The largest cruise ships. Giant ships: what are the dimensions of the largest peaceful ship in the world? Large ships in the world


Tanker Knock Nevis Length - 458 m.

First on the list, and the largest ship in the world, is the Knock Nevis supertanker. The length of this ship is 458 m, and the width is 68.86 m. The maximum speed is 13 knots. The crew of the ship - 40 people. They built the largest ship in Japan, but it was far from immediately shocking with its dimensions. Big sizes he received thanks to the new owner, who ordered its increase. After the reconstruction, he weighed more than 825 thousand 614 tons, and only then he was awarded the title of the largest ship that has ever sailed on water.

Container ship Emma Maersk Length - 396.8 m.

In second place was the container ship Emma Marsk, which is 396.8 meters long and just over 63 meters wide. The carrying capacity of the ship is more than 123 thousand tons. Emma Marsk can carry more than 11,000 containers, and more than 13,000 for other data. Arnold McKinney turned out to be the owner of this giant, who named it after his wife Emma. Due to the size of this vessel, the Panama Canal remained closed to it.

Cruise ship Oasis of the seas Length - 360 m.

The third place goes to the cruise ship Oasis of the seas. It surpasses in its size and technological innovations all existing cruise ships. The cost of the giant liner this moment is over a billion dollars. Oasis of the seas weighs 220,000 tons, accommodates 6360 passengers, and almost 3 thousand people from all over the world are provided with comfort and all amenities.

Liner Queen Mary 2 Length - 345 m.

In fourth place was the no less overall liner Queen Mary 2. Its length is 345 m, but this ship is considered one of the most powerful and fastest ships in the world - only Queen Mary 2 has a speed of 30 knots. It is 76 times longer than the Titanic meters, and named it in honor of the British Queen Elizabeth II. Queen Mary 2 is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the first liner to circumnavigate the world in just 81 days.

Aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN-65) Length - 342.3 m.

Fifth place is occupied by the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN-65). Its length is 342.3 m, which is the largest among all warships. It went down in history as the first aircraft carrier to have a nuclear power plant. They planned to create a whole line of such ships, but the first ship turned out to be too expensive - 451 million dollars, due to which they decided to suspend its construction.

Length - 340 m.

The Disney Dream cruise ship took an honorable sixth place. Its length is 340 m and its width is 38 m. allows you to comfortably accommodate 4 thousand passengers. The displacement of the ship is 128 thousand tons. On board there are many playgrounds, swimming pools and water slides. Such a ship cost its owners 900 million dollars. Its maintenance staff numbers more than 1500 people. Every detail on the ship tells about its owner - "Disnay". This ship can be called a fairy tale for children.

Length - 339 m

In seventh place was Freedom of the Seas with a length of 339 m. It differs from all other cruise ships in spacious halls and huge rooms that can safely accommodate hundreds of passengers. On board the ship there is even an ice rink, swimming pools, solariums and walls for those who like to climb mountain peaks. The peculiarity of Freedom of the Seas is that it has huge flat screens, which are not available in all cinemas. The presence of Wi-Fi makes it more modern among all other record-breaking ships.

Length - 338 m.

Eighth place is occupied by Splendida with a length of 338 m. This ship has been called the "Titanic of the 21st century" more than once - huge, modern and at the same time elegant, it has become the dream of any traveler. No one will get bored on the ship - a variety of exotic procedures, swimming pools, saunas, massages will make your vacation a truly heavenly delight. Splendida is considered to be the largest ship ever launched by European nations.

Length - 329 m.

In ninth place was the Norwegian Epic, whose length is 329 m. It is the largest and most expensive ship launched by Norwegian Cruise Line. This ship can accommodate more than 4,200 people. The displacement of the ship is about 135 thousand tons. The peculiarity of the vessel is single cabins and freedom of action for tourists.

Length - 315 m.

Closes the list of the largest ships - Celebrity Eclipse. The ship is 315 meters long and is the third ship launched by Celebrity Cruises Ltd. The maximum speed that a German ship can develop is 24 knots. Built in 2010, it can accommodate more than 2,850 passengers, providing excellent service and an unforgettable experience.

Giant ships (Oasis of the seas)Video

Oceans and seas occupy most of the surface of our planet. To move on them, mankind has been building various ships for many millennia, and some of them are truly gigantic in size. The largest ships in the world are usually cargo ships, tankers or container ships. But among other types of ships in the world, there are those that deserve interest when it comes to the largest ship. Therefore, the top 10 largest ships below include relatively modest in size compared to tankers, but the largest ships in their class (military, passenger, sailing).

1. Prelude

Although this ship is not yet in operation, it already rightfully bears the title of the largest ship in the world. The dimensions of its hull, which has already been launched in 2013, are amazing. The length of the vessel is 488 m, and the width is 78 m. With such gigantic dimensions cargo Ship has a displacement of 600,000 tons. This is not quite a cargo ship, but the world's first floating platform designed for the production, liquefaction and subsequent transportation of natural gas. The giant is being built by the order of Royal Dutch Shell by the South Korean corporation Samsung Heavy Industries.

Full completion of construction is scheduled for 2017. The floating leviathan, which produces and processes gas independently, cannot go by sea; tugboats will be used for this. The place of the future work of the platform is Western Australia, 295 km east of the city of Broome. The cost of building the ship is $12 billion, and the estimated period of operation is 25 years. The design of the vessel is designed to withstand the most powerful cyclones that exist in nature, for this it has three shunting engines with a capacity of 6700 hp. With. every. With the help of them, during storms, the ship will turn to the required position. The capacity of the floating plant is 3,600,000 tons of liquefied gas per year.

2 Seawise Giant (Knock Nevis)

If the previous largest ship in the world represents the future of shipbuilding, then this largest ship in history has already been decommissioned and cut up for scrap. A giant 458.5 m long and 69 m wide was built in 1976, its displacement was almost 565 thousand tons. Its colossal dimensions did not allow it to pass through the Panama and Suez canals and even through the English load line was 24.6 m.

The maximum speed of the tanker, due to its size, was relatively small, 13 knots or 21.1 km / h, but even so, the stopping distance of the ship was 10.2 km, and the turning circle of the vessel was 3.7 km. Initially, in 1976, the ship, built by the Japanese Sumitomo Heavy Industries (SHI), was named Oppama. Then its dimensions were more modest, length - 376.7 m, displacement - 418.6 thousand tons. Later, the new owner of the ship, the Orient Overseas Line company from Hong Kong, ordered the restructuring of the ship, a cylindrical insert was added to it, and the ship acquired its final record size. In 1981, the ship was named Seawise Giant and began to sail the ocean under the Liberian flag carrying crude oil.

In 1986, during the Iran-Iraq conflict, the tanker ran aground due to damage from an anti-ship missile. After the war, it was bought and restored by the Norwegian Norman International, the ship was renamed the Happy Giant. Even before it was put into operation in 1991, it was again resold to the Norwegian shipping company Loki Stream AS, so when the ship left the shipyard in Singapore, it received another new name Jahre Viking. The tanker received its last name Knock Nevis in 2004 after it was purchased by the Norwegian company First Olsen Tankers Pte, since this year it has been anchored and it has ceased to be a transport vessel. The giant made its last voyage in 2009 to the shores of India, where it was disposed of in 2010. One of his 36-ton anchors can be seen today in maritime museum Hong Kong.

It is currently the world's longest operating ship. This is a container ship with a length of 397 m, it is one of 8 vessels of the E-Class series built by the Moller-Maersk Group. The displacement of the ship is 157 thousand tons, it was launched in 2006. Its main purpose is the transportation of goods between Southeast Asia and Northern Europe through the Suez and Gibraltar Canals.

The ship is capable of carrying up to 11,000 typical 20-foot containers (with cargo), its carrying capacity is 123,000 tons. The power of its huge diesel plant is 109,000 liters. s, and its mass is 2300 tons, thanks to it the ship can go across the ocean at a speed of 25.5 knots. On average, a large commercial vessel travels a total distance of just over 300,000 km a year.

Today, the vessels of this series are the largest ships in operation in terms of displacement, which is 441.6 thousand tons. They have a double hull, which is dictated by modern environmental requirements for ships carrying dangerous environment bulk cargo. A total of 4 ships of this series were built, 2 of which, TI Europe and TI Oceania, sail the ocean, and 2 were turned into floating platforms to ensure the operation of the field near Qatar. The length of the vessels is 380 m.

5. Ore trucks Vale

These are the largest dry cargo ships operated in modern times. The displacement of the largest vessels of this series reaches 400 thousand tons, and the length is 362 m. All vessels of the Vale family are owned by the Brazilian mining corporation of the same name. They are mainly used to transport iron ore to the US from Brazilian deposits.

Today, the fleet of super-ore carriers consists of 31 ships with a displacement of 380 to 400 thousand tons. Four of the largest ships were recently chartered to China's largest dry-cargo fleet operator COSCO for 25 years. The advantage of Vale vessels is their low diesel fuel consumption and low carbon dioxide emissions per ton of ore, when compared with conventional ore carriers with a displacement of up to 200,000 tons.

This is the largest passenger ship, its length is 362 m, and the displacement is 19.8 thousand tons. It has a twin ship - the Oasis in the Seas cruise ship, which is 50 mm shorter. Allure of the Seas was launched as recently as 2008. The cruise ship has a crew of 2,100 and a maximum passenger capacity of 6,400. On board the ship are:

  • a park with exotic trees and shrubs;
  • a variety of sports facilities (ice rink, golf course, basketball and volleyball courts, bowling, etc.);
  • swimming pools with jacuzzi;
  • shops, casinos and more.

7. Aircraft carrier USS Enterprise

This is the largest warship in the world. The length of the aircraft carrier is 342 m, and the width is 78.4 m. This is the first warship of this type with a nuclear power plant (8 reactors). The Enterprise entered service in 1961. It was originally planned to build 5 ships of this type, but due to the enormous cost ($451 million) and a number of other reasons, the largest warships of this modification decided not to be replicated. In 2012, the aircraft carrier made its last 8-month sea voyage. The crew of the ship was 3000 people, the number of aviation personnel - 1800 people, up to 90 aircraft and helicopters could be located on the aircraft carrier.

If we talk about huge military ships, then Russia also has its own large aircraft carrier - this is the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov. It is 306 meters long and 72 meters wide. If we talk about the operating fleet, then at present it is second in size only to aircraft carriers of the Nimitz type, their length is almost 333 m.

This is the largest steamship ever built. Its length was 211 m, and the displacement was 22.5 thousand tons. The ship was launched in 1857. From the very beginning of its operation, it was firmly entrenched in notoriety, what other ship, except for the one pursued by misfortunes, could in just two years:

  • cause the death of several dozen workers during launching;
  • get damaged due to the explosion of the steam engine during the first passage;
  • hit the rock.

The crew of the ship was 418 people, and the passenger capacity was 4,000 people. The steamer was propelled by two paddle wheels powered by a 3650 hp steam engine. With. and a 4-bladed propeller powered by a 4000 hp steam engine. With. In addition, the ship could go by sea under sails fixed on 6 masts.

9. Submarines of the project 941 "Shark"

These are the largest submarines of our time. The length of the submarines of this series is almost 173 m, and the underwater displacement is 48 thousand tons. Their colossal dimensions, first of all, were determined by the dimensions of the main armament - intercontinental solid-propellant three-stage ballistic missiles.

The submarine is propelled by two water-cooled nuclear reactors with a capacity of 190 MW each (shaft power 2 × 50 thousand hp) and two steam turbine plants. In addition, the ship has two standby DC electric motors and a thruster, consisting of two folding columns driven by electric motors. The crew of the submarine - 160 people.

This five-masted barque, launched by the French in 1912, is the largest sailing ship in history, its length was 146.2 m, and the displacement was 10.7 thousand tons. The ship was used to transport goods (wool, ore, coal) around the world. In 1922, near New Caledonia, the ship hit the reefs and was abandoned by the owners. In 1944, during the bombing, it was destroyed.

Any ship presented in our TOP 10 largest ships can be called engineering creations. Of course, gigantic dimensions are not the goal for which these ships were designed and built. The dimensions of the ships are determined, first of all, by the tasks that huge ships had to solve or solve.

Since ancient times, people have traveled the seas, gradually improving their ships. Modern shipbuilding is very developed, and the range of ships has become extremely diverse. But the TOP of the largest ships in the world always attracts special attention, which will be discussed below.

1. Seawise Giant (Knock Nevis)

Deadweight - 564 700 tons.
. Length - 458.5 m.
. Year of construction - 1979.
. Last country of registration: Sierra Leone. Dismantled for scrap.

Until 2010, the largest ship in the world was the Knock Nevis supertanker, built in 1975 in the Japanese city of Yokosuka. Before changing several names, he had a simple number 1016. But the cyclopean dimensions actually ruined him - the tanker could not pass through either the Panama or the Suez Canal, even in the English Channel it would run aground, so move from ocean to ocean could only take a roundabout way.
During the Iran-Iraq war in 1988, an Iraqi missile hit him and seriously damaged him. As a result, the supertanker sank in Persian Gulf close to the coast. After the end of the conflict, he was raised from the bottom and towed to Singapore, where they were able to restore in 1991, giving him a new "optimistic" name "Happy Giant". But as a tanker, no one needed it, so it began to serve as a floating oil storage. Finally, in 2009, the "lucky" was sent on his last journey to the Indian shores, where the next year he was cut into scrap metal.

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2. Pierre Guillaumat

Deadweight - 555,000 tons.
. Length - 414.2 m.
. Year of construction - 1977.
. Last country of registration: France. Cut up for scrap.

In the family of twin ships of the Batillus series, this supertanker is the largest in terms of deadweight. It was built at French shipyards, worked for nothing at all - 5 years, after which it was mercilessly sent in 1983 to South Korea, where it turned into scrap metal. The rest of his brothers from the same series shared his fate. The reasons for such an inglorious death in all cases were the same problems with the impossibility of passing through the Suez and Panama canals.

3 Esso Atlantic

Deadweight - 516 900 tons.
. Length - 406.5 m.
. Year of construction - 1977.
. Last country of registration: Liberia. Cut up for scrap.

At one time, this oil supertanker was also a deadweight champion. It was built in Japan, and made its first commercial route from African Liberia, where the company owner Esso Tankers registered it under the Liberian flag. Most often, the tanker transported oil from the Middle East to Europe. But in 2002, the end came to him - in Pakistan, he was cut into scrap metal. He was practically a twin ship "Esso Pacific", but despite the "Pacific" name, he was smaller than the "Atlantic brother".

4. Emma Maersk

Deadweight - 156 900 tons.
. Length - 397 m.
. Year of construction - 2006.
. Last country of registration: Denmark. It is still in operation.

This is the first ship of eight identical container ships of the E-class series, built by the Danish holding Moller-Maersk Group. At the time of her first voyage in 2006, she was the world's largest floating ship. "Emma Maersk" carries a variety of cargo between Asia and America, following through the Suez Canal and the Strait of Gibraltar.
This ship has a not very successful history - when its construction was already being completed, a fire broke out on the upper deck, which seriously damaged the brand new ship. Needed some repairs which were done quickly. In 2013, a new misfortune happened - right in the middle of the Suez Canal, one of the dry cargo ship's power plants broke down, as a result of which it lost control. Fortunately, both the ship and the canal remained intact.
Europeans do not favor the giant for its use of sulfur-rich fuel. Like many giant ships, Emma does not fit into the Panama Canal, therefore Pacific Ocean it is closed for her (not around Cape Horn to sail there!).

5.TI Class

Deadweight - 441 600 tons.
. Length - 380 m.
. Year of construction - 2003.
. Last country of registration: Belgium. It is still in operation.

This double-hulled ship had the largest deadweight and gross tonnage of its time. In total, four completely identical ships were built: two "TI Africa" ​​and "TI Oceania" under the flag of the Marshall Islands, "TI Europe" under the Belgian flag and "TI Asia". But in 2010, floating platform-terminals for storing and shipping oil products were made from "Asia" and "Africa", since then they have been working on a layup near one of the Qatari offshore oil fields.

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6 Vale Sohar

Deadweight - 400 300 t.
. Length - 362 m.
. Year of construction - 2012.
. Last country of registration: Marshall Islands. It is still in operation.

This vessel belongs to the family of the largest bulk carriers and is owned by the mining company Vale from Brazil. It transports ore mined in Brazil to the United States. In total, 40 huge dry cargo ships ply along this route, the deadweight of which is in the range of 380-400 thousand tons. Sohar is the largest ship among them.

7. Allure of the Seas

Deadweight - 19 750 tons.
. Length - 362 m.
. Year of construction - 2008.
. Last country of registration: Bahamas. It is still in operation.

This vessel belongs to the class of cruise ships "Oasis", consisting of two twins (the second "Oasis in the Seas"), occupying a leading place for its type of ships in the world. They say that Allure is still 5 cm longer than Oasis, which is why it is presented here. This giant is able to take on board 6296 passengers and 2384 crew members. The types of entertainment offered on board are innumerable, this floating city has a golf course and an ice rink, a lot of bars and shops, there is even a park with exotic plants.

8. Queen Mary II

Deadweight - 19 200 t.
. Length - 345 m.
. Year of construction - 2002.
. Last country of registration: Bermuda. It is still in operation.

This beautiful transatlantic cruise ship is one of the largest in the world. passenger liners. It is able to transport with maximum comfort from the Old to New World or back 2620 passengers. It was designed and built by the French company "Chantiers del" Atlantique ". On board there is a theater, a casino, 15 restaurants and the only planetarium on ships.

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9. Mozah

Deadweight - 128 900 tons.
. Length - 345 m.
. Year of construction - 2007.
. Last country of registration: Qatar. It is still in operation.

This vessel opens a new family of tankers of the Q-Max series, which specialize in the transportation of liquefied natural gas produced in fields off the coast of Qatar. It was designed and built in South Korea. In total, 14 tankers from this series are currently in operation.

10. USS Enterprise (CVN-65)

Length - 342 m.
. Year of construction - 1960.
. Last country of registration: USA. The aircraft carrier has been decommissioned.

This is the largest American nuclear strike aircraft carrier, the first to operate a nuclear power plant. He began acting in 1961. A series of six similar hulks was planned, but only the Enterprise was built. Its cost resulted in an incredible 451 million of those more dollars, so even the bottomless US budget could not afford such expenses. In length, it is the largest warship in the world. Having refueled once with nuclear fuel, the aircraft carrier acquired autonomy for 13 years of active service and could cover a million nautical miles during this time. In February 2017, the Enterprise was sent to an honorary retirement - for the US Navy, this was the first farewell to a nuclear aircraft carrier.

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Imagine that you are going on a free cruise on the largest ship in the world. Inside is a whole metropolis of entertainment and services, and everything is free. Fantastic? Yes. But one day, when the parade of planets takes place, the company launches a new ship, this fairy tale becomes a reality. Tour operators, the media and everyone who will subsequently sell tickets to this liner are invited to the first flight.

Harmony of the Seas is by far the largest cruise ship for 8200 people, of which 2200 crew members. The height of the ship is comparable to the height of a 20-storey building. The length is 362 meters, which exceeds the length of Red Square in Moscow. The construction of the liner cost Royal Caribbean more than 1,000,000,000 euros.

But the most impressive thing is not the measurements, but the filling of the liner - a helipad, swimming pools, water slides, a casino, a theater, an ice rink, a garden with 12 thousand different plants and much, much more. There is even a Bionic bar on board, where robots work as waiters. Let's see what it looks like inside...

General plans of the liner. This is really a huge thing, a giant Noah's Ark with a displacement of 227,500 tons:



We left the port of Barcelona. We were escorted by two fire ships: in honor of the first voyage, they staged a “salute” of water cannons:


The first place you go on a cruise is, of course, the cabin. I will not give the footage, I will only mention that in my cabin there was a separate dressing room:

General areas of the liner. On the right in the photo is a giant head sculpture that rotates in layers in different directions:


There are pedestrian streets on board. A complete feeling that it was not a ship that went into the sea, but a piece of the mainland. There are a lot of people. After a series of accidents on cruises, Royal Caribbean installed an advanced facial recognition system that can, if necessary, identify each passenger in the crowd:


Many sculptures and works of modern art:


Let's go up to the upper decks. There are two types of decks - indoor, comfortable in windy weather, and outdoor:


There are 16 decks on board. 6 main pools and 10 giant jacuzzis:

The upper deck is replete with public areas:


Lots of loungers. Pay attention to the slides behind the pool:


On the other side of the golf course:


Waves for boarding:


Rope crossing at the level of seven floors:

At the stern of the ship is a huge aquatic theater. Two pipes lead down from the upper deck, through which you can go down in clothes. Feels very fast, very scary and very dark. You overcome almost 30 meters of height in 13 seconds, making two 360-degree turns along the way:


To the right of the water theater is a pedestrian area called Central Park:



Naturally, there is a gym, and it is gigantic. Many simulators and shells:


There are 20 restaurants on board the Harmony of the Seas. The main one occupies three floors, it is there that daily dinners are held:


And this is the same Bionic bar where robots work. There are 30 alcohol components in the arsenal of mechanical hands. The range of cocktails they can make is endless. One cocktail takes 30 seconds. Looks fantastic:


Another memorable restaurant is called "Wonderland" and is based on the famous work of Lewis Carroll:


Hall decoration:



Instead of a menu, they bring an empty picture that needs to be painted with water. After these manipulations, words appear. It would seem a trifle, but leaves an indelible impression:


Molecular cuisine restaurant. The dish is called "Garden", and the "earth" is made of bread with the addition of cuttlefish ink:


Balloon dessert topped with hot chocolate. After a minute, the ball melts, revealing the ice cream inside. Delicious:


Every week, 4,500 kg of chicken and almost 7,000 kg of beef are consumed in the liner's restaurants. In total, there are 4,900 seats on board in restaurants and bars. The assortment of desserts again confused me:


There are dozens of shops in Central Park for every budget:


You won't be bored in the evening. Rather, on the contrary, you will need to run from one view to another:


In the theater - a Broadway production of "Grease". The film of the same name, based on this musical, made Travolta a star already in 1978:


Ice show. Just pay attention to the quality of the costumes that were prepared for the performance.

Once the largest ship was the Titanic. But today there are ships that are several times the size of the Titanic. In this article we will talk about the largest ship in the world.

The Titanic was a cruise ship. Everyone remembers his story. He collided with an iceberg because he was very huge and could not turn sideways in time. It seemed that such liners could not exist, they are very bulky and their fate was not comforting. But it turned out that such liners can exist, while being several times larger. To date, the largest liner is the Oasis of the Seas. Photo below:

It is indeed several times larger than the Titanic. Look at this image:

Royal Caribbean International wanted to build a ship that would be the best long years and October 28, 2009 "Oasis of the Seas" was launched. It immediately became the largest cruise ship in the world. The vessel also became the most expensive, as its price amounted to 1.24 billion dollars. The average cost of a ship's stay in the port is $230,000. And this is for a few hours of stay!

The dimensions of the liner are striking; its length is 360 meters, the width is 66 meters, and the height at the very high point was 72 meters.

The largest ship: characteristics

Correctly they say that this is not just a ship, but a whole Small town. The dimensions of this liner are five times larger than the dimensions of the Titanic. On board can be 6360 passengers and 2160 crew members. On the ship a large number of various entertainment centers. From swimming pools to real theatre. There are 4 pools on the liner, which together make up 23,000 liters of water. There are 12 thousand plants and 56 large trees on the ship. There is a park, a climbing wall, 10 spa cents. It is so huge that it is even divided into thematic zones.

The largest ship has several restaurants, its park is similar to a park in New York, so classical American music will be played there. There's a lot more to be said about the ship.

Dockwise Vanguard

Sure, the Oasis of the Seas is the largest liner, but there is also the Dockwise Vanguard, the world's largest heavy-lift ship.

On February 12, 2013, the ship made its first voyage. Dockwise Vanguard arrived in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2013. The cargo he carried was 56,000 tons, but the maximum load could be 110,000 tons.

The vessel was designed by Hyundai Heavy Industries for Dockwise Shipping. It was launched in 2012. In terms of performance, it does not surpass the liner "Oasis of the Seas". Displacement 91238 tons, deadweight 117000 tons. Length 275 meters, width 79 meters, draft 9.5 meters. Maximum speed 14.4 knots, average 12.9 knots.

The way of loading onto the ship is also unique. Special compartments are filled with water and the ship is slowly but surely submerged under water. After the ship is under water, cargo is loaded onto it.

To service the ship, 60 people will be required, who are located in the hold of the ship.

The well-known "Costa Concordia", which crashed in January 2012 off the coast of the island of Giglia (Tuscany), will be transported using this ship. Let me remind you that the Costa Concordia is several times larger than the Titanic.

The largest ships in the world