (24 meters) are called V.I.P. megayachts. They are usually built on an individual project or are representatives of a limited series.

In addition to such a general classification, there is also a sports classification of yachts, which determines their division into classes. The sports classification of yachts is necessary to create equal conditions for sports competition in racing. Within each class, as far as possible, equal chances of winning the competition (to the extent that these chances are determined by the boat itself) are ensured.


Keel yacht and its parts:

1 - nasal overhang; 2 - fin and false keel; 3 - hold; 4 - rudder feather; 5 - aft overhang; 6 - valance; 7 - transom; 8 - yut; 9 - cockpit; 10 - felling; 11 - entrance hatch; 12 - cabin; 13 - deck; 14 - light (skylight) hatch; 15 - railing; 16 - bow and stern railings; 17 - anchor device (anchor, chain, biteng, deck closure); 18 - tank; 19 - cockpit; 20 - forepeak; 21 - compass.


The main parts of the yacht's armament are sails, spars and rigging.

Sail- the main propulsion of the yacht.

They are divided into three sets: main (or tacking), additional and storm sails. The yacht carries the main sails in normal voyages. The same sails determine the measured sail area of ​​the yacht. Racing requires special sails that increase the sail area in some situations that occur on the course (for example, with fair winds). Such sails are called additional. When sailing in stormy weather, tacking sails are replaced by smaller and more durable storm sails.

The totality of all wooden or metal parts of weapons that serve to fasten and carry sails is called spars.

Rigging- gear made of vegetable or steel cable - is divided into standing and running. Standing rigging serves to brace and maintain the spars in the working position, and the running one - for setting and cleaning the sails and the spars, controlling the sails, for raising and lowering signals.

Tourist Encyclopedia. 2014 .


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    YACHT- (from Dutch jacht) a sailing, sailing motor or motor vessel for water sports and walks. Sports sailing yachts are distinguished by the design of the hull, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sails, the presence of a keel or centerboard. Marine yachts are made with permanent ballast ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    YACHT- YACHT, s, wives. 1. Large and light sports sailboat. Olympic yachts (certain types of dinghies, keel yachts, catamarans). 2. A small boat for walking, sports. Motor me. | adj. yacht, oh, oh and yacht, oh, oh. Yacht keel. ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

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A yacht is a vessel with slanting sails. Ships of this type are very different: without a mast, developing a speed of 40 knots, it can be a giant cruise ship several stories high and costing hundreds of millions of dollars, or a modest single-masted vessel. So what is a yacht? According to modern ideas, a yacht is a vessel on which you can play sports or use it for tourism and recreation purposes.

Yacht classification

Such ships are divided into many varieties based on their size, mode of movement or the material from which the ship is made. Modern yachts are no longer made the old fashioned way - from wood. For their production, the latest materials are now used: in particular, heavy-duty plastics. Yachts are vessels equipped with everything necessary for autonomous navigation: water desalinators, satellite navigators, radio stations and safety equipment.

According to the method of movement, sailing, motor and sail-motor ships of this type are distinguished.

Sailing yachts

They consist of a hull and sail equipment. All they need to navigate the waters is a fair wind and a competent helmsman. It is clear that a sailing yacht will not be able to compete in speed with a motor yacht, and the wind direction is not always favorable. However, this is historically the first type of yacht, these yachts are still popular. They are cheaper than motor and sail-motor counterparts. However, they do not have any restrictions on fuel reserves, so the whole world is open to them. By the way, the sale of yachts is on the link.

Sailing ships, in turn, are divided into cruising and racing. The basis for this division is the purpose of the vessel, the design of its hull and sailing armament.

Racing yachts of this type are intended for sailing regattas in limited sea or river areas. They are light enough, do not have a solid margin of safety and special amenities. Cruising yachts are vessels with a solid construction, a wide range of amenities, because they are designed for long autonomous cruising away from the bases.

Sailing and motor yachts

The combination of propulsion and sails is a conscious choice of many people who are in love with sea travel. It is clear that the engine plays a secondary role in this layout, and in the presence of wind, of course, the sails will be used first. However, it will undoubtedly come in handy when sailing in difficult weather conditions or for maneuvers in absolute calm.

From a logistical point of view, this type of vessel will already need some fuel reserves, but compared to the requirements for motor yachts, these reserves may be negligible. Still, the sail will come first.

Motor yachts

With one or two engines internal combustion, motorized vessels develop unattainable for sailing ships speed. Moreover, the engine on board is also increased comfort. And thanks to the presence of a motor on the ship, it is possible to place many life support systems. These yachts can be of various sizes, reaching several tens of meters in length. They may have air-conditioned cabins and saloons on board. They are mobile, able to swim in shallow water and completely independent of weather conditions. The cost of such vessels is much higher and can reach astronomical sums. It is also worth forgetting about the price of fuel and its high costs.

The sizes of such ships

There is a clear division of yachts according to the size of the hull. Vessels up to 10 meters long are mainly used for small trips over short distances. They have modest cabins and a limited list of amenities on board.
Vessels from 10 to 18 meters are the most in demand all over the world. These yachts allow you to move over considerable distances, to make exits to the open sea. As a rule, they have an appropriate level of comfort.
Ships up to 24 meters have an increased level of comfort. On board, it is possible to place many additional systems and devices. However, it is impossible to cope with their management on their own. A small and experienced team is required.

Vessels over 24 meters are considered extra-class yachts. Swimming on them in terms of convenience is comparable to staying in hotels of the highest category. For the comfort of their owners, such ships are equipped with swimming pools, mini-golf courses, saunas and hot tubs, and helicopter platforms. And the number of team members and attendants they can reach two dozen people.

These yachts are also classified according to the hull design. The main options are: traditional monohull, catamaran, trimaran. As can be seen from the names, the number of hulls for such vessels can reach three (for a trimaran).
Advantages of a hull consisting of several parts: higher stability of the vessel, large usable area and, accordingly - more possibilities to accommodate amenities.

The disadvantage is the deterioration of controllability in difficult weather conditions.

Rest on a yacht is not a cheap pleasure. Everyone dreams of having such an island of salvation, where you can sail away from everyday problems and just relax. But such a hobby, in addition to large material costs and time, also requires considerable skills. Without knowledge of the structure of the yacht, you will not sail far. Sailors are quite resourceful people. They came up with their own name for each element. Therefore, it is also necessary to familiarize yourself with special terminology. This article contains many useful information on the arrangement of the yacht and other important points.


Swimming aids must be different from each other. Yacht classes are determined depending on what characteristics they have. They can differ significantly from each other. The most significant characteristics can be considered:

  • Length. The driving characteristics of the vessel depend on it. The longer it is, the faster it can move. This is especially true for sports yachts.
  • Width. This factor affects speed and stability. The wider the ship, the calmer it behaves on the water and moves more slowly (due to the high resistance of the water). Wide yachts are usually made for sea and ocean trips, as high waves can occur in such places.
  • draft. Yachts with a small draft maneuver worse. They also have less stability - the ability to resist roll and return to their former position.
  • board height. It is important for those swimming facilities that go to sea. The higher the board, the big waves he can endure.
  • Displacement. Yachts with a higher figure cope better with unpleasant weather conditions, but because of their heaviness, they are less manoeuvrable.
  • windage. Affects movement speed. The higher it is, the more the ship receives energy from the wind, so it moves faster.

Classification by the presence of a sail

Yachts differ from each other in several ways. The main thing is the presence or absence of a sail. If it is not there, then such a yacht moves due to the engine and is called a motor yacht. There is something else in between. Such a yacht has a sail, but in which case it can use the additional power of the engine.

By appointment

They are divided into racing and cruising. The first type is for sports. They must meet certain standards. Their main characteristics are windage and weight. The maximum possible speed depends on this. This yacht has nothing superfluous. Therefore, you can hardly call it comfortable. Racing models are only needed to overcome distances at maximum speed.

Cruising yachts are a completely different matter. They are designed for walking with great comfort. They are equipped with everything you need to have a nice rest. Cruiser yachts can accommodate quite a lot of people. You can live on it for more than one day. Modern ships equipped with a powerful motor can develop good speed. So on such models, too, you can ride with the breeze.

For long round-the-world trips, racing-cruising yachts are best suited. They have a minimum set in order to be able to survive in the sea. In addition, they are quite fast. It is on such yachts that the Volvo Ocean Race, the famous round-the-world race, is held.

By seaworthiness

Also classified by where the ships sail. There are sea and river yachts. They differ from each other in design. Vessels designed for movement at sea must be more resistant to external influences, as there are strong storms. Therefore, their design is usually wider, and the draft is greater than that of freshwater yachts. The latter do not need such good stability.

By hull type

Standard models are single hulls. But besides them there are also catamarans and trimarans. The latter have their own qualities that help with long voyages.

Yacht design

The main part of each swimming facility is the hull. It is divided into 3 parts:

  • Nasal.
  • Midel.
  • stern.

One of the important parts of the hull is the keel. There is always a bulb at its end. This is a special thickening where the main weight of the keel is located. It is needed so that the center of gravity is as low as possible. So the ship becomes more stable. The larger and heavier the keel, the better the yacht copes with external influences. You should never forget about him, because they can run aground.

Also under water, in addition to the keel, there is also a rudder feather. This is an important element of the design of the yacht, because it is controlled with the help of it. The steering wheel itself is connected to the baller and the rudder head. Through them, the force is transmitted to the rudder blade, and the yacht turns.

Upper body

The first thing people pay attention to is called the deck of the yacht. This is such a horizontal surface that delimits the upper and inner space. There may be several. Their task is to divide the space inside the yacht. There are several types: residential, battery, cargo deck. Each can be designed for different purposes.

The upper deck must completely cover the entire upper part of the yacht. It serves as a waterproof barrier. It is important for the strength of the ship. There are a lot of important elements of the yacht's device on the deck. You should also familiarize yourself with them.

At the very beginning is the nose rail. This is one of the fencing elements present on the yacht. It is a rigid structure made of metal. Handrails run from it along the entire hull. This is also an element of the fence. But only they are made of iron cable. During a storm, insurance is usually attached to them. It all ends with a stern railing.

There are hatches on the deck. They lead inside the yacht. Through them you can get to the lower deck. In strong winds and waves, they are pulled up, so water cannot get inside.

The large superstructure, which can be immediately noticed, is called the cabin. There are various instruments that make up the ship's control and navigation system. For good review there are portholes.

The deck is just the top of the ship. And the place where people walk is called potopchina. It is usually made of wood or metal. Often it is covered with a special non-slip coating.

One of the most important places in the upper part of the hull is the cockpit. People get here as soon as they climb the ladder on board. This is where the passengers and crew are. There is also a helmsman's post along with the steering wheel.

Sailing armament

Thanks to this device, the yacht can move only on the strength of the wind and without the help of a motor. There are a lot of little things and other nuances here. Device sailing yacht pretty complicated. Therefore, it must be well understood. This system consists of several parts:

  • Sails.
  • Spars.
  • Rigging.

The Bermuda type is usually used. This is when two triangular sails are attached in front and behind. They are called staysail and mainsail. The main element of the device of a sailing yacht is the mast. This is a system that together creates the frame and base of the anchorage for the sails. One of the parts of the spars is the mast. It also includes sheets, spreaders, a boom and more. The top of the mast is called the top. The lower one, in turn, is spurred. It ends in the keel of the ship and rests on the steps.

Rigging is all the gear that is attached to the spars. Thanks to them, sails are controlled. Among them there are elements moving and standing (which are simply fixed).

Motor yachts

This type of watercraft does not have sailing equipment. They move using the energy of the engines. This type of yacht is the most expensive. It is intended for the elite. And it's not just that. Motor yachts have some positive aspects that make them more attractive.

The first thing I would like to note is the speed. Still, the power of the engine is much greater than that of the wind. Therefore, such models will be faster. If you need to quickly overcome a long distance on the water or just ride "with the breeze", then motor boats will be preferable. Modern yachts can reach speeds of up to 40 nautical miles per hour. Pretty good if you consider that it is about 70 kilometers per hour.

Motor yachts are rented or bought by VIPs. Therefore, most often they go together with professional staff who guarantee quality service and safety on the yacht.

Another plus is the comfort, which is inherent only in this class. Yachts with engines most often have special stabilizers that prevent the ship from rocking so much. And this means that pitching will not be so noticeable.

Mega yachts

Man has always strived for more. Yachts are no exception. With their desire, the engineers were able to create mega-yachts. Every year, such vessels are awarded the Neptune Prize. To get into it, they must be at least 30 meters long.

The most big yacht bears the proud name "Azzam". It has a length of 180 meters. Its cost is 609 million dollars. Despite her colossal size, she can travel at speeds of up to 30 knots. And this is a lot for such a hulk.

Before Azzam was created, the Eclipse yacht of the famous entrepreneur Roman Abramovich was 162.5 meters in size. It cost the owner nearly $800 million. This is one of the most expensive yachts in the world.

The third place in the list is occupied by "Dubai". Its length is 160 meters, and the price is 350 million dollars.

Yacht- any sailing, motor or motor-sail vessel intended for sports or tourist purposes. The most common are sailing yachts. A sailing yacht has two main parts: the hull and the rig. The hull accommodates the crew and supplies of the yacht. Armament is understood as sails and all devices for setting sails and controlling them.

Types of sailing yachts

In sailing, yachts of various types and sizes are used. Depending on the navigation conditions in a particular area, large or small yachts of one design or another are used.

There are two main criteria by which you can determine the type of yacht: destination and area of ​​navigation; hull design and armament.

According to the first feature, cruising and racing yachts are distinguished.

Main purpose racing yachts- sailing races over limited distances, so racing yachts are built as light as possible. For long-distance voyages, they are not strong enough and do not have amenities.

cruising yachts have a very solid construction and a maximum of household amenities. The main purpose is cruising and racing on the high seas with a large distance from the base.

Cruiser-racing yachts- the most common type of yachts, combines the properties of the above yachts.

By hull design.

Dinghy- This is one of the types of yachts. The dinghy has a shallow and relatively wide body. A slot is made in the middle of the hull, in which a flat (metal or wooden) retractable keel - centerboard is placed. When there is no need for additional lateral resistance (for example, with tailwinds) or when a shallow place is passed, the daggerboard can be raised and even completely removed into the daggerboard well. The stability of the dinghy (the ability of the ship to return to its original position on the water with the masts straight up, after reducing the impact of any force that caused the deviation) is much less than that of a keel yacht. Basically, the stability of the dinghy is ensured by the appropriate shape of the hull - flat and wide. A dinghy cannot capsize if not managed properly, so it is less safe when sailing in the sea and open water than a keelboat.

Case bottom keel yacht turns into a deep fin, which creates significant lateral resistance. To give greater stability, a cast-iron or lead weight, called a ballast keel or false keel, is attached to the bottom of this fin. Yachts of this type are designed for sailing on the seas and lakes with deep water and strong winds and waves. A keelboat is very stable and cannot capsize under normal conditions. It is difficult to sail on keel yachts along rivers and shallow lakes due to the large draft.

The intermediate type of yachts will combine the characteristics of the described vessels. So, to obtain increased stability with a small draft, ships are built with a centerboard passing inside the ballast keel. These vessels have less draft without a centerboard than keel yachts, but more than dinghies. These yachts are called compromises.

Sailing yachts can have not one, but two or even three hulls. Then they are called catamarans and trimarans.

Yachts also differ in size and class.

  • Yachts up to 30 feet (10 m) are designed for day trips over short distances.
  • Yachts from 30 to 56 feet (10-18 m) are the most popular and democratic class of yachts. Such yachts allow you to travel long distances and go out into the open sea without creating extreme situations.
  • Yachts from 56 to 70 feet (18-24 meters) usually need a crew to maintain them.
  • Yachts over 70 feet (24 meters) are called V.I.P. megayachts. They are usually built on an individual project or are representatives of a limited series.

In addition to such a general classification, there is also a sports classification of yachts, which determines their division into classes. The sports classification of yachts is necessary to create equal conditions for sports competition in racing. Within each class, as far as possible, equal chances of winning the competition (to the extent that these chances are determined by the boat itself) are ensured.


Keel yacht and its parts:

1 - nasal overhang; 2 - fin and false keel; 3 - hold; 4 - rudder feather; 5 - aft overhang; 6 - valance; 7 - transom; 8 - yut; 9 - cockpit; 10 - felling; 11 - entrance hatch; 12 - cabin; 13 - deck; 14 - light (skylight) hatch; 15 - railing; 16 - bow and stern railings; 17 - anchor device (anchor, chain, biteng, deck closure); 18 - tank; 19 - cockpit; 20 - forepeak; 21 - compass.


The main parts of the yacht's armament are sails, spars and rigging.

Sail- the main propulsion of the yacht.

They are divided into three sets: main (or tacking), additional and storm sails. The yacht carries the main sails in normal voyages. The same sails determine the measured sail area of ​​the yacht. Racing requires special sails that increase the sail area in some situations that occur on the course (for example, with fair winds). Such sails are called additional. When sailing in stormy weather, tacking sails are replaced by smaller and more durable storm sails.

The totality of all wooden or metal parts of weapons that serve to fasten and carry sails is called spars.

Rigging- gear made of vegetable or steel cable - is divided into standing and running. Standing rigging is used to brace and maintain the spars in the working position, and running rigging is used for setting and cleaning sails and spars, controlling sails, and for raising and lowering signals.