Who said hell is empty, all the devils are here. Hell is empty


25/4/17, 03:00 pm

One day a good man was talking with God and asked him:
- Lord, I would like to know what Heaven is and what Hell is...

The Lord led him to two doors, opened one and led him inside. There was a huge round table, in the middle of which stood a huge bowl filled to the top with delicious-smelling food.
The kind man felt his mouth water.
But the people sitting around the table looked hungry and sick.
They all had spoons with long, long handles attached to their hands. They could reach the bowl of food and scoop up the food, but the handles of the spoons were so long that they could not bring them to their mouths.
The good man was shocked by the sight of their misfortune.
The Lord said:
- You just saw Hell.

Then he led the good man to the second door and opened it.
The picture that opened was identical - the same huge round table, the same giant bowl that made your mouth water. The people sitting around the table held the same spoons with very long handles.
Only this time they looked well-fed, happy and noisy.
The good man said to the Lord:
- I don't understand...
“It’s easy,” the Lord answered him, “these people just learned to feed each other.”
Hell and Heaven are structured the same way.
The difference is within us.

[Verse 1, Pyrokinesis]:
After all, this is my party and if it's empty,
This means that those whom I loved have gathered here.
But it is not clear how to throw them back into hell;
And in order to lock them inside me, eight gates are not enough for me.

I loved them once, no one is to blame;
But the detonator, just in case,
Hides even the most peaceful atom.
Cold, marble, cruel world.
We are always against it, because we became lonely early.

They won't say a word to me, but then,
We will dance again in unison, to Mendelssohn.
And in order to merge into a cocoon, finding fire in others -
Swear at all costs to protect the apple of your eye!

Let me not understand anything yet,
But you bury the wonder of the world within yourself for the monsters of darkness.
In its madness, there is hunger and a reason to eat
To gather again, which means that hell is empty and all the demons are here!

The apple is rotten and bitten.
Their beauty and aesthetics are like weapons.
The world has never seen better, does not know worse;
And if hell is empty, then the guests flocked to the dinner party!


The one who died here cannot get into heaven.
Well, let's say, if you keep this in every song -
Then let the heart contain the whole world,
And we are together - hell is empty and all the demons are here!

[Verse 2, Pyrokinesis]:
Gathered at the churchyard
We will raise a toast to the new rebirth of the Lord;
And then, where he is, the Gods devoured the remains of the old ones
It will become itself, like the Pantheon.

And in splendid isolation he will take his throne.
And feeling hungry, he will begin to eat himself and take the form of a Manticore.
Living out her immortality -
I see God devouring in the mirror.

There's still the same hole inside. Feast and pestilence there,
Where the most important organ is torn is the aorta, so far.
And how many are completely controversial
There were so many perfect phases to my imperfect form

And love from Divine to demonic.
I am in captivity, according to the neon eyes of Her Majesty.
In her Divine Comedy -
And it's tragic to play in a demonic interlude.

Is the truth really blinding?
I want to undress her, but this is purely a matter of aesthetics.
Her earthly fate meanders in her footsteps,
And from me, here and there, there is now an emptiness gaping; It's full!

The one who died here cannot get into heaven.
Well, let's say, if you keep this in every song -
Then let the heart contain the whole world,
And we are together - hell is empty and all the demons are here!

The one who died here cannot get into heaven.
Well, let's say, if you keep this in every song -
Then let the heart contain the whole world,
And we are together - hell is empty and all the demons are here!

And in order to be reborn as God, having found fire in others -
Swear at all costs to guard the apple of your eye;
And accept with pride: that you are now
That Wonder of the World for the monsters of darkness.

About the song Pyrokinesis – Hell is empty, all the demons are here

  • Andrey Pirokenesis, the author and performer of his own songs, presents a tragicomedy in endless action called “Feed the Demons on a Schedule.” In the traditionally gloomy World of the Performer, incredible events are developing, which he is not afraid to put on instrumentals. The publication’s tracklist included eight works, one of which, “The Saddest Disco,” was presented on the eve of the release as a single. Among the guests on the verses there is only one person, and this is Stead.D., who mixed this record. It is worth noting that Pyrokinesis is perhaps the only performer with his own style who is able to present a fully connected story with ultimate meaning every time. This is modern poetry!

Additional information

Lyrics of the song Pyrokinesis – Hell is empty, all the demons are here.
Album: "Feed the demons on a schedule."
Authors of the text: Andrey Pyrokinesis.
Music: S V M M E R S V D.
mixing: STED.D.
ART: alexslod.
Official release date: April 14, 2018.
CHARACTERS Alonzo, King of Naples. Sebastian, his brother. Prospero, legitimate Duke of Milan. Antonio, his brother, who illegally seized power in the Duchy of Milan. Ferdinand, son of King Gonzalo of Naples, old honest adviser to the King of Naples. Adrian) courtiers. Francisco Caliban, slave, ugly savage. Trinculo, jester. Stefano, butler, drunkard. Captain of the ship. Boatswain. Sailors. Miranda, daughter of Prospero. Ariel, spirit of the air. Iris Ceres Juno) perfume. Nymphs Reapers Other spirits submissive to Prospero. The scene is a ship at sea, an island. ACT I SCENE 1 Ship at sea. Storm. Thunder and lightning. The ship's captain and boatswain enter. Captain Boatswain! Boatswain I'm listening, captain. Captain Call the crew up! Get to work, or we'll run into the reefs. Hurry!.. Hurry!.. The captain leaves; sailors appear. Boatswain Hey, well done!.. Have fun, guys, have fun!.. Alive! Remove the topsail!.. Listen to the captain's whistle!.. Well, now, wind, there is room for you - blow until you burst! Enter Alonzo, Sebastian, Antonio, Ferdinand, Gonzalo and others. Alonzo Good boatswain, we rely on you. Where's the captain? Take heart, friends! Boatswain Come on, go downstairs. Antonio Bosun, where is the captain? Boatswain Can't you hear him, or what? You are disturbing us! Head to the cabins! Do you see the storm breaking out? And then there’s you... Gonzalo Take it easy, my dear, calm down! Boatswain When the sea calms down!.. Get out! These roaring ramparts care nothing for kings! March to the cabins!.. Be silent!.. Don’t interfere!.. Gonzalo Still, my dear, remember who you have on board. Bosun And I remember that there is no one whose skin would be more valuable to me than my own! Here you are, advisor. Maybe you can advise the elements to calm down? Then we won’t touch the gear. Come on, use your power! And if you don’t take it, then say thank you for living long in the world, get into the cabin and get ready: the hour is uneven, trouble will happen. - Hey guys, get moving! - Get out of the way, they tell you! Everyone except Gonzalo leaves, Gonzalo However, this fellow consoled me: he is a notorious hanged man, and whoever is destined to be hanged will not drown. O Fortune, give him the opportunity to live to the gallows! Make the rope intended for him our anchor rope: after all, the ship’s rope is of little use now. If he is not destined to be hanged, we are lost. Gonzalo leaves, the boatswain returns. Boatswain Lower the topmast! Alive! Below! Below!.. Let's try to sail on one mainsail. A scream is heard. Plague crush these gorloder! They drown out both the storm and the captain's whistle! Sebastian, Antonio and Gonzalo return. Are you here again? What do you want? So, should I give up everything because of you and go to the bottom? Do you want to drown, or what? SEBASTIAN An ulcer down your throat, you damned loudmouth! Unholy merciless dog - that's what you are! Boatswain Oh so? Well, then work on your own! ANTONIO You vile coward! We are less afraid of drowning than you, you dirty bastard, you insolent brute! Gonzalo He would never sink, even if our ship were no stronger than a nutshell, and the leak in it would be as difficult to stop as the throat of a talkative woman. Boatswain Keep it close to the wind! Cooler! Set the mainsail and foresail! Head to the open sea! Away from the shore! Wet sailors run in. Sailors We are dead! Pray! Dead! (They leave.) Boatswain Do we really have to feed the fish? Gonzalo The king and the prince offer prayers to God. It is our duty to be there for them. SEBASTIAN I'm furious. ANTONIO You were ruined by this gang of drunkards!.. Loud dog! Oh, that you would drown ten times in a row, beaten by the sea! Gonzalo No, I guarantee that he will end up on the gallows, Even if all the seas and oceans agreed to drown him! Voices (inside the ship) Save us!.. We're sinking! We're drowning!.. Goodbye, wife and children! Brother, goodbye!.. We're drowning! We're drowning! We're drowning!.. Antonio Let's die next to the king! Everyone except Gonzalo leaves. Gonzalo I would now exchange all the seas and oceans for one acre of barren land - the most worthless wasteland, overgrown with heather or gorse. May the will of the Lord be done! But still, I would prefer to die a dry death! (Leaves.) SCENE 2 Island. In front of Prospero's cave. Prospero and Miranda enter. Miranda Oh, if it is you, my dear father, who have rebelled the sea with your power, then I pray you to pacify it. It seemed that burning resin was flowing in streams from the sky; But the waves that reached the sky knocked down the flames. Oh, how I suffered, Sharing the suffering of those who perished! The brave ship, where, of course, there were honest and righteous people, crashed into pieces. Their cry sounds in my heart. Alas, they died! If I were an omnipotent deity, I would plunge the sea into the bowels of the earth Rather than swallow it, I would give a ship with unfortunate people. Prospero Be comforted! Let your good heart not groan: No one was hurt. Miranda Terrible day! Prospero No one was hurt. I arranged everything, Taking care of you, my child, - About my only, beloved daughter! After all, you don’t know who we are and where we come from. What do you know? That your father is called Prospero and that the wretched cave belongs to him. Miranda It never occurred to me to ask. Prospero The time has come to reveal everything to you. But help me take off my magic cloak! (Takes off his cloak.) Lie down, my power. (To Miranda.) Comfort yourself, Miranda, wipe away the tears of compassion: Such a disastrous shipwreck, Which you are mourning, I, by the power of my art, arranged it so that everyone remained alive. Yes, everyone who sailed on this ship is safe, Who died in the waves, calling for help, Not even a hair fell from their heads. Sit down and listen: you will find out everything now. Miranda You often intended to reveal to me Who we are; and interrupted their story with the words: “No, wait, it’s not time yet...” Prospero But the hour has struck - listen to my speeches. When we settled in the cave, You were barely three years old, And you probably cannot remember What happened before. Miranda No, I remember. Prospero Do you remember? So what? House or people? Tell me about everything that you have preserved in your memory. Miranda So vaguely, vaguely, More like a dream than reality, Everything that my memory tells me. It seems to me that five or six servants looked after me. Prospero And more. But how did this become imprinted in your consciousness? What else do you see in the deep abyss of time? Perhaps, remembering what happened before our arrival on the island, you will remember how we ended up here? Miranda No, I can't, father! Prospero Twelve years! Twelve years ago, child, your Parent was the Duke of Milan, a Mighty Prince. Miranda How? So you are not my father? Prospero From your mother, in whom virtue was embodied, I know that you are my daughter. And yet your father was the Duke of Milan, And you are the heiress of his possessions. Miranda Oh heavens! What deceit brought us here? Or maybe happiness? Prospero Both together: treachery drove us out, happiness brought us here. Miranda Ah! My heart bled at the thought that I involuntarily reminded you of past sorrows... What next? Prospero My younger brother Antonio, your uncle... Find out, Miranda, that your own brother is sometimes a treacherous enemy!.. I loved him more than anyone in the world After you; I entrusted him with managing the affairs of the state. At that time, my duchy was considered the first of the Italian possessions, and Prospero was the first of the princes, wise in sciences and arts. Absorbed in my work, I handed over the reins to my brother and stopped delving into things altogether. And then, Miranda, your treacherous uncle... Are you listening to me? Miranda With all your attention! Prospero He learned when requests must be answered with consent, when - with refusal; Who to bring closer and who to exile. He forced my servants to serve himself, lured my friends to him; Holding pegs from the strings of the soul in his hands, He tuned all the hearts in his own way. It wrapped itself around my sovereign trunk like a tenacious vine, And sucked out all the juices... Miranda Oh, father! Prospero But listen further. Retiring from work, withdrawing into sweet solitude, To comprehend all the mysteries of science, Which the ignorant despise, I awakened in my treacherous brother That evil that lay dormant in him. Just as a father spoils a child by spoiling him, so in him my boundless trust has nurtured treachery without boundaries. Brother, intoxicated by the ducal power, Power, wealth, and honor, And all the attributes of greatness, Which I provided to him, As my viceroy, decided that he was truly the Duke of Milan: So a liar, who has accustomed himself to deceive himself, to be at odds with the truth, Sometimes he believes in his own lies. My brother's ambition grew more and more... Are you listening, Miranda? Miranda Your story will make the deaf heal too! Prospero He wanted to erase the line between what he was and what he seemed; he wanted to own Milan alone, completely, undividedly. After all, Prospero is an eccentric! How can he control the power? His library is enough for him!.. And My brother became so obsessed with the thirst for power, That he clashed with the King of Naples: Tribute promised to pay him, Recognize himself as a royal vassal And subordinate my free Milan - Alas, an unheard of humiliation - to the Crown of Naples... Miranda God ! Prospero He bargained for this... Tell me, isn’t he a monster? And this is my brother! Miranda I will not condemn your mother: Even a good womb bears evildoers. Prospero So, what was the shameful bargaining? The King of Naples, my sworn enemy, agreed with Antonio that in exchange for a monetary tribute, for the subordination of the duchy to the crown, I would give the traitor my rights and the ducal title, expelling me and my entire family from Milan forever. And so it came true: on the appointed night, my brother opened the city gates, let His accomplices into Milan, and that same night His minions took us into exile. You wept bitterly... Miranda Alas! I don’t remember how I cried then, But now I’m crying about it again: There are enough reasons for my tears. Prospero Be patient a little longer, and I will bring the story to this day; Otherwise my story will be meaningless. Miranda But why weren't we killed? Prospero Your question is legitimate. They didn't dare! The people loved me. They were afraid to get dirty in blood; they wanted to hide dark things under light paint. So, having hastily taken us out on a ship, they transplanted us on the open sea onto the half-rotten skeleton of a ship without a mast, without tackle, without sails, from which the rats had long fled, and there they left us, so that, sadly echoing our groans, the waves rumbled. And the sighs of the wind, echoing our sighs, moved us away from the earth... Miranda Oh, horror! I was a burden to you! Prospero On the contrary, you were a guardian angel! Shining with divine ignorance, You meekly smiled at me, while I groaned and shed tears Under the burden of the grief that fell. Your smile gave me strength and strengthened my courage. Miranda But how did we escape? Prospero By the will of Providence. One Neapolitan nobleman, named Gonzalo, the one who was entrusted with sending us to death, out of compassion, provided us with food and fresh water, gave us clothes and all the necessary supplies. Moreover, knowing how much I value My books, he allowed me to take with me those volumes that I value above the dukedom. Miranda Oh, if only I could see him! Prospero Now I will rise! (Puts on his cloak.) You, my daughter, Sit and listen about the end of your wanderings. We were thrown onto this island. And then I became your teacher - And you succeeded in science like none of the young princesses, Who have many vain occupations and do not have such zealous teachers. Miranda Heaven will reward you for this! But I, father, still don’t understand why you caused the storm? Prospero Find out! It so happened that generous Fortune, now favoring me, sent my enemies here. I calculated that the Constellations are favorable for me today; And if I miss this opportunity, then happiness will not visit me again. But don't ask me any more questions. You want to sleep. It will be a good dream. You can't resist him. Miranda falls asleep. Here, to me, my servant and helper! I'm waiting for you! Come closer, Ariel! Ariel appears. Ariel Greetings, my lord! I am ready to do whatever you order: Sail on the waves, or rush into the fire, Or ride on a curly cloud. Command - and Ariel will fulfill everything! Prospero Have you fulfilled all my orders About the storm? Ariel Did as you ordered. The royal ship was attacked by me; Everywhere there - from bow to stern, On deck, and in the hold, and in the cabins - I spread terror; the flame soared on the mast, on the bowsprit and on the yards. The lightning that Jupiter sends as the forerunner of thunderclaps cannot be faster or more elusive. And from the sparkle, roar and smoke, Neptune himself trembled in the abyss, His menacing trident trembled. And the waves shot up to the sky in horror. Prospero Wonderful! Who remained strong in spirit? In the chaos, who retained their sanity? Ariel Nobody. Everyone went mad with fear and began to rush around senselessly. Everyone, one after another, except the sailors, began to throw themselves into the foamy abyss. To escape the flames of the fire that I lit on the ship. The royal son, Ferdinand, was the first, And his hair stood on end, When he jumped into the waves, shouting: “Hell is empty! All the devils have flown here!” Prospero Is that so? But the shore was not far? Ariel Yes, sir. Prospero And they were all saved? Ariel All unharmed. Even their clothes are not touched, not a stain on it. As you commanded me, I scattered them around the island; and the king's son was left by me alone in a deserted place. He sighs, wringing his hands in anguish. Prospero What have you done with the royal ship, with the sailors and the rest of the fleet? Ariel The ship is anchored in that bay, Where you called me one night at midnight to collect the dew of Bermuda. I locked the entire crew tightly in the hold: There the sailors were lulled to sleep by their fatigue and my magic. And the royal fleet, which I scattered across the Mediterranean Sea, has united again and is on its way Home to Naples, with sad news: After all, everyone saw that the ship crashed and that the king died. Prospero Yes, Ariel! You completed the assignment perfectly. But there is more to it. What time is it? Ariel It's already past noon. Prospero Two hours, no less. We have to get everything done before six. Ariel Are you sending me to new labors? Let me remind you then, sir: After all, you promised me... Prospero How? Discontent? What do you want from me? Ariel of Freedom! Prospero May I let you go before your deadline? And I don’t want to hear about it. Ariel But remember - I served you faithfully and honestly, Without laziness, without mistakes, without deception, And you did not hear any complaints from me. You promised to release me a year before the deadline. Prospero Ah, ungrateful one! Have you forgotten what terrible torments I saved you from? Ariel Oh no! Prospero No, you forgot! But isn’t the good I’ve done worth it, so that, while serving me, you would plunge into the abyss of salty waters, fly on the wings of the north wind, or make your way into the ice-bound bowels of the Earth? Ariel Stands, sir. Prospero O lying spirit, you have forgotten everything. Remember the terrible sorceress Sycorax, Who bent into an arc from old age and malice! Do you remember her? Ariel Yes, sir. Prospero Where was she born? Well, answer! Ariel in Algeria. Prospero Yes. I have to remind you about it once a month. For witchcraft and various atrocities, which I hate even to talk about, Sycorax was expelled from Algeria. But they still left her life, I don’t know why. Well, is it so? Ariel Yes, sir. Prospero The sailors brought this witch and her fiend here. Now - my slave, you served her then. But you were too pure to carry out Her bestial and evil orders; You have often shown disobedience. And so the sorceress, in her rage, calling on more obedient and more powerful spirits for help, squeezed you into a crevice of a pine tree, so that you would suffer there for twelve years. That period expired, but the sorceress died, And you remained in a painful prison And the whole island was filled with screams. There were no people here then, unless you count the filthy spawn of the Damned Witch; he lived here alone. Ariel Yes, Caliban lived here alone then. Prospero That same Caliban, dull and dark, Whom I keep for service. Do you remember in what cruel torment You were languishing when I arrived here? Echoing your groans, the wolves howled, You inspired pity in the furious bears - Those were the torments of hell. Sycorax couldn't free you. But when I arrived here, with my art I opened the Pine tree and let you out. Ariel I am grateful to you, sir. Prospero But if you contradict me, I will split the gnarled oak, and in it you will scream in pain for another twelve years. Ariel Oh, have mercy! I obey you! Prospero Well, that's the same. You will serve for two more days, and I will set you free. Ariel O my magnanimous lord! Order! What should I do? Tell! Prospero Go and turn into a sea nymph. Until the time comes, be visible only to me and to no one else. In this guise, return here. Go now. Hurry up. Ariel disappears. Wake up, child! Your sleep was blessed. Wake up! Miranda (wakes up) Father, your wonderful story has me in some kind of strange slumber. Prospero Shake her off. Get up, Miranda. Now we need to call Caliban, Even though we probably won’t hear a good word from him. Miranda He's rude and scary. I don't like meeting him, father. Prospero But we cannot do without him: He carries us firewood, makes a fire, and does all the dirty work. Hey Caliban! You rude brute! Answer, slave! CALIBAN (offstage) There's still plenty of wood there. Prospero Since I call, you will find something to do. Well, turtle, move quickly! Who am I telling? Ariel appears in the guise of a sea nymph. My Ariel! Wonderful vision! Listen... (Whispers in Ariel's ear.) Ariel I will do it, sir. (Disappears.) Prospero Hey, dirty slave! The bastard of the evil witch and the devil! Come here quickly! - Caliban enters. Caliban Let the harmful dew that your mother collected with an owl's feather from the disastrous swamps fall on your heads! Let the southwest wind cover your body with blisters! Prospero You will pay dearly for this abuse! All night - remember this - the spirits will prick you and convulse you. From their pinches you will become spongy, like a honeycomb, and their pinches will be even more painful than bee stings. Caliban You don’t even give me food!.. I received this island by right from my mother, and you robbed me. At first you were affectionate and kind with me, You treated me to a delicious drink, You taught me what to call both the bright and pale luminaries, Which shine for us day and night, And I loved you for it, Showed me the whole island and all the lands: And pastures , and salt pits, and springs... I'm a fool! Damn me!.. Let bats attack you, Beetles and toads - the servants of Sycorax!.. I was a master over myself, Now I am a slave. They drove me into a hole, and they took the island away! Prospero You lying slave! You can't deal with kindness, only with a whip. At first I treated you, even though you were an animal, as if I were a person. You lived in my cave. But then You planned to dishonor my daughter! Caliban Ho-ho! Ho-ho! It's a shame it didn't work! If you had not interfered with me, I would have populated the entire island with Calibans. Prospero the Contemptible! No, good feelings cannot be cultivated in you, You are a vile slave, ossified in vices! Out of pity, I took it upon myself to teach You. Ignorant, wild, You could not express your desires And only mooed like a beast. I taught you words, gave you knowledge of things. But teaching could not remake Your animal, base nature. And thank me for the hole. You deserve punishment worse than prison. Caliban You taught me to speak in your language. Now I know how to curse - thank you for that too. May the plague take both of you and your tongue. Prospero Spawn of a witch, perish! Bring some firewood. Come on, do you hear me? There will be more work. What? Are you grimacing? Look, for negligence and laziness I will send cramps on you and your bones will make you whine. You will roar so loudly in pain that the animals will be afraid. CALIBAN No! Have pity! (To the side.) I’ll put up with it for now. His science is strong. Even Setebos, the God of my mother, is subject to him. Prospero Go, slave! Caliban leaves. An invisible Ariel appears and sings, accompanied by music; Ferdinand follows him. Ariel (sings) Spirits of mountains, forests and waters, All in a round dance! The sea has calmed down. In a light dance, with a splash of hands, close the circle, echoing me in unison! Listen! Perfume (from all sides) Gow! Gow! Ariel Watchdogs, bark! Gau perfume! Gow! Ariel Look out! The sea is silent, the distance is quiet, you can hear the crowing of a rooster! Crow! Ferdinand Where is this music from? From heaven or from earth? Now she fell silent. That's right, hymns to the local deities. I, bitterly mourning the death of my father, sat on the shore. Suddenly, along the waves, sweet sounds crept up to me, tempering the fury of the waves and my sorrow. I follow the music; or rather, She attracts me... She fell silent. No, here we go again. Ariel (sings) Your father sleeps at the bottom of the sea, He is covered in mud, And his flesh becomes sand, His bones become coral. He will not disappear, he will only be embodied in a wondrous form. Chu! The death knell is heard! Perfume Ding-dong, ding-dong! Ariel Sea nymphs, ding-ding-dong, Keep his last dream. Ferdinand is sung in a song about my father! These sounds cannot be earthly, They descend here from above. Prospero (to Miranda) Lift the curtain, eyelashes, Look there. Miranda What is this? Spirit? Oh my God, how beautiful he is! Isn’t it true, father, that he is beautiful? But this is just a vision! Prospero Oh no, child, he is like us in everything: He sleeps, and eats, and feels like us. He escaped by swimming in a shipwreck; Here he is looking for his missing comrades. If only sorrow, the enemy of beauty, had not distorted the features of his face, You would have called the young man handsome. Miranda I would call him Divine! There are no such beautiful creatures on earth! Prospero (aside) Everything happened as I had planned. My Ariel is skillful! For this I will release you in two days. Ferdinand So here she is, the goddess in whose honor that hymn sounded!... Honor me with an answer: Do you live here on this island? What do you want me to do? The last question, But the main one for me: tell me, miracle, Are you a fairy or a mortal? Miranda Signore! I'm a simple girl. I'm not a miracle. Ferdinand How? My native language! But if I were where they speak it, I would be the first of all who speak it! Prospero First? Well, what if the king of Naples heard you? Ferdinand He hears, Marveling that you suddenly remembered Naples: Alas, the king of Naples is myself. My eyes have not dried since then, As they saw that my father, the king, Died in the sea waves. Miranda Alas! Unhappy! Ferdinand All his nobles perished with him, The Duke of Milan perished along with his son... Prospero (aside) The Duke of Milan and his daughter could easily refute You... It’s not time yet... At first sight The fire of love was lit in their eyes... My gentle Ariel, I will give you freedom for this. (Aloud.) Listen, sir! Why do you disgrace yourself with untruths? Miranda Oh, why is my father so harsh? There is a third person in front of me, whom I know. But he is the first, Who caused a strange longing in the heart. How I wish my father would soften! Ferdinand Oh, if you have not yet given your love to anyone, I will make you queen of Naples. Prospero Be more modest, sir! (Aside.) They are fascinated by each other. But it must create obstacles for their love, so as not to devalue it with ease. (Aloud.) I figured you out: you are an impostor. You secretly made your way to this island to take my possessions away from me. Ferdinand Oh no, I swear! Miranda An evil spirit cannot dwell in such a beautiful temple. Otherwise, where would goodness live? Prospero (to Ferdinand) Let's go! (To Miranda.) Don’t intercede - he’s a deceiver. (To Ferdinand) Let's go! I will put you in chains, You will drink only sea water, You will eat shells, and roots, and acorn shells. Go! Ferdinand No, I will not submit until my enemy defeats me in a duel. (He snatches the sword, but Prospero's spell does not allow him to move.) Miranda Father, why such a test? You see: he is kind, courteous and brave. Prospero What? Do eggs teach chicken? (To Ferdinand.) Traitor! Sheathe your sword! You threaten me, But, burdened by an unclean conscience, you don’t dare to hit me. Drop your sword, otherwise I will knock him out with this stick. Miranda Father, I beg you! Prospero Be gone! Leave me alone! Miranda Oh, have mercy! I vouch for him! Prospero Don't mind - you'll awaken rage in me, Not just anger! How! You dare to take a deceiver under your protection!.. Be silent! Have you seen him and Caliban and think he is the most beautiful of all? Oh, stupid! To compare Him with other men - he is a real Caliban, And those before him are like the angels of the Lord. Miranda Unpretentious is my love: He is handsome enough for me. Prospero (to Ferdinand) Follow me! Do you hear? Obey! After all, you are now powerless, like a child! Ferdinand Yes, that's right. I'm chained as if in a dream. But everything - this strange powerlessness, And the death of my father, and the death of all my friends, And the captivity that the enemy threatens me with - I could easily bear it, if I only knew that from my prison I could even catch a glimpse of this girl. Let freedom reign everywhere on earth, But I am at ease even in such a prison! Prospero (aside) Love takes possession of him. (To Ferdinand) Let's go! (To Ariel.) You did everything right, Ariel! (To Ferdinand and Miranda) Follow me, both of you! (To Ariel.) Listen, What else must you do... (Whispers in Ariel's ear.) Miranda (to Ferdinand) Do not be afraid: my father is kinder and better than one can judge by his speeches. I don't understand what happened to him. Prospero (to Ariel) You will be free, like the mountain wind, When you do everything I said. Ariel I will do everything. You will be pleased with me. Prospero (to Ferdinand and Miranda) Go! (To Miranda) Don’t you dare ask for him! They leave.