Rating of countries by purchasing power per capita. Ranking of countries in the world in terms of gross national income per capita


Often, to assess the economic state of the country, such an economic indicator as GDP per capita is used. Everyone knows about the existence of GDP. This is a term people often hear in economic news. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows what it is.

GDP is gross domestic product. In simple terms, then GDP is a measure of the value of goods and services produced by a country. These are all products and services produced in the state, which are expressed in monetary terms. Often this indicator is expressed in US dollars due to the fact that the US dollar is one of the most stable currencies in the world.

Today, there are two types of GDP:

  1. Nominal is the total volume of products and services produced, measured in current prices, that is, in values ​​that are relevant at the moment.
  2. Real GDP is the total volume of goods and services produced over a certain period of time, measured in basic values. Base prices are fixed prices.

The difference between nominal and real GDP is that real GDP can only be affected by changes in the volume of goods produced. While the change in the indicator of nominal GDP is directly affected by the price of products and services sold.

The ratio of the nominal to the real indicator in the economy is called the GDP deflator.

In other words, the deflator is a measure of the difference in the overall level of values ​​in an economic sector.

The total GDP is divided by the number of citizens living in the state.

The most developed states

The most developed countries in the world in 2018-2019, according to the ranking of countries, were such states as:

America has entered the ranking of countries with the highest level of GDP thanks to corporations such as Microsoft and Google. Every year in America, there is an increase in the country's GDP in the amount of 2.2%. The rate per person is $55,000.

  1. with a GDP of 11.2119 trillion US dollars. China does not leave its positions and still remains one of the most leading economies in the world. According to the forecasts of economists and financial analysts, China has every opportunity to displace the United States of America soon. This is possible due to the intensive growth of GDP. The share of GDP in China is growing at 10% annually.
  2. Takes third place. Despite the fact that economists predict a partial halt in Japan's growth indicators, this country of the world today has a GDP of 4.2104 trillion dollars.

According to statistics, the share of the GDP of this republic increases by 1.5%. The increase in indicators is due to the well-established export of cars, household appliances, computers and other electronic goods. This country has a GDP per capita of $39,000.

  1. It occupies the fourth place with a GDP level of 3413.5 trillion US dollars per year. The country was able to achieve such indicators thanks to the export of Volkswagen cars, industrial equipment and household appliances. Compared to the previous year, the share of the gross domestic product in Germany increased by 0.4%. GDP per capita is $46,000.
  2. The last place in the top 5 developed countries of the world was taken. The level of the indicator at around 2853.4 trillion dollars allowed the UK to oust France.

List of developed countries

Below are the top 20 largest countries in the world that have taken a leading position in terms of GDP after the top five most developed countries on the planet.

The name of the countryGDP (expressed in billions of US dollars)
South Korea1321.2
Saudi Arabia618.3

Indicators in EU countries

The European Union is a very powerful and unique economic structure. In 2019 .

GDP of the countries of the world for 2018

Top 10 most economically developed countries of the European Union (2018 statistics):

  • The most developed country in the world, which is part of the European Union, is Liechtenstein. Despite its small area, this country has an incredibly strong economy, as evidenced by its GDP per capita, which was 85,400 euros in 2016.
  • The second place goes to the Netherlands. This country has a GDP per capita of 42,400 euros.
  • Ireland is in third place. The GDP per capita is 40,000 euros.
  • In Austria, the GDP per capita is 39,700 euros.
  • Sweden has an indicator of 38,900 euros.
  • In Germany, the gross domestic product is 38,800 euros.
  • According to statistics in Finland, the level of GDP is 38,100 euros.
  • Eighth place is occupied by Italy with a GDP of 35,800 euros.
  • The UK is seeing GDP growth. In 2015, this figure was 34,600 euros.
  • Tenth place is occupied by Spain with an indicator of 33,700 euros.

Table: GDP level of European countries that are members of the EU

Republic nameGDP per person (expressed in euros)
Denmark31 500
Cyprus30 700
Belgium28 100
Slovakia26 100
Slovenia25 300
France25 800
Portugal24 900
Hungary24 500
Poland24 400
Greece23 600
Estonia22 900
Czech19 800
Romania19 700
Lithuania18 000
Latvia16 700
Bulgaria15 800
Malta14 600
Croatia12 600

The "weakest" states

Economists of Forex technical analysis conducted research on the forecast for the growth and decline of GDP for 2019. According to the conclusions, the list of countries with weak economies in 2019 will consist of such states as:

Forecast of the dynamics of GDP growth in other countries of the world

Table: list of countries with GDP growth expected in 2019

Republic nameExpected growth (expressed in %)Probability of an economic crisis (expressed in %)
India7.4 0
Vietnam6.6 0
China6.5 12
Sri Lanka6.4 0
Philippines6.0 5
Dominican Republic5.4 0
Indonesia5.2 10
Malaysia4.5 10
Bolivia3.9 20
Peru3.8 10
Romania3.8 10
Poland3.5 5
Albania3.5 0
Slovakia3.3 8
Thailand3.2 5
Iceland3.1 0
Türkiye3.0 20
Bosnia3.0 0
South Korea2.9 18
Colombia2.8 8
Mexico2.8 10
Sweden2.8 10
Spain2.7 5
Czech2.7 10
Australia2.6 15
Bulgaria2.5 10
USA2.5 15
Armenia2.5 0
Hungary2.4 0
New Zealand2.3 13
Great Britain2.3 13
Uruguay2.0 25
Kazakhstan2.0 33
Taiwan2.0 55
Germany1.8 8
Canada1.8 25
Serbia1.6 18
France1.4 10
Norway1.4 15
Ukraine1.4 60
Republic of South Africa1.4 25
Italy1.3 13
Denmark1.9 0
Kuwait1.9 0
Chile2.3 5
Azerbaijan2.4 0

The EU countries are expected to increase the level of GDP by 1.7%. At the same time, the probability of a recession is 15%.

  1. China.
  2. Rwanda. This country is focused on the export of minerals, coffee, tea. Despite the fact that the state's economy is growing, it is still one of the poorest in the world.
  3. Tanzania. Tanzania's main export is gold.
  4. Mozambique. This country exports coal and natural gas all over the world.
  5. Butane. The economy of the republic is growing due to the development of agriculture and forestry.
  6. India.
  7. New Guinea. Export: gold, copper, oil, agricultural products.
  8. Côte d'Ivoire. The country is one of the largest exporters of cocoa beans, agricultural products, coffee and palm oil.
  9. Uzbekistan. Products: cotton, natural gas, gold.
  10. Burma.
  11. DR Congo.
  12. Turkmenistan. This state exports cotton and natural gas.
  13. Ethiopia. Export products: textile industry, electricity, agricultural products.
The name of the countryGDP growth in 2018 (expressed in %)Forecast GDP growth in 2018 (expressed in %)
China7.00 6.90
Rwanda7.00 7.50
Tanzania7.10 7.10
Mozambique7.30 7.30
Butane8.40 7.00
India7.80 8.00
New Guinea5.00 2.40
Ivory Coast7.70 7.50
Uzbekistan7.80 8.00
Burma8.20 8.00
DR Congo8.50 9.00
Turkmenistan9.00 9.00
Ethiopia10.50 8.50

Surely everyone is interested in the question: what is the level of income of the population in different countries. In this article, I will introduce you to infographics: no need to spend hours looking at statistics. At first glance, it is clear: in Australia, the income of the population is more than $ 3,500, and in India it barely reaches $ 700. Ready to satisfy your curiosity? We look at the average salary level in the countries of the world in 2015.

Income level of the population and average wages by country

Salary in Europe

The distribution of wages in European countries occurs exactly according to the color spectrum: the more western the country, the higher the value of the average wage. True, Spain and Portugal "fall out" of this rule: instead of the standard for Western Europe $2500-3000, their monthly income level (after taxes) is $1500-2000. But the price level cannot be compared with neighboring France and Italy. Therefore, tourists choose hot Spain and Portugal for a long vacation.

In Eastern Europe, the Czech Republic ($1,020), Slovenia ($1,275) and Poland ($905) boast the highest wages. Therefore, if you are thinking about a career abroad, these countries can be considered as a good springboard. It is important to remember here that the “average salary” is an analogue of the average temperature in a hospital, and for qualified personnel, the value will differ by 2-3 times.

Countries by Wage Level: North America

With North America it is even more interesting: we have the opportunity to compare the level of income in the States. For example, it will come as a surprise to many that California, with Silicon Valley and the Hollywood Hills, is inferior in terms of average wages to the states of Washington, Wyoming, Nebraska, Virginia, New York and (attention) Alaska. At the same time, California is breaking records in real estate values.

Central America: countries by salary level

South America


The map of Africa resembles a red-orange desert: the level of income of the local population here rarely exceeds $500. There are also countries marked in gray - this means that there is not enough information on them to be included in the report.

Against this background, there are only two positive green islands: Angola (average salary at $2,650) and Gabon (about $1,700). The fact is that in addition to agriculture, the extraction of oil, gold, diamonds and ores is also developed here.


The map of Asia also does not please with an abundance of countries with a high level of income. The list with an average salary of $ 1500 includes only: Japan, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, Israel, Oman.

But I would like to tell you about the state of Qatar, which you most likely did not immediately notice on the map. The small peninsula is home to 2 million people. But Qatar ranks first in the ranking of countries in terms of GDP per capita, and 14% of households are dollar millionaires. The main income of Qatar is oil production. In the structure of GDP, it is 60%.

Southeast Asia and Australia

Income of the population by country of the world

Infographic source - movehub.com

One of the steps on the path to wealth is to develop the right attitude towards money. Money is not an end, but only a means. And using this tool, you can become more successful and prosperous.

In today's article - ten countries that are the richest. The rating was compiled by Forbes magazine.

Rating of the richest countries in the world

10. Netherlands.

Annual per capita income: $42,918. The main "trump card" of the Netherlands in a very good geographical location. Almost all trade routes to Europe lead through the Netherlands. Also this country has an excellent infrastructure and a multilingual workforce.

Interesting fact about the Netherlands: The number of bicycles in this country exceeds the number of its inhabitants.

9. Switzerland.

Annual per capita income: $43,000. Speaking of Switzerland, the famous Swiss banks immediately come to mind. Indeed, the banking sector is highly developed here. Switzerland is a peaceful country that has not been involved in any war for several centuries. Swiss products are highly valued all over the world, namely cheese, chocolate and watches.

Interesting facts about Switzerland: for Swiss schoolchildren, Wednesday is an official holiday, on a par with the traditional weekend.

8. Hong Kong.

Annual per capita income: $44,996. Hong Kong is an autonomous region of the People's Republic of China, and in fact it is independent in many issues. Hong Kong is a tasty morsel for investors, because it has favorable trading conditions and low taxes for entrepreneurship.

Interesting facts about Hong Kong: Hong Kong's evening laser show is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest and most impressive.

7. USA.

Annual per capita income: $46,874 This country at different stages of its development has attracted many adventurers and adventurers. To some extent, this also influenced its formation and prosperity. The US economy is the largest in the world, and has been at the top of the rankings of all world economies for about 100 years.

Interesting facts about the USA: it is considered bad form in the United States to start talking about politics with strangers.

6. United Arab Emirates.

Annual per capita income: $47,694 The main value of the Emirates is, of course, oil. Before the discovery of oil, the UAE was something like a bunch of villages, and now it is a rich tourist center.

Interesting fact about the UAE: hitchhiking in the Emirates is an administrative violation and a fine is charged for this.

5. Brunei.

Annual per capita income: $49,791 In this small but very rich state, almost ideal conditions for a comfortable life have been created. The presence of rich natural resources and the sale of oil is what keeps the country's economy.

Interesting Brunei Fact: The name of this country in translation means "blessed abode of the world."

4. Norway.

Annual per capita income: $51,959. Norway is considered to be the country with the highest standard of living in the world. Such viability of this country is based on the rich reserves of energy resources and their reasonable use.

Interesting fact about Norway: compliance with the law for the inhabitants of Norway is such an unquestioning matter that stores do not even bother installing security systems. Video surveillance is available only in the largest shopping malls, but even there thefts are exceptionally rare.

3. Singapore.

Annual per capita income: $56,498. Singapore achieved its economic development during the second half of the 20th century. Now Singapore is becoming more and more developed both socially and financially.

Interesting facts about Singapore: Singapore's capital is the cleanest city on the planet. Once here, you will not want to litter - a fine for spitting on the street or a piece of paper thrown past the bin is punishable by a fine of $ 500.

2. Luxembourg.

Annual per capita income: $85,432 The motto of this small prosperous country is "We remain who we are." Even such a small area has a huge weight in the modern economic world, because Luxembourg is the second most populous country in the world.

Interesting fact about Luxembourg: Luxembourgers have 100% literacy.

1. Qatar.

Annual per capita income: $88,222. And, finally, the leader of the rating is the state of Qatar. Qatar owes its wealth to oil, which is produced in large quantities in this country.

Interesting facts about Qatar: a typical problem for male residents of Qatar is overweight.

Gross national income (GNI) / Gross National Income (GNI) is the total value of all goods and services produced during the year in the territory of the state (that is, gross domestic product, GDP), plus income received by citizens of the country from abroad, minus income taken out of the country by foreigners. One of the key indicators of economic development.

A country's GNI can be substantially less than its GDP if a significant portion of the country's income is taken out of the country by foreign companies or citizens. On the contrary, if the citizens of a given country own a large number of securities of foreign companies or governments and receive income from them, then GNI will be greater than GDP. However, for most countries in the world, GDP and GNI do not differ significantly and are often considered interchangeable. The term "gross" means that the value of capital consumed in the production process has not been excluded from the total market value of goods and services produced. If this were done, then not a "gross" but a "net national product" would be obtained, practically equal to the national income. In practice, however, the words "product" and "income" are often used interchangeably, so the indicator "gross national product" is also called "gross national income".

Gross national income per capita is GNI divided by the average annual population of the country. This indicator gives an idea of ​​the amount of goods and services produced per inhabitant of the state, or, in other words, how much each inhabitant of the country would receive if the entire annual national income were distributed equally among all citizens of the country. GNI per capita is also referred to as "per capita income" or "per capita income".

The GNI per capita index is one of the basic ones in international statistics. This indicator is often understood as an index of the standard of living or well-being in a state or region, however, it is only an approximate measure of the well-being of the population of a particular country, since it does not take into account a number of important factors, in particular:

Does not show how evenly or unevenly incomes are distributed among the citizens of the country (for example, in countries with the same GNI per capita, there may be a significant difference, for example, in the share of the middle class or in the share of the poor, since in reality most of the national income can be concentrated in the hands of a narrow group of the population).
Does not take into account the damage caused by production to natural resources and the environment.
It does not take into account unpaid work done in the household or on a voluntary basis, as well as all production in the shadow economy, which can be quite significant.
Gives equal importance to both useful and harmful products for society (for example, certain medicines, cigarettes, weapons, and so on), while ignoring the value that free time or freedom has for a person.
In the methodology of the World Bank, which annually calculates indicators of national income per capita in the countries of the world, all states and territories are classified into three categories:

High income per capita countries ($12,616 and up).
Middle income countries per capita ($1,036 to $12,615).
Low per capita income countries ($1,035 and below).
This is the official analytical classification of the World Bank. The World Bank's World Development Indicators database serves as a source of information. Fixed during the financial year (ending June 30) and updated annually (updated statistics are usually published in October-November).

The data are presented as of 2012 (published in July 2013, updated in December 2013).


The World Bank: World Development Indicators, 2013. Gross National Income per Capita 2012.


1 Monaco 186 950
2 Liechtenstein 186 950
3 Bermuda 104 590
4 Norway 98 860
5 Switzerland 80 970
6 Qatar 76 010
7 Luxembourg 71 620
8 Denmark 59 850
9 Australia 59 360
10 Sweden 55 970
11 Macau 55 720
12 USA 52 340
13 San Marino 51 470
14 Canada 50 970
15 Kuwait 44 100
16 Netherlands 47 970
17 Japan 47 880
18 Austria 47 660
19 Singapore 47 210
20 Finland 46 490
21 Belgium 44 660
22 Germany 44 260
23 France 41 750
24 Ireland 39 110
25 Great Britain 38 670
26 Iceland 38 330
27 Hong Kong 36 560
28 United Arab Emirates 35 770
29 Italy 33 860
30 New Zealand 30 640
31 Spain 29 620
32 Israel 28 380
33 Cyprus 26 110
34 Greece 23 260
35 Slovenia 22 800
36 South Korea 22 670
37 Saudi Arabia 21 210
38 Portugal 20 620
39 Bahamas 20 600
40 Oman 19 110
41 Malta 19 760
42 Czech 18 120
43 Puerto Rico 18 000
44 Slovakia 17 180
45 Bahrain 14 820
46 Estonia 16 150
47 Barbados 15 080
48 Trinidad and Tobago 14 710
49 Chile 14 310
50 Latvia 14 120
51 Lithuania 13 830
52 Saint Kitts and Nevis 13 610
53 Uruguay 13 580
54 Equatorial Guinea 13 560
55 Croatia 13 490
56 Russia 12 700
57 Poland 12 660


58 Antigua and Barbuda 12 480
59 Venezuela 12 460
60 Hungary 12 380
61 Seychelles 12 260
62 Brazil 11 630
63 Türkiye 10 830
64 Gabon 10 040
65 Palau 9 860
66 Malaysia 9 820
67 Kazakhstan 9 780
68 Mexico 9 640
69 Lebanon 9 190
70 Costa Rica 8 820
71 Romania 8 820
72 Suriname 8 680
73 Mauritius 8 570
74 Panama 8 510
75 Botswana 7 650
76 South Africa 7 610
77 Grenada 7 220
78 Montenegro 7 220
79 Colombia 7 020
80 Saint Lucia 6 890
81 Bulgaria 6 840
82 Belarus 6 530
83 Dominica 6 440
84 Saint Vincent 6 400
85 Azerbaijan 6 220
86 Peru 6 060
87 Cuba 5 890
88 Iraq 5 870
89 Maldives 5 750
90 China 5 720
91 Tuvalu 5 650
92 Namibia 5 610
93 Dominican Republic 5 470
94 Turkmenistan 5 410
95 Serbia 5 280
96 Thailand 5 210
97 Ecuador 5 170
98 Jamaica 5 120
99 Algeria 5 020
100 Bosnia and Herzegovina 4 750
101 Jordan 4 670
102 Macedonia 4 620
103 Angola 4 580
104 Belize 4 490
105 Tonga 4 220
106 Tunisia 4 150
107 Fiji 4 110
108 Marshall Islands 4 040
109 Albania 4 030
110 Cape Verde 3 830
111 Armenia 3 720
112 Timor Leste 3 620
113 Kosovo 3 600
114 Salvador 3 590
115 Ukraine 3 500
116 Indonesia 3 420
117 Guyana 3 410
118 Paraguay 3 400
119 Georgia 3 270
120 Samoa 3 260
121 micronesia 3 230
122 Mongolia 3 160
123 Guatemala 3 120
124 Vanuatu 3 000
125 Egypt 2 980
126 Morocco 2 960
127 Sri Lanka 2 920
128 Swaziland 2 860
129 Syria 2 610
130 Congo 2 550
131 Kiribati 2 520
132 Philippines 2 500
133 Butane 2 420
134 Bolivia 2 220
135 Honduras 2 120
136 Moldova 2 070
137 Papua New Guinea 1 790
138 Uzbekistan 1 720
139 Nicaragua 1 650
140 India 1 580
141 Ghana 1 550
142 Vietnam 1 550
143 Sudan 1 500
144 Nigeria 1 440
145 Lesotho 1 380
146 Zambia 1 350
147 Sao Tome and Principe 1 310
148 Laos 1 270
149 Yemen 1 270
150 Pakistan 1 260
151 Ivory Coast 1 220
152 Cameroon 1 170
153 Solomon islands 1 130
154 Mauritania 1 110


155 Senegal 1 030
156 Kyrgyzstan 990
157 Cambodia 880
158 Kenya 860
159 Tajikistan 860
160 Bangladesh 840
161 Comoros 840
162 South Sudan 790
163 Chad 770
164 Haiti 760
165 Benin 750
166 Nepal 700
167 Afghanistan 680
168 Burkina Faso 670
169 Mali 660
170 Zimbabwe 650
171 Rwanda 600
172 Sierra Leone 580
173 Tanzania 570
174 Central African Republic 510
175 Gambia 510
176 Guinea-Bissau 510
177 Mozambique 510
178 Togo 500
179 Eritrea 450
180 Guinea 440
181 Uganda 440
182 Madagascar 430
183 Niger 390
184 Ethiopia 380
185 Liberia 370
186 Malawi 320
187 Burundi 240
188 Democratic Republic of the Congo 230
  1. The Cyprus data does not include Northern Cyprus.
  2. Morocco data does not include Western Sahara.
  3. Georgia's data excludes Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
  4. The Moldovan data does not include Transnistria.
  5. The Sudan data does not include South Sudan.
  6. Tanzania's data refer to the mainland only.


US Virgin Islands A
Andorra A
Aruba A
Gibraltar A
Greenland A
Guam A
Cayman islands A
Curacao A
Netherlands Antilles A
New Caledonia A
Isle Of Man A
Saint Martin's Island A
Northern Mariana Islands A
St. Maarten A
Turks and Caicos A
Faroe islands A
French polynesia A
Argentina B
Eastern Samoa B
Iran B
Libya B
Mayotte B
Djibouti C
Myanmar C
Palestine C
North Korea C
Somalia C
    A- Belongs to the category of countries with high per capita income.
    B- Belongs to the category of countries with an average level of income per capita.
    C- Belongs to the category of countries with low income per capita.

Russia is a country with a vast territory and, surprisingly, no less colossal difference in the average income per capita in the regions. However, this is not surprising, since the potential of the regions in economic terms is significantly different, so some regions and autonomous republics of our country simply cannot earn money on their own, receiving funds in the form of subsidies on a residual basis.

The average per capita income is one of the most important economic indicators that show the attractiveness of a particular territory for living. Therefore, it is on him that the majority of the inhabitants of our country pay their attention before moving to a particular region of Russia. Today we will talk about what is the average per capita income, and what are its values ​​in different regions of our country.

What is this indicator

The average per capita income is one of the most important indicators, which determines the well-being of the inhabitants of an entire state. It represents the average income that citizens of a particular territory earn or receive. This indicator is calculated from the national or regional income, which is divided by the total population of the state or territory. At the same time, this indicator cannot be compared with the gross domestic product and the domestic national product, these are completely different indicators.

When conducting interstate comparisons, a single currency is used to calculate the average per capita income. As a rule, this indicator is calculated in US dollars, but other monetary units can be accepted for calculations. For domestic payments, as a rule, the national currency is used. Thus, domestic rubles can also be used to calculate the average income in the regions of Russia.

It is important to remember that the definition of the well-being of the population in this way is not without its drawbacks. In particular, this method has the following main disadvantages:

  • purchasing power is not taken into account. Therefore, in order to obtain more accurate data, it is also necessary to calculate such an indicator as purchasing power parity;
  • differences in the distribution of funds are not taken into account;
  • own savings of residents of the state or territory are not taken into account;
  • population capital is not taken into account.

So, we found out what this indicator is. Next, we will figure out in which regions of Russia people live richer, and in which they live poorer.

Revenue figures by region in 2018-2019

As we have said above, the range of indicators of the average income of the population in Russia is huge. Moreover, nowhere in the world is there such a difference in values ​​as in our country. This is so noticeable that most of the publications involved in the calculation of these indicators even compare the domestic regional product with the gross domestic product of the states of our planet in their news and articles. The results are very mixed.

Thus, in the United States of America, which is slightly inferior to Russia in terms of area, the difference in indicators of the internal regional product is incomparably smaller. Alaska is considered the richest region of the United States, while Mississippi is the poorest state. The average income of the population between them differs only 1.8 times. At the same time, in Russia, the poorest region lags behind the richest in this indicator by 32 times. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are regions on the territory of the country that, in terms of GRP, are comparable to the GDP of the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, France on the one hand, and the backward countries of Asia and Africa, on the other. So, let's figure out how the population of our country lives in certain regions. But first, a few notes:

  • all calculations are made in US dollars, the purchasing power parity is taken in accordance with the calculations of the University of Pennsylvania, whose specialists assessed the purchasing power of the ruble;
  • the purchasing power of the ruble in the regions of Russia varies greatly. Thus, if one or another product or service in Transbaikalia can be bought for a ruble, in Kamchatka it will cost two, and in the central part of our country - about 72 kopecks.
    This was taken into account in the calculation.
  1. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the Nenets Autonomous Okrug took the first place in this indicator, the internal regional product of which is at the level of 91.8 thousand dollars. Only a little over 40,000 people live here, but at the same time, 18,000,000 tons of oil are produced on its territory, which is more than 3% of production in all of Russia. Therefore, in terms of income of the population, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug could take third place on the entire planet, yielding in this indicator only to Qatar and Luxembourg.
  2. The second place in the rating of life in Russia was taken by the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. The average per capita here is about 76 thousand dollars.
  3. The third place is occupied by the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug with an indicator of 50.0 thousand dollars. In general, the top three in terms of income can easily compete with the Asian oil-producing countries: Saudi Arabia, Brunei, the UAE, Kuwait.
  4. Sakhalin region. The per capita income in this region is $32,000. In fact, this figure is only slightly inferior to the United States and most of the developed countries of Western Europe and Asia.
  5. Moscow's internal regional product is also at the level of individual European and Asian states. The average per person here is 25.4 thousand dollars, which is higher than in Portugal, but inferior to countries such as Italy, Spain or South Korea.
  6. The northern capital is located even lower, although here the average income indicator remains quite high. So, on average, about 18.0 thousand dollars per person in St. Petersburg, which is close to Hungary and exceeds the gross domestic product of Turkmenistan, which actively exports gas to the Asian region.

In total, the average income in Russia is approximately 16.3 thousand dollars per capita. In the world ranking, our country is located immediately after Croatia and before Chile. Unfortunately, most of the administrative-territorial units of our country have a much lower GRP than in the above areas. So, the level of the Republic of Komi is inferior to Lithuania and is slightly higher than the Kazakh one. The Kemerovo region in this indicator competes with Malaysia. Orenburg is slightly behind Mexico. The Magadan region has a GRP at the income level of Venezuela.

Many regions of our country have an average per capita income comparable to Ukrainian or Chinese. These include Tver, Rostov, Saratov, Belgorod regions. Here, the average income is at the level of 8 thousand dollars. A little lower is the Lipetsk region. The Moscow region is far behind the capital, this indicator in the region is inferior to Turkey and slightly exceeds Panama. Residents of the Krasnodar Territory have an income at the level of Brazil. The Jewish Autonomous Region is close to China not only territorially, but also in terms of the average income of the population.

The weakest indicators traditionally have the southern republics of our country. Thus, residents of Ingushetia on average receive only 3.3 thousand dollars, the Filipinos and Vietnamese can boast of similar indicators. The lowest standard of living is in Chechnya, where residents earn only 2.9 thousand dollars per capita, which is close to the level of Djibouti. Other approximate republics, such as North Ossetia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Dagestan and others, have not gone far. These regions remain subsidized, with virtually no production and only underdeveloped agriculture.