What is Crimea? Guide to Crimea: all the most useful things for tourists Where is Crimea located


Crimea (Crimean Peninsula) is the southern part of Ukraine. The territory of the peninsula unites the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol, part of the Kherson region (the northern part of the Arabat Spit). The peninsula received its modern name from the Turkic word, which means shaft, wall. Previously, in historical sources it was called Taurida.

The south and west of the peninsula is washed by the Black Sea, the east by the Azov Sea.

The northern side of Crimea is connected to the continent; the connection to the continent is made thanks to a narrow isthmus called Perekop. The area of ​​the entire Crimean peninsula is approximately 26,860 square meters. km. Approximately 72% of them are flat, more than 20% of the entire territory is mountainous, and 8% are lakes.

The coastline of the Crimean peninsula stretches over a distance of more than 1000 km. The largest bays of Crimea, located on the Black Sea coast, are: Karkinitsky Bay, Kalamitsky Gulf, and the Gulf of Feodosia. The largest bays on the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov are Sivash, Kazantip Bay and Arabat Bay.

The entire Crimea can be divided into three large parts, which are called peninsulas, so the east of Crimea is the Kerch Peninsula, the south is the Heracles Peninsula, and the north is the Tyup-Tarkhan Peninsula.

From 1954 to 1991, Crimea was part of the Ukrainian SSR, having a common economy and territorial proximity, as well as various connections: economic, cultural, etc.

The Republic of Crimea, as an autonomous state, was proclaimed in 1991.

Crimea area

The area of ​​the peninsula is about 26,860 square kilometers. The highest mountain point is Mount Roman-Kosh, whose height is 1545 m. The distance of the peninsula from west to east is 326 kilometers, from north to south - 205 kilometers. The center of the peninsula is the village of Azov.

Demographics of Crimea

The population of Crimea consists of many nations. The ethnic composition is quite diverse. However, the bulk of the population are Russians (58.3%), Ukrainians (24.3%) and Crimean Tatars (12.1%). According to the 2001 population census, Belarusians, Tatars, Armenians, Jews, Poles, Moldovans, Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, Koreans, Greeks, Karaites, Crimeans and others live in Crimea.

The majority (Russians, Ukrainians, Greeks and Bulgarians) are Orthodox. Crimean Tatars profess Sunni Islam, and Jewish, Protestant and Catholic religions are also common.

The peninsula is home to 1,969,800 people, of which the urban population is 1,239,800 people, and the rural population is 730 thousand people (as of February 1, 2008).

The largest cities of the peninsula: Simferopol, Sevastopol, Kerch, Evpatoria and Feodosia

The largest city located on the Crimean peninsula is Sevastopol, its population is three hundred eighty-nine thousand nine hundred and twenty-one residents, this is data as of 2009.

The second most populous city in Crimea is Simferopol. It is worth noting that between these two cities there has always been some kind of competition for numbers and primacy, however, the capital of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, which Simferopol is recognized for, has always been inferior to Sevastopol in this race. Kerch rightfully occupies third place in terms of population; about one hundred and fifty thousand people live here.

Economy of Crimea

The main place in the economy of Crimea is occupied by industry and tourism. There are more than 530 enterprises on the peninsula that are engaged in mechanical engineering and metalworking, shipbuilding, ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry, etc. On the peninsula there are such large enterprises as the Selkhozdetal plant, the Feodosia Mechanical Plant, the Foton production association, NPO Pneumatics and others. The shipbuilding area is represented by three enterprises. Viticulture and winemaking are developed in the republic. 10 enterprises are engaged in processing grapes and producing vintage and champagne wines.

Trade accounts for 12% of the republic’s GDP. She is in third place. Construction, healthcare, and agriculture are also developing on the island.

Export is actively developing in the republic. Partnerships are maintained with 107 countries around the world. CIS countries receive 45% of all goods, EU countries - 23%. The main trading partner of Crimea is Russia (29% of supplies).

The volume of product imports is growing. Crimea receives products from Russia, Italy, Turkey, the Netherlands and Syria. Mechanical machines, construction materials, means of transport, alcoholic beverages, etc. are imported into the republic.

Transport is developing in the republic. All cities and towns of Crimea are connected by bus routes. There are intercity trolleybus routes. The peninsula has Black Sea ports: Evpatoria, Sevastopol, Yalta, Feodosia and Kerch. There is a ferry across the Kerch Strait that connects the peninsula with Russia.

In 2010, Russia and Ukraine signed an agreement according to which a bridge would be built connecting Krasnodar and Crimea. Completion of construction is scheduled for 2014.

History of Crimea

It is known from the sources of the Russian chronicle that Crimea was previously called Taurida, which is where the name Tauride Governorate came from.

It is also known that the modern name of the Crimean peninsula comes from the word “kyrym”, which can be translated as rampart, wall or ditch.

The peninsula has an interesting, eventful history. On its territory, historical events of different times are surprisingly intertwined: the German war, the turbulent times of 1917, the army of Admiral Kolchak, and all this next to the monuments of the times of the Greeks and Romans, next to the Genoese monuments.

Traces of human presence on the peninsula date back to Paleolithic times. The Kiik-Koba cave contains traces of Neanderthal sites. Many documents and monuments have been preserved that tell about the life of the peninsula in ancient times.

The beginning of our era is marked by the fact that in Crimea, until the 3rd century AD, there was a Scythian state, which was destroyed by the Goths. They, under pressure from the Huns, in the 4th century, went to the mountains of Crimea and mixed with the descendants of the Scythians and Taurians. Cave cities in the area of ​​Bakhchisarai and Sevastopol testify to their existence. The 6th century brought the dominance of Byzantium.

Then the Golden Horde established itself on the peninsula, and it began to be called Crimean. The 15th century brought the rule of the Turks to Crimea, who gradually began to lead a sedentary lifestyle, engaged in gardening and viticulture.

Already in 1239, Crimea was enslaved by the invasion of the Mongol army of Khan Batu, from now on the steppe part of the peninsula is part of the Golden Horde. After this, Crimea saw many more battles for the development of its territories. Already from the beginning of the fourteenth century and by the middle of the fifteenth, Crimea began to be inhabited by the Circassians, who inhabit the eastern regions of the peninsula. In 1475, the Ottoman army, led by Gedik Ahmed, recaptured the Principality of Theodoro and the Genoese possessions, the Khanate which was called the Crimean Khanate now becomes the possessions of the Ottoman Empire, but already in 1774, according to the treaty, which was called the Kyuchuk-Kainardzhi Peace Treaty, Crimea became an independent state, power over which is exercised by his own khan.

In 1776, Suvorov resettled the Armenian and Greek populations in the Azov province, and in 1783, Empress Catherine the Second signed a Manifesto, according to which from now on Crimea was annexed to the Russian Empire, and the Taman Peninsula was also now included in the Russian Empire.

From 1853 to 1856 the Crimean War takes place. From 1917, when the Great October Revolution began, until 1920, a civil war raged in Crimea, when power was seized several times by the “Reds” and “Whites.” In 1921, the Autonomous Crimean SSR was formed, which became part of the RSFSR. From 1921 to 1923, a terrible famine occurred in Crimea, its consequence was high mortality, and thus more than one hundred thousand lives were taken, the main component of this figure is the population of the Crimean Tatars.

During the Great Patriotic War from 1941 to 1944, Crimea was occupied from the invasion of enemy fascist Germany and Romania as well.

In 1945, the autonomy of Crimea was abolished, and many settlements, cities and villages of Crimea were renamed, and at the same time the Crimean region was formed. In 1948, Sevastopol was allocated as a separate center for administrative and economic purposes, and from now on it becomes a city of republican significance. Since 1987, Crimean Tatars again began to come to Crimea from the places where they were deported. In 1954, Crimea was given to the Ukrainian SSR; Russia made such a gift to Ukraine on the occasion of the tercentenary of the Pereyaslav Rada. In 1978, the Ukrainian SSR adopted a Constitution, in which Sevastopol is indicated as a city with the status of republican subordination. In 1991, the Crimean Tatars sought to give Crimea the status of autonomy, which, nevertheless, is part of Ukraine.

Culture (show business), sights of Crimea

Crimea is the homeland of many peoples and cultures. On the territory of the peninsula you can find architectural structures of Ancient Greece, Italy, Tatar and Armenian. The ruins of Chersonesus, which have been preserved since ancient times.

There are several dozen objects on the territory that are of interest. They can be classified as monuments of history, architecture, landscape art, natural objects, etc. The famous Crimean caves are of interest to tourists: Marble, Red, Emine-Bair-Khosar.

Crimea was decorated by many famous architects. But the greatest contribution belongs to N.P. Krasnov. His project includes 61 buildings in Crimea: palaces of the nobility, mansions, villas, etc.

The main attractions of Crimea: Livadia Palace; Dulber Palace; Palace of Charax; hunting house of Prince Yusupov; Yalta Alexander Men's Gymnasium; Women's gymnasium in Yalta: Yalta Church.

Science is developing on the peninsula. Large scientific centers and universities are located on the territory of the republic.
Many holiday homes and sanatoriums, boarding houses and camps are located on the peninsula. The most popular holiday destinations are Yalta and Alushta, as well as the southern coast of Crimea, Feodosia, Sudak, Evpatoria.

Banks of Crimea

There are many large banks on the territory of Crimea: Aval, Morskoy Bank, Privatbank, Forum Bank, Finance and Credit Bank, Vabank, Imexbank, Krysky branch of IPB, Kievan Rus, OTR-bank and others.

Crimea real estate

The real estate market in Crimea is steadily expanding. This is proven by numerous new buildings, which show what demands are made on the quality of housing, what level of comfort and life support becomes optimal. New buildings offer a variety of services: from private parking and a beach to maintenance. The leaders are new buildings in Yalta.

Airport in Crimea

Belbek- an international airport that serves the city of Sevastopol and other cities of Crimea. Created on the basis of the military airfield of the same name. The name of the airport comes from the name of the Belbek River, in the southwest of Crimea. Located on the seashore, in the Nakhimovsky district of Sevastopol, on the northern side of the city, adjacent to the Lyubimovka microdistrict.

There are no regular flights from Sevastopol in 2012. Charter:

The airport is located 2.5 kilometers from the transport interchange "Simferopol - Sevastopol / Yalta - Belbek Airport", near the village of Fruktovoye, in the territorial community of the Nakhimovsky district. The distance to the southern part of Sevastopol (bypassing the bay) is 25 kilometers, to Zakharov Square (the main North Side Square) - 9 kilometers, to Simferopol - 50 kilometers, to Yalta - 95 kilometers.

By public transport, you can get to the airport directly by shuttle bus No. 137 (Ushakov Square - Belbek Airport - Star Coast), in the summer months the frequency of flights is 30 minutes.

Also from the center of Sevastopol by public transport you can get to the airport from Sq. Zakharov on the North Side. To do this, you need to cross the Sevastopol Bay by boat from the Grafskaya pier. Then take the bus following route No. 36 “Northern - Kacha” to the stop. "Belbek Airport". Travel time is about 40-50 minutes.

In the future, the city authorities plan to move the Sevastopol - Simferopol railway line a little to the west, closer to the airport.

Famous personalities of Crimea

Crimea is associated with many famous and famous personalities of different times who sang its beauty in their poems and works:

I.K. Aivazovsky, famous marine painter

A.P.Chekhov, outstanding Russian writer

A.T. Averchenko, Russian writer, satirist

M.I. Tsvetaeva is a poetess and prose writer.

Adam Mickiewicz, a Polish poet sang the beauty of Crimea

A.N. Apukhtin, Russian poet

Yu.V. Drunina Russian Soviet poetess.

Crimea in the Yandex search engine.

Recent events in Ukraine have made the query “Crimea” extremely popular among users of the Yandex search engine. Over the past month, users have made such requests 1,447,541 times. Along with the query “Crimea,” users of the Yandex search engine also searched for:

In addition, analysts of the publication Exchange Leader have compiled a table that reflects the interest of users from neighboring countries in the request “Crimea”.

Travelers planning to visit the magnificent Crimea for the first time should get an idea of ​​what awaits them here in advance. Useful information will allow you to choose the right place to relax and understand the specifics of the resorts. We bring to your attention a detailed guide to the Crimean Peninsula.

Where is Crimea?

The peninsula is located in Eastern Europe. It is adjacent to Ukraine from the north, and continental Russia from the east. The western, southern and southeastern shores are washed by the Black Sea, and the eastern -.

Crimea on the world map

Open map

General information

The Crimean Peninsula is part of the Russian Federation. It contains two whole regions of the country - Sevastopol and, in fact, the Republic of Crimea.

The area of ​​the region is 27 thousand square meters. m., and the population is 2 million 284.4 thousand people. In terms of ethnic composition, the majority of people here are Russians - 65.3%, Ukrainians - 15.1%, Crimean Tatars - 10.2%. Tatars and Belarusians, Armenians and Jews, Moldovans and Greeks, Poles and Gypsies, Germans and Bulgarians also live here. In terms of religious composition, the majority of Crimeans are Orthodox Christians, with significantly fewer Sunni Muslims, Shiite Muslims, Catholics, Protestants and Jews. The official languages ​​in Taurida are Russian, Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian.

Geographically, Crimea is divided into 14 administrative districts, 11 cities of republican significance and 1 city of federal significance with special status.

Short story

Thanks to its favorable geographical position at the intersection of sea routes, nature itself has prepared Taurida for the fate of an important trade and logistics center. The excellent climate has attracted people here since ancient times. According to archaeologists, they appeared on the promised land about 150 thousand years ago. Fertile soils, forests rich in game, and an abundance of fish in the coastal surface contributed to the rapid growth of the population.

At different times, Crimea was inhabited by Tauris, Greeks and Scythians, Romans and barbarian tribes. Slavs, Mongols, Khazars, Turks and Tatars lived here. It was owned by the Roman Empire, Byzantium, the Golden Horde, and part of the land was even purchased by the Genoese in the 14th century. In the middle of the 15th century, the Crimean Khanate was formed here, which was part of the Ottoman Empire.

Vacationers with children and those who want to improve their health in the magnificent mud baths of Sak and Sak should pay attention to the West Coast. The entrance to the water on the local sandy beaches is gentle, the tourist infrastructure is at the proper level. The Eastern Shore is suitable for a romantic getaway for couples and lovers of an active lifestyle. , Sudak, and Kerch are ready to provide a lot of entertainment.

According to the ratings and reviews of experienced travelers, the best place for family leisure is Evpatoria. Koktebel and Alushta are ideal for young people. Those who love maximum comfort should go to, Gurzuf and. The villages offer a measured, romantic holiday without too much fuss for couples and older people. Finally, the most economical option for spending a vacation is provided to tourists in, Olenevka, and.

How to get to Crimea?


Travelers coming to Crimea will not have any problems with accommodation. In the largest resort clusters of Yalta, Evpatoria, Feodosia, Kerch,
Sevastopol has an excellent hotel infrastructure. In hotels of categories from 3* to, new guests are always welcome.

Tourists who prefer a more relaxing holiday will be able to stay in mini-hotels and hotels in small resort villages. Here you can easily find options based on your financial capabilities. Economy-class services are provided by guest houses, while hostels provide budget accommodation.

The private sector will delight you with a variety of offers: from luxurious villas and cottages to modest and inexpensive apartments, houses or cottages. The prices are quite affordable due to the absence of intermediaries. Do you want to spend your holiday in unity with? Pay attention to campsites and tourist centers.

Where and what beaches are in Crimea?

Crimea, washed by two seas at once, has a unique nature and microclimate, and in terms of the number of sunny days is not inferior to the French Riviera, can be considered a promised land for lovers of relaxation. its different parts have characteristic features.

If you prefer to sunbathe on fine golden sand, you should go to ZBK. The best edges with this coating are in the area. No less attractive are the recreation areas of the villages of Chernomorskoye, Lazurnoe and Olenevka.
In cozy shallow bays and estuaries, the water warms up by mid-May.

The South Coast is famous for its cozy coves, stretching in a row between capes Ai-Todor and. Local beach areas, like their counterparts in Yalta, Alushta and, are covered with pebbles. Breezes reign here, bringing freshness. Hot air from the central part of Taurida is not allowed to pass through the mountain ranges.

In the area between Sudak and Alushta there are wonderful places with mixed coverage, where mountain streams flow into the Black Sea. Recreation in the surrounding area and Sudak are popular among vacationers. The cozy coves of Koktebel have long been a favorite. Complete relaxation is guaranteed on a 15 km stretch starting directly from Feodosia. The depth of the water here increases gradually, so it is comfortable to relax with children.

The East is washed by two seas. The best place for swimming and sunbathing in the Black Sea part of the water area, limited, is considered to be recreation at the foot. The Azov coast, stretching for almost 100 km, attracts with its sandy surface and gentle entrance to the sea. The most famous of them is. The bays of Rifov and Bulganak (near which there is) are in demand. Quite a lot of holidaymakers are attracted by recreation in the Shchelkino area and.

Most coastal zones have a fairly developed infrastructure. Vacationers are offered a variety of entertainment: from traditional bananas to. In specialized points it is easy to rent a jet ski, a catamaran, rent diving equipment, and everything you need for water sports.

Iconic landmarks

Travelers seeking to combine a beach and educational holiday will find numerous man-made attractions in Crimea. Among them, it is worth highlighting a number of iconic places that are the calling cards of the Crimean Peninsula:

  1. . The elegant castle in the Gothic style, erected in 1912 on the top of a steep cliff, is the most recognizable architectural monument of Taurida. Be sure to check out the miniature stone miracle in the village of Gaspra.
  2. . The citadel in Sudak, the construction of which, completed in the mid-15th century, took Genoese architects about 70 years to complete, has been perfectly preserved. The fortress's crenellated towers, barbican and walls have more than once become the backdrop for the filming of historical films.
  3. . A unique complex of five large museum objects is dedicated to one of the most heroic pages of Russia's military glory - the defense of the city from the armies of the Anglo-French-Turkish coalition during. Here you will see the famous brushes of Franz Roubaud.
  4. . The ancient city, founded by Greek colonists in the 5th century BC, was part of the Bosporus Kingdom, the Roman Empire and Byzantium, existed until 1399, until it was destroyed by nomads from the Golden Horde. Today here you can see fragments of colonnades, ruins, baths, Zeno's towers and other artifacts.
  5. . The complex of buildings that served as the residence of the khans was erected in the 16th-17th centuries. in a characteristic Ottoman architectural style. The splendor of the palaces, the facades of which are decorated with arcades with columns, elegant stone carvings and inscriptions in Arabic script, can be admired endlessly. By the way, this is where the famous fountain glorified by Pushkin is located.

Excursions around the Crimean Peninsula

At all Crimean resorts there are excursion bureaus offering vacationers exciting and varied routes. They can be one-day or lasting several days, by bus, horseback or on foot. Excursions around are extremely interesting. They start from Alushta and last one day. The route includes visits to Livadia and palaces, Swallow's Nest. There are tours that also include an inspection of where Stalin loved to relax.

It is of no less interest to tourists. Here you will visit Alupka, Miskhor and. Vacationers will be able to stroll around and,
see other iconic monuments of architectural and park art.

Participants of a walking tour to the Karabi mountain range will have a great opportunity to admire the stunning surroundings and feel unity with pristine nature. For four days of walking, starting in the village. Generalskoye, passing through protected areas and the Tirke-Yayly plateau, you will see with your own eyes the magnificent landscape, enjoy the unique lunar landscapes from Mount Kara-Tau, and explore the Terpi-Koba cave.

Fans of extreme recreation are offered an exciting journey through wild grottoes on. Accompanied by speleological instructors, you will be able to descend into the Buzluk cave cavity, where at a depth of 20 m you will discover permafrost, frozen waterfalls and rock petroglyphs left by ancient people. Following the route further, tourists will have to visit Terpi-Koba and climb the mountain, which has a height of 1220 m.

Yes, this is only a small part of the many amazing excursions that you can easily take part in while vacationing in Crimea. Experienced guides will organize for you tours to ancient Chersonesos, the famous hero city, romantic, hikes to extinct volcanoes, etc. Among this variety, it is not difficult to choose a route to suit your taste.

Picturesque nature

It amazes with the variety and splendor of its landscapes. The peninsula has everything: endless Little Russian steppes, beautiful mountain ranges with Alpine valleys, a picturesque coast washed by the warm sea. Here you can see different types of vegetation - even tropical palm trees. The forests are home to many animals, and the seaside is favored by birds. When visiting Crimea, do not miss the following natural attractions:

  • . The mountain, part of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains, considered the main symbol of the South Coast, rises above Alupka. It has three peaks, with the main peak rising 1,246 km above the sea surface. The highlight of the summit, which is made of limestone rocks, is the stunning rock teeth formed due to the weathering of the stone. They are stretched today.
  • Jur-Jur . This waterfall is formed by the Ulu-Uzen River, flowing through a picturesque gorge, the waters of which create a series of cascades, falling from a limestone ledge located at a height of 15 m. The height of the main waterfall is 5 m. At its foot, which does not dry out in summer and rarely freezes in winter, There are natural rock baths.
  • . The most picturesque place, bounded by capes and Aya, is located between Sevastopol and Yalta. Due to the fact that the ridges protect the bay from northern winds, a unique microclimate is created here, favorable for exotic vegetation, in particular, tree ferns. The water here is clean and the scenery is simply magnificent.
  • . It is located in the lower plateau of the Chatyr-Dag massif and is considered one of the most beautiful in Europe. You can enter it through the entrance located at an altitude of 920 m. Inside there are several halls and galleries, the natural decoration of which are stunning stalactites and stalagmites.
  • . Beautiful and mysterious, located at the foot of the mountain, it is familiar to many from the famous footage filmed here. The memo is also interesting due to the “stone chaos” - blocks of rock that have taken on the most bizarre shapes over the centuries under the influence of wind and rain. The scenery here is simply stunning.

Wellness and treatment

Crimea is rightfully considered a magnificent health resort. There are many excellent ones here that successfully treat a range of diseases. They can be divided into three main groups:

  • Balneological, which is based on the healing effects of mineral waters - for their external and internal use
  • Mud baths specializing in procedures using sulfide and peat mud, lake brine.
  • Climatic, where the therapeutic effect is achieved through a combination of unique natural factors.

The sanatoriums are equipped with modern medical equipment. Various procedures are used for treatment: traditional physiotherapy, therapeutic showers and baths, speleotherapy in salt caves, heliotherapy, thalassotherapy, aromatherapy, herbal medicine and even dolphin therapy. The cities of the South Coast specialize in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, respiratory organs, and tuberculosis. The best sanatorium institutions are located in Foros and Alushta.

Resort recreation in the coastal steppe zone is concentrated in Evpatoria, Feodosia and Saki. Here, with the help of healing mud and mineral waters, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and intestines are effectively treated, problems in the field of gynecology, urology, and dermatology are solved. In addition to specialized sanatoriums, there are many multidisciplinary health centers in Crimea. You can undergo a course of treatment in them either on a voucher or by purchasing only a course.

Active recreation in summer

Crimea opens up magnificent prospects for lovers of active pastime. Tourists who love the water will have the opportunity to go water skiing, take an exciting trip along the coast in a kayak, or take part in a short yacht cruise. For those interested, sea, river and lake fishing are organized.

Vacationers who prefer to feel solid ground under their feet will be offered walking or tours to the most beautiful places. Avid motorists will certainly want to take part in a safari in off-road vehicles for rent through the hard-to-reach corners of the peninsula.

Recently they have become popular. During this festive period, life at the resorts comes to life. Colorful entertainment events are organized for tourists in hotels. The administration of resort towns is preparing a lot of interesting surprises. Their streets host festivities, theatrical performances, and in the evenings the sky is painted in bright colors by fireworks.

Significant events

People in Crimea love and know how to organize holidays and festivals. Victory Day, February 23, is celebrated here on a special scale, when mass celebrations and stunning fireworks are held in the largest cities, and in Sevastopol, the celebration of Navy Day is accompanied by a grandiose naval parade.

Crimean Tatars celebrate many colorful events. At the beginning of May, Khydyrlez comes, when a loaf is rolled down the hill, determining, according to a long-standing tradition, whether the coming year will be fruitful or not. A particularly colorful holiday is Derviza in September, when festivities, fairs, and national wrestling competitions are held. And, of course, Muslims treat Eid al-Adha and Kurban Bayram with special reverence.

From the series of festivals held on the peninsula throughout the year, it is worth highlighting several particularly popular events:

  • At the beginning of August, the picturesque Balaklava Valley hosts a show in which the best Russian pop artists participate.
  • At the end of the month, jazz lovers and the best performers from many countries of the world come to Koktebel for the Koktebel Jazz Party.
  • In the same August, a colorful historical reconstruction festival is held in Sudak. A large knightly tournament and many colorful events are held in the ancient Genoese fortress.
  • The last week of July is marked by the grandiose international forum “EXTREME Crimea”. In Olenevka, masters of extreme sports compete with each other and share their experiences; battles are held between parkourists and dance groups.

Of course, this is far from a complete list of festivals celebrated on the peninsula. Many are attracted by the traditional “Tulip Parade” in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. “Pir Fest” is also worthy of attention, where you can taste the most interesting dishes. And what are the celebrations on the occasion of City Days worth?!

Crimean cuisine

It represents a unique mixture of Russian, Ukrainian and Tatar gastronomic traditions. The cuisine here is extremely multifaceted and varied, containing many vegetable and meat dishes, and seafood dishes.

Gourmets are recommended to try imam-bayaldy stuffed eggplants, sarma (the Crimean equivalent of dolma) and authentic chir-chir chebureks. Russian cuisine will delight you with magnificent pies with fish, meat or mushrooms prepared according to ancient recipes.

Admirers of Ukrainian gastronomy will be offered to treat themselves to excellent borscht or cabbage soup, wonderful donuts and amazingly tasty potato pancakes. Be sure to try uzvar - a cold berry drink with honey.

What colorful souvenirs should you buy?

From any trip you want to bring something other than traditional magnets and T-shirts with authentic logos. An excellent idea of ​​a holiday in Crimea and a present for someone familiar would be:

  • Plates, spatulas, bowls, boxes, caskets made of juniper wood, exuding a subtle pine aroma.
  • Crafts made from onyx - from various amulets and candlesticks to elegant chess and sets of glasses.
  • Handmade soap and natural cosmetics produced locally, based on medicinal plants.
  • Aged collection cognacs and champagnes from famous wineries and factories.
  • Excellent herbal teas that have a tonic and healing effect and are collected in ecologically clean areas.


While in Tavrida, it is easy to use the mobile services of the main Russian operators. However, there is one caveat. Fearing sanctions, operators use the network of the local provider K-Telecom, so they will have to pay a little more for telephony and Internet access.

Megafon offers a special tariff “Crimea” with a subscription fee of 15 rubles. per day. At the same time, for a minute of communication with a subscriber in the Russian Federation you will have to pay 5 rubles with free incoming calls, and for SMS - 3 rubles. A megabyte of mobile Internet will cost 9.9.

Tariffs from VimpelCom are much steeper and more attractive. Incoming and outgoing calls will cost 9.95 rubles. per minute, and SMS – 4.5. For 1 MB of traffic, Beeline requires the same 9.95. There are no preferential tariffs for the peninsula.

MTS took much better care of its subscribers. By subscribing to the “Like Home Everywhere” tariff, you will be able to make outgoing calls to Russia, paying 3 rubles per minute of conversation. Incoming calls are free, and the subscription fee will be 7 rubles. per day. They also offer the most profitable mobile Internet.

Tele-2 subscribers do not need to worry about too high costs for mobile communications. By choosing the option “Like home in Crimea”, communicate with Russia by paying 5 rubles. per minute, with free incoming calls. The subscription fee will be 6 rubles per day. Internet traffic is provided at a price of 5 rubles. per MB, which is only slightly more expensive than the offer from MTS.


Russian citizens vacationing in Crimea, if necessary, will receive a full package of free medical services provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. To do this, you only need to have a valid insurance policy with you. Medical assistance is provided regardless of the region in which it was issued.

Hospitals and clinics on the peninsula are equipped with modern equipment and staffed with specialists from various medical specialties. An ambulance is called by phone 03. If you are vacationing at a resort, emergency assistance will be provided by doctors at first aid stations. It is easy to purchase all kinds of medicines in numerous pharmacies.


Since the main source of Crimea’s budget comes from tourism, the authorities are trying to do everything to maintain law and order at a high level. Crimeans treat visitors favorably, and vacationers who have had too much alcohol often act as troublemakers. However, the police act very quickly, nipping outbursts of aggressiveness in the bud.

Much more often you can encounter various types of fraud: from attempts by intrusive taxi drivers to charge you an astronomical amount for a trip that can be made on a regular bus, to exotic offers to exchange rubles for a separate currency that allegedly circulates here.

Often they try to deceive gullible travelers when renting out housing. Before you pay money, make sure that you are going to give it to the owner of the apartment or house, ask your neighbors.

Petty thieves also ply their trade in resort towns. To avoid falling victim to them, do not take valuables with you to the beach that may not be there when you get out of the water. It is better to keep cameras and video cameras in your hands during excursions. Excessive, at first glance, caution never hurts.

Among the natural hazards, the greatest is possible heat stroke. When sunbathing, be careful not to overheat. Assess your strength soberly and do not swim too far into the sea.

Of all the representatives of the fauna living in Taurida, only the steppe viper, karakurts, and tarantulas pose a danger to humans. While in the water, you should be wary of stingrays, sea ruffes and sea dragons, contact with which can result in injections that cause severe pain, and some can cause burns. Having received an injection or bite, you should get to the nearest medical facility as quickly as possible, where you will promptly receive the necessary assistance.

As you can see, Crimea may well compete for tourists with Turkey or Egypt. The peninsula has everything you need for a memorable vacation, full of vivid emotions!

05.08.2017 Crimea-Mania

List of the largest cities in Crimea: we briefly tell you why the cities are remarkable and what attractions you can see there.

Now on the Crimean peninsula, only 18 settlements have received city status, the largest of them in terms of area occupied are Sevastopol, Sudak, Yalta, Yevpatoria, Kerch and Simferopol.

Sevastopol is the largest city in Crimea

A large sea and commercial port, the largest city in Crimea, which has a special status and received the rights of a separate subject of the Russian Federation. According to 2015 data, the population was 398.97 thousand people - it is also the largest city in Crimea by population.

A huge number of attractions are concentrated here: the ruins of the ancient Greek settlement of Chersonesos, monuments of military eras (Russian-Turkish War, Great Patriotic War) and museums, a magnificent embankment, an Aquarium. Not far from the city is the cave monastery of Inkerman and Balaklava, the place where submarines were based. Sevastopol has a large number of picturesque bays.

Photo © mr. Wood / flickr.com

Once upon a time there was the capital of the Scythian state, which was later destroyed by the Goths. Simferopol is located in the central part of the peninsula and has no access to the sea. The Salgir River flows here.

Simferopol is the second largest city in Crimea by population after Sevastopol, with 332.6 thousand people living in it. Tourists in Simferopol are attracted by local attractions: the ancient site of Naples Scythian, Vorontsov Palace, Ethnographic Museum, Central Museum of Taurida, Kebir-Jami Cathedral Mosque, Weeping Rock, Chokurcha Cave, Red Cave (Kizil-Koba).

The third on the list of the largest cities in Crimea and the easternmost city of the peninsula, it is located on the shores of Kerch Bay. The local population is about 148 thousand people. The rich history of the city goes back more than 2.5 thousand years; there are a huge number of monuments of the Bosporan and Scythian kingdoms, Tmutarakan, and Byzantine villages. Kerch is a great hero city that has perpetuated the memory of the events of the Great Patriotic War in numerous monuments and memorials.

Photo © Alexxx1979 / flickr.com

An ancient city in the west of Crimea, population - just over 106 thousand. Evpatoria is one of the large cities of Crimea, located on the shores of the Kalamitsky Bay, there are wonderful sandy beaches and a warm, shallow sea. In Yevpatoria there are many entertainment centers, water parks, attractions, the Juma-Jami mosque, the monastery of dervishes, an ancient water supply system, Turkish baths, and ancient temples. Nearby is the city with healing mud Saki, which has a large number of health facilities.

Photo © Yuriy Kuzin / flickr.com

The most popular resort of the South Coast with a population of 78.2 thousand people is also the largest city on this coast of Crimea. The city has many hotels and holiday homes, there is a beautiful embankment, monuments, alleys, a local history museum, the Chekhov House Museum, the Yalta Zoo "Fairy Tale", "Glade of Fairy Tales", the Uchan-Su waterfall, the Massandra Palace, the famous winery "Massandra", not far from Yalta - Livadia Palace and Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

Photo © B. Rad / flickr.com

Feodosia is an ancient city located in the southeastern part of the peninsula, founded by Greek colonists. Now about 70 thousand people live here, which makes this settlement one of the largest in terms of population in Crimea. There are few ancient buildings here, the excavations that have begun make it difficult for residential areas, so the main architectural monuments have been preserved from the Middle Ages: the remains of the citadel of the Genoese fortress, the walls of Hayots Berd, Armenian temples and the Armenian fountain, the Mufti-Jami mosque. Art connoisseurs will enjoy the Alexander Greene Literary and Memorial Museum and the National Art Gallery of the famous marine painter I.K. Aivazovsky.

Photo © naiv.super1 / flickr.com


An important railway junction in the northern part of the peninsula. According to the latest data, the population was about 39 thousand people. Shallow rivers flow through Dzhankoy and there is no access to the sea. The city is not rich in attractions: the Kalinovsky landscape park, home to more than 100 species of birds, a mosque, the Holy Protection Orthodox Church and a local history museum.


A well-known resort city on the southern coast of Crimea, the population is about 30 thousand people, which is much less than in Yalta, but nevertheless Alushta is one of the large cities of Crimea. Alushta has many beaches and attractions, an aquarium, a dolphinarium, a nature museum and an arboretum, not far from the city (near the village of Luchistoye) Mount Demerdzhi and the famous Valley of Ghosts.

Photo © lazy_lizzy / flickr.com


Former capital of the Crimean Khanate. The city with a population of just over 27 thousand people is located in the steppe zone of Crimea in the foothills. The main attraction is the Khan's palace Khansaray. No less interesting for tourists are the Fountain of Tears, glorified by A.S. Pushkin, mosques and the cave city of Chufut-Kale.


An industrial city in Crimea (specializing in chemical production), with a population of just over 26 thousand people. Located in the southern part of the Perekop Isthmus, the North Crimean Canal passes nearby.

Population of Crimea and Sevastopol: numbers, national composition

The population of Crimea as of January 1, 2017 is 2,340,921 permanent residents (with Sevastopol) according to Rosstat data dated March 10, 2017 on the estimate of the permanent population as of January 1, 2017 and on average for 2016.
The population of the Republic of Crimea as of January 1, 2017 is 1,912,168 permanent residents.
The population of Sevastopol as of January 1, 2017 is 428,753 permanent residents.
The population of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol as of January 1, 2016 was 2,323,369 people (1,907,106 and 416,263).
According to the results of the population census in the Crimean Federal District as of October 14, 2014, the registered permanent population of the Republic of Crimea was 1,891,465 people, Sevastopol - 393,304 people (total in Crimea - 2,284,769 people). The Republic of Crimea in terms of population ranked 27th among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the federal city of Sevastopol - 77th. [Source here and below: 1, 2 - Wikipedia].

Dynamics of the actual population of Crimea according to census data of 1926-2014. (columns 2 and 3: taking into account the Sevastopol City Council and excluding). Data in column 4 - Sevastopol - source 2. 1945 - estimate. 2017 - not according to census results.

YearCrimea with SevastopolCrimea without SevastopolSevastopol
1926 713 823 639 300 74 551
1931 800 900 726 600
1937 994 798 n.d.
1939 1 126 429 1 017 325 109 104
1945 610 000
1959 1 201 517 1 049 395 148 033
1970 1 813 502 1 558 567 228 904
1979 2 182 927 1 849 840 300 686
1989 2 458 655 2 065 829 356 123
2001 2 413 228 2 033 736 379 492
2014 2 284 769 1 891 465 393 304
2017 2 340 921 1 912 168 428 753

Map of the settlement of Russians, Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars in Crimeaaccording to 2014 census data.

According to the table below, since the 2001 census, the share of Russians in Crimea has increased from 60.68% up 67.90% (by 7.22%) from persons who indicated their nationality.During the same time, the share of Ukrainians in Crimea decreased from 24.12% up 15.68% (by 8.44%). The total share of Crimean Tatars and Tatars has increased from 10.26% + 0.57% = 10.83% to 10.57% + 2.05% = 12.62% (total 1.79%).

Urbanization. Urban and rural population

According to the 2001 census, with a total population of 2033.7 thousand people (4.3% of the population of Ukraine at that time), the urban population of the republic amounted to 1,274.3 thousand people (62.7%), and the rural population - 759 .4 thousand people (37.3%). The population density was 78 people. per sq. km. Since the 1989 All-Union Census, the rural population of Crimea has increased significantly due to the settlement of Crimean Tatars returning to the peninsula in rural areas.

Russians are the predominant nationality in the Republic of Crimea, both in cities and in rural areas. However, in rural areas their share is lower, since among the villagers there was a higher share of Ukrainians and especially Crimean Tatars.
Distribution of the urban and rural population of the Republic of Crimea by nationality (as a percentage of those indicating nationality) according to the 2014 Census:

Russians65,2 % 74,2 % 56,2 %
Ukrainians16,0 % 13,8 % 18,2 %
Crimean Tatars12,6 % 6,6 % 18,6 %
Tatars2,3 % 1,5 % 3,1 %
Belarusians1,0 % 0,9 % 1,1 %
Armenians0,5 % 0,6 % 0,4 %
other2,4 % 2,4 % 2,4 %

Population of Crimea by place of birth

According to the 2014 census, 56.3% (1247.2 thousand people) of the population of Crimea were natives of the peninsula, 15.4% (340.1 thousand people) were natives of constituent entities of the Russian Federation outside Crimea, 16.1% (356 ,0 thousand people) were natives of Ukraine, 7.3% (162.6 thousand people) were natives of Uzbekistan, 4.0% (88.1 thousand people) were natives of other CIS countries, 0.9% (13.7 thousand people) natives of foreign countries.

Population of urban districts and regions of Crimea

Distribution of the permanent population among urban districts and districts of the Republic of Crimea and municipal districts of Sevastopol according to the preliminary results of the population census in the Crimean Federal District as of October 14, 2014 and taking them into account the shift in the estimate of the permanent population as of July 1, 2014:

city/municipal district/districtAs of 10/14/2014Urban% Rural%
total Crimea2 284 400 1 323 000 57,90% 961 400 42,10%
Republic of Crimea1 889 400 958 200 50,70% 931 200 49,30%
Sevastopol395 000 364 800 92,40% 30 200 7,60%
Simferopol350 600 330 600 94,30% 20 000 5,70%
Simferopol district152 100 0 0,00% 152 100 100,00%
Kerch147 000 147 000 100,00% 0 0,00%
Gagarinsky municipal district136 200 136 200 100,00% 0 0,00%
Yalta133 600 84 400 63,20% 49 200 36,80%
Evpatoria119 300 105 700 88,60% 13 600 11,40%
Leninsky Moscow Region108 000 108 000 100,00% 0 0,00%
Feodosia101 000 69 100 68,40% 31 900 31,60%
Bakhchisarai district90 900 27 500 30,20% 63 400 69,80%
Nakhimovsky municipal district86 100 86 100 100,00% 0 0,00%
Krasnogvardeisky district83 200 0 0,00% 83 200 100,00%
Saki district76 400 0 0,00% 76 400 100,00%
Dzhankoy district68 300 0 0,00% 68 300 100,00%
Leninsky district61 200 10 600 17,40% 50 600 82,60%
Belogorsky district60 400 16 400 27,10% 44 000 72,90%
Alushta52 300 29 100 55,60% 23 200 44,40%
Kirovsky district50 800 9 200 18,20% 41 600 81,80%
Nizhnegorsky district45 100 0 0,00% 45 100 100,00%
Dzhankoy38 600 38 600 100,00% 0 0,00%
Pervomaisky district32 800 0 0,00% 32 800 100,00%
Zander32 300 16 500 51,10% 15 800 48,90%
Sovetsky district31 900 0 0,00% 31 900 100,00%
Razdolnensky district30 600 0 0,00% 30 600 100,00%
Chernomorsky district30 500 0 0,00% 30 500 100,00%
Balaklava municipal district27 600 18 700 67,80% 8 900 32,20%
Krasnoperekopsk26 300 26 300 100,00% 0 0,00%
Saki25 100 25 100 100,00% 0 0,00%
Krasnoperekopsky district24 700 0 0,00% 24 700 100,00%
Armyansk24 400 22 000 90,10% 2 400 9,90%
City of Inkerman10 300 10 300 100,00% 0 0,00%
Kachinsky MO9 300 5 500 59,00% 3 800 41,00%
Orlinovsky municipal district6 200 0 0,00% 6 200 100,00%
Verkhnesadovsky municipal district5 400 0 0,00% 5 400 100,00%
Andreevsky municipal district3 300 0 0,00% 3 300 100,00%
Ternovsky municipal district2 600 0 0,00% 2 600 100,00%

Population of Crimean cities / Largest cities of Crimea

Sevastopol is the largest city in Crimea. Next are Simferopol and Kerch and Evpatoria - with a population of more than 100,000 thousand people.

City / town / villageTypePopulation
1 Sevastopolcity344 853 Sevastopol
2 Simferopolcity338 319 Simferopol urban district
3 Kerchcity144 626 Kerch urban district
4 Evpatoriacity107 040 Evpatoria urban district
5 Yaltacity78 200 Yalta urban district
6 Feodosiacity69 040 Feodosia urban district
7 Dzhankoycity35 693 Dzhankoy urban district
8 Krasnoperekopskcity29 672 Gor. Krasnoperekopsk district
9 Alushtacity28 295 Alushta urban district
10 Bakhchisaraycity26 651 Bakhchisarai district
11 Sakicity23 391 Saki urban district
12 Armyanskcity22 286 Armyansk urban district
13 Belogorskcity18 252 Belogorsky district
14 Zandercity15 532 Sudak urban district
15 Seasidetown14 975 Feodosia urban district
16 Gvardeiskoetown12 702 Simferopol district
17 Inkermancity12 028 Sevastopol
18 Oktyabrskoetown11 684 Krasnogvardeisky district
19 Graceovskytown11 509 Simferopol urban district
20 Gaspratown11 384 Yalta urban district
21 Shchelkinocity11 169 Leninsky district
22 Black Seatown11 092 Chernomorsky district
23 Krasnogvardeiskoetown10 779 Krasnogvardeisky district
24 Soviettown10 069 Sovetsky district
25 Old Crimeacity9478 Kirovsky district
26 Nizhnegorskytown9436 Nizhnegorsky district
27 Gurzuftown9152 Yalta urban district
28 Pervomayskoetown8964 Pervomaisky district
29 Massandratown8623 Yalta urban district
30 Alupkatown8528 Yalta urban district
31 Peacefulvillage8391 Simferopol district
32 Leninotown7826 Leninsky district
33 Novoozernoetown7393 Evpatoria urban district
34 Razdolnoetown7291 Razdolnensky district
35 Pionerskoevillage7265 Simferopol district
36 Youthtown7261 Simferopol district
37 Zuyatown7156 Belogorsky district
38 Kirovskoetown7069 Kirovsky district
39 Vilinovillage6913 Bakhchisarai district
40 Sunrisevillage6810 Krasnogvardeisky district
41 Petrovkavillage6717 Krasnogvardeisky district
42 Novofedorovkatown6584 Saki district
43 Koreiztown6337 Yalta urban district
44 Parthenitetown6086 Alushta urban district
45 Agrariantown6093 Simferopol urban district
46 Kachatown5137 Sevastopol
47 Zaozernoyetown5023 Evpatoria urban district

National composition of Crimea

  • In 1778, almost all the Armenians and Greeks living in Crimea (about half of the peninsula’s population) were resettled to the Azov province by A. Suvorov, on the orders of Catherine the Second.
  • 1795 - 156,400 people (87.6% Crimean Tatars, 4.3% Russians, 1.9% Greeks, 1.7% Gypsies, 1.5% Karaites, 1.3% Ukrainians, 0.8% Jews, 0.6% Armenians, 0.1% Germans, 0.1% Bulgarians)
  • 1897 - 546,700 people (35.6% Crimean Tatars, 33.1% Russians, 11.8% Ukrainians, 5.8% Germans, 4.4% Jews, 3.1% Greeks, 1.5% Armenians, 1.3% Bulgarians, 1.2% Poles, 0.3% Turks)
  • 1917 - 749,800 people (41.2% Russians, 28.7% Crimean Tatars, 8.6% Ukrainians, 6.4% Jews, 4.9% Germans, 2.9% Greeks, 1.6% Armenians, 1.4% Bulgarians, 0.8% Poles, 0.7% Turks)
  • 1939 - 1,123,800 people (49.6% Russians, 19.4% Crimean Tatars, 13.7% Ukrainians, 5.8% Jews, 4.5% Germans, 1.8% Greeks, 1.4% Bulgarians , 1.1% Armenians, 0.5% Poles)
  • 1944 (end of summer) - 379,000 people (75% Russians, 21% Ukrainians)
  • 1959 - 1,201,500 people (71.4% Russians, 22.3% Ukrainians, 2.2% Jews, 0.1% Poles)
  • 1989 - 2,430,500 people (67.1% Russians, 25.8% Ukrainians, 1.6% Crimean Tatars, 0.7% Jews, 0.3% Poles, 0.1% Greeks)
  • 2001 - without the city of Sevastopol - 2,024,056 people (58.3% Russians, 24.3% Ukrainians, 12.1% Crimean Tatars, 1.4% Belarusians, 0.5% Tatars, 0.4% Armenians, 0.2% each of Jews, Poles, Moldovans, Azerbaijanis, 0.1% each of Uzbeks, Koreans, Greeks, Germans, Mordovians, Chuvashs, Gypsies, Bulgarians, Georgians and Maris, as well as Karaites, Crimeans, Italians, and others).
  • 2014 - from the city of Sevastopol - 2,284,800 people, including 2,197,600 people who indicated their nationality, among whom: 67.9% Russians, 15.7% Ukrainians, 10.6% Crimean Tatars, 2.0% Tatars (including Tatars with the Crimean Tatar language), 1.0% Belarusians and 0.5% Armenians, 2.3% others.
  • 2014 - without the city of Sevastopol - 1,889,400 people (65% Russians, 16% Ukrainians, 13% Crimean Tatars).

Data on ethnic composition for the last two population censuses in Crimea (with Sevastopol)

Nationality2001 % total*% uk2014 % total% uk
Total2 401 209 100,00% 2 284 769 100,00%
Russians1 450 394 60,40% 60,68% 1 492 078 65,31% 67,90%
Ukrainians576 647 24,01% 24,12% 344 515 15,08% 15,68%
Crimean Tatars245 291 10,22% 10,26% 232 340 10,17% 10,57%
Tatars13 602 0,57% 0,57% 44 996 1,97% 2,05%
Belarusians35 157 1,46% 1,47% 21 694 0,95% 0,99%
Armenians10 088 0,42% 0,42% 11 030 0,48% 0,50%
Azerbaijanis4 377 0,18% 0,18% 4 432 0,19% 0,20%
Uzbeks3 087 0,13% 0,13% 3 466 0,15% 0,16%
Moldovans4 562 0,19% 0,19% 3 147 0,14% 0,14%
Jews5 531 0,23% 0,23% 3 144 0,14% 0,14%
Koreans3 027 0,13% 0,13% 2 983 0,13% 0,14%
Greeks3 036 0,13% 0,13% 2 877 0,13% 0,13%
Poles4 459 0,19% 0,19% 2 843 0,12% 0,13%
Gypsies1 905 0,08% 0,08% 2 388 0,10% 0,11%
Chuvash2 679 0,11% 0,11% 1 990 0,09% 0,09%
Bulgarians2 282 0,10% 0,10% 1 868 0,08% 0,09%
Germans2 790 0,12% 0,12% 1 844 0,08% 0,08%
Mordva2 574 0,11% 0,11% 1 601 0,07% 0,07%
Georgians2 137 0,09% 0,09% 1 571 0,07% 0,07%
Turks988 0,04% 0,04% 1 465 0,06% 0,07%
Tajiks808 0,03% 0,03% 874 0,04% 0,04%
Mari1 192 0,05% 0,05% 801 0,04% 0,04%
Karaites715 0,03% 0,03% 535 0,02% 0,02%
Krymchaks280 0,01% 0,01% 228 0,01% 0,01%
other14 507 0,60% 0,61% 12 854 0,56% 0,58%

Crimea is an autonomous republic within Ukraine. 1st century AD e. The Sarmatians invade the steppe Crimea. The peninsula juts out deeply into the Black Sea, which it is washed from the south and west; The Crimean peninsula is separated from the Black Sea by the Sea of ​​Azov, which washes it from the east.

Since the 15th century, the Crimean peninsula began to be called Tavria, and after its annexation to Russia in 1783 - Tavrida. The mountain structures of Crimea are part of the Alpine folded geosynclinal region. In summer (in the second half of July) in the steppe part of Crimea, daytime air temperatures reach +35...+37 °C in the shade, at night up to +23...+25 °C. The climate is predominantly dry, with seasonal dry winds prevailing.

This part of Crimea is characterized by long, dry and very hot summers and mild, little snowy winters with frequent thaws and very changeable weather. The southern coast of Crimea is characterized by a sub-Mediterranean climate. 257 rivers flow through the territory of Crimea (the largest are Salgir, Kacha, Alma, Belbek), Indol, Biyuk-Karasu, Chernaya, Burulcha. The longest river in Crimea is Salgir (220 km), the deepest is Belbek (water flow - 1500 liters per second).

According to him, there are a total of 44 hydrocarbon deposits on the peninsula, including 10 oil, 27 gas and 7 gas condensate. The fauna of Crimea is a unique complex of species with a high level of isolation from other geographically adjacent faunas of the Caucasus, the Balkans and mainland Ukraine.

A number of species have been identified in the fauna of Crimea, the distribution of which in Eastern Europe is limited only to Crimea. About 2,400 species of plants grow in Crimea, of which 77 species are trees. There are slightly more shrubs - 113 species. The population of Crimea in 2016, according to Rosstat, was 2,323,369 people. The railway lines Salt Lake - Sevastopol (with a branch to Evpatoria) and Armyansk - Kerch (with a branch to Feodosia) connect Crimea with the continent.

257 - Crimea was subjugated by the Goths, the Scythian state was destroyed. IV-V centuries - gradual restoration of the power of the Roman (Byzantine) Empire over the mountainous part of Crimea. The Goths who survived the invasion of the Huns accepted the power of Byzantium. The end of the 7th century - almost the entire Crimea was captured by the Khazars, except for Chersonesos, which remained under the rule of Byzantium. June 30, 1945 - by decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces, the autonomy of Crimea was abolished; The Crimean ASSR was transformed into the Crimean region.

Flora and fauna of Crimea

1987 - the massive return of the Crimean Tatar people to Crimea from places of deportation began. Crimea is one of the few regions of Eastern Europe that became familiar with the culture of ancient Greece and Rome during their heyday.

Projects for creating a university in Crimea date back to the 19th century, but only in 1918, through the efforts of the Crimean scientific community, the Taurida University was opened. A new, massive stage in the history of Crimean tourism is associated with Lenin’s decrees; Crimea is becoming an “All-Union health resort”, receiving hundreds of thousands of tourists.

Transport within Crimea

Geologists at different times carried out many excavations in Crimea. So they discovered Paleozoic rocks in the plain part of Crimea at a depth of more than a kilometer. Later, the sea again occupied the territory of Crimea. This happened already in the Cretaceous period. Previously, Ukraine, including Crimea, ranked 44th in terms of territory among the countries of the world with an area of ​​603,500 square kilometers. Crimea is in 69th place in terms of area among all subjects of the Russian Federation. In percentage terms, the peninsula occupies about 0.15% of all of Russia.

Final data will be presented before May 1, 2015. Normal practice is to conduct censuses every 5-10 years, but in 23 years of independence, Ukraine has conducted only one survey in Crimea. The area of ​​Crimea is comparable in area to such territories as Tula, or Belgorod region, or as the Republic of Mordovia.

There are 1233.5 thousand people in the city, 733.7 thousand in rural areas. There are 16 cities, 56 urban-type settlements and 948 rural settlements on the territory of the republic. The highest point of Crimea is the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains (1545 m, Mount Roman-Kosh), consisting of individual limestone massifs (yayl) with plateau-like peaks and deep canyons.

The climate of the peninsula differs in its different parts: in the northern part it is temperate continental, on the southern coast it has subtropical features. Crimea is characterized by a small amount of precipitation throughout the year, a large number of sunny days, and the presence of breezes on the coast.

The Inner and Outer ridges form the Crimean foothills. The natural reserve fund includes 158 objects and territories (including 46 of national importance, the area of ​​which is 5.8% of the area of ​​the Crimean Peninsula). The population of Crimea as of January 1, 2013 is 1 million 965.2 thousand people.

The entire northern, western and eastern Crimea is a plain interspersed with low hills. More than 80 nationalities live in Crimea, the most numerous of them are Russians (65 - 70%), Crimean Tatars (18%), Ukrainians (10 - 15%). The share of other ethnic groups is insignificant. The national Ukrainian currency, the hryvnia, is also valid in Crimea. You can exchange rubles, dollars and euros at exchange offices or banks.

Most of the resort territory of Crimea has cellular coverage: mobile phones operate in GSM 900, GSM 1800, NMT standards. It is very convenient to purchase a starter package from a Ukrainian operator. It is convenient to move around the territory of Crimea by buses and minibuses; a mountain trolleybus route runs from Simferopol to Alushta and Yalta.

Crimea has long been rightfully called the natural pearl of Europe. Yayls combine the properties of plains and mountains. They are connected by narrow, low ridges along which mountain passes pass. The steppe occupies a large territory of Crimea. It represents the southern edge of the East European, or Russian, Plain and decreases slightly to the north. The largest lake in Crimea is Sasyk-Sivash. The capital is Simferopol, a city of republican subordination (see map of Crimea).

Turnout in Crimea was 82.71% (including Sevastopol). Russia is the largest country in the world and it did not feel the territorial annexation of Crimea. 96.77% of Crimeans and 95.6% of Sevastopol residents voted for the reunification of Crimea with Russia. Crimea. Baydarsky reserve. Every city in Crimea is connected to other settlements by bus routes. In 1783, Crimea became part of the Russian Empire. The population of two Crimean cities - Evpatoria and Kerch - exceeds 100,000 inhabitants.