Independent travel to Norway. Budget travel to Norway


So, you are going on a trip to Norway. I'll try to tell you about what's interesting there.

The first thing you need to do is answer yourself the question - Why do I want to go to Norway?
Which hobbies are closest to you: sports, culture, photography, adventure, beach holidays, fishing... There may be many options, but you need to focus on the ones that are most important to you. You can try to combine several priority goals and the travel plan will form itself.

The second important question is how are you going to travel?
Answer options: by car, as part of an organized group or on a cruise ship. Cruises and organized travel are certainly interesting things, but you just need to choose the tour and travel agency you like. Sailing on the super cruise ship Hurtigruten for one or two weeks along the entire Norwegian coast is very wonderful, so I won’t take away the bread of travel agencies and tell you how to go to Norway on your own.

Basic independent travel in Scandinavia this is a trip in your own car. Although, you can rent it when you fly, for example, to Oslo.

To begin, select the region you would like to visit.

So, we determine the vacation dates. It is better to allocate at least two weeks for the trip.
We pick up a map and begin to think about how we can get to the fabulously beautiful landscapes. If you go to the North, then the path lies through Finland and its lakes. It is best to cross the border at the Brusnichnoe/Nuyama point. By the way, there is a night train from Helsinki, on which you can travel about 900 kilometers to the north with a car. In the same way, you can get to Lofoten.

If you go west, you will have to cross the Baltic by ferry. This is either the ferry Riga - Stockholm, or Helsinki - Stockholm, or Turku - Stockholm. It is better to book tickets in advance either online or through a specialized ferry agency.

If you arrive in Oslo by plane and rent a car, you save valuable time. When making a travel plan, it is worth considering that the average speed of travel in Norway is determined by the mountain roads, ferries and the beauty around. The average speed is more than 60 km/h; you can only drive along the federal highway, which is boring with scenery. For a good rest you need short distances. Either 100-150 km for the whole day, or a day and a haul of 200-250 km. Otherwise, the journey turns into a race.

If you have to use ferries, it is advisable to know their schedule, which is easy to find on the Internet. It was compiled several years in advance. When boarding the ferry, the driver + car is paid, discounts apply to children and pensioners. Therefore, if there is a young driver in the car (even without a license), then when paying, it is better to put him behind the wheel.

Savings from 100 to 1000 rubles depending on the cost of travel. Toll roads appear periodically. If it is possible to pay in cash/plastic card, then it is better to pay. Rental cars have special electronic chips from which payments are debited. If you do not have such an Autopass, then you can safely drive in places with the appropriate sign.

Next, you need to decide where you will live.
Accommodation in Norway is: camping (tent, caravan, hut), motel (room with toilet and shower or hütter type of house), rorbu (fisherman's hut), apartments, hotels, mountain huts. Cabins in campsites may have a toilet and shower inside (Hütter type), or they may have a shared (and often paid) shower in the reception building.

Only hotels are expensive. For four people, depending on comfort, campsites charge from 350 to 800 rubles per person per day. A list of all available housing options is available on specialized camping websites, or on a Google map, which is very convenient to use for plotting a route. Accommodation reservations should only be made in mega-tourist places such as the North Cape and Bergen.

In other cases, it’s easier to buy a local SIM card and call along the way to the campsite you’re going to. If there are no places there, then there is no need to be very upset; as practice has shown, a good housing option can be found unexpectedly quickly. And if you are ready to spend the night in a tent, then no closer than 150 meters from your home, you can triple the camp, even on private territory.

It is best to build a route taking into account visiting the most interesting places. Choose city or natural attractions, some kind of sports activity, for example, trekking. In life, the most beautiful places are unexpected and, as a rule, far from the main tour. routes. I don’t mean the hyped attractions, but simply the beautiful nature.

Having built a so-called “route plan”, which includes places to stay overnight, the average distance traveled per day, and a travel map, you can prepare for a trip to the embassy. By the way, Norwegians welcome this kind of vacation, so there are no special problems with obtaining a visa. If you do not live in Moscow or St. Petersburg, calmly send documents by courier and pick them up from the embassy in the same way. The package of documents is standard: Application form, photograph, certificate from work, certificate from the bank, insurance, travel plan.
You can change currency in Russia, or you can withdraw cash from the first ATM you come across in Norway. You don't need a lot of cash; Visa and Mastercard are accepted almost everywhere.

Food in restaurants is quite expensive, but products in local stores, contrary to popular beliefs, are not much more expensive than Russian ones. At the same time, their quality is excellent. Scandinavians always make the environment a priority, so you can buy any fruits/vegetables without hesitation.
Almost all Scandinavians speak English fluently, so there are practically no difficulties in communication. They treat tourists very friendly. The crime situation is the calmest in Europe.

Fishing boats (with echo sounder and navigator) are available for rent almost along the entire coast, as well as the necessary gear. You can negotiate with the local captain, or you can go fishing yourself. Paid fishing, that is, fishing that requires a license, is only available in inland rivers and lakes. In the sea and fjords it is free.

The most difficult and, of course, the most interesting moment in the journey will be the choice of where to go. Preikestolen rock, towering 600 meters above the blue Lysefjord or ancient Bergen, blooming Hardangerfjord or the most beautiful Sognefjord, huge waterfalls or mountain lakes, national park Jotunheimen or the Road of the Eagles, the Troll Staircase or the Atlantic Road, the harsh North Cape or the snow-white sands of the Lofoten Islands. The choice of places, as well as the impressions, will easily make your head spin.

It is best to visit local information centers marked with an “i” sign. In free guidebooks, some of which are in Russian, you will find comprehensive information about almost any region.

Local guidebooks colorfully describe all the most interesting places for travelers. Almost everywhere, in addition to local beauties, they promise. What will you get Expirience. That is experience. This is the most exciting thing about such a journey. Getting your own impressions.

You can admire other people’s photographs and stories, but it’s more interesting to try to surprise your friends and acquaintances with your personal emotions. Convey the mood, the fabulous spirit of Norway. It is for this that many travelers from all over the world go there. There are many interesting and beautiful places- The Kingdom of Norway is one of the most wonderful.

When the dream of seeing the country of Vikings, trolls and fjords first arose, I don’t even remember now, but it’s certainly a long time ago. And the way to it was opened by low-cost flights from Poland, which made the flight affordable even for budget tourists. Norway captivates with its naturalness, naturalness - of everything around and the Norwegians themselves. The gaze there always stops at colors that are pleasing to the eye: nothing “sharply poisonous-bright,” everything is harmonious.

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Nature is the main attraction of Norway

If you are planning a trip to, then you can bypass it in your route, since the must-see in this Scandinavian country is nature, first of all, the fjords. To fully experience their grandeur and uniqueness, it is worth going to the city area and Stavanger - the center of the country's oil production. The rocky outcrops of Trolltunga (“Troll’s Tongue”) and Preikestolen (“Pulpit”) and the Kjeragbolten stone will give you an unforgettable experience of a lifetime. Picturesque mountains, forests with fabulous flowers, streams, rivers - this is all about Norway.

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On the flight to Bergen I saw a beautiful landscape: fjords, mountains and fisheries in a grayish sea. The population of a country of 5 million (Kyiv alone has such a population) is scattered across small, cozy cities such as Bergen, Stavanger, Ålesund, and Oslo among them looks like a metropolis with a lot of interesting places for urban recreation and museums.

Troll Country

May 17 is celebrated in Norway. On this day, Norwegians wear traditional clothes, which are often passed down from generation to generation, and stroll through the city streets.

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The roots of Norwegian culture can be found in the Viking traditions, the medieval “age of greatness” and sagas, and folklore is rich in legends about trolls. One gets the impression that Norwegians, young and old, know everything about trolls, down to the smallest details, and at times they themselves even believe in their existence. Troll figurines carved from wood are a favorite folk craft item. The local mountains and rocks are said to be trolls turned to stone, for example: Trolltinds, Trollhalm, Trollheim, Jotunheim and many others.

What can you save on?

First of all, I advise you to plan your trip in advance, at least 2-3 months in advance, this will give you the opportunity to buy tickets at a good price. Good offers for flights to different parts of Norway from Poland are offered by both, from Riga and the Norwegian low-cost airline from different EU countries. Budget tourists may not be able to afford accommodation in Norway; in this case, it is better to use couchsurfing. This is an international community of travelers where you can stay for free for a few days.

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With the Oslopass city tourist card for 1-3 days you can visit the most significant museums and historical sites of the city for free, and most importantly, use public transport (metro, buses, ferries) for free. This little one tourist map will have a positive effect on your budget, because the price of one metro ride is about €5-6.

What should you try?

In this “fish” country, you need to try fresh, just cooked fish - salmon. Also popular here are herring, cod, sardines, and mackerel. Connoisseurs of gastronomic tourism will certainly find many unexpected dishes, including lamb's head (Smalahove) or fermented trout (Rakfisk). If such delicacies are not to your taste, then I advise you to try sweet brown Brunost cheese, it is eaten with bread and often added with berry sauce, cold fish sandwiches (Smorrebrod), Christmas waffle cookies (Krumkake).

Despite the lack of large quantity vegetables, Norwegian cuisine is considered one of the healthiest in the world, it’s not for nothing that the people of Scandinavia are famous for their longevity and good health.

Where to go and what to see?

One of the most favorite vacation spots among Norwegians and guests of the city of Oslo is the sculptural Vigelandsparken park. The first thing that comes to mind is that Freud would cry! But, having observed the Norwegians for some time, I noted their easy attitude towards everything natural, including the naked body. Probably, this can be found as an explanation for their predominantly atheistic nature and immeasurable love for nature.

The beauty is not inferior in popularity Opera- The Norwegian National Opera and Ballet Theater, which is located in a modern architectural masterpiece building.

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If we talk about museums, here are the most interesting ones in Oslo:

  • Norwegian Ethnographic Open Air Museum. Only here you can plunge into Viking times, walk along the streets of the 20th century and visit a medieval house. The spirit of the Norwegians lives here, and in every millimeter you feel the love for nature, which is something we should also learn from.

Traveling allows you to expand your horizons and gain a lot of new experiences. Therefore, many people go to other countries. Tour operators offer many interesting tours. However, it is much more interesting to choose the route yourself. will be remembered for a long time. One of the most beautiful countries is Norway. It attracts tourists from all over the world. How to plan will be discussed further.

General information about the country

If a person feels a craving for new impressions, emotions, and also craves adventure, he simply must plan a trip to Norway on his own. This country is known for its rugged, cold beauty. This is a special place on the planet, where you should go at least once in your life. Such beauty cannot be seen anywhere else.

Before planning your trip, you need to know some information about this country. Norway has a constitutional monarchy. The area of ​​the country is 327 thousand km². The country borders Finland, Sweden and Russia. The capital is the city of Oslo. This is a fairly expensive country. Therefore, a budget traveler will need to carefully consider not only his route, but also take into account all the details of accommodation and food. The climate here is quite harsh.

The country is located in the UTC +1 time zone. Telephone code +47. The population is 95% native Norwegian. Lutheranism is the predominant religion in the country and is recognized as one of the most beautiful countries on the planet. Untouched nature is the pride of Norwegians. The western coast of the country is indented by fjords, which fascinate with their wild, primitive beauty. Picturesque mountain landscapes, glaciers and others natural objects attract tourists. One of the best solutions would be to travel around Norway by car. This will allow you to see all the treasures of the country.

Norwegians value the environmental cleanliness of their country very much. They care about the nature around them. Love for her is part of national identity. Large cities and quiet fishing villages harmoniously complement the natural landscapes. This is a unique country. The crime rate here is one of the lowest on the planet. All residents strictly follow the established rules, and therefore similar requirements are put forward for tourists. It is not customary here to litter or disturb the peace of people around you. Respect for oneself, society and nature are the main features of the inhabitants of this beautiful country.

Looking at reviews of travel to Norway, it is worth noting that this adventure will definitely be remembered for a lifetime. Tourists may encounter certain difficulties; they need to be prepared for this. However, no difficulties can stop real adventurers. Their efforts and patience more than pay off with the impressions that fabulous, cold and so extraordinary Norway gives.

Why is it worth going to Norway?

When planning your trip to Norway by car or other means of traveling around the country, you should consider the main attractions for which tourists come here. The severity of this region does not tolerate carelessness and improvisation. Norway, like a strict, silent teacher, reveals its secrets only to those who are ready to put aside all the fuss. You need to plunge headlong into this cold beauty, penetrate it, opening your heart to something new.

You can go on a trip to Finland and Norway. You can also plan a trip through Sweden. Each of these countries has its own special character. Norway is like no other place on the planet. It's worth taking a kayak or boat down the river, surrounded by picturesque fjords. Those who have managed to visit here advise not to stay in major metropolis, but in a small village. This will allow you to walk around the surrounding area and see all the beauties of nature. The landscapes here are truly picturesque, like something out of an old fairy tale. I can’t even believe that such fantastic corners of untouched nature exist in reality.

It’s better to start your trip by walking along the city streets, for example, in Bergen. It is extremely pleasant to sit in one of the cafes near the embankment. A cup of hot, strong coffee will warm you up and give you unforgettable moments of happiness. Bergen is the most picturesque tourist city of this country.

Many tourists claim that traveling to Norway by car is the best solution. However, you can see the beauty of this land in another way. The railway routes run through pristine natural landscapes. Therefore, it is quite possible to plan your journey by train. It will be relatively inexpensive. The Norwegian Railway often holds various promotions and discounts. This is a good solution for a budget tourist.

Guests of the country will be interested in getting acquainted with the ancient culture of the Vikings who once inhabited these lands. One of the most spectacular, stunning spectacles is the Northern Lights. You should definitely see the ice of the Arctic, watch whales and polar bears. It is worth ordering salmon and venison dishes and trying goat cheese.

Tourist regions

When planning a trip to Norway, you need to decide what exactly you would like to see in this country. There are several tourist regions here. Knowing the features of each of them, you can plan your route.

If a traveler wants to see the fjords, he must first go to the west coast of Norway. Here, the wild beauty of natural landscapes, peace and tranquility will allow you to escape from the hustle and bustle of the big city, be alone with your thoughts, and think about life. The most picturesque are the Hardangerfjord. Also on the west coast you can see the historical railway, called Flåm, or go hiking or cycling.

Mountain serpentine can be seen in the north-west of the country. These are the most beautiful fjords and glaciers. Trekking, kayaking, and surfing on the sea coast are popular in this region.

If you want to visit a beautiful city that is a model of Norwegian slow life, you should go to Ålesund or Bergen. Here you can relax and spend time in a pleasant environment. These are well-groomed, beautiful cities with a special atmosphere. You really don't want to leave here.

Along with traveling through the fjords of Norway, it is worth visiting the Lofoten Islands. Here you can watch seabirds and animals, and go fishing. This is a seaside region that is also a corner of untouched wilderness. Here you can see one of the most spectacular spectacles of nature - the Northern Lights.

Extreme sports enthusiasts can go on a cruise to the islands located beyond the Arctic Circle. The most beautiful landscapes of Arctic glaciers and polar bears will be a real discovery for adventure seekers.

You can get to know the history of the country better in cities such as Oslo and Trondheim. These are cities that are more like pictures from the future. They contain the largest number of residents of this country. These are fashionable, dynamic cities. Here you can get to know Norway's national cuisine and its traditions better.

How to get there?

Getting to Norway is quite easy. Airplanes fly here from many major cities. There are a total of 50 airports in this country. The main one is in Oslo. International flights are also accepted by airports in Bergen, Moss, Kristiansand, Stavanger, Trondheim, etc. This allows you to easily reach even the most remote corners of the country. If the plane arrives in Oslo, the most convenient way to get to the city center is by Flutoga. This is Aeroexpress. It will deliver to the city center in just 20 minutes. You can also get here by bus or commuter train.

When planning a trip to Norway from St. Petersburg, you can go to the country by bus or train. The route may also pass through other countries. Most travelers by car enter Norway from Sweden. However, it is quite possible to get here from Russia or Finland. Visiting several countries other than Norway will be much more interesting. At the borders of all countries you will need to undergo customs inspection. You will need to go through passport control when crossing Norway from the Russian border between the cities of Storskog and Borisoglebsky.

Traveling to Norway by car through Finland takes the E8 highway. In this case, the border can be crossed in Kilpisjärvi. The route passes through cities such as Vaasa, Turku, Oulu. Another popular route along which you can get to Norway by car is E6. This is a European route that involves crossing the border in the city of Svinesund. This option should be considered when planning a trip to Norway and Sweden. The E6 highway passes through cities such as Helsingborg, Malmo, and Gothenburg. They are located in Sweden.

You can get to Norway by bus from Russia, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. There is also a train connection. It connects Norway with other countries of Scandinavia and Europe. Trains travel to this country mainly at night. Therefore, they are equipped with sleeping shelves. The service and comfort here are high.

The country also goes water transport. Ferries come from Germany, Sweden, Great Britain, Denmark.


When planning a trip from St. Petersburg to Norway or following a different route, you need to have a number of documents with you. In addition to your passport, you will need to apply for a visa. It can be long-term, short-term or transit. To travel around the country, it is better to issue the second version of documents. This is a Schengen visa, which is issued for travel.

Travel to Finland, Sweden, Norway requires a standard visa. Citizens of any country receive it. To obtain it, you will need to collect a number of documents. Fill out a form, which can be obtained at the visa center or downloaded on the Internet. You are required to obtain a passport. You also need to prepare a photograph 3.5 x 4.5 cm. A prerequisite for obtaining a visa is proof of the tourist’s financial security. To find out the amount you need to have in your account, you need to multiply the number of days you plan to spend in this country by 50 euros.

Data on financial solvency must be provided using a standard form. You should take an accounting certificate from work (details, salary and position are indicated). A bank statement or letter from the sponsor is provided. The second option is suitable for those who do not have sufficient income for such a trip. In this case, a certificate from work and an account statement are not needed.

You also need to take out an insurance policy in the amount of more than 30 thousand euros, make a copy of a regular passport (all pages, including blank ones). You must also provide copies of tickets or proof of booking.

To obtain a visa, you need to outline your travel itinerary in writing. Here you can find information about where the tourist will stay for the night. You need to confirm this with a copy of your hotel or hostel reservation. If you plan to travel by car, prepare documents for the vehicle. You also need to obtain a green card.

If a person has real estate in Norway, a copy of the ownership document must be provided. Relatives of citizens living in this country can present an invitation sent by their loved ones. For children, it is required to present a birth certificate, parental consent for travel (if the child is traveling without them or with only one parent).

Questionnaires can also be completed in English or Norwegian. You need to write legibly. Otherwise, the document will need to be redone.

Some nuances of document preparation

When planning a travel route in Norway, great attention should be paid to completing documentation. You can apply for a visa at a travel agency, consulate or visa center. You will be required to pay a standard fee. It is 35 euros. However, you should be prepared for the fact that additional costs will arise during the preparation of such documentation. The cost of obtaining the necessary documents can be about 100 euros.

Visas are issued free of charge for students, relatives of Norwegian citizens, disabled people, scientists, and diplomats.

For residents of the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions, documents are obtained according to a simplified procedure. In this case, it is not necessary to receive an invitation from citizens living in Norway. For people registered in these areas, it is possible to obtain a multiple visa upon first submission. This document is also called a “Pomeranian visa”.

When planning a trip to Norway, you need to know the reasons why a visa may be refused. First of all, these may be doubts about the financial viability of the tourist. Also, obtaining a visa is denied if the application form is filled out incorrectly. You must not make mistakes or write illegibly. The form must be completed solely to obtain a visa to Norway.

A visa will be refused if incomplete information is provided, or if there are documented cases of violation of the rules for using this document. You need to pass an interview. A visa may be denied if a person is nervous during the conversation. They may also be denied entry to this country if they have refugee relatives.

Please note that you cannot cross the Norwegian border without a visa. This document is mandatory.

When to plan your trip?

Many tourists are interested in the question of when is the best time to plan a trip to this country. You can come here at any time of the year. The country is located in northern latitudes. Part of it is located in the Arctic. However, its climate is milder than in other countries at the same latitude. The fact is that the Gulf Stream comes close to Norway. Warm currents make the climate milder. However, the harsh climate requires tourists to specially plan their trip to Norway. Videos of travel around the country, as well as photos, will remind you of the unforgettable beauty of this mysterious area.

Since many tourists travel to this country to see the Northern Lights, they travel to the polar regions. This is the most beautiful natural phenomenon can be seen all year round. Only the weather (for obvious reasons) should be clear. On larger territory Winter countries are cold, snowy and dark. The south and west coasts get rainy at this time of year. It is also cold and uncomfortable here in winter.

October and November are especially rainy. Therefore, at this time of year only true connoisseurs of the wild, cold beauty of Norwegian nature come here. The most comfortable time in this country is in the summer. At such times, the air temperature can reach 20-25 °C. However, the weather even at this time of year can be very changeable. Be sure to take warm clothes with you. This is a must even in the summer.

The best time to travel around Norway by car is from May to September. The climate at this time is the most comfortable. It will still be cold in the evening. However, during the day you can enjoy the natural beauty without fear of getting wet or freezing in the piercing wind.

It is worth considering that in July and August, Europeans go on vacation much more often. Therefore there will be more people on the fjords. If you want privacy, it is better to go here before the peak tourist season. May and September are ideal for travel.

I was born, raised and live in the city of Vilnius. It just so happens that, considering myself a non-professional traveler, blogger, musician and photographer, I have been doing all of this for a very long time and to some extent I can consider myself an expert in all these areas. Since 2004, he began to travel actively and at the moment visited 55 countries of the world. At the same time, I started taking a lot of photographs. I have been playing music since school, I have given a lot of concerts, composed, and played in various groups and projects. Well, my interest in history, especially military history, apparently lies at the genetic level. I write about unconventional travel, interesting places, history and music from all over the world. My texts are all original, most of my photographs are the same.

Most of us think that traveling around Norway is a very expensive undertaking. But until you try it yourself, you won’t know. The secret of saving for this country is simple - stay away from expensive hotels and restaurants, do not neglect spending the night in tents, buy food in stores, give up alcohol, travel by car and come here in a small group. If you adhere to these truths, then this is what can happen...

One of my acquaintances remarked that visiting Norway should be left for dessert, when you have toured our globe to the maximum and it begins to seem that nothing in this world will surprise you. We did not listen to this advice and, like hungry children, pounced on sweets at the first opportunity. A win-win option with cheap air tickets Vilnius-Oslo could not be ignored by us. The idea was born of itself to refuse to visit the most expensive city in the world, Oslo, and go straight to the coveted fjords for a week.

And now our small company of five people was already standing on Norwegian soil at the Gardemon airport. Here we rented a very small Toyota Caris car. After loading our sleeping bags, backpacks and tent, the neat little machine began to resemble a shed, which really didn’t bother us. After all, a better understanding of the world for such unsurpassed travelers like us could not be found. We had to drive two thousand kilometers along almost everything west coast southern Norway. The starting point of our pre-planned route was Lysefjord. Photos of the Prekistolen rock beckoned our inexperienced hearts and nothing could stop us. Although already at the very beginning of our journey many trials awaited us...

I have nothing to write about Oslo - we passed through this super-expensive city using high-speed tunnels. The initially set goal of getting to know the nature of the country drove us forward. An exception was made only for the “stavkirke” or in our language the church near the town of Heddal not far from Oslo. This wooden structure, amazing in its modesty and at the same time sophistication, was mesmerizing. The carved fragments of the roof were somewhat reminiscent of Viking ships, and the wall ornaments in the form of runic signs and figurines undoubtedly possessed some kind of magical power. In this church, it seemed that Christianity and paganism were intertwined together, and there were legends. There are many similar churches in Norway, but this one is especially vivid in my memory.

In the town of Kongsberg we saw the first rapids, and then it went on and on, as if on an inclined slope - the first mountain pass, the first mountain valley, the first snow and, of course, the first real waterfall. It seems to me that this happens to everyone in the mountains - the first powerful, rapid waterfall, somehow unreal for the inhabitants of the plains. Its power, beauty, and swiftness are difficult to describe. He put us into a state of wild delight, from which we practically never recovered throughout the entire week of this trip. For us, this nameless waterfall became the gateway to an amazing land of fairy tales and daydreams.

In Norway, it is worth choosing paths that are as difficult as possible, avoiding, if possible, the popular tunnels here that pierce through huge mountain ranges. Of course, it is convenient, fast and safe, but if you are guided by such considerations when traveling, then it is not worth going anywhere from home. But serpentine narrow mountain roads almost always lead to places where the real world loses its power, giving way to the harsh, fantastically beautiful scenery of Mother Nature, where you feel like a bug and forget about all your petty problems and joys.

A road marked on the map, almost a dotted line, led to the small settlement of Lysebotn, located at the very beginning of Lysefjord. In fact, the excellent asphalt surface was an added bonus to the magnificent desert mountain scenery. This road, like most others like it, is closed in the winter and, perhaps for this reason, is not so popular in the summer. At the very end, this path ends in an unforgettable serpentine down to the mouth of the fjord from a height of thousands of meters. This was my first serpentine driving, it gave me a lot of emotions. When, after a long descent, I looked at the path I had taken from the bottom up, I couldn’t believe that it was possible not only to drive down from this almost vertical mountain, but also to drive up.

Despite the fact that our company did not plan to do this, fate had its own way and the very next morning we drove back to the top without any problems and then went down again quite normally. It was in Lysebotn that my fear of driving in the mountains disappeared forever. But this was preceded by other not unimportant events. Immediately upon arrival, it became clear that there was no gas station in this tiny settlement, which meant that going back with an almost empty tank was impossible. The ferry ran only twice a day, early in the morning and in the afternoon. I had to look for accommodation for the night.

There are no problems with this in Norway. There is no such extensive network of campsites and roadside hotels as here anywhere else in the world. Places for tents, campers, cabins and luxury rooms for the financially advanced - in short, a full range of services was observed in almost any populated area. In Lysebotn we settled, unbeknownst to us, in a very remarkable place. It turned out that extreme sports enthusiasts from all over the world settled in a campsite near the very shore of the fjord. Jumpers or jumpers come here all year round to parachute jump from the local steep cliffs more than a thousand meters high. All the walls of the small two-story hotel that hosted us were covered with excellent photographs taken during such jumps, and in a small diner nearby there were several parachute canopies hanging from the ceiling. Several broken-down mountain bikes, snowboards, and a guitar, clearly often used here for its intended purpose, also fit well into the interior of the eatery. Later, the guys told us that parachute jumping with a bicycle or skis, depending on the time of year, was especially chic among the local company.

Our immediate goal was to visit the Prekistolen rock, so we were planning to leave here in the morning. Unexpectedly, our plans were changed by a conversation with a Dutch traveler whom we accidentally met in a cafe in the evening. It turned out that this guy had been traveling on foot around Norway for three months. According to him, there are not many more beautiful places than the local mountains, even with all the abundance of choice in Norway. Well, he called Prekistolen a tourist attraction for fat and lazy Americans. But Kjerag, according to him, was a completely different matter. This was the name of an egg-shaped stone stuck in a crevice at an altitude of 1080 meters from the sea. You only had to look closely to see the image of this stone everywhere in Lysebotn. Road signs, postcards, guidebooks and paintings - the legendary stone was depicted everywhere. To simply drive through this place would be madness.

The walk to Kjerag took more than two hours, during which we climbed along barely noticeable paths, crossed streams and cracks, or briskly slid through snow drifts that had not melted after the winter. Elevation changes from 600 meters to 800, and then an entire kilometer into the sky sometimes forced us to practically climb rocks on our knees. But all the difficulties of this first foray along the mountain steeps of Norway were blocked by the extraordinary desert landscapes of Lisefjord. Despite the abundance of melt water, on these rocks, with traces of a glacier once sliding down, practically nothing grew on the plateau except moss. The severity of these places was added by dizzying abysses, in which the neighboring shores of the fjord and the lost village of Lysebotn were visible in the haze. Childish delight on the verge of insanity filled us when we approached the cliff from which paratroopers were jumping. I haven’t often complained about a fear of heights before, but here I didn’t want to approach the edge of a kilometer-long abyss. Unless you crawl up and look into the abyss with a mixed feeling of horror and intoxicating euphoria. The second shock awaited us near Kjerag himself.

Not a single postcard or even the most reliable story can convey the virgin beauty of this place. This, in general, not at all a small piece of rock seemed to hang in the air, ready to slide down into the abyss. While we were all trying out which angle would be best to capture this unforgettable sight, my wife suddenly appeared at the top of Kjerag.

It should be noted that even at the car site I noticed a remark at the end of the information stand: “Few of those who reach Kjerag dare to climb it. For most people, it’s enough just to admire it from the outside.” As I rushed after my wife, I realized what the compilers of this information had in mind. The stone could only be approached along a narrow sloping path from the outside of the high rock. Moreover, there was nothing to grab hold of with your hands. It was enough for me to look down to give up the risky idea. Don’t consider me a coward, but the instinct of self-preservation turned out to be stronger and I joined the very majority for whom it was enough to simply see this place.

It's a pity we didn't get to see one of the 2,000 jumps that are done here every year. On the way back to the car, we met more than one group of extreme sports enthusiasts with parachute backpacks on their shoulders. When, after a long descent, we finally found ourselves in our hotel, many of those guys were already, as if nothing had happened, looking through the recently filmed footage of the jumps. Undoubtedly, one advantage of this entertainment was the sheer speed of descent. What took our company more than three hours and buckets of sweat, they only needed a few minutes of free fall.

We continued our journey on the ferry, which took us along the entire Lisefjord to the village of Forsand. On the way, we were lucky enough to see fur seals, whose colony had chosen this wild corner of Norway, and the world’s largest wooden staircase with 4444 steps, and admire the absolutely correct square shape of that same Prekystolen rock. It seems to me now that your first trip to Norway should not begin, but end with Lisefjord, one of the most romantic places on Earth.

Having crossed the Lysenfjord road bridge, from Forsand we steadily began to move up to the north of the Scandinavian Peninsula. Despite the average speed, which does not exceed 50 km/h in the mountains, in four days our Toyota Caris almost reached the ancient capital of Norway, Trondheim. True to our plan to avoid big cities, we then turned back towards Oslo. This amazing route ran along high mountains, eternal snow, huge lakes, rushing rivers and, of course, a myriad of waterfalls. Norway can rightfully be called the queen of waterfalls in the world. Sometimes it seemed as if there was one waterfall for every house here. Among the high rocky mountains with caps of snow on top they cannot be counted. Nevertheless, it is not at all difficult for me to single out among the abundance I saw the three most impressive ones.

One of these prizes in my ranking undoubtedly belongs to the double Latefossen waterfalls. There is no way to get past it. The road passing through an ancient stone bridge goes right next to the waterfall itself. Two powerful streams rush down with a deafening roar literally a few meters from the freaking motorists. The entire bridge is constantly shrouded in a cloud of water spray. Tourists who decide to stay here do not stay long, risking getting wet to the skin and going deaf from the constant noise of falling water.

Having turned a little from the planned path, we decided to visit the place marked on the map with the name Voringfossen. A long, drawn-out climb up through numerous tunnels and winding turns brought us to a large parking lot with a huge number of people and cars. The Voringfossen waterfall turned out to be the highest and most majestic of all we saw on this trip. Several powerful streams of water fell in strange white streams from the edges of the semicircular depression. The height of the waterfall reached almost 200 meters. From the observation deck the entire waterfall was in full view. Not far from the edge of Vorigfossen, a three-story oblong motel building could be seen. Next to God's gigantic creation, the hotel looked like a matchbox built by people. I felt like I was just a grain of sand here in the eternal cycle of life.

And one more waterfall that is undoubtedly worth mentioning is Tvindefossen. Unlike the others, we went to it, knowing in advance where we would end up and what we would approximately see. Image Tvindefossen is one of the most common natural brands in Norway. Nevertheless, the almost ideal stepped shape of the waterfall, its beauty and royal grandeur cannot but delight tourists who come here. The 60-meter-high waterfall seems to be woven from hundreds of small cascades and streams. With its shape it resembles some kind of royal throne or pedestal. There is a large campsite at the foot of Tvidefossen. Fascinated by the fabulous beauty of this place, we, along with many others, also decided to spend the night here. Here we managed to pitch a tent almost at the very edge of the waterfall on a small island formed by streams from Tvindevossen. Despite the rather loud roar of falling water, I slept very soundly that night, and the stunning morning landscape from the tent opening could even replace a hearty breakfast. In short, a decent waterfall in a great location fairyland Norway is the assessment of an inexperienced tourist like me.

It is worth noting that, despite the delightful natural scenery of all these overnight stays, breakfasts, lunches and dinners, which never ceased to amaze us with their diversity and sophistication, there were places from which we wanted to escape, and quickly. None of our modest company will forget our third overnight stay in Norway. Here, as soon as we paid for the place and began to set up our tent, we were fiercely attacked by local midges. She literally covered all the uncovered parts of the bodies in a swarm, clearly taking great pleasure in our fury over this matter. The only thing that saved us from this hopeless situation was the inappropriate behavior of insects indoors. As soon as the midge hit a tent or car from the air, it immediately lost all its aggressiveness, apparently dreaming of only one thing - to get out into the wild. But in the morning, our company managed to set a time record for closing the camp. Within 15 minutes of waking up, the tent and all our things were thrown into the trunk and interior of the car, and a couple of seconds later we were already racing away from this version of the Norwegian hospitality of the little bloodsuckers.

Probably everyone imagines that the roads of Norway are magnificent. However, we must not forget about the huge differences in elevation of its mountainous part. Apparently tired of this endless winding up and down the rocky slopes, the Norwegians decided not to spare money on building convenient through tunnels. It's no joke to cut many kilometers of holes in the rock! Those travelers who prefer these convenient, but so dull paths lose a lot to the splendor that can only be seen by following old crooked and inaccessible routes. There is nothing more amazing than watching how quickly the landscape changes from the bright green coast of the fjords to the deserted, improbable gray background of the slopes of the ridges. The most interesting thing awaits the traveler at the top. Here the road continues in the middle of eternal snow, blue ice and only in places a thawed surface with numerous streams and puddles. Sometimes three-meter-high snowdrifts surrounded our path, threatening to take away our memory of the summer from which we had arrived only a few minutes ago.

Somewhere beyond the Jostedalsbreen glacier, our Toyota again rose to a height of thousands of meters above sea level, and around the next snow-covered bend we suddenly saw a working ski resort. As expected, there were lifts, rental points for the necessary equipment, snow removal equipment, and the inevitable cozy cafe. I probably looked wild from the outside in shorts, a T-shirt and a baseball cap among young people wrapped in overalls with skis and snowboards. But now it became clear why the Norwegians are the constant champions of winter sports.

The Jostedalsbreen glacier itself turned out to be a remarkable local attraction. Unfortunately, we were not able to climb it ourselves. But the view from below of this shapeless block of compressed bluish ice could not leave us indifferent. There was something very cold and gloomy about this ancient glacier, which was slowly disappearing from the face of the earth, a silent witness and participant in the glorious tales of Vikings and trolls.

Having traveled around the glacier along its western side, we began to look for accommodation options for the night. For this purpose, it was decided to turn onto a narrow path leading into the mountains to a place called Bodal. The higher we rose, the more anxious our souls became. There was something subtly eerie in the walls of the mountains on the sides and the quiet surface of the lake along the road. There was also obvious tension with spending the night here. Somehow the whole thing looked unusually wild and deserted; in general, it was a very picturesque mountain valley. About halfway along the route, we made a short stop at a roadside information stand. The history of this place turned out to be sad and instructive for the king of nature - man. In 1905, a natural disaster occurred here near a small village. A giant mudflow, undermined by the annual melting of snow, descended into the valley. Part of a steep mountain range collapsed into a deep-sea lake. In a matter of minutes, tons of rock filled the water surface of the lake stretching for many kilometers. Just a few kilometers away, a village was overwhelmed by a giant wave. More than 35 people are missing. But something else was surprising. Exactly 33 years later the disaster repeated itself. A new gigantic collapse occurred in exactly the same place. This time, the village that had grown up nearby over the years was washed away. Again more than 70 people died. Oddly enough, people still live in this seemingly God-cursed place. The reason for this was not only the fertile soil of these places, but also the fact that, according to scientists, such a catastrophe can no longer happen, since the underwater space of the lake is already completely littered with rock from previous disasters.

We found ourselves in a creepy place! But it was too late to turn back. Suddenly we saw a roadside sign for Bodan Camping. Having gone down almost to the very shore of the lake, we stopped at a deserted, but, nevertheless, neatly trimmed clearing. Judging by the state of the half-rotten benches and the collapsed toilet (exotic for Norway!), one could assume that the campsite had not been in operation for many years. In all other respects, this place was ideal for our first free overnight stay in these parts. Of course, it was not difficult for us to guess that we found ourselves somewhere nearby near a lost village. The ill-fated rock was clearly visible from the side, with really visible traces of the mudflow. And a kind of melancholy appeared in my soul... When I went to get water from the lake, I unexpectedly made an amazing discovery for myself. Looking at mountain range on the opposite shore of the lake, on rocks darkened by moisture, I suddenly began to notice some regular shapes. From these shapes a giant, slightly sloppy design was formed. I did not have to make much effort to see in these contours the figure of a giant warrior with a sword in one hand and a shield in the other. Of course, it is not difficult for the reader to accuse me of having an overly wild fantasy, but my friends could also easily confirm these lines. Although I agree that we were all very overexcited that evening. Sleep could not come to us for a long time that night. We listened to the slightest rustle and creaking in the night forest, and the image of a merciless Viking warrior could not leave our crazy heads.
But the first rays of the sun quickly dispelled our fears, and the natural pattern on the rock no longer seemed so scary in the morning. We were racing forward again! Ahead of us was one of the most advertised places in Norway - the Troll Road.

This day was no exception from the rest. There would probably be enough adventures and stunning sensations in Norway for the next year. Our company even started a morning joke: Well, what will surprise us this day?! - and every new day he never ceased to amaze. Along the way, we first found ourselves in winter again. Moreover, the further north we went, the more Norwegian June looked like late January, and the more amazing it was to go down to the shores of the fjords into the realm of bright green summer. This was especially felt in the town of Gerenger on the shores of one of the most famous Norwegian fjords included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Although, in my opinion, the whole of Norway should be included there as a resting place for human illusions and tensions.

But now the curtain is up - we are on the deserted plateau of the Troll Valley. Here, suddenly, amazing unearthly scenery began to appear on our way. The giant rocks on both sides of the road suddenly came to life right before my eyes. Silent, formidable guards, petrified for centuries, looked without emotion at the earthly cockroach whirlwind. Mount “Bishop” really resembled a minister of religion in a cassock sitting down to rest. Well, the huge rock “King” looked like a bearded Viking, slightly bowing his head with a crown. Ancient legends came to life right on our way. Neither numerous crowds of tourists, nor heaps of souvenirs, nor extreme skydivers could knock down the feeling of the insignificance of our human existence. The ancient spirits of the Trolls paid absolutely no attention to the human rubbish at their feet, condescendingly allowing themselves to be seen through the eyes of photo and video cameras: “Vanity of vanities, gentlemen! You are insignificant, but we are eternal!

Our time was running out. For dessert we wanted to see the Atlantic, and only after that we could calmly return home through Oslo. However, before that, luck smiled again and we managed to taste the delights of Norwegian fishing.

On the way to the Atlantic, we stopped for the night at a campsite right on the shore of another fjord. Our attention was immediately attracted by a huge number of fishing people, from young to old, both from the shore and from various floating devices. You should have seen our faces when the guy from the camping reception immediately gave us a fishing rod without further ado, in response to our question about how we could go fishing here. Imagine my surprise when, after the first attempt to throw a hook into the water (and it should be noted that I had not fished from the shore since childhood!), I pulled a huge starfish ashore. Following it, a pink sea urchin soon found itself in the bucket, and my friend and comrade Zhenya soon caught a medium-sized cod. Apparently, underwater life was in full swing here. It seemed that this night in Norway was supposed to be fun, but a fishing rod suddenly snapped in half and a spoon that sank to the bottom of the fjord radically changed our plans. The reception was no longer working and my friend and I dejectedly trudged off to bed. Nevertheless, I will never forget the taste of morning cod fish soup and the sparkle of Zhenya’s eyes from such unexpected Norwegian bites!

Norway won our hearts, and the spirits of ancient Trolls and Vikings moved into our souls, but, as if wanting to finally trample our heads, swollen with impressions, a few more exciting adventures were finally prepared for us. Trollkirka, or Troll Church, was a complex of interconnected caves located an hour’s walk from the highway to the Atlantic.

These caves are located on three levels and are connected to each other by a complex system of manholes and passages of various sizes. We decided to overcome the first level of the caves, about 70 meters long, together with my wife. To put it mildly, it was eerie walking along a passage devoid of sunlight, every now and then, climbing over rubble of slippery stones and jumping over numerous channels. But what a reward awaited us at the end of this path! Having squeezed through another rubble on our way, we found ourselves in a huge grotto up to 7 meters high. Daylight came through from numerous crevices in its vault, and a powerful cascade of water fell right in the center from somewhere above. Truly, Mother Nature herself created a real altar here. And the sophistication of her fantasies could be the envy of any architect in the world. Anyone could go down to the second grotto on a higher level, including those who are afraid of the dark and suffer from claustrophobia. This grotto was not inferior in beauty to the first one we saw, although it lacked the effect of surprise. Here, too, there was a waterfall in the center, and the height of the vault reached 9-10 meters. I managed to find the entrance to the third level of caves, which were much narrower and less passable. But here the arguments of reason turned out to be more powerful than my eternal passion for new adventures. Moreover, time was running out. We set off on our way back to the car abandoned on the side of the road.

The final chord of our trip was a visit to the so-called Atlantic Road. This was the name of the path passing through several dozen islands, connected by long dams and fancy arched bridges. Some of them wriggled in all conceivable and inconceivable directions, as if trying to violate the imaginary laws of mathematics and logic. The guidebook advised driving along this route in the fall during storm season. Surely we should have done this another time.

Well, it is here, dipping my feet into the cool waters of the Atlantic Ocean, that I can put an end to my story. There was no doubt left; I found myself in a kind of captivity in Norway. These colorful mountains, deep fjords, furious waterfalls and quiet villages with their ancient spirit inhabitants easily won a piece of my heart and soul, forever leaving in them an inexorable desire to return to the boat again and again...


Kingdom of Norway(Norwegian Kongeriket Norge, derived from the Old Norse Norðrvegr - “way to the north”) is located in northern Europe in the western part of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The waters of the Barents Sea (in the northeast), the Norwegian Sea (in the west) and the North Sea (in the southwest) wash the country. Neighbors on the border are Sweden (east), Finland and Russia (northeast).

Thanks to geographical location and the length of Norway, every region of this green northern country original and unique. If in the west you can contemplate numerous fjords, then central part The country is distinguished by medieval monuments and ancient buildings, the north by such an unusual phenomenon as the midnight sun (white nights), the south by coastal resorts and warm summers for Norway, and the east by good opportunities for active recreation outdoors - fishing in numerous rivers and lakes, hiking through forests and valleys, camping. Let's take a closer look at what the kingdom of Norway has to offer to us travelers.

The west coast has a rather majestic landscape - it is a land of fjords, mountains rising from the waters, and waterfalls falling from cliffs. Kristiansund and Ålesund are famous for the richness of their waters, cod and herring are especially good there; Molde is known for its beautiful roses and jazz festivals, but the name Bergen already speaks for itself (see the “Cities” section above). At the same time, they pass through the mountains winding roads Eagle Path and Troll Trail.

Geirangerfjord included in the list World Heritage UNESCO and is one of the most visited, there are two of the most famous waterfalls - Seven Sisters and Wedding Veil. The magnificence of this fjord amazes once and for all - steep cliffs with snow-capped peaks and harsh nature, powerful streams of mountain waterfalls flowing into the waters of the fjord - this is unforgettable!

Sognefjord is the second longest fjord in the world and the longest fjord in Norway - 204 km, and its depth is 1308 m. Cutting deep into the coast, it divides further into two branches - Aurlandsfjord and Nærøyfjord, with the latter listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. And it is here that you can enjoy completely unique views of the fjord and mountains from above - at an altitude of 650 meters above sea level there is Stegastein observation deck, adjacent to the Aurlandsvagen mountain road. The Flåm railway or cruise ship will take you to these magical places.

The beauty of the mountains Ljusefjord will not leave anyone indifferent. The most interesting and spectacular things here are Kjeragbolten and Preikestolen. Kjeragbolten- a huge round stone stuck in a crevice between two rocks at an altitude of 1084 meters; many tourists like to take pictures on it. Preikestolen Rock is also a famous landmark of these places - it hangs over the fjord at an altitude of 604 meters on an almost completely flat high-mountain plateau.

The central region displays a fine example of medieval architecture – Nidaros Cathedral- the largest building of its era in Scandinavia with monumental sculptures and elegant stained glass windows. Old wooden buildings Trondheim(the third largest city and the first capital of Norway) is also of interest to visitors to the central part, and to the east of it is the mining town of Reros - an ancient town with mines, an ancient church and many wooden buildings included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

In the northern part, the traveler will see the harsh wild nature; in the summer you can watch wonderful white nights, and in the winter - the magical northern lights.
Or visit the most extreme point Europe - Cape Nordkapp and feel the breath of the North Pole, and if you want to plunge into the vibrant nightlife - welcome to the city of Tromsø (it is called Northern Paris).

In this part of the country it is impossible to ignore Lofoten Islands, famous for its beautiful untouched nature. There is the world's largest deep-sea coral reef and one of the most dangerous whirlpools in the world (Malström), about a quarter of all seabirds in the country live there, ancient caves contain rock paintings of primitive people (Kolhellaren cave in Refsvik), settlements built as far back as 5th century and a complex of buildings erected in the 19th century (Nusfjord village). With all its diversity, Lofoten is a place of peace and quiet. And their individuality is given by both the red fishing houses themselves against the backdrop of breathtaking landscapes, and the ropes stretched between the buildings with fish hanging on them. After all, dried cod is one of the symbols of these places.

Southern Norway is a region where picturesque villages with cute houses blend harmoniously into the austere landscape of the rocky coastline.
The largest city in the region is Kristiansand, next to which there are several islands - Flekkerey, Oxey and Gronningen - their beautiful nature and the views attract tourists every summer. Towns such as Lillesand, Tvedesand, Brekkeste, Gamle and Ny Hellesund, scattered along the coastal cliffs among flowering gardens, also add their charm to the region. Here is also the village of Lynger, the best preserved small settlement in Europe.
In the county (Norwegian province) of Telemark you will find the place where skiing began – Morgedal, and nearby is the Telemark Canal.