What is the cheapest way to get to Peru? Cheap flights to Peru


Despite the relatively small territory, here we encountered a variety of manifestations of natural character: the snow-capped peaks of majestic mountains, the lush colors of the Amazon jungle, the hot breath of the driest desert in the world and the long coastline ocean. But most of all, Peru attracted us due to the many secrets of ancient civilizations that it keeps on its territory.

By the shortest route, the distance between Moscow and Peru is more than 12 thousand kilometers. But they are worth overcoming! After all, here is waiting for you:

  • Latin American flavor and atmosphere.
  • Diverse nature with stunning views.
  • Puzzles ancient civilization of the Incas, which still haunt neither scientists nor ordinary people in search of clues.
  • Gastronomic pleasures - after all, Peruvian cuisine is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most diverse.
  • There are many pronouns for “the most”: the deepest canyon, the highest lake, the largest bird and many other very, very vivid impressions!

Visa and border crossing

A pleasant moment: for tourists coming from the Russian Federation for a period of no more than 90 days, Peru has a visa-free regime. At the border you will receive a beautiful stamp in your passport and will not pay a single Peruvian sole. The passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of planned departure from the country.

You can import into the country:

  • 400 cigarettes or 250 grams of tobacco.
  • 3 liters of alcoholic drinks.

It is prohibited to import:

  • Alcohol with the inscription "Pisco" on the label.

It is prohibited to export:

  • Products of archaeological or historical value.

How to get there

By plane

The flight from Russia to Peru will be memorable for its duration, at least 17 hours on the plane. As often happens, the fastest and most budget flight options are between the capitals of two countries – Moscow and Lima. Main international Airport Lima – Jorge Chavez International Airport, this is where you will fly. Unfortunately, there are no direct flights, since planes these days cannot fly 17 hours without refueling. There are several airlines flying from Moscow to Lima:

  • Iberia.
  • Airfrance.
  • Lufthansa.
  • British Airways.
  • Delta airlines.

Transfers in European cities: Madrid, Paris and so on. British Airways, Delta airlines fly through Atlanta, which will require you to apply for a UK transit visa and accordingly. Tickets cost on average $1,000 and up. But you can track Special offers specified airlines and buy cheaper. We managed to purchase them for $800. You can monitor promotions and special offers.

When arriving in Peru, pack your suitcases tightly so that nothing from them can be stolen. Even analgin and activated carbon disappeared from our luggage, probably due to checkers fans. And it’s better to take a supply of things for 2-3 days with you in your hand luggage; luggage is often lost and delivered when you have almost assimilated. When flying from Peru to Russia, do not forget to remove all existing coca supplies from your pockets and luggage. Outside of Peru, coca is not always permitted for transportation and consumption.

Top cities

If you want to fully immerse yourself in the local flavor, you can rent an apartment from one of the locals.


  • Ballestas Islands are located near the coast in the Pacific Ocean. Due to their rich fauna, they are also called the Peruvian “mini Galapagos.” Grottoes, rocks, stone arches make these islands very picturesque. In addition, large colonies of sea lions and seals, Humboldt penguins, pelicans and many other birds live here. Yes, yes, and the smell here is appropriate!

  • Palomino Islands are located in the Pacific Ocean near Peru. Large colonies of fur seals and lions live here. After the first acquaintance, you can jump into the water with friendly fur seals in the thick of things, wearing fins, masks and life jackets.

  • Taquile Island located on Lake Titicaca. In addition to the picturesque views of the lake, here you can wander among the ruins of the Inca civilization. Personally, I prefer the Island of the Sun, which belongs to the Bolivian part of Lake Titicaca.

  • Uros. You won't find these islands on geographical maps peace, because they are made of reeds. There are currently about 40 islands with a population of approximately 500 people. In addition to getting to know the culture of the Uros tribe, you can feel like a real Indian by staying overnight on one of the reed islands and tasting the available dishes: reed and trout. To cook food, the Indians make a fire right on the island!

Top attractions

  • . Machu Picchu. Business card Peru is home to the Machu Picchu complex, hidden in the mountains, built by the ancient Inca civilization and awarded the title of New Wonder of the World. This is the most famous and most mysterious monument of Inca culture in the world. Machu Picchu fits amazingly into the surrounding landscape, which is why it is often called “the city in the sky” or “the city among the clouds.” I can safely say that this is a MUST on the list of things to visit.

  • Sacred Valley of the Incas is located in the fertile valley of the Urubamba River, from Machu Picchu. It is here that the main monuments left to us after the ancient Inca civilization are concentrated. The main attractions of these places include (in order of my subjective opinion): Sacsauayman, Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Moray, Salinas (Maras), Quenco, Chinchero and many more.

  • Colca Canyon - the deepest canyon in the world, its depth reaches 4,160 meters, it is more than 2 times deeper than the world famous Grand Canyon. On one of the most high points Colca Canyon has an observation deck where you can watch the largest birds in the world - condors.

  • Lake– the highest navigable lake in the world. Located at an altitude of 3,812 meters, its area is 8,300 sq. km. The name consists of the words of the Quechua Indian language: kaka - rock and titi - puma, the sacred animal of the Quechua tribes.

  • national reserve - This unusual place meeting of two elements: the sultry sandy desert and the powerful Pacific Ocean with cold breath from the currents passing here. Thanks to cold currents, local waters are rich in plankton and a variety of algae. That is why you can find a huge number of Pacific birds and sea animals here.

  • Lines. The lines are applied to the surface in the form of grooves up to 135 centimeters wide and up to 40-50 centimeters deep and form either geometric shapes or images of animals. The Nazca Lines pose many questions to historians - who created them, when, why and how. In popular literature, the creation of lines is even attributed to alien creatures, because they were drawn long before man learned to fly, and they are only visible from the air and they are made in high quality.


Peru is on the other side of the equator from us. Therefore, in our summer they have winter and a dry season, and in our winter they have summer and a rainy season. Its proximity to the equator results in warm temperatures each year.

According to the climate in Peru, there are three main natural regions: costa (coastal zone), sierra (Andean zone) and selva (Amazon zone).

Costa is characterized by a small amount of precipitation, but fog often hangs here. This fog, typical of the western coasts of tropical South America, is called "garua". The temperature stays in the range of 16-25 °C all year round. From December to April, hot and sunny days prevail here.

The Sierra is characterized by differences in day and night temperatures; it rains from late November to March. The winter months (our summer) are cool. In January-February, heavy rainfall often leads to river floods and mudslides.

The selva is characterized by a pronounced tropical climate - it is hot and humid, there are often tropical downpours, and from November to March is the rainy season.

Due to the variety of climatic zones, it is difficult to say for sure when is the best time to go. But because the main purpose of the trip is Machu Picchu, then I think it is better to avoid February, because... roads may be washed out and the goal may not be achieved.

Moving around the country

What a temptation it is to take a car and drive it around an unfamiliar country. Don't give in to it in Peru. Renting a car is a very murky undertaking. The reason for this is both Peruvian sloppiness and poor road infrastructure in the form of gas stations and service stations. services, and also your poor health due to altitude sickness (more about it below). In fact, without your own car is not so bad, quite the opposite. Peruvian off-the-beaten paths are well-travelled by train, bus, boat and plane. Renting a car will cost $40 and up. Follow the link to see the prices for car rental in Peru.

The planes come first, and the girls come later. Several airlines fly around the country. The leaders are LAN and Avianca. Ticket prices are the most expensive, there are minimal delays, new planes and other things familiar to good airlines. There are also low-cost airlines from which you can’t expect red carpets on the ramp. Among them are StarPeru, LCPeru, Peruvian with all the ensuing consequences for low-cost airlines. Prices can be viewed on popular Russian aggregators, where these airlines are represented.

Buses. Buses rule in Peru. This is not the Ikarus of the 90s. Peru has excellent buses with reclining seats and food on board. There are a great many bus companies, the market leader is Cruz del Sur. Still, don’t get carried away by buses over long distances, no matter how comfortable they are. 15 hours along a serpentine road is 15 hours along a serpentine road, neither give nor take.

Trains, boats, mules and other forms of transport are quite local and the need for their use depends on the specific Peruvian region. For example, a boat in the Amazon is a real must do; without it it is difficult to explore the jungle.


Mobile communications are not widespread everywhere, but in cities and tourist areas, as a rule, there are no problems. Roaming is available to all subscribers of Russian telecom operators, but it is worth noting that phones with the GSM 850, 1900 communication standard work there. There will be no problems with new devices, but if you want to travel with an old handset, check whether it supports this standard .

Wi-Fi is available in almost all hotels in Peru. The main mobile operators are Movistar and Claro.

Language and communication

The official language in Peru is Spanish. The languages ​​of Quechua, Aymara and other Indian tribes are also very common here. In tourist areas, communication may be enough for you in English, but even in a short distance you cannot do without knowledge of the Spanish language.

10 phrases that can help you:

  • Good afternoon – Buenos días!
  • Good night! – Buenas Noches!
  • What is the price? – Cuanto cuesta?
  • Where is the airport/hotel/beach street? – Donde esta el aeropuerto / el hotel / la playa?
  • The check, please! - La cuenta, por favor!
  • Meat – Carne.
  • Chicken – Pollo.
  • Fish – Pescado.
  • Help me please! – Ayudeme, por favor!
  • Do you have a free room? – Tienen una habitacion libre?

Features of mentality

Peruvians are quite relaxed people. When making appointments, including paid services, be prepared for lack of punctuality. My advice is that it is better to set a time in advance and not plan the timing closely, leaving a reserve of time.

Also be prepared for the fact that Peruvian residents will want to “take a pretty penny” from a tourist by inadvertently forgetting to give change or counting it incorrectly.

Well, one of the pleasant features of the Peruvian people is their positivity and commitment to traditions - thanks to this, on the streets of Peru you can see many people in traditional bright outfits - this gives a feeling of authenticity and flavor of the country.

Food and drink

National Peruvian cuisine is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most diverse. It has about 500 dishes. Peruvian cuisine has developed under the influence of two cultures - Indian and Spanish.

5 dishes worth trying

  • Those who like to experiment can enjoy the kuem. Kui is a guinea pig, usually cooked as a whole carcass on a spit.

  • Local waters are very rich in fish. Here you must try Ceviche - raw fresh fish marinated in lemon juice, chili pepper and lemon.

  • There are many alpacas in the highlands of Peru. Alpaca steaks are a very common dish here.

  • For easier adaptation to high altitudes, we recommend eating light food. Trucha, freshwater trout, is an excellent and very tasty option.
  • For tourists who are conservative in food, you can eat the popular chicken soup (dieta de pollo) here.

  • A very popular cocktail in Peru is the Pisco Sour, which consists of local pisco grape vodka, lime juice and beaten egg white.

  • Peru also produces good wines. And here you can also buy inexpensive, good Argentinean and Chilean wines.

To relieve symptoms of altitude sickness local residents and tourists drink tea from coca leaves. Just don’t try to take them back to the Russian Federation, this is prohibited.


What to bring from this country

From Peru you must definitely bring items made from llama wool, these could be ponchos, sweaters, warm socks, etc. It is believed that the highest quality products of this type are sold in Arequipa. Small items (mittens, socks) will cost about 5 USD; a poncho or sweater can be purchased for 35 USD or more.

We brought a Peruvian cap, it is indispensable for ski resorts:)

Peruvians also produce many authentic crafts: flutes, alpaca carpets, colorful scarves and much more.

All products purchased on the market are not eligible for Tax Free.


The level of street crime (theft, assault) in Peru is quite high. However tourist areas near the main cultural attractions of the country and in historical centers major cities are considered quite calm. It is recommended to follow basic safety rules: store valuables in the hotel safe and do not leave personal items unattended. Pickpocketing is common - be careful. It is also not recommended to catch a taxi on the street, but to order an official one.

About health

In Peru, you may need a yellow fever vaccine to visit the jungle. It is inexpensive, 1000 rubles, and is valid for 10 years. It must be done in Russia no later than 10 days before the trip. Put it on just in case, it won't hurt. In the rural areas, malaria can also occur, spread through mosquito bites. The topic of malaria is so complex that it would take a single article with intricate terminology ala the TV series “House” to cover it competently. As for the author, he lives by the principle “booze and repellent help against mosquitoes.”

Peru's more real problem is altitude. Rest assured that the majority of almost any route in Peru is at high altitudes, from 3,000 meters above sea level and above. The main rule is a smooth climb. Upon arrival in Peru, flying immediately to a higher altitude (,) is a C grade idea. Try to climb to 2000-2500, live there for a couple of days, and then conquer new heights. If you ignored the recommendations and noticed that you felt somehow “wonderful”, congratulations - you have altitude sickness, popularly known as mountain sickness. The symptoms are varied - from dizziness to severe nosebleeds, migraines, when even blinking hurts, loss of consciousness, and so on. Be extremely careful - mining in Peru is harsh and inhospitable. It is recommended to drink more water, preferably with diluted vitamin C. It is believed that coca leaves and Sorojche pills, sold in every self-respecting pharmacy, help with it. Here it is appropriate to give an analogy with taking a shower with a hangover. If a shower helps your hangover, it means you just haven't had enough to drink. And when you have a severe hangover, you want to die and nothing helps. You will feel the same thing with a hard climber. What to do if you are facing an inevitable altitude gain of 3000 in a day? Here it is recommended to take Diacarb and Panangin a day or two before the set. Hypoxen helps at the highest altitude. I am not a doctor, but only describing my own confusing experience, so “consult a specialist before taking medications.”

Titicaca. In the Peruvian city we boarded a bus, which took us along roads and ferry crossings to the Bolivian city of Copacabana. It will cost only 10-15$.


The official currency in Peru is the New Peruvian Sol, the currency code is PEN. One sol is approximately equal to 20 Russian rubles as of June 2016. Take cash dollars on your trip. You can take euros, but the exchange rate is a little worse. It is better to exchange money at street money changers than at a bank: the exchange rate is better and there is no commission for the exchange. We, like most tourists, exchanged money with street money changers. The rate is better and there is no exchange fee. It is unlikely that you will be able to verify the authenticity of money, so decide for yourself which method is right for you. By the way, the rate at Lima airport is quite good. Cards are not always and not accepted everywhere, and very often there are unpleasant situations with them. Money is stolen from cards both when paying for services and when withdrawing cash from an ATM. It’s hard to give fair statistics, but personally, 20,000 rubles were stolen from my card, and I only used it in Duty Free Lima, when I took 40-degree fuel for the trip back to Russia.

1. Flight

The average cost of a flight from Moscow or St. Petersburg starts from 75,000 rubles. You can subscribe to special offers from KLM, Iberia, Air France and catch a favorable fare.

See different flight options for different dates. Ticket prices even for adjacent dates often vary greatly. you will find a list of sites that show offers from all airlines for a given destination.

You can get a favorable price for your flight if you arrange the connection yourself. To do this, you need to buy a separate ticket to Europe and a ticket from Amsterdam, Madrid, Paris or London to Lima. In this case, you will need a visa and the risks for flight delays/cancellations fall on the passenger, not the airline.

2. Tour

The cost of a tour to Peru depends on several factors:

    Tours with Russian-speaking guides are more expensive than with English-speaking guides

    Group tours are cheaper than individual tours

    Group tours with groups of 15-20 people are cheaper than tours with 4-6 people in the group

    Intensive tours with a large number of excursions are more expensive than tours of the same duration in days, but with a less interesting program.

    The cost of the tour is higher if the route includes several domestic flights.

The shortest and most budget tour to Peru with Russian guides lasts 7 days. The cost of the tour per person for double occupancy starts from $1,544:

Tour Features:

    Russian speaking guides

    includes visits to Cusco, Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu

    group 4-6 people

    Domestic flights Lima/Cusco/Lima included in price

A more complete program with Russian guides takes 11 days. The cost of such a tour starts from $2214 per person when staying in a double room.

Tour Features:

    Russian speaking guides

    includes visits to Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca, Colca Canyon and Arequipa

    group 4-6 people

    Domestic flights Lima/Cusco and Arequipa/Lima are included in the price

    guaranteed check-in every Saturday (if there are two people)

A very intensive group tour to Peru for 10 days with English-speaking guides costs from $2010:

Tour Features:

    English speaking guides

    includes visits to the Amazon Jungle, Nazca Lines, Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca.

    group 6-12 people

    Domestic flights Lima/Iquitos/Lima, Lima/Cusco and Juliaca/Lima are NOT included in the price

A rich and interesting itinerary around Peru for 14 days with English-speaking guides costs $2,264 per person based on double occupancy:

Tour Features:

    English speaking guides

    includes visits to Cusco, the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca, Colca Canyon, Arequipa, Paracas and the Ballestas Islands of Lima and a vacation on the Pacific Ocean!

    group 6-12 people

    Domestic flights Lima/Cusco and Arequipa/Lima are already included in the price

    Check-in according to the program is possible on any day

The cost of a tour of Peru for 15 days with luxury services and Russian-speaking guides as part of the program starts from $13,490 per person for double occupancy:

Tour Features:

    luxury Amazon cruise with gourmet Peruvian cuisine

    English speaking guides during the cruise

    Individual service and Russian-speaking guides everywhere in the program except the Amazon

    private flight over the Nazca Lines on a private jet

    includes visits to Lima, Nazca Lines, Amazon Cruise, Cusco, Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca.

    trip to Machu Picchu by Hiram Bingham train

    Domestic flights Lima/Iquitos/Lima/Cusco and Cusco/Juliaca/Lima are NOT included in the price

    Check-in according to the program is possible on any day

3. Accommodation

The cost of the tour and the overall budget of the trip also depends on the choice of hotels.

In Peru you can find budget accommodation in hotels 3* and below.

3*+ and 4* hotels offer more comfort. And 5* hotels compete with each other to create a unique atmosphere and offer such services to their clients that will make their stay at the hotel unforgettable. Some hotels are famous for their SPA, others for a museum with an interesting collection of ancient artifacts or star chefs, many 5* hotels offer exclusive excursions to clients.

4. Food

Peruvian gastronomy is known throughout the world and receives awards every year.

In Peru, you can eat tasty and varied food on different budgets.

Traditional local dishes such as cuy (guinea pig) or ceviche cost from 30 to 90 Soles ($10-30) in mid-range restaurants.

Peruvians themselves often eat in restaurants, which serve a set lunch of salad/soup, meat with a side dish and a drink. Such a lunch may cost 5-8 Soles ($2-3). The markets are always full of inexpensive and incredibly tasty vegetables and fruits.

If you want to dine at one of the best restaurants in Lima or Cusco, make sure to make a reservation in advance. A list of the best restaurants in Peru can be found here.

5. Souvenirs

From Peru, like from few other countries, you can bring many interesting, high-quality and inexpensive souvenirs. This could include silver jewelry, alpaca wool items, woven items, games, ceramics, pressed chocolate spread or local coffees, alcohol and much more. Prices start from 1 Sol ($0.3) for a small thing like a keychain and reach several hundred dollars for a vicuna wool sweater.

Thus, if:

1. find out the cost of flights for the expected travel dates

2. choose a tour that suits the program, guides and hotels

3. estimate how much you are willing to spend on food per day

4. allocate a budget for souvenirs and unexpected expenses

You will receive the full cost of your trip.

We wish you an unforgettable experience!

(beaches and condors)→ Lima→ home (Madrid→Vilnius→Minsk)

We traveled all the way overland by bus. They see the same thing in two weeks when flying by plane.

We wanted and succeeded, but no:

Amazon Jungle: Iquitos or Puerto Maldonado

Huaras: national park, Pastoruri glacier, one-day hikes to lagoons in the Cordillera Blanca mountains. After Bolivia I didn’t have the strength to climb 5000m+ again

You can see twice as many places. Or fly to Lima and fly home from La Paz, so as not to return the same way. Or go from Bolivia to Brazil through Argentina, so that from ocean to ocean.

There are a lot of options, but my goal was to feel at least a little bit of Peru, and not to jump around the sights. Already published, below is practical information.

Flights to Peru

* rt- two-way ticket
ow- one way one way ticket

There are no direct flights from Russia and Belarus to Peru. Standard price from Moscow 1000-1500$rt for tickets KLM, Air France, British Airways with a transfer in London, Paris or Amsterdam. Options:

1. Buy six months to a year in advance

2. Catching a sale. There haven’t been adequate prices from the Russian Federation for a long time; at sales Lima from Moscow time from 1000$+ rt

3. Fly with a transfer to the USA ( US visa required, even if you don’t plan to leave the airport)

4. Fly from Europe(Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Milan, Rome), needed multi schengen.

5. Fly to a neighboring country. Brazil (Sao Paulo) from Russia is cheaper - from $790 rt Turkish Airlines from Moscow with a transfer in Istanbul. Just keep in mind that the distances in South Africa are gigantic, and flights between countries are expensive.

6. In Panama, Argentina, Chile it happens according to 400-500€ rt from European cities: Amsterdam, Rome, Madrid. To Brazil a couple of times a year at TAP for 130-180€ one way, also from Europe (Lisbon, Rome, Milan).

Our option

It was impossible to plan, so we chose the easy way. There is no need to buy Madrid-Lima tickets in advance. Standard price 650-730$ rt both a couple of days before the flight and six months to a year.

Only getting to Madrid is expensive. Ryanair inflates prices if there are several days before departure. We need to play with dates, look at tickets to Barcelona.

We flew Air Europe direct flight Madrid-Lima-Madrid 684$ per ticket. Bought three days before departure. To Vilnius by train, from there Ryanair to Madrid, night and day in Madrid.

About Air Europa:

▫ low-cost, aircraft no older than 5 years
▫ fly 11 o'clock, fed twice
▫ seat selection - additional payment 20-45€
for free hand luggage up to 10 kg, luggage 1 piece up to 23 kg
▫ at Madrid airport the queues are moving at warp speed
▫ at Lima airport there is a rush out of the blue. If you are flying Air Europe, come to the airport in advance. This does not apply to KLM and other decent companies. We stood in line for 2 hours, online registration and machines in Lima were not working. Without luggage, you can go straight to the counter without queuing.

Well hello, Lima!

Prices in Peru

Prices in Peru for housing and food are comparable to Asian prices. This came as a surprise to me - I always thought South America exorbitantly expensive. Peru and Bolivia are only partially affected by this fact. Yes, not particularly cheap, but not so cheap as to give up on your dream.

The main expense is air tickets there. Domestic flights also start from $50+. You won’t be able to fly for $5 within Peru, and especially between the countries of South Asia.

Vacation 10-14 days in Peru-Bolivia will cost the same as 30-40 days budget backpacking. Average, 2000-2500$+ from a person for everything, including air tickets. The amount can be either reduced or increased indefinitely. Tourism is well developed, there are options for people with any needs.

I want to get the most out of it in two weeks. Therefore, a busy schedule, planes, excursions every day, food at tourist prices. There is simply no time to save.

It can be done inexpensively if a lot of time. Cheap hotels, buses on the ground, cook yourself, order menu del dia or dishes on offer in a cafe. Speaking Spanish helps reduce your budget.

Housing prices

When this is all around, you can forget about everyday comfort for a while

No visa required for Peru

Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians up to 183 days(tourism). Free stamp at the airport and at any border. There are no fees for entering or leaving the country.

The border was crossed twice. They ask the purpose of the visit and how many days you will be in Peru. I have the first stamp for 54 days, M. for 90 days, the second stamp for both of them is for 20 days.

According to reviews, everyone is betting on 60-90 days. 183 days you have to ask. They didn't ask for return tickets.


There are no mandatory vaccinations. Vaccination against no need for yellow fever, unless you are going to the Amazon jungle. Nobody asked for a certificate.

Yellow fever vaccination in Lima

Vaccinated against yellow fever in Lima airport, arriving from Madrid.

Why vaccination?
A). there was a plan to fly to Iquitos (Peruvian Amazon)
b). Belarusians need a certificate for a Bolivian visa

Where do they make it?
We flew to Lima, went through passport control and customs, and changed money at an exchange office at a bad rate. We don't leave the airport. We go left to the very end at the Domestic departure terminal.

To the right of the escalator is the office Servicio de Sanidad. They vaccinated us at 6 am in 15 minutes, gave us yellow books, payment only in cash, 148 soles ($49)/piece

The certificate is valid after 10 days after vaccination. If you are flying for a short period of time and planning to visit the Amazon, get vaccinated at home in advance.

Ordinary Peruvians have no time to learn languages


In Peru they speak Spanish. It is better to learn basic words, questions and numbers. You won’t be lost without knowledge of Spanish, it’s just cheaper with the language. Bargaining in cafes, hotels, markets in Spanish or with a calculator.

I learned Spanish a long time ago using the Rosetta Stone program. In Mexico I went to a tutor for a week, I regularly listen to books and songs. Conversations with locals in their language; English in Peru is only for communicating with travelers.

Safety in Peru

We went to tourist places, got into street taxis, walked through cities in the dark, went to the mountains alone. All OK. There were two ambiguous points:

1. In Puno, I overheard a Russian girl telling her friends that an earring with a brulik had disappeared from the hotel. It’s standard here: we leave jewelry and valuables at home. Or we carry it quietly in our pocket so as not to provoke people.

2. On the Lima-Nazca bus, the driver shouted at us because we didn’t check our backpacks as luggage. They say that the south of Peru is dangerous, bandits will come in and take everything. We didn't come in.

The rest of the stories are from the category of “grandma told grandma,” that is, gossip. According to the Peruvians, there is a security problem in the country; there are many police on the streets and along the highways, but not enough. I don’t know whether the danger concerns tourists.

Altitude sickness

At an altitude of 3000-4000m+, mountain sickness may begin. To avoid it, we build with gradual climb.

✔ Lima → Paracas → Huacachina → Nazca → Ollantaytambo (or Urubamba) → Machu Picchu → Cusco → Puno → Arequipa → Colca Canyon → Huaraz → Lima

✔ Lima → Puerto Maldonado (or Iquitos) → plane to Cusco (we don’t spend the night, we go straight to Machu Picchu or Urubamba / Ollantaytambo) → Cusco → Rainbow Mountains → Puno → Bolivia

✘ Lima → Pastoruri Glacier (5000m) → La Paz (3600m) → Uyuni (3500-5000m)

Mountain sickness manifests itself in different ways. Some people don't feel anything. Someone flies to Cusco from the coast and hello. Or from Lima it immediately rushes to the Pastoruri glacier (5000m) in Huaraz. Do not do it this way.

To maintain vigor:

a) get enough sleep at night

b) to drink a lot of water

V) allocate a day or two (or more) for rest and adaptation at an altitude of 3500+ (for example, in Cusco)

G) Coca tea - buy a packet of leaves for 1 salt and pour boiling water over them - relaxes the body, relieves headaches.

They gallop across Peru-Bolivia. They sleep on night buses and do not undergo proper adaptation to altitude. Vacations are short, but you want to do a lot.

The body works using its internal resources. If energy is not replenished, malfunctions begin (dizziness as with a hangover, upset stomach, lethargy).

I was attacked by a miner in Uyuni while spending the night at 4400m. Before this, there were no symptoms for a whole month.

What to take with you

Dressed up in the markets of Peru. You don’t look like that at home, but on the road you can

There was no Instagram diva in our duet, so simply without flying dresses. Cloth layers in any season. It is warm on the coast and in deserts, but not in the mountains at night.

AND: pants, fleece, jacket (preferably with a hood), 4 T-shirts, shorts, leggings, sneakers, socks, flip-flops, underwear, hot spring swimsuit
Purchased there: jacket, T-shirts, sneakers, hat, gloves, warm socks for Uyuni.

M: sneakers, pants, fleece, jacket, 3 T-shirts, panties, socks, swimming shorts
Purchased there: 6 T-shirts, gloves, hat

Laundries in any city 1-1.5$/kg, handed it over in the morning and picked it up in the evening.

Trekking boots and there was no need for warm pants. It's good that I didn't take it.

My backpack weighed 4 kg on the way there and 6 kg back. Plus a small backpack of 2 kg with a laptop and wallets.

It’s also easy with a suitcase. The buses have a luggage compartment, you can carry up to 20 kg even with the cheapest ticket.

10 facts about Peru that are worth considering

1. Money

The currency of Peru is the Peruvian Sol (PEN)

1$ = 3.3 PEN
1€ = 3.9 PEN
1 PEN = 20 Russian rubles

▫ $ rate at exchange offices: 3.03 at Lima airport, 3.23 at some generous banks.

▫ More profitable change $ or € than to withdraw from the card. It’s not worth bringing rubles.

▫ They accept dollars in hotels and on excursions at a bad exchange rate. We exchange $ for salts at any bank and pay in salts.

▫ Fee for withdrawal 17-19 soles ($5-6). According to data from the forums, an ATM Scotiabank does not take commission (took it from me)

▫ Maximum 400sol at a time ($120). You can withdraw, for example, 1200 soles in three amounts and pay a $15 commission ($5 for each withdrawal). Only one ATM in Urubamba dispensed 700 soles at a time.

If you know ATMs with a higher limit that do not charge a commission, please tell us in the comments.

2. Bank card

▫ Cash in Peru is easier and more profitable; cards are not always accepted.

▫ Have VISA card. Preferably in dollars. Visa and mastercard badges hang everywhere, while in cafes and hotels there is a commission of 5-7% (ask about the commission before paying).

3. Housing

▫ We rent a hotel for booking for 1 night(genius status with a discount), then we extend it on the spot - the second night will be 5-10% cheaper (relevant for the low season, when there are many available hotels).

▫ When you come in from the street for the first time, the price is higher than at the booking office. We look at the real price online in advance and bargain if there is a desire to look for housing on the spot.

4. Communication

▫ Wifi everywhere in hotels and cafes. I didn’t buy a local SIM card, I didn’t study the issue.

▫ Transfer banks to push notifications(they only need internet).

▫ MTS roaming sometimes disappeared in the mountains, SMS arrived late. In Peru it is not so relevant; in Bolivia, problems with roaming are more common.

5. Taxi

Uber there are in Lima, Arequipa, Cusco. Used the function uber pool(the driver can pick up other passengers along the way). Once a girl got hooked in Lima, usually it was just us.

In other cities, look on the street (there are plenty of cars at every turn) and bargain. Often our hosts were so generous that they would call or hail a taxi for us - even cheaper than Uber.

6. Tours

Book online only if you need a specific individual tour or Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, where they fit in six months.

One-day group tours in Peru - a cheap way to see natural attractions. It’s cheaper on the spot than online. We arrived in the city, go to the center, find out prices and conditions at travel agencies. There is no need to book in advance. I bought it in the evening and left in the morning.

The guide usually speaks two languages. Explains in detail in Spanish, then briefly translates into English. Tours where the guide speaks only English are more expensive.

7. Souvenir stamp

On Machu Picchu they put it in your passport souvenir stamp(if you want and are ready to stand in line). Such a stamp = an invalid passport, in the future there will be problems with Schengen and obtaining other visas.

You are a citizen of Russia and dream of a Machu Picchu stamp - take it old passport or second foreigner for these purposes. Otherwise, your passport with a souvenir stamp will have to be changed.

8. Sockets

Like ours, no adapter needed

9. Discounts in cafes

Standard price for a dish in a decent cafe 10-15$ . BUT! You can bargain. I encountered this for the first time in Peru. IN tourist cities like Cusco, Ollanta or Machu Picchu there are barkers waving menus.

— Hello, welcome blah blah blah
- Seriously? $10-15 for a serving of potatoes and salad?
- Oh, do you speak Spanish? - the promoter breaks into a smile, switches to his native language and chatters about offer, according to which I am ready to serve three dishes and compote for $10.

For example, pizza on the menu is 45sol ($14), according to the offer 30sol ($9) for pizza and 2 drinks. Or a burger on the menu is 25sol ($7.5), according to the offer 15sol ($4.5) for a burger, potato, drink.

It seems like a small thing, but when it’s done daily, the savings are significant. Are looking for menu del dia, lunch menu or offerta.

10. What to bring from Peru

Poncho $100, after bargaining $50

For home: ethnic pillowcases, blankets, tablecloths.

Cloth: sweaters with alpacas ( 9$ ), poncho ($50/piece, if the wool is natural), T-shirts ( 5-7$ ), backpacks, Peruvian colorful sneakers ( 7$ ).

You will see everything for yourself when you go to the San Pedro Market in, Witches Market in or any other.

In Peru you can also buy urban clothes. They have the coolest lightweight cotton. I bought myself blouses and pajamas in shops in Arequipa 5-7$ .

✗ You cannot import into the Russian Federation, Belarus, or Kazakhstan any goods and products containing coca. In Peru and Bolivia, coca is legalized; even duty-free stores sell tea with coca, chocolate with coca, icicles with coca, etc. It is tempting to take a “taste of Peru” with you. Not worth it.

What to try in Peru

People try ayahuasca and San Pedro cactus infusion. I don’t have such experience, so I’m talking about banality.

3 salts ( 1$ ) at a fisherman's eatery in Lima or 30 soles ( 10$ ) in the gringo cafe.

1. Ceviche- a traditional Peruvian cold dish. Raw fish pieces marinated in lime juice for 15 minutes. Served with onions, corn kernels, sweet potatoes or cassava.

2. Chicha, 0.5-1sol on the street, 3-8 sol in a restaurant

Chicha morada- black corn compote

Chicha de Hora(chicha de jora) is a traditional Andean drink made from white corn. Made in clay jugs, alcohol 1-3% (like kvass). It is better to look for such chicha in villages. We saw a house near which there was a stick with a red bag wrapped around it - we knocked and asked about chicha.

There is chicha from quinoa, chicha frutiyada with strawberries.

3. Kui- a guinea pig that begins to reproduce 15 minutes after birth. A holiday dish for the whole family. Serve whole, rarely in pieces.

4. Bistec de Alpaca- Alpaca chop or roasted llama. In any cafe in the Sacred Valley of the Incas (Ollantaytambo, Cusco).

5. Fruit

mango juicy and large, red and yellow - divine!
granadilla- seeds in sweet liquid - super!
passion fruit(similar to granadilla)
pepino- melon pear. It tastes like a mixture of plum, pear and melon.
cherimoya- like a sweet apple with strawberry and banana flavors
avocado— 3 pieces for $1. Nourishing, healthy.

Papaya, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, pomegranates, and grapes are also in abundance. In supermarkets, fruits and vegetables are hard and tasteless. It's better to stock up at the markets.

6. Tea and chocolate

I liked the bars Sublime for 1.5 sol/piece. Sold in any general store. At altitude, chocolate is healthy.

In Peru, they drink herbal tea in bags with the flavors of coca, anise, chamomile, and apple. If you want coca tea, buy a bag of dried leaves for 1 salt and pour boiling water over them - it’s much tastier than the factory version.

Fast food in Cusco, 2 plates for $11

7. Other food There is a lot of food in Peru, mostly meat dishes. The side dish is always the same: a duo of rice and French fries. From the clear:

Milanesa de pollo— chicken fillet, fried in breadcrumbs + rice, potatoes, salad

Milanesa de pollo a lo pobre- add egg, sausage and fried banana

Lomo (pollo) saltado- beef (chicken), fried with onions and tomatoes

Pau pau pollo- pieces of chicken fillet in vegetable sauce

Chicharron de pollo- chicken nuggets in batter

Сhicharron de mariscos— seafood nuggets (squid or octopus)

For vegetarians rice and salad. French fries are always served (rice with potatoes, pasta with potatoes), it is impossible to find simply boiled ones.

If you don't eat meat, remember that Сarne here they only call red meat. Pollo(chicken) is not meat for them. That is, if you ask for quinoa soup without meat (sin carne), you get chicken bones in the broth.

Salad, $7

We spent on food 415$ for a month for two. Personal record low. Peruvian cuisine (which is the best in the world) did not suit me. 2 poisonings in a row vaguely hinted at this. You probably need to go to pretentious restaurants to get into it.

Peru has delicious fruits, vegetables, and sheep cheese. The first days we ate in a cafe, then we tried to rent a house with a kitchen and prepare salads with vegetables, avocado, cheese, eggs and boiled potatoes. This is a special case. Unpretentious people like Peruvian cuisine.

Preparation: in advance or on site?

Vacation 1-2 weeks

There are plenty of issues that need to be resolved locally. It is better to prepare the “base” in the comfort of home.

At home:

✓ Buy round-trip air tickets
✓ Create a route
✓ Think over logistics
✓ Book accommodation, flights and buses. Especially if you don't know Spanish
✓ Get vaccinated against yellow fever if you plan to travel to the Amazon

✓ Download the map of Peru in the application maps.me, mark the required places
✓ Install Uber

✓ Switch banks to push notifications in case of roaming problems
✓ Put money on the card Visa
✓ If you have only one bank card, and a ruble one, it is more profitable to withdraw money from it at home in dollars.
✓ Exchange rubles for $ if you are traveling with cash

On site: buy one-day tours from local agencies (2-3 times cheaper than online), order a taxi, pay for tickets to attractions.

Travel 1 month+, our option

✓ Tickets purchased from mid-April to the end of May, arrival and departure from Lima
✓ Accommodation for two nights in Lima (Miraflores)
✓ List of desired places
✓ Guide Lonely Planet Peru on the phone
✓ Installed a map of Peru and Bolivia in the application maps.me, cities along the route are marked
✓ In evernote a hodgepodge of useful tips: what to try, how to save money - only the most important
✓ List of sites that may be useful: bus companies, blogs, reports from forums

The longer you drive, the less you want to follow the plan. The downside is that every evening I spent 2-3 hours on further planning (booking a hotel in the next city, buying tickets, searching for interesting local places). We only traveled by bus (planes are more expensive a day or two before departure).

Rest? in Peru

The questions people ask Google include the word "vacation" in Peru (haha). You can relax if your weekly budget is $5000+, but active budget travel can hardly be called relaxing.

My trips BEFORE are now perceived as vacations at my grandmother’s dacha. In Peru and Bolivia there is altitude, food is not for everyone, long journeys, mountains, wind and cold.

If it’s sunny, you immediately turn into a mountain woman with red, sunburnt cheeks.

April-May is autumn in South Africa. It's cool, but it's clear that the prices aren't too high. Cheap hotels do not have heaters. It’s good if there is a boiler, but it happened that the sun warms the water. No sun - no hot water. C'est la vie.

Dry skin and stomach problems at home disappeared without a trace and were forgotten. What’s left is a heap of memories and a cherished wish fulfilled.

May your Big Dreams come true too! (mine already)
Mila Demenkova

What do we know about Peru? Why is this tourist destination so popular? Any Internet search engine can answer this question. The whole point is that this amazing country For several dozen centuries, it has been presenting the inhabitants of planet Earth with more and more mysteries, which the “brightest minds” of humanity cannot solve.

A nice bonus only for our readers - a discount coupon when paying for tours on the website until February 29:

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The territory of a distant state is simply replete with a huge number of unique architectural and historical monuments. Taken together, they represent the mysterious legacy of one of the most mysterious civilizations in the entire history of the human race. Therefore, every tourist considers it necessary to visit Peru and see in person what scientists and researchers argue so zealously about. Who knows, maybe you are destined to make another discovery and bring humanity closer to solving another Indian mystery? Interested? Then let's decide how to get to Peru.

Let's not hide that the fastest and most effective way to visit a distant country is by air. Russia and Peru are separated by hundreds of thousands of kilometers and the endless expanse of the ocean. Therefore, all Russians begin their journey from the international airport terminal. Today, international carriers Iberia, AirEuropa, KLM, AirFrance, which operate flights through airports, are ready to offer their services in this direction to numerous clients European countries. You can also get to your destination through Venezuela on Lufthansa and Taca Airlines planes. But this type of route will require additional effort and money from passengers, and will also require more time. As a rule, planes flying through this country make intermediate stops in Frankfurt, Germany, and Caracas.

You can also get to Lima on domestic Aeroflot aircraft. However, be prepared to make a short layover in Havana.

Depending on the chosen route, you will spend from 16 to 18 hours in the sky, plus time for transfers at connecting points. Let's consider the most profitable offers in this direction that exist today. So, the cheapest option for a one-way flight today is the offer of a domestic carrier. An Aeroflot flight (14.35 local time) will allow tourists to get to the capital airport of Peru for only 63.5 thousand rubles. The journey will take 37.5 hours. This duration is due to the need to spend almost 18 hours waiting for a transfer in New York and Bogota.

If you want to speed up, you'll have to pay a lot. Thus, the French company AirFrance can boast of the fastest offer on this route. Travel to aircraft This carrier will be almost twice as fast as a flight on a plane of a Russian company. Be prepared to spend 18 hours on the road, one and a half of which will be spent in the waiting room of the Paris airport. But not everyone will like the cost of such a service. For a one-way ticket you need to pay almost 122 thousand rubles!

There is also an optimal option for travel. Thus, Singapore Airlines is ready to deliver its passengers to Lima International Airport with a transfer in Houston for only 77 thousand rubles. At the same time, the total flight time is reduced to 21.5 hours.

You can also fly through neighboring countries. For example, if you start from Kyiv, you can use the services of a Ukrainian carrier. But rarely the cost of such trips will be significantly lower in price than those that we have already considered.

Land and water modes of transport

You can also find yourself in the society of Peruvians through a number of neighboring countries. But the first part of the route will again have to be covered by air. So, by bus and with fellow travelers, as well as by train, you can get to Lima from neighboring Colombia, Brazil, Chile and Ecuador. Thus, carriers make regular trips from Rio to Lima. Please check the prices on the websites of such companies as they may change.

You can also look for a travel companion who will agree to take you to your destination for a certain fee. If you wish, you should look for a vehicle rental company. In this case, you need to be prepared for additional fuel costs.

If you are planning a route through Colombia, you can use the services water transport. Thus, several steamships and boats depart from the town of Leticia every day, on which it is possible to get to your destination. For example, carrier services for motor boat will cost each passenger a few dollars, and the travel time will be only 15-20 minutes.

Please note that citizens of Russia and some other CIS countries do not require a visa to visit Peru. Provided that they stay in the country for no more than 90 days.

So we figured out how to get to Peru.